Almighty God, King of Glory we worshipped you. The Unchangeable Changer, we bow before you. The Alpha and Omega we worshipped you. Thank you for what you did in January, February, March, April, May and thank you in advance for the Month of June. Please accept our worship in Jesus Name.

Tonight, as we gather at your table; be Present with us. Do something wonderful in our life. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray … AMEN!!!

Let somebody shout Halleluyah … Halleluyah!


18. For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.

19. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the Father to the children shall make known thy truth.

… The living, the living shall Praise the Lord.

There is a link between Praise and Victory over death. This passage that we have just read states clearly that only the living can Praise the Lord. So as many of you that are determined to Praise God, your appointments with death are cancelled tonight in Jesus Name.

In Psalm 27: 1-6; the bible says that when you Praise God that He will lift you above all your enemies so that you can offer sacrifice of Joy and sing Praises of Joy to Him.

Daddy has the confidence tonight that as you Praise God during this Month of June Holy Ghost Service; one after the other, all of a sudden our enemies will be destroyed because we are far above them.

But you have to be alive to Praise God. He said that only the living and the living can Praise the God.

So when the Lord was teaching His disciples how to pray in Luke 11: 1-4; He got to where He said: Give us this day, our daily bread.

So therefore, for us to remain alive to Praise God, we need food. In John 6:51; Jesus Christ said that He is the “Bread of Life”.

So one of the major reason(s) that God arranged for the Holy Communion is for us to eat and live because it is when we are alive that we can keep on Praising God.

Now also we discovered that someone who is weak, helpless and totally defeated may consider the possibility of death as an alternative.

For example in Judges 16: 23-30; when Samson looked at himself and realised that he that was once a champion is now a prisoner dancing for an idol and worshipping it; he prayed to God that he should die.

In 1 Kings 19: 1-4; when it appears to Elijah that all his efforts are all in vain as yet Jezebel said to him that by tomorrow she will kill him; he said: of what use is my life and told God that he should die.

… Weak, defeated and hopeless people consider the possibility of death.

This is why God made arrangement as in the case of Elijah; not only to eat but to drink as well as the bible recorded in 1 Kings 19: 5-8 because God knows that if this fellow is to continue to serve Him, he needs to be alive and Powerful.

So when you come to the table of the Holy Communion; you eat the bead to live and drink the wine to be Powerful because this is the symbolism of the Holy Communion.

Ephesians 5:18 says: And be not drunk with wine wherein in excess; but be filled with the Spirit.

We combine the two (bread and wine) and it becomes easy for us to Praise God.

The book of Acts 1:8 says that when you receive Power, be my Witness, Praise me and Testify.

Tonight Holy Communion is Special because:

1. You will eat the bread and in the Name that is above all Names; every form of sickness and diseases shall be taken away.

2. As you drink the wine, whatever you think as being hopeless, you will receive hope; wherever you have been defeated; Victory will be yours in Jesus Name.

In the Name that is above all Names, after tonight, it will be easy for you to Praise the Lord.

Tonight, don’t come to the Holy Communion Table casually; come with an expectation to receive life (because only the living can Praise God) and Power and Victory. So that tonight as we Praise God together even by tomorrow you will already be testifying of your Victory.

That is why daddy is saying to those people that are yet to be born again that you should not consider the Holy Communion as an ordinary meal but see it as a meal meant for the children of God. From the bible passage read to us earlier in 1 Corinthians 11: 23-34; we see that if you eat it unworthily; it can even kill you.

So before you take the Holy Communion, make sure that you are a child of God, born again and your sins are forgiven.

So if there is anyone here that wants to give his/her life to Jesus Christ; daddy will count from 1 to 5, find your way to the altar as daddy will pray for the salvation of your soul and His blood will washes away your sins.

As you come to the altar; talk to God to have Mercy on you and save your soul. Promise Him that from now on, He will be your Lord.

For others that are already saved, stretch out your hands towards them and say to them that the one who saved you will also save them. That the Lord will wash them with His blood and accept them into the family of God.

DADDY PRAYS: Our Father and our God. We thank you for the Word that you have sent to us. Thank you for another opportunity to come before you and be saved. Thank you for your promise to us that as many that comes to you will not be cast away. These ones has come to you; please receive them and have Mercy on them. Let your blood washes away their sins. Write their names in the Book of Life. Anytime they call you, answer them by fire. In Jesus Name w pray… Amen!!!


When you take the bread tonight, your prayers will be: Lord I want to live for you. Life is not worth living in sickness. So I want you to Perfect my health: body, soul and spirit.

When they served you the wine, your prayers will be: Lord empower me so that I can Praise you. Put an end to defeat and failure in my life so that I can Praise you better.

Father, it is written that it is only the living and the living that can Praise you. In the life of all these your children put an end to every form of death in their life. Daddy decreed that every form of appointments with death are cancelled. Let your children live. Let them enjoy divine health. Let their health be strong and powerful. Thank you Father. Glory be to your Holy Name. In Jesus Name we pray … Amen!

OFFERING: It is time to take our offerings. We want to say thank you to the One who has made Provisions available for us to live happily and to be Victorious. But because the bible says that we don’t even know how to Praise God unless the Holy Spirit helps us. So let us locate an offering basket closest to us; dance to one to drop our offerings. Glorify God and shake hands with your brother and sister. He said in His words that the grave cannot celebrate Him.


My Father and my God; we bless your Holy Name on behalf of all these your children. May your Name forever be Glorified in Jesus Name.

As your children is about to enter into the 6th Month, every problem that they might be carrying since the beginning of this Year, let them end tonight. By the time the sun will rises tomorrow being the 1st day in the Month of June; let them sing a New Song. Even for those with nothing to Praise you for now, put a New Song in their mouth.

Father, bless their offerings, sanctify them and use them for your Glory. I pray that your children will never lack again. In Jesus Name we have pray … AMEN!!!

… Those that are expecting a Glorious tomorrow let me hear you shout Halleluyah … Halleluyah!!!


As it was in the days of King Jehoshaphat, so it is till date. #Praise is a Powerful Weapon of warfare that can secure Victory in any battle no matter how tough it may be.

So you are encouraged not to miss this great time to offer unstoppable Praises unto God who is able to make you #StrongerThanYourEnemies at June 1st 2018 Holy Ghost Service @ the RCCG Redemption Camp.

Ministering of course will be our daddy in the Lord @PastorEAAdeboye and other anointed men of God.

… No matter how tough the battle is, #Victory is Ahead for you!

Jesus Awaits You!




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