DATE: 7TH JULY, 2019
- Well, let’s lift our voices and bless the Almighty God for His Blessing since the beginning of the Year. Worship Him, Adore Him, Magnify His Holy Name. Bless His Holy Name, bless the King of kings, the Lord of Lords, the Unchangeable Changer, the One who has been there for us since the beginning of the Year till now. Thank Him for January, thank Him for February, thank Him for March, thank Him for April, thank Him for May, thank Him for June. And now give Him all the Glory for July. Praise His Holy Name that He has brought you to the second (2nd) half of this Year. Praise the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. Praise Him, Praise Him!
… Thank You Father.
- And then lift up your voices to the Almighty God and pray for the Youths, the Young Adults; pray for those of them who are yet to be married; that God will Provide them with correct wives and correct husbands. Pray for them that in their careers; somehow the Almighty God will help them to reach the top. Pray for them for wisdom and for understanding. Pray that the Almighty God would make all these wonderful young adults far, far greater than their parents. Pray that they will be relevant; that God will use them to build their Nations. That in their own time, the Glory of their Nations would be fully achieved. Pray for them that they won’t fail God, they won’t fail their families, and they won’t fail the Church of God. Pray for them that it will be well with them.
- And then go ahead and pray for yourself; that in this Month of July; the Almighty God would perfect ALL that concerns you. And the Almighty God would make your Testimonies Complete and Perfect this Year – Particularly this Month. Pray that all those things you have been expecting from the Almighty God will be done for you this Month.
- And then pray for your neighbours; pray that it will be well with them. Pray that the Almighty God would answer their Prayers. Pray that they too will have Perfect Testimonies this Month.
In Jesus Mighty Name we prayed – Amen.
We bless Your Name oh Lord,
And we confess You
That You are the Lord.
Eternal Rock of Ages we want to say Thank You for who You are: the Almighty, the All Sufficient, the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lord of Hosts, the One who never lost a War. And we Thank You for whatever You have done for us in the Past, for what You are doing for us in the Present, and for what You will yet do for us in the Future. Father we want to Thank You because we know You are a Merciful God. And that Your Faithfulness is from Generation to Generation.
We Thank You for what You have done for the Elders, and now we are Thanking You for what You have done for our Youths and Young Adults. We ask that Lord God Almighty that You will Please accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
Today Lord God Almighty we are committing these Young ones into Your Hands, we pray that Your Purpose for their lives will be fulfilled. That everyone of them would attain the goal that You have set for them, in Jesus’ Name.
We pray for those who are not married among them; that they won’t marry the wrong person in Jesus’ Name. We pray for those who are already married; we pray that there will be Peace and Harmony in their homes. We pray Lord God Almighty that in their careers they will reach the top. We pray that they will be a Blessing: Blessing to their families, Blessing to their Countries and Blessing to the Church of God.
And for all of us Lord God Almighty, we pray this Month will be the Month that you will Perfect everything concerning us: when our Testimonies will be complete and our Joy will be full.
And in every area of our lives, Lord God Almighty You will Prove Yourself More Than Sufficient.
Lord God Almighty, we are asking for a very Special Blessing for all those who have been Gaithful in the payment of their Tithes. We pray that Your Promise concerning these people will be fulfilled. You will bless them so much that they won’t have enough room to contain it.
We pray Lord God Almighty for our country Nigeria, You will continue to show us Mercy. In Your own Miraculous way, this very Month Lord, let every form of blood shed come to an end.
Thank You Almighty God, Glory be to Your Holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we Prayed – Amen.
Let somebody shout Hallelujah (from wherever you are) – Hallelujah!
Today, we are bringing you greeting from Mount Carmel. It a Prayer Mountain (where God answers Prayer by Fire). And you will be welcomed to come and Pray here. It is a very beautiful place where you will feel the Presence of God. There are several Prayer Huts (where you can be alone can Pray) and comfortable accommodation.
I can assure you of one thing: if you come here to seek the face of the Lord, definitely, He will speak to you, and He will answer your prayers by FIRE!
THEME: Today we want to talk to you about “LIMIT BREAKERS”
11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Jesus Christ was talking about a Young Adult called “John the Baptist”. And He called him the greatest of all those people born in the Old Testament.
And then He added the fact that those of us in the New Testament are Greater than he.
And then He told us the SECRETS OF BREAKING LIMITS. He said: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by Force.
The Purpose of God for your life is GREATNESS. God wants you to be GREAT (in every sphere of life).
In Genesis 1:28; the Almighty God said to you, through your original parents: that you are to be BLESSED, you are to be FRUITFUL, you are to MULTIPLY, you are to EXPAND, you are to have DOMINION.
… That is the Promise of God for you!
But at times you will discovered that either you or your enemies with try to limit your GREATNESS. They will try to limit your Breakthroughs.
I said it could be you, limiting how Great you could be because in 2 Kings 13:14-19; we have situation where Elisha was sick, and was about to die. And then a King came unto him and said, what do I do now? And he told him what to do so that his future can be settled.
And one of the things he told him to do was to take an arrow, smite the ground. He smote the ground three (3) times and stopped. And the Bible says the Man of God was very upset. And said, you should have smitten at least five (5) times! Then your Testimony would have been complete.
He said, but as you smote just three (3) times, then you will have only three (3) Victories.
… That King limited his own Greatness!
I’m Praying for everyone of you today, that whatever is in your life that could limit your GREATNESS; the Almighty God will deal with it today – Amen!
And when we talk about limits to your Greatness; the LIMITING FACTORS could be many:
- One of them could be SICKNESS or DISEASE.
For example in Luke 13:11-13; the Bible talked about a woman who was attacked by the Spirit of infirmity. The Bible says this woman was bent over. And no matter how hard she tried, she could not lift up herself. The spirit of infirmity limited her – Bent her down! Would not allow her to stand upright.
I’m praying for you today, that is there any spirit of infirmity in you, or anyone precious to you; the Lord Jesus Christ would deal with that spirit in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
And to break the limit of Infirmity; limit of sickness, limit of disease; you are going to need Violent FAITH, Violent ACTION and Violent PRAYER.

That’s why He said: “The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by Force.”
And this is particularly relevant, because we are talking to those of you who are young; the Young adults and those of us who are “Young” at heart.
When you look at Mark 2:1-12; the Bible tells us about a man who was paralysed from neck downward. When you talk about limitations; that man was thoroughly limited. But his friends brought him to JESUS CHRIST. And when they arrived and found out that the place was jammed packed with people, and there was no way they could go in, they did some violence:
- They climbed to the roof;
- They broke through to the roof.
… They insisted that the sickness of that their friend must end that day!
The Bible says when Jesus saw their Faith (their Faith was a violent one) He first of all said, your sins are forgiven you. And then after some arguments with the people there who were wondering why Jesus should be forgiving sins; He went on to say, Alright! Get up boy, take your bed and go home – VIOLENT FAITH!
Violent action to break the limit of sickness, you will find an example in Mark 5:25-24.
It talked about the woman with the issue of blood who had been bleeding for twelve (12) years. She decided; am not going to be limited by this sickness any longer. She came to where Jesus Christ was. There were multitude there. Then she forced her way through and touched the helm of His Garment. And she got her Breakthrough.
And of course you know in Mark 10:36-52; it tells us the story of Bartimeus, limited by Blindness. Who decided; am breaking the limit today! And she prayed violently. She prayed until Jesus heard. And that day the limit to her life was broken.
You probably have heard the Testimony of a woman who was told in the hospital that there is nothing more they could do for her – that she should just go home and die. And she said to her children, take me to the Headquarters of RCCG (at Ebute Meta, Lagos – Nigeria).
And they told her Mama, there is no Service today: the Pastor will not be in Church. And she said, who told you am going to look for the Pastor? Just take me to the Church.
They brought her Ebute Meta. She said carry me to the Church. They carried her to the Church, she said take me to the Pillars. She said I know if I can just touch one of the Pillars I know am getting my healing today. They carried her into the Church, she touched one of the Pillars and was instantly Healed.
Am Praying for everyone of you listening to me today (or reading now) wherever you are; in that Name that is above every other names, every form of sickness and disease in you will vanish in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
- Another form of limitation can come from ENEMY ACTION.
The enemy may decide that they want to… (BREAK IN TRANSMISSION)
… I hope you are hearing me now? The devil is a liar. Every limit to your success, coming from Forces of Darkness will end today, in Jesus’ Name – Amen. For the rest of your life, there will be no Break in Transmission – Amen!
I was talking about ENEMY’S ACTION as a Limiting Factor. And at that stage, the devil decide to take Electricity Light. But the Electricity of Heaven will never be out in your life, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
In Acts 16:22-34; the Bible tells us about what happened when Paul and Silas were going about doing their work – doing the work of God (casting out demons). Some people took them, put them in prison; planning to put a permanent limit to their Ministry and to their lives. But, at midnight the Bible says: Paul and Silas sang Praises unto God, and they prayed the kind of prayer that was violent enough for everybody to hear. And then there was an earthquake; and the Almighty God set them free.
In Matthew 15: 21-28; the Bible tells us about a woman who came begging that her daughter be set free from Forces of darkness.
She prayed so violently that she got the attention of the Lord Jesus Christ. She exhibited so much a Faith that the Almighty God Himself said: Woman, great is thy Faith! And she got what she wanted.
In Mark 5: 2-20; the Bible tells us of a man who was so laden with demons that he was living in the graveyard. He couldn’t pray, but he knew that there is someone who can break the limit to his destiny. And he came and fell at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus spoke a Word, and he was set free and he became a Great Evangelist.
Some years ago, there was a Bank Manager who was doing very well before he was attacked with madness; I mean he became raving mad! And as they were taking him to ARO (A Psychiatric Hospital located in Abeokuta Ogun State in the Western Part of Nigeria); four (4) Police men accompanied him. Even though he was handcuffed, even though his legs were chained. He was so violent.
But even in his madness, he remembered that there is someone who could break the yoke, and begged the Police men; please take me to the Redemption Camp, I know that if I can set me feet on that Ground, I will be free. So they brought him, and they said to me: this man said this, so please pray for him before we take him to ARO (A Psychiatric Hospital located in Abeokuta Ogun State in the Western Part of Nigeria).
I said, he didn’t say if I pray for him; he said: “If he could STEP ON THE GROUND”.
Release him, let him step on the Ground. They said, NO! We went through hell in order to be able to pull him down in order to put chains on his feet and so on. I said, let him “STEP ON THE GROUND” (that’s what you say he said)! They said: Sir, we will not be responsible for the damages he will cause to your properties. I said, SET HIM DOWN!
They brought him out of the car, removed all his chains; and he STEPPED on the ground. He was INSTANTLY FREE!
Am praying for everyone of you listening to me today (or reading now): your FAITH shall make you whole in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
- And of course, another Limiting Factor could be POVERTY.
The Bible says in Proverbs 10:15; that Poverty is a destroyer.
It is not only just a Limiter, it’s a Destroyer.
It says: “the destruction of the poor is their poverty.”
The Bible makes it clear in Proverbs 22:7; it says: “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”

And it is another way of saying, if you are poor, you can’t make it to the Top.
… There is a limit already there!
But you can break this limit again by violent PRAYER; by violent FAITH and by violent ACTION.
For example, in 2 Kings 4:1-7; the Bible tells us of the story of a widow who wasn’t just poor: she was destitute. She was heavily in debt. The creditors had nothing in her house that they could sell; so they said they would sell her sons. They gave her twenty four (24) hours; but within the twenty four (24) hours she moved – she cried to the Man of God.
The Man of God gave instructions that would take Great Faith to obey: go and borrow empty vessels, borrow many. Take that little bottle of oil that you say you have, and begin to pour it out. She believed the Man of God; she did what she was told to do. By the end of the day she was debt-free. And she never needed to borrow ever again!
In 1 Kings 17:8-16; the Bible tells us of another widow, who had a son and just one (1) meal left. The Man of God came, and told her to surrender the last meal. She did what she was asked to do. She gave what I will call a “VIOLENT OFFERING”.
And the result of it was that for the rest of her life, she never suffered.
You can break the yoke of Poverty; not only by Violent PRAYER, not only by Violent FAITH, but by Violent ACTION!
When we were building our second (2nd) Auditorium (at the RCCG Redemption Camp) several years ago; the little money we had, we had given to a boy in acquisition somewhere, in what used to called Bendel State (in Nigeria – Now Edo and Delta State) to supply us with wood. But for one reason or the other, they failed to supply the wood. And we had no more money to buy fresh ones. And Convention was two (2) weeks away.
So as I was paving the ground of the RCCG Redemption Camp, crying to God: What am I going to do? Your people are coming, and it is the raining season. Suddenly I heard the Almighty God speak to me: Son, what do you know about the Kingdom of God? And I began to say all I knew about the Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit, et cetera. He said, yes, keep going. Finally I remembered that: it is written; “the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”
He said, that’s exactly what I want you to do. Give me a “VIOLENT OFFERING” and I will break the limit.
I got to the Church on Sunday, told my people what God said to me. And I have asked God: “What is a Violent Offering?'” And He said, a “Violent Offering” is the offering you want to give and your hand refuses to move.
We gave a “VIOLENT OFFERING” on Sunday; by Monday there was a Military Coup. A new Governor came to Power. And the first thing he did was to dissolve the Board that was holding our money. And then a young man came and said: I have no money to give, but I have a Trailer. You can use the Trailer until the Convention is over. Suddenly our wood was ready, and there was a Trailer to bring everything in.
… The Limit to our success; the Limit to our Joy was broken.
I’m praying for everyone of you today, who are held captive by POVERTY: In the Name that is above every other names, that Limit will be broken today, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
- Finally, let me talk to you about one heavy Limiter of Destiny. And that is a CURSE.
When a man is cursed, it becomes very difficult for him to achieve his goal.
I mean, if you read Deuteronomy 28:15-24; you will see what a curse can do.
Because a curse is a summon to all Forces to oppose you from reaching your goal.
In the Bible Text that I mentioned (Deuteronomy 28:23-14) you will find that it says: when somebody is cursed, “Heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron, and the rain will be powder.”
You can imagine a farmer trying to farm on a ground that is iron. In a place where the Heaven is brass. And where the rain coming down is nothing but powder and dust.
… That’s tells you; that fellow is doomed!
But you can break any curse coming from any angle by: Violent FAITH, Violent PRAYER and Violent ACTION.
I give you just one (1) example; there was this young man called Levi. You can read about him in Genesis 49:1-7. He did some terrible things while he was young. His father now was about to die, and pronounced a curse on him; and said he will be scattered in Israel.
But by the time you get to Numbers 3:5-12; the Almighty God said: whatever curse your father has pronounced on you is regardless; I want you to come near. I will make you my firstborn.
… The one that the father said would be scattered, the Almighty God said he will be gathered.
… And when God speaks; it is done.
But what happened? You will find it in Exodus 32:25-26; the children of Israel had gone into idolatry, and God wanted to punish them. And Moses alone stood against them: how do I deal with a whole Nation that is completely gone away from God? He knew he needed help! So he lifted up his voice and said to the whole nation; Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come unto me.
The Bible said, ALL the children of Levi gathered themselves together to Moses, they said: “WE ARE on the Lord’s side”.
And the Almighty God looked down from Heaven and said, Alright! If you are on My side, then am on your side too.
Your father said you will be scattered; No! you will be my firstborn, because you choose to be on My Side!
This morning am asking all of you who are still far away from God; God is asking a question: “Who will be on My Side?”
If you are on His Side, I can assure you, every limits in your life will be broken. If you will come to Him wholeheartedly and say Lord, I am on Your Side; for the rest of my life I will serve You, I will do Your will, whatever You say will be my command. The Almighty God will say: LIMITS OFF!
When people in the world want to speak, they will say: the sky is the limit to somebody.
Let me tell you one thing; if you are on the side of the Lord, the sky is not your limit; HEAVEN is the only limit you have!

If you come to the Almighty God, He will pick you from where you are and take you to a height that you cannot even dream possible.
So, if you are listening to me (or reading) right now and you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, I appeal to you today; for all the LIMITS in your life to be off, come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ now.
I will give you only a minute to do that, so that I can pray for your Salvation and then the LIMITS will be off from your life.
And while those who are surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ are stepping forward; those of us who are already children of the Living God, let us renew our commitments to the Almighty God: let us tell the Almighty God, Lord I am on Your Side. I am for You, and I will serve You like never before.
… Let us renew our Commitments, let us renew our Determination to serve Him.
And in a moment we are going to pray, and am going to ask you to pray VIOLENT PRAYERS; am going to ask you to exercise VIOLENT FAITH today; that before this day is over, your Testimonies will be complete.
And whatever ACTIONS you need to take to make sure that POVERTY becomes a forgotten issue in your life, take that ACTION today!
Those of you who have come forward to give your life to Jesus Christ, talk to Him for one (1) minute. Ask the Almighty God to have Mercy on you, to save your soul, and to wash away your sin and clean you with His Blood.
Those of you who are already children of God, let us intercede for all our brothers and sisters who have come forward to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that the One who saved your soul would save their own souls also; And then in a moment I will be Praying for the Salvation of souls, and for the rest of us too. Thank You Father!
… Now let’s bow our heads in Prayer.
My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You. I want to say Thank You for all who have heard Your Words this morning and for all these people who decided to surrender their lives to You. I know You are the “LIMIT BREAKER”; am praying for all these people who have come forward to surrender their lives to You: That You would save their souls. You would let Your Blood wipe away their sins. Lord God Almighty I pray that You would write their names in the “Book of Life”. You will receive them into the Family of God. And I pray that from now, any time they call on You; their prayers will not be hindered, but that their Prayers would be answered them by Fire. And I pray that they will serve You forever now, never looking back again. So that in Your kingdom, none of them would be missing – Amen.
Father in a moment, am going to call on all Your children to cry to You VIOLENTLY this morning that every LIMITS in their lives will be broken.
And Lord God Almighty that for all these Your children, that their journey to GREATNESS will now become accelerated.

Am praying that as they call You; You will answer them INSTANTLY.
Am praying for everyone of them that before this month is over, You will break every Limitations.
Thank You Almighty God; in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now those of you who have come forward, I want to rejoice with you. Because from now on by the Special Grace of God, I will be praying for you. So am going to need your names, your address and your prayers requests. The Counsellors will give you a Card, which I want you to fill very quickly. Please stay where you are because we want to Pray now.
Now the rest of us, let’s rise up on our feet (wherever you are) this morning. Some of you are aware of the LIMITS that you want to break in your life: Limits brought about by SICKNESS; Limits brought about by POVERTY; and the Limits brought about by GENERATIONAL CURSES.
You are going to forget everyone on your left, everyone on your right and you are going to cry to the Almighty God for yourself. Just cry to him; today every LIMITS in my life must be OFF.
Now go ahead and cry unto Him. Talk to the Almighty God and let Him hear your voice. And am sure that very soon we shall hear your Testimonies.
Go ahead and Pray; and may the Almighty God answer you by fire – AMEN!!!
Thank You Father.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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I need report of Ministers conference. Mine is not so comprehensive