Olorun to da awon Oke Igba ni (The God that created the Ancient Hills)
Eyin ni mo fi ope mi fun (It is you that I give All my Praises)
Ta ni o? (Who is it o?)
Ta ni won tun gbe ga o (Who else will I Praise)
Bi ko se Baba Loke (If not the God Above)
Ta ni won tun fi gbogbo ope mi fun? (Who else will I give all my Praises to?)
Olorun to da awon Oke Igba ni (The God that created the Ancient Hills)
Eyin ni mo fi ope mi fun (It is You that I give All my Praises).
The Ancient of Days; You are the King of all kings, You are the Lord of all lords, You are the Alpha, You are the Omega.
Who is like unto thee among the gods?
Father, we Thank You for what you did during the Convention: Lord we appreciate You for Your Intervention; we Thank You for Miracles; we Thank You Signs; we Thank You for Wonders. We Thank You because You Spoke to our situations.
Please take ALL the Glory in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
My Lord, we have come again this morning and I like to register my weakness before Your children that there is nothing any “Man of God” can do without the “God of Man”. You are the “God of Man”; this morning use me and bless Your children Oh Lord – Amen.
For saying Amen; God will Open a “New Chapter” for you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Thank You Father Lord; in Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
God Bless You. Please be seated!
To God alone be all the Glory.
I want to thank the Almighty God and our father in the Lord – The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God; for giving me the opportunity to stand before my Seniors this morning.
And I want to greet all my fathers and mothers; who are here this morning. Wherever you are; it shall be Well with you all – Amen.
You will not be hungry in the Kitchen in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
You will never have a better yesterday in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
If your Amen will be louder; your tomorrow will be “Better” and not “Bitter” in Jesus Name – Amen.
The Topic before us this Morning is: “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD” (2ce).
This is a “Personal Confession” or a “Personal Declaration”.
It also means “Ownership” or “Relationship”.
The Psalmist didn’t say that: “The Lord is ‘OUR’ Shepherd”. He said: “The Lord is ‘MY’ Shepherd”.
Psalms 118:17(a) says: I shall not die but live.
It didn’t say that ” WE” shall not die but live – “I” shall not die but live.
Psalms 23: 6(a) says: Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow “ME” all the days of my life.
… It didn’t say shall follow “US” but shall follow “ME”.
My brother and sister; it is my Pleasure to announce to you this morning that: “The Lord is My Shepherd”.
Who is Your Own Shepherd?
… The Lord is My Own Shepherd.
Psalms 23:1 tells me that: “The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not Want”.
Another Translation says: “The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall Not Lack”.
New International Bible Translation says: “The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall Not be in Want”.
This Book of Psalms Chapter 23 is very loaded with both Earthly and Eternal Blessings.
David, himself was a Shepherd; yet he called the Lord “His Shepherd”.
It means that The Lord is not only “The Shepherd of the Sheep”; He is equally “The Shepherd of Shepherds”.
A sheep without a Shepherd is exposed to dangers.
No wonder in Mark 6:34; Jesus Christ was moved with “COMPASSION” when He saw the Multitude of People who are like sheep without Shepherd.
No Shepherd wants to die for his sheep. But Jesus Christ, ‘My Shepherd’; Jesus Christ, ‘The Good Shepherd’; Jesus Christ, ‘A Faithful Shepherd’; Jesus Christ, ‘A Merciful Shepherd’; Jesus Christ, ‘A Compassionate Shepherd’; Jesus Christ, ‘The Shepherd of Shepherds’ – laid down (gave) His Life for His Sheep.
… Can we please put our hands together for Him – Thank you sir, Thank you ma.
In John 10: 11 Jesus says: “I am the Good Shepherd”. The Good Shepherd gives His Life for the Sheep.
In John 10: 15(b); Jesus says: “I lay down my Life for the Sheep”.
- A Shepherd PROVIDES for His Sheep.
David knew that a Shepherd would and could Provide for his Dheep. That was why he declared in Psalms 23:1: “The Lord is My Shepherd, therefore I will not suffer lack”.
Brethren, if you make Jesus Christ your Shepherd; He will surely Provide for you.
Can I hear Amen please – Amen.
Jesus Christ is all you need in order to meet all your Needs!
- A Shepherd Protects and Defends his Sheep.
… He who God keeps is Kept.
Psalms 121: 7-8; tells me that: The Lord will Preserve you from all evil.
… Let God hear your Amen please – Amen.
He shall Preserve thy Soul.
… Let your Amen have Flesh and Blood please – Amen.
The He said that: The Lord shall Preserve thy Going Out and Coming In from this time forth and even forever more – Amen.
This will be your Portion in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
… Provided that you made the Lord Your Shepherd.
- A Shepherd Feeds his Sheep.
Psalms 34:10 says: The Young Lions do lack and do suffer hunger; but they that seek The Lord shall not want any Good Thing.
Brethren, no matter the Economy of the Jungle; Lions will never eat grass. God will always provide meat for them.
Job 5:22 says: At destruction and famine; thou shall laugh.
Now let me come back home; No matter the Economy of Nigeria if you make Jesus Christ your Shepherd, He will feed you – Amen.
- A Shepherd Directs his Sheep – He determines the direction of travelling.
So, I want to beg you: As a sheep, don’t lead the way. Let Jesus leads while you follow.
That is the reason that Proverbs 3:6 tells me: In all thy Ways acknowledge Him and He shall directs thy Path.
- A Shepherd Keeps Watch over his Sheep.
When the Sheep is sleeping; the Shepherd is awake. Psalms 121 is my Witness – Psalms 121:4 says: Behold He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalms 127:1 (b) says: Except the Lord keeps the City, the Watchman waketh up but in vain.
Psalms 121:5 says: The Lord is thy Keeper.
… If you make The Lord your Shepherd, He will keep watch over you.
- A Shepherd Disciplines the Sheep with his Rod.
That is a Necessity, an Absolute Necessity – Discipline.
So, a Good Shepherd disciplines the Sheep with his rod.
And you know that my Own Shepherd is Loving and Lovable.
Hebrew 12:6 says: For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth.
My Own Shepherd is Loving.
Revelations 3:19 says: As many as I love, I rebuketh and chasteneth. He said be zealous therefore and repent.
Proverbs 13:18 says: Poverty and Shame shall be to him that refuseth instructions. But he that regardeth reproof shall be Honoured.
A Shepherd disciplines the Sheep.
Proverbs 29:15 says: The rod and reproof gives Wisdom but a child leaveth to himself brought his mother to shame.
It means that: If you spare the rod, you will spoil your child.
Proverbs 13:24 says: He that spares his rod hateth but he that loveth his son chasteneth him.
Let me conclude with; Proverbs 22:15. It says: Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
- A Shepherd Fights for his Sheep.
If you make the Lord your Shepherd, He will fight for you.
In Exodus 14:14; Moses said that the Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your Peace.
Brethren, do you know that up till now, some people are still fighting for their gods?
The Good News is that our Own God fights for us.
Do you know that up till this day; some people still carry their own gods?
But our Own God carries us.
So, if you make the Lord Your Shepherd, He will fight for you, He will carry you and He will carry your responsibilities in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
Exodus 15:3 says: The Lord is a Man of War; the Lord is His Name.
So my fathers and my mothers, my brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen; if you make Jesus Christ your Shepherd, then you can be sure of the following Possibilities:
- He will Provide for you.
- He will Protect you.
- He will Direct you.
- He will Keep Watch over you 24/7.
- He will Feed you.
- He will Fight for you and grant your Victory without your input.
… Can I hear Amen Please – Amen!
The Lord is My Shepherd!
At the beginning; I told you that it involves “Ownership” and “Relationship” between a Sheep and a Shepherd.
Let me tell you one thing about “Relationship”: Relationship can determine Destinies and Destinations.
Relationship can also determine Possession.
… Who you know can determine what you get.
Psalms Chapter 23 begins with a “Relationship” and ends with “Eternity”.
And that is why I consider Psalms 23 as the Best Chapter among the Books of Psalms – it begins with Relationship on Earth and ends in Eternity.
David said: The Lord is My Shepherd – That is a Relationship (A Relationship between a Sheep and a Shepherd). And that is a Godly Relationship and it is the Best Relationship.
The Lord is My Shepherd, that is Relationship; followed by with a Supply – I shall not Lack.
Followed by Rest – He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures.
Followed by Refreshment – He leadeth me beside the Still Water.
Followed by Restoration – He restoreth my Soul.
Followed by Guidance – He leadeth me in the Path of Righteousness.
Followed by Purpose – For His Name Sake.
Followed by Protection – Yea though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Followed by Boldness and Faith – I will Fear no Evil.
Followed by Divine Presence – For thou Art with Me.
Followed by Discipline – Thy Rod and thy Staff they Comfort Me.
Followed by Provision – Thou Prepareth a Table before me in the Presence of Mine Enemies.
Followed by Anointing and Empowerment – Thou anointed my Head with Oil
Followed by Overflow – My Cup runneth Over (3ce).
Followed by Security – Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life.
Followed by Eternity – And I will dwell in the House of the Lord Forever.
… Thank You for clapping for Jesus!
So, if you made the Lord your Shepherd; there is already a Relationship. And because of that Relationship, every other things that you need you will get – Earthly Possession; and then you will make it to Heaven because you have made the Lord your Shepherd.
Brethren, may I appeal to you; Let us come back Home. We have gone too far away from our Maker.
And don’t forget what He says. He says: For without Me, you can’t do nothing.
We have been up and running after “Earthly Possessions” and none of these Possessions will follow us to Eternity.
Let us come back to God. He said: Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
All these things that we are running after will run after us if we are where God wants us to be.
That is the Secret: If you are where God wants us to be; what others are running after will run after us.
And all these things that you are running after; brethren most of them are distractions – We cannot take any of them Home.
It doesn’t matter the number of Houses you have; it doesn’t matter the number of Vehicles that you have; it doesn’t matter the number of Titles that you have – None of these things can Guarantee your Eternity in Heaven.
Let us come back Home.
Let us for once think about Heavenly Home.
My Heavenly Home how beautiful (3ce)
My Heavenly Home
My Heavenly Home how beautiful
One day for each of us; there won’t be tomorrow. Every Day that passes takes us nearer Home.
Daddy it doesn’t matter, when the “Appointed Time” comes; it doesn’t matter what you are doing – It is Pen’s Up!
Develop that Relationship today with The Good Shepherd and your Eternity will be Guaranteed; your Prosperity will be Guaranteed; Favour Guaranteed, Joy is Guaranteed, Victory is Guaranteed.
… Shall we rise please!
My Heavenly Home how beautiful
My Heavenly Home
My Heavenly Home how beautiful.
- The first Prayer Point Brethren is a Prayer of Thanksgiving.
“Let Gratitude be Your Attitude”
Brethren, since the beginning of Last Week; I mean God has been doing Fantastic Things in our midst.
Thank You for clapping for Jesus Christ – He deserves it – Amen.
Please, don’t forget in a hurry that He is a Faithful God, a Powerful God, a Mighty God, an Excellent God, a Compassionate God. He has done Wonderful Things – Amen. Thank You!
So, I want you to think about yourself this morning and that is why I didn’t Say: The Lord is Our Shepherd. I said: The Lord is My Shepherd because I known of myself but I don’t know about you.
You are going to say: Father, I Thank You for everything that you have done for me and for what you have done through me. Please, take all the Glory in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Brethren, give Him all the Glory; He deserves it and He desires it.
For everything that you have done for me; particularly during the Convention please take the all the Glory in the Name of Jesus.
Give Him the Glory; in Jesus Mighty Name we have given thanks – Amen.
- Brethren, you are going to Say: Father, you are my Shepherd please Provide for me, Feed me, Direct me, Discipline me, don’t let me be hungry in the Kitchen in the Name of Jesus. Fight for me in the Name of Jesus and grant me Unmerited Victory; Undeserved Victory – Victory without my Input.
Lord grant me Victory in the Name of Jesus. You are My Shepherd (3ce).
Thank You Father, in Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.
- Brethren, there is what we call: “Divine Lamination” – When you are laminated the way we laminated our ID Card then no evil hands can touch you; no evil eyes can see you.
You will Say: Father, please laminate me with the Blood of Jesus Christ – Go ahead and talk to the Lord.
Laminate me with the Fire of The Holy Spirit. No evil hands will touch you in the Name of Jesus.
It doesn’t matter the number of people that gathered round you; they will fall for your sake.
Lord Laminate me, I want “Divine Lamination”.
Yes Lord, Thank You Father Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
- Brethren, there was a Storm and Jesus Christ was in the boat.
And that tells you something: The Presence of Jesus Christ doesn’t terminate Storm – No!
Jesus Christ was in the boat, yet there was a Storm.
But the Assurance is that, that Storm will not Overcome you.
So, when they went to Jesus Christ, what did He do? – He Spoke to the Storm; the Storm heard his Voice and it Stopped Instantly.
Lazarus was sick; he was dead and he was buried before Jesus Christ arrived.
What did Jesus Christ do? – He Spoke, the Grave heard His Voice and it released Lazarus instantly.
You are going to Say: Father, please Speak.
Whatever is still holding me down, let it hear Your Voice and release me fast in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Anything and Everything that is still holding me down; Lord Speak. Let it hear Your Voice and let it release me fast.
If it is Poverty that is holding you down; it must hear the Voice of the Lord. If it is Failure that is holding you down, it must hear the Voice of the Lord. If it is Sickness that is holding you down, it must hear the Voice of the Lord. If it is debt (in order words you are owing) that is holding you down, it must hear the Voice of the Lord.
And all these must release you now in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father, in Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.
- Finally, you are going to Say: Father, please Open a New Chapter for me – Chapter of Victory, Chapter of Favour, Chapter of Joy, Chapter of Health, Chapter of Pleasant Surprises, Chapter of Breakthrough; Lord Open a New Chapter for me.

Yes Lord, Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Please, I want your Amen to have Flesh and Blood – Amen.
I decree this Morning that none of Request will go into the Voice Mail in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every Plans of the enemies against you and against your children are destroyed this morning in the Name of Jesus.
Every desires of your heart that is Good; the Lord will grant unto you in the Name of Jesus.
You are here this morning not to Encounter the “Man of God”; you are here to Encounter the “God of Man”.
Brethren, this “God of Man” cannot fail.
I Pray that the Lord will meet you at the Points of your Needs in Jesus Name.
He will Open a New Chapter for you in the Name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord Himself will recommend you to those that will Favour you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Wherever your “Destiny Helpers” are (I repeat); Wherever your “Destiny Helpers” may be – whether in Nigeria or Outside Nigeria; God will command them to Locate you and to Help you in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I decree that it shall be well with you; your Joy shall be Full, the Glory of God will manifest in your life.
No evil hands will touch you. No Weapon fashioned Against you will Prosper. Any arrows shot at you will go back to the Sender.
It is your “Turn to Celebrate”. Very soon, people will Congratulate You. They will see the Handwriting of God upon your Life and they will envy you in the Name of Jesus.
Father, we Say: Thank You Sir. For in Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.
God Bless You – Please be seated.
Thank You for clapping for Jesus – Amen.
Jesus Christ Said: “Come to Me all you that Labour and are Heavy Laden”.
… He said sir, I will give you Rest.
How many of us want Rest from the Lord? – Amen!
I told you that who you know can determine what you get. That is the reason why I said that: “Relationship can determine Possession”.
Jesus Christ is the Provider.
I don’t know what you desire that man cannot give it to you? – Jesus Christ can give to you.
Are you ready to receive from Him? – Yes!
But He said, Come First. Come and I will Help you.
So, if you are here today and you want God to Help you; then you must surrender to Him.
And if you feel like rededicating your life to Him; you are Welcome.
So wherever you are now, you want God to Help you and you want to surrender to Him or you want to rededicate your Life to Him – Just rise on your feet and please Come to the front of the altar side and let us Pray fror you.
You are the one that the Lord is waiting for. He wants to Answer you. He wants to rewrite your records.
Brethren, maybe this is what God is waiting for. I Pray that you won’t leave here the same in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Come quickly, Come and Surrender your Life to Him. He is going to give you Salvation Free of Charge.
Yes Lord (2ce)!
Let me have this Song: Immortal, Invisible” please – with Organs only!
- Immortal, invisible, God only Wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most Blessed, most Glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, Victorious, Thy Great Name we Praise.
… Repeat Twice!
Brethren, shall we stretch our hands towards this Wonderful Brethren.
They have Come this morning to make the Lord their Shepherd; let us Pray that the Lord will Perfect everything that concerns them – Please Pray for them!
And those who have come to surrender their lives to God: Please tell the Lord that I have come this morning to make you My Shepherd; please have Mercy on me, Forgive me, Take Care of all my Inadequacies and Shortcomings, Perfect Everything that concerns me, Let the enemies fail over me. Open a New Chapter for me: A Chapter of Salvation and a Chapter of Deliverance.
I Pray for you in Jesus Name that the Almighty God will go to the Foundation of your families and He will rewrite your records.
If there is any Embargo Placed on you because you have taken this Decision this morning; it shall be lifted in Jesus Name – Amen
Remember Brethren that there is no Medicated Soap that can wash away sins – It is Only the Blood of Jesus Christ that can wash away sin.
Father, wash these your children with the Blood of Jesus Christ and let it be well with them my Father.
My Lord Help them. Pray for them and rewrite their records. Thank You my Father.
Every desires of your heart that is Good; the Almighty will grant unto you in Jesus Name – Amen!
God Bless You – Amen. Please open your eyes.
I want you to please follow our dear brother who is waving the “Counselling Board”. He want to have your Names, your Contact Addresses and if possible, your Prayer Requests. We Promise to keep your Secrets secret.
The Lord Bless You as you follow him – Hallelujah!
Thank You for clapping for Jesus (2ce)
Assuming it is the way you clap that will determine the Blessings that you will go home with?
Hallelujah – Amen! Glory be to God Almighty.
It is now Time to say Thank You.
Brethren, when you load your Cloud, your Rain will surely fall.
Remember that: Nothing goes for Nothing.
I have said it several times here that: It is your Casting that determines your Catching – If you don’t Cast anything; you won’t Catch anything.
It is your Deposits that determines your Withdrawal.
If you don’t have a Deposit in the Account and you want to Withdraw; there is no Provisions for Overdraft here.
So, we want to say Thank You to Jesus Christ with our Substance.
So, shall we bring out our Offerings please. And the baskets are Placed in Strategic Locations where you can locate them.
We just want to show appreciations as the Lord loves a “Cheerful Giver”.
Just go towards any of the baskets, drop your Offerings and dance back to your seat.
Let us Pray: We Thank You Excellent Father for the Provisions of Funds and Resources.
We are Grateful Lord because we have the Grace to give You today.
Please Father, accept this token; use it to further your Work on Earth. Bless these your children in the Name of Jesus. Let money meet money in their hands. Terminate sorrows and poverty in their lives. Recommend them to those that will bless them.
… In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
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I am blessed with this write-up, thank you Ma & Sirs. God bless you.
wonderful message, pls can i have the transcribed version sent to my mail
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