May we just worship God briefly.
Let us kneel down and blessed God and worship God and bless Him.
- Blessed be the Name of the Lord
He is worthy to be Praised and Adored
So we lift up Holy Hands in one Accord
Singing, Blessed be thy Name
Hallelujah, Blessed be thy Name
Oh Blessed be thy Name of the Lord. - He is Lord
He is Lord Amen
He has risen from the dead
He is Lord
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is the Lord.
And so Father, we just want to Thank You for who You are; we Thank You for who You have always been and we Thank You for who You will be Forever. Blessed be Your Holy Name in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Father, this very morning, we are gathered before You to hear from You and to learn from You on how to run “Profitable Business”.
Please Lord, teach us how to do it. Make us very successful in Life. Let everything that we do be Profitable.
We Thank You for what You have done for us so far in all these Programs of the Youth Convention since it started and we Thank You Lord for Your Glory and Your Power.
Let it be manifested again this morning – Manifest Your Power, let our lives never remain the same.
Glory be to Your Holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Let the Youths in the House shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want to thank the Almighty God for giving me the privilege to share with you on this Topic: “RUNNING A PROFITABLE BUSINESS “
I want to thank our daddy in the Lord – our Daddy GO, Pastor E.A Adeboye for this rare privilege to use the same Pulpit that he uses to Minister.
I want to thank all our daddies who are Youth Leaders – The Assistant General Overseer (AGO) and all our Pastors who has given me this opportunity.
… May the Lord anoint and bless all of us afresh in Jesus Name – Amen.
Running a Profitable Business- I want to start by saying that God knows how to run a Profitable Business andWe God is the One who can teach us how to run a Profitable Business.
Where do I have my authority from – Isaiah 48:17
“Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to Profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
So, if you indeed want to know how to make Profit in Business; ask the Lord.
We are supposed to talk on the Topic: Running a Profitable Business. I want to however let you know that I think it is necessary to first talk about: “What do you need to do to even start the Business before you start talking about how to run the Business”
And I will categorized them into three (3) Key things you need to know to be able to start Business before we talk about the things you need to do to run it Profitably.
1. You need Spiritual Revelations.
Brethren, the Bible says in the Book of Proverbs 29:18 that: Where there is No Vision, the People perish.
The Bible also says in Psalms 127:1: Except the Lord builds the House, the one who is building it is building it in vain.
You need Spiritual Understandings, Spiritual Revelations in order to start a Business. God needs to show you what you need to do.
Did I hear someone saying that how can God show me?
Oh Yes, God can speak about anything if you ask Him.
I have a favourite Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3. God says: If you call upon Him; He will answer you and He will show you two (2) things that you will do: “I will answer you and show you Deep and Secret Things which thou knoweth not”.
… That Word works Wonders like any other words in the Scriptures.
So, if you want to start a Business, ask God: What Business should I do? Where will it be located? Who and who shall be my Partners? What kind of items should I work on? Should I be dealing in Trading, should I be Manufacturing, should I be involved with Services?
… What should I really do and how do I go about it?
So the Beginning Point is the Spiritual Revelations!
2. The 2nd thing is Physical Knowledge – what I call Secular Understanding or Secular Knowledge.
You need to study and you need to have Skills for the Business you want to do.
The Physical, when you combined it with the Spiritual; results are going to come out.
That is why the Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that God’s People perish because of Lack of Knowledge.
The Bible says in Isaiah 33:6 that Wisdom and Knowledge are essential and so you need to get them.
Brethren, when God is talking about Success in Deuteronomy 28:12; when He said that you will be a Lender and not a Borrower.
It is when God blesses the works of your hands (Physical Works) added to the Spiritual that you will be Profitable.
You need the Physical side and that is where many of us made the mistake.
Prayer is important, Fasting is important but you need Physical Work to be able to support the Prayers and Fastings to get the Revelation to succeed
3. The 3rd Level or requirement is found in Psalms 1: 1-3.
We all know the Scriptures: Blessed is the man who dwelleth not in the Counsel of the ungodly – that is how it started.
But go to Verse 3 of that Scriptures; it now said that: Whatsoever the man doetth, it shall Prosper.
… So, you need to be doing a work for God to bless the works of your hands.
If you have no work; God cannot Prosper you
For God to add His Power, He has to multiply what you are already doing. That is why you must have something that you are doing. That is when God will Prosper the works of your hands; then you will be a Lender to many Nations and then you will not borrow.
… Somebody who has understanding, shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Brethren, what therefore are the conditions that you need to running a Profitable Business – There are ten (10) C’s of running a Business.
1. The first “C” is CAPITAL.
Capital is what you sow in a Business.
It is so fundamental that without it, the Business will not go far. The more of it that you have, the better is it.
It is simple as it is in the Bible – Galatians 6:7 says: Be not deceived; God cannot be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reap.
What you sow in a Business is your Capital. You need to sow into a Business.
And guess what? The Ministry of Jesus Christ is a Business!- Spiritual Business. I will show you this later by the Word of God.
Do you know that in Mark 10: 28-30; my namesake: Simon Peter said to Jesus saying: So what shall we gain from following you as we have left everything to follow you?
Then Jesus Christ said to him in Verses 29 to 30 that any man who will leave land, building or whatever you are doing for the Gospel and for His sake, He said that you will get an Hundredfold Returns.
What is that land and building?
It is talking about “CAPITAL” and the “INVESTMENT” that you are going to make in the Ministry.
He said that if you will make Investment in the Ministry, He said that you will get it in Hundredfold in this Lifetime with Persecutions and in the Life to come (Everlasting Life) – That is Harvest.
… Brethren, you need Capital.
You can ask me now: How do I get Capital?
Oh, there are so many ways of getting Capital.
I. One key way of getting Capital is through Savings.
You need to learn how to save.
Brethren, I found a formula in the Bible on Saving.
The formula says that you must save twenty percent (20%) of what you earn – I called it “THE JOSEPH’S FORMULA”
Joseph was a Youth like all of us here. In Genesis 41:34, the Bible says that Joseph was speaking to Pharaoh. He told him after interpreting the dreams that there will be seven (7) Years of Surplus and then seven (7) Years of Famine.
But he says to him, that in this seven (7) Years of Surplus and Abundance; one fifth (which in Mathematics means 20%) must be set aside of every Harvest of every Year.
And that way, there was enough in the seven (7) Years of Famine.
Brethren, look at the mathematics – which means that after five (5) Years; they would have been able to save in Egypt one hundred percent (100%) of all what was originally harvested in the first (1st) Year – You can imagine that. And there are still two (2) more Years of harvest.
And this is different from the subsequent harvest of Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 up to Year 7.
That was how by Spiritual Mathematics they were able to accumulate enough surplus to last Egypt and such that the whole world was coming to Egypt to collect food from Pharaoh.
I want to encourage you today to learn how to save.
Saving is one key way to raise Capital.
II. One other way to raise Capital is through your learning what I call “Windfalls”.
Sometimes, an unusual Income will come to you – somebody will just dash you money that you didn’t planned for. You are working in an office and they gave you a bonus you did not expect.
Somehow, something that you didn’t plan for comes your way. That money is a Capital for Future Business.
The temptation is to use that money to go to the shop and start a Shopping Spree.

… That temptation must be resisted as you need to raise Capital.
III. Again sometimes you have to look around and find out if there are “Idle Assets” around you.
“Idle Assets” are assets that are not yielding Value. You will need to sell them to mobilise Capital.
If you can do all these as stated above, you can have your Capital to start a Business.
And very importantly; don’t forget that when you start small; if God blesses the works of your hands as recorded in Deuteronomy 28:12. Then you are going to be a Lender and you will not be a Borrower. Then you will be Above only and you will not be beneath – That is the Secret.
2. The 2nd “C” that you need to run a Profitable Business is Capacity.
What is Capacity?
Capacity is the skill, the competence you need to run the Business.
You must not run a Business that you don’t know how to run. You cannot be a Plumber if you have not learnt Plumbing. You cannot be a Carpenter if you have not learnt Carpentry. You cannot be a Tailor if you have not gone to Tailoring School to know how to be a Tailor – You need to learn.
Subject yourself to People who already has experience on that Business.
Acquire relevant skills. Get the competency. If you don’t have the competency, you will run into problem.
And I will have a Bible Illustration to illustrate to you. And it is the example of our Lord Jesus Christ – Luke 2: 42.
The Bible says that Jesus was twelve (12) Years old. And then you look at yourself: 46 – 48. You will see that at the age of that twelve (12) years old; he was already quoting the Scriptures. He was arguing with those who knew the Bible – those who on quote attended Bible College of those days, those who knew more.
But the Bible says that they were astonished at what Jesus Christ knew.
But watch this: He did not start His Ministry at that age. Even though those who knew the Bible were astonished and amazed at what Jesus Christ already knew.
If it was some of us today; we will put a Signboard: “Something Something International Ministry” – They have started.
But Jesus Christ when you look at Luke 3:23. The Bible says that at the age of thirty (30) years old was when Jesus started – Eighteen (18) after was when He started.
How do you explain that?
Jesus Christ was building Capacity, Jesus Christ was acquiring skills, Jesus Christ was Preparing for the Ministry – The Ministry that took just three and half years, took Him eighteen (18) years to prepare for.
… When you have Capacity, then you are ready.
Don’t get into a Business that you don’t know about. Don’t start a Business that you have not been trained for.
Humble yourself and become an Apprentice. Learn under somebody, get relevant skills and then you are ready to go.
I Pray that you will have Understanding and you will do the right thing by acquiring the relevant skills in the Name of Jesus.
… Somebody who has Understanding shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
3. The next “C” is CHARACTER – We are talking about Integrity.
Brethren, if you don’t have Character, you cannot go far in Business.
If you are not willing to do it right, you won’t go far
Sustainable Business are only possible through Integrity.
You know the story of Gehazi in the Bible?
Do you know how he served Elisha?
We know how he lied because of the love of money. What happened between him and Naaman. And because of that, his Ministry was cut short.
You know the story of Judas Iscariot? Who also cut down his Ministry and lost his life in the Process – All because he lacked Integrity. Because he was doing the wrong thing – collecting bribes.
Every Business you want to do, if you don’t do it with Integrity; you will not go far in it.
I have heard the story of a very successful Business that everybody was admiring. One day, he did an Obituary of himself and sent to his Headquarters abroad that he was dead meanwhile the man was still alive.
Of course, the truth eventually came out; of course they cut off the supply line and of course his Business collapse.
Without Integrity, you cannot go far in Business. People must trust you as Business runs on Trust.
Infact, no Bank will give you money if you lack Integrity. And Bankers has a way of finding out the Integrity of Potential Borrowers.
Also Business Partners will not support you if you lack Integrity. If you want to take anything to sell on Credit, if you cheat People once, you won’t cheat them the second time.
Suddenly, you will find out that those who give you support will stop.
Check out those who as successful in Business; look at those who are very, very successful who have running Business for a long time on a Sustainable Basis; they all have Integrity, they have Characters.
Character has no alternative. You must have Integrity, People must trust you before they can be able to do Business with you.
… Trust is a MUST, then Money!
Trust opens doors. Trust is Capital.
There is something called “INTEGRITY CAPITAL”. There is something that is called “CHARACTER CAPITAL” – Money cannot buy them but they can buy money.
I Pray for you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; you are going to run your Business with Integrity – Amen.
If you are already running your Business and Integrity is not there; make sure that Integrity comes on board.
And I Pray in the Name of Jesus; God will cause your Business to Prosper in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
… Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
4. The next “C” is COMMITMENT.
Another word for this is Diligence.
When you want to succeed in a Business, you must give it all that it requires.
You cannot run a Business and you are watching Movie by 12 O’Clock in the afternoon. You cannot run a Business and you are waking up by 10 O’Clock in the morning. And you think you will run it well – It is not possible.
You must get ready to wake up early; you must work late into the night – You must be Dedicated.
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:29 – Seeth thou a man that is diligent in his work. Where will he find himself? – He will sit among Kings. You will not find him among Mean Men.
I am Praying for you; you are going to sit among Kings and the Royalty in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Brethren, part of Diligence is Determination, Resilience and Refusing to Give Up.
If you want to succeed in Business, you must not give up. When you quit, your Business has quit.
Never Give Up – Giving Up is not an option.

Look at the story of Isaac in Genesis 26:12. The Bible says that he sowed in the land in the time of Famine. But when you look at Genesis 26: 20-24; when he was now Prosperous, the Philistines envied him.
Because when you are Prosperous, get ready to be envied. But if you are envied, you must be rugged, you must continue to hold on and you must be resilient because if you Give Up, you will lose what you have.
So when Brother Isaac was Prosperous and the Philistines envied him; the Bible says in Genesis 26: 20-24; that as he was digging wells for his animals, the Bible says that they were covering the wells.
He dug the first well, they covered it – this was the well of his father Abraham o (he was digging an Inherited Property).
He dug the 2nd well, they covered it. The Bible said he dug the 3rd one, they did not contend with him again.
And the Bible said that he called the Place “REHOBOTH” – Saying that the Lord has made way for us.
I Prophesy into your life: This very morning, as you continued to be determined, resilient and committed in your Business and the Work you are doing; God will give you your own “Rehoboth” in Jesus Name – Amen.
… Somebody who has Understanding shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
5. The 5th “C” is what I called CURTAILMENT.
What I mean here is curtailing your excesses, curtail your expenditure. In essence control your Lifestyle.
There is a good example in the Bible in Luke 15: 11-16; the story of a mam we called “The Prodigal Son” even though the Bible did not use the word Prodigal.
But it was the story of a young boy, second son of a rich man who went to ask for a share of his father’s Inheritance. And we know the story – how he wasted the resources.
The Bible said that he has a “Riotous Living”.
We all know that at a time, he was begging to be given food that Pigs eat. That was how bad that things were for him.
Brethren, the formula for failure in Business is to waste what you have.
If you don’t want to be very careful with your money; your Business will go down.
You must check your Lifestyle. You must be very careful with what you have.
Get to know this: Life moves in Seasons as I showed you from the Life of Joseph – There were years of Abundance and there are years that you will have Lack.
So, if you are not careful to curtail your expenses in the Years of Abundance; when the time of Famine has come you will find things difficult – So you must curtail your expenses.
Brethren, I have found out to my surprise that People who waste money more are People who are Poor.
They are the ones who want to buy the latest phones (latest fashion) and throw away the old ones. They are the ones who want to fly First Class while rich men are flying Economy. They are the ones who want to buy the latest clothes. They are the ones who buy all kind of things that they don’t need – buy cars and park it in their house.
I have heard a Billionaire in this Country making a comment and he says: I don’t have a house in London. He says he does not have houses overseas too.
And they asked him why?
He said that he doesn’t need it.
If the richest man in Africa does not have a house overseas; why will you own a house overseas. Why will you buy a house that you visit only once a Year in a foreign Country?
It is only People who are not rich that will park a car in their house and the man is looking for money to borrow for Business.
Meanwhile that car that he parked in the house he can sell it, buy a bus, put the bus in Lagos Transport Business, get it registered and it will be generating income.
When he now has enough money in Future, he can now buy a car.
That is what they call “Wasting Asset”
Why will you keep an Asset that is wasting in your house? Why do you waste money?
Money is not happy with those who waste it. Money is only happy with those who use it very well.
I have an Israelite friend who told me once that money hears and money knows.
He said that if you look after money very well when it comes to your house and you put an Air conditioner to be blowing on it, he said that the money will invite other currencies to come and join the one you have.
He said however, if you are wasting money, If you always run to the shop to go and spend it. He said that, that money will tell other currencies that this man is a dangerous man – Don’t come to his house because if you come, he will throw you away.
… That is Wisdom, that is Knowledge!
I Pray that you will check your Lifestyle – Amen.
I Pray that you will curtail waste and control how you spend money – Amen.
You can only be rich if you control your expenses.
… Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
6. The 6th “C” is COMMUNICATION
What do I mean by this? – I mean Interaction.
If you want to have a Profitable Business, you must be ready to interact with People – You must make friends, you must relate with People.
You should note that Knowledge and Information are with the People.
Communicate with People that you know. Gather for Family Reunions, go for University Reunions, go for Family Outings – Maintain a Network of People.
Your Worth is in Your Network.
God is likely to bless you through the People that you know.
That is why the Bible says in Proverbs 18:24. It says that: A man that has friends must show himself friendly.
If you want to maintain a Network of People; you must be in constant connection with them. You must be talking with them.
There are lot of things loaded on your phone. Many people don’t know that sometimes when looking for Help all they need to do is to go through their phone.
If you go through your phone and see your Contacts List; you will be amazed with the People that you know who can help you.
… Stop Underutilizing the Contacts that you have and start Communicating with People.
Don’t live in your own life alone. Start to make friends.
If you are in Business, join the Association of the Business you belong to. Get to know what is happening, get to know what Government wants, get to know what the New Laws are and learn how to comply to them.
I Pray that God will give you Wisdom – Amen.
You will learn how to communicate with others and God will open doors of Connection for you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
… Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
7. The next “C” is what I call CONFRONTATION.
Now, this sounds very strong for a Pastor to use the word Confrontation.
In Romans 8:37, the Bible says that: We are More than Conqueror through Jesus Christ.
Brethren, we are in the warfront. Business is War let nobody deceived you.
If Business is not war, then everybody will be successful. It is the one that wins that will be successful.
Business is not Ice Cream and Cake. Business is a very serious Business – You need to be able to know that.
Brethren, you need to know that God expects us to fight battles.
Deuteronomy 2:24 is one Scripture that I find very amazing whenever I read it. Because God was speaking to Moses and He says: Rise Up, Pass over the River Arnon: Behold I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, King of Heshbon and his land: begin to possess it and contend with him in battle.
God was saying: “Move Over”. I have given the land to you.
So when I was reading that Scripture for the first time; I was expecting God to say: Ok, go and sit down and enjoy the land.
But to my surprise, God says: Begin to possess it and contend the land with him in battle.
God on one side is saying that: I have given you the land, I have given you the King. He now say again: Begin to contend with him in battle and then possess it.
Brethren, without battle you will not have Victory. Business is a battle, Business is a war.
But the good thing now is that the kind of war that we fight are “Spiritual Wars” – Our weapon of warfare are nor carnal but they are mighty through God to the Pulling down of Strongholds.
We now war on our feet. But now after fighting on our feet then we have to take Physical Efforts that are Holy for God to bless the works of our hands.
I Pray for you once more: As you contend with the forces that are contending against your Business Prosperity; God Himself will give you Victory in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
8. The next “C” is another Strong Word – CATAPULT.
This means move to another Higher Level.
I found a Scripture in 1 Chronicles 4:9. The Bible says: Jabez Prayed a Prayer – O thou will bless me Oh Lord. And he went on to say that God shall indeed enlarge his coast.
Do you know what that means?
Jabez wants his Territory to be expanded.
Do you know that God wants us to move from Glory to Glory?
That is why the Bible says in the Book of Psalms that I will increase you more and more; you and your children.
God does not want us to run a very small Business. He wants us to move from Glory to Glory.
Look at successful Businesses that are all over the world today and we are all Youths and know all the Tech Giants: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
How many of them are serving Americans alone, how many of them are serving Europe alone? – They are all serving the whole world. They have enlarged their coast.
Begin to think Global, begin to think beyond the Local Places you are.
If you want your Business to be successful; you must enlarge your coast, you must enlarge your Business.
You cannot stay in that branch you are, you must get ready to move to the Next Level.
If you remain in a Village Business, your Profit will be Village Profit. If you remain in Local Government Business, your Profit will end up in the Local Government.
I have always told People it is not an accident that Africa’s Richest Man has businesses across Africa.
If you want to conquer Africa, you need to have Business across Africa. If you need to conquer the world, you need to have Business across the world.
… Enlarge your Coast, expand your Thinking Faculty, begin to Dream Big. Don’t forget that every big thing starts small – Change the way that you think.
And God will expand you beyond your Imaginations in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
.. Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I Pray that you will not end up in a Village Business, your Business will go beyond Lagos – Amen.
Wherever you are staying; your Business will be known all over the world in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
… Somebody shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
9. The next “C” is COUNSEL.
What is Counsel?
It is Advice. I am talking about “Divine Counsel” now.
Proverbs 15:22 says that: Without Counsel, Purposes are disappointed. But in the multitude of Counsellors they are established.
Brethren, you need to have Safety – Safety lies in Counsel.
Proverbs 11:14 says that: In the multitude of Counsellors, there is safety.
You cannot make mistake when you have Genuine Counsellors around you.
You need Mentors. You need someone to be able to guide you. Whatever route that you trying to follow, someone has passed through that route before.
The elders are filled with Wisdom of elders to complement the Knowledge of the Youth. They will guide you.
You need Mentors or Mentress. You need somebody who will speak with you; who will guide you; who will ensured that you don’t make mistake – You need Help.
Brethren, don’t do Business without asking People. Get to know those who have been in that Business; ask them to advice you and stay under them.
Regularly, when you have an unusual problem, go and ask them what you should do. You are unlikely to make mistake if you seek Counsel of elders.
10. Finally, the last “C” is what I call COMMERCIAL ORIENTATION.
If you want your Business to work; you must know that Business is not a Joke. You don’t build wealth with emotions.

Business is a serious and rationale thing and not an Emotional Issue.
That us why when Jesus Christ was about to be distracted, He answered in Luke 2:49. He says that: Don’t you know that am going about my Father’s Business?
That is a strong statement. He is saying: Don’t you know that this is my Father’s Business?
… Jesus Christ called His Ministry my Father’s Business.
Brethren, Business is a serious business. And I want you to know something that the first first Businessman is God. – I found this out!

How do I know?
John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son to the whole world. That whosoever believeth in Him; shall not perish but have Eternal Life.
Brethren, Jesus was an Investment of God into the Kingdom.
God gave Jesus Christ so that He can win the whole world.
He made an Investment – He gave His Only Begotten Son that He may win the whole world.
That was why Jesus Christ was busy winning souls. He says that don’t you know that am going about my Father’s Business?
The Ministry is a Business and God’s Ministry is to win souls into the Kingdom.
You don’t joke when you are going around doing your own Business. There is no Emotions attached to it as Business is a serious affairs.
Brothers and Sisters; Youth of the world; I want you to know that if you follow these ten (10) “C’s”; your Business will not fail.
And I Pray for you: Your Business will never go down in Jesus Name – Amen.
Those of you who have not yet started; you will start in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
There is something that I learnt from a Business School that I attended recently. It is called “KIGAI” – You can Google it.
It is a Japanese Acronym for determining the kind of Business that you will do. We all know that the Japanese are serious successful People.
And KIGAI means that the Business that you will do will be a Business in which you have the following:
1. You must have Passion for the Business.
This reminds us of what our daddy said last night (Thursday, 3rd of October during Plenary Session 10 – A Session with the Father. Get the Full text on our Website or our DMC Social Handles).
He said that the thing that you are thirsty for, you will get it – Be it Money, Power and Glory.
He said that what you are thirsty for, then you will have Passion for it.
Let me tell you that the Business you must do must be the Business that even if you are not being PAID for it; you will still have to do it.
Any Business you do even if you are not been PAID for it, you love it and have Passion for it; that is where God wants to make you to be successful.
2. You must be very Good at doing the Business.
Not only must you have Passion for it; you must be very Good at it – CAPACITY.
3. The world must need that Business that you want to Produce.
4. The Business must be Rewarding to You.
This means that it must Pay you either in Financial Returns or Spiritual Returns.
I work in a Developmental Bank (Bank of Industry).
Our own Returns is not measures by Profits but by the:
- By the number of Jobs that we are creating.
- By the number of Savings of Foreign Exchange.
- By the number of Localisation of Production so that the Country will be able to source Raw Materials Locally.
… That is my own Measurement of Returns or Rewards.
Before I close, I have taken time to study the Autobiographies of so many successful People all over the world – In Business, Sports, Religion and even in Music. And found out that there are three (3) things in common – all of which starts with the Letter “H”:
- Hardworking
- Holiness
- Humility
If you are Hardworking, you are Holy and you are Humble; God will open a Place for you at the Top – It can only be a matter of time.
Remember that I started by telling you that Vision is what you need. Vision has an Appointed Time.
And the Beginning Point is Vision: The Spiritual, then the Physical.
Talking about Vision of your Business. Do you know that as am speaking to you now; this is the highest crowd that I have ever spoken to in my life.
But watch this: I saw you twenty four (24) Years ago. Then I was working in Port Harcourt, just a small worker in the Mission. I had a dream and I saw this large crowd and I was not yet a Pastor – was speaking to the crowd. Woke up and said what is this?
And few days after, I had another dream/vision: Daddy GO visited Port Harcourt in that dream and People were lining up to shake hands with him in turns. When it got to my turn, he shook my hands and won’t release it. He turned to the Pastor standing by his side and said: This is the man we have been looking for – that was twenty four (24) Years ago.
And today, what I saw twenty four (24) Years ago is coming to Manifestations.
I am Prophesying into your Life that every Vision God has shown you; as long as you continue to work hard, continue to Pray, be Businesslike in your approach, live Holy; then that Vision will come to Past in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
I say that your Vision will not die – Amen
Your Vision will come to Manifestations – Amen.
You will run Profitable Business that you will not be ashamed of – Amen.
What you need to run the Business, God will Give it to you and you will be celebrated all over the world in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
So shall it be in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prophesied – Amen.
Finally, we are going to Pray now – Just one (1) Prayer Point.
If you can stand up and Pray with me. That Prayer us taken from the Scripture: Isaiah 48:19.
Where God Himself said: I am the Lord, I am your God.
When you hear God saying such, He is trying to lay emphasis. He is saying you better listen attentively. Because after that, He said: I am the One that teachers you how to make Profit. Am the One who will guide you on the way which you should go.
So say: Father, you are,my God. Teach my his to make Profit.
Thank You my Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
We Present ourselves to You. You are the Only One who knows how to make Profit. That is why Isaiah 48:17 says that you will teach us how to make Profit.
From this very morning Lord, each and everyone of us listening to me all over the world or reading by every Medium, Father teach us how to make Profit in Jesus Name.
Help Oh Lord to avoid losses in Jesus Name.
Everything that you need to do in order to make us Profitable in our Ministries, Families, Places of Works, Careers, Homes; Father help us to be Profitable there in Jesus Name.
Equip us with all the Resources that we need.
Let Your Name alone be Glorified. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
… You know that a Pastor will not finish talking about Business without talking about Salvation.
Believe you me, if you want God to Help you, then you must be a friend of God – God cannot help His enemies.
So, if you want to receive God’s Anointing to Prosper, if you want Help, just raise your hands wherever you are so that I can Pray for you and God will save your Soul. Please come to the Altar now.
Almighty God in the Name of Jesus; I Pray for everyone who wants to say: I want You to save their Souls; remove their names from the Book of Death and write their names in the Book of Life.
Give them Power to be able to live Holy.
The Anointing that they needed not only to Prosper but to make Heavens; Father release now to them in the Name of Jesus.
Save all their Souls and have Mercy on them. Let Your Blood wash away their sins.
Thank You Precious God. In Jesus Mighty Name w have Prayed – Amen.
… Someone who will be Profitable in Business today shout a big Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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