Glory be to God!
Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Someone said the first Sign that someone is sick is loss of appetite – when someone finds it difficult to eat. Particularly something he used to enjoy to eat.
He went further to say, one of the Signs that a Christian is Spiritually sick is when they find it difficult to Worship God.
I don’t know how many sick people are here tonight; I don’t know how many people are Spiritually well.
If you are one of those who Spiritually well, May be by the time you finish Praising God, through your Worship to God, the fellow who is Spiritually sick will be made whole.
So beginning from now, when you find it difficult to Praise God the way you ought to; you should check yourself.
From the Testimonies we have heard tonight, even if it is only that of the man who had been mad for twenty (20) years; who got a handbill and got healed without anybody Praying for him.
I was uncomfortable on my seat; when we hear all these Marvelous Testimonies and they don’t seem to move us anymore. Are we well?
Am going to give the few of us those who are still Healthy, to help those who might be sick. For the next five (5) minutes, before we do any other thing;
Let us give Glory to this Almighty God; this King of kings, this Lord of lords. This I Am that I Am, this Ancient of Days, this God who can do wonders, this God who is proving Himself again and again in our midst.
The God who brought you into the New Year, the God who said NO to those who said you will not see the New Year, the God who has been fighting your battles for you.
Oh let us Praise Him, let us give Him Glory, let us give Him Honour, let us give Him Adoration, let us Magnify His Holy Name.
Praise Him like you have never done before, give Him Glory, He has done so much for each and everyone of us; we can’t tell it all, give Him Glory, bless His Holy Name: what a Wonderful God You are, Blessed be Your Holy Name, Glory be to Your Name forever and ever, we praise You Lord; Ancient of Days we Praise You.
We give You Glory, we give You Honour, we give You adoration, we Praise You; Oh! Thank You Father, Glory be to God. Oh, I Praise You, I Magnify Your Holy Name.
Thank You Father, Thank You Almighty God, Thank You Jesus. Father we lift up Your Holy Name. Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord (3ce)! Thank You Daddy, Thank You Ancient of Days. Blessed (3ce) be Your Holy Name.
Thank You Father, Glory be to Your Holy Name. Oh! Thank You my Saviour. Thank You Lord God Almighty. Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshiped – Amen!
… Please be seated for a moment!
It’s a Holy Ghost Service, and in a Holy Ghost Service we allow the Holy Ghost to do whatever He wants to do!
Oh! Thank You Daddy.
And that was the cause of the original sin: God created man, before He created him, He planted a Garden and put everything there! He just woke up to find that there is abundance everywhere.
God said to him; “Everything you see here is yours. There is only one (1) tree I don’t want you to touch – that is the Tree of Good and Evil.”
When the Tempter came, he said to the woman; forget ALL the things – everything He has given you. Just focus on that one (1) thing you can’t have. Don’t be Grateful for the rest!
… You know the rest of the story!
If I have my way, we will just spend tonight, Just THANKING GOD. Because He is more than Worthy to be Praised.
I tell you one or two Stories; we may still end up doing it exactly like that!
After all, the Theme for next month Holy Ghost Service (in February) is “LET THERE BE LIGHT PART 2”.
But I have told you before, some of you, you have heard the story before, may be you forgot. The story of a very wealthy Man – he was a great Socialite; until he arrives, the Party has not started. Full of wit and humour.
And then he had Stoke! The kind of stroke that takes a man’s voice. Because he was wealthy, they took him to the best hospital in London.
And I was visiting London, and there was this man who is a friend of both of us – he is my friend and he is his friend!
He said, Ah! Daddy, Thank God you are here, our friend is in very serious situation. Would you please come and Pray for him? I said, Fine!
So we went to the hospital, when we got to the hospital; because he was a wealthy man, he got a room all to himself – BIG room with all the comfort!
Oh! You know you can have all the money in the world and still suffer.
And those of us who don’t have money but we can eat! Our house is not a Mansion but we can sleep!
Anybody like that here? Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
When we arrived, he was sitting up in bed. You have to help him to sit up! And his wife was sitting by his side.
As soon as we arrived, apparently the wife wanted to go and get something for him. The wife greeted us and left.
A few minutes we have been there, after I have Prayed. He tried to communicate; he patted the place where the wife was sitting, pointed in the direction the wife went, and signaled back to himself.
So my friend and I, we were trying to interpret what he said: You want us to go and call your wife? – NO!
He patted where the wife was sitting again. Oh! You want your friend to come and sit close to you? – NO! You want the Pastor (me) to come and sit next to you? – NO!
After thirty (30) minutes of sweating, we understood that what he was saying is: My wife who went away, is coming back. Thirty (30) minutes! by now he was sweating. AH!
And here you are, you can talk, you can praise, you can shout. When we ask that you Praise God, it is difficult for you. You can’t Praise the Almighty God – the One who has given you a mouth to speak.
Oh! Come on brethren, let us Praise the Almighty, let us Praise Him, let us give Him Glory, He deserves it (3ce)!
He gives you mouth so you can sing His Praise. He gives you hands that are still mobile – to Praise Him. You are still alive! And He says all those who have breath should Praise Him. And you are still breathing.
Why don’t you Praise Him? Why don’t you give Him Glory and give Him Adoration? Why don’t you give Him Praise?
Ooh! Thank You Father; You’re worthy, WORTHY of my PRAISES!
You are my Saviour, You are my Healer, You are my Protector, You are my Provider! You are the One who baptised me with Holy Ghost and with Fire.
Why won’t I Praise You? If I’m alive, it is because of Your Mercy. Oh Lord, Thank You, THANK YOU my Lord and Saviour. Glory be to Your Holy Name!
If You had not been on my side what would I be saying now? THANK YOU. Thank You Lord, Glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we worshiped – Amen!
… Seat down again, please!
I just want to help you. I want to help you Praise Him. The Bible says in Psalms 124:2-3:
“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:”
You don’t know all the battles that God has fought for you when you are lying down helplessly asleep. You don’t know it!
I have told you the story before, not too long ago: of a man who brought the daughter all the way from Ilorin (Kwara State Nigeria). And said, Daddy I need help.
What is the problem? The daughter told the father; daddy, I belong to a Cult of Witches. The father said, what nonsense are you talking about? Where did you get that from?
I’m not talking nonsense, I have proof. She went under the bed and brought a pot full of fresh human blood.
… This is not fable; am telling you True Life Story!
The father put the girl in a the car, brought her here. Then we did deliverance for the girl. And then I said, they can go.
The father said, No, No, NO! Let the girl stay with you. I said, now you want to abandon the girl for me?
I said, if the Lord had not been on your side all the days you have been sleeping with that child, will you be here today?
Do you know who you are sleeping with? Do you know how many of them are in your homes? Do you know who is the closest Ally of Satan, going in and out with you? Do you know how many wolves that are in sheep clothing that are living with you; working with you in the office?
I give you another example; because we need to Praise Him. I think we are guilty, we are guilty of INGRATITUDE.
… May He send His Light to open our eyes to our ERRORS!
I told you (True Story)! You have heard it before – am not making it up. I was at the University of Ilorin as a Lecturer. I had a house over there.
In those days, there was no traffic in Ilorin. You can go from one end of the Town to another in fifteen (15) minutes. So I will come from the University, come to the house to take lunch.
… I dare not do that when I was at the University of Lagos.
And there was this afternoon, I have eaten, I have just taken my lunch. My next lecture for the students, I think was going to be around 5.00pm. So I decided to rest a little before I go back to the Campus.
And I laid on the Couch in the Living Room. And because I was Pastoring the Church in Ilorin at that time, people come in and out of our house. So that they won’t disturb me (so I could rest) I closed my eyes; so if they come in, they will think am sleeping.
And all of a sudden, I felt a hand holding my two (2) legs. Another hand holding my two (2) hands – because I put my hands together. And I felt as if something is about to kiss me.
And I felt, wait a minute; that can’t be my wife. She won’t be kissing me in the Living Room, because anybody could come in anytime.
And then I realised, whoever can put one hand to hold my legs and put one hand to hold my hand must be a very HUGE fellow.
… So I opened my eyes suddenly, and the thing disappeared!
That day I nearly died! And then I cried to God: Father, how can this happen to me? Father, am Your child, how can a demon like this come into my house?
Would you stand on your feet and Praise the Almighty God Who has been fighting your battles? Who has been defending you.
Do you think it is your cleverness that has kept you alive? Do you think it is because you know how to Pray? Do you think it is your Anointing that is so mighty that the enemies has not swallowed you up?
If God had not been on our side where could we be now? Where shall we be now; if God has not being fighting our battles foe us?
How many times do you know when you have eaten Poison and the poison didn’t work? How many times do you know when the enemies had come in the night with the intention of making sure you don’t see the following morning?
PRAISE HIM! Let Him hear your voice. give Him Glory, give Him Adoration! Don’t be too PROUD to Praise the Almighty God. He is worthy to be Praised (3ce)!
Oh! Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Bless His Holy Name; BLESS his Holy Name!
Thank You my Father; THANK YOU FATHER! in Jesus’ Mighty name we Worshiped – Amen!
You are Worthy (oh Lord) You are Worthy,
You are Worthy to be Glorified;
You are Worthy (oh Lord) You are Worthy,
You are Worthy to be Glorified (Hallelujah!)
Father, You are Worthy: You are Worthy to be Glorified. Alpha and Omega,You are Worthy; King of Kings and Lord of Lord, You are Worthy.
Thank You for all You did last Year; Thank You for keeping us alive to see today; Thank You for what You are doing ever since January 1st – Many People who shout Happy New Year who are no more now.
Thank You for Your Love, Thank You for Your Protection, Thank You for everything Lord. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Tonight, the Way You alone can do it; LET THERE BE LIGHT!: In all our lives, let there be Light; in all our homes, let there be Light; in all our Churches, let there be Light; in all our Nations, let there be Light.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with two ()2 or three (3) People that you have not seen this Year and say: Happy New Year!
If you are born in January, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Father, am committing all Your children born in the Month of January into Your Hands – January is the first Month of the Year; I Pray Lord God Almighty that all these Your children will be first.
Daddy, give them priority that in every areas of their lives my Father and my God; consider them first.
Give them a brand New Beginning – A New Beginning of Joy, of Success, of Gratitude, of a Closer Walk with You.
Just let it be well with them Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Well children of January shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
There is a Group of Special People I want to Pray for tonight: They are the People who are working in Julius Berger.
So, if you are a Worker in Julius Berger; I think that you should step step forward now as I will love to Pray for you.
I want to thank God for your life: For what God has been using you to do and then we need to Pray for Special Anointing so that you will finish the work on the Expressway in time.
So, if you work with Julius Berger step forward.
I want everybody to help me stretch your hands towards them. Pray for them and wish them well. Pray that God will give them wisdom, give them understanding, give them very Special Ability, that God will anoint them for success, for speed in the execution of their Project – Particularly the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway Project. That Miraculously, this Project will be completed this Year.
Please Pray for them with all your hearts – They need Divine Intervention in their lives.
Oh, Thank You my Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, am Praying Specially for these Your children who are workers in the Julius Berger Nigeria; I Pray that You will bless them, You will cause them to Prosper, that You will Anoint them for Greater Success, Anoint them for Speeds, help them like nobody can.
Lord in Your Own Miraculous Way; help them to finish particularly this Project from Lagos-Ibadan within this Year.
Father, I’m Praying that by this time next Year; we will be Thanking You for these Group of People in Jesus Name.
Thank You my Father and my God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
God Bless you; you may go back to your seat.
Let all of us give the Lord a big round of applause for these wonderful People.
… Thank You Father!!!
- By the Grace of God, the Theme for the next Holy Ghost Service in February is: LET THERE BE LIGHT – PART 2.
- I also want to inform you that our Fasting begins January 11th – You are not excited!
And this time, the first Instalment of our Fasting will be for fifty (50) Days only.
That means that you will start from January 11th and you will end February 29th – Just fifty (50) Days only.
And then as usual, if you are already over seventy (70) Years old; except you are the General Overseer; you are exempted because at the age of seventy (70) Years; your Prayer to Heaven is a Short Distance Call.
If you are already over eighty (80) Years old; your own Call is a Local Call – so there is no need for you to fast as God will answer your Prayer quickly.
The rest of us we will fast.
As I have always advised you: During Fasting, it becomes very easy if you learn to keep your mouth shut. If you want to talk at all; you should be talking to God.
When you are Fasting; talking takes a lot of energy – So anything you don’t have to talk about; then don’t talk about it at all.
Then as usual, if you want to do everything together – You want to do some continuous Fasting so that you can get it out of the way – If you can fast for twenty one (21) days and nights continuously; you can take care of the fifty (50) days.
- All over the Camp; there are Angels of God watching over us – Am sure that you must have realised that by now.
But then, because the world is also Progressing we wanted to take advantage of Technology.
I have been told that it is a Legal Requirements that we let you know that the Camp is covered from corner to corner by CCTV.
So that as you are entering the Camp; every car coming in is being recorded with their Plate Numbers.
All those corners you think the Place is dark and you think you can fool around; there is camera watching you.
And some funny things has happened since this CCTV come into Play.
I am not allowed to tell you where their Headquarters is – That is the Building where they will monitor everything.
Now, let us go to the Word of God.
If I don’t finish what I planned, we will pick it up from there next time.
In the meantime let us put our hands together for the two (2) boys who have Ministered before us.
A Pastor came first, and told us that the Word of God does not need a Visa – Once He speaks, the manifestation will follow.
We Thank God for that, because once He speaks, it is done.
The second (2nd) gentleman spoke like an Evangelist. He gave God several Titles: I was pitying the Interpreter. I wonder how he was interpreting all those Titles.
And even I, don’t know the meaning of ‘Jumpolistic Hallelujah’, and the ‘Rabalistic’ and there was the ‘Shaky shaky’ one.
Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause.
We have this wonderful, wonderful children. We are blessed – Amen!
I’m reading my own from verse 1 to 5; they read their own from verse 1 to 3.
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Now, let somebody shout: Let there be Light – “LET THERE BE LIGHT’.
Let me talk briefly to those who are yet to surrender their lives to Jesus, and explain What does it mean when we say – LET THERE BE LIGHT.
- Can be a COMMAND,
- It can also be an ADVICE,
- It can be a PLEA, a begging, a Request.
Once God is speaking, and He says: LET THERE BE LIGHT; it could be a COMMAND like in Genesis 1:3.
When God said, Let there be light, He wasn’t begging and He wasn’t advising. He was COMMANDING.
But He could also be ADVISING – Let there be Light!
As far as the Begging aspect or the Plea aspect is concerned, it is from man to God.
Now, to those of us who have not given your lives to Jesus Christ; “Let there be Light” is coming from God to you as an ADVICE.
He is saying, according to Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
He is advising you, “Let Light come in”. Because one of the Boys who spoke before us defined Light as God.
He said, “God is Light, and Light is God”.
So when God says: “Let Me Come in”, He is advising you to let Light come in.
Because He is saying;
- If you open the door to me to come in, I will NOT come in EMPTY HANDED.
James 1:17, it tells us “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
If you allow Me to come in, I will come in with Good gifts, with Perfect gifts.
… When you open the door to God to come in, He will not come in empty handed.
- If you allow Him to come in, DARKNESS will GO OUT.
You allow Him to come in for example, FAILURE will GO OUT.
In Luke 5:1-7; Peter had fished all night. All night, and caught nothing!
But the moment Jesus stepped into his boat, Failure JUMPED OUT.
… Because when Light comes in, Failure must go out!
- He says, if you let me come in – if you open the door to your heart and you let me come in, you will begin to SUCCEED.
Philippians 4:13 says: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
If you open the door of your heart to the Light of God, and He comes in, suddenly, you will begin to succeed.
- He says if you allow Me to come in, all of a sudden, you will find out that your NEEDS will be MET.
Philippians 4:19 says; “But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.”
… ALL your needs, not some!
If you allow Me to come in, He says ALL your need will be met.
It is an ADVICE!
- He says if you allow Me to come in, your YOKES will be DESTROYED.
You will be able to walk out of prison that the enemy has put you into, and doors will begin to open unto you!
In Acts 12:1-11; Peter was put in prison by somebody who had killed before, who wanted to kill again. And Peter was chained in prison.
But the Bible says, a Light came into the prison, suddenly, the yokes binding him, the chains jumped off, the enemies fell asleep.
… If you allow the Light to come in, your enemies will fall asleep.
The Light came in, and walked out of prison. When he got to the gates, the gates opened on their own accord – because Light came in.
- He says let My Light come in, and you will see that your Appointment with DEATH will be CANCELLED.
He says let Me come in, and death will not even be able to stay.

We have several examples in the Bible.
We have Mark 5:35-43 – There was a girl who was already dead, the Light came in, and death became ordinary sleep.
And then He made a very important statement in Deuteronomy 30:19-20. He said: “Am placing between you Life and Death; He asked you to CHOOSE”
… It’s an Advice!
God won’t force you to be saved, He won’t force you to surrender your life to Jesus.
He said “CHOOSE life, that you and your children may live”.
When you take a decision to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, that decision will not only affect you, it will affect even your children (including those that are yet to be born).
But if you refuse to allow Him in, that decision will also affect you, it will affect your children, and it will affect those that are yet to be born.
So take His advice today, surrender your life to Jesus Christ. He will save your soul, and everything will become New!
But before you come forward, get this clear – don’t be deceived by those who say that once you give your life to Jesus Christ, you can live any kind of life you want.
… That’s not true!
If you are a thief and you say you are Born Again. You are saying “I will steal no more!”
If you are a harlot and you are surrendering your life to Jesus Christ, you are saying “bye bye to harlotry”.
If you give your life to Jesus Christ, you become a New Creature, you become a child of God. Even those who are not Christians expect you to behave differently.
You have probably heard people say to some people, who call themselves Christians (when they misbehave) unbelievers will say: But you call yourself a child of God.
In other words, they expect things to be different once you give your life to Jesus Christ.
So if you want things to be different from now on, that those things you used to do, you don’t want to do them anymore, you want to be a member of the Family of God – which is the Family of Light.
Then come forward now!
We will Pray to the Almighty God, He will save your soul, and everything will become New.
I’m going to count from one (1) to ten (10). Before I say ten (10) make sure you come and stand before me.
I know some of you are far away, so begin to come very, very quickly. Come and surrender your life to Him, open the door of your heart to the Light; let the Light came in and darkness will go.
Am counting now!
And please brethren, this Year, if you are not going to clap with all your heart, don’t clap at all.
Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.
If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, come very quickly. You want the Light of God to Shine into your life, and get rid of every forms of darkness, come now!
Let there be Light – open the door of your heart, let Him come in. He will not come in empty handed. When He comes in, Failure will go out, you will begin to succeed. Come quickly!
As for those of you who are clapping, you will have a lot to clap about this Year, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Whatever you touch this Year will begin to Prosper – Thank you!
Those of you who are still on the way, keep coming: and Pray as you come!
Those of us who are already in front, let us talk to the Almighty God: Ask Him: come into my life Lord, bring Your Light into my life, save my soul, and dwell in me.
And I will serve you for the rest of my life. Am saying bye bye to a life of darkness, bye bye to a life of sin. I will do Your Will from now on.
… Call on Him, and He will save your soul.
And the rest of us, please let us stretch our hands towards these People. Intercede for them, and Pray that the One who saved our own souls will save their souls also.
Pray that this very day God would accept them into the Family of God, into the Family of Light. Intercede for them for another minute or two (2).
And those of you who are still on the way, hurry up, because I want to Pray for Salvation now. Hurry up very quickly, today is your day of Salvation. This is your day of Light.
Thank You Father! Those of you who are still on the way, Just make sure you get here before I finish Praying, and you will be okay. Keep coming, I can see you. I will wait for another five (5) seconds for you.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I want to Bless Your Holy Name, I want to give You all Glory and Honour for Your Words. I want to Thank You for these People that have come forward to surrender their lives unto You.
Please Lord God Almighty, receive them in Jesus’ Name. Let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their souls, receive them into the Family of Light, don’t let them go back into darkness.
And from now on, anytime they call on You, answer them by Fire.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
I rejoice with those of you who have come forward to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. I want to Promise you, by the Grace of God, from now on, I will be Praying for you.
So the Counsellors will give you a Card to fill very quickly. Because I need to have your Name, your Address and your Prayer Request. So as they give you the Card, fill it very quickly.
Those of you who are still on the way, you are welcome. Keep coming. The prayers have covered you too. Collect the Card, fill and return!
We will wait for you for about three (3) minutes before we proceed.
Glory to GOD!
Now because of time, I will leave part of what I have Planned for tonight till next Month (if the Lord tarries).
I will go to the section of LET THERE BE LIGHT: that is a REQUEST from you and I to God.
Like one of our former Speakers told us; the only request of Barimaeus for his Great Turnaround, was: “Let there be Light!”
In Matthew 15:21-28; when that woman came to Jesus Christ, whose daughter was grievously vexed of the devil. All the woman was asking for was: Lord, Let there be Light in my Family.
If Your Light Shines, darkness will let go of my daughter.
If the madman of Gadara had been able to speak before the demons controlling him took over, his request could have been: Lord, Let there be Light – because if there is Light, the Forces of darkness will loose their hold on me!
So our Prayers tonight will be five (5) folds.
And I hope you will pay attention to all of them, so that when the time comes for you to Pray, you will take note of each one.
REQUEST NO. 1 – Father, Let Your Light Shine FOR ME.
Because if Your Light Shines FOR me, I will be able to see the invisible .
I know that is a bit deep; but if the Light of God begins to Shine FOR you, then you will begin to see what ordinary eyes cannot see.
2 Kings 2:9-15; when Elijah was about to depart, and he asked Elisha: What do you want me to do for you before I will be taken away from you?
He said: I want a Double Portion of your spirit.
And he said – you have asked for a HARD thing. But if you see me when I am being taken away from you, you will have it – You will have your request!
You see, it took the Light of God, shinning for You Elisha, to see the Horses of Fire and the Chariots of Fire.
… They are not things to be see by ordinary eyes!
When the Light of God shines from you, you will begin to see the invisible. And the implication of this is that;

I. ALL your request, no matter how hard, will be granted.
Because Elijah said to Elisha, “you have asked for a hard thing”.
But when the Horses of Fire and the Chariots of Fire came to take Elijah away, Elisha saw them. Why?
… Because the Light of God shone for him.
II. And because that Light shone for Elisha that day suddenly his Destiny became Activated.
Because in 1 Kings 19:19-21; it had been revealed to Elisha, you are going to be a Prophet. That is why he said bye bye to Farming.
But he wasn’t a Prophet until that day the Light shone for him. And his eyes opened, and he began to see the invisible.
We are at the beginning of a New Year, we are at the beginning of a New Decade. I decree in the Name that is above every other names, that as the Light of God shines for you today, your Destiny is activated – Amen.
Because until your Destiny is activated, you will remain stagnant. The moment the Light of God shines for you that you began to see the invisible, that you begin to have answers to your hard question, your Promotion becomes accelerated!
May I need to explain briefly, when we talk about seeing the invisible; that does not necessarily mean seeing Angels.
And surely you know something called Vision.
When we talk about Vision there is Vsion Physical – I can see you, you can see me – That is Physical!
Vision is ability to see into the future. To see how great you can become. To see how Powerful God can make you.
When a student goes to the Medical School, it is because that student has a vision of him or her becoming a Medical Doctor.
And if you ask some of the people in the First Class (in Year one of the Medical School) what is your vision? You will be amazed at how different their vision could be.
One will tell you, I want to be a Medical Doctor. So what do you want to become after that? I want to practice as a Doctor.
Another will tell you, I don’t just want to become a Medical Doctor, I just want to have a big Hospital of my own. Vision!
When the Light of God shines FOR you, you will begin to see Greater ahead of you. You will begin to see how Great you can become.
I Pray that the Almighty God will let His Light shine for you today – Amen!
… That’s Prayer No. 1 – Let Your Light Shine FOR ME.
Request 2: But there is a greater Prayer and that is:
Let Your Light Shine IN ME.
When you ask the Light of God to shine IN you, it means He will open your inner eyes.
Psalms 119:18, it says: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law.”
You know two (2) People can read the same Passage of the Bible, and one (1) will see just one thing; another can write a book on just one verse.
… Because the Light is shinning IN one and not shinning in the other.
When the Light of God is shining in you, you will begin to get Revelations. Revelations!
In 2 Corinthians 12:2-7; you begin to see Heavenly things, you begin to see wondrous things, you begin to see things that can be revealed only by God to His People.
Thank You Father! The first word is for me. But I will share it with you.
Because God said there is someone here tonight, He said: I’m going to ROBE you in Light! And He said: The Light will be so bright, your enemies will not even be able to look in your direction.
But when we say: Let your Light Shine IN ME, it means something else – It means give me Inspiration!
You know, it is possible to look at the same thing over and over; and not see it. But Ephesians 1:8 says: “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the Glory of His Inheritance in the Saints,”
It says that the Almighty God can cause the eyes of your understanding to be enlightened.
When the Light of God Shines in you, you see Solutions to problems, that will baffle others.
I will give just an illustration very quickly. It is a story I have told you before. That when I was doing my PhD. And I have told you before; if you must do a PhD in Mathematics, it means you must solve a problem that has not been solved before.
And because it is a problem that has not been solved before, nobody is even sure it has a solution. And unless you solve that problem, you don’t get your PhD.
So I have been working on this problem for eighteen (18) Months. And I ended up with one hundred and eighty six (186) Simultaneous Equations.
Now, if you know anything about Mathematics, you know that is a big, big problem!
And it got to a stage when I don’t know what to do any further; I didn’t know whether to go forward, and I didn’t know whether to go back – because that will mean eighteen (18) Months wasted!
Then one night, I was just reading the Crossing of the Red Sea. And suddenly God spoke: “son, bring your Equations.”
And I brought them! And He began to say – put this one on the left, put this one on the right (repeatedly). I did what He said!
By the time that I finished, I suddenly saw that all those on the left had something in common; all those on the right had something in common. And the equation became Compressed.
By five (5) hours, I had finished the Equation – because His Light shone on me.
I decree tonight someone here today; the Light of the Most High God will shine into you – Amen.
Request No. Three (3) – PRAYER is that You will pray that God will Let His Light Shine THROUGH you.
… Let the Light of God Shine THROUGH ME!
I’m sure that those of you who know a little bit of Science, you will know that the Moon has no light of its own; but it takes the light of the sun and reflects it to the earth.
And occasionally, the Moon can be so bright, you can even see your finger prints.
It has no light of its own, but light is shining through it to the rest of the world.
Let your Light Shine through me means, in Your Name, through You – the Light of the world; I can cause light to shine to others.
For example in Acts 3:1-8, there was this man who was born lame, sitting by the Beautiful Gate, begging for alms. He saw Peter and John entering the Temple and he asked for alms.
But Peter said: Silver and Gold have I none; but I have something that I can give you that money cannot buy!
You know, when Light begins to shine, stagnation comes to an end.
One of the things that may be if we have the opportunity to discuss in the future is this;
Suppose you are driving at night, you are driving in your car, you are going at top speed, and all of a sudden the headlamp went out, what will you do?
If you love yourself, you will stop immediately – because everywhere there is darkness. So you don’t know where you are going. So you will stop immediately.
When there is darkness, there is stagnation. Until light comes again, you cannot move forward.
So when we say Let there be Light, it can also mean: Lord, let me begin to make Progress.
When the Light is shinning through you, then God can turn you to a Vessel unto Honour, that will put an end to stagnation.
When the Light of God is shining through you, you can even cause other blind eyes to see!
For example, in 2 Kings 6 ….
Thank You Father! Again, this one is for me, but I will share it with you;
You know, the Elders have a Proverb – I will try and say it in English as much as I can, before I say it in the original language.
It says: “The help you are expecting may not necessarily come from your relatives; that it is the one God sends to you that can help you.”
… That’s the proverb!
In Yoruba they say: “Ajumobi ko kan taa anu; eni Oluwa ba ran si eni ni se eni ni ore”.
… That’s the way the Elders put it.
Now the Lord is saying to someone here today: I will send you a Divine Encourager – Amen!
In other words, He is saying: Don’t look at your relatives for help, I will send you a Divine Encourager.
Now if the Light of God is shining through you, you can also begin to cause others to see the Invisible.
For example, in 2 Kings 6:8-17, the Bible tells us about an Army that came to arrest Elisha. A whole Army came to arrest a man.
And the servant of the Man of God went out in the morning and saw the place surrounded by an Army. He came inside frightened, and said: Master, what are we going to do?
The Master said: Eh! Don’t be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.
But the boy could only see the two (2) of them, versus an Army!
Then the Man of God Prayed and said: God, open his eyes, let him begin to see what I am seeing.
I Pray for somebody here today, everyone of you who is called my children; that Vision that God has shown me, He will show it to you also – Amen.
Prayer No. 4: You will Pray that the Light will shine on your BLIND SPOT.
Everyman has a spot called the “Blind Spot” – it is usually at the very back of your head.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t see it. Even at times when you have a mirror, you will use two (2) to be able to get a glimpse.
The Blind Spot is the wicked spot in any man’s life. You cannot see it by yourself.
So when you say: Lord let your Light Shine to my Blind Spot, you are saying God: at that level where I am helpless, send me help!
And it doesn’t matter how Anointed you are, you have a Blind Spot!
If God shines His Light to your Blind Spot, it means that in the area where you are absolutely helpless, He will be there covering it for you – Amen.
And that is very important! It is important because when you read 2 Samuel 21:15-17;
The Bible tells us that David, the giant killer went to war and when the battle was on, he became faint. And that day he would have been killed. But somebody came behind and helped him.
In 1 Kings 19:4-8; the Bible tells us about Elijah – that Mighty Man of God who could call down Fire from Heaven at Will. He was running this time around from Jezebel.
… This is when he was afraid, he was tired, he was hungry.
And you know the first thing he did? He SLEPT!
Can you imagine what could have happened if the enemies has been pursuing?
They would have met him sleeping, and they would have killed him!
But God sent help – He sent an Angel who brought him food. And the man was contemplating suicide was able to continue his journey successfully.
In that area, where you are weakest, May the Almighty God send help to you tonight – Amen.

And like the example I mentioned earlier on in Acts 12:1-11; the Bible tells us about Peter who was in prison, chained to two (2) Soldiers; doors locked against him.
The one who was going to kill him was already waiting for the day to come but Light shone into his dark spot. He was sleeping, he was helpless.
Even if he wasn’t sleeping, there was nothing he could do. But help came at the crucial moment.
As you go through this Year, because (like I told those of you who were here at the Watch Night Service) this is going to be a Year of SHOUTS OF JOY. (You can the Full Transcript of All The Watch Night Service on all our DMC Platforms).
Because it is going to be a Year of Many Victories; you are going to need HELP.
At that time when you can no longer help yourself, May the Light of God shine for you!
I still remember as yesterday, when we were in the first Auditorium near the expressway. We were not very many then. Maybe about ten thousand (10,000) or so.
We were having the Convention, everything was going great and the Spirit of God was moving Mightily. I was laying hands on People right, left and centre.
In those days we lay hands on everybody who is barren (not very many); everyone who is sick, etc. And then past midnight I waited to Pray for all the Ministers of God Present.
… We were not very many!
Suddenly, I heard in the Spirit – one (1) Witch speaking on my right, speaking to another Witch on my left saying: it’s time now for us to intervene.
I didn’t know they were there. I was having fun in the Holy Spirit.
I know you will ask the question, how can Witches be in the Church of God?
Ah! A good Hospital is where you see the worse cases. Where the children of God are gather, the children of the devil are there.
You don’t even know who you are sitting next to. But Thank God there is somebody who can take care of your Dark Spot.
Suddenly the Lord told me, hold on, tell the Ministers of God to wait. And then He said I should call those Witches forward. “You better come now, before you are dead!”
Nobody thought they could come out: because they knew who was speaking.
That God who caused my Blind Spot to shine, will take care of your Blind Spot also, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
I’m about to CLOSE, but God has just said something beautiful. Again, it is for me but I will share it also.
Several years ago, in the 1970s, you know that Tape Recorder with Cassette. When it was just coming out; it was very popular all over the world then.
An uncle of mine came to me and said: Aburo (brother) am traveling Abroad.
I said, yes Sir – “What do you want me to buy for you?” He said you have a choice: a pair of shoes, a Shirt or a Tape Recorder.
And that time, I had only two (2) pairs of shoes. So a pair of shoes was in order! I had two (2) shirts, and a shirt would be welcome. And yet I wanted a Tape Recorder.
… I looked at my Uncle, and I said Sir, I don’t have a choice? – He laughed and left!
When he returned, he brought me a pair of shoes, he brought a Shirt, and he brought me a Tape Recorder.
I’m telling you that story because the Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said very soon someone is going to give you three (3) BIG offers and ask you to choose one (1).
He asked me to tell you, your answer should be “ALL OF THE ABOVE.”
… I told you that is for me – it is not for everybody!
Finally, Prayer No. 5 should be that God should Shine His Light ON whatever is preventing your little lighter from SHINNING.
Because you already have seen light. He says you are the Light of the world.
But at times, there could be Light covered – there could be something covering your Light from shinning.
If He shines His Light ON what is covering your Light, then your light will begin to Shine.
Joshua 7:1 to the end; the Almighty God Himself had told Joshua: “Nobody will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.”
That is what He told Joshua. It was God who said so.
One big Hallelujah – I don’t know which of the three (3) kinds of Hallelujah it was they shouted that day – Whether it was the “Jumbolistic” or the other ones (Laughs!)
They had shouted and the wall had come down.
And then he came across a little City they call Ai. And they were defeated. Suddenly, the Light of Joshua that was shinning became Dark.
He fell on his face and began to cry to God: this is not what you Promised me. What is happening?
And God shone His Light on the cause of his failure.
Some of us are where we are today because there is something covering our Light.
I Pray in the Name that is above every other names, that whatever it is, be REMOVED tonight, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
I don’t have time to tell you stories upon stories. But there are People who are highly gifted. People with the ability to succeed. But something is covering their Light from shinning.
Maybe I just tell you one (1) Example;
There was this fellow who had PhD in Agricultural something. And with that PhD he could get a job.
… And am talking of in the early 1980s, when PhD was still very Precious.
He couldn’t get a job! Of course, he couldn’t get a wife, etc.
And then he came, he gave his life to Jesus Christ. And then we Prayed and the Almighty God moved.
Between Lagos and his hometown, because the Light of God had shone, he got a job! A job was waiting for him at home.
Within three (3) months he was married. Within a Year he got a job, he got married and he got a set of Twins – All in one Year. Because what was covering his Light was removed.
Whatever is covering your Glory, that is not allowing it to shine; whoever is covering the Mercy of God that is already embedded in you, will removed tonight in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
So you are going to Pray five (5) Prayers:
- Lord, let Your Light Shine FOR ME.
… That’s the first Prayer!
- Lord, let Your Light Shine IN ME. Let it shine INTO me.
- Lord, let Your Light Shine THROUGH ME.
- Lord, let Your Light Shine UPON my Blind Spot. Send me help where I am absolutely helpless.
- Anything that is covering my Light from Shinning; Shine Your Light on it, so it can be removed. So that my Light can continue to shine.
Like I mentioned to my Pastors (while we were Praying) this is not only the beginning of a New Year, we are at the beginning of a New Decade.
Whatever happens to you this Year is going to determine what happens to you in the next ten (10) years. It’s as serious as that!
So the Prayers you will Pray tonight; if you like, Pray it casually. If you like Pray it with all your heart.
It is not this Year alone now that is at stake. It is a Decade (10 years) that is at stake!
Lord, let Your Light Shine FOR ME. Lord, let Your Light Shine IN ME. Let it shine INTO me. Lord, let Your Light Shine THROUGH ME. Lord, let Your Light Shine UPON my Blind Spot; send me help where I am absolutely helpless. Anything that is covering my Light from Shinning; Shine Your Light on it.
The Altar is open, am going to give you a few minutes, so that you can cry to the Lord.
Of course, you start by Thanking God again, for even bringing you here tonight.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
The Light of the Most High God will Shine for you.
It will Shine for your Family: everyone who is Precious to you, the Light will Shine for them.
The Light of God will Shine IN you – He will show you the way out. He will show you the easiest way to solve your problem. He will Inspire you.
The Light of God will Shine THROUGH you. Beginning from now, through you Miracles will happen: The sick will be healed, the Captives will be set free. God will use you to raise the dead.
He will Shine through you and all those areas where you can do nothing to help yourself, He will send help to you.
His Light will Shine on your Blind Spot, and everything that is covering your Light from shinning, this very night God will remove them.
So shall it be. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, God bless you. Let us go back to our seats.
For the next few minutes, the Ministers of God, we want to Pray WITH YOU – Prayer of AGREEMENT.
so let us get back to our seats very quickly, so that we can proceed. God Bless you!
Ministers of God (who have been Praying along with us) will come and LAY HANDS on you, as a Prayer of Agreement. They will just touch you very briefly.
Because it is written in Matthew 18:19: “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on Earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.”
The beginning of the Year, which happens to be the beginning of the Decade, particularly when that year is a LEAP YEAR. It is too crucial tonight to be treated lightly.
So the AGOs will help LAY HANDS on those who are on the Altar.
The Pastors who have Prayed with us, take your position in front of the People and kindly do so now, because time is gone.
And then while the Band keeps worshiping God (for the Glory of God to come down).
And then we will Thank God, then I. Might quickly share what God says we should expect in the New Year (in case you don’t know already) before we go.
So Pastors, could you please take your Positions? God Bless you! Let’s move fast. Let the Light of God shine THROUGH you as you lay hands in Agreement.
Oh! Let somebody shout hallelujah!

I’m in Total Agreement with everyone of you; that your request be granted.
I’m in Total Agreement with you that before the end of this Month, it will be evident that the Light of God is shining for you.
So shall it be in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Now, Just one (1) or two (2) little words about what God says is likely to happen.
Anytime God says something is going to happen, particularly those that might not sound polite; it is to invite us for Prayers. Prayers can change things!
On the INTERNATIONAL SCENE: this Year – and when we talk about International Scene, that includes all Nations of the world.
Physically, He says there will be Earthquakes in Places where they have never even occurred before. Which is why you need to PRAY.
He says the Fire, the Flood that we saw in 2019 is child’s play compared to what is coming this year.
And that is really frightening and why we need to Pray. Particularly for Nations like Nigeria.
Because if you look at the Prophecy for last Year (2019); for International Scene – because everything included in the Prophecy of last Year for the International Scene;
… Because last Year we gave them in coded form.
Because some interesting people who are just waiting to see how they can catch and thrust whatever we say!
But if you go through the Bible Passages we gave last Year – for the International Scene, you will see Fire and Flood.
Now, if Nations like Australia and America, as advanced as they are – are having problems dealing with Fire, then we need to Pray that, that will not happen in Nigeria: We don’t have the equipment, we don’t have the wherewithal to handle something massive!
The little flood that we saw last Year; we saw the devastating effects on Villages and Towns.
So if God says what happened last year is child’s play compared to 2020; we need to PRAY!
Then He said on POLITICAL SCENE: There will be change of Governments.
Now, don’t say that I said that there will be Change of Government in Nigeria. That is not what I said. I said, on the INTERNATIONAL SCENE.
There will be change of Government, some will be Peaceful, some will be something else. But if you Pray, God is able to change things!
On the Individual Scene, this will be a Year of JOY and Shouts of Joy (for Christians). And He says there will be series of Victory.
And like I explained to you on the Watch Night Service; Victories implies battles. You don’t talk of Victories until you have fought battles.
So there will be battles; but there will be Victories. So there will be JOY!
And He emphasized for those of us who are children of God: “DON’T BE AFRAID” He said that again and again and AGAIN!
… And the battle is not yours, don’t be afraid!
And if there is any battle, and you know you are going to win, even before the battle – I think you should be rejoicing.
So those of us who know we are going to shout for Joy in the coming Year, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And when I say Coming Year; am trying to say from this moment onward, you will be shouting for Joy.
And then He says, He will ANSWER PRAYERS. Okay!
Now, I think that is all am allowed to tell you. Don’t worry, the battle is not yours, and you will win. So there will be Victories, whatever the battle may be. And the battle is not yours.
I was discussing with some of my children the other day, I said: As a Boxer, if you know you are going to win every fight; you are a Champion – You know you are going to win every fight. Then you will fight regularly.
Because every fight will lead to Victory, and Victory to Prosperity. So you will say let them bring the fight!
I remember I Preached a Sermon some years ago called: “LET THE LION COME”.
How many of you are more than conquerors?
How many of you will say: “Let the Fight Begin – because you are going to win?”
Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
There is this little Message from a friend of mine that I think I should share briefly with you.
Am sure you know that friend of mine.
How many of you know him? What kind of friend is he?
He is a Mathematician (laughs)!
Some of you know him – He is a Mathematician friend of mine. He is a very, very funny fellow.
… He tries to reduce everything to Mathematics.
So the other day, we were talking about some situations and he suddenly began to talk about Newton Second (2nd) Law of Motion.
Those of you who are Scientist, you know what that Law means.
That Law says: “Actions and Reactions are equal and opposite”.
So he began to say that we all know that the opposite of up is down; the opposite of good is bad. And he added some very funny things:
The opposite of Election is impeachment; the opposite of hate is Love etc.
Then he reached a conclusion, he said: “The only way to conquer hate is by LOVE not by Law”.
… Do you agree with him? – Absolutely the DMC Family agrees with him sir!
So he asked me to say Happy New Year to you (Laughs)!
Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
It is time to say THANK YOU to Jesus Christ.
So let us take our Thanksgiving offering, and with Joy you dance to the nearest basket, you drop your offerings. And I will pronounce a Blessing on you, you will be on your way.
And the Ministers of God too can go from the Altar, and be on their way.
So thank you Band, you have been doing a very nice job. You will do a very nice job. God Bless you!
Thank you Ushers, you did a very great job last Year. You will do a Greater Job this Year!
Thank You Father!
… Hold on! PROPHECY:
Daddy says there is someone here, He says because of you, your friends will get Miracles this Year – Amen!
He says as for you, you will get WONDERS.
Amen! Okay, now you can become better begin to SING.
And so Father, we say THANK YOU once again. Thank You for speaking to our future.
Father we look forward to Miracles for our friends. And we look forward to Wonders for ourselves. Accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
Lord, I Pray that this Year will be extremely successful for Your children.
That Your Light will Shine INTO them, Shine into their Finances.
I Pray that this Year Your children will not borrow. But they will have more than sufficient.
Bless their Offerings Lord, Sanctify it, use it for Your Glory.
Father, I Pray that long before the end of this Month, Your children will already be shouting for Joy.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Who got the biggest Miracle tonight? – The DMC Family Members!
Let your Hallelujah be the Loudest – HALLELUJAH.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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