RCCG Workers and Ministers Conference 2020 – The Anointing – Ministering Pastor E.A Adeboye – April 17th, 2020
DAY 1 – 17TH APRIL, 2020.
BIBLE TEXT: MARK 16: 15-20
Let us Pray!
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth forever and ever
Oh, Praise His Holy Name
Amen (Repeat)
Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the Ending – The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God.
We bless Your Holy Name Lord: We bless Your Holy Name for Your children; we bless Your Holy Name for every members of this Church – The Present and those who are yet to become members.
We bless Your Holy Name very, very Specially for Your Workers – Those who has Pleased You in Your Infinite Mercies to bring into the Vineyard to lift up the hands of Your Pastors.
We bless Your Holy Name for the Pastors themselves; the Assistant Pastors, the Deacons, the Deaconesses.
And we ask Lord God Almighty that on behalf of everyone of us from the Youngest to the Oldest; from the Highest even to the smallest that You will please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
We are Praying now Lord God Almighty that through this Medium; You will reach out to all Your Workers; all Your Ministers and You will meet all their Needs.
I Pray Lord God Almighty that in the homes of all these “Special People” that there will always be “Shout of Joy”.
I Pray that they will become very Mighty Vessels unto Honour in Your Hands.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to congratulate all of you – Workers and Ministers that God has brought this opportunity to you even in your homes.
Last Year (2019), we are not able to meet because of the Politics in the land.
This Year (2020), we are not able to meet again because of this one – Probably Politics in the Heavens where the Almighty God wants to show the People of the world that He is still in control.
But I thank God that this Year; He (God) has given us the wisdom to reach out to you even in your homes so that you don’t miss for too long.
We will be talking to you today (Friday, 17th of April 2020) and then tomorrow (Saturday, 18th of April, 2020).
But today (Friday, 17th of April, 2020); we will be starting from Mark 16: 15-20.
15 And He said unto them (That is Jesus Christ saying to the Disciples), Go ye into all the world, and Preach the Gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these Signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20 And they went forth, and Preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
I want to talk to you very briefly and I hope that you will Pay very, very Great Attention on: ANOINTING!
… Just a little Bible Study on: THE ANOINTING.

And what is the ANOINTING?
Anointing is the Power or ability released from God to Man to Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders.
And I’m believing God that before this Session is over; the Anointing of God will be flowing Mightily in your lives in Jesus Name – Amen (So shall it be for the DMC Family Members).
- Anointing flows from God the Father – The One who according to Jeremiah 32:27; the One who is the God of all flesh with whom nothing can be too hard.
It flows from God the Father to God the Son – To the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because you read in Luke 4: 16-21 that Jesus Christ read the Prophesy that was already written concerning Him in the Book of Isaiah 61: 1-3.
There was a Prophesy there that: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me for He has anointed Me.
And then He began to tell us what He was anointed to do.
And you find out that when He was in the Temple and they gave Him a Book to read – He read that particular Passage.
And then when He finished reading; He told them. He said: Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your own very eyes.
So, God the Father is the One who can do all things; anointed God the Son – The Anointing flowed from God the Father to God the Son.
And so you will discovered that according to Isaiah 9:6; the Son is called Wonderful.
Wonderful means – “Full of Wonders”.
Because He received Anointing from God the Father who can do all things. He was able to Perform all manners of Wonders including all that came to Him.
Matthew 8:16 tells us that when the Evening was come; they brought to Him all manner of sicknesses and diseases to Him and He healed them all because of the Anointing He got from His Father.
Including raising somebody who has been dead for four (4) days according to John 11: 39-45.
- Now the Anointing kept on flowing down from God the Father to God the Son and then from God the Son to His Representatives.
In Mark 3: 13-15; the Bible tells us that the moment He selected the twelve (12); He gave them Power.
… As soon as He called His Disciples, He allowed the Anointing to keep flowing to His Disciples.
So that in Matthew 10:40; He was able to say to them: Anyone who receives you, receives Me; and anyone who receives Me, receives the One who has sent Me.
He asked the Anointing to flow on.
So, He was able to say in John 14:12; He said to these Apostles or Disciples. He said listen: The Works that I did you will do also and “Greater Works” than these shall ye do.
- Now the Anointing flows from God the Father to God the Son; from God the Son to the Disciples and from the Disciples now to Believers – All Believers!
Like in the Bible Text that we read today; in Verses 17 and 18 (Mark 16: 17-18). He said: These Signs shall follow them that believe.
That should make you happy because you are included because you are a Believer.
Which means that the Anointing can reach you.
And when the Anointing reaches you according to Mark 9:23; you can do “All Things”.
Because Mark 9:23 says: If only you can believe; all things are Possible to him that believes.
I’m believing God for you my “Beloveth Children”; “Great Workers” in the Vineyard of God that by Faith from today onwards; you will be able to do absolutely anything – A Resounding Amen for DMC Family Members – You see including moving Mountains – Amen.
Mark 11: 22-23 says that: If you have this Faith in God; you will speak to Mountains – You will tell Mountains to move; and they will obey you.
But the Anointing is not to stop with you – You must allow the Anointing to flow through you.
Because in Acts 1:8; it says: You shall receive Power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you.
And I believed that as a Worker in The Redeemed Christian Church of God; I believed that you are already Baptised in the Holy Spirit – So, you already have the Power.
The same Holy Spirit Baptism that was given on “The Day of Pentecost” in Acts 2: 1-4; is the same Holy Spirit that came upon you the day you were Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And just in case you are not sure that you have been Baptized in the Holy Spirit; one of the Major things that you must do this very day is to cry unto God for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and He will give it to you.
Because the Bible says that: There is “ONLY ONE SPIRIT” – One Holy Spirit.
When you hear of SPIRITS (Spirit with an “S”); that is talking about all manners of demons et cetera.
When it comes to the Holy Spirit; it is Singular
In 1 Corinthians 12:4; the Bible says that: There is Only One Spirit.
Now, when the Anointing reaches you; put it to work and it will amaze you what will happen.
Because He says that when this Anointing comes to you: You will be able to cast out demons; you will be able to heal the sick; you will be able to Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders.
For example in Acts 3: 1-8; the Bible tells us that Peter saw a lame man by the “Beautiful Gate”.
Peter had never healed a lame man before but after “The Day of Pentecost”; he moves by Faith and told that man by the “Beautiful Gate” – I don’t have Silver, I don’t have Gold. But I have something – I have Anointing!
And he laid his hands on this man and the man got up and began to walk, to jump and to Praise God.
I’m sure that you heard about a Worker like you in Ondo State (Nigeria) – Who went out on Evangelism and Miracles began to happened through her.
I want you to know that: You are the Next!
That the “Next Testimony” that I will hear is going to be you listening to me right now or reading on the Label of DMC – Amen!
Because the Anointing of God is going to flow to you thus very day – Amen.
Now, let me talk briefly about: What can stop the flow of the Anointing?
… The Anointing is flowing – Already flowing towards you now; what can stop the flow?
If you have any doubt in your mind that God can use you; then doubt can stop the Anointing.
Because in Mark 11:23; the Lord said that: If you have Faith and you doubt not; then you will speak to the Mountain and the Mountain will obey you.
… You must not doubt!
I know that the devil will try to convince you that you must not disgrace yourself by saying that you are Praying for the sick. Telling you that what are you going to do if you Pray and the sick does not get healed?
Tell the devil: What will you do when I Pray for the sick and the sick gets healed?
Who are you going to believed?
Is it the devil who is liar or your God who is the Truth?
Is it the devil that is the father of lies or your daddy who speaks and it is done?
I think it is better for you to believed the Almighty God!
I want you to make up your mind that from now on; no more doubts!
- And then the 2nd Thing that can stop the flow is Wavering.
In James 1: 5-8; the Bible makes it clear: If you ask anything from God, don’t Waver.
Don’t move between two (2) Options – Is it going to work? Maybe it won’t work? Will I become one of those people that God will use to Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders?
… Don’t Waver! – God spoke.
If He can use a fisherman, He can use anybody.
If He can use a “University Lecturer”, He can use anybody.
It doesn’t matter whether you are “Highly Educated” or not; He can use you – Don’t Waver!
- And then of course you know that the 3rd thing that can stop the flow of Anointing is SIN.
Because Isaiah 59: 1-2 makes it clear that: The Hands of the Lord is not shortened that He cannot Save; neither is His Ear heavy that He cannot hear? It is only SIN that can separate between you and the Power of God flowing through you.
The Power of God is Mighty and He is more than ready to use you. But He expects you to be Clean!
So, in your own part; you must be Holy!
Hebrew 1:9 says clearly: Because you have loved righteousness and you hate Iniquities. Therefore God, even your God has anointed you with the “Oil of Gladness” above your fellows.
Please get ready; something very Strange, something very Powerful is about to happen in your life this very moment.
And when that Anointing is releases as I’m going to Pray for you very soon. How much of the Anointing that you get is going to be determined by your determination to hate that which God hates and to love that which God loves.
I have told you the story before of a girl at a time when I was a Lecturer at the University of Lagos who has been crying to God – “God use me for Your Glory. Father, use me for Your Glory” – And nothing seems to be happening.
Then one day; there was acute shortage of water on the Campus at that time – It was several years ago and I’m sure that does not happen anymore.
And because of the acute shortage of water; all the toilets were Overflowing with all manners of you know what.
And so this girl felt pressed; felt that she needed to use the toilet. She opened the door of the first one and it was full of all sorts of maggots and so on and so forth. So, she closed the door, she opened the second one it was worst; the third one, it was even more terrible – So she left.
As she was walking out of the toilet; God spoke to her.
… And I Pray that you will hear from God today – Amen.
God spoke to her and said: Daughter, and she said Yes Lord. I thought you want to use the toilet and she said Yes Lord.
Why are you not using the toilet again? – Oh, because it is too dirty.
And God said to her: I also wants to use you but you are too dirty.
I Pray that the Blood that cleanses from all sins will wash you clean today in Jesus Name – Amen.
That everything that can stand between you and the Anointing that the Almighty God is about to pour out; the Blood of Jesus Christ will wipe it out in Jesus Name – Amen.
- And then the next thing that you must do is to Stay Under Authority.
In Luke 7: 1-10; a Centurion needed Help from the Lord Jesus Christ because the Servant was sick.
Jesus Christ was going to his house to go and Help him.
He met Jesus Christ on the way and say to Him: Sir, you don’t have to come to my house – Speak a word only.
And he said that the reason I’m saying that is because I also I’m under Authority – I’m under the Authority of Caesar.
I say to these Soldiers go and the Soldier will go. And to this one come and the Soldier will come because I am under Authority.
He said Lord, I know you are also under the Authority of Your Father. So, I know that all you need to do is just “Speak a Word” and my Servant will be made whole.
If you stay under Authority; then you will be able to exercise Authority: Over all Forces of Darkness – You will speak to sickness and sickness will move out of the way; you will speak to demons and demons will get out of the way.
- And then you must PRAY MORE.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17; the Bible says: Pray Without Ceasing.
You know; when I was a Worker – When I became a Worker in The Redeemed Christian Church of God way back in the Year 1974 I think – We use to compete on who can Pray the longer.
So, if we gather together and we are more than two (2) or three (3); we want to see who will be the first one to get off from his knees and we want to see who will be the last.
We will spend time Praying. And the longer you Pray, the better.
Because I mean you have no one else to talk to except God!
David said: I will lift up my eyes unto the Hills; from whence cometh my Help. My Help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth.
People asked me and say: Sir, we understand that even at your age, you still spend hours every night Praying.
Why? – Because there is only one source of Help.
… And that Help come from the Almighty God.
So, you must Pray More
- And you must Pray More in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 8: 26-28 tells us that: We don’t even know how to Pray.
But if we allow the Holy Spirit to Help us; He will Help!
Spend more times Praying in Tongues – At least one (1) whole hour everyday – Pray in the Holy Spirit.
And then the Holy Spirit will Present your Petitions to the Almighty God and the answer will come.
There is no way that you will Pray in the Holy Spirit that you won’t get your answer(s).
You see, I have explained it before: You are looking for a job and you know the “Managing Director” or the Chairman of the Company and his son is your friend who says don’t worry write the Application, I will help you submit.
And then there is another fellow – The family of the Chairman and said: Come let me help you write the Application.
And the three (3) of them – The Chairman, the Son and this other Member of the family; are the three (3) who were to sit down to determine whether you get the job or not.
And you should know that the job is already gotten because when they get to the Meeting and the Father or Chairman opens the Application and sees that your Reference – The One who is your Referee is his son. Be reads through the Application and said I know who wrote this one.
He will said: Why are we then sitting down holding the Meeting – Give him the job.
You Pray to God the Father – He is the Chairman; you Pray through Jesus Christ His Son and you now Pray through the Holy Spirit – He is the One now writing your Application for you – You can be sure that you get your reply immediately.
… And your answer will be Yes!
- And then when the Anointing comes to you – which will happened not too long from now; Don’t abuse the Gift!
… Please, don’t COMMERCIALISE the Anointing!
Because as the Lord lives; before this day is over – The Anointing of the Almighty God will begin to flow through you like never before.
When God begins to use you: To begin to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons – When the world begins to hear about you because of the Miracles, Signs and Wonders that God will Perform through you; Don’t Commercialise the Anointing.
… The Anointing of God is not for making money – It is not for sale.
In Acts 8: 13-20; there was a Sorcerer who said he gave his life to Jesus Christ because he saw the Miracles, Signs and Wonders happening through the Disciples.
And then he offered them money – “Sell me this Power so that when I lay hands on the People they will be Baptized in the Holy Spirit”.
Peter told him: Your money perish with you.
Anointing is not for sale; Anointing is not for Trading.
Anointing is not for “Commercial Use” at all – Freely you received; freely you must give!
- And then of course take note that: If the Anointing comes through you now because it is about to come; make sure that you use it for the Glory of God.
Because any Gift that is not used; any Gift that is left unused will be withdrawn.
Remember the story of the Talents in Matthew 25: 14-30.
The Bible tells us that a King distributed Talents to his Servants.
The one who got five (5) Talents uses it and got five (5) extra.
You will be amazed that as you begin to use the Anointing that is coming to you now; it is going to be multiplied.
The one who got two (2) used its own – Two (2) became four (4).
The one who got one (1) failed to used that one (1) and it was taking away from him.
Within a Month now; you will begin to notice that Workers like you will be giving some “Mighty Testimonies”
Please, make use of the Anointing coming to you – Use it to Witness, use it to heal the sick, use it to cast out demons and it will multiplied.
- Now finally; Jesus Christ said: Come to Me all of you who are thirsty – COME AND DRINK!
You know that when you bring two (2) People to the same River. The River is there to satisfy everybody
I. How much you get out of the River depends on how much thirsty you are.
II. It also depends on how much time you are willing to spend drinking.
The Almighty God today is bring you: “A RIVER OF ANOINTING!
How much of it are you going to take?
Let me remind you of one story that probably have told you before:
Several years ago, I think around 1985 or so. I have been General Overseer (GO) for a couple of Years. I have tried everything I knew and the Church wasn’t growing – At least it wasn’t growing to my satisfaction not that it didn’t grow at all.
Then I heard of a man called Yonggi Cho in a Country called South Korea – Several thousands of Kilometers away.
David Yonggi Cho (born 14 February 1936 as Paul Yungi Cho) is a South Korean Christian Minister. With his mother Choi Ja-shil, he is Cofounder and Eternal Leader of the Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies of God), the world’s largest congregation, with a claimed Membership of 830,000 (as of 2007).
And I heard that this Man who was holding seven (7) Services every Sunday.
Ah, in a Church Building that can sit fifty thousand (50,000) People?
I said Oh Lord God Almighty, this is what I am hungry for. What I want.
By the Grace of God, I was able to attend his Minister’s Conference and I saw Oh Lord God Almighty a crowd – The kind I couldn’t even imagine possible.
Then he gave us the opportunity to go to his Prayer Mountain to go and Pray because People came from all over the world.
We got to the Prayer Mountain and in the Prayer Mountain there are small, small holes dug into the Mountain.
There is no room to stand up there – So, you will crawl in. You either lie down flat or you kneel down or at best you can sit down. And then you Pray.
Oh, so many People Praying in the Mountain and the Mountain was vibrating.
We got in there. We came from all over the world, they took us there.
As soon as I crawl into that hole; I began to cry to the Almighty God – *What you are doing here, you must do it in Nigeria.
I kept on crying to God.
And because I was thirsty; I forgot time.
By the time I looked at the watch; Oh People has been there for some couple of hours.
Finally, I crawl out and went to where the buses were parked. They would have left me behind but I was the only Blackman in that bus that is why they knew that somebody was still missing.
When I got in there; Oh everybody was angry with me – What is wrong with you? Why have you delayed us? – All others has gone.
I said I’m sorry. I thought we came here to Pray.
They said Yes; are you going to do all the Praying in one day? – I said I’m sorry.
Nobody spoke to me all the way to town. I was glad because my Spirit was still roaring – I was still Praying silently under my breadth.
… I cried to God; I was thirsty and I was able to drink from that Spring the Almighty God made available.
I thank God that He answered my Prayers – You are seeing many of the things that you are seeing today because of that “Deliberate determination to drink”.
You have probably heard me say some years ago; I was back in that same Place (Yonggi Cho Church in South Korea)
And this time around, I was able to meet the Great Man himself.
And when I met him, I said: Sir, I have come. I was going to say please Pray.
… He said: I have heard about you – Will you please Pray for me?
I am believing God for someone among you today that: As a result of the time you will spend in Prayers today – Seeking that the Almighty God; the Father that I served will soak you with His Anointing – Amen.
A time will come very soon that you will took back; your colleagues will look at you and they will say: “GREAT IS YOUR GOD!”
In John 20:21; Jesus Christ said to His Disciples: As the Father has sent me, so I sent you.
The God that I served is the One I will cry unto for you today. That as He has anointed me; He will also anoint you.
Please make sure that even after I have Prayed for you; there in your homes you will find time either straightaway or later in the evening to spend “Quality Time” crying to the Almighty God. And tell Him – Please film me to Overflowing as you have filled my father in the Lord. Fill me also!
Let us Pray!
My Father and my God; I want to give You all the Glory, all the Honour for making this opportunity available to all Your children even in their homes today.
I Pray Almighty God that according to Your Words that: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.
You will fill all those who are thirsty among them today – That You will fill them to Overflowing.
As you have anointed me Father; please anoint them – Anoint them even more than you have anointed me.
I want each and everyone of them to be far, far greater than me – My Father and my God, grant this my request.
And I Pray that as they move out by Faith after today laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, commanding Miracles to happen; you will grant their request.
And Your Name alone will be Glorified.
Thank You my Father and my God. For in Jesus Mighty Name I have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!
Spend Time now as we go into Prayers whether immediately or later on – SPEND QUALITY TIME CRYING TO THE LORD!
… And in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; I will be talking to you tomorrow (Saturday, 18th of April, 2020) at the same time – 6.00pm Nigeria Time.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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