DATE: 1ST JUNE, 2020



Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel
My Lord Emmanuel

… Repeat!


Father Almighty, we want to bless Your Holy Name; we want to Thank You that thus far You have helped us.

Great Provider, the All Sufficient God, we magnify Your Holy Name – Please accept our worship in Jesus Name.

Father, in this New Month; Your children are crying to You for a Great Divine Encounter – Please Lord like never before; visit Your children in Jesus Name.

Do something so Special in our lives that we will never lack again.

Send Your Light Lord and put an end to Poverty in our lives.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And Please be seated.

As you know, our Theme for this Month is: Let There Be Light – Part 6. And our Bible Text for this Month is: Exodus 15: 22-26.

22 So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.

  1. And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.
  2. And the People murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
  3. And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,
  4. And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

Like Marah; the Ground on its own is bitter – This is because the Ground was cursed by God.

In Genesis 3: 17-19; the Almighty God Pronounced a curse on the Ground and said because of the sin of Adam, the Ground will only Produce thorns and thistles.

That is why you will discovered that when the Ground is left on its own (Uncultivated); it will only Produce Thorns and Thistles.

For example in 2 Kings 4: 38-41; you find there a story where Elisha wanted to feed the sons of the Prophets and said that they should Prepare food for these his children.

And someone went out and saw a Vine that grew on its own and took the fruits and brought it home and added it to the food.

When the People tried to eat it, they discovered that they ate Poison.

So, anything that grows on its own (Uncultivated) because of the “Original Curse” Placed on the Ground is going to result in something dangerous.

To break the curse; to sweetened your Marah Financially; to sweetened the Ground that you want to sow on – YOU NEED A SEED!

When the children of Israel got to Marah, God showed Moses a tree and until the tree was casted inside that Pool of Water called Marah, the water was bitter.

But something happened in Genesis 8: 20-22 – The Bible said that Noah offered a burnt offering to God.

He (God) smelt a “Sweet Savour” and in His Pleasure He made an arrangement to deal with the curse that He Pronounced in Genesis Chapter 3.

He said: I won’t curse the Ground anymore for man’s sake but from now, “Seed Time” and “Harvest Time” will never cease.

In other words, He is saying: From this moment onwards; if you Plant a Seed you will have Harvest!

And that is why the “More Seeds” that you Plant; the “More the Harvest” you will get because your Seed will sweeten the Ground.

That is why in 2 Corinthians 9:6; it is written: If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. – Add a little Seed to your “Bitter Ground”; a little bit of the Ground will be sweetened.

If you sow bountifully; put “More Seeds” to the Ground; “More” of the Ground will be sweetened and your Harvest will be greater.

That is why no matter how anointed you are: If you clear a lot of Ground – You cut off the weeds, thistles, the thorns and then for thirty (30) days and thirty (30) nights you Fast. And you come to the Ground and Pray and Decree and say it is written: I will decree a thing and it will be established unto me – You Ground I hereby decree Produce rice (Laughter…)

After thirty (30) days; you better get Prepared to clear thorns and thistles again.

Now, you say thank you sir – That is a great revelation. But there are Categories of Soils.

Because the Bible said in Matthew 13: 3-9 that a Sower went to sow.

Here is a man who understands the Principles we just shared and he went to sow Seed and then some of the Seeds fell by the way side – There is always the “Way Side” Soil.

Some fell on the “Stony Places” – There will always be Stony Grounds.

Some fell among the thorns – There will be Thorny Grounds.

But thank God some fell on Good Grounds – There will always be Good Grounds.

So, let there be Light could be: God show me the “Good Ground” so that I don’t waste my Seeds, so that I don’t just sow for the fun of sowing and then wait for the Harvest and see nothing.

In Genesis 26: 1-14; the Bible said that there was a famine in the land and Isaac was thinking of relocating.

And God told him – Don’t Move! Stay where you are I will guide you.

There were Plenty of the land in that Nation but God guided Isaac to the Good Ones (Good Ground, Good Soil).

By the time he sowed on the Good Soil and all the Philistines were also sowing; within a Year he got an Hundred-Folds Returns.

… He must have sown on the Best of the Grounds!

And the Bible said that the Philistines began to envy him – They began to wonder: Sir, how are you doing your own?

I am decreeing today to someone: Very soon, your breakthrough will be such that People will come and ask you how are you doing it – Amen.

As a matter of fact; if you read that Passage down (Genesis Chapter 26); the Bible said that it got to a Stage when the King of the Philistines came to him and said: Sir, go away from us because you have become too great for us.

This is our land – In our land, you have become very great and we remained Poor. Go away from us!

Because when you have the backing of the Lord; when He begins to Shine His Light on you – Your efforts will be such that all others will say we don’t know maybe we better ask the fellow to move away because his success is exposing our failures.

Now the question that has been asked and some Bible Scholars has tried to explain is that Big Question: Ok, there is this “Good Soil” – One Good Soil Produces 30-Folds; another Good Soil Produces 60-Folds; another Good Soil Produces 100-Folds.

What exactly is God saying here? Which Soil do I sow unto to expect at least 30-Folds Returns?

  1. Bible Scholars believed that the 30-Folds Returns comes when you sow into the lives of the People who are of the “Households of Faith” – Galatians 6:10.

That when you sow into the “Households of Faith”; to the Members of the “Households of God”; Children of God; Born Again; Those who are doing the Will of God then you guaranteed at least 30-Folds Returns.

And because they are many; by the time you get 30-Folds in Hundred Places; that is quite an Harvest!

  1. And they said that the 60-Folds Soil is when you sow to the Ministers of God – 1 Corinthians 9: 7-11.

That those who Ministers to you “Spiritual Things”; you should Minister to them “Material Things”.

So, when you are taking care of your Pastors, your Deacons, your Deaconesses; Those who teaches you the Word of God – Sunday School Teachers, House Fellowship Leaders; they said that you are guaranteed 60-Folds Returns.

  1. And then they said for the 100-Folds Soil; that is the High Priest of God Himself.

And they illustrate this by the example in John 6: 5-13 – This is the story of the boy who gave his lunch to Jesus Christ (The High Priest Himself when He was here on Earth).

After everybody has been fed; the leftovers filled twelve (12) Baskets.

And Probably, I once told you before: I once asked my children: What happened to the twelve (12) Baskets?

And one of them said that there were twelve (12) Baskets because there were twelve (12) Apostles and so each of them got a Basket each.

No, they got a Basket alright but they carried the Basket to the house of the boy!

Because the Word of God is Clear: All Rivers run into the sea and the sea is not full.

… Where the water is coming from, that is where the water will go back to.

That boy sowed his lunch – He put it into the Hands of the High Priest of the Most High God and got an 100-Folds Returns – Infact, more than an 100-Folds Returns!

And then they give other examples like in 2 Kings 4: 8-17.

That was when a “Great Woman” of Shunem – she was already great; insisted that the then High Priest (Elisha) should come over to her house to eat. And went further and build him an Apartment.

When she got her Harvest; it was something that money could not buy.

Now, the next question you want to ask is this: When He said let there be Light and the Light shone on a Tree – A Particular Tree; is it Possible that there is a “Particular Seed” that I can sow so that my breakthrough will be so big and it will be forever?

If you ask me; I will give you the answer – I just hope that you will be able to cope with it.

… Because there is a Seed that will Test your Faith.

And you will find the example in 1 Kings 17: 8-16.

The widow of Zarephath was asked by the High Priest then (Elijah) – Give me your “Last Meal”.

You don’t have to be there to know what must have gone on in the mind of that widow who said: Ah, Man of God – Thank God she realised he was a Man of God.

This is the “Last Meal” for me and my son to eat and die.

And the Man of God said: Sow it because if you eat it, it is gone; if you sow it, it will Produce results.

Thank God she did and she was never hungry again.

As a matter of fact, she got more than food because if you read the story till the end; when death came back to the house, death was chased out

I have told you the story before: I became the General Overseer when The Redeemed Christian Church of God was very, very rich.

I remembered my first (1st) Month as the General Overseer; by the time we distributed the whole Tithe to the thirty nine (39) or so People who are Staffs then; there was nothing left for any General Overseer.

But then I got my Gratuity (Terminal Working Benefits someone gets after retiring from work).

I have worked for the Government for some twenty seven (27) Years here and there before I became the General Overseer.

So, I got my Gratuity and it was lots of money then to me. So I was glad that at least this will keep me going until the Church grows.

But then suddenly it occurred to me that now you are under a “New Management” – Father, what do I do with this money?

I thought He will say: Pay your Tithe and put the rest in the Bank for Fixed Deposits or whatever.

But He said: Divide the money into three (3).

Give one third of the money to this Ministry – I said Yes Lord. That is still ok by me.

Give the second (2nd) one third to Such and Such Ministry – My Yes Lord became very low.

… And I was Praying very hard and I was hoping that He will let me keep the remaining final one third of the money.

… But He said the final remaining one third of the money should be given to Such and Such Ministry.

And then He made a Promise – I WILL BE YOUR SOURCE!

Some People know and see the Glory; but they don’t know the Story!

Occasionally; He will Shine a Light on a Gift, a Seed that He wants you to sow that will shake your Faith!

I give Him the Glory that He is a Faithful God – Until today; I never beg.

… Oh, things were tough initially but by His Grace, it started getting easier and easier.

And I know that in the Name that is above every other names; till I see Him in Glory I won’t borrow and I won’t beg – Amen!

… And same will be true of you – Amen!

Now the Law of Harvest – “Seed Time” and “Harvest Time” works for everyone – That is the most interesting thing.

It worked for God – John 3:16 says just like the widow of Zarephath; He gave His all – His Only Begotten Son

Results – Romans 8:29.

That Seed which He sowed became the first (1st) Born of many Brethren.

The Seed that God sowed at Calvary is still Producing results till today all over the world – Children of God are coming.

So, the Law of Harvest will work for you even if you are a sinner.

I’m sure that you have discovered that there are some sinners who has discovered this Secret – They just keep on Giving money.

… They are not Born Again, they are not Child of God but they keep on donating and distributing money.

As a matter of fact; they are using you to make more money because they know that the Law of Harvest will work.


However, Proverbs 1:32 gives the reason why you must be a Child of God before the Harvest begins to come.

Why? – It says that the Prosperity of fools will destroy them.

Oh, so you see all the sinners Prospering, becoming Great et cetera, et cetera.

The Bible says that they are like the ram to be slaughtered – They are being fattened for the fire in Hell.

But you can cross over to the side of the Lord today – He will save your Soul and He will begin to Prosper your Seeds as you sow and your Ground will become sweeter and sweeter.

And I’m believing God that He will Shine His Light on any “Particular Seed” in your life that He wants you to sow so that for the rest of your life, you will Prosper – Amen

So, if there is anyone listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC and you are yet to be on the side of the Lord; will you Please bow your head now and cry unto Him so that your Prosperity will not destroy you because the Law of Harvest as I have explained to you is going to work.

But you don’t want to just Prosper and then Perish – You want to Prosper and Live.

So, if you want to give your to Jesus Christ; will you Please bow your head and cry unto Him and say: Please Lord, save my Soul.

And the rest of us; let us intercede for our brothers and sisters – That the Almighty God will look down in Mercy today and save their Souls – Amen

Oh, Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God; I want to say Thank You: Thank You for Your Words and Thank You especially for those People who are deciding for You right now.

Wherever they may be all over the world (even reading now on the Label of DMC); Father Please receive them, save their Souls, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Oh, write their names in the Book of Life and take them into the Family of God.

From now on, anytime they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.

And Lord God Almighty; in a moment Your children will be crying unto You – Asking You to Shine Your Light; let Your Light shine on that “Particular Seed” that will become a “Particular Tree” that will put an end to the Pool of Poverty in their lives.

Shine Your Light Oh Lord!

When You have shown them the Light; give them the Grace to respond.

Please Lord, very soon let me begin to hear “Unbelievable Testimonies” of Mighty, Mighty Breakthroughs.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!


You on your own now; go to the Almighty God – Cry unto Him and ask Him to Shine His Light on you.

And of course, since you are not hurrying anywhere; make sure you spend “Quality Time”.

And as you will begin to start hearing from Him – Be willing to listen so that if He shines His Light; you will go straight ahead to do what He said.

Remember that the Seed remains Single until it is sown!

And the moment the Seed enters into the Soil; the Journey to Harvest begins!


Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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