Praise God; Praise God – Hallelujah!
I’ m so excited to have the Priviledge of sharing at this Year’s great event.
Thank you guys for inviting me.
I want to specially appreciate the General Overseer, Pastor E.A. Adeboye. I want to also appreciate my friend, Pastor Leke Adeboye and all the Leadership of the Pastor’s Seed Ministry for having me to be here and share with the Pastor’s children.
I’m very Passionate about Pastor’s children.
Some of you know that I hold a Programme Online where I interviewed Pastors and some of the children of the big Men of God – Notable servants of God in our Nation.
I’m Passionate about Pastor’s Seed and I’m honoured today to be able to share with you the reality of “Sexual Addicrion”.
Alright, many People dont know how Powerful sex is – Sex is vey Powerful and God made it that way for a reason.
Sex is one of the most Powerful thing that we have here on Earth.
We don’t give as much respect to the seriousness of sex as we should – Infact, the devil is consrantly minimising the impact of sex.
That is one of his strategies – He is minimising the impact of sex.
I know that this Year, the Pandemic and millions of People Probably have lost their lives but that is nothing compared to how many People sex kills every Year.
I will give us the data as we go on.
Sex is Powerful, satan is constantly minimising how Powerful sex is but Please don’t ever fall for that trap.
For you, you need to undedstand this from now – The younger you are, the better.
Sex is very Powerful – It is as Powerful as cocaine and drugs and it can become that addicted.
Infact, Scientifically speaking, they have found out that the same Chemicall that was released from cocaine and drugs is Part of the chemicals that was released when People have sex.
The way some People are addicted to cocaine, some People are addicted to sex.
The high it gives is very similar.
The end of things and the toxins and chemicals that flows in the Person’s brain is similar wether you are having cocaine or you are having sex.
Let me just read the Bible Text Scriptures and we will build on for the rest of the Message.
I’m reading from the book of 1 Corinthians 6.
This is a Popular Scripture but I’ m reading from the Message Translation because it is very Graphic:
1 Corithians 6::16 – 20.
16 There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.”
17 Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever – the kind of sex that can never “become one.”
18 There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another.
19 Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you.
20 God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.
Alright; so they are laying the foundation here that sex is a Powerful Thing – It joins two (2) People together.
That is: The Purpose for sex – It is supposed to be so High that when two (2) have it together; they become joined Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually.
Now, if you know the Purpose for sex, it will be easier for you to know why you can’t just have sex with anybody.
Sex should only be on a Permanent Condition – Which is Marriage. Any other thing outside that you are misusing sex, you are abusing sex and the Addiction that comes from it is so Powerful.
It was created to make you join and be addicted to the Person you marry.
So, when you are having it with someone else, the day you will eventually get married, you will find out that you are struggling with the attachment that you’ ve had with other People.
I Preached a Message from my YouTube Channel titled: SEX LIES.
There are seven (7) lies that satan tells People about sex.
I will not go through all of them; I will just mention two (2) or three (3) before I go to Sexual Addiction.
- Oh, there’ s nothing to sex – Nobody is going to be hurt, when we have sex.
That is not true – Sex hurts People, sex is harmful when it is beign had outside the safety of marriage, it will cost you, it will harm you.
… Sex is harmful.
Also listen to the audio here: The Truth About Sexual Addictions – Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo
I was speaking earlier about the amount of People that have died over the Coronavirus: In America, over two hundred thousand (200,000) People have died by COVID 19 Pandemic.
And People say that is very large and they are making noise about that in the News.
However, close to over one million (1,000,000) People die everyday because of sex.
Let me say it this way, because it is more than one million (1,000,000) but abortion alone is responsible for more than one million (1,000,000) deaths.
I’m not counting HIV and other sexual related deaths, I’m talking about abortion.
In America, it is over a million (1,000,000) every year compared that to the two hundred thousand (200,000) of COVID and this two hundred thousand (200,000) is just one (1) Year.
Abortions have been every year.
Infact, they did a research sometimes in 1975 or thereabout to about 2017 alone – America aborted about forty million (40,000,000) babies – This is not Globally, just America alone.
The whole of Ghana is thirty two million (32,000,000).
So, I usually joke and say: America aborted Ghana and left change.
In that Period, literally, they have aborted a whole country Plus the President and you say nobody is hurt.
People are getting hurt – Don’t listen to the devil; People are getting hurt.
Sexual Immorality has far reaching consequences that nobody will tell you about.
Very important, People hate getting hurt and abortion is just one of them.
There is also the issue of habits that are being formed; the addiction that are being formed.
Every drug addict today is not born a drug addict? – They started by an experience, one test and they couldn’t stop.
And that is what happen in sex.
You might just do it and find out that you can’t stop doing it.
I tell People that all the time – You might do it and you can’t stop it.
And if anybody is Pressurising you to have sex, Please remember that it takes you one day to cross the line, but you cannot cross it back.
… Very important, it is costing and hurting people.
I have seen People that are married and are still attached or addicted to their Ex’s.
I heard the story of somebody that was sending messages to her ex on the wedding night, that I miss you, he is not like you, something like that – Wedding night! Because their addictions and attachments are not easily broken when you started.
- It is costly – It costs you.
People says it is not costly – Ask Samson.
Samson could not realise his dreams, because of a woman.
Ask David, ask Solomon – There are many People it has cost them their destinies because they couldn’t keep themselves.
There is a story I normally like to share – The former Chief Executive Officer of the biggest fast food chain in the world. I don’t want to mention names.
I mean, when you are the Chief Executive Officer of that kind of company, you know how big you are – Global Company.
His income was close to three million dollars ($3,000,000) every Month.
The thing that comes to him is close to three million dollars ($3,000,000) in Naira – That would be over a billion Naira every Month.
Do you know why the guy lost the job, he did not even do the job for a year and half, he lost the job because he had sex with the Staff.
They were both adults, they were Single, so it wasn’t adultery just that the office Policy states that a Senior Staff cannot have sexual relations with a Junior Staff, that is all.
That is how Powerful sex is when you have no control.
Do you think that man wants to lose his job? – He did not Plan to lose that kind of job.
I mean, what will you tell your family, that you have sex. The girl could have resigned and go outside and have sex that afternoon, he earns three billion ($3,000,000), he could pay her salary, but at that time, you are not even thinking.
- The last of the seven (7) lies is that: The devil tells you everybody is doing it.
Everybody is having sex, that it is okay to do it.
It is a lie, even when you find out that the people you know is doing it, you find out that this Man of God or this Person is doing it; it doesn’t mean that everybody is doing it.
There are still many People living their lives and keeping themselves and God is honouring them and honouring the Grace of God upon their lives.
As a Pastor, I have wedded more virgins than Non virgins and I say that all the time.
So, it is not everybody that is doing it.
There are many People – Adults; that are keeping themselves.
One time, last year, I think I counselled two (2) different couples in Marriage Counselling and the four (4) of them were virgin, husbands and wives, and they were adults above thirty (30) – But they have kept themselves all these years.
Somebody is asking: Pastor, how do you know they were virgins? Most of the time, after marriage, we are still Counselling them on how to do it – If you know what I mean.
So, it is not everyone that is doing it okay.
Don’t let the devil decieve you – Sex is Powerful and it can hurt you.
We are not even talking about things like HIV, I can never forget one day – A guy called me out of the blues, say: Pastor, I’m HIV Positive.
I said how do you know? Have you done the test?
He said: I have done two (2) tests to confirm it and he said he knew when he contacted it.
I said how do you know?
He said: He had been for years – Like two (2) or three (3) Months back when he was calling me, that he had sex with somebody once, just once and that was it.
He was able to confirm it, the girl told him she knew she was Positive but was spreading it.
Do you understand that – Just once!
So, don’t let the devil tell you that sex is not costly – It is too costly, you cannot afford it. It has destroyed many Kings, it has destroyed Presidents, it has removed Presidents of the strongest Nations, sex made them impeached.
You don’t want to touch it, it is highly addictive, it destroys.
Sex is Powerful and it is meant to bond People so you can’t have it without Marriage.
Alright, so let’s talk a bit about Addiction:
Many People do not know that “Sexual Addiction” is a thing.
There are lot of People who are addicted to sex.
When you are addicted to sex, it literally means: You have no control over your sexual desires.
And many People are like that and it can be male or female, but you’re dealing with compulsion to continue to have sex.
It doesn’t matter who you are having it with and where you are having it, you just need to have it.
You can’t say No; you can’t resist, it is actually a thing, it does exist.
There is “Sexual Addiction” and by God’s Power, it shall be broken.
You need to break it because you will never be your best, you will never go as far as you should go if you don’t deal with it.
Alright; the first (1st) Point you need to do is to diagnose if you are sexually addicted.
Do you have an unusual urge for sex? Do you have uncontrollable desire for sex? Do you constantly have sex with People that you don’t know from anywhere, People that you don’t care about.? You just want to continue to have sex.
If you are dealing with such a thing, there is a high chance that you have “Sexual Addiction”.
We should just work towards breaking it.
“Sexual Addiction” even though it is Powerful, it can be broken.
So, what are some of the steps that I would advice:
- In dealing with “Sexual Addiction”, you need to find out what triggers it? What is feeding that lifestyle? – There is something that feeds it and triggers it. You need to identify what it is.
Is it the kind of content you are consuming? Are you consuming certain kind of content? Are you watching certain kind of movies? Are you listening to certain kind of music, or you are hanging out with certain kinds of friends that everytime their discussion is always sex?
I don’t even mean friends of opposite sex but the same sex but anytime the content of discussion is heavily sexual, you need to break those relationships.
… You need to find out what triggers it.
I have seen People that have to cut off television altogether, because it triggers it.
I counselled somebody many years ago – A lady, her own is that she has addiction to Masturbation and she has to masturbate.
And I asked her how did it start – She said it started when she was reading “Sexually Suggestive Novels” as a Teenager.
And I asked her: Have you stopped reading them?
She said No – She still reads them and I said it can’t stop because the thing that is feeding it is still feeding it.
You need to stop reading those books – It is triggering the habit.
- Get accountability into your life.
You need to open up.
There is someone close to you that you love and loves you – Let such a Person know about the fact that you are struggling with such habits.
There is so much Power in sharing.
The Bible says in James Chapter 5 says: Confess your faults one to another and Pray for one another so that you wiill be healed.
So, you need to open up to someone – Someone you can trust, someone discreet and wise.
Accountability can help you – We all do better when we do Accountability and God created us for that.
God created us in a Spiritual family so that we can help one another.
He says: Confess your faults one to another and Pray for one another.
The fact that you are exposing that habit decreases the Power already.
Sin thrives in secrecy.
So, if you are going to break that addiction, you need to open up.
That way: They can watch out for you, they can protect you and Pray for you.
- Develop better habits.
Most Probably, you have Strong Negative habits; you need to replace this with a Positive habit.
You can’t leave a vacuum, you can’t just remove a bad habit and leave the space empty.
Jesus Himself said: When you drive out a demon and sweep the Place, garnish the demon goes around and look for seven (7) more and when he comes back and find its place empty and the Problem would be bigger than when it started.
Everytime you clean your life or gets rid of a bad habit, replace them with a Positive and start building a Positive habits.
All the time you normally spend thinking and building sexual lives, start to think and build on other Positive things.
You can start a hobby, you can learn a New Game, a New Skill, do an Online course.
I mean use that hobby because “Sexual Energy” is actually a energy you can convert and use it for something else that will Propel you to success in other areas of your life.
Can you start a New course? Can you join a New Unit in Church or start serving in a different capacity? Be somebody’s Personal Assistance, travel along with somebody to Preach, do whatever it is, replace the bad lifestyle and habit with a Positive one.
You need Good habits to win over Bad habits – So transform it, convert it.
- Let God help you.
You need God to help you .
There is nothing we can do on our own by ourselves – You need God to help you replace Bad habits with Good habits.
“Make sure that your Prayerlife is on course, make sure that your Studylife is fine, and make sure that you are Participating in Church – It is very important.
Make sure that you spend time in Prayer, because you see Prayer is like having a bath everyday.
That is what keeps you fresh, you must live a life of devotion, you can’t miss that.
Let someone Pray with you and be accountable to someone about your daily Prayer life.
So that they can check on you and help you to build your Prayer life.
Believe it: The habit and the addiction would be broken over you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
I would like to Pray with you as we round up.
Father in the Name of Jesus; I speak over all the Pastor’s Seed that are here today, watching or reading from the DMC labels now – I decree that in the Name of Jesus, these ones will Glorify Your Name.
They will live a life that would honour You, that will honour the Grace of God in their lives in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
They will even exceed whereever their Parents have gotten.
And I Pray if anyone is dealing with any form of “Sexual Habits” or “Sexual Addiction”, I decree today, let it be broken in the Name of Jesus.
Lord I Pray that you will help them, you will supply the help of the Spirit that will make them grow in Strength and Grace and every yoke of addiction shall be broken from today in the Name of Jesus.
Thank you Father for the deliverances.
Thank you God!
Bless you – I look forward to seeing you soon Physically.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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