Glory be to God!
There is None Holy as the Lord
As the Lord
There is None besides Thee
Beside Thee
Neither is there are any Rock like our God
There is None Holy as the Lord!
… Repeat!
Ancient of Days, The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning, The Ending, The One who is, The One who was, The One who is to come – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Thank You God for The Father, Thank You God The Son, Thank You God for The Holy Spirit. Thank You yesterday, Thank You for today, Thank You for tomorrow – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
This morning in a Very Special Way, visit Your Children; give each and every one of us a “Pleasant Surprise”; answer All our Prayers; let All our Needs be met – Just Glorify Your Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Wave to one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning; God Bless You – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated!
Just like the Pastor said, this visit was not Planned – Two (2) weeks ago, I still didn’t know that I was coming to Abuja (Federal Capital City of Nigeria).
And I am here because The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is celebrating Forty-Five (45) Years Anniversary and they asked me to come and Preach!
DMC NOTES: Watch Out for the Audio and Full Text of the Message Delivered by Pastor E.An Adeboye at the 45th Anniversary of The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) ONLY on the Label of DMC
I agreed and when I agreed; they said that the Service is going to be at 11.00 am. So I said: Okay, if it will be at 11.00 am, in other for me not to run any risk, I better come and spend the night in Abuja.
After I said that, they now said that it is no longer 11.00 am, it is 1.00 pm.
I said that is still alright and they said it is 3.00 pm.
And I knew immediately that God is Planning something – If it is going to be 3.00 pm, then I have to go and Worship somewhere!
… That’s why I’m here!
So on the Surface, I have come for The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) 45th Anniversary but in Truth: God has come for Somebody!
… And that Fellow is here!
If you are the one shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Psalms 122:1 – Is a very Interesting Passage of the Bible.
David said: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
You know that one of the things that the devil tried to do through Coronavirus is to keep the Children of God away from the House of the Lord!
He tried very hard but we cried to God and God Intervened.
You know that for Months, we were asked not to come to Church at all – It was as if the Church was the Producer of Coronavirus.
Now, by the time we came back, some People has settled down to staying at home – Waiting for daddy’s Sermon at 2 pm. Forgetting that there is a difference between hearing the Sermon on Television and being in the House of God.
DMC NOTES: We can get to access all the Full Text of each Weekly Broadcast of Daddy GO Sunday Messages from inception last Sunday in March 2020 to date ONLY on the Label of DMC
That is why I want to talk to you in few minutes today on the Topic: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into where? – The House of LORD.
I rejoice with those of you who are here today because something very special is going to happen to you now – Amen!
Why will David said: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD?
- David said this because he has enough sense to know that: The House of the Lord is the House of “The Great Healer”.
Exodus 15:26 – He said: I am the Lord that Healeth thee.
When you get to the House of the Lord, you have come to meet with the Great Physician Himself!
In Mark 2: 1-12 – You know the Story the boy who was brought to Jesus Christ; Paralysed from the neck downwards. And his friends brought him when they heard that Jesus Christ was in town.
When they arrived, there was no room at all at the door, no room at the window.
The boy said: Just get me to His Presence.
They climbed to the roof, they broke the roof.
The boy said: Just get me to His Presence.
And do you know what?
They carried in that boy but he walked back home Completely Healed.
So, I’m decreeing to every one of you here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Any ache, any pain, any form of Sickness that you came in with today; you won’t go back with them – Amen!
Some of you will remember the Testimony of a Woman that the Doctors said to the children at the Hospital – Take your Mother home, there is No Hope, there is nothing more that we can do for her. Let her go and die in Familiar Circumstances at home among her children.
And as they are bringing her out of the Hospital, she said: Take me to the Church.
The children said: Mama, it is not one of the days when the Pastor will be Ministering – We are not having Digging Deep (Bible Study); not Faith Clinic (Prayer Mountain Service).
She said I did not say: Take me to the Pastor; I said take me to the House of God.
They brought her in and she said: Just help me, carry me so that I can touch one of the Pillars. The Doctors have done their best, there is Nothing more they could do – Let me touch one of the Pillars in the House of God.
They carried her, she touched the Pillar – She Pushed them aside because she was Completely Whole.
In the Name of that same God; receive your Healings this Morning or as you read on the Label of DMC – Amen!
- David said that I was glad when they said let us go to the House of the Lord because He knew that: The House of the Lord is the House of “The Lord of Host”.
He said it Himself in Psalms 24: 7-10.
- Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye Everlasting Doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
- Who is this King of Glory? The LORD Strong and Mighty, the LORD Mighty in battle.
- Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye Everlasting Doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
- Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.
And being a Soldier himself, he knows what is it to be Commander In Chief.
He (David) knows that if you can just get into His House; you will defeat any enemy.
In Mark 1: 23-27 – The Bible tells us that Jesus came into the House of God and saw a man there who had an “Unclean Spirit”.
As soon as Jesus Christ walked into that Place; the enemies had to let go of this Man.
Some of you have heard me tell the Story: A Man, one of our Members at the Headquarters Parish (Throne of Grace Parish, The National Headquarters of RCCG in Nigeria, Lagos).
He met a Prophet around his house and the Prophet said: Sir, God asked me to tell you that you will die this year. You are not going to see the New Year!
He said that what have I done?
It is not a question of what you have done; God said that you are dying – So, you can put your house in order. And there is nothing I can do about it (You won’t see the New Year).
He said okay: Can you tell God for me to allow me to live till December 31st – After all, December 31st is still Part of the Year.
The Man of God said: Well, I don’t know – All I know is that you are dying this year!
… And they left it at that.
December 31st came – Very, very early in the morning, the man got up. He didn’t take any bus as he trekked.
Whenever he sees anyone coming, he will dodge because he doesn’t want someone who will be the Killer.
Finally, he got to the Headquarters Parish (Throne of Grace Parish, The National Headquarters of RCCG in Nigeria, Lagos) and said: The death that will come and kill me here; I will wait and see!
He lived for many more years to come!
I decree to every one of you here or reading now on the Label of DMC: This Morning or anytime you are now; your Appointment with Death is canceled – Amen!

- David knew that the House of the Lord is: The House of “The Provider”.
He said in Psalms 23: 5-6 – You can read the whole Psalms 23.
- The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
- He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures: He leadeth me beside the Still waters.
- He restoreth my Soul: He leadeth me in the Paths of Righteousness for His Name’s sake.
- Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy Staff they comfort me.
- Thou Preparest a Table before me in the Presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with Oil; my cup runneth over.
- Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life: and I will dwell in the House of the LORD for ever.
From Verse 5 and 6, He said: Thou Preparest a Table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the House of the LORD forever.
… He said that if I can just get into the house of the Lord; I will get “Abundant Provisions”.
In 2 Kings 4: 1-7 – You know the Story of that Widow who was “Completely Destitute”. The “Only Thing” that anybody could sell in her house of any Value were are two (2) sons.
She made up her Mind that: If I can just get to where the Representative of God is living; I know that my problem will be solved.
She ran to Elisha and by the end of the day – Not only was her debt Paid, she never had to borrow again for the rest of her life.
There was this Young Man – We are having the Holy Ghost Service in the very, very first Auditorium near the Expressway.
Highly Qualified, he applied for jobs but he could not get any and he was dying of hunger.
The Holy Ghost Night came – He woke up very early on Friday and trekked from Lagos to the Redemption Camp (46Km).
He said that if I can just get to the Presence of God today; I know that my Problems will be over.
I was standing at the Altar Preaching when I saw People getting water to Pour on someone – He trekked for 46Km, arrived at the Redemption Camp, and collapsed.
… And so, they began to pour water on him.
So, I asked during the break: What is going on?
In those days, I will Preach one Sermon, we will have a break and then I will begin again.
And they told us the Story.
I announced to the People about this Young Man’s case – Who trekked 46Km to be in the House of the Lord because he has no job
.. That Night, he got six (6) job Offers.
I want to decree this Morning or as you read on the Label of DMC: Because you came; all Your Needs will be met – Amen!
- I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the LORD.
David knew that in the Presence of the Lord, “There is Fullness of Joy”.
He wrote it in Psalms 16:12 – Thou wilt show me the Path of Life: in thy Presence is Fullness of Joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
He knows that the House of the Lord is “The House of Joy”.
Psalms 107:20 says: He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
When you come to the House of the Lord, you hear just a Word and that is enough to solve all Problems!
The Pastor may be Preaching one way; others are hearing something but you are hearing one thing.
When you come to the House of the Lord; there is always a Word meant for you Specifically!
… And that Word is coming to Somebody today – Amen!
I have told you the Story before of one of my Uncles – An Electric Engineer.
He was wealthy before but all of a sudden everything turned – He became so poor that he had to be taking the wrapper of the wife to make “Buba and Soro” (A Top and Trouser wear in a Typical Yoruba Culture in Nigeria).
And being a very jovial kind of person, he said that I think I know what to do – Death is better than Shame. He said that he will commit suicide.
But he said that he will attend his own Funeral Service – And the way he will do it: He will come to the Church, worship God, dance more than anybody else; then he will get home and commit suicide.
… So that everybody will say: Ha, we are wondering why he was dancing so much.

He came to Church – The Preacher began to Preach about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
And the Preacher said a sentence: When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego say that the God we serve will deliver us; they did not know how He (God) could do it.
… That’s all he heard and he said: I refuse to die!
I don’t know how God can solve my Problems, I don’t know how He can take me out of my Present situation but I refused to die.
The day he was sharing his Testimony, he had just bought fourteen (14) cars for those who are working for him in just one day!
You are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Your case may look Hopeless. I have Good News for you: Before the end of this year, we will hear your Testimony – Amen!
- I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the LORD because: The House of the Lord is “The House of Prayer”.
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 21:13 – He said that His house shall be called the House of Prayer.
Matthew 21:13 – And said unto them, It is written, My House shall be called the House of Prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Why? – Because that is where God answers Prayers most!
Oh, He can answer my Prayer when I sit down at home? – I know.
But He said in His Words in Isaiah 55:6 – He said: Call on Him while He is near.
Many times when you are Praying at home; we are Praying by Faith. We don’t have any evidence that He is near and you can’t see Him.
Job said: I turned to the Right, I can’t find Him; I turned to the left, where are you?
DMC NOTES: The above is a quotation from Job 23:9 – On the left hand, where He doth work, but I cannot behold Him: He hideth Himself on the right hand, that I cannot see Him:
But in His House, He is always there!
When you come to the House of the Lord, you don’t need to worry about Him being here or not – He is the Landlord. He is always at Home!
… When you call on Him, He is near – He will hear and He will answer.
Whether the devil likes it or not, God is going to answer the Prayer of Somebody today or as you read on the Label of DMC – Amen!
So, I want to conclude.
Today, as the Lord lives; everything that you ask for will be given to you – Amen
So, according to Isaiah 59: 1-2:
- Behold, the LORD’S Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, that He will not hear.
Only one fellow can leave this Place today empty without receiving from God if he or she has not given his or her life to Jesus Christ.
So, I will count from one (1) to five (5); before I say five (5), come and stand before the Altar and give your life to Jesus Christ.
Those of us who are already Infront – Just cry to God: You brought me this Morning into the House of the Lord; save my Soul as You are the Saviour.
This is Your House and I’m asking for Salvation – Every sin that I have ever committed, forgive me today.
I don’t want to go back the same way I came; I want You to be my Lord, my Saviour and I will serve You from now on.
And the rest of us; I want us to stretch our hands towards these people and intercede for them because God answers Prayers in His House.
Pray that the Lord who saves our own Souls will save their own souls also. That God will give them a Brand New Beginning; that all the Problems will be over.
Please Pray for them.
Thank You, Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
And so Lord, I want to Thank You for Your Words, I want to Bless Your Holy Name for these People that have come forward to surrender their lives to You.
Please, remember Your promise that whosoever will come unto You; You will no wise cast out.
They have come now Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your blood wash away their sins, give them a Brand New Beginning, receive them into the Family of God, and give them the grace to serve You for the rest of their lives.
Lord from now on, anytime they call on You; answer them by Fire.
Thank You, my Father and my God.
And today, this day is a very, very Special Day; all Your Children (The Older ones as well as the new ones); anything they ask from you today Please grant their Request.
Whatever Problems they brought here Lord God Almighty, You the Lord of Host will solve the problems.
Every Hopeless situation, turn it around.
You are the Hope of Glory and we are in Your House – Your House is the House of Glory; turn our Shame to Glory.
Thank You, Father.
In the Glorious Name of Jesus Christ we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who have come forward – God Bless You (Amen).
I will love to be Praying for you from now on – So, if you don’t mind, I will like to have your Name, your Address, and your Prayer Request
God Bless You – Follow the Counsellors.
… Let’s really clap for Jesus Christ!
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
I don’t know what you want from God but you have come to the Right Place.
And I’m going to ask you to Stand on your feet – You are going to Pray today as you have never Prayed before because today, God is going to surprise Somebody.
So, lift your hands to God and say: Father, I am in Your House; Heal me, Deliver me, Give me Joy, Solve all my Problems, Reverse the Irreversible for me.
… Go ahead and cry to the Almighty God!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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