Let Us Pray!
We are serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know
We are serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know
I am serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know
I am serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know
Father Almighty, Miracle Working God, the One with whom Nothing shall be impossible – We worship You today.
We Thank You thus far You have helped us; we Thank You because if You had not been on our side, by now the world would have forgotten us; we Thank You for Your Mercy that endureth forever.
Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
As we continue with our Study Father; Please speak to us again and Perform Miracles in all our lives.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, we are in: Going Higher – Part 35.
And our Bible Text will remain: 1 Kings 18:41.
1 Kings 18:41
And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a Sound of Abundance of Rain.
Like we said some couple of Sundays ago (Sunday:10th and 17th October, 2021); when we get to a certain Height in our Spiritual Development, we want to make sure that we get all the benefits we can from every Verses of the Scriptures – We used to call it Digging Deep.
… You are not skimming the surface now but you are looking for “Hidden Treasures” in the Word of God.
So, this is the Third Sunday for example that we are looking at: 1 Kings 18:41 and we are not anywhere near the end of the Story.
We have already learnt from this Passage/Verse that:
I. God is Merciful.
II. We should be Grateful to God.
III. It is Possible for us to hear from God.
IV. One of the Signs of Divine Prophecies is that they always sound Incredible.
DMC NOTES: We can get to access the two (2) Previous Studies on this same Verse: 1 Kings 18:41 on these Links:
Today, we want to look at something else now – What Elijah said was that: Rain is Coming!
Rain is Coming means that: Dryness is about to be over!
What does that mean after three and half Years?
- Hardship does not have to last forever!
Now, I want to Prophesy to Someone that all the Problems that you have been having will end today – Amen!
Hardship has an Expiring Date!
I. In Mark 5: 25-34; there was a Woman with the Issue of Blood – She suffered for twelve (12) Years.
But one day, her Problems ended.
She suffered Shame, she suffered Agony, she suffered Losses (Physical, Material, Mental and Almost Spiritual) but after twelve (12) Years, her day came.
And I believed that Someone is listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Your Day has Come – Amen!
II. In Luke 13: 11-17; there was a Woman who suffered for eighteen (18) Years.
Her Problems was even worst than that of the Woman with the Issue of Blood – The Woman with the Issue of Blood, her Problem was hidden, covered with Clothes. And it is only those close to her knew what she was going through.
Yes of course, she has no Husband – If anybody comes to her talking of Marriage, she could have cleverly dodged it
But in the case of this Woman in Luke 13: 11-17; she was “Bent Double”.
Everybody could see the Problem from a distance – Her Problem was not a Problem that she could have hidden under a “Beautiful Dress”. Everybody knew her as the Woman “Bent Double”.
… And she was like that for eighteen (18) Years but her Day came.
… Hardship does not have to last forever!
III. Oh, what about the case of the Man in John 5: 2-9.
He had been by the Pool of Bethesda for thirty eight (38) Years – A lot of People met him there and left him there.
If they are Voting for Leadership in that Place, they Probably would have made him the Leader of those who are incurable.
But this day came – He has failed, he has been defeated, he has been forsaken.
When Jesus Christ got to him, he told the Lord that I have no one (Helper has failed, Comfort had flown). But when the Helper of the Helpless came, his Hardship was over.
IV. And when you read Acts 4:22 – It was talking about a Man who was more than forty (40) Years old. He was the Man healed from Acts 3: 1-11.
He was born Lame – His Problem started before he was born, his Problem started from right there from the womb and everybody knew him.
… Everybody who came to the Temple to worship; knew him – The Beggar by the “Beautiful Gate”.
But his Day came!
In the Name of the Almighty God that I serve: Your Day of Deliverance will come today – Amen!
Psalms 30:5 says: Weeping may endure for a night; Joy cometh in the Morning.
Rain is Coming – That is what Elijah said!
And today I’m saying that your Day of Joy is here – Amen!
1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that: In every Temptations that could come your Way; God makes a Way of Escape.
He does not give us a Problem so bad that you can’t Escape from it – No, No, No; He creates a Way of Escape.
The Hardship, the Problem does not have to be there forever – There is a Way of Escape!
Someone said that: If you look for it, you will find it!
I tell you that you have found it the moment you find Jesus Christ because He is the Way!
In John 14:6; He said that: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
According to the Law of Priority; it is what is Uppermost in your heart that you speak first.
He said: I am the Way, even before He said that I am the Truth.
… The Way of Escape from whatever Problem.
He is even the Way where there had been No Way before – Exodus 14: 1-28
When God said to Moses: Tell the children of Israel to Move Forward – It was because He was going to create a Way where there was Nothing before.
Have they told you that there is no Way out of the Problem?
Rejoice because the Problem is ending now – Amen!
… Rain is Coming – Hardship does not have to last forever!
- Rain is Coming means that the Ground will be wet again.
What does that mean?
Isaiah 55:10 says: When Rain falls, when the Ground is wet again; there will be food for the Eaters and Seed for the Sowers.
Meaning what? – Hunger is about to end.
Because in Joel 2: 23-26; it says that we should rejoice.
Why? – Because God has given you Rain.
And as a result of Him giving you rain, there will be Plenty of food – You will eat and be satisfied and no more Shame.
I rejoice in my Spirit because I know that by this Particular Sermon, God is Prophesying to Someone: You will soon get a job – Amen; your Business will soon begin to Prosper – Amen; you will soon become Fruitful – Amen.
There will be food again as the Famine will be over – Amen; and there will be Seed to sow – Amen
When the Ground is wet, it gives food for the Eater and Seed for the Sower.
And the beauty of that is: Harvest will come!
Because according to Galatians 6: 7-8; the Bible made it clear: The Lord is not deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a Man sow, that is what he will reap.
In other words, when Rain falls and there is food for the Eater and Seed for the Sower; you will now have what you need to sow.
And because you are now able to sow; Harvest will begin to come.
A Young Man was talking to me the other day – And he was talking about how Good God has been to him. He said that God told him to sow a house in Lagos – That was several Years ago.
He said that he sowed the house and now the Harvest has come – And in Place of a house, he has an Office building that he said should be about 16 or 17 Storey tall in the best Part of Lagos.
… He said that “Only God” can make it Possible!
Some of us wants to sow; only that we haven’t gotten anything to sow!
But when Rain falls, seed will come and then sowing will become easy; followed by Harvest.
- And then he (Elijah) said: Rain is Coming – Not “Ordinary Rain” but “Abundance Rain”
When Rain falls in Abundance, dry River beds will become full again.
… River beds will begin to flow again.
And according to Revelation 22:1 – Wherever there is River, there will be Life.
That is why you find out that every Town, every City at least as much as Possible as I know in my own side of the world; is built around a River – Every Settlement.
… Go and check them out – There is a River there nearby.
I am not talking of a Desert Places – Even in the Desert Places, they want to camp round a Well.
There will be Life – Meaning what?
When Rain falls and the Ground is wet; there will be a New Beginning – A New Beginning of Life!
And Isaiah 42:9; the Almighty God said that the former things has come to Past; New Things do I declare before the Spring forth.
Elijah said: Hey, Rain is coming – That means New Things are about to Spring forth.
In Isaiah 43:19; God said that: Behold, I will do a New Thing.
And what is the New Thing? – Rivera in the Desert.
Revelation 21:5; the Almighty God said: Behold, I made all Things New.
May I Prophesy to Someone today and say: From today onwards, everything in your Life will become Brand New because Rain is Coming – Amen!
But you can go deeper still – Just a little deeper still.
- When Rain falls, the Heat will be gone.
When there has not been Rain for three and half Years, Nobody needs to tell you the everything will be very hot.
When Rain falls, things becomes Cooling.
And what does that mean?
When things are cool, People don’t sweat.
… Rain is Coming means no more sweating.
You know the Story in Matthew 13: 3-9 – A Servant went out to sow and some of the Seeds fell on the Way side, some fell on Rocky Ground, some fell among Thorns. It is only those that fell on Good Soil that Produce any Seed.
… Some in Thirty, some in Sixty, some in Hundreds.
Then you look at Genesis 26: 12-14 – Isaac sowed in the Famine and in his own case in the very first Year; he got a Hundredfold Returns.
That is “Sweatless Success”.
And he kept on Increasing – Waxing Great, Growing until he became “Very Great” – Sweatless Efforts.
It is one thing to work hard, it is another thing to get results that will match your Hard work.
In Luke 5: 1-7; we saw an Example of Sweatless Labour.
Peter fished All Night and caught Nothing – Just sweated for Nothing.
When the Lord got involved with him, he threw the Net once, caught enough fish to fill two (2) boats to “Sinking Level”.
You know, what you need in Life to be successful forever is just one breakthrough!
… And you will get that breakthrough today in Jesus Name – Amen.
I mean that is what God said in Malachi 3:10 – Which is why you can understand why the devil doesn’t want you to look into that direction at all.
When He said: Bring all the Tithes into My House and I will open the Windows of Heaven and Pour out a Blessing – Just one!
Sweatless Success – When the heat is gone, no more sweating!
- Rain is coming means no more Curses.
You say that how can that be in that Passage?
When you read Genesis 3: 17-19; you will discovered that it is a curse that brought sweating into Labour.
It was when Adam sinned that God said: Alright, from now on, it is in the sweat of your face that you will eat.
This Man has been taking care of a Garden, the size of Lagos State alone – No sweat, easily.
Then sin came and God said that from now on, it will be Thorns and Thirstle that will be growing.
Up till today; Manured the Ground, do everything, don’t Plant anything there – Thorns and Thirstle will grow on their own.
And when you Plant your Maize or something; you still have to struggle with the weeds.
No more sweat means no more curse
And according to Numbers 23:8; if God does not curse you, Nobody can.
As a matter of fact, Numbers 23:20 says: Whenever anybody says you should be cursed; God will replace it with a Blessing.
Rain Coming means: No more Curses, get ready for Blessings.
That is why when it Rain, we call it: “Showers of Blessings”.
And so for Someone today; this very Day your Rain will fall, your Ground will be wet, your famine will be over, you will have Plenty of Seeds to sow, your Harvest will be Great, your Heat will be gone, no more sweating, no more Curses but there will be Showers of Blessings – Amen!
Now, the question is as I Close: How soon can the Rain fall for me?
It depends on you Absolutely!
Why? – Ecclesiastes 11: 1-3 says: If you load your Clouds, the Cloud will soon release Rain.
If you read the Verses 1 to 3 – Ecclesiastes 11: 1-3; it tells you how to load your Clouds.
… Just keep on loading your Cloud.
A Big Load into the Cloud can bring in the Rain even today
Rain is coming but don’t forget that there is someone who controls the Rain – And that is the Almighty God!
He said in His Words that He can Rain in one Part of the City and keep the Other Part of the City dry.
He said that when He does that, the Part of the City that hasn’t got Rain will wither.
So, it all depends if you are on the side of this God who controls the Rain.
That is one other Big reason why you should give your Life to Jesus Christ.
I’m crying to you that it is for your own Good!
Be on the Right Side of God, be on that Side that Rain will fall.
Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now: Stop wasting your Life, you need the Rain and He controls the Rain.
So, if you want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, will you Please bow your head wherever you are and cry unto Him.
And said: Lord, I’m tired of dryness, I’m tired of sweat, I’m tired Curses – I want your Rain, I want your Refreshments.
Save my Soul, forgive all my sins and I will serve you for the rest of my Life.
Call on Him and I will Pray for you – I will join my Faith with yours and He will save your Soul and everything will become New for you.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name once again for Your Words.
I want to give You all the Glory and Honour for what You have already released into our lives once again today.
First and Foremost, I’m committing all those who are surrendering their lives to Your Hands Lord; Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, give them a Brand New Beginning, write their names in the Book of Life and Please Lord, remove every Curses from them and replace it with Your Blessings.
Lord, I’m Praying for all Your Children who have listened to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Lord from today onwards, let their Rain begin to fall.
Please Lord God Almighty, Put an end to dryness in their lives, remove every Curses from them and bless them Mightily.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who have given your Life to Jesus Christ; I rejoice with you and I want to Promise you that from now on by the Special Grace of God, I will be Praying for you.
So, Please get in contact with me and give me your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests and I will be Praying for you.
And look for a Branch of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) nearest to you, go to the Pastor there, tell him I sent you and he will tell you what to do next.
God Bless You – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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