Let’s sit down for a few Minutes
I want to Thank God for the Privilege we have here to Stand on this Altar.
We want to Thank our Parents in the Lord: Pastor & Pastor (Mrs) E.A Adeboye – Thank you for the Privilege.
We want to Thank God for the Set Man in Charge of the Youth over this Commission: Pastor Belemina Obunge – We trust God that God will keep him and Strengthened him the more for us in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
I was asked this afternoon to speak to us on an interesting Subject Matter – And the Subject Matter says: “STANDING FOR CHRIST”.
You will agree with me that the devil every day is recruiting Men, he is recruiting Soldiers that will Stand at the gate of the Church to fight against the Church.
In the same vein, God is looking for you and I who will Stand at the gate – Not just to defend but also to attack him (devil) and Standing for Christ.
Our Bible Text this Afternoon is found in: Colossians 2:7:
Rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the Faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with Thanksgiving.
… Rooted and built up in the Faith (2ce).
I will come to that Scriptures very soon.
You must understand that you are in a time that the Christian Faith is facing so much of Challenges, so much of Battles everywhere.
And like I will always say that the Life of a Christian is a Continuous Battle, it is a Continuous Warfare – We don’t cease to Pray, we don’t cease to Warfare.
It is Continuous that we must wrestle.
The Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
We must continue to battle in the journey of our Faith but we have an Understanding as Believers that we come from the Stand Point of Victory – We don’t come from a Stand Point of defeat.
So then, what does it mean to Stand for Christ?
- Number One: To Stand for Christ means to have the ability and readiness to defend Christ.
To Stand for Christ means your ability and readiness to defend Him at all cost
At all times, in any situation.
The Bible says in John 10:18 – The Bible talks about the man called Peter.
The Bible says in that day that, Peter when they came to arrest Jesus Christ; he brought something to take off the ear of somebody
Why? – Because he was Standing to defend his Master.
And many of us as Believers we have sold our Master very cheaply not knowing that we have sold him.
The world is Negotiating our Master with us and we are letting them Negotiate because we don’t have Men like you and I, who will rise to defend Him.
For to Stand up for Christ, Number one means: The Ability and the Willingness to rise to defend Him whenever there is a cause to do so.
… And there is always a cause – There is always a cause to defend Him.
The Bible talks about the Man called David.
One day there was war in the land and the Bible says the Philippians have held the People for Good forty (40) days.
And one day, David showed up like you and I and David said to his brothers when they were accusing him, when they were saying all kinds of stupid things about him and to him.
He said to them – Is there not a cause? Is there not a reason that I should Stand to defend Israel?
And the Bible says there was a cause of course – David stood and defended his God.
And God is Calling you and I; and it is time that we would rise!
In all spheres that we fall into, it is time that we will rise. And not just rise but we will rise and defend our Master, we will rise and defend our Calling, we will rise and defend our Salvation, we will rise and defend what we believe.
- Number two, what does it mean to Stand?
Number two, it means:
To be Rooted and Grounded.
Our Bible Text says that: Rooted and Grounded and built up.
For you to defend, for you to Stand up for Christ – Child of God, you must be rooted in Him.
“The Height of a tree is a function of the depth of the root”.
And hear me child of God: “A tree can never be longer than its root”
See how high this building is, if they tell you how many feet deep the Pillars of this building are, it will surprise you.
Why? – For you to defend your Master, for you defend Christ at all cost; you must be rooted because you must have the indepth knowledge of your Master.
If you don’t have an indepth knowledge of your Master – Child of God, you cannot defend what you don’t know.
… Nobody defends what he doesn’t know!
And until you come to a Point where certain things do not move you any more then you understand that.
Because to defend Him, my friend, you need to be rooted in Him.
It means to defend our Master, to Stand for Christ means to be Rooted – To have an indepth knowledge, to have an indepth encounter with Him.
Then when you have that encounter, you have the ability to Stand.
Not everyone can Stand, Child of God; not everyone can defend Him, Child of God; not everyone can Stand for Him. It is those who have been Rooted and Established in Him that can do what? – stand for Him.
- Number three, what does it mean to be Rooted?
So what does it mean to Stand for Christ?
1 Peter 5:10, the Bible talks about:
After that ye have suffered a little while, He will establish thee, then he will strengthen thee.
To Stand for Christ means to be Strengthened in Christ.
If I say everyone Stand now, if you don’t have Strength you will not be able to Stand.
And the job of a defender is to have Strength to Stand at the gate to defend something.
So, if you don’t have Strength to defend, then you become a Prey to that which you want to defend.
And that is how someone will go for Deliverance and in the Process of getting to do Deliverance, he is the one that is being ended up getting to be delivered.
Why? – Because he is not Strong – No Strength, no Spiritual Strength.
Because to be rooted, to be established, you need what? – You need to be Strengthened.
Just laying a Foundation of where we are; laying the Foundation of what I’m going to be talking about.
You must come to the Point as Believers, when backsliding is no longer in our itinerary
There are some of us as Believers, backsliding can still be an option.
But for you to Stand for Christ, you would have come to that Point where you will speak like Paul: That I may know him and the Power of His Resurrection and the Fellowship of His Sufferings.
… You must come to that Point,
You must come to that point when you will realise and come to a conclusion like Esther: If I Perish, I Perish.
When you get to that Point, Child of God; then you have the ability, you will have what it takes to Stand and to defend your Maker.
So, let me run quickly because we are going to Pray in a couple of Minutes from now.
In what areas are we to Stand for Christ?
I will just share three (3) of them because of time.
In what areas are we to Stand for Christ? In
What areas of our lives, are we to Stand for Christ?
Now this is not a fashionable discussion but it is the sincerity of the Word of God that we need for the now.
- Number one area that we need to Stand to defend our Maker is in the area of our Dressing.
Please help me tell your neighbour: The way you dress.
Help me echo to your neighbour – The way you dress!
Philippians 4:5, the Bible says: Let your Moderation be known to all Men.
.. Not some Men, not a few Men – All Men.
Let your moderation be known.
The question then is: What is the Moderation of a Believer’s Dressing?
The Bible calls us Kings and Queens – So as Kings and Queens we have a dress code, we have a dress conduct, we have the way we ought to appear for every occasion, we have a way we ought to appear.
And unfortunately, some of our appearance is an apology to the God we represent.
When a Believer begins to dress like a Gangster all in the name of Fashion – The question then is: Is he representing Christ?
How do you represent Christ with the way you dress?
Let me tell you child of God:
I. If somebody mistakes your Identity because of the way you are dressed negatively – Listen to me, you have embarrassed and you have disgraced Christ already.
II. If somebody mistakes your Identity just because of the way you appear, you have disgraced Christ.
Why? – Because you are Royal Priesthood, you are Peculiar People – There is a way expected of us to dress.
When a Believer begins, when a brother begins to sag, all in the name of fashion; the question then is: Who do you represent?
We are talking about Ambassadors of Christ.
Remember I told you I was going to talk about Standing for Christ.
It is not a Fashionable discussion for Youths I know, it is not something our Youths will love to hear – I understand.
But Child of God hear this and hear it well:
I. If your appearance does not Glorify God; then you have dishonored God already.
II. If your appearance cannot save a Soul;
If an Unbeliever cannot see your appearance and say: When I give my Life to Christ, this is how I will dress; then you have disgraced and dishonored God already.
So, Child of God; we must come to the Point, where our dressing reflects our Salvation; where our dressing, reflect the God that we serve; where our dressing can Stand for the Faith that we believe in!
… We must come to that Point!
And our dressing, we must dress to glorify God.
Everything have to be Moderate – Whatever you do, whatever you put on; it has to be Moderate and it should end up giving Glory to the Father.
- Number two area that we can represent and we should represent God.
Please listen to me carefully, is the area of what we call doctrine –
The Christian Doctrine.
What are Doctrines?
Doctrines are the Foundations.
There are the Fundamentals of our Faith – Doctrines are the Fundamentals of our Faith. They are the believe Systems of every Commission, of every Child of God as it is given from the Scriptures.
… Those are Doctrines!
And hear me Child of God – The world is killing the Doctrines of the Church, the world is killing everything that we believe and we hold dearly and gradually, we are following them to believe it.
I wll take a few of the Doctrines – I can’t do so many, but I will just take a few:
I. I will talk about the Doctrine of Grace.
Right now all over the world; there are Popular Teachings by Popular Ministers of God, Anointed Ministers of God who have said to you and somehow, some of you are also believing it or you are thinking of believing it or you want to believe it
But I came to disabuse your Mind today that you should not believe those Doctrines because they are Doctrines from the Pit of hell.
They said once you are Born-Again, your sins are covered by Grace! – For you can continue to live in sin Grace covers it all.
*But I came to tell you –
Please help me tell your neighbour that It is a lie!
Oh, tell that neighbour very well – It is a lie!
Why? – Because Grace is not a License for sin – Grace is dominion over sin.
That is why Paul said:
Must we continue in sin that Grace abound
And he says God forbid (God forbid)
So, we must not continue in sin.
It is a Doctrine that we must Protect – It is our Integrity we must Protect, it is the Word of God that we must Protect.
We should Protect at all cost.
We have a responsibility to Protect it.
What do we Protect?
We Protect it and let our children know that Grace is not a license to sin
II. They say about Salvation that – They say once saved, once saved forever.
But remember the Bible says: “Work out your Salvation with fear and trembling”
Don’t be deceived Child of God, that once saved is saved forever.
It will shock you when you get there – Some of us will get to the Gate of Heaven and we will be shocked.
But I Pray for you that you will not be surprised when you get there – Amen! May the Gates of Heaven be opened unto you when you get there – Amen! In the Name of Jesus – Amen!
Don’t believe it, don’t accept it, don’t receive it – It is a lie from the Pit of Hell.
Once saved is not saved forever – Work it out until that day of Salvation. That last Day that the roll will be called – That is the Day.
I know that Message, once saved is saved forever is sweet for Youth – We can do anything, we have an attitude of flyers, we want to fly but while you are flying, Please calm down before you crash.
We have a responsibility to uphold the Doctrine that was handed over to us, the Teachings that were handed over to us; we have a responsibility to uphold it and we must uphold it.
Child of God, listen to me: It is you and I that will uphold it because we have to Pass it on to the Next Generation.
And we cannot Pass on that nonsense to them – That once saved is saved forever.
III. This is the issue of Sanctification.
They said there is no need to be Sanctified –
That we are washed by the Blood of the Lamb and so be it.
But the Bible says: Present your body a Living Sacrifice.
When the Bible says: Present it; it is your responsibility to do the Presentations by yourself not some other Person Presenting it for you.
So, there is an issue of Sanctification – That we set ourselves apart for the Kingdom is still there.
IV. Number 4, the issue of Resurrection, Second Coming and the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
These are the few Doctrines I just want to share with us this morning that we must hold and we must represent it.
V. And lastly, let me talk about the issue of Tithing.
It had become a serious controversy and some of us as Believers we even get involved in the discussions Online.
And all kinds of Theology, all kinds of Teachings are going round.
But the Word of God is sure and the Word of God indeed Stands forever.
Malachi 3:10 says: Bring all your Tithes.
All not some, not if you like, not when you like, not how you like, not where you like – It says bring all.
These are the Doctrines of our Christian Faith.
For those of you who have been in this Commission for a while; these were the things that were taught you when you joined this Commission, these were the things that you have believed over the Years but over this Period, People have come with all kinds of Theology and all kinds of Revelations to bamboozle you, to scatter your Mind that you cannot even relate any more.
God is saying that we need Men – You Standing there, you sitting down there and the Lord is saying He needs you and He needs me to Stand, to defend the Faith
- And number 3, in what area do we need to Stand for Christ – In Professionalism.
The Bible says in Daniel 5:12 – The Bible talks about several Characteristics that found in Daniel.
I. Excellent Spirit, Knowledge, Interpretation of Dreams, Understanding – Ability to understand hard sentences, ability to understand and dissolve doubting sentences – All these things were found in one man called Daniel.
Listen to me: There is no Anointing in Laziness, there is no Power in Laziness, there is no Anointing in Mediocrity – No, No Anointing!
Nothing gives Glory to God in that level, in that realm.
God cannot be Glorified if you are not excelling in your business, in your job.
Now you must understand that there is one thing to represent God with your Character wherever you are.
There is another thing to represent God in your work, in the things that you do and how you do it.
Listen, if you are so Intelligent, you are so Gifted at the things you do at your Place of work and the way you do it; nobody can ignore you – It is only but a rule.
Daniel was not ignored – He could not be ignored.
The King did not like him, does not matter.
He could not be ignored.
I. Because he could represent God.
II. An Excellent Spirit was in him, an Excellent Spirit.
So, if you are working anywhere, you are doing any Business anywhere and you cannot be up on your feet and you don’t acquire so much information and so much Knowledge as to what you are doing to come out the best.
Child of God, hear me:
You are not even Glorifying God, you are not even Standing for God.
Prayers is Good, we Pray – We believe God and we Pray.
Prayers are Powerful, Fasting are Good but you cannot replace Fasting for acquisition of Knowledge, you cannot replace Prayers for acquisition of knowledge – You cannot!
They said when Preparation meets with Opportunity, Manifestation is set to abound – Once Preparation meets with Opportunity, Manifestation you can never gain say it; it will just appear.
But a Man that is not Prepared; give him ten opportunities, he will keep failing.
Why? – Because he is not Prepared for it.
And as Believers, for every lifting, there must be Preparation for that lifting, for every Advancement, there must be a Preparation for that Advancement.
Some of you, many opportunities have walked Past you – Not because God did not bring it. God brought it but you were not Prepared and so you could not even see it, when it walked Past.
How do you know something you did not even Prepare for?
How do you know, wheb something is Passing that belongs to you that you don’t even know that it belongs to you.
Why? – Because you were not Prepared for it, you were not informed for it.
So, knowledge is Key – You must acquire sufficient Knowledge to be able to represent God wherever you are.
Five (5) Kings, four (4) Kings, three (3) Kings, two (2) Kings – They had to call Daniel to serve them.
Why? – Because he had something that the Others could not give.
The Bible records that he became the President of all the Princes – A Stranger, a Captive, he became the one that was in Charge.
I Pray for you in the Name that is above every names as I Pray for myself: Wherever you go from now on; the Almighty God will put you ahead in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
The question then is: How do I Stand for Him?
I will just share three (3) things with us and I am out of your way –
We will Pray!
- Proverbs 18:21; the Bible says: Life and death are in the Power of the tongue.
One way to Stand for God, one way to stand for Christ is through the Instrumentality of our mouth.
For you to be what? – Vocal!
“A Closed Mouth is a Closed Destiny”.
You have to open your mouth to defend the Gospel, you have to open your mouth and share the Gospel, you have to open your mouth and fight for the Gospel.
You will use your Mouth – Your Mouth!
Some of you, you have your beautiful mouth –
You gist with it from morning till night.
Beautiful Mouth, but you have not defend the Gospel by that.
You defend Christ by using your Mouth to speak up for Him.
When People are Pulling Him down, instead of joining the conversations that are going on – Though you don’t pull Him down, you raise Him up with your Mouth.
And somebody is abusing Christ where you are and instead of speaking up for Him; you say it is not my business, I don’t want to involve myself in all this discussion!
No, you have to involve yourself in the discussion
Somebody is abusing a Spiritual father where you are, you keep quiet and say: No, he is not abusing me.
But don’t worry, let me tell you – If you fail to Stand up for Christ today; if you fail to Stand up for the People that God has Placed above you as Spiritual Parents; when your turn comes to be Spiritual Parents, nobody will rise to Stand for you – Nobody!
You have to be vocal!
Help me tell your neighbour – Be vocal.
- 2 Timothy 1:7; the Bible says: He has not given us the Spirit of fear but He has given us the Spirit of Power, love and of what? – Sound Mind.
For you to Stand for God in this Generation, you need Boldness!
Joshua had to Stand before the People of Israel – He did not have what it takes, so he was afraid like every one of us will be afraid.
The Bible says and the Lord said unto Joshua: Be courageous, do not be afraid as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.
Child of God, this time more than ever before, you need the Spirit of Boldness.
You need the Spirit of Boldness, not to be afraid of any Oppression – Not to be afraid of anyone.
You need Boldness – You need to be as bold as a Lion.
- You need to be Powerful and Fireful.
Listen to me, help me tell your neighbour
Nobody ignores Light, nobody ignores fire.
For you be in Charge and be relevant and to Stand for God, Child of God, you need Power, you need fire.
Without Power, without fire; everything you do is Jamboree – You need Power to operate.
Paul speaking said: The words that I speak to you, they are not the enticing words of Men but they are filled with the demonstration of the Power and of the Holy Ghost
Power – We are in the dispensation of Power, we are in the dispensation of fire.
Fire attracts attention.
And when a Man carries fire, even the devil will look at him once in a while to take to his heels.
Child of God, you need what? – Fire!; you need what? – Power!
The interesting thing about fire and Power is that some of you even have Power, some of you even carry fire but you do not even know you carry it.
Why? – Because you have not taken a step of Faith to lay hands on somebody, to Pray for somebody, to believe God for somebody, to see the Manifestations of the things you Pray for.
But this Afternoon, we are going to Pray
In less than two (2), three (3) Minutes – We are going to Pray and you are going to hold the hands of somebody and agree with that Person for every Challenge the Person has, for every issues the Person came to this Campground with that is yet to be resolved, you are going to agree with that Person in your Spirit, you going to agree with that Person Physically and you are going to tell God: Lord, as I hold this Person and I Pray a Prayer of Agreement – The Bible says when two (2) or whatever agree on Earth, so shall it be established in Heaven.
You are going to say:
As I Pray for this Person – Whatever the Challenge is, let it drop here now.
How many of you believe it will happen right now?
If you believe, let me hear your Amen loud and clear – Amen!!!
I am not talking to Unbelievers – If you are a Believer and you believe that as you Pray for that Person you are holding; every Challenges that the Person is having, will drop now.
Let me hear your Amen loud and clear – Amen!!!
You are about to Pray for the Person – I want you to gather Spiritual Energy and gather Spiritual Strength and you are going to Pray for that Person with everything inside of you.
And as that Person is leaving your hands today, right now, whatever the Person has as a Challenge; before your very eyes, God will settle that Person now in the name of Jesus – Amen!
As you are holding that Person – I will Pray for you in just a minute.
I will Pray – If you can Pray in the Holy Spirit, you Pray with me for one minute or so; then when we will Pray for that one minute.
I will let you Pray for that Person according to the Spirit and according to your Understanding.
And as you Pray for that Person for a few minutes, you will see same Person, the situation will drop right now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
The burdens will give way right now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
The heavy load will give way right now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
The Oppressors will leave you right now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
Now lift your voice if you can speak in the Holy Ghost – Just help me Pray for one minute. Let us Pray for one minute.
(Prayers in the Holy Ghost)
Open your mouth and Pray …
I Pray for you that you remain Grounded and Rooted in Christ in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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