Let Us Pray!
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord
Holy is Your Name
Holy is Your Name
Holy is Your Name Oh Lord
Holy is Your Name
Holy is Your Name
Holy is Your Name Oh Lord
Father Almighty, may Your Name forever be Blessed.
We want You to know that we love You, we appreciate You. There is no one like You – Glorious in Holiness, Fearful in Praises, doing Wonders; rich in Mercy (Oh, that Mercy that Preserves us). We are very grateful Lord, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Today again, send Your Words to us, let it bring Healings, Deliverance, Breakthroughs.
And Lord God Almighty, send us Showers of Blessings.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Well, we will go to Part 38 of our Series: “Going Higher”.
And I’m sure that you will be surprised that our Bible Text will still be: 1 Kings 18:41.
Don’t worry, we will Probably move on to Verse 42 next time but you can never tell if the Lord wants us to say something else we will.
But 1 Kings 18:41 again says: And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a Sound of Abundance of Rain.
… A Sound of Abundance of Rain!
We could easily talk about Abundance of Rain but some Sundays ago; at the National Headquarters Parish of RCCG (DMC NOTES: Specifically during the September 2021 Thanksgiving Service); we have spoken about: “Floods of Abundance”.
And if you miss that Particular one, go and get it. It could tell you what we could have spoken about on the issue of Abundance of Rain.
DMC NOTES: We can get to access the Full Text of The RCCG September 2021 Thanksgiving Sermon by Pastor E.A Adeboye on this Link:
Because, what we said briefly there is that: Abundance is No Problem with God and Flood which will automatically come from Abundance of Rain is when Abundance is now going beyond Expectations and that there are issues concerning with the Flood.
So, you can get the Tape and that will take care of that aspect. Or maybe get to listen to the Voice Note of the Message via the DMC YouTube Channel as well:
SPECIAL NOTE: Kindly Like and Subscribe to our DMC YouTube Channel to access all the Voice Notes of all the Messages by Pastor E.A Adeboye and Other Speakers both in RCCG and Other Ministries on the Label of DMC: Discovery Media Crew
But there is this word – “SOUND” – That is the one we want to look at today. Particularly the word “Sound of Abundance of Rain”.
That means that: It is not a Whisper – It is a Big Sound that is loud enough.
There is always a link between Sound (Loud Noise) and Good News.
I mean that if your Team is Playing a soccer game and your Team scored a Goal; anybody who is not in the Stadium will know (Particularly if you are the Home Team).
The Noise that will erupt in the Stadium will shake the Ground around.
If they scored against you, you are likely to say: Oh…
… There is a link between Sound and Good News!
I Pray that the Almighty God will give you Good News today in Jesus Name – Amen!
When you go through the Scriptures starting with Leviticus 25:9 – It is the Sound of Trumpet that announces the beginning of the Year of Jubilee (The Year of Freedom, the Year of Restoration).
I mean Freedom if you are in bondage, you sold yourself into Slavery for one reason or the other. When Jubilee comes, Freedom comes and you can go back home Free.
The Year of Restoration, the Year of Jubilee; when everything you lost must be restored to you; the Year of a New Beginning.
So, you hear the Great Sound – Hey, the Year of Jubilee is here!
We all know how we shout at the beginning of the Year – Happy New Year! Everybody will roar.
… There is a link between Sound (Big Sound) and Good News!
But when we go through the Scriptures, we find quite a lot of other things associated with the Sound – Big Noise.
- It could be a Summon to Heavenly Host to come and help you Fight, to come and help you remove Obstacles like in Joshua 6:20.
The whole Army of Israel shouted with a Big shout and the Wall fell down flat.
Is there an Obstacle on your Way?
A Good shout of Hallelujah can bring down the Wall because it is a summon to Heavenly Host to come and help one.
… I have a Mountain that I cannot climb, there is a Wall blocking my Way.
Which is why you find out that at the beginning of any of our Service, we shout Hallelujah.
As a matter of fact, if you belong to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), one of the ways of knowing that the Service is about to start is that you will hear: Let Somebody shout Hallelujah.
… That is going to be the First (1st) thing you will hear even before the Band begins to Play.
Why? – Let that Sound clear the atmosphere, remove every Obstacles to our Blessings.
Like you have heard me say before – When some People want to Preach, they start by binding demons, binding devils and so on and so forth. But we don’t have to do that.
They said: Why not?
I. I thought that we bind him yesterday, and so did he get loose overnight?
II. And then if he is that slippery, how do I know that he will not be loose before you finished Preaching?
But when you shout Hallelujah, the devil is going to clear out of the way – The Heavenly Host will come and clear the atmosphere!
- But the most important thing about Sound (Roar of Voice) is that it is associated with Divine Movement.
It is associated with the Involvement of God in the affairs of Man.
… Rain is coming, that is God – He is about to get involved again.
I. In 1 Samuel 4: 1-7 for example – The Bible tells us that the children of Israel were fighting against the Philistines and the battle wasn’t going on too well for the children of Israel.
So they say that we know what is missing – The Ark of Covenant is not with us; let us go and bring the Ark of Covenant. That is where Symbolically God dwells.
So, they brought the Ark of Covenant to the Camp and they all shouted – God is here!
When the Philistines heard the shout – What is the meaning of this shouting?
And Someone said that their God has come to Camp – The enemies trembled.
So when you hear People shouting Great Hallelujah to God; it is another way of saying: Our God has come to Camp.
II. And there is another example in 2 Samuel 5: 22-25.
The Philistines came against David. David said that: Lord, shall I go out and smite them?
God said: Hey, hold on. Wait till You hear a movement on top of the Mulberry Tree. When you hear that movement, then you know that God has gone ahead to do the fighting for you.
At that time, you can then go ahead and you will win.
The Sound is associated with the movement of the Army of God going ahead to fight for you.
III. In 2 Samuel 6: 12-15 (If you like, you can read it from Verse 1 to the end) – Beautiful Story there.
But from Verse 12 to 15; the Bible tells us that when David went to the house of Obededom to bring the Ark of Covenant to Jerusalem.
Oh, they were bringing the Ark with a lot of singing and dancing and shouting. They were making such a Noise to say: God is returning to our City, God is returning to our home.
Maybe at this Stage, I should ask you to even shout a Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah; to announce to all Forces of Darkness that God is returning to my home!
IV. And you know that there is a very interesting Story in 2 Chronicles 13: 14-16.
It tells us the Story of a fight of a battle between Israel and Judah.
Judah had said to Israel – Leave us alone, we are children of the same father.
They said: No, we are going to fight against you.
And so they surrounded Judah – Judah was just a Tribe, the rest of Israel was Mightier.
And when Judah saw that they were surrounded; the Bible says that: They shouted to God; the Trumpet blew and it was a Big Sound.
And suddenly, Israel has no Choice than to Withdraw.
Are you surrounded by Enemies? Do you feel the Enemies closing in on you? – A Big Shout of Hallelujah can solve the Problem!
The Bible says in Psalms 47:5 – It said that God has gone up with a shout; the Lord with the Sound of a Trumpet.
… God loves shouting, He loves the Sound of Trumpets (That’s God).
If He is to go up with a shout, the Bible tells us that when He returns, He will return with a shout – 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18.
When the Rapture is going to take Place, when Jesus Christ comes again; it is going to be with the Trumpet of the Angel – The Lord Himself will descend with a shout.
When you consider the movement of God associated with Shouting, with Noise making; you will understand why the Pentecostals are so Noisy – I think that they discovered that secret.
Let us take some few Examples:
- Look at when Jesus Christ was born in Luke 2: 8-14.
The Bible said that there was some Shepherds on the field – They were looking after their Sheep by Night.
And suddenly, a Bright Light shine around them; an Angel came to them and say: Don’t be afraid, the Saviour has been born.
And suddenly, a detachment of the Heavenly Mass Choir landed. And you can be sure that they were not singing quietly – Shouting, Announcing and Saying: Glory be to God in the Highest!
You know that you can do every other things with your mouth closed – You can Pray with your mouth closed, you can Meditate with your mouth closed but there is no way you can Praise God with your mouth closed. Nobody ever shout Hallelujah with mouth closed.
And you know that whatever has been sealing your Lips, that is not allowing you to Praise God can be gone if only you know how to shout.
May I hear another Shout of Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
… When Jesus Christ arrived, there was a Noise (Great Sound).
- When the Holy Spirit was coming down to abide with Men at the birth of the Church in Acts 2: 1-4.
The Bible said that when the Brethrens were together in the Upper Room in one Accord, suddenly there was a Sound like a Rushing Mighty Wind that shook the house to say: Hey, the Holy Spirit is here.
That is why if you don’t like Noise, don’t think of going to Heaven because Heaven is a Noisy Place – Great Beautiful Sound!
Revelations 14: 2-3 describes the Sound in Heaven like this – Like the Voice of “Many Waters”; like the Voice of “Great Thunder”.
Like one of my colleagues says anytime he is going to ask People to shout Hallelujah – He will say: Shout Hallelujah like Thunder.
… He is asking you to copy it the way they do it in Heaven!
In Revelations 19:6; it says: There was a Noise like the Voice of Great Multitudes.
By the Grace of God, you will be Part of that Great Multitude – Amen!
So, when I ask you again and again and again – When I said let Somebody shout Hallelujah; I’m Preparing you for Heaven because when you get there; from time to time, there will be a summon: Let everybody shout Hallelujah!
But do u know what?
At the end of Age, when everything is about to end; when God is about to do a Major Thing New, there is going to be a lot of shouting
Revelations 21: 1-4 – The most beautiful Sound of all would be to announce to us – Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with Men; He shall dwell with them, He will be their God, He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
I am believing God for you – Your ears will hear that Sound – Amen!
Let me close with this – When you read 2 Kings 7: 1-11.
A Nation has been besieged by another Nation – Those who are inside cannot come out, those who are outside couldn’t go in. But the enemies say: No Problem, we will wait till you all die.
And things got so bad – Women were eating their own children.
And you know that when something like that happens, that shows that steadily, there will be Nobody left.
And then a Man of God Prophesied and said: Within twenty four (24) hours; there will be Abundance of Food.
In another way, that Man of God was saying: Hey, the Siege will soon be Over!
Which incidentally is our Theme for the Month of December 2021 Holy Ghost Congress.
And then four (4) Lepers began to march towards the Camp of the enemies.
And the Almighty God caused the enemies to hear a Sound from Heaven. And they said: What kind of Sound is that? There is a Great Army, marching against us, let us flee.
It takes a Sound to lift the Siege!
I Pray that your enemies will hear a Sound today and they will leave you alone – Amen!
But the Conclusion of the matter is this: The Sound that liberated God’s People is the same Sound that scatters their enemies and dispossess their enemies.
So, when we talk about Sound, it depends on whose side you are:
I. If you are a Child of God, a shout of Hallelujah is going to give you a Breakthrough.
II. If you are not on the Side of God, a shout of Hallelujah can mean serious trouble for you.
Some of you will Probably remembered the Story of a Woman – Very Wealthy Woman but had this Big Problem that whatever she ate, she will vomit.
The Doctors tried everything – They did X-rays, they did every rays and nothing showed.
And then the Woman came to The RCCG National Headquarters Parish located at Ebute Metta in Lagos State Nigeria and just as we said: Let Somebody shout Hallelujah.
As she was about to shout Hallelujah, a Big Worm came out of her mouth.
… The Worms didn’t appear on X-ray but the shout of Hallelujah liberated the Woman.
If you are a Child of God and you shout just one more Hallelujah, your enemies will be scattered today – Amen!
Do I hear you shout Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!
But if you are not on the Side of God and you hear People shout Hallelujah; you might be getting into deep, deep trouble.
That is why I’m Preaching to you: why don’t you come to the Right Side of God. Why don’t you surrender your Life to Him.
Why do you Pretend that you are a Child of God, shouting Hallelujah when you are not?
Surrender your Life to Him today and from now on, anytime you shout Hallelujah, something Miraculous will happen in your Life.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, you can Please bow your head wherever you are – And cry to the Lord and say: Please save my Soul, I will serve you, I love you, I want to be one of Your Children, I want to be a Member of the Family of God – Forgive my sins, save my Soul and I will do Your Will for the rest of my Life.
And I will Pray with you now and God will grant your Request.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Ancient of Days, we Thank You from the bottom of our hearts. We shout Hallelujah to You, we give You Glory, we give You Honour.
We ask Lord God Almighty that on behalf of these People who has surrendered their lives to You now; You Please accept our Worship, our Praise, our Thanksgiving in Jesus Name.
We are asking that You will Please have Mercy on them; everyone crying to You for Salvation; Please save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God.
And from now, anytime they shout Hallelujah to You, rise up and fight their battles for them.
And Lord, all Your Children – Who are Your Children in Spirit and in Truth, even today as they shout Hallelujah to You again and again, I Pray Lord that You Pull down every Walls of Jericho in their Way and You will fight their battles for them.
I Pray that in the Last Day, when the Host of Heaven will join with the Host of Earth to shout Hallelujah to You, we will all be Part of them.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I rejoice with those of you who has given your lives to Jesus Christ and I want to assure you that from now on by the Grace of God; I will be Praying for you.
And if you will Please send your names, your Address and your Prayer Request; I can assure you, I will be Praying for you.
Kindly look for a Branch of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) near you – Go there, tell the Pastor that you have given your Life to Jesus Christ and you want to know what to do next and He will guide you.
Now, let Someone shout a Big Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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