Let’s begin to bless the Name of the Lord.

Let Him hear your Voice: Praise Him, give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration; Bless the King of Kings, bless the Lord of Lords, Worship the I Am that I Am, Worship the Unchangeable Changer, Worship the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come.

Bless His Holy Name, He is worthy to be Praised. Worship the One who reigns forever, the One who has No Beginning, who has No Ending, the One who was before the Mountains were brought forth. Magnify His Holy Name.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails
Who never fails, Who never fails forever more.

Amen, Jesus never fails
Amen, Jesus never fails
Amen, Jesus never fails
Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails forever more.

I have a God who answer Prayers
I have a God who answer Prayers
I have a God who answer Prayers
Who answer Prayers, Who answer Prayers forever more

Amen Jesus answer Prayers
Amen Jesus answer Prayers
Amen Jesus answer Prayers
Jesus answer Prayers, Jesus answer Prayers forever more.


Father Almighty, we Thank You for All the Prayers that You have answered in the Past; we Thank You because You are still answering Prayers.

We bless Your Holy Name because tonight, You are going to answer our Prayers. Accept our Thanks tonight in Jesus Name.

Father tonight, we have come to besiege You that the Siege on our Prayer Life would end tonight.

We Pray Lord God Almighty that every Prayers that shall be Prayed here tonight will be answered by Fire.

We Pray Lord God Almighty that everyone of us even before we gather tomorrow (Day 5) for the “Real and Ultimate Holy Ghost Service”; that we will all have Testimonies.

Thank You my Father and my God. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Wave to one (1) or two (2) People and say with Confidence that: My Siege is Over!

And then you may Please be seated!

I have Good News for you: Daddy told me that tonight, He will be listening to you – Amen!

Tonight, is a very, very, very Crucial Night in the Life of everyone of us!

I’m going to be talking on: “THE SIEGE ON YOUR PRAYER LIFE IS OVER”.

Without any doubt, the enemies has laid a Siege on the Prayer Life of many People.

I remembered very clearly my first Day in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – My very first Day at The National Headquarters at Ebute Metta.

I came into the Church – It was a very “Small Building” but I liked the Service, I love their singing, I love their Choruses even though I didn’t know the wordings of many of them but I was making my own Joyful Noise along with them.

And then, it was time to Pray – When the one who was to lead the Prayers said: In the Name of Jesus, the Fellow next to me shouted “Amen” so loudly that I nearly ran out of the Church.

… That “Amen” can drive out demons!

So, let me start by saying: God Bless You – Amen!

And I have shared with you before, the Testimony of a Woman who has a Problem that she was vomitting everything that she ate. And then the doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong.

She came to the RCCG National Headquarters at Ebute Metta and when we shouted “Hallelujah” in those days, it is not like now.

As she was about to join us in the shouting of Hallelujah, a worm came out of her mouth.

And I told you during the Evening Session of Day 2; that when Someone asked me that how come so many Miracles happen among the Pentecostals?

I said because we are Noisy!

You see, nobody wants to stay where they are Praising his enemy – The devil does not want to stay where they are Praising God!

Unfortunately, many of us has gone cold. There is hardly now any difference between the Prayers of a Pentecostal and a Non Pentecostal – We now want to Pray like Ladies and Gentlemen, we want to do everything decently and in order (Which is very Good).

The unfortunate thing is that there is nothing orderly in the happenings of a Miracle:

I. If all of a sudden if Somebody who has been Blind since birth suddenly regained his sight; you can’t ask such a Fellow to be orderly.

II. If the one they told has been confined to a Wheel Chair for his or her rest of Life regains the Ability to walk; there can be nothing orderly in the way he will jump and shout and Praise God.

And somehow, in one way or the other; I just happened to know that God is about to surprise Someone tonight – Amen!

Let’s read Psalms 121: 1-2:

  1. I will lift up mine eyes unto the Hills, from whence cometh my Help.
  2. My Help cometh from the LORD, which made Heaven and Earth.

In the Name that is above every other names, Help will come to Somebody tonight – Amen!

The Only Help for the One who is under a Siege can Only cone Externally!

In 2 Kings 6: 26-27 and 30; in the Siege against Samaria.

When a Woman cried to the King and said: Help, Oh King. The King said that I am under Siege like you. If God does not Help you, how can I?

So many of us make a mistake of looking to People in Authority to Help us

I will tell you: Man will fail you. And I will tell you the Truth: Some of the People you are looking up to are in Greater Trouble than you.

But in the Name that is above every other names: Help will come to Somebody from Above – Amen.

I didn’t say that Help will come from the President, I didn’t say Help will come from the Governor; I’m not even saying Help will come from your Pastor.

But there is Someone called “The Ever Present Help” in Trouble – Psalms 46:1.

… He will send Help to Somebody tonight – Amen!

The devil knows the Bible very well and believes every Words of it:

I. The devil knows that God said in Jeremiah 33: 1-3 that: When God said to Jeremiah – Call on Me and I will answer thee; Jeremiah was in Prison, he was under a Siege.

A King has said: Throw him into Prison. When I returned from the war that I’m about to fight, I will come back and kill him.

… God saw to it that the King didn’t return.

Somebody is going to Call on God tonight and everybody behind the Siege on your Life will not see the New Year – Amen!

Now, when I make such Declarations, some People say that I’m cursing – I’m not cursing. You shouldn’t be angry if I say that – Are you my enemy? Are you laying a Siege against my Life? Do you expect me to say God Bless You, kill me?

Everybody who will not let you reach your Goal unless they repent; they shall be Uprooted – Amen!

II. The devil knows that it is written: If you don’t ask, you won’t get – James 4: 2-3.

God said it in His Words – You Ask Not, that is why you Receive Not.

Whether you like it or not: Failure to Pray is a Sign of Pride!

Why do I need to Pray? I can handle everything myself!

Then God said that in that case, go ahead – Handle it and let’s wait and see.

… Thank God that He still answer Prayers!

The Highly Developed Nations of the world – And I Pray that they are listening to me now: They believed that they have all the Technology, they have all the Resources, they can take care of themselves and many of them has forgotten God.

And then an enemy showed up – An enemy that they cannot see, an enemy that before you know, he has attacked you – You are already in trouble.

And they looked at Africa – You have No Resources, you have No Money, the few Doctors you have had left the Country for Greener Pastures and they Predicted that we will be dying like Chicken.

But they left one Parameter out – The Parameter of God!

They left out that there are still a Group of People who in their “Helpless Estate” still lift up their eyes to the Hills saying: God Help us!

I heard that they are talking now – We don’t even know what is going on in Africa?

They should know that there are still some People who can still cry to the Help of the Helpless; there are still People who can still say: Lord, Help us!

I said it in January during the RCCG Annual Thanksgiving Service at the National Headquarters Parish at Ebute Metta – I was telling them: Please don’t be afraid, the Government has done very well fighting Coronavirus.

So, I told them: Don’t be careless but don’t be afraid!

… And I’m repeating the same thing to you: Don’t be careless but don’t be afraid!

You see:

I. There is God who can see the Invincible.

II. There is a God who can deal with every Evil Forces (Seen and Unseen).

III. There is a God who can Help the Helpless, Provided that they will Call on Him for Help.

May I beg you one more time to shout: “God Help me”!

I told my People at the RCCG National Headquarters Parish at Ebute Metta that when this thing first broke out; I cried to God – I cried to God for the whole world and then especially for my Country Nigeria and Daddy answered me.

He told me Specifically that: Son, I have heard your cry – Only those whose time has come will die.

When your time comes, something must kill you – Right!

And I heard and it was on the News some couple of weeks ago that the Number of People who died by “Snake-Bite” in Nigeria every Year is about two thousand (2,000).

This means that in two (2) Years; “Snake-Bite” will kill about four thousand (4,000) People on the Average.

Coronavirus has been around for alst two (2) Years now – And by the Grace of God, it hasn’t killed four thousand (4,000) People yet.

Take my words for it: Don’t be Afraid; you won’t go until your time comes!

DMC NOTES: You can get to hear the Voice Note and the Full Text of the Sermon during The RCCG Annual Thanksgiving Service 2021 with the Theme – Divine Lifting on these Links:

But once Pride comes – The moment you think that you can do everything on your own and you don’t need God; God will say: Okay, if that is the way you think, we will leave it for you and let you handle it for yourself!

James 4:6 says: God resist the Proud but He gives more Grace to the Humble.

Jesus Christ told us clearly in John 15:5 – Without Me, you can do Nothing!

God made us for His Pleasure and so He doesn’t like the idea of you wanting to be Independent of Him!

He made us for His Pleasure, He wants to have Fellowship with you, He wants you to talk to Him when you want to do anything!

That’s why when Adam fell, He came down looking for him.

God wants us to Pray – He enjoys hearing you Pray!

I Pray over anything and everything:

I. I Pray over the Water before I used it to take my bath (I told you the Story relating to this before).

II. I Pray before I leave home – I Pray in my room before I leave home and I Pray inside the car.

Why? – Because without God, you can do Nothing.

Without God, you can’t go from Redemption Camp to Lagos and return safe.

And therefore, the devil knowing fully well that the only way you can get Help if you are under a Siege is to cry for Help. So, he began to attack the Prayer Life of our People because Prayerlessness enables the Siege to continue.

You know the Story in Acts 12: 1-11 – A King arrested one of the Leading Apostles (James) and killed him.

… He was the King, and there is nothing anybody can do. And he saw that even the Jews were happy. So, he grabbed Peter and was going to kill him too.

But the Church woke up – When James was arrested, they did nothing but when Peter was arrested, they began to Pray and God sent an Angel and delivered Peter because the Church Prayed.

The Church didn’t carried a Placard but they Prayed.

We want the Siege over our Nation to be Over? – What are we to do?


Oh, it is easy for us to tell the Stories but why are you telling us what we know? Why don’t you tell us what to do to get out of the Siege?

All your enemies that are hiding; all of them who are wolves wearing Sheep Clothings; their days are Numbered – Amen!

Anytime that you find out that it is time to Pray; all of a sudden, distractions will begin!

If I say: Let us discuss the situation in any Country of the world; we can talk about it for hours into the Night – Nobody will dose.

Stop the discussion and say let us Pray and you begin to see the People yearning after just 15 Minutes.

The devil does not want you to Pray because he knows that if you don’t Pray, the Siege will be there!

But in the Name that is above every other names because we are going to Pray tonight; the Siege is Over – Amen!

In Matthew 15: 21-28; when that Woman came to Jesus Christ and said that my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil (My daughter is under the Siege of the devil) help me.

The Disciples told the Lord to sent her away.

Why? – Because she is too Noisy.

The Very People who should help her Present her case said: Hey, your Noise is too much, don’t disturb me.

How do you expect me to keep quiet when my daughter is under Siege?

… She refused to keep quiet.

And in the Name that is above every other names; the Energy, the Grace, the Anointing you need to cry to God until every Siege in your Life is Over, receive it now – Amen!

Remember what they said to Baetimeaus in Mark 10: 46-52 – When he was crying to the Only One who can solve all his Problems.

They told him: Shut your mouth:

I. Don’t Pray so that you can remain under the Siege of Darkness.

II. Don’t Pray so that you can remain under the Siege of Poverty.

III. Don’t Pray so that you can remain Stagnant on one Spot forever.

IV. Don’t Pray so that you can remain lonely.

V. Don’t Pray so that you can never get Married.

VI. Don’t Pray so that you can never Reproduce.

… That is what they are telling Baetimeaus but Baetimeaus refused to keep quiet.

It wasn’t that kind of Gentlemanly kind of Prayer that many of us Prayed now that got the attention of the Lord Jesus Christ – There was a Crowd there, his own voice was higher than that of the Multitude.

Father, the one who is going to shout “Help Me” loudest, attend to that Fellow now – Amen!

I want you to take Note about few Points before I released you to Pray:

  1. When you want to Pray, when you want to get out of your Siege; don’t cry to Man.

… Don’t ask any Man to Help you.

Why? – Psalms 60:11 says: Vain is the Help of Man.

… It doesn’t matter who the Man is!

  1. There is Unlimited Power in God – You know that!

It’s like you are living in a House; in the walls are wires carrying Tremendous amount of Power (Electrical Power).

  1. But the Power in-there is useless to you unless you Plug in: Your Electrical Iron will remain Cold unless you Plug it in; your Fridge won’t work unless you Plug it in; your Water Heater will remain Cold unless you Plug it in.

God said so: Isaiah 40: 28-31.

It says: Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard that Me the Creator of Heaven and Earth I never faint, I never get weary? Don’t you know that I have Tremendous Power – that I give Strength to the weak, I give Power to the faint?

That even if you say that you are a Young Man; sooner or later you will get tired.

He said but if you will Plug into Me, He said they that wait upon the Lord shall do what? – Renew their Strength!

There is Tremendous Power in the Almighty God waiting for you to Plug in!

There is Light in God – Just like in the house, there is Light flowing inside the walls. All that it is waiting for is for you to switch it on and the Light comes.

That Woman said: All I need is just a Touch of the Hem of His Garment – Mark 5: 25-34.

The Woman said: Doctors has failed me; steadily the Siege on me is destroying me, I’m loosing Life – A drop of Blood at a time, my money is gone.

But I knew Someone: If I can just get the touch.

She touched the Hem of the Garment of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ said: Ha, a spark went out.

In the Name that is above every other names; in the Name of the One who called this Congress: You will make Contact with God tonight – Amen!

  1. There is Abundance in God

The Bank in Heaven is never Closed.

The Earth is His and the Fullness thereof – That is what He said.

All the money in the world belongs to Him, all the Oil in the Ground belongs to God.

Believe me honestly – All you have to do is to turn on the Tap. There is a lot of water flowing.

… And you do it by Prayer.

You know the Story: 2 Kings 4: 1-7 – That Woman was Destitute, she cried unto God.

And until she cried, God did Nothing – God just sat in the Heavens watching.

And you know what, the Woman said – I am a Widow of a Son of the Prophet. My husband feared the Lord but he died Poor, left me with loads of debt.

The All Sufficient God was sitting down in Heaven and did Nothing because she didn’t cry out for Help.

When she cried out for Help, the Man of God told her: What do you have in the House?

She said: Just a Pot of a Bottle of Oil.

That is enough – Open it and watch it flow!

In a way that you cannot understand, before you return for the Next Congress in Year 2022; Poverty will be gone in your Life – Amen!

And like I told you yesterday (Day 3) – You are not going to Steal, you are not going to do Yahoo Yahoo, you are not going to look for wealth in a devilish way.

If you make the money, you won’t spend it. You used the money to buy a car, it is a “Moving Coffin”.

But the Blessings of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrows.

There is Abundance in God; all you need to do is Open the Tap and Watch it flow!

  1. Distance has Nothing to do with Answer to your Prayers.

I can be here – God has given us so many illustrations; and phone my children in Australia, in Papua New Guinea.

If you are going to Papua New Guinea; after reaching Australia, you still have to travel for six and half hours by Air.

But they are watching me now – God has shown us clearly an example that: There is no distance where He is concerned.

He is sitting in Heaven but His legs is here on Earth – He is connecting the two (2) together.

How many of you believed that God will hear you tonight – Lift your eyes to Him and say: Help Me!

  1. Delay is not necessarily Denial.

I. There was a time that Elijah Prayed Only once and Fire fell – 1 Kings 18: 36-39.

II. On another occasion, he Prayed three (3) times before a dead child could come back to Life – 1 Kings 17: 17-24.

III. Another occasion, he Prayed seven (7) times before the Rain fell – 1 Kings 18: 41-45.

IV. In Daniel 10: 1-14; Daniel Prayed for twenty one (21) days before the answer came because a demon was blocking the Way.

Every demons blocking your Way would be Uprooted tonight in Jesus Name – Amen!

V. In John 16:24; Jesus Christ Himself said that: Just keep on Praying till your Joy is Full.

… Keep Praying Men!

And don’t ever get the impression that you have arrived!

… Arrived where?

What do you have now that you want to boast about?

Because one of the biggest headache to your Prayer is the feeling that I’m okay.

Several Years ago, one of my Pastors Prayed and a dead Woman came back to Life.

… Hey, big Man of God. He even started a Ministry.

I looked at him – Listen to me my friend: You have raised the dead (Congratulations). Is that the end of it all?

Have you been able to stop the Sun from Setting? Have you been able to tell the Sun to Reverse?

Listen to me my Brethren: No matter how Great you are now; you are Nothing yet!

Then if that is true, then where are you now to give you the impression that you have arrived?

… There is Nothing to Pray for – Oh, when you have not even started.

Make Praying your Lifestyle – Let Praying be as close to you as Breathing:

I. Pray before you eat.

II. Pray after you eat.

III. Pray before you Sleep.

IV. If you wake up in the Night, Pray.

V. When you go to the Toilet, Pray – Why?

  • There are some People who go to the Toilet and never returned.
  • While there are some People who can’t even go to the Toilet without Assistance.

VI. Pray before you take your Bath.

VII. Pray before you put on your dress.

That is what the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – It says: Pray Without Ceasing.

… Just keep on Praying!

So, what is Laying Siege on Your Projects?

  1. SIN

The devil knows the Bible – He knows Isaiah 59: 1-2 – It says that the Hand of the Lord is not shortened that He cannot safe; neither is His Ear heavy that He cannot hear. He said that your iniquities has separated between you and your God.

Have told you before that Sin is an Insulator.

Tremendous Power is in an Electrical Wire that is carrying Current. But if you wrap a Piece of rubber round it, they call it Insulator; a child can Play with that wire without any danger because the rubber won’t allow any Power to flow through.

… Get rid of Sin!

  1. What is Laying Siege on your Prayer Life? – “RESTITUTION”.

You have done something wrong, then you should put it right.

In Joshua Chapters 6, 7 and 8; when you start – In Chapter 6, the children of Israel just shouted and the Wall of Jericho fell – Mighty Wall of Jericho fell.

Then they came across a Nation called Ai – They chased and killed many of them.

So, Joshua fell on his face and said: This is not Your Promise – Your Promise is that Nobody will be able to Stand before me all the days of my Life.

God says: Yes, I said so. I am Sovereign, I do what I like. He says that I’m not going with you anymore, I Change my Mind.

Hey, what have I done?

God says there is sin in your Camp and unless you put things right, you are on your own.

And they discovered the sin in the Camp and they removed the sin in the Camp.

And God said now, let’s deal with Ai.

Whatever is blocking the Way to the answer of your Prayers; God will reveal it to you – Amen!

  1. But then another thing that could be laying a Siege on your Prayer Life is Success/ Comfort.

When you used to sleep on a mat on the floor, you Pray because at Night when one side of the body is Paining you, you will roll over. And in the Process of rolling over, you wake a little bit and said: Lord, let my tomorrow be alright.

Then Success came – Comfortable Mattress. Some Electrically Cooled such that when the Temperature is Hot, the bed will be Cold; if the Temperature is Cool, the bed will be Warm. So, when you hit the bed, the Next thing you discovered is tomorrow morning.

When we were Poorer, we Prayed. Now, Comfort has come, who Prays anymore?

Let’s dance for Jesus Christ – The Big Men don’t dance and it’s the Poor People who can dance.

That kind of Comfort that will create a Gap between you and your God; God will take away from you – Amen!

The Question is: When do you want the Siege in your Prayer Life to be Over? – NOW!

Isaiah 55:6 says: Seek the Lord where He may be found, Call on Him when He is Near

But whether you want the Siege to be lifted tonight or now is really up to you – You know!

In Exodus 8: 1-11; when Pharaoh was reluctant to let the children of Israel go. God sent frogs all over the Place.

So, Pharaoh called Moses and say: Alright, get rid of these frogs and I will let you go.

Moses said: Okay, when do you want me to ask the frogs to return to the Rivers?

Do you know what Pharaoh said? – He said tomorrow!

The first time that I read that Passage in the Bible, I couldn’t believed my eyes – This Man said that I want to suffer for one more Night.

Is there anybody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC who wants to suffer for one more Night?


If you are living in Sin – Sin is an Insulator. You need to come to Jesus Christ now and let His Blood wash away your sins before your Prayers can go through.

So, if you are listening to me tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC and you are yet to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, this is the time to do so – And do so very quickly because the rest of us want to Pray.

So, I will count from 1 to 10 for you to come and Stand before the Altar before I say 10.

And if you are at home, Stand Up now and let Jesus Christ see you Standing Up, determined to surrender your Life to Him.

Okay, those of you who are already Infront and those on the way, cry to the Almighty God – Please, every sins that is in my Life that won’t let my Prayers to be heard, Father wipe it away with your Blood, save my Soul, I will serve You, I will be Your Child for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands to our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Pray that the One who save our Souls will save their own Souls also; Pray that the Lord will have Mercy on them and in His Infinite Mercies, He will wash away their sins with His Blood.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You and I want to Thank You very much for all these People who has decided to surrender their lives to You.

Wherever they are Lord, Please receive them in Jesus Name, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins and Lord write their names in the Book of Life.

And whenever they call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, if you have given your Life to Jesus Christ, I rejoice with you.

Wherever you may be, I will love to know your names, your Address and Prayer Requests because I’m Promising you from now on that I will be Praying for you.

If you are in any of the Viewing Centers, the Counsellors will give you Cards which you will fill very, very quickly and return to them so that we can have the information that we need.

And I Promise you, we will be Praying for you!


You can write down the Following Prayer Points:

  1. You want to Thank God for all your Prayers that He has answered in the Past.
  2. Praise Him because of His Track Records because He has answered People in the Past:

He answered Israel while in Egypt, He answered Hannah at Shiloh, He answered Hezekiah when the Prophet told him that he will die.

And so, I’m asking – Please, answer me today!

  1. Worship Him – Tell Him that I know that all Powers belong to You.

I know that You are the Almighty, I know that there is Nothing too Hard for You to do – I know who You are.

Please demonstrate Your Almightiness in my Life today as I know that You can do the Impossible, You can Reverse the Irreversible.

  1. Father, I know You can Change “Not Yet” to “Now”.

Please, don’t delay my Victory. Lift the Siege against me now.

  1. Father, let the Siege against all those Precious to me be lifted tonight.
  2. Father, the whole Earth is yours; Please lift the Siege against my Nation tonight.
  3. This is your own Personal Prayer Request.

Tell Him the areas you want the Siege to be lifted Particularly the Siege over my Prayer Life to be removed from my Prayer Life.

The Altar is Open now and you are free to come and Pray until you are satisfied as Nobody will disturb you.

I will Pray with you for some Minutes before I retire to my Prayer Room.

Pray like you have never done before!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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