Well, let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

The kind of Halleluyah I want you to shout tonight is the kind that will bring the Fire down – Hallelujah!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus)


Father Almighty, we Worship you. The Baptizer by Fire, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

The One who can not be stopped, the One who can not be hindered; the One who reigns Supreme, the Owner of His Church, the Defender of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), we Worship You.

Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight Father, let the Fire Fall.

Everything in our lives that is not of God, let Your Fire consume.

And at the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People, Prophesy to them and say: You will receive the Rod of Fire tonight – Amen.

And then you may Please, be seated. God Bless You!

2 Kings 2:9-15

9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

10 And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

15 And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

This Month (June 2024); our Theme as you know is: “THE ROD OF FIRE”.

Elijah was known basically as the “Divine Fire Carrier”.

If you are looking for a Man who carried the Fire of God in his mouth and in his Ministry, a very good example would be Elijah.

In 1 Kings 1:36-39, he Prayed for just about two (2) Minutes and Fire fell from Heaven.

In 2 Kings 1:9-12, two (2) times he commanded Fire to come down from Heaven, and Fire came.

Soldiers had come to arrest him, and he had commanded Fire to fall and consume them – And Fire fell and consumed them.

I have Good News for Someone: Before this week is over, any enemy that is trying to arrest you would be consumed by Fire – Amen.

Now, when he (That is Elijah) was about to leave; he asked Elisha, “what do you want?”.

Elisha said, “That kind of Fire Ministry and Anointing that you carry; I want a Double Portion of it.”

Elijah said, you are greedy! That which I carry is already Mighty enough.

The boy said, you are the one who asked me to ask, and I’ve told you what I want.

Is there anyone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who needs the Rod of Fire?

… Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Elijah said, you can have what you have asked for Provided you see me when I’m being taken away from you.

Well, you know the rest of the Story: Elisha saw him, and he got a Symbol of that Ministry of Fire.

And that Symbol happens to be the Mantle of Elijah.

So, when we talk about the Rod of Fire, one good example of the Rod of Fire is the Mantle of Elijah that Elisha picked up.


The condition that Elijah gave is, if God will Supernaturally open the eyes of Elisha to see him when he was to be taken away from him.

But there is Someone Greater than Elijah – His Name is Jesus Christ.

The Bible describes Him not just as the Carrier of the Fire of God; but as the One who can Baptize with Fire (DMC NOTES: Matthew 3:11-12).

He will baptize you with Fire – Amen.

But the condition remains, “if you see me: If your eyes are Supernaturally opened.”

That brings us to the Story in Luke 24:14-35 – It tells us the Story of two (2) People who were on their way on a Journey to a Village called Emmaus.

As they were going, Jesus joined them; “but their eyes were withheld” – That’s the way the Bible puts it.

They had eyes Physical – They could see the road, they could be able to see Somebody talking to them. But their eyes were withheld, so they didn’t recognize who was talking with them.

Then when they got to where they were going, Jesus behaved as if He wanted to go further and they said Please, it’s getting dark, stay with us for the Night and He agreed.

And the Bible said, as they were about to eat, He took Bread and as He broke the Bread. Suddenly the eyes of the two (2) men were opened, and they recognised Him.

The Bible says He then disappeared from their sight.

Tonight, as we Break Bread (and that is another name for Holy Communion); God is about to open the eyes of Someone, and at long last you will begin to recognise who Jesus is – Amen.

  • A recognition of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Healer that brings Healing.
  • A recognition of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer that brings Deliverance.
  • A recognition of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Provider that brings Breakthrough.

Tonight, as we Break Bread, the eyes of Someone will open; they will recognise Jesus – Amen.

And for the rest of their lives, wherever they go, they will go with that Rod of Fire that only Jesus can give – Amen.

We are not going to waste time – We want to move forward to the Breaking of Bread.

But as many of you know, as Powerful as Elisha was; after he took over from Elijah and he had his own Rod, there was a man called Gehazi – The Servant of Elisha.

Elisha gave him his Rod, he said, “go and lay it on the dead child.” The man went, laid it on the dead child, and the boy did not come back to Life.

So he went back to Elisha and said, “the boy didn’t wake.” Why?

It’s because the Rod of Elisha is useless in the hand of Gehazi – Because Gehazi is not interested in Heavenly things, he is only interested in Material Things.

A Special Miracle is about to happen tonight; but it is going to happen to those who are interested in Spiritual Materials.

That’s why it is Possible for Someone to be here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – It is Possible for the Fire to Fall and somebody may not even have a Part of it at all.

Why? Because as long as there is sin in your Life, if the Fire Falls, it’s not going to Produce anything good for you.


That’s why you must hurriedly Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, so that His Blood can wash away your sin.

So if the Fire Falls you would be a Partaker of it.

And even before tomorrow Morning, you can begin to appreciate that even though Ordinary eyes cannot see it, you now carry a Rod of Fire in your hand.

So, if you are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you are not sure of your Salvation;

Or you know for sure, you are not saved because you are still living in sin.

And you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, so that His Blood can wash away your sin, Please do so now.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; I’m going to count from one (1) to five (5) – Before I say five (5), make sure that you are already Standing before the Altar.

And the rest of us would join you in Prayer; the Lord would wash away your sins, He would save your Soul and then when the Fire Falls, you would be able to Partake.

… I’m counting now!

If there is anyone at all, you know you want to give your Life to Jesus; or you are a Backslider and you want to return to Jesus, come quickly.

Thank you!

Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you who might be on the way; cry to Jesus Christ now:

Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to save my Soul, ask Him to wash you Clean with His Blood.

Cry unto Him and Pray that today you would become one of His Children. And Promise Him that you would serve Him for the rest of your Life.

And the rest of us, Please let us Stretch our hands towards these and People and Intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also.

Pray that God would give them Genuine Salvation, and that the Blood of the Lamb would wipe away all their sins.

Please, Pray for them!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You for Your Word and Thank You for these People who have come forward Surrender their lives unto You.

Please Lord God Almighty, receive them in Jesus’ Name, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Please, write their names in the Book of Life, let them become Children of God and I Pray that they will never go back to the world.

And from now on; anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Halleluyah!

Now I want to rejoice with those of you who have come forward to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely today.

I want to Promise you that from now on, by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.

So I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

… Now if you are clapping for Jesus, Please do it very well. Amen!


Now, tonight when you eat the Bread tonight; your cry to God would be that He would open your Eyes of Understanding, that you would recognise Jesus Christ for who He is: The Healer, the Provider, the Deliverer, and the All in All.

… That is the Prayer that you would Pray for the Bread:

Just open my eyes Oh LORD, let me see You, let me Understand who You are; because once I Understand You, I know all my Problems would be over.

When they serve you the Wine, hold on to it until we have all been served.

When it is time to drink the Wine, I will tell you what Prayer to take then.

God Bless You!

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

We eat it in the Name of Jesus. And we will cry unto Him: Father Please, just open my eyes.

Let’s go ahead and Pray!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Shall we all Please Stand?

When you drink the Wine tonight, your Prayer would simply be: LORD, let Your Fire Fall.

If the Fire Falls on you from head to toe, the Fire would Fall on your hands too. Very, very soon you yourself would know, something had happened.

So when you drink the Wine, just cry unto Him and say Father, let the Fire Fall.

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

And we are going to drink it in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!

Thank You Father. Let the Fire of the Holy Spirit Fall mightily on me tonight.

Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

I want you to Pray one more Prayer and say: Father, if there’s anything in my Body, Soul and Spirit, that is not of God, let Your Fire consume now!

Open your mouth and cry to God – Every Yokes, everything that you have not Planted, right now let Your Fire consume to the Glory of Your Name.

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

So shall it be!

So shall it be!!

So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Let’s be seated; and remain in an attitude of Worship.


And then take your Thanksgiving Offering to say Thank You to the Almighty God for such a Fire that has just fallen.

Give Him Glory and Honour for your eyes that have been opened.

So take your Offering and dance to the nearest basket to you (Online) – Drop your Offering.

Then Celebrate with your Brothers and Sisters because it is a New Beginning now.

Glory be to God.

Over to you Band!


My Father and my God, once again we say Thank You.

Thank You for the Special opportunity that You’ve given to us to Dine with You tonight.

We believe You Lord, that our eyes have been opened.

Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

It is in Your Name that I decree

That tonight, Your Fire will Fall again.

That everything that is not of God, in our Body, Soul, Spirit; in our Homes, in our Businesses, in our Churches, Your Fire would consume tonight.

Father, I Pray that before Your Children gather tomorrow (Friday, 7th June 2024); each and everyone of us would have Testimonies.

Father, Bless the Offering of Your Children, Sanctify it, use it for Your Glory.

And anything that can cause Poverty in their lives, Father let Your Fire consume.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear Halleluyah like Fire – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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