DATE: 21ST JUNE 2024


Thank You Lord.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Amen).


Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords; the Unchangeable Changer, we Worship You.

There’s no one like You – You are Greater than the greatest, Stronger than the strongest, Older than the oldest, Wiser than the wisest. You are the All sufficient God.

Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You for all You’ve done for us in the Past, Thank You for what You will do Today and Thank You in advance for tomorrow, because we know that our tomorrow would be alright.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight Father, Glorify Your Name – In the lives of everyone of us, Glorify Your Holy Name.

Please, Save Souls, heal the Sick, set the Captives free, and Glorify Your Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

When I say shout, I mean shout – Hallelujah!

My children use to say: If your Hallelujah is louder than that of your Neighbour, your Miracle would be bigger than that of your Neighbour.

In that case, you can shake hands with one (1) or two (2) of your Neighbours and say: Neighbour, I Love you, but tonight, my Miracle will be bigger than yours; because my Hallelujah is louder than yours.

Put your hands together for the Almighty God.

Tonight is going to be a Night of Joy – Amen!

… If you believe me, say Amen loud and clear – Amen!

I want to encourage you tonight, that you let your Faith to be really activated; because God is about to do a New Thing.

You know I’ve told you before, God is not a talkative.

The Bible says God has spoken once (Psalm 62:11) – When you hear it the second time it’s the echo you have heard. He speaks once and it’s done.

He said, Let there be Light, and there was Light (Genesis 1:3).

And tonight, in the Life of Somebody in Particular here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: There’s going to be Light – Amen.

When God repeats Himself; when He speaks twice on any issue, that issue must be very important.

So, whenever you hear God say, “Verily, verily, I say unto you” – it means the matter is serious – You must pay attention!

If He speaks three (3) times on any issue, that matter must be very, very, serious.

When He spoke to Joshua in the Book of Joshua 1:1-9; He said, be Strong and of a Good Courage – The first (1st) time. And He said it again the second (2nd) time.

By the time He said it the third (3rd) time; there was a hint of anger in His voice. “Have not I Commanded thee? Be Strong and of a Good Courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9).

But do you know that this God that is not a talkative? Four (4) times in the Bible He said, “The Just shall live by Faith” – Habbakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38.

When you go through Scriptures, you would discovered that most of the Miracles that Jesus Performed were according to the Faith of the People concerned?

It’s either He would say, “Do you believe I can do this?” If they say “I believe.”

Then He turns around and say, “Be it unto you according to your Faith.”

Or He may say, your Faith has made you whole.

As a matter of fact, He says in Mark 9:23 If thou canst believe, all things are Possible to him that believeth.

Oh! I believe there’s Somebody here tonight and inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who will never weep again – Amen.

If you believe you are the one, let your Amen show it – Amen!

John 5:2-9

2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

In the Name that’s above every other name, all the Problems in your Life will end tonight – Amen.

You say, “how can that be?” If only you can believe; within the next one (1) hour, you won’t even recognise yourself – Amen.

You see, we’ve been having a Minister’s Conference with the Theme: Glory Ahead.

And based on Psalm 30:5 that says: Weeping may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning.

Glory Ahead can mean different things to different People:

  1. TO THE SICK: Glory Ahead means, by the time the day break, you’ll be Sick no more.

… Please, pay attention to every word, because God can talk about your case first.

And that’s exactly what is going to happen to someone, because in Malachi 4:2 the Bible made it clear that when the Sun of Righteousness shall arise, He will do so with Healing on His wings.

And the One who is called the Sun of Righteousness is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ who said in John 9:5, “I am the Light of the World.”

And this Light of the world has already paid for your healing according to 1 Peter 2:24 – By His Stripes we ‘were’ healed.

You have been healed even before you became Sick and you have been healed more than two thousand (2,000) years ago.

In one of our discussions in the Past days, I was talking to our People about the fact that God knows everything. He does not only know the Past; He knows the Present and the Future. He is fully aware that at a Particular time in your Life, you are likely to be sick. So, before you became sick at all, He made Provision for your Healing.

Don’t you ever think that anything happens in your Life because you want it to happen.

Don’t even think about it at all that you are here tonight because you wanted to come – You are here because He had Planned that you will be here.

He had already Planned the entire Program – Those who will sing, lead Prayer, Preach, etc. And He had Planned everything in details, so that the very moment His Word comes to you, you’ll get your Healing.

All the Light of the world needs to do for you to receive the Healing He Paid for more than two thousand (2,000) Years ago; is for His Light to Shine on you.

What does that Mean?

All He has to do is focus on you.

In John 5:6, the Bible says He ‘saw’ the man. He was not just seeing him with ordinary eyes. He was focusing on him – You know, there are seeings and there are seeings!

When you come to me and say “Daddy, I want to see you.” You are already looking at me.

But “Daddy I want to see you” means, I want Special attention. I need you to focus on me for some Minutes.

Believe me honestly, there is someone here right now, inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC: God is focusing on you – Amen.

If you are the one, let me hear your Amen – Amen!

And the One who is focusing on you right now is about to share with you, the Healing in His Wings – Amen.

You know the Story in Mark 5:25-24: there was a Woman with the Issue of Blood.

She said, I don’t need Him to lay hands on me and I know that there is enough Healing, even in His dress. If I can just touch the helm of His Garment: not even the big Garment, but a little bit of it. I know I will get my Miracle.

Do you know, before you shout the next Hallelujah, you will get your He? Halleluyah!

I came here from Canada. And last Friday (14th June 2024) in Canada we were together like this in the Presence of God. And when it was time for Testimony, we heard one beautiful Testimonies.

There was a woman who had been bleeding Profusely for a long time. Doctors had tried everything. And of course, she was growing weaker by the day. And then she heard that there was going to be a Gathering like this the last time we were in Canada.

And the devil tried everything to make sure that she won’t be able to come for the Program. By the time she arrived the Program was going on. But just as she was entering the Hall, God spoke and said, there is Someone here, tell the fellow, “the Bleeding has stopped!” And instantly, the bleeding stopped.

What I told the People there is: the Faithfulness of God is Awesome – If she had come on time, somebody could say, “Oh! She went to see the Man of God behind the scene, and they Stage-Managed it.”

She came late, I didn’t know she was coming, we’ve never met and I didn’t know the Problem she was coming with. But there is a God who knows all things. He knows what your Sickness is all about;

And I have Good News for you: He is asking me to tell you, before the Sun rises, you shall be well – Amen.

When we say Glory Ahead – To the Sick it means, before Day Break, you’ll be Healed.

  1. TO THE FAILURE: Glory Ahead could mean, you will never Fail again.

Each individual knows which one is relevant; because, the man at the Pool said, for thirty eight (38) years, I have tried to be the first Person inside the Pool. I have tried thirty eight (38) years and failed thirty eight (38) times. But when the Light of the world got to his side, his Failure ended.

I don’t know who I am talking to; but there’s Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who will never fail again – Amen.

Because in Luke 5:1-7 – You know the Story very well. It is the Story of Peter who fished all night (hard working Fisher Man) and caught nothing. He just failed and failed.

And there might be one (1) or two (2) People here in that Category: All these years you have laboured and there’s nothing to show for it.

I know some People who are here: All Papers correct, everything fine. But they can’t go back home. Why? Because if they go back home the People would ask them, “you’ve been gone all these years, what have you brought back?”

But I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, you will fail no more – Amen.

Because the One who is called the Light of the world said in Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

And when that Light shines upon you, you’ll suddenly discover: You can’t fail anymore.

Because, Philippians 4:13 says: I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.

He will Supply he Strength to Succeed.

Do you know that all you need to be Permanently Successful is one (1) Breakthrough? Not two (2).

Read Malachi 3:10 – I know some of you don’t want to read the Book of Malachi.

Don’t listen to those who say Malachi is not for you – The Bible is the written Word of God.

Bring ye all the Tithes into the Storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and Prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of Hosts, if I will not open you the Windows of Heaven, and pour you out a Blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

I have Good News for somebody: That Breakthrough you have been waiting for will come tonight – Amen.

I will just remind you of the Story of a son of mine for those of you who have heard the Story before and tell those of you who have never heard the Story before.

He was Poor, and anytime they say Pray a Single Prayer, his Prayer is, “God give me a Breakthrough.” Anytime he came to me, “Daddy Pray for me: I need a Breakthrough.”

Then one day he wrote – Daddy, God has finally answered your Prayer. I’ve got a Contract for Fifty Million Naira (#50,000,000).

At that time the Naira was Stronger than the Dollar – Some of you don’t know the Naira used to be Stronger than the Dollar. It used to be!

And in the Name that’s above every other name, our Glory shall be restored – Amen.

I thought that my son was joking; that maybe he didn’t read the amount very well – You know when they write figures, they put Point zeros at the back. So I thought maybe he got a contract for Five Hundred Thousand Naira (#500,000), and he thought it is Fifty Million (#50,000,000).

But then at the end of the Month he came and said Daddy, I’ve come to pay my Tithe. And I have come to give you Special Offering, because you are the one who has been Praying all these while. And he gave me a gift of Five Million Naira (#5,000,000).

So I said, you mean you actually got a Contract of Fifty Million Naira (#50,000,000)? He said, I got it.

And of course I Prayed the normal Prayer I would always Pray: “God Bless You! Next time would be more.”

He finished the work on record time; did a very nice job. The Governor who gave him the Contract went to inspect it and saw that he did such a wonderful job. He said, follow me to the office. And he gave him another Contact worth Four Billion Naira.

I don’t know who I am talking to: But there’s Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; by the time you return next year (2025), you will say, “I don’t even know the meaning of Failure anymore – Amen.

Because, it wasn’t long after that I was travelling in British Airways, going from London to Nigeria.

And who did I see in First Class? It was my friend – I looked at him, he looked at me, and we both began to laugh because levels have Changed.

Before the Sun rises tomorrow, the Level of Somebody will Change – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here in Particular, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: He is working on your Joints tonight – Amen.

  1. TO THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN DEFEATED AGAIN AND AGAIN: Glory Ahead means there would be No More Defeat.

This man in John Chapter 5 said, I didn’t just fail; he said, I have been defeated thirty eight (38) times.

Because whenever I’m going to to the Pool, Somebody got in before me – Somebody caused my Failure because we are in a Competition.

As I compete to be the first to get into the Pool, somebody got in before me – I was defeated again and again.

At least one (1) or two (2) People listening to me; inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: you are where you are today because certain People are fighting against your Success.

I have Good News for you: No more defeat – Amen!

No more defeat, because the One who is the Light of the world is also the One who is the Lord of Host (Psalm 24:7-10).

He is the One who is called the King of Glory – He has never lost a war and all you need is for Him to be on your side.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell you tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, those who said they will break your back; their own back would be broken – Amen.

According to Romans 8:31, the Bible says, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

If the Light of the world Shine on us, there would be Nobody who would be able to Succeed in defeating us.

In Romans 8:37, the Bible says, Nay, in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him that loved us.

You know, to be more than Conquerors means to win without a fight.

From now on, all those Struggling and fighting before you can make a Single Progress; that’s over now. Why? Because the Light of the world will take over the battle – Amen.

Some of you would remember the Story of one of my daughters who came and said Please Daddy, I’m in trouble, Pray for me.

“What’s the Problem?” She said, there’s this Strange woman who just showed undue interest in my husband. I’ve done everything Possible to make sure that I retain my husband, but this woman defeated me.

My husband has packed out to go live with her; leaving me and our four (4) children to go and live with a woman with Five (5) children. She said, I tried; only that she just defeated me.

I said that’s not a Problem; we will Pray – Your husband will come back to beg you.

She said, I’m not even asking him to come and beg me; I will beg him – I just want him to come back.

And I believe a Particular woman is listening to me right now, inclusive those reading on the label of DMC.

So I said, don’t worry, I will Pray and God will start a quarell between the two of them that Nobody would be able to settle.

And it wasn’t long after that Prayer, that a quarrel started between the Strange woman and the man.

The Strange woman said, don’t you know that your head is not correct? If your head is correct, how can you leave your wife and four (4) children – that are yours; to come and live with a woman with Five (5) children and none of them are yours?

The man said, that’s true ooo (laughter)!

And he packed his load, went back home to his wife.

When he knocked at the door and the wife opened, he Prostrated and said Please, take me back. The wife said, just come in.

In the Name of the One who sent me, all your enemies will come and bow before you – Amen.

  1. TO THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN STAGNANT: Glory Ahead could mean, No More Stagnancy.

In the Story we are considering, the man had been Stagnant.

Every year, the Angel would come, stir the Pool. And he would begin to move as fast as he could, towards the Pool. Before he got there, somebody had already gone in.

So he would go back to the same spot.

He had been on one spot, going round and round in circle for thirty eight (38) years – No Promotion. Unless you want to call him, “Senior Sick Fellow (SSF).”

And there are some of us like that: Our situation ten (10) years ago is exactly the same way we are today – No Change, no Improvement, no Promotion.

That’s why I told you at the beginning, get your Faith ready.

But as God lives, before the Sun rises, your Journey to Greatness would begin – Amen.

Because the One who is called the Light of the World is also the Promoter.

In Psalm 75:6-7, the Bible says Promotion does not come from man.

Many of the People that have been Promoted above you are not better than you.

… But your time has come – Amen!

The man in Acts 3:1-8 that was born Lame; for more than forty (40) years he has been always carried to the gate of the Beautiful Temple to go and beg. Wherever they put him in the Morning, that’s where they’ll come to collect him in the Evening; again and again and again!

But then his day came – And your day will come now; all of a sudden, not only was he walking, he was leaping. He was not just moving forward, he was also moving upward. And all of a sudden Praise filled his mouth.

I have Good News for Somebody, I don’t know who you are. But I know tonight is Special for somebody because your Promotion is going to be Accelerated – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; He said the fellow will know.

He says He will breathe on that Project and Revive it – Amen.

Thank You Lord

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says that thing which is crawling up and down your spine is gone! And it won’t return – Amen.

I’ll tell you the Story of one man who was carried by his two (2) friends – He was paralysed hand and feet, and he couldn’t do anything on his own.

They brought him to Redemption Camp in Lagos, Nigeria; and by the time they arrived, the crowd was large and Miracles were already happening. Even to move in the crowd was a Problem.

So his friends said Sir, we have brought you here and they dropped him. They said, we will come back for you when we finished.

As soon as they dropped him, he said to God: Oh God, You have seen me here. They have dropped me here.

And God heard in Heaven and relayed the Message to me – And said, there’s Someone here who said, ‘God You have seen me.’ God said I should tell you, Yes, I have seen you.

As soon as he heard that, he said God, I must be the one You are referring to.

Suddenly, the Power of God descended on him; and he discovered that: wait a minute – my leg is moving for the first time in my Life. Little by little he got up; he could Stretch, he could walk, he could dance.

Then the Program ended and his friends came to the Place they dropped him, and they couldn’t find him – Ha! What happened? Where had this fellow gone to?

Then he tapped them from behind and said, “Are you looking for me?”

In the Name that’s above every other name, those who think that you are going to remain Stagnant forever will get a Quick and Big Surprise, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

  1. TO THE LONELY: Glory Ahead can mean, you’ll be Lonely No More.

When Jesus asked that man, “will you be made whole?”

The first thing he said was, “I have no man”. Everyone has forsaken me. I am alone.

But because the Light of the world shone on him, not only was he no longer lonely.

Because if you read John 5:14, the next time Jesus met him he was in the Temple – singing, dancing, praising God.

Many of the People there didn’t even recognise him because he’s been gone for thirty eight (38) years.

I have Good News for Somebody who is of Marriageable Age and you are not married;

… Please, don’t forget to send me the Invitation Card to your Wedding.

Because your Wedding Bell will ring soon – Amen!

The Light of the world is the One who said in Hebrews 13:5; I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 121:5, the Lord is closed to you as your Shadow.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says that Child that has be bringing you sorrow; will soon bring you Joy – Amen.

Thank you Father.

Let me say Amen to this one even before I tell you:

Because the Lord said that there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says stop worrying; I will Arise for you – Amen.

In Genesis 2:18, it is God Himself who said, it is not Good for a man to be alone.

And because He said it is not Good and He is a Good God; whatever it is that is causing you to be lonely, the Almighty God will remove it today – Amen.

I am sure you’ve heard the Story of one of my daughters who said, Daddy Please Pray for me: by now I should be married but nobody is even saying to me, “How are you?” At least, if one fellow came, then I can say, “I’ll Pray about it.” Nobody came!

I said, is that so? She said Yes, that’s the Problem.

I said, let’s Pray and we Prayed.

Two (2) weeks later, she came to me and said Daddy, I have another Problem. “What is the Problem now?” She said, there are six (6) Brothers; each one says, “Thus saith the Lord – You are to be my wife.”

She said, what do I do now? I said, we will Pray again: and I said, God, whichever of them is not the right one, drive him away.

I don’t know who I am talking to; but if you run into that kind of Problem, after tonight, just Pray and say LORD; whichever one is not the right one, send him away.

I have Good News for Somebody: You will share your Testimony soon – Amen.

I was expecting that Somebody would share her Testimony – Maybe she is shy.

Because last year (2023) she came – Fairly advanced in age; and asked me to Pray that she would get married, and we Prayed.

This year (2024); herself and her husband have come to see me in my Office: She said Daddy, this is the result of your Prayer.

Many of you would come to see me in my Office next time and will say; Daddy, this is the result of your Prayer – Amen.

And I hereby decree to all of you who by now should be married; before the end of this year (2024) the Wedding Bell will ring – Amen.

So, to the one who is lonely, Glory Ahead means, before daybreak loneliness will be over.

  1. AND THEN TO THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN WAITING: Glory Ahead means, as the Lord lives, your waiting is Over.

Amen and Amen!

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says you should get ready for Unusual Multiplication – Amen.

Thank You Daddy.

I want to say Amen to this one too – Amen.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says a Great Celebration is coming your way; and it will last for days – Amen.

Daniel 2:20-21 tells us that the One we call the Light of the world is also the Controller of Time – He controls Time and Season.

In John 2:1-11, He’s the One who can Change ‘Not Yet ‘ to “Now”!

You remembered the Wedding in Cana of Galilee – When they ran out of wine and the mother came to Jesus and said Son, they lack wine.

Jesus told her, it is not time for me to begin to Perform Miracles. But less than an hour after He said it is not yet time, time came!

I have Good News for Somebody: No more Waiting – Amen.

I say: No more Waiting – Amen!

I don’t know what it is you have been waiting for – If it is the Fruit of the Womb, No More Waiting – Amen.

I was thrilled when I heard the Testimony of my son whose mother got her Visa today.

I was talking to the Pastors when we were Praying and I said: Glory be to God, things are improving.

When I went out to Pray two (2) Nights ago; I met two (2) Brothers on the way, who were also Praying.

They were surprised when they saw me – Why are you surprised that you see me Praying? I do it at Night when Nobody would disturb me.

They still disturbed me – They prostrated. I don’t want you to greet me: I’m Praying, and you are Praying.

But I know that what they are waiting for was: “God Bless You.”

So I released the Blessing and they went.

And after I’d gone round for quite a while and I was returning to my room; I saw them returning also and they wanted a second Blessing. So I gave them a second one.

Those of you who want a Second Blessing, “Be Blessed” – Amen.

God controls Time, He controls Season – The Blessing that would be yours in two year’s time, He will bring it to you now (Amen)!

And if anybody says to you, “it is already too late for you” tell them, He is the Controller of Time and Season.

It doesn’t matter how intelligent, how advanced in knowledge a Doctor may be; he is not the one who is called the Alpha and Omega – Your future is not in the hand of any Expert; your future is in the hand of the One whose Name is Omega.

And I have come in His Name to tell you tonight: your Daybreak is Now – Amen.

At least, you know the Story of Sarah in Genesis 18:9-14.

She had been waiting for a long time; and she was Ninety (90) years old when finally her Daybreak came.

The Light Paid her a visit and told her; Nine (9) Months from now you would have a son.

You know the Story – She laughed!

But Nine (9) Months later, she had a son called Laughter (Isaac) – So each time she called “Isaac come here”; she was saying, Laughter come here.

I have Good News for Somebody here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You will be Fruitful! And your waiting is over – Amen.

There’s one of you that some of you know very well: Herself and her husband, have been in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for a long time – Wonderful Children of God. The husband is one of our Great Pastors.

And they have been waiting and waiting, until one day, at the Holy Ghost Congress in Nigeria; they were sitting somewhere in the crowd or in the Pastors’ Session, when all of a sudden God said, “The Waiting is Over!”

The husband looked at the wife, the wife looked at the husband – They knew God was talking to them. And Nine (9) Months later, I got the Good News!

There’s Somebody here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Your Waiting is Over – Amen!

One woman got up in the Holy Ghost Service in London – They call it Festival of Life, came with her husband and wanted to share her Testimony; and she was carrying a Baby.

People were like, get out of the way – I mean, just one (1) Baby? We’ve heard Testimonies of Couples with Triplets, Quadruplets, etc. So you have one (1) Baby; when you say Praise the Lord – People just say Hallelujah. To them that’s not a Big Miracle.

But when she opened her mouth and said, “I have been married for thirty six (36) years” and then told us her age that she was close to seventy (70); by then we all got up and clapped.

When you share your Testimony next time, everybody would get up and shout – Amen.

God is still talking: and what He is saying is very, very Pleasurable to me.

So let me say Amen to this also – Amen.

The Lord asked me to tell someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says before long you will begin to enjoy “Heaven on Earth” – Amen!

And I am saying Amen to this one too – Amen.

He said there’s someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says from now on, my Spirit will begin to move you more frequently – Amen.

I want to close, because I believe the one God is talking to has already been visited.

The Point is: Your Day of Glory can be right now.

Because it is written in Psalm 102:13 – Thou shalt arise, and have Mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the Set Time, is come.

… And ‘Zion’ there is the DMC Family Members!

You will Arise and have Mercy on The DMC Family Members: for the time to favour her, yea, the Set Time is come – Amen.

How many of you believe that your time has come at last? Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Do you know the Point is, each Blessing that God has Promised; that you have received already is a Settled Matter?

Each one is Unconditional.

There was not one where God said if you do this, I will do that – It is a Settled Matter.

If that is the only thing that God is telling you, I think you should shout for Joy – Hallelujah!

However, in the Story we read in John 5:1-14, the Bible says Jesus met this man the second time that day, in the Temple. And said to him, “go and sin no more; or else something worse would happen to you.”

In other words, He is saying, you’ve been healed free of Charge. But if you ever go back to a Life of sin, expect something worse.

The Healing I’ve given you is Settled, you didn’t ask for it – I came to your side: you didn’t even know who I was. And when I asked, “will you be made whole?” You didn’t even say Yes. I just decided to heal you by Grace.

But if you now go and sin again, expect something worse.

You say, can anything be worse than being sick for Thirty-eighth (38) Years?

But I have seen it before and I have told you the Story before:

I have told you the Story of a man they carried to our Headquarters at Ebute Meta (Lagos Nigeria) – He was stiff. And when I say stiff, I mean stiff! The hands was like a Piece of iron; and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t bend both hands. And no matter how we tried, he couldn’t kneel down.

Then he came to the Church and we Prayed. And right there and then he was able to kneel down, he was able to clap – He was amazed and glad.

And we rejoiced with him.

He came to Church about two (2) or three (3) Sundays and after that we were all glad.

But suddenly, we didn’t see him again and so we decided to follow him up because he gave us his Address – We went to his house: Brother, we are not seeing you in Fellowship anymore. He said Yes.

We asked why? He said when you go to the Hospital and you are healed, don’t you come back home?

We said of course, you will come back home.

He asked, is it your Church that healed me? We said No!

He said, I came to your Church, God healed me, and I’m back home.

… You can’t argue with that kind of Logic.

So we said, sorry Sir!

Three (3) Months later, I was coming from my Office at the University of Lagos because the man was living around Akoka (for those of you who know Lagos Nigeria); and I saw the man.

Not only were his hands Stretched as before, not only were his legs Stretched as before; he couldn’t even close his mouth anymore.

I saw the same man that God has healed, becoming much worse than at the beginning.

I am begging you my Beloved Children: Those of you who claim to be saved, and are still messing with sin; it would be a Good idea if you would tell God tonight: Please, any of the Miracles You’ve Promised, don’t give me any. Let me remain as I am. I Prefer the way I am with all my Sufferings, all my Headaches, to something worse.

Because if He gives you this Breakthrough and then you go back to a Life of sin, I’m not the one who said so. It’s Jesus who said, if you sin again, something worse would happen.


So those of you who have not even given your Life to Jesus Christ; you are still in sin, you can come to Him for Salvation.

Salvation does not mean He will only save your Soul, it does not only mean He will forgive your sin; He will give you the ability to live a Life that is Pleasing to Him and a Life that is free from sin.

So, those of you who have never given your Life to Jesus Christ, you are the first fellow that I am calling now.

And then those of you who know that you once gave your Life to Jesus Christ; you know that all of a sudden, sin became an abomination. But one way or the other, you know you are backslidden – You are back to doing those things you said you will never do again.

I beg you tonight, come and be reconciled with God, so that something worse than you’ve been going through will not happen to you.

I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10); you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ as a first Timer come! You are a Backslider and you want to be restored to the Lord, come!

God Bless You as you come.

Thank You Father. Glory be to God – Amen!

Okay! Cry to God, tell Him: Lord have Mercy on me, save my Soul today. Let Your Blood wash away my sins and I Promise You, I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

If you are a Backslider and you are returning Home, cry unto Him and say: Lord Please, take me back and I Promise You this time round, I won’t wander away again. I will do Your Will all the days of my Life.

Go ahead, talk to Him.

And the rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

And Pray that the One who saved our own Soul, would save their own Souls also.

Pray for them Brethren – Intercede for them: Pray that they will have an encounter with the Light of the world.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You.

I want to Thank You for Your Word and I want to Thank You for these People who have come forward to Surrender their lives to You Genuinely.

Please, receive them, in Jesus’ Name, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God and don’t let them ever depart from You again.

From this moment onward, anytime they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Those of you who have just Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

That’s very good!

I want to Promise you like a Man of God: From now on, I’ll be Praying for you. And very soon you will be receiving Miracles you didn’t even ask for; then you will know there is somebody somewhere Praying for you.

So I’m going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests – Congratulations!

In Africa, when Souls are saved, we Rejoice! Because we know, only God can do this.

Keep clapping!


Now I’m going to give you a few Minutes to Pray; before I bring this Session of the Program to a close.

Maybe you want to write down your Prayer Points, because you need to talk to God.

  1. You’ll want to Thank Him for bringing you here. That you are part of this Program, you should give Him Glory for it.
  2. You are going to say Light of the world; Please, focus on me tonight.
  3. You would say Light of the world; every Prophecy that You directed at me, fulfill right now, before I leave this Place.
  4. Say LORD; for the rest of my Life, don’t let me offend you.
  5. Your own Special Prayer Requests:

Maybe you have something Special that you want God to do for you – You will go ahead and tell Him.

I am going to give you approximately ten (10) Minutes to Pray over those five (5) Points.

… Now, the way we do it in Africa is that we tell you the Altar is open.

So, if you want to come to the Altar to Pray, come now – The Altar is open.

If you want, you can kneel down, Prostrate flat, stand, etc.

Go ahead and begin to talk to the Almighty God.

And this is not a Prayer you Pray like a Gentleman or a Lady – Opportunities like this don’t come always.

He didn’t say murmur; He said call unto me and I will answer you.

Go ahead, begin to talk to God.

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The Almighty God will grant your requests.

He will focus His attention on you.

If there’s anything that is wrong in your body, He would put right.

Whatever cannot be repaired, He will replace it.

Whatever it is that has been tying you down is destroyed now.

You will never Fall again; You will never be Defeated again.

Your Time has come!

No more Waiting; No more Loneliness; No more Stagnation; No more Sorrow.

Your Promotion will be Accelerated!

You will never forget tonight.

Your journey to Greatness begins now!

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Thank You Father. Hallelujah!


We are going to Thank the Lord.

And then I’ll ask Him to Shine His Light in your Life, home and America.

And finally, I will Bless your Handkerchiefs.

Take your Thanksgiving, we will dance, rejoice, because God loves a Cheerful Giver.

We give to Him not as if He is a beggar – We give to Him to let Him know we love Him and that we appreciate Him.

So, as soon as you are ready with your offering, you can begin to dance to the nearest basket to you (online).

… And by the way, before we begin to sing and dance;

What do you think of this Choir? They’ve been wonderful, not so?

Go ahead, give the Lord a Big round of applause on their behalf.They have been very, very Good!

And all the Musicians who have Ministered during this Period; you were just Exceptional.

Glory be to God!

Go ahead, shout to the Lord.

Over to the Choir.



I want you to bring out your Mobile Phones (if you have it here) and Turn “ON” the Torchlight.

We want to make an act of Faith.


  1. Lift the Torchlight up and cry to the Almighty God and say Father; send Your Light into my Life, into my Family, into my Finances, into my Business, into my Ministry. Lord send Your Light.

Go ahead, Pray.

  1. Say Father; let Your Light Shine all over America and Drive away darkness.

Go ahead, Pray.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… This next Prayer, you are going to Pray it as if you are angry.

  1. You would say Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus; I Command Satan, leave me alone!

I’ve got the Light of God, take your dirty hands off me.

Go ahead and Pray!

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. Loud and clear, say: Father; don’t let my Light ever go out.

Go ahead, Pray that Prayer.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Now I want you to take your Handkerchiefs or whatever it is you want to be Anointed.

… Keep your light ON – Don’t put it off and be saying Amen loud and clear as I Pray.

Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I hereby decree that in the lives of all these Your Children here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

That their Light will keep Shining, and it will never go out.

That they too would be Shining for You.

Father, I Pray that Your Light will Shine over America, and drive away every Forces of Darkness.

Father I decree that from today onwards, Satan and all the Host of Darkness will stay away from these Your children.

That Darkness will stay away from their Homes;

Stay away from their Places of Work.

Stay away from their Churches.

Stay away from all those who are Precious to them.

And Father, I Pray that all the Pieces of Clothes that have been lifted up to You be Saturated with Your Anointing so Mightily;

That wherever each one is used, Yokes will be destroyed; Miracles will happen, and there will be Mighty Testimonies.

And Father Please, Bless the Offering of Your Children, sanctify it and use it for Your Glory.

And I Pray these Your Children will never know Poverty again.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now wave your Light as well as your Handkerchiefs – Let the devil see it and be mad.

Glory be to God – Amen!

And then finally, lay that Piece of Cloth on your own head, and Prophesy to yourself.

Say Beautiful Things about yourself – For Example, I want you to mention your name.

Say: The DMC Family Members, from now on:

You will never know Failure.

You will go from Success to Success; and from Glory to Glory.

Go ahead, Prophesy to yourself;

The Almighty God is going to grant those Requests immediately – Amen.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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