DATE: 14TH JUNE 2024




What a Mighty God we serve (Hallelujah)
What a Mighty God we serve (Hallelujah)
Heaven and Earth Adore Him (even)
Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve (we are serving Him).

Thank You Father!

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: You came here tonight saying, “When will God remember me?”

He asked me to tell you: Yes, I will remember you tonight – Amen.


Ancient of Days, we worship You; Unchangeable Changer we worship You; King of Glory, we bow before.

The One who can do all things, we all lie before You Prostrate tonight.

In Your own Miraculous Way; that which no one can do, Please do for us.

Let no one leave here without a Testimony: Just Glorify Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: Neighbour, I Love you. But tonight, my Miracle will be bigger than yours.

If you believe that, shout a really, really Big hallelujah – Hallelujah.

And then you may Please, be seated.

Let’s give the Choir a really Big Clap. They’ve done well during this Convention. Thank God for them.

I Thank God for those who have Ministered to us in Music – They’ve done extremely well.

DMC NOTES: You can get to Watch Pastor Nathaniel Bassey Ministrations on this Day 3 Evening on this Link:

God Bless You All – Amen.

Glory be to God!

Genesis 1:26-31

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

There was a New Dawn when God created the animals, birds, fish, etc. But then, there is a Dawn Specifically for you. Just before God rested – He made you.



The first thing God said to man when the Dawn of man came is, “Be Blessed!”

… So your Dawn of Blessing has come – Amen.

And Proverbs 10:22 says, The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

Because your Dawn has come with a Divine Blessing, it follows that, for the rest of your Life, Poverty is no more – Amen.

Because the blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it; it follows suit from the Special Song we sang here tonight.

And by the way, the Song was given to me two (2) years ago. And it’s meant for tonight because God Spoke through that Song to someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, that you are Blessed. And His Blessing makes you rich and adds no sorrow.

I can say from the Word of God now: For the rest of your Life, no more sorrow – Amen.

In 3 John 1: 2 God said, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest Prosper and be in Health, even as thy Soul Prospereth.

And People call some Preachers, “Prosperity Preachers” – I’m not one of them.

Anybody who wants to be sincere would call me, “A Holiness Preacher.”

But Holiness is the Master Key to Prosperity. You cannot be Holy and die Poor; it’s not Possible – “I wish above all things that thou mayest Prosper and be in Health.”

According to the Law of Priority, the first thing God wants is that you will Prosper and be in Health – Just make sure your Soul is Prospering.

And the beauty of it all is that once God has Blessed you, no one can reverse the Blessing.

Numbers 23:19-20 says, God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.

I’m saying to all of you who are listening to me tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; in the Name of Jesus, be Blessed – Amen.

Oh Yes! I know that some Blessings are Conditional.

In Genesis 12:1-3 God gave seven (7) Blessings to Abraham, based on three (3) Conditions.

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy Country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a Great Nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name Great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the Earth be blessed.

But then, there are certain Blessings that are Irreversible.

In Genesis 22:1-18, after God gave a little Test to Abraham about giving Him his First Born Sacrifice and he passed the Test

God said, “By Myself have I sworn …”

God never had to swear, because He speaks and it is done. But He said to Abraham, “I swear! In Blessing I will bless you.”

And when you read Genesis 27:30-33, the Bible says, just after Isaac has blessed Jacob, as the latter was getting out of the room Esau came. And when the father discovered that the fellow he wanted to bless is the one who was just coming in, He said something to Esau: He said, “Sorry I have blessed him and he shall be blessed.”

In the Name of the One who sent me to you; In the Name of the One who has made me your dad, you are blessed – Amen.

I know that even a Father’s Blessing requires something.

If you read Genesis 27:1 to the end, where Isaac called Esau and said, go and get me bush meat, prepare the kind of food I like, so that I can bless you from the bottom of my heart.

You have to do something to Provoke the Father’s Blessing.

I mean, I’ve told you the Story of a time I was travelling. I was in Heathrow travelling Economy – In those days, when travelling Economy, they would weigh your luggage.

If you are travelling Economy there is a limit to what you can carry. So all the heavy things I wanted to carry, I put in Carry On, because they don’t weigh Carry On – The books, the tapes, everything heavy, I put them in two (2) Carry On and checked in the Lighter ones.

As I was struggling with my two (2) Carry On and a Carry On can be heavier than a Suit Case; I saw two (2) of my sons coming. “Daddy, Good Morning.” I said, Good Morning! Then one of them ran to me and grabbed the two (2) Carry On, which were very heavy. I turned to him and said, God Bless You!

And the second fellow said, Daddy you didn’t say God bless me. I said, for what? You greeted me, I greeted you; he helped me, so he got a Blessing.

I know in this Nation you live on Credits – So I bless you on Credit (Laugher).

When your dad blesses you, you are Blessed!

I went to Minister in a Place in Ikoyi – That’s the top place among the Big ones in Lagos Nigeria. There was this young man, and up till today I don’t know how he managed to get into that Group because it was for the High and Mighty.

So I went there, gave my Sermon. When I finished this young man came to me and said, I’ve never heard anybody Preach like this before. He said, all I have in my purse I want to give you. And he gave me an envelope containing Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

I said to him: “God Bless You; next time will be more.”

He left my Presence very angry – “What kind of “Greedy Preacher” is this? I gave you Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) and you are saying next time would be more?” He didn’t understand!

But the following year he came back. Because the Previous year when he came to that Meeting, he had only Ten (10) Gas Stations but he was a Small Boy compared to others.

… I’m sure if you have Ten (10) Gas Stations now, you will consider yourself “Big”.

He said to me, last year when you said, “Next time will be More” I didn’t understand what you were saying. He said, now I have One hundred and ten (110) Gas Stations and so I’ve brought something that is more.

You want to know how much he brought? It’s none of your business (Laughter). When he gave me the envelope and I said, “Thank You: Next time will be More” – he shouted Amen!

… So, God Bless You – Amen!

Your New Dawn starts with Divine Blessing – “And God Bless them…”

And then God turned and said, “Be Fruitful.”


Your New Dawn is a Dawn that would put an end to Barrenness.

In Exodus 23:26, God made a Promise: There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil.

It doesn’t matter what the Doctors said, because you came tonight, inclusive for those reading now on the Label of DMC: In nine (9) Months from now, you will be carrying your Baby – Amen.

It doesn’t matter how old you are; because in Genesis 18:9-14, when God paid a visit to Abraham and He said to Sarah, “in nine (9) Month’s time you’ll have a son” – Sarah laughed; because she was Ninety (90) years old.

And in Romans 4:17-21, the Bible says the womb of Sarah was already dead.

But like the Testimony you heard tonight, God has the Power to reverse the irreversible.

And by the way, I want to Thank God for that Testimony. Because, when I heard in Israel that there was a child with irreversible stroke of the brain; I said in my Spirit, the devil is a liar. That if the God that I serve is still on His Throne, the irreversible has to be reversed.

May I decree to Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Everything that the enemy has called irreversible in your Life shall be reversed tonight – Amen.

No more Barrenness for you; No more Fruitless Efforts – Amen.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are, Jeremiah 32:27 says, Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

I have a God who will never fail. And He is not going to start failing with your case.

A woman was giving a Testimony at Festival of Life (FOL) and she was carrying a Baby. And you know, we are so used to Miracles, some Miracles don’t excite us anymore – May God forgive us (Amen).

She was giving a Testimony carrying just one (1) Baby. “Is that a Miracle? We’ve seen Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets, etc.”

But then she said: My husband and I have been married for thirty six (36) years and now I am over Sixty (60) years old. I stopped menstruating a long time ago.

But then the Word of God came in one of the Holy Ghost Services: That God is going to reverse the irreversible. “This is the Sign.”

Next Convention, you will come with your own Sign – Amen!

So, God started your New Dawn by saying you are Blessed. And then He went on to say, be Fruitful.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell you tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, those who are harassing you would soon have enough Problems of their own; they won’t remember you – Amen.


Your New Dawn includes the beginning of Multiplication.

One of the things that makes me happy whenever we come for the Holy Ghost Service, Festival of Life, or whatever you choose to call it; is the way God speaks so accurately. And some funny People would say we are faking Miracles.

From the Testimony of tonight, there was a huge crowd and this Lady was not about to make it to the Meeting. When she came in, God said there was someone here, tell that fellow, “The Bleeding has stopped!” Only God who knows all things could say that.

And that God is the One who asked me to tell you that: You are Blessed – Amen!

Now, Multiplication as everybody knows, is far, far Powerful than Addition.

If you say two (2) plus ten (10), that would be twelve (12) but if you say two (2) multiplied by ten (10), that’s already twenty (20).

Ten (10) plus ten (10) will only be Twenty (20); ten (10) multiplied by ten (10) is going to be one hundred (100).

That tells you that in your Blessing is rapid Progress – Amen.

In Genesis 26:12-14 the Bible says, Then Isaac sowed in that Land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. And the man waxed Great, and went forward, and grew until he became very Great: For he had Possession of flocks, and Possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him.

But God says in Deuteronomy 1:11 that it is Possible for God to multiply you a thousand fold.

When you go through the Scripture you would see what happened: The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath Promised you!

  • In Genesis 21:1-7, Abraham and Sarah had one (1) son ( Isaac).
  • By the time you get to Genesis 25:21-26, Isaac gave birth to a set of Twins.
  • By the time you get to Genesis 37:1-11, one of the twins gave birth to twelve (12) brothers.
  • By the time you get to Genesis 46:27, the twelve (12) brothers when finally settled in Egypt, they had become Seventy (70).
  • By the time you get to Exodus 12:37, the number had increased to Six Hundred thousand (600,000) Men, without counting children. That’s Multiplication!

In the Name of the One who can multiply, I decree to everyone of you, your Rapid Promotion begins – Amen.

Now let me decree to RCCG in Canada that by the next time I come, Ministers alone will fill this Place – Amen.

There is a funny Story of a friend of mine – He had some Problems, he was under bondage of the enemy. He was highly qualified, but he was single until well over Fifty (50) years of age. He was a Principal of a School; but he just couldn’t open his mouth to say to a Lady, “How are you? Will you marry me?”

There were very beautiful ladies who were Teachers in the School under him.

On one occasion he would ask one of them to see him in his office; that one would be rejoicing, “Principal is about to Propose.” When she gets there he would say, Yes, I asked you to come and see me. What about that exercise book? And so, many People thought he was impotent.

Then we went there to hold a Program like this, and he gave his Life to Jesus Christ; and the Tide turned. Within Six (6) months he got married. Nine (9) Months after Marriage the wife gave birth to a set of Twins. Two (2) years after that, she gave birth to another set of Twins. So I had to say to him, gently, gently ooo (laughter)!

That kind of Blessing that you will be saying to God, “Almighty God, gently, gently ooo; Receive, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

So your New Dawn is loaded with Divine Blessing, Fruitfulness, Multiplication. But it didn’t end there. It is also loaded with:


God went forward to say, “Replenish the Earth.”

To Replenish means Restore.

  • When we talk about Restoration, it could mean that there had been Fullness, but now there is Emptiness.
  • It could mean that things were well before, but they are no longer well.
  • It could mean that you suffered some serious loses;
  • It could mean that somebody had duped you; some forces have taken certain things from you.

To Replenish means Restore!

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – He said that fellow will understand:

Daddy asked me to tell you, “You will bounce back again” – Amen.

Well, Daddy says Someone is getting a Brand New Bladder – Amen

I want to say Amen to this one before I tell you.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “Greatness is in your Destiny and you shall be Great” – Amen.

When you look at Mark 8:22-25, the Bible spoke of a blind man. They brought him to Jesus – You know the Story.

And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he can see now. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

That means the man wasn’t born blind – He has seen trees before, he has seen men before. He used to see, but he became blind.

You remember that Jesus gave him a Second Touch, and then he began to see clearly.

I Pray in the Name that’s above every other name, whatever was Good, that you’ve lost; tonight my Father will Restore – Amen.

In John 11:39-44, you remember the Story of Lazarus.

He’s been dead and buried four (4) days. But the One who can Restore brought him back to Life.

And like I’ve always explained: When a man had been dead for four (4) days, by then he is already beginning to rot.

To rot means, the blood that was red has become blackish water. Worms have already started eating parts of the body.

But when God said, “Lazarus come forth:”

  • Whatever worms had eaten, they vomited.
  • The flesh that was already changing to water came back to flesh.
  • The blood that was already blackish water changed back to red blood.

It doesn’t matter how long the enemy had swallowed something Precious to you; tonight the enemy will vomit it – Amen.

I heard the Testimony of one of my boys tonight; that he had a case running for two (2) years and then God settled it and gave him Compensation in addition. That’s my God!

There was a Sister years ago, she was sacked in her Place of work because she refused to compromise. The Company was big and she sued them. And the Company began to settle the Judge: “Just keep on Postponing the Case.”

And the case was Postponed for Seventeen (17) years. Then she came to the Holy Ghost Service like this, and God spoke. This God is Wonderful.

… The crowd in Nigeria is a little more than this one. Maybe all of you put together would be like the Mass Choir (laughter).

But in that massive crowd God spoke and said: There’s someone here, they’ve been adjourning your Case again and again. Next week is another Meeting time, and there will be no Adjournment. The woman jumped for Joy! She knew, that must be her.

The following week they went to Court as usual, and the Lawyer of the Company said, My Lord, I want Adjournment. And the Judge said, no more Adjournment: I am declaring my Judgement right here and now.

She didn’t even go to the Inner Chamber to write her Judgement, she wrote it there – “My Judgement is: You sacked this woman wrongly; you would pay everything you should have paid her in the past Seventeen (17) years plus Interest.”

I decree: everything the devil has taken from you will be Restored with Interest – Amen.


Your New Dawn also includes “Subdue the Earth and have Dominion.” Be in Charge!

If you want to know what that means, take the example of Joseph:

I. In Genesis 39:2-6, he was brought into Potiphar’s house as a Slave. By the time God finished with him there, the Bible says, he was in control.

Even the owner of the house (Potiphar) didn’t know what was going on – It is whatever Joseph gave him that he ate.

… That’s being in Control.

You know the rest of the Story: Potiphar’s wife connived against him, they threw him to Prison.

II. If you read Genesis 39:20-33, in Prison the Jailer handed everything to Joseph.

Somebody said, Prison can’t be bad if you are the one in Charge of food – Joseph was in Charge of everything.

III. And you know, when he left the Prison, he ended up on the Throne of Egypt.

And Pharaoh said, Nobody will lift up hand or foot except at your Command. Read the Story in the whole of Genesis Chapter 41 – That’s being in Control.

And you know what? According to Philippians 2:9-11, you have in your hand the ability to Control. Because, at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the Earth – All you need is the Name of Jesus.

In your New Dawn is the ability to control Sickness and Demons.

Because it is written in Mark 16:17-18, And these Signs shall follow them that believe; In my Name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

You have the Name of Jesus Christ, so you should be in Dominion – You should be Unstoppable now.

Because if you read Acts 5:17-29, they put Peter and his Colleagues in Prison.

And at Night the Angel of God came and loosed them, and said, keep on Preaching.

And then in Acts 12:1-24, Peter again was captured, put in Prison. The King said, I killed one of you, you would be the next to go – You know the rest of the Story.

By the time they came the following morning, they discovered that “The bird had flown again.”

I have Good News for Somebody: Anyone who tries to stop your Progress now is heading to the grave – Amen.

I’ve told you the Story before, of one young man – I don’t know where he went to, but he came back home loaded with demons. He was so loaded with demons that he couldn’t sit down, he couldn’t stand; all he could do was lie down.

He couldn’t go to the toilet or bathroom – The demons just took him over completely and he became like vegetable.

And they carried him to the RCCG Headquarters in Nigeria (DMC NOTE: RCCG Throne of Grace Parish at Ebute Metta Lagos State), several years ago and told me the Story.

I said to him, I Command you to kneel down because I want to Pray for you. He said, I can’t kneel down.

I said, I Command you. He said, in whose name? I said, in the Name of Jesus. He said, that is different.

So he got up and knelt down. And then I Prayed a Simple Prayer.

Afterwards I said, I Command you to stand and go home. He said, I can’t stand.

I said, I command you to stand. He said, in whose name? I said, in the Name of Jesus. He said, that is different. And he stood up!

I said, I Command you to go home, take your bath and get back to work. This time I didn’t wait for him. I added, in the Name of Jesus. And he smiled! And that was the end of his Problem.

Tonight, I Command: in the Name of Jesus Stand up, begin to make Progress and be Completely Whole – Amen.

Shout for Joy! Give the Lord a Big round of applause.

Glory be to God!

… Please, be seated.


And then your New Dawn suddenly shows that God moved you from Good to Very Good.

Because in Genesis Chapter 1; on the first day after creating Light, God saw the Light that it was Good.

He moved to the second, Third, Fourth and Fifth days, he saw that everything He created were Good.

When it came to your case on the sixth (6th) Day He said, behold it was Very Good.

It doesn’t matter how Good things are for you now, in the Name of the One who is called The Light: things will soon become Very Good – Amen.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, you used to operate under Heavy Anointing, then you fell.

The Lord asked me to tell you: “Restitute your ways, I will Double your Anointing” – Amen.

… I don’t expect anyone to say Amen to that, because it may sound embarrassing.

When you read 1 Kings 19:11-21, you’ll find the Story of Elisha.

He was the son of a very wealthy Farmer and his future was great, because when his father dies, he was going to take over.

But then he left everything and became a servant of Elijah – A Prophet who didn’t have a fixed Address.

By the time you get to 2 Kings 4:8-17, when the Great Woman of Shunem asked him to come and eat in her house, Elisha told her, I don’t need your food.

The Bible says, the woman was stubborn; she compelled him to come and eat.

So he went, ate, tasted the food and said, this is not bad. And started coming back again and again.

The woman finally said, let’s build a house for him so it won’t be an “Occasional Lunch”.

But one day the Spirit of the Lord said, you’ve been eating this Woman’s food; what are you going to do for her in return?

Listen to what Elisha said: Do you want me to introduce you to the King or to the the Commander-in-Chief?

The man who was a Rich Farmer has become so Influential, that Kings obeyed him – He had moved from Good to Very Good.

I have Good News for Somebody tonight: Even before the end of this Month (June 2024), things would have changed for the better – Amen.

Many of you know a little bit about me.

My father was so Poor, Poor People called him Poor – So, his Poverty was Poverty Squared!

But then, God decided to pick the son of Someone that his Colleagues said can never build a house, and began to change things.

When I became a Senior Lecturer in the University; when I became an Acting Head of Department; if anybody saw me then and they asked “how is life?” I would say, “Good men (laughs)!”

But God can move you from Good to Very Good.

I’ll just give you one illustration: when People look at someone who has no need for anything and they want to show Appreciations, that’s when they give him a Honorary Doctorate Degree – They don’t give Honorary Doctorate Degree to a hungry Farmer.

It is when they look at you and they feel: he doesn’t need anything, let’s honour him with a Honorary Doctorate Degree.

I will want you to go and search; ask Goggle, how many People have Honorary Doctorate Degrees in the world?

Then ask, how many have two (2) Honorary Doctorate Degrees? And the number would drop drastically.

Find out how many People have three (3) Honorary Doctorate Degrees? The number would become almost embarrassingly small.

So when your Daddy had Seven (7) Honorary Doctorate Degrees, he decides that, that’s enough! Afterall, Seven (7) is a Perfect Number.

But then, all of a sudden I got a Letter from the Great Oral Robert University: They said Sir, we’ve decided to give you a Honorary Doctorate Degree.

I wanted to say I don’t want Politely.

They said, we will be doing Graduation at such and such time. I wrote back, I’m Sorry, I can’t come – because I was already occupied.

They chose another date, I said, I’m still sorry, my Calendar is full.

And then they said, we will bring it to you.

Go ahead, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

… So they brought it to me in Nigeria.

DMC NOTES: You can get to watch the Video Presentation by The Team from Oral Robert University on this Link:

God who can pick a Nobody and turn him to Somebody – Who can say, I don’t want anymore Honorary Doctorate Degrees: and they say, we will bring it to you; that same God is here tonight.

Inside your New Dawn is that Ability to move from Good to Very Good.

May I Prophesy to Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC who thinks he or she is ‘Big?’ In the Name that’s above every other name, before the end of this Year (2024), you will know right now you are small. But you have just started to begin to be Big – Amen.

I think God would want me to tell you this, so that you will know where you are headed.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, by the time He finishes with you, you will be in the Category of those who are Flourishing – Amen.

I was Preaching on, “The Degrees of Prosperity” some years ago;

I. And I gave the illustration of People you could call Wealthy.

And when you see a man who is Wealthy – He doesn’t think before he buys anything he wants (he has the money).

And so I gave the example of People who ride in Rolls Royce.

II. And then I told them there’s something called Prosperous – More than Wealthy.

And told them the Story of a man who went on a Morning Walk in London with a few of his Bodyguards (with him). And as he was jogging he saw a Factory. But like all Factories, this Factory was dirty and so he asked, which Factory is that? They said, that’s where they make Rolls Royce. He said, what! Where they make my car is this dirty?

So he branched, and he said he wanted to see the owner. The owner said yes, what can I do for you? He said, I want to buy the Factory. “It is not for Sale: The money I make every year Producing Rolls Royce, do you have a rough idea what it will cost?” The man said, I will make you an offer you cannot refuse.

Finally he asked the man “How much do you make in ten (10) years?” I will pay you right now.

So a man went on a walk, came back the owner of a Factory for making Rolls Royce – That’s called Prosperous.

When you compare that to somebody who owns just one Rolls Royce, he is a small Boy.

III. But there is something Greater than Prosperous: the Bible calls it, Flourishing.

And I gave them an illustration: that some years ago, the wife of one Emir of one Nation went to London to Shop. And the biggest Shop in the whole world is called Harolds. In Harods you can find a bed that is more costly than the house you are living in. So people like me go there for sight seeing (laughs).

The woman went to that Place, shopped for three (3) days. At the end she told one of her servants to go get a Plane and take her goods home.

That one said, I will go and charter a Cargo Plane. She said, you want to charter a dirty Cargo Plane to take my goods home? Go and buy a 747, remove all the seats and use it to carry my goods home.

The servant did just that.

And do you know that when they got home, they loaded the goods into the warehouse. She didn’t even open any of the things she bought for Three (3) years.

So she went Shopping just out of boredom – That’s called Flourishing!

There’s Somebody here and inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, by the time God finishes with you, you will be in the Category of those who are Flourishing – Amen.

I will be rounding up very soon, because I believe God has already blessed the ones He wants to bless.


Let’s look at this Topic from the Spiritual Perspective.

Spiritually speaking, when God says:


He is not just talking about you having babies – That one is already settled!

He is not talking about those of you who have been working like an Elephant and eating like a rat – The Tide is about to turn tonight!

He is talking about you Winning Souls for Him.

Thank You Father.

I can hear Somebody Singing; and the Song is:

He has done it for me (He has done it for me)
He has done it for me (He has done it for me)
What my Father cannot do
He has done it for you;
What my Mother cannot do
He has done it for you.

I don’t know who that Fellow is, but you are going to Sing that Song before the end of this Month (June 2024) – Amen.

When He says, “be Fruitful” He is saying, win Souls.

Because in John 15:16 He says, Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

It’s not everybody who heard about this Meeting who came tonight – God choose you to come, because He has a Special Interest in you. He wants you to go and be Fruitful.


He wants you to Multiply.

According to Matthew 28:18-20, He wants you to make Disciples, reproduce yourself; begin to teach whatever you have learnt.

Like in 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul told Timothy, And the things that thou hast heard of me among many Witnesses, the same commit thou to Faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

… That’s what He meant by ‘Multiply.’


When He says Replenish (Restore), He is asking you to go after Backsliders.

All your friends that you used to know that were Members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), or were Christians, and they are backslidden; you must not rest – You must go and bring them back.

God wants them to return.

In the Book of Jude 1:22-23, have compassion on them.

You know where they are going – They are going to Hell.

You have a Minister who used to be your friend; who was operating under the umbrella of the Covenant of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). And you know that it is this Covenant that has turned RCCG to what it has become.

And the fellow now is being deceived by Satan to move away – Go after him or her. Replenish, Restore.


And when the Almighty God says, Subdue, have Dominion; in Acts 13:5-12, He is expecting you to use the Power that is released to you tonight to confront Forces of Darkness.

  • To show the devil, “you can’t operate where I’m operating.”

God expects that by the next time you step into the Office, you will go there blasting Tongues, decreeing that Darkness and Light cannot live together.

That anybody in this Office that is not going to Surrender his or her Life to Jesus Christ; I give you Quit Notice. For as long as I am here, you will not feel comfortable here.

He expects you to take Authority, to have Dominion.

We’ve come to the Conclusion – And the Conclusion is:


It’s in your hand!

God has done everything He’s going to do to give you a Brand New Dawn.

  • He chose the Theme for this Convention, out of many Topics that we could have used.
  • He sent a man who is over Eighty (80) years old to travel almost twelve (12) hours in the Plane; so that he can bring you this Message.

God has done His Best!

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “You will enjoy Peace for a Long Time” – Amen!

Your New Dawn can begin right now.

But the Choice is yours – Do you want it right now?

You see, because you cannot resist the devil if you don’t submit to God first.

The Word of God says clearly in James 4:7, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Like I said two (2) days ago here (Day 1 of this Convention – Please check all the DMC Social Media Handles for it); the Sun could be Shinning bright outside. You can be inside here, all doors locked, all windows shut, light out. And this Place will be in total Darkness. Unless you open the door, the light might not be able to shine in.

I’m appealing to those of you who have not Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ:

He says in Revelation 3:20, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

The Light of the World wants to come into your Life, He wants to come into your Soul. He wants to give you a Brand New Beginning – A New Dawn. But you know what? He will not force you.

Unless you open the door to Him Voluntarily, He won’t come.

“If He is that Mighty why doesn’t He kick open the door?” Like somebody asked. He is not an Armed Robber, and He is a Gentle Man – He would knock. If you open to Him He would come.

But if He keeps knocking and you refuse to open; after a while He will go away. And once He goes away, you are on your own.


So, if you are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, come and do so now.

But I won’t deceive you: if you open the door of your Life to Him and He comes in, He will not come in and become a Tenant. If He comes into your Life, He will become your Landlord. Once He comes into your Life, whatever He says is what you must do.

So, if you know you don’t want Him to become your Lord, don’t ask Him to be your Saviour. But if He is not your Saviour; if the Light of the World does not come into your Life; Darkness will be reigning Supreme in your Life.

And you know what? Everything that is evil belongs to Darkness – Failure, Defeat, Sorrow, Retrogression, all manners of evil; they belong to Darkness.

So, I’m appealing to you, be wise, say bye-bye to the devil and all his works of Darkness. Come to Jesus Christ let Him pick you up and change everything – Turn the Tide for you. And your New Dawn can begin right now.

The Bible says today is the Acceptable Day of Salvation.

So, if you are ready to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; you want Him to take over your Life completely; I am going to count from 1 to 10. Before I say 10, make sure you are standing in front of the Altar, so that together we can Pray and God can save your Soul.

The Choice is yours – I’ve done my own but, the decision is for you to make.

You want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come now as I begin to count….

If you want to clap for Jesus do so; He is not begging you.

Those of you who are clapping, your hands will never wither – Amen.

And if you say you are Born Again, but you are still living in sin; you are deceiving yourself.

If you are not living a Life of holiness, you better come and let the Almighty God give you Genuine Salvation.

Now, let’s talk to the Almighty God. Say: Lord; have Mercy on me. Save my Soul, forgive my sins.

I don’t want to have anything to do with the devil anymore. I want to do Your Will from now on. Give me a Brand New Beginning Lord.

Just save my Soul and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Go ahead, talk to God!

And the rest of us, Please Stretch your hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul will save their own Souls also.

Pray for them that God will have Mercy on them; that He will forgive all their sins.

Please, Pray for them.

Thank You Jesus!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God I want to Thank You.

Thank You for these People who have responded to the Altar Call.

Please, remember Your Promise that whosoever would come unto You, You will in no wise cast out.

They have come to You now Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, and wash them in Your Blood.

I Pray Lord God Almighty, that from this moment onward, You will write their names in the Book of Life and they would become True Children of God;

And from now on, whenever they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

Let it be well with them LORD.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I want to rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

I want to Promise you like a Man of God, from now on I’ll be Praying for you. And very soon you will be receiving Miracles you didn’t even ask for.

Then you will know somebody somewhere is Praying for you – That somebody is me.

That’s why I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

Because when I ask God to send you your Miracle, it would be sent to the Address you give me.

So make sure you give me the correct Address.


Now this is where we in Africa begin to Rejoice! This is the biggest Miracle (Salvation of Souls).

So, go ahead, clap for Jesus Christ. Bless His Holy Name. Go ahead and Praise Him. Amen!


I am going to give you some Minutes to Pray – Maybe you want to write down your Prayer Points:

  1. You want to Thank the Almighty God that He has made it Possible for you to be here today.

That He kept you alive to see this Day – That means that the devil has lost the battle over you.

  1. You are going to say: Father, let my Dawn begin today.

Use me to cast out Demons, to set Captives Free and make me a Vessel unto Honour in Your Hands!

  1. You are going to say: Father, anything called Barrenness in any form; let it become a Strength to me and my Family.
  2. You are going to say: Father, Multiply me Rapidly.
  3. You are going to say: Father, I know that You can restore me in am Instant before the end of this Month.

Please, restore back unto me everything that I have lost in one way or the other or the devil has Stolen from me.

  1. You are going to say: Father, You Promised that You will make my Enemies my Footstool.

Please, fulfil that Promise from tonight onwards.

  1. You are going to say: Father, move me from Good to “Very Good”; from Great to “Very Great” and from Glory to “Greater Glory”.
  2. You are going to say: Father, make me a Vessel unto Honour in your Hands.

And use me to win Souls, to heal the Sick and to set the Captives Free.

  1. You are going to say: Father, let a “Massive Revival” begins in this Region and Continent (RCCG, The Americas Continent 2).
  2. Finally, your own Individual Request(s).

Whatever that you want God to do for you.

The way we do it in Nigeria – We will say that the Altar is Open!

If you want to come to the Altar to do your Prayers – You are Welcome!

If you want to kneel down to do your Prayers – You are Welcome!

If you want to lie down to do your Prayers – It is your Choice!

If you want to Stand Up to do your Prayers – It is your Choice!

I am going to give you 15 Minutes to Pray!

And if you like, you can dose off at the time everybody will be roaring and crying to the Almighty God!

This is a Night you will never forget!

… Let’s begin to Pray now!!!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The Almighty God will grant your Requests.

Your New Dawn will start now.

The Ancient of Days will Bless you: If there’s any curse at all in your family, it is cancelled now.

Your Family will never know Barrenness again; you will never fail again.

Whatever you touch will Prosper; God will Multiply you.

Your Progress will be Rapid and your Promotion will be Accelerated.

Everything the enemy has stolen from you would be fully Restored.

You will be in Control; you will cast out demons, you will heal the Sick, you will raise the Dead.

You will become a Mighty Vessel in God’s hand.

God will move you from Good to Very Good.

God will move you from Great to Very Great.

God will move you from Glory to Glory.

God will move you from Success to Success.

And you too, will begin to serve God.

Through you a Major Revival in this Continent will begin and it will begin tonight.

Before the Sun rises, you will have Testimonies.

And you will serve God till the end.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

If you’ve received your own, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You!

You can begin to go back to your seats.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

Is there anyone who has been Blessed?

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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