DATE: 12TH JUNE 2024



We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Almighty God, we Worship You; the Alpha and Omega, we bow before You.

The One who has no Beginning, the One who has no Ending, the All Sufficient God, the Unchangeable Changer – We Worship You.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Thank You for this Convention (DMC NOTES: RCCG, The Americas Continent 2 Convention 2024); Thank You for Your Children who are already here; and Thank You for those who will yet come.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, during this Convention, give everyone of us a New Beginning:

A New Beginning of Joy, of Success, of Anointing, of Progress, of Power and of a desire to serve You.

Let it be well with everyone of us and let it be well with this Continent (RCCG, The Americas 2 Continent).

At the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening; God bless you.

And then, you may Please be seated.

Genesis 1:1-5:

  1. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.
  2. And the Earth was without form, and void; and Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
  3. And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light.
  4. And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the Darkness.
  5. And God called the Light Day, and the Darkness he called Night. And the Evening and the Morning were the first day.

Our Theme for this Year’s Convention is: “A NEW DAWN”.

What exactly do we mean by Dawn?

The Dawn simply means when Night becomes Day.

And so for Someone in Particular and I don’t know who that Fellow is – Your Night is about to become,e Day (Amen).

  1. And according to Psalms 30:5; where the Bible says: Sorrow may endure for a Night but Joy comes in the Morning.

Dawn means an end to Sorrow and the beginning of Joy.

You Probably saw that in the Song that the Choir Presented.

  1. Now because Sorrow Changes to Joy; according to Nehemiah 8:10, a New Dawn is when: “Weakness Changes to Strength”.

Why? Because the Joy of the Lord is your Strength.

So, I have Good News for Someone who up till this moment is weak and helpless; before this Week is out, you will be Strong – Amen!

  1. Dawn means when Darkness Changes to Light.

And that has another Major Implications:

If you are driving on the Highway at Night and suddenly the Light (The Headlamp of your car) malfunctioned. And suddenly you find yourself in Total Darkness; what will you do?

Hopefully if you are wise, it is to quickly look for somewhere to park.

Darkness is associated with Stagnation – You can’t move when it is dark.

But when Light comes, if whatever is wrong with your car is corrected; suddenly the Lamp begin to work again – Then you can move forward.

  1. So, Dawn means an end to Stagnation and it means the beginning of Progress.

In Acts 3: 1-8; we find in the Story of a Man who was born Lame – That he had a New Dawn.

For a long time – For forty (40) years; he had been carried on a daily basis, Placed on the same spot and had never had any Promotion. If he had any Promotion at all, it will be to move from a Beggar to being a Chief Beggar.

But the day the Almighty God decided to pay him a visit, suddenly he wasn’t just walking; he was jumping, leaping and Praising God.

  1. When a New Dawn comes, you will begin not only to move forward but Upward.

So, a New Dawn means an end to Stagnation and the beginning of Acceleration.

I have taken time to explain this as an Introduction to let you know that what God wants to do in your Life in the next couple of days is something very, very Spectacular!

Therefore, it will be in the interest of all your friends and Relatives and Colleagues that you will inform them:

I. That this is not going to be an Ordinary Convention – It is a Convention Nobody should miss.

II. Tell them that whatever they are doing, they should drop it and be here because what God wants to do is not likely to be repeated.

Once in a while, in a Man’s Life; God will put together something where the Life of the Fellow will be Changed forever

And anybody who misses this Convention, I Pity such a Fellow!

Now tonight, I will follow the Example of the Man who spoke before me and keep it brief.

So, let us go to the Very Beginning:

  1. Before the first Dawn, there was God!

Because as we read in Genesis 1:1; in the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth.

So, it means that before the very first Day ever came; God had been around.

As a matter of fact, in the Book of John 1:1; the Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God.

So, there is Someone who has no Beginning and His Name is God!

The Implications of that Particular information is according to Psalms 90: 1-2 – Before the Mountains were brought forth there was God.

And as you know very well – A Mountain is Symbolic of Problems.

It simply means that before you ever had a Problem, God was there.

So, whatever Problem(s) that you might be having now; God had been around before the Problem started.

And because God had been around before the Problems started, that is why in Mark 11: 22-23; the Bible says that if only you can have Faith in God; you can Command Mountains to move and they will move.

The reason that they will move is because you are having Faith in the One who knows the very Foundation of the Mountain and can uproot it.

And I have Good News for Somebody inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Even before this Night is out, your Problems will be over (Amen).

God has been around before what we called “The Beginning”.

  1. And He is not just around, He has been around with all His Powers.

Psalms 62:11 tells us: God has spoken once, twice have I heard this, that Power belongs to God.

God had been there at the Beginning and He has been there with His Power and His Almightiness.

Because Psalms 91:1 tells us that God is Almighty – The One who has All Powers.

  1. But there is a Particular Section of that Power that you need to Pay attention to as we found in the Bible Text that we read (Genesis 1: 1-5) – And that is His Creative Power (The Power to Create).

For Example in John 9: 1-7; the Bible tells us of a Man who was born Blind.

And when the One who has been there before Mountains came to the scene; He created new eyes for that Person.

Which is Good Newa for Somebody inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – That whatever is it that Doctors said can no longer be corrected; God is going to re-create (Amen).

  1. God was there at the Beginning, He was there with His Almightiness, He was there with His Ability to Create and Re-Create but yet there is Confusion.

When He created the Heavens and the Earth, the Bible says that the Earth was without form.

Do you know what that means?

It means that the Earth was Formless – The Earth was Confused.

So, one of the things that happened during that first Dawn – The very first time that something called Day came into being; was that “God Changed Confusion to Order”.

Again, this is Good News for Somebody inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

I. Whatever you need in your Life to be re-created; He will re-create.

II. And He is saying to Someone that whatever is causing Confusion in your Life is about to end.

When we talk about Confusion, Confusion is when something is happening in your Life that is absolutely contrary to what you expect.

For Example in Mark 5: 25-34; the Bible talks about a woman with the Issue of Blood.

Do you know the meaning of that?

It means that the woman was supposed to be Mensurating but instead of this thing lasting for three (3) or four (4) days; it just went on and on and on; not just for one (1) year, not for two (2) years but for twelve (12) years.

Ask that woman, she will tell you the meaning of Confusion.

Because when a woman begins to mensurate – That is supposed to be a Blessing. It supposed to be a Sign that one day, she is going to be Pregnant and she is going to have children.

But what is supposed to be a Blessing, became a Curse – There was Confusion!

May I decree right now – That whatever is causing you Confusion, will come to an end today (Amen).

Because Proverbs 10:22 made it clear – The Blessings of the Lord maketh rich and added no Sorrow with it.

When what is supposed to be a Blessing becomes a Curse, it brings Confusion.

But in the Name of the One who sent me, whatever is causing Confusion in your Life is going to end this first Day – Amen!

  1. That very first Day; before that very first Dawn; there was Emptiness!

It says that the Earth was without form and Empty.

Emptiness is not a Good Thing at all.

I. When we say that a Student is Empty Headed, we mean that it doesn’t matter how hard the Studemt may work, he is going to fail.

II. When we say that the Marriage is Empty, that is another way of saying that there are no children.

III. When we say that your Bank Account is Empty – I’m sure that you understand what that one means? It simply means that your Credit Card might no longer work.

But after the first Dawn, Emptiness gave way to Fullness.

Because if you read that Genesis Chapter 1; you will discovered that almost everything that came forward after that, came out full.

In Genesis 18: 9-14; Sarah’s Womb has been empty for 90 years but then a New Dawn came when God was Passing by and then Paid the family a visit.

And the Womb that has been empty for 90 years suddenly received a Visitor – A Visitor of Joy.

Which is saying that there might be some People among us or reading now on the Label of DMC; whose Womb has been empty for a long time. As the Lord lives, nine (9) Months from now, out of this “Empty Womb” will be coming Twins, Triplets, boys and girls – Amen.

Why? Because there is going to be a New Dawn.

  1. But then something happened before this New Dawn – For one reason or the other, the Bible says Darkness covered the face of the Deep.

God created the Heaven and the Earth, the Earth was without Order, the Earth was Empty because there was something called Darkness that came and took over.

Maybe later on during this week, we will say a word or two about how come Darkness covered the face of the Deep?

And if the Lord says: Don’t waste time on it, then we may ignore.

  1. But I have Good News for Somebody inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

A New Dawn Significantly means that all the Forces of Darkness operating in your Life, they are about to be put to Shame because something happened – “The Spirit of God moved”.

During this Convention (DMC NOTES: RCCG The Americas Continent 2 Convention 2024); the Spirit of God is going to move.

And when the Spirit of God moves, there will be Deliverance!

For Example, in Judges 14: 5-6; the Bible tells us that Samson was going down to Timnath and a Young Lion roared at him.

Then the Spirit of God moved and suddenly, there was a Collision between the Lion of this world and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

At the end of the day, when the Supernatural collides with the Natural, the Natural must give way.

I don’t know how many Forces of Darkness are operating in your Life:

I. I know that there are some of us who ran away from Africa to come to Canada because Forces of Darkness are Pursuing us.

II. I know that there might be some of us who thought now we are free, only to discover that Darkness can be everywhere.

But because there is going to be a New Dawn, all of a sudden, Darkness is going to loose its hold – Amen.

There is Someone called “The Consumjng Fire” – And that is the Almighty God Himself!

And I believed that during this Convention, the Fire of God is going to fall – Amen.

  1. But then the Bible says that the Spirit of God moved – And it also means in another way that the Spirit of God hovers over the Deep.

It means that the Spirit of God Overshadowed the whole Deep.

You Probably have heard me Prayed when I was Praying for the People who are being Ordained.

Again and again, I said that the Almighty God Himself will Overshadow you.

That is a very Great Prayer!

Because you see, when the Spirit of God Overshadows Somebody, the Impossible then becomes Possible!

I give you an illustration in Luke 1: 26-28.

That is when the Angel of the Lord came and told Mary that you are going to be Pregnant.

And Mary said: How can this be since I don’t know a Man?

The answer the Angel gave her was that: The Holy Spirit is going to Overshadow you.

… The Impossible is going to become Possible.

I believed that there would be at least two (2) or three (3) of us: During this Convention, starting with me and all The DMC Family Members; for whom all Impossibilities will become Possible (Amen).

  1. When the Holy Spirit moved then God Spoke.

God is going to speak during this Convention – And right now, He is already speaking and Somebody is already hearing!

Some People knows that even if this is the end of the Convention, their Cases has been Settled!

And whenever God Speaks, certain things will happen:

I. Psalms 107:20 says: He sent His Words and the Word heals them and delivers them from their Destructions.

The Word of God is going to go forth during this Convention – Amen!

II. And each time the Word of God comes forth it will come forth with Healings!

☆ There are certain Sicknesses and Healings that no Human Doctors can treat.

☆ There are certain Operations that Doctors are just beginning to discover how to Perform.

There are Operations in the Past that they could not use any knife to Perform but now they can Perform some of these Operations by using “Laser Light” (DMC NOTES: “Laser Therapy” is a Medical Treatment that uses a Strong Beam of Light to cut, burn, or destroy tissue).

And you that Laser means “Concentrated Light” – Light in a Special Way directed to where knives could not go.

Now, the One who is called “The Light” is the One who is going to Pay Somebody a visit – And where no knife can reach, that Light will Penetrate!

III. The Bible says that the Entrance of Your Words gives Light.

So, when He sends His Words, the Word Penetrates into areas of Life that no Human Being can Penetrate into.

That is why when He sends His Words, it heals – It cures the Incurable!

And I am sure that Somebody is hearing now – Maybe you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC: Somehow, you are hearing or reading now on your Sick bed and the Doctors have said that there is “Nothing More” we can do; before Friday (Day 3 of this Convention – 14th June 2024); you will have a Testimony – Amen!

  1. God Spoke and then came Light.

Because what He said was: Let there be Light:

I. What He said is: “Let there be a New Dawn.

II. What He said was: Darkness get out of the way.

III. What He said was: Let Night comes to an End.

IV. What He said was: Let Sorrow give way to Joy.

V. What He said was: Let Stagnation gives room for Promotion.

Then came Light!

The moment He said: “Let there be Light”; the Light didn’t wait for 24 Hours before comimg.

Whether you believed it or not: There is Someone hearing me now or reading now on the Label of DMC; before you get into your car, you are going to Shout for Joy – Amen!

When you read Mark 10: 46-52; it tells us the Story of Bartimaeus.

You know the Story very well – It is a Classical Example of Somebody who had a New Dawn.

☆ All his Life, he had lived in Darkness.

☆ All his Life, he had lived in Stagnation.

☆ All his Life, he had lived in Sorrow.

Then the Spirit of God moved Past him – He cried to God for Help, God heard him and God Spoke.

Because when they brought him to Jesus Christ, He said: What do you want?

He said: I want Light – I want to receive my Sight.

… And the eyes are the Light of the Body.

And God Spoke a Word – You want Light? Receive it.

And all the Problems of this Man – His Poverty, Loneliness, Barrenness, Stagnation, Sorrow and everything came to end because God Spoke a Word.

And so, I’m starting this Convention (RCCG The Americas Continent 2 Convention 2024) off by Standing before you as a Representative of the Most High God – And decreeing into the lives of everyone of you; from right now “Let there be Light” – Amen.

Once again: In the Name that is above every other names; in your Life “Let there be Light’ – Amen!

In your Family: Let there be Light – Amen.

In your Business: Let there be Light – Amen.

In your Ministries: Let there be Light – Amen.

And in Canada: Let there be Light – Amen.

And in this Continent (RCCG The Americas Continent 2): Let there be Light – Amen.

And so shall it be – Amen.

  1. Now, “Let there be Light” could be a Command.

When God said “Let there be Light”; He was addressing Darkness – And saying: Darkness, get out of the way and Light come.

  1. But “Let there be Light” could also be as Advise.

It could be an Advise to Someone here in Particular or reading now on the Label of DMC.

You see, it doesn’t matter how bright the Sun may be outside; if you are in a Place like this Hall we are – All doors shut, all windows shut and the Electricity is taken off; this Place will be in Total Darkness.

… Light can be Outside and Darkness can be Inside.

So, when God says: “Let there be Light”; He can be advising you – Allow Light to come in!

Like He said in Revelation 3:20 – He said: Behold I Stand by the door and I knock.

Light is Standing outside the door knocking.

He said that if you hear my voice and open the door to me, then I will come in.

There are some of us – The Darkness that we are really dealing with is inside our Heart:

A, Some Hearts are full of Bitterness!

I. Some People are angry and some even angry against God.

They look at the other Person and said: God, You did this for that Fellow, what about me?

II. Some People are angry against their Husband/Wife .

III. Some children are angry against their Parents.

And of course, some Parents are angry with their children.

B. And then, there are some Hearts that are Full of Evil Thoughts:

Some People are where they are today because of what is inside them.

All you need to do is to listen to the Language of some People.

Just like the Bible says: Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks.

Today, I am here to Plead with you – “Let there be Light”.

☆ Opem your Heart to the Light and let the Light comes in.

☆ Because the moment the Light comes in, you have a New Dawn.

You know that the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 – If anybody be in Christ, He is a New Creature, Old Things has Passed away, behold everything has become New.

C. You may not believed it – The Hearts of some Pastors might be Full of Darkness.

There are Pastors who will not forgive even Fellow Pastors.

The Almighty God is Pleading – “Let there be Light”.

Opem the door of your Heart and let the Light flow in so that you can have a Brand New Beginning!

That is why in this very first Night – It is between you and God now:

If you know that the Joy of Salvation that you used to know is gone; when I make the Altar Call; forget your Position and forget the fact that you are a Senior Pastor!

No! This Convention is not a Convention of Pretence – This is a Convention that is supposed to radically Change your Life forever.


I am not just making an Altar Call for those who wants to be Born Again:

  1. Tonight Altar Call is for those who really want to say to God: I am sorry. I have allowed Darkness to come into my Spirit and Soul; but now I want Light.
  2. Tonight Altar Call is for even those who once upon a Time thought that they can never, never backslide but you know the Truth that many of the things you said that you will never do again, you are already doing them.

Tonight Altar Call is begging you to come back to the Light!

We are not going to differentiate between those who are giving their lives to Jesus Christ for the first time and those who are Returning back to Him tonight.

For you to be here at all should mean that you have already reached a certain Level in Christ or you are supposed to have reached a certain Level.

But I beg you – Fortunately tonight, we are not too many (Not many People will know what is going on).

And in any case, who cares? I just want the Light of God to flood through my Heart.

So, if you will want to come forward tonight so that you and I can cry to God and say: Father, we want a New Dawn and we want that Light into our Souls again.

I’m going to count from one (1) to four (4) – If by the time I said four (4) and you are not already Standing before the Altar, we will close the Meeting and leave the whole Story to God.

But God wants to give us a Brand New Beginning – The kind of what happened when He created the Heavens and the Earth.

The Choice is yours – If you want to come, you can come now as I am counting!

Those of you who has come; begin to cry to Him:

No more Pretending – I want Your Light in my Soul. I don’t care what anybody may think I just want Your Light.

All I am going to ask God for was to send His Light into the Souls of those of us who are here now or reading now on the Label of DMC.

And the rest of us – If you are sure of your Salvation, then Please Stretch forth your hands towards these People and Intercede for them:

That God will grant their Requests and His Light will flow into their Souls.

Go ahead and Pray for them.

Thank You my Father; Glory be to God!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for these Precious People who has decided to be honest and to come to You for Light.

Please remember Your Promise that whatsoever will come to You, You will no wise cast out.

Please Lord: Receive them, let Your Light flow into their Souls, and in Your Own Special Way, banish Darkness from their lives.

Oh Lord God Almighty, from now on; let Your Light Shine Bright within them.

And out of inside of them, let Light begin to flow out.

And let them serve You till the End.

And Please Lord, don’t let Darkness ever come near them again.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!


Now, I want all of you to cry to the Almighty God tonight and say:

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesusm give me a Brand New Beginning that is totally free of Darkness.

Go ahead and cry to Him now!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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