DATE: 18TH JULY, 2024



Ancient of Days, we Worship You; King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we bow down before You; the Unchangeable Changer, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

All of us Your Children here this Morning are saying: Father, Good Morning to You.

Thank You for Your Mercy because it is Your Mercy that is renewed every Morning that has kept us alive to see today.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God, Your Children are here in Liberia to have an Encounter with You this Morning; Please in Your Own Miraculous Way, visit each and everyone of us.

Father, I’m Praying that beginning from now, all our Ministries will be Transformed and that there will be Dramatic Changes in our Ministries.

And that Your Name will be Glorified like never before.

Thank You Almighty God.

And Please bless Liberia.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Please shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning, God will bless you this Day.

And then, you may Please be seated.

I want to start by saying: Thank You so much for the fathers in the Land.

Thank You for honouring us and Thank You for being with us today.

The Almighty God will honour you in Jesus Name – Amen.

2 Kings 2:9-15:

  1. And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I Pray thee, let a Double Portion of thy Spirit be upon me.
  2. And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.
  3. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a Chariot of Fire, and Horses of Fire, and Parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven.
  4. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the Chariot of Israel, and the Horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two Pieces.
  5. He took up also the Mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;
  6. And he took the Mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.
  7. And when the sons of the Prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

I have a Prayer for one Young Minister here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – That today will be the beginning of your Promotion (Amen).

Ministers are in two (2) basic Categories/Types:

  1. There are Ministers that are Impartful – Their lives and Ministries creates impact.
  2. And then, there are Ministers whose Ministries or Life will have very, very little Impact.

When you read Acts 6: 1-6; you will see that there are seven (7) Ministers who were Ordained on the same Day:

☆ They were Men of Good Report.

☆ They were Full of the Holy Spirit.

☆ They were Full of Wisdom.

And they were all Ordained by the Elders – All seven (7) of them on the same Day.

If I ask you now to name the seven (7) of them off-hand; you will have a Problem naming all of them.

☆ You will remember Stephen and you will remember Philip.

☆ I’m sure that you have forgotten that there is Somebody among them called Prochorus?

☆ I’m not even sure that you know there is Someone among them called Nicanor or one that is called Timon?

☆ The only reason that I remembered Nicholas among them is because there is an Hospital in Nigeria named after Nicholas.

… Seven (7) Ministers, Ordained on the same Day but only two (2) of them had Impacts.

DMC NOTES: So the Seven (7) Men in Acts 6: 1-6 that were Chosen to be Deacons are: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Pumbaa (no, that’s Parmenas) and Nicolaus.

I believed that my God had brought us together today so that we can have this little time together; so that from now on, your Ministries will begin to have Impacts – Amen!

Now, among those who are Impartful, we also have Categories – We have Impact in Degrees:

For Example:

I. In Acts 5: 14-16; the Bible says that God Performed Miracles, Signs and Wonders by the hands of the Apostles – They were all Impartful.

But it Singled Out Peter and said: The Shadow of Peter was healing the Sick.

So, among the Impartful People, you still have Someone who can Stand Out!

II. And then when you read Acts 19: 11-12; you will hear that God Performed Special Miracles by the hands of Paul.

A Miracle is a Special Intervention of God in the affairs of Men – That’s a Miracle!

So then, a Special Miracle means a Special, Special Intervention of God in the affairs of Men!

In Mathematics, we will call that one “Intervention Squared”.

There are Impartful Ministers but among Impartful Ministers, there are degrees.

As you know that I am a Mathematician and so I don’t know how to talk for long.

My Prayer is that before I finished; you will not only become Impartful, you will also become Specifically Impartful – Amen!

Among the Impartful Ministers, we have three (3) Major Categories:

CATEGORY 1: They are the Ministers who take Revival to a City.

Example is Philip in Acts 8: 5-8.

Philip went to Samaria and within days, there was Joy in the whole City.

There are Ministers of God that by the time they are in a City for a Month, the City will know that they have Divine Visitor.

CATEGORY 2: They are the Ministers who can take Revival to a Nation.

They arrived in a Nation and the Nation will shake.

There are Ministers who will arrive in a Nation and even the Elders in the Nation will tremble until they find out why you come? – Have you come in Peace or have you come to execute Divine Judgement?

I have Good News for Liberia – This “Small Boy” is here to ask the Almighty God to Shine His Light Brighter!

A Good Example will be Elijah in 1 Kings 18: 36-39.

He Prayed approximately for 2 Minutes and by the time he finished; Fire fell and the whole Nation bowed down and say: “Jehovah is Lord”.

I am Praying to the Almighty God that by the time I leave on Sunday, 21st July 2024; Liberia will be shouting: “Jesus is Lord” – Amen!

CATEGORY 3: There is a Level where you find a Minister dictating the Future of a Nation.

2 Kings 13: 14-19; Elisha was about to die, the king (Head of State) came to him and say: Ha, what am I going to do? You are the one who has been taking care of this Nation.

And Elisha said to him – That’s alright, we can settle the Future of the Nation before I go,

And he told him – Take an arrow. He took an arrow and then lay his hands on the King’s hands and said: Shoot and he shot. And he said: That is Victory.

Then he told the King: Take another arrow now and begin to smite the Ground. And he smote the Ground three times and stopped.

And Elisha was very angry with him – Who asked you to stop? You should have kept on smitting the Ground at least five times or so; then your Victory would have been Total.

Unfortunately, the King was careless – Because if I were the King and I heard that from my Prophet, I will keep smitting the Ground until he says that is enough.

… There are Ministers who can decree the Future of a Nation.

With all Humility, I want to tell you that God sent me here to decree that in the Name that is above every other name, there will be no more war in Liberia – Amen!


…Using Philip as our Example:

I. The one who will bring Revival to a City must have a Servant Spirit – Ready to Serve.

In the Book of Acts 6: 1-6 which we have read earlier on; Philip was chosen to serve Tables – He was to be a Waiter, distributing food.

If you are going to be used of God to bring a Revival to a City, you must be Humble – Ready to serve!

I don’t have the time to go into details; but let me assure you – “Any hands that cannot do Manual Labour, cannot heal the Sick.

The reason why many of us – Younger Ministers maybe have not seen Miracles, Signs and Wonders that should be flowing in our Ministries is that very little Miracles, Signs and Wonders that we have seen had already made us Proud.

God cannot use a Proud Man!

Jesus Christ Himself said in Mark 9:35 – To lead is to serve. He said that He hasn’t come to be Ministered unto but to Minister.

The word “Minister”; if you ask those who knows the “Original Languages”, they will tell you that it is a Latin word and it means “Servant”.

It is the world who has changed the word “Minister” to mean a Big Officer in Government.

A Minister is not Somebody that will be coming and everybody will be running up and down – No, a Minister is to serve. Take Note of that.

Because I am trusting my God that this week, He is going to Pour His Anointing on you – Amen!

II. The one who will bring Revival to a City, must be Somebody under Authority.

In Acts 8: 14-16; when the Apostles heard that there was a Revival in Samaria and they sent Peter down to go and see what was going on.

As soon as the Elders came, Philip Submitted to them.

He didn’t tell them – What are you talking about? I am the Revavilist and I am the one Performimg Miracles here? You are in Jerusalem, go and sit down there and I am in Charge here.

No, he Submitted to them.

My Beloveth Ministers; if you are not under the Authority of Someone, you can’t go far!

I’m telling you the Truth – I don’t live in Liberia but if I have an experience at all, I know the Problem that we have in my own Nation.

The moment God has used you to heal one headache or stomachache; alright you will become General Overseer and you don’t want to be under the Authority of anybody.

Take my words – Nobody knows the Value of an Umbrella until it begins to Rain.

It is the one who is your Cover that will come to your aid when trouble comes!

Trouble can come!

I am an Anointed Minister of God – Is that so?

The Greater your Anointing, the Greater will be the attack of the devil.

It takes Someone to Stand between you and the Enemies!

And when you are your own head, then get ready for your own headache!

In Luke 7: 1-10; a Centurium has a Problem with one of his servants and they sent for Jesus Christ to come and help.

As Jesus Christ was going, the Centurium met Jesus Christ on the way and say: You don’t have to come to my house, just speak a word.

Then He made a Statement – He said: I also, I am a Man under Authority. I represent Ceasar – Ceaser is my Cover.

That is why if I Command this Soldier: Move, the Soldier will move; not because of me but because of Ceasar.

Then he used the word “Also” – That means that he is comparing himself to Jesus Christ.

He said: I know that You – You are under the Authority of Your Father in Heaven and that is why Demons obey you.

May I Submit to all of us Great Ministers – When you Command Demons to move; they don’t move because of you.

Who are you? The devil has been around for thousands of years and he has destroyed Mighty Man of God of Valour like Samson et cetera.

So, you think that you can face the devil alone? You better be under Authority!

The reason the devil moves when you asked him to move is because he knows who is behind you!

In Acts 19: 13-17; some People saw Paul casting out Demons using the Name of Jesus.

And then, they saw a Mad Man and went to him: Hey, devil come out of you in the Name of Jesus Christ that Paul Preaches.

The devil said: I know Jesus, I know Paul – When Paul asked me to move, I move not because of him but because of Jesus.

Who are you?

Don’t let anybody deceive you – The devil knows those who are under Authority and he will act accordingly!


… Using Elijah as an Example.

I. If you want to be a Man who will bring Revival to a Nation, then you must be a Man that I called “Yes Man” of God.

Elijah was a “Yes Man” of God – Whatever God says: “Yes Lord”.

☆ 1 Kings 17: 1-16; I want you to go and talk to Ahab and tell him that he has broken my Laws and so no Rain – Yes Lord!

☆ He came out of the King’s Palace, God said: Hey, go to the Brook Cherith, stay there and I will send birds to bring you food – Yes Lord!

He didn’t ask: Lord, give me a Bible Reference where You have sent birds to bring food for Somebody before.

☆ The Brook dried up and God said: Alright my Servant, go to Zarepheth and there is a Widow there who will take care of you – Yes Lord!

I have always told my children – Of all the Commandments of God to Elijah, the one I found most difficult was telling Elijah to go and stay with a Widow; who had only a Single boy and said: Go and be living there!

Ha, I am a Holy Man God? Go and stay in the house of that Widow?

What if Someone come early in the Morning to come and greet the Widow and they found me inside?

They said: Man of God, is this an early Morning Visitation?

And you say that I am not visiting but living there.

Ha, we will be waiting for you the next time you Preach Holiness.

But he couldn’t care for his Reputation – God said: Go! And he said: “Yes Lord”.

☆ Later on, God said: Go and show yourself to Ahab – Yes Lord!

He could have said: Don’t you know that this King is trying to kill me?

… God has Spoken!

You want to bring Revival to a Nation? Then you must be a “Yes Man” of God – Whatever God says you should do, you must do and you don’t argue with Him!

If you are looking for People who can argue with God, you will find Plenty of them – They can quote Greeks, Hebrews and so many Passages that your head will be turning.

Thank them and move on.

That is one thing that I liked about Peter – He said that all the big, big Theories of Paul I don’t understand as I am a Fisherman. But one thing that I know; God said: “Be Holy, for I am Holy”.

And he said: That is enough for me.

Let him begin to quote anything – He is a Professor of Law and I am a Fisherman.

II. A Minister that want to bring Revival to a Nation must be a Prayer Warrior.

1 Kings 18: 41-45; Elijah himself heard God say: Go and show yourself to Ahab and I will send Rain.

Then he heard the Sound of Abundance of Rain and he looked up to the Sky and the Sky was dry and clear.

He went up, fell on his face and Prayed.

The Problem with many of us Ministers of God – And forgive me if I am wrong because things might be different here than in Nigeria; is that we talk about Prayer but we don’t Pray!

Oh, Ask any of us to come and Preach a Sermon on Prayer, he will give us Bible Passages and Verses.

And then, when it is time to Pray, we will Pray for 5 Minutes and wondered what is going on? Are we going to Pray all the Prayers in one day?

Well, that is what the Bible says: “Pray without ceasing” (DMC NOTES: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17).

Without Jesus, you can do Nothing (DMC NOTES: John 15: 4-5).


… That is my friend: Elisha and I like him a lot.

I. It was from him that I learnt the Power of Total Surrender.

You want to be able to decree and declare concerning your Nation? How Surrendered are you to God?

1 Kings 19: 19-21; from the day that God called Elisha, he Surrendered all.

He made sure that he will not return to farming!

As a matter of fact, if we were to believe Bible Scholars, that day when He said bye bye to his Parents, he never came back home – His Surrender was Total.

II. You want to be able to decree and determine the future of your Nation? Then your Service to God must be beyond the Call of Duty.

2 Kings 3:11 – The Bible says that Elisha was always Pouring water unto the hands of Elijah.

His Duty should have ended when he Prepared the food and set the table and put the washing water where it should be.

Then he should have come to his boss and say: Table is set sir.

But no! He will go beyond that – He will Supervise the washing of the hands of the Master.

There are People who told me that everything that needed to be done for us has been done by Jesus Christ on the Cross – And that is absolutely correct.

That when He said that it is Finished; it simply means that it is Finished (DMC NOTES: John 19:30).

I don’t argue – All that I know is that Paul the Apostle of Faith and Grace said that he Fasted often (DMC NOTES: 2 Corinthians 11:17).

If Paul Fasted often and he is an Apostle and I am “Ordinary Pastor” – Even if it is going beyond the Call of Duty, I Fast.

And I hope that you will do so too!

III. You want to be able to determine the Future of your Nation? Your Loyalty to God must be Total.

Three times, Elijah told Elisha: You have done enough! Go back.

But he said that we are in this together – Until you are no longer on this Earth, I am your Servant and I will serve you till the end.

Revelation 2:10; the Bible says that: Be thou Faithful unto Death, then I will give you the Crown of Life.

IV. You want to be able to determine then Future of your Nation? You must put Spiritual Things above Material Things.

When Elijah asked Elisha: What do you want?

Elisha could have said: Sir, I left my very Prosperous Farmimg Business to follow you. And now that you are going, I want Prosperity on a Scale that the world had never seen before.

He could have gotten it – He could have become the Richest Man in History.

But no, he asked for a Double Portion of the Spirit of Elijah.

Prosperity is Good – And in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Poverty will stay away from you (Amen).

But if you begin to Pursue Prosperity instead of Pursuing Anointing, you may Prosper and end up in Hell.

Let me assure you of one thing: You cannot trade with God and loose – Not Possible!

I want to assure you that He is the Best Employer in the whole world – If you don’t believed anybody else, believe me.

He can Pick a Beggar from the dunghill and lift him up until he begins to dine with Princes – That is what His Words says (DMC NOTES: 1 Samuel 2: 8-10).

Seek Spiritual Blessings – That is far, far more Precious than Material Blessings!

Material Things will fade away – You buy a Brand new car costing Millions of Dollars now; you drive it into your house and then you Change your Mind that you want to return it – It is now Second Hand car as it is already used,

But Anointing remains Fresh forever and it never becomes Second Hand!

When God Promotes you, your Promotion is Eternal because underneath are the Everlasting Arms of God! (DMC NOTES: Deuteronomy 33:27).

If Human Beings Promotes you, they will get tired of you!

That is true – Those who cry “Hossana today”, will say “Crucify him tomorrow” (DMC NOTES: Luke 19: 28-40; Luke 23: 13-25).

But if God is Promoting you; because His Arms are Everlasting, you will just keep on going Higher and Higher!

V. You must be someone that I called “A Hard Asker”.

That means someone who asks for Hard Things.

When Elisha said to Elijah that I want a Double Portion of your Spirit, he said: Ha, you have asked for a Hard Thing.

And I hope that Somebody will ask for something hard this Morning!

So the Conclusion is: “How Great a Minister of God you become iis up to you!

How Impartful you want to become is up to you.

Psalms 2:8; God says that you can ask of me the Heathen and you can ask of me all the Nations of the world that you want.

You can ask me to the Uttermost Part and said that I want this and He will give it to you.

The Choice is yours if you are willing to Pay because there is a Price to Pay.

The Higher you want to go; the deeper your Foundation must be.

Are you willing to say to the Almighty God that whatever it will cost, I will Pay?

And then He will say to you: Then whatever you want, I can give.

Years ago, when I was a Younger Minister – I am still a Young one at 82 years.

82 years is Nothing compared to Moses who was 120 years.

When I read in the Bible that God says we can covet earnestly Spiritual Gifts.

That everywhere else, Covetousness is not allowed but when it comes to Spiritual Gifts, God says that you are free to covet.

I told Him: Lord, I want double the Anointing on Elisha – He didn’t hand over to anybody; I want double the Anointing on Peter – The one whose Shadow can heal; I want double Portion of the Anointing on Paul, I want double the Anointing on the Lord Jesus Christ when He was walking here on Earth.

I want You to add everything together and double it again.

He spoke to me and said: Son, you are asking for trouble. And I said that I don’t Mind.

He said that they won’t let you rest if I give you what you asked for? I said I don’t Mind.

Well, I should have asked Him to let us Negotiate – Now, they don’t let me rest.

But I don’t mind because He is doing what I want Him to be doing – And I know that we haven’t started yet.

What do you want from Him? How much do you want from Him?

Are you ready to Pay the Price?

I will like to tell you a Story before I Pray for you:

Years ago when I became the General Overseer and I was struggling very hard and I want my “Little Church” to grow.

And then, I heard of a Man called Yonggi Cho in South Korea – At that time, he had the largest Church in the world.

DMC NOTES: David Yonggi Cho, is the Co-founder of the Largest Pentecostal Christian Church Congregation in South Korea called “The Yoido Full Gospel Church”. He Co-founded the Church with his Mother-In-Law; Choi Ja-shil. He Passed on to Glory at the Age of 85 (14th February 1936 to 14th September 2021)

And he was holding a Minister Conference – And I went there because I want to learn.

When I got there, what I saw shocked me – He has a big Auditorium that can take about 50,000 People and he was holding seven (7) Services on Sundays.

And I heard him say in the Session that I attended – All of you who came to Church this Morning, Please don’t come next Sunday!

Ha! I have never heard a Pastor say that before.

He said because there are several People who could not come in today because of you. And so, let those People come in next week.

He has a Prayer Mountain and they took us by bus there to go and Pray.

In that Prayer Mountain, they dig holes into the Mountain. And so, you crawl inside, put your shoes outside so that People can know that you are inside.

So, I went there to Pray and I was there talking to God – God, You are no Respecter of Persons; what You have done in Korea, You have to do it in Nigeria.

By the time I looked at my watch, two hours had gone and I came out to find out that everybody else had gone back in their buses except my bus.

And the reason why they hadn’t gone yet was because I was the only Black Man in the bus and so they knew that Somebody was missing.

When I came out, they were so angry with me.

I said that I thought we came here to Pray? They said that are you going to Pray everything in one day?

And I said to them that I am sorry.

So, Nobody spoke to me for the 2 hours we spent before we got to the Town – And I was glad because I was still Praying.

Well, we have Churches in South Korea and some years ago, I went to Ordain our Pastors there and I was able to meet Yonggi Cho again.

When I went to see him and I was telling him the Story of what happened when I visited earlier; he said that I have heard of you.

He said: Will you Please Pray for me?

I am going to Pray with you and after which I will releaae you to Him and then you can talk to Him.

If you like, you can Pray for 2 Minutes and go – No Problem!

If you like, you can spend some time with Him – It is up to you.

It is up to you today – How much you want from God is up to you!

Shall we Please Stand!


My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name.

I give You Glory, I give You Honour and I give You Adoration because You have Special Interest in these Your Children.

I know Lord God Almighty that there is at least one (1) or two (2) of them that You have Chosen to bless in a Special Way and that’s why You sent me down here.

So, I’m saying: Thank You Lord God Almighty.

Thank You for allowing me to share this little with them.

Father, in a moment, these Your Children will be crying to You; Oh Lord, Please answer them whatever they ask You for and also answer them by Fire.

I am Praying that out of here will come Ministries that will be known throughout the whole world.

Please my Father and my God, Please grant their Requests.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Make sure that you spent Quality Time before you go Praying!

… And God will answer your Prayers – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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