DATE: 14TH JULY 2024


Let Us Pray!


My Lord You are Good
My Lord You are Good
My Lord You are Good
You are Good to me
You are Good.


Our Father and our God, we bless Your Holy Name because You have been Good to us.

Thank You because it is by Your Grace that we are savèd; Thank You that we obtained Mercy from You; Thank God Almighty that it is because of Your Mercy that we are not consumed.

Thank You Lord God Almighty that today again we can gather together at Your Feet and learn from Your Words.

We give You all the Glory – Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Out of Your Mercy Lord God Almighty, from the little we are about to learn today; Perform Miracles in our lives, meet all our Needs Lord and let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, you might salute one (1) or two (2) People wherever you are – Shake hands with them and say that: “It is going to be well with you today in Jesus Name”.

And then you may Please be seated.

We are moving on to Part 50 in our Series: For Whom The Heavens Open”.

We have been Studying as you know the Life of Joshua and today we are moving Speedily to Joshua 14:6-14:

  1. Then the children of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal: and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite said unto him, Thou knowest the thing that the LORD said unto Moses the Man of God concerning me and thee in Kadeshbarnea.
  2. Forty years old was I when Moses the Servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to spy out the Land; and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart.
  3. Nevertheless my Brethren that went up with me made the heart of the People melt: but I wholly followed the LORD my God.
  4. And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the Land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children’s for ever, because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God.
  5. And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.
  6. As yet I am as Strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my Strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.
  7. Now therefore give me this Mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
  8. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an inheritance.
  9. Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.

… What a Story!

In Life, Destinies are always connected!

There are People listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; because in one way or the other, their Destinies are connected to mine!

And when you are Studying the Story of a Man, occasionally you learned from the Destinies of those who are connected to his own Destiny!

I mean for Example:

☆ The Destiny of David was connected to that of Samuel – That was a Positive Connection.

☆ The Destiny of David was connected to that of Saul – That was a Negative Connection.

We don’t have the time to go into the details of “Connected Destinies”; but one thing that I can say for sure is this – When your Destiny is Positively connected to the Destiny of a Person, as that Fellow grows, you grow!

So, those of you whose Destinies are connected to mine Positively; as I grow, you will grow – Amen!

The Greater I become, the Greater you will become!

When Destinies are connected Negatively – When Someone Destiny is connected to another Man’s Destiny in a Negative manner and that Fellow is doing his best that he could to destroy the one that God in one way or the other linked him with; the result is always like the Proverbs of the Elders, when they say that: The moth that says that it wants to Pull out the flame is going to be burnt.

So, if there is anyone whose Destiny is connected to yours Negatively; if there is anyone in one way or the other trying to destroy you while you are connected to God, you should Pray for Mercy for such a Fellow because like I have said before, our God is a Consuming Fire.

The Destiny of Caleb was connected to that of Joshua Positively!

And believe me honestly, in Studying Caleb – Which we will only study for a couple of weeks; we are Studying him because he is connected to Joshua.

You will be amazed how connected is your Destiny to that of Caleb – It is one of the Mysteries of God!

Caleb who lived and died thousand of years even before Jesus Christ was born, somehow can be very Good Lesson for us!

So, the Question then is: “WHO IS CALEB?”

  1. Caleb was a Chosen Man.

Numbers 13: 1-20; Caleb in the Story, as he was relating it to Joshua; was one of those Chosen to go and spy the Promised Land.

He was a Chosen Man – Out of a whole Nation, twelve of them were Chosen to go and spy the Promised Land.

And you know what? You are a Chosen Person too.

1 Peter 2:9 says: You are a Chosen Generation.

If you have been following our Studies in the Open Heavens, you will remember a time when we Studied Ephesians 2: 8-10 – We are told that by Grace we were saved.

You are saved by Grace – Not by your Ability, not by your Efforts, not by your works.

Because the Word of God made it clear – Even if the Children of Israel are like the sand of the sea, only a Remnant will be saved.

If you are a Child of God today:

☆ You are not saved because you know how to Pray? As a matter of fact, before you are Born Again, you really didn’t know how to Pray much.

☆ You did not choose Christ but He choose you.

He said Specifically in His Words that no Man can come unto Him except the Father draws him.

And according to the Word of God, you have been Chosen even before the Foundation of the world.

So, if you are Chosen before the world was formed, definitely you have nothing to do with the Chosen.

So, when occasionally we heard People say: “When I found Christ”; we laughed – Christ wasn’t lost; it was Christ who found you.

And when you consider Matthew 22:14; remember that the Bible says that: Many are called but few are Chosen.

Oh, how Grateful you should be that you are among the few Chosen!

Caleb is a Chosen Man; you and I are also Chosen.

You are not the only one who heard the Gospel the day you heard it – When something told you to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ today, when the Force was Strong and you couldn’t resist it; it was God in Action.

So, when you see some People – It doesn’t matter what Sermon they have heard, that they still refused to Change; maybe you need to understand that it is by the Grace of God that you too Sureendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

  1. Caleb was a Bringer of Good News and Good Reports.

Twelve People were sent out, ten brought Evil Report.

And if you study Numbers Chapter 13 very well, you will discovered that, that day when they returned; the one who spoke for God was Caleb.

It will interest you to know that it was only in the following Morning that Joshua said that I Support what Caleb said.

Caleb was the first Fellow who says: Hey, we can win the battle and we can Possess the Land.

You say: Why was Joshua silent that first Njght?

Well, Joshua had realised that whenever there is a war, Moses will climb to the Mountain Top and say: Joshua, go and fight.

Joshua had fought before.

And believe me honestly, he also saw the Giants and saw that these People are bigger than the People he fought before.

Isaiah 52:7 tells us how beautiful on the Mountain are the feet of him that brings Good News.

You are to be a Bringer of the Good News – A Preacher of the Gospel!

And I’m sure you know what the Gospel means?

Gospel simply means: “Good News”.

You remembered Act’s 8: 5-8 – That Philip was a Bringer of Good News.

He brought Good News to a City and the whole City became Full of Joy.

You have an Assignment – Go to your Hometown and take the Good News there.

It is Good to Preach the Gospel in the City where you are dwelling but don’t forget your Village – Go there and bring them Gooc News!

I have a lot of my children now – On a Yearly basis, they go to hold a Crusade and they call it the Name of their Village.

For Example: Ifewara for Christ, Oke Igbo for Christ etc because Charity must begin at home.

  1. Caleb was a Man who has his eyes focused in the Right Direction.

There are Giants in the Land – The People who went with him said: Oh, we are like Grasshoppers in the eyes of those People. And even in our own eyes, we are like Grasshoppers compared to their size.

But Caleb eyes are fixed on God and not on the Giants.

Oh, he said that they are bread to us.

His Colleagues said the Land there ate her inhabitants.

If the Land is eating her inhabitants, how come there are Giants there?

So, we learnt a Big Lesson from Caleb:

☆ Where are your eyes focused?

☆ What are you focusing on?

Because the eyes are very Powerful Organ of the body; and so what you are focusing on can determine your Destiny!

When you read Genesis 3: 1-6; the Original sin came because Eve saw the Fruit – That it was beautiful, it was Good to look at, and that’s why she fell for the Temptation of the devil.

She took one of the Fruit and then pass it on to the husband.

When you read Genesis 13: 5-13; when Abraham said to Lot: Look, we are Relatives and we shouldn’t be quarrelling over Land. You choose any direction that you want and I will go in the opposite Direction.

The Bible said that Lot lifted up his eyes and he saw that Plain that was beautiful – Even though it was towards Sodom and Gomorrah, he chose that Plain.

You knew the end result – Everything that he took to Sodom and Gomorrah, he didn’t bring anything out.

When you read Joshua 7: 1-end as we have Studied earlier; you will read the Story of a Man called Achan.

Why did he get into trouble? How come he took what God said belonged to Him?

The Bible said that he saw – He saw a wealth of Gold, some Babylonian Garments and then he decided to steal Part of these things.

You know the end result?

Himself and his entire family Perished in one day.

When you read 2 Kings 5: 20-27; you will read the Story of Gehazi.

Gehazi could have Probably be the Greatest Prophet of the Old Testament but he saw the Wealth of Naaman.

And so he decided that if my boss doesn’t want this, I will go after this Man and get something.

He got the Money, he got the raiment and got the Leprosy.

We can continue and even mentioned Samson.

You know that Samson is always looking – That is why when finally when the Enemies caught him, the first thing that they did was that they Plucked out his eyes.

But the eyes can be leading you in a Good Direction depending on what you are looking at.

Like in Genesis 13: 14-18; God said to Abraham after Lot had departed – Alright, that which he has left for you; walk up and down the Place, as far as your eyes could see, I will give it to you.

In 1 Samuel 17: 24-51; David was not looking at Goliath, but he was looking at the Reward that will come.

He kept on asking the People – What will be given to the Man who will kill this Fellow Blaspheming God?

In 2 Kings 2: 9-15; when Elijah said to Elisha – What do you want me to do for you before I will be taking away from you?

He said that I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.

Elijah said that you have asked for a Hard Thing, but if you see me,

And you know that he saw him and you know what he got.

This is why in Colossians 3: 1-4; God said: Focus on Things above and not on things beneath.

In Hebrews 12: 1-2; the Bible says: Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your Faith.

  1. Caleb was a Courageous Man.

When we talk about Courage, we are talking about you – That even though you see something that is frightening, you refused to yield to fear!

That is what is called Courage – Refuser to yield to Fear.

Remember that is what God told Joshua in Joshua 1: 1-9 – When Joshua was trembling before God, three times God said: Joshua, be of Good Courage.

Let’s learn from Caleb – He was a Man of Good Courage.

There are a several things around us everyday trying to fight us; there may be many more in our Journey to Heaven that will try to frighten us, but be of Good Courage and don’t look at what is trying to frighten you but look unto Jesus – The One who has never lost a war.

  1. Caleb was a Man of Rugged Faith.

Hebrews 11:6 tells us: Without Faith, it is impossible to Please God.

You must trust God, believe in Him and He won’t let you down.

Hebrews 10:23 says: Hold fast the Profession of your Faith and don’t waver.

Why? Because He is Faithful He that Promised.

… The Almighty God is Faithful!

I have told you before the Story of how my Sunday School Teacher – Now of Blessed Memory; he was the one who really taught me Faith.

He wasn’t teaching Faith with all kind of Theological Terms – All he did was just to give an Example.

He says that if a father is downstairs and the child is on the Balcony on a Storey Building, looking down.

And he says to his father: Should I jump?

He says that if the Father says: Jump, then he will jump.

Why? Because he knows that the father will catch him.

That’s all he said way back in 1973 and I got that one.

And from that day onwards, I have been jumping – Knowing fully well that underneath are His Everlasting Arms.

I have not hit the Ground yet and I know that I will never hit the Ground.

So, you too keep Jumping – Faithful is He who has Promised. He will not fail us.

  1. Caleb is the one who followed Holy and Completely.

According to Revelation 3: 15-16; God said: Hey, make up your Mind – If you want to be cold be cold; if you want to be hot be hot. But He said, I don’t want anything Lukewarm.

My Beloveth, stop following God halfway – Throw everything you have into following Him.

Be one hundred Percent Hot for Him and He will see you through!

  1. Caleb is the Chosen one who made it at last.

When you read Numbers 14: 24-38; the Bible tells us that all those People who went to spy the Land and the People who decided to follow their Evil Reports, Perished in the Wilderness.

But Caleb and Joshua lived still.

It is not everyone who is Chosen who will make it.

Acts 1: 15-20 tells us that Judas Iscariot was also Chosrn but he didn’t make it.

Matthew 7: 21-23; Jesus Christ said that not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord; that will make it to the Kingdom of God.

He even said that even those who will say that we even Performed Miracles in Your Name, He will say: Sorry o, I don’t even know you.

My Prayer for you is that: Those of you who are already following the Lord, will finish well – Amen!

Those of you who are yet to Surrender your Life to Him, Please do so now!

In Matthew 11: 28-30; He said: Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy lamented and I will give you rest.

But He added a Conditiom – He said: You must take my Yoke upon you.

If you have to follow me, then you have to do it wholeheartedly!


So, I appeal to those of you who are listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; who are yet to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ – Do so now!

But Please remember – When He comes into your Life, He will not come to become a Tenant as He will Come to become your Landlord.

When you Submit to Him, He will take over Complete Control – Take that into consideration even as you Surrender your Life to Him today.

So, if you want to Surrender your Life to Him; Please bow your head wherever you are and cry to Him and say: Lord, I Surrender all to You. Please come and be my Lord, come and be my Saviour, come and be the Controller of my Life and I will serve You till the very end,

Go ahead – Pray that Simple Prayer and He will save your Soul and everything will become New.

Thank You Jesus!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


And so my Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name once again for Your Words and I want to bless Your Name especially for those who has Chosen to Surrender their lives to You today.

Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God, give them a Brand New Beginning and don’t let ever go back.

From now on, when they cry to You, Please answer them by Fire.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today.

And Please Contact me as soon as Possible and I Promise You that I will be Praying for you.

I will advice that you seek for the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) nearest to you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you as you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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