Thank You Father! Glory be to God.


There is none Holy as the Lord (as the Lord)
There is none besides Thee (besides Thee)
Neither is there any Rock like our God
There is none Holy as the Lord (Holy as the Lord).


Ancient of Days, the All-sufficient God, the One who said “be Fruitful and Multiply”; The One who speaks and it is done – Glory be to Your Holy Name!

Thank You because Your Word says that if we Pray according to Your Will, You will answer us.

Your Children are here Lord God Almighty to Pray according to Your Will: That we want to obey You, we want to be Fruitful and Multiply.

Father today, answer all our Prayers! Glorify Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: I assure you, you will hear my Testimony soon.

… And it will come to pass, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

1 Samuel 2:20-21

20 And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, The LORD give thee seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the LORD. And they went unto their own home.

21 And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the LORD. child Samuel grew before the Lord.

The Almighty God is going to bless Someone here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen.

You are trusting Him for one (1) child; He will give you Six (6) Children – Amen.

Our Theme this Month is: “REFUELLING YOUR FIRE.”

What exactly do we mean by Refuelling?

A very good way of describing Refuelling, could also be when we are cooking – And we must make sure that the fire does not go out until the food is well cooked.

If you are cooking yam, and then the yam is half cooked and the fire goes out; you know we have wasted all the efforts.

So when the fire is going on under the pot, we must keep on adding more firewood, or whatever we are using; to make sure that the fire keeps on burning until the food is fully cooked.

For years Hannah had been coming to Shiloh – She came again and again, and again! But she kept on coming because what she wanted, she hasn’t got it yet.

Then one day, she Prayed so hard, the water boiled over! And her breakthrough came.

In this Month of July – The Seventh (7th) Month of the Year (2024); because seven (7) stands for Perfection and today is the first day of the Month: God is going to Perfect that which concerns you – Amen.

Your breakthrough will come – Amen.

This Month (July 2024), in the Mighty Name of Jesus’ Christ, your Breakthrough will come – Amen.

I’m sure some of you would remember the Testimony of one of our Pastors – Himself and the wife had been married for Twenty Six (26) years.

They’ve Prayed all manners of Prayers; attended Shiloh Hour, attended Holy Ghost Service, attended Convention – Nothing!

The husband said, “I’m a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Where else can I go?”

Then one day, they came to one of the Programmes – I think the Holy Ghost Congress or something; and suddenly God spoke and said that: There is Someone, we should tell that fellow that the waiting is over.

The husband looked at the wife, the wife looked at the husband – And they knew that God was talking to them.

In the Name that’s above every other name, I say to Someone here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, that your waiting is over – Amen.

Nine (9) Months’ later, their first baby came.

And then some People said, we are not even sure whether she actually had given birth to the baby, or they adopted it.

So God decided to answer again and the second (2nd) time the wife became Pregnant; the baby came two weeks or so, Premature – So that People went to meet the woman in the Hospital, because they had to admit them a couple of days, since the baby came a little bit Premature.

And God said, so that they can know that this one came through the woman – They can see her on the Hospital bed.

When your Miracle comes, Nobody would be able to doubt you – Amen.

But then Hannah refuelled! – She added more fuel to her Fire.

In 1 Samuel 1:24-28, the one child that God gave her, she handed over the child to God – She Refuelled; she added more fuel to her Fire.

That’s why the Almighty God said alright, since you have learnt to keep the Fire burning, I will show you that I am the Almighty God – I gave you one, you loaned that one to me; all those who have been mocking you before; who said that even the one that she has got is a mistake. God brought out the second (2nd); and then the third (3rd); and then the fourth (4th), fifth (5th) and sixth (6th).

In the Name that’s above every other name, God will surprise you with many children – Amen.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, the Bible says: Pray without ceasing.

Keep Praying!

Oh! I know that you have Prayed before; I have prayed with you before; I have Anointed you before. But we are not going to stop Praying until our Breakthrough would come.

And in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, it would come today – Amen.

And then in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says, In everything give Thanks:

You would say: What does that mean?

Give Thanks, because every time you Pray, you are closer to your Breakthrough than ever before.

“Oh! I Prayed last Month.” Oh, Yes! We are going to Pray again today.

And we are going to Pray with Thanksgiving.

Because we believe the Almighty God, that every Prayer we Pray is a step in the right direction.

We believe very, very firmly, that there is just one more Prayer for us to Pray, and the door would open.

And we are going to Pray that Prayer today.

We are going to Thank God that we are alive – It’s only the dead who have no hope. We are still alive, we are still doing well.

By the Special Grace of God, the whole world is going to hear our Testimonies very soon – Amen.

“Oh! Sir, you don’t know how long my case has been.” Yes, I don’t know but God knows.

I’ve shared with you the Testimony of one of my children in London a couple of days ago:

It was Testimony Time, and she came forward with her husband, carrying a child. And the People saw her coming and said, Please, let us herself some Strong Testimony.

Your own is only one child – We have seen People with three (3) children, four (4) children, give (5). Yours is only one (1).

But when she opened her mouth; She said, “I have been married for thirty six (36) years. And I’m in my late Sixties.”

In other words, not only has she Prayed again and again for thirty six (36) years; she has reached the age when she is not even supposed to Menstruate.

But the Almighty God pushed everything aside and gave her a wonderful Bouncing baby boy.

… And then everybody stood up and clapped!

Very, very soon, when you share your Testimony, the whole Congregation would stand up and clap – Amen.

So, we are going to Pray again today – And this is the Month of Perfection, and this is the First (1st) Day of the Month of Perfection. It’s a very, very Special Day indeed!

And the Almighty God is going to Perfect that which concerns you – Amen.


But before we Pray; just in case there’s anyone at all among us, who is not yet Born Again: someone who has not yet Surrendered his or her Life to Jesus Christ, you need to come.

Because the Word of God made it clear – The only Prayer that God would answer from anyone who is not Born Again is, “Lord, have Mercy on me, and save my Soul.”

It’s after you have done that; that you can then ask for anything you want from Him, and He will do it for you.

So I’m going to count from one (1) to four (4) – If you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ, you better come now.

Because this is a very Special Day; a Day that you will never forget for the rest of your Life.

So if you are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you
have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ; before I count four (4), Please, come and Stand before the Altar.

… I’m counting now!

Oh! Your sins must be gone before He can answer your Prayers.

God Bless You! Glory be to God.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Name!

Now cry to Him and say: Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, forgive my sins Lord and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

The rest of us Please, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Just for two (2) Minutes, intercede for them.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Word.

And I want to Thank You for these People who have responded to the Altar Call Genuinely today.

You are the One who Promised that whosoever would come to You, You will in no wise cast out.

They have come to You now Lord; Please, receive them in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them; save their Souls Lord and receive them into the Family of God.

From now on whenever they cry unto You, answer them by Fire .

And don’t let them ever backslide.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now for those of you who just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely, I rejoice with you.

I want to Promise you that from now on, by the Special Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.

So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

Now let’s really, really clap for Jesus Christ – Let’s give Him a Big round of applause!

Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah!


As usual, we are going to Pray together, before you’ll go home.

Now, you will Refuel this Morning – You will Pray like you have never Prayed before.

I have a feeling that God is about to answer Someone Specially today – Amen.

And I believe that someone can be you – Amen!

You would come to the Altar, we will Prayed together.

After I’ve finished Praying for you, you will still continue to Pray – You will seek the face of God until you feel a Breakthrough.

And then on your way out, you drop your Offering (Online) in any of the baskets around you.

But in the meantime come, let’s Pray one more time.

Let’s cry unto the Almighty God one more time – Let’s Refuel our Fire of Prayer, so that the Almighty God Himself might do what He alone can do.

Oh Yes! There’s always a Day: A Day that God would definitely answer.

Let’s come and talk to Him now.

Go ahead, talk to Him.

Begin to Thank Him that you are still alive – When there is Life, there is hope.

A Day of Breakthrough must come.

Fire will reach a Point when the food would be cooked.

We must Refuel our Fire with Prayer.

Thank You Father. Glory be to God!

… I will Pray for you now and then you’ll continue with you Prayer.


My Father and my God I want to Bless Your Holy Name.

I know You always hear Prayers and I know that You always hear me;

I want to Thank You for the Thousands of Your Children who have come to Shiloh Hour and You have answered them.

And I know You are not tired.

You are around even to do Greater Things for us.

So Father, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

We have been Praying Daddy, and we can’t stop because we have nowhere else to go – You are our Last Bus Stop.

And we have come again today Lord God Almighty – The First (1st) Day of the Perfect Month – We are expecting that You will Perfect that which concerns us.

Please, answer us today.

Like Hannah Prayed! – She had Prayed and Prayed and Prayed before just one (1) Prayer settled the matter.

Today, as we cry to You, settle our matter!

Ha! Father Please, settle our matter today!

Almighty God, settle our matter today!

Hear our cry today!

Before this Month (July 2024) is over; in our Family, let there be Shouts of Joy.

Every Obstructions to our Fruitfulness, let Your Fire consume today!

Father we Promise You, we will be Grateful – We will Thank You; we will show our Appreciation.

Even if one (1) child is all You are giving us today; Father, we will so show You Gratitude that You will add many more to us.

Father, grant our Requests.

Look down from Heaven today: have Mercy on us, give us our Breakthroughs.

Give us today!

Let this Month by our Month.

And we will give You all the Glory.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now go ahead and begin to talk to Him.

He is listening to you – Tell Him; this is my Month Lord.

This Particular Month; You will answer me, and You will give me the desires of my heart.

Give me that Wonderful Child Lord; and I will give the Child back to You.

Go ahead, talk to Him this Morning.

And when you are satisfied, drop your Offering (Online) on your way out.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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