DATE: 4TH JULY, 2024


Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth Forever and Ever
Oh Praise His Holy Name.


God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; the Almighty God Himself. The Lord of Host, and the One who has never lost a war – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, Your Disciples are here again this Year (2024) – In Your Own Miraculous Way: Visit them, lay Your Mighty Hands on them, Empower them and anoint them afresh.

Only You can revive them the way they should be revived; Father Please revive them and Stand by them till the very End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout “The Disciple’s Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: “God Bless You Disciples of Jesus”.

And then you may Please be seated.

Acts 9:1-9:

  1. And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord, went unto the High Priest,
  2. And desired of him Letters to Damascus to the Synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
  3. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a Light from Heaven:
  4. And he fell to the Earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why Persecutest thou me?
  5. And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou Persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
  6. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the City, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
  7. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.
  8. And Saul arose from the Earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.
  9. And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

Our Theme for this Year is: “THE DISCIPLE AS A FLAME OF FIRE”.

We have learnt in the School of Disciples that there are Categories of Flame – I hope so.

But just in case my Memory is Playing a trick on me; if you have not; then we may quickly go over the different types of Flames:


That is the Flame Produced by Firewood.

And because it is Fire, then:

☆ It can Burn.

☆ It can Cook.

☆ It can Destroy.

The Problem with Red Flame is that it Produces Smoke and when it has burnt, it leaves behind Ashes!

So, Red Flame is Fire alright but it is not a Perfect Fire.

When we talk about Red Flame, we can give an Example in the form of Elijah.

When you read 2 Kings 1: 9-15 – You know the Story!

A King sent fifty (50) Soldiers and a Captain to go and arrest Elijah.

He showed them that he is Fire because he said to them: If I be a Man of God, let Fire fall from Heaven.

And the Fire fell.

And within a Minute, fifty (50) Soldiers and a Captain became fifty one (51) Ashes.

The King sent another fifty (50) Soldiers and a Captain – More Ashes!

By the time the third Captain, leading another fifty (50) Soldiers came. When he looked down, he saw the reasons why those Original Soldiers didn’t return – They had been turned to Ashes.

… Powerful Flame – That is Elijah!


This is the Flame that is Produced by your Gas Cookers.

Blue Flame – Clean, no Smoke, no Ashes (At least very little Ashes if any).

For the Blue Flame, we have an Example in Elisha.

He has a Double Anointing – He is Fire quite alright.

Fire with Tremendous Power – More Power than that of his Master (Elijah); so that when another King sent to arrest him, he sent a whole Army.

And instead of turning them into Ashes, he just blindfolded them, arrested them, fed them and send them back to the Sender.

… Clean Flame – No Ashes and no Smoke.

By the time the Army returned to the King; the King said: This Fire is too much for me.

DMC NOTES: You can get to read this Story in 2 Kings 6: 8-23


This is the kind of Flame that the Welder uses!

The kind of Flame that can cut through iron no matter how hard it is.

… And that is the kind of Fire that I want you to be.

We saw that Flame in Action in the Bible Text that I read to you – Acts 9: 1-8.

You will know that when the Welder is doing his work, he has to cover his face with a Piece of ‘Darkened Glass’ because just to look at the Flame alone, can make a Man Blind.

That is the kind of Flame that Saul of Tarsus encountered on the road to Damascus.

By the time he got up from the Ground where he fell; he couldn’t see anymore.

My Beloveth Disciples of the Most High God; my Prayer for you tonight is that you will become so hot that if the Enemies looks at you for too long, he won’t be able to see again – Amen!

Some of you are already hot – Some of you are Red Flames; some of you are Hotter as you are Blue Flames. But I am going to ask you to Pray that God Himself will refuel your Flames until you become so Hot that you will be White Flames – Amen!

White Flames not only knock down the Enemies from his Exalted Position.

Because Saul of Tarsus was riding a Horse empowered by the High Priest to go and deal with the Children of God – The White Flame knocked him down.

But White Flame do more than that – Just as the White Flame of the Welder can go through iron no matter how hard; that White Flame melted the Hard Heart of Saul of Tarsus.

So, the one who is an Antichrist became an Apostle of Jesus Christ.

I want my God to make you so Hot that wherever you go; Souls will be saved – Amen!

When we talk of White Flames, there is an Instrument that Doctors used now:

When they want to operate and they knew that where they need to do the Operation, knives cannot go there; they use something they called “Laser Light”.

Ordinary White Light:

I. That can cut anything that.

II. That can reach where knives cannot reach.

III. That can bring Healings that otherwise will be impossible to Produce with ordinary knives no matter how sharp.

DMC NOTES: Laser Therapy is a Medical Treatment that uses a Strong Beam of Light to cut, burn, or destroy tissue.

I want the Almighty God to make you so hot that:

☆ You won’t have to even lay hands on the Sick but will just speak and they will be healed.

☆ I want you to be “Extremely Hot” – So Hot that when you speak, Sinners will be Trembling and they will run to God for Salvation.

☆ So that when you Command, Demons won’t wait for you to speak the second time; they will get out quickly.

☆ That through that Power of the Almighty God in you, even the Incurable will become easily cured.

Maybe I should just share a Testimonyy with you and you will just Pray:

Years ago, a Young Lady came to the Office with a Lump in her Breast.

Doctors has looked at the Lump and they decided that it is Cancer.

And they have told her that the only way out is to cut away your Breast if you want to save your Life.

And she came and say: Daddy, as you can see that I am a Young Lady – I’m not yet married and they want to cut off my Breast. Even those with two (2) Breasts are finding it difficult to get a Husband, not to talk of one with only one (1) Breast.

And then she said that how will I know that they won’t say tomorrow that they want to cut the second one.

Please Daddy Pray!

And I cried to God in the Name that is above every other name – That God will Perform the Operation Himself.

She left my Office, get downstairs, did a Check and found out that the Growth was gone.

She rushed back Upstairs – Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy!!!

I said what is it again?

She said that the Growth is gone! I said Glory be to God.

She said: Forgive me; I have a Question.

I said what is the Question? She said where has it gone?

I said that it has gone back to where it came from.

In the Name that is above every other name; every Plants that is Planted in you that is not of God will go back to Sender tonight – Amen!

The Light that Saul of Tarsus saw is the Lord Jesus Christ.

And the same Jesus Christ said – The work that I did, you shall do also and Greater than this shall you do.

Do you know what He was saying?

If I am a White Light, you can be White Light too.

Stand on your feet!

I am going to Pray for you and then it is up to you how you Pray for yourself.


Ancient of Days, I want to Thank You for this Year’s RCCG School of Disciples (SOD) Convention 2024.

I give You the Glory and Honour for giving me the opportunity to come before them once again.

I am Your Disciple and they are Your Disciples – All that I am asking Lord God Almighty is:

Whatever You have made me; Father make them.

Whatever Level of Faith You have raised me to; Father raise them also.

Red Flame is Good; Blue Flame is better but we want to be White Flame.

We want to be as White as You are.

Please Lord, as many of these Children that will sincerely cry to You for this Level of Heat; answer them tonight.

From Heaven Above Lord God Almighty; tonight refuel our Flames.

Even before we get home or as some will be reading now on the Label of DMC – Greater Works than these, let us begin to do.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now, I am going to appeal to the Organisers – That they give you at least 10 Minutes to Pray Disciples kind of Prayers.

To call on the Almighty God and say:

Father, if You are White Flame and You said that as You are, I can be – Turn me to White Flame.

Go head – Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

Call on Him!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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