DATE: 7TH JULY, 2024


Let’s Worship the Almighty Father today.

We are comimg to you from Mount Carmel!

We are here to Pay a visit to a Place where the Almighty God has been showing His Mercy by answering Prayers by Fire.

We are believing God that today like never before that He is going to answer your Prayers by Fire – Amen.

So, let’s go ahead and Worship Him.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Lord; the Only One who can answer Prayers by Fire – We Worship You.

We Thank You for all You have done for us since the beginning of this Year.

We Thank You for January, we Thank You for February, we Thank You for March, we Thank You for April, we Thank You for May, we Thank You for June and now for bringing us to July – Thank You for bringing us to the Second Half of this Year (2024).

Father, we give You all Glory, we give You all Honour – Particularly as we know that this Seventh (7th) Month; You are going to Perfect everything that Pertains to every Members of our families.

Thank You because we know that You will take care of fathers, You will take care of mothers, you will take care of Children, you take care of Grandchildren, You will take care of even the Great Grandchildren.

We give You all Glory, we give You all Honour and we ask that You will Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father today, we are asking that in the lives of all Your Children all over the world:

You will do something Special.

You will do something New.

You will answer all our Prayers by Fire – Even like You did when Elijah called on You on Mount Carmel thousand of years ago.

You will repeat the same thing here today.

Father, may Your Name forever be Glorified.

Father, we are committing to Your care all Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings.

We Pray that this Month: You will Perfect their Testimonies, that You will put to an end Poverty in their lives and You will Glorify Your Holy Name.

Thank You Almighty God; even as we Pray in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Today, as we reach out to you from Mount Carmel in Ifewara Osun State.

We want you to Prophesy to your Neighbour and tell him/her: God will answer your Prayers by Fire today – Amen.

Today, we have been asked to speak on: “Heirs of God”.

.., In other words: “Inheritors of God”.

We will be taking our Bible Text from: Romans 8: 14-17:

  1. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (“Son” there Stands for Children)

15, For ye have not received the Spirit of Bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

16, The Spirit itself beareth Witness with our Spirit, that we are the Children of God:

  1. And if Children, then Heirs; Heirs of God, and Joint-Heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

☆ Inheritance can come from God Himself.

☆ Inheritance can come from a Spiritual Father.

☆ Inheritance can come from a Biological Father.

  1. Let us start with the Biological Father.

I. In Deuteronomy 21: 15-17; the Bible tells us that when a Man is about to share his Material Blessings among his children, then he should give Double Portion to the First Born.

In other words:

☆ Children are to get Inheritance from their Biological Parents!

☆ And the First Born is to get Double.

II. In addition to Material Things, the Biological Father can also give something to his son in the Spiritual Realm.

For Example, in Genesis 27: 1-33; Isaac blessed Jacob.

And he told Esau when Esau came back from Hunting and discovered that Jacob was already blessed – Isaac said: I have blessed him and he will surely be blessed.

Those of you who has gotten the opportunity of been blessed by your Biological Parents; I Congratulate you because their Blessings will Last!

Which is why you should make sure – Particularly you Young ones that you take Good care of your Parents because if they bless you; you will be blessed.

I am here today and I am what I am today by the Grace of God and the Blessings of my Mum!

Anytime that I Pleased her when I was a kid; anytime that I did something Special for her, she had this Prayer that she always Pray for me.

She will say: You this boy; you will call one Person and two hundred will answer.

Of course, I didn’t know the meaning of that – How will I call one Person and two hundred People will answer?

But today, if we have a Ministers’ Conference and I say: Hey, Pastor come and I didn’t mention the name of the Pastor; by the Grace of God, more than two hundred Pastors will come running.

If you have been blessed by your Parents – Congratulations!

And I will appeal to you – All of you who have Parents: Continue to take Good Care of them so that they can continue to Pronounce Blessings on you!

When Isaac blessed Jacob; the Final Result of it as you will discovered in Genesis 30: 31-43 – The result was that Jacob became Extremely Great.

My Prayer for all of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC is that: By the Special Grace of the Almighty God, you will become Extremely Great – Amen!

  1. And then we move to the Spiritual Dad.

When we talk about Spiritual Dad, we are talking about someone that for one reason or the other; God has Placed over you to guide you in Spiritual Matters.

And when you serve such a Person, anytime you have the opportunity to request for anything from him; ask him to bless you.

Because when your Spiritual Father blesses you; the Almighty God will back it up fully.

In 2 Kings 2: 9-15; when Elijah was about to depart to Heaven; he asked Elisha: What can I do for you before I will be taken away from you?

Elisha did not ask for Money; Elisha did not ask for anything Material.

He knew that Elisha was his Spiritual Father and so he asked for something Spiritual – Something that Money cannot buy.

He asked: Ha my father, what I want is a Double Portion of your Spirit.

That Anointing that you carry, that Anointing that can bring down Fire from Heaven anytime that you Command it – I want a Double Portion!

Now, when He said that: “I want a Double Portion”; he was asking for that Blessing that can be given to the First Born!

And you know that Elijah never got married – And so, Elijah was saying: I am your First Born, I want a Double Portion.

You know the end of the Story – Elijah told him: What you have asked for is beyond any Human Being to give. However, I will commit God on your behalf that if you will see me when I am being taking away from you, you will get what you asked for.

And Elisha saw him and he got a Double Portion of the Spirit.

I am Praying for everyone of you today who truly call me Daddy – Everything that you see in me that you know is from God that you want for yourself; you will receive it in Jesus Name (Amen).

  1. And then we move on to God Himself.

I. When it comes to what you can inherit from God:

The Blessings you can get from God they include:

☆ Unlimited Material Wealth.

Why? Because Genesis 17:1 says: Our God is Jehovah El-Shaddai – The God who is More Than Enough.

There is Nothing you can ask from Him that He hasn’t got more than you can ever handle.

☆ Haggai 2:8 says: Silver is His; Gold is His Own too.

☆ Psalms 50: 9-10 tells us that even the Cattle upon a thousand Hills, they belong to this our God.

☆ Psalms 24:1 tells us that the Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof.

In other words, your Father in Heaven Controls Silver, Gold, Oil and infact everything.

And so, if you ask Him for anything, He can give you More Than Sufficient.

II. But far, far more than anything Material is that the Almighty God can give you His Spiritual Blessings that is beyond even Human Comprehension.

For Example, one of the Inheritance that we get from God is Jesus Christ Himself.

John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son.

That all you have to do is to receive Him and you will have Eternal Life.

And then the Bible now added in Romans 8:32 – That because He has given us His Son Jesus Christ; there is Nothing else that He cannot give us together with Him.

In other words – Because He has given us Jesus Christ, anything else that you can imagine; ask for it and the Almighty God will make it available to you.

Then we move on to the fact that the Bible says that we are Joint-Heirs with Jesus Christ.

That means that whatever Jesus Christ has, you too as a Heir of God can also have the same.

For Example: In Philippians 2: 9-11; the Bible tells us that God has given Jesus Christ a Name that is above every other name. That at the Name of Jesus, every knees should bow.

Now, you are a Joint-Heirs with Jesus Christ and so you have access to that Name that is above every other names!

So that, when you call the Name of Jesus Christ; all knees also will bow for you.

Now, that is why Jesus Christ Himself said in Mark 16: 17-18 – Jesus Christ Himself said that if you just believed; then in my Name, you will cast out Demons; in my Name, you will heal the Sick; in my Name, even if you accidentally eat or drink Poison, it will not affect you in anyway whatsoever.

So, being a Heir of God, entitles you to that Name that is above every other name.

And with that Name, you can do Marvelous Things!

Infact, there is Nothing that you want to achieve that you cannot achieve because of the Name of Jesus Christ!

However, we come to one Crucial Point: “WHO CAN BE THE HEIR OF A MAN?”

According to John 8:35; it must be Someone who is a son (A Child) – Inheritance is not for Servants.

People work in a Company and they are Paid their Wages.

At the end of the day, when the owner of the Company dies; it is not the Workers who will inherit the Company – It is the children of the Founder, the children of the Owner.

Now, the Problem there is – How are we sure that you are a Heir of God?

It is Simple:

It is not just saying that I am a Child of God – It is: Does God recognise you as one of His Children?

You see: 2 Timothy 2:19 says: Nevertheless the Foundation of God standeth sure, having this Seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His.

So, if I ask you today – How many of you listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC are Children of God?

It is most likely that every hands will go up.

But God knows those who are His Own Children.

As a matter of fact, even the devil knows those who are God’s Children!

He knows the Pretenders, he knows those who will want to use the Name of Jesus Christ without being Children of the Almighty God.

In Acts 19: 11-17 for Example – The Bible tells us that God Performed Special Miracles by the hands of Paul.

And then, there are some Vagabonds – Some People who has no Connections at all with Jesus Christ; and then they saw a Man Possessed of Demons.

They said that we know what Paul was doing – He was using the Name of Jesus Christ. And we saw him casting out Demons with the Name.

Even his Handkerchiefs were Anointed so that Demons flee from them.

So, they went to this Mad Man and said that we Command you in the Name of Jesus Christ that Paul Preaches – Not the One we know; not the One we belong to. But we have seen the Name being used.

We Command you Demon – Come out of this Man!

Remember what the devil said?

He said: Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you?

You remembered the result?

The Bible said that he Pounds on them, beat them, tore their Clothes because the devil himself knows who is a True Child of God.

So, I’m going to appeal to you – Those of you who come to Church, who shouts Hallelujah, who sings like we sing and who wants to use the Name of Jesus Christ without belonging to Him; you might be asking for trouble!

The Name of Jesus Christ is very Powerful but it belongs only to those who are True Children of God!

And I will tell you one (1) or two (2) Stories and it will be time to Pray:


Several years ago, in a Village not too far from where I am Standing now; there was a Wealthy Man.

Well, he had more than one wife.

And there were some People who were messing around with his wives – And quite a few of those were very, very Powerful People in the Occult.

So, the Rich Man didn’t want to die and anyone that they said this is your Child, he will say alright afterall she was born by my wife. He Paid their School fees and did everything.

Then he died and it was time to read his Will – All the children gathered together to hear what and what he has given unto them.

And the Man started the Will by saying: So and So is not my Child, he shall have no Part or Lot in my Inheritance.

And one by one, those People that he mentioned left the room in Shame.


And this one is about African Kings in the Past – At least, I know of those in Nigeria; they used to have many wives.

And because the wives are so many, some very Powerful Chiefs – The Head of the Army, the Chief Herbalist et cetera et cetera; they always assist the King to Minister to his wives.

And the King will know but won’t say anything – Anyone Born in the Palace is a Prince or Princess.

The King won’t say a thing because he depends on all these People who has been Ministering to his wives for the time of war et cetera et cetera.

But when one King comes to visit another King; the King will begin to introduce the children in the Palace to the Visiting King – He knew that the Visiting King has the same kind of Problem that he had.

And so the children will begin to come: And the King will say to the other King:

This is Prince Ojo – The other King will nod his head.

This is Princess Aina – The other King will nod his head.

He understands – He knows that the King is saying: I don’t know his/her father but he/she was born in the Palace. Someone else did the job.

And then one of the child will come and the King will say to the other King – Ha, this is my son/daughter. He won’t call him/her a Prince/Princess.

So, on the Last Day – When we get to the Gate of Heaven; the Almighty God will say: Oh, this Fellow used to go to Church, he calls himself a Christian but he is not my Own!

This Morning, I want you to think very deeply – What will God say about me on the Last Day?

☆ Will He just call me one of those who just goes to Church?

☆ Or will He say: This is my son and this is my daughter?

Because, only those who are His Own will be His Heirs!


So, before it is too late; if you have not Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; if you are not one of His Own – Take a Decision this Morning!

So, I will give you few Seconds:

If you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; before I count up to 4, go before the Altar.

Go and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

Let the Pastor Pray for you and let the Congregation join the Pastor in crying to God:

☆ So that your Soul can be saved.

☆ So that you can become a True Chikd of the Living God.

☆ So that you can be a Heir of God and Joint-Heirs with Jesus Christ.

… I’m counting now!

Now, those of you who has come to the Altar and those of you on the way; cry to Him now and say:

Lord God Almighty, Please save my Soul, make me a Member of your Family – I want to be a Child of the Living God and I want to be a Heir of God.

And Please all the rest of us – Let us Stretch our hands to our New Brothers and Sisters and let us Intercede for them that the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Go ahead – Call on Him now and the Almighty God will answer our Prayers today by Fire.

Let Us Pray!


My Father and my God, once again I want to Thank You.

I give You all Glory and Honour for giving me an opportunity again to stand on this Holy Ground and to Pray first and foremost for all these People who has responded to the Altar Call.

Everyone of them Father, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life, let Your Blood wash away their sins, and receive them into the Family of God.

You say that everyone who will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, You will give them Power to become Children of God.

Give these People Power to become Children of God so that they can become Heirs of the Almighty.

And from now on Father, anytime they call on You, Please answer them by Fire so that Your Name can be Glorified.

Thank You Almighty God.

And Please Lord, Your Children are going to be Thanking You this Morning. And after Thanking You, they will be asking You for something Big.

I am asking today that You will answer every Prayers by Fire and that there will be Mighty Testimonies as a result of this Service of this Morning.

Thank You my Father and my God.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I am calling on all of us who are seated to Stand Up and cry to the Almighty God.

And say: Father, You are my Father, don’t let me ever become a Bastard.

Cry unto Him now so that you can begin to enjoy the benefits of True Children of the Living God.

Go ahead and cry to the Almighty God and He will grant your Requests.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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