DATE: 14TH JULY, 2024



We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer – The Almighty God who can do all things.

Glory be to Your Holy Name – Accept our Worship in Jesus Nane.

Thank You for Your Children who are here today and Thank You because this will be a New Dawn for them.

Accept our Worship in Jesus Nane.

And all those who are connected with this Service inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; one way or the other, Father do something Mighty in our lives – Make our Miracles Perfect, make our Testimonies Perfect and make our Joy Perfect.

Please Lord, let us go home Singing a New Song.

At the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout a “Perfect Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!

I want you to shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him/her that: “Your Joy will be Full today” – Amen!

And then you may Please be seated – God Bless You!

I think that this is the Second Time in my Life that I have been around this area!

So, Somebody is going to get a very Special Miracle today – Amen!

This Morning, we have been asked to share briefly on: “TOTAL PERFECTION”.

And so we read in James 1:17:

Every Good Gift and every Perfect Gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no Variableness, neither Shadow of Turning.

He is a Perfect Light – No Shadow at all in Him.

He is Perfectly Good, Perfectly Kind, Perfectly Generous, Perfectly Loving – Infact, everything about Him is Perfect.

Psalms 18:30 says: His way is Perfect.

… Everything about God is just Perfect – Whatever He does, He does it Perfectly.

The beauty of it is – According to Psalms 138:8; the Bible says that the Lord will Perfect all that concerns me.

So, Somebody today will get a Perfect Miracle – Amen!

  1. When He heals, He heals Perfectly!

In 2 Kings 5: 1-14; when He healed Naaman, there was no scar left. He gave him a skin like that of a Brand New Baby.

In Mark 8: 22-25; when they brought a Blind Man to Him and He touched him the first time and asked him: What do you see? He said that I see Men as trees.

And He says, that is not Perfect, come let us give you a Second Touch. And then the Man said that I can now see Perfectly.

I believed that God has brought me here for a Second time so that Somebody can get a Perfect Touch – Amen!

  1. When He delivers, He does it Perfectly.

In Mark 5: 2-20; when He delivered the Mad Man of Gadara. He just clear out all the Demons in him.

☆ He saw to it that the Demons entered into Pigs and drowned.

☆ He saw to it that the Destiny of the Mad Man was fully restored to him.

In Luke 8: 1-3; when He cleared out seven Demons out of Mary Magdalene, He turned her to a Divine Treasurer.

So, there is Someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC; who has been tormented by all manners of Forces of Darkness – From the father’s side, mothers side or Marital’s side – Today, you are going to get Perfect Deliverance (Amen).

Destinies that has been truncated; Destinies that has been held in Bondage; things that God created you to become that certain Forces of Darkness says is not going to happen; today you are going to get Total Deliverance – Amen!

  1. When He Provides, He does it Perfectly.

In 2 Kings 4: 1-7; when that Widow of the Sons of Prophet came to him and said: I am Destitute; Creditors are coming to take my children to Bondage.

God didn’t just Provide enough to Pay the debt, He made sure that she had enough to live on for the rest of her Life.

In John 6: 5-13; when He wanted to feed a crowd and a boy brought to Him just a boy’s Lunch; He used that same Lunch to feed the crowd and the Bible says that there were twelve (12) Baskets Leftovers.

I have Good News for Someone who is having Financial Problems – As my God lives, because you came this Morning or reading now on the Label of DMC; your Problems are over (Amen).

I have told you of a time that we were in the Redemption Camo several years ago.

We are Young – Just became General Overseer and things were hard. It was so hard that there was no Money to buy meat at all. And so, we are going to eat Dinner without meat and I had to Prepare the children for that kind of Dinner.

So, I took them on a walk into the Bush- And I was telling them that when I was Young, my Parents used to give us what they called “Okoro Meat”.

That they will take an Okro – Cut off its head and tail and put it in the Okro soup and the thing will be loaded with all kinds of things.

And so, as we are eating, we will be eating the “Okro Meat”.

As we are going, we have this little black dog that was going along with us.

And all of a sudden, it dashed into the Bush and we heard the sound of a little animal crying.

Very soon, the dog came out with a Squirrel in its mouth and then we had a little battle wrestling the little Squirrel from its mouth.

And that was meat for that Day.

When we finished eating, my children looked at me and said: What about the “Okro Meat”? I said next time.

It is almost 40 years now; next time has never come.

In the Name of the One who sent me – From now on you will never Lack again (Amen).

  1. When He decides to make Someone Fruitful, He does it Perfectly.

You know in 1 Samuel 1: 9-20; Hannah asked for one son, God gave her one son and she handed over that one son to God.

And then in 1 Samuel 2: 20-21; the Bible says Eli blessed Elkanah and Hannah – He said okay you have done this for God, my God will Reward you.

The woman who asked for one son, got the one she asked for and in addition, she got six extra.

I have Good News for Someone listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC – It doesn’t matter how old you are; by this Time next year, at least you will have a Set of Twins (Amen).

  1. When He decides to save your Soul, He does it Perfectly.

The Bible says in 1 John 1:7 – It says that the Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses from All sins.

It doesn’t matter how bad you have been; it doesn’t matter how far gone in the world you have been; when you give your Life to Him,, He saves Perfectly.

If the Salvation comes from Him, it is Perfect!

When He is forgiving you, He will forgive everything that you have ever done before.

This reminds me of one Alhaji in Ilorin (DMC Notes: Ilorin is the Capital City of Kwara State Nigeria). He gave his Life to Jesus Christ and went home rejoicing.

DMC NOTES: Alhaji is the Title given to a Man who is a Muslim and has completed a Religious Journey to Mecca.

But after some days, he came back and said: I am not sure that Jesus Christ can forgive all that I have done. And I said that but His Blood Cleanses from all sins.

He said: Pastor, you don’t know how bad I have been? Then he began to tell all manners of Horrible Things that he has done.

And I still said that the Blood of Jesus Cleanses from all sins.

Okay, he said and went home rejoicing. But he kept coming and going.

Finally he said: Alright, this last one – If Jesus Christ can forgive this one, I won’t worry myself again.

He said that when he wanted to make Charm and he needed the heart of a Man to make the Charm; he waited till his Cousin died and they buried the child.

And then at Night, he went to exhumed the body, cut it open, remove the heart and use it to make the Charm. From which, He has gotten a lot of Money.

He said that do you believed that Jesus Christ can forgive that?

Fortunately, he can read and so I opened to him 1 John 1:7 where it is written that the Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses from all sins.

I said what is the meaning of “All”? And he said “All” means “All”.

“All’ means without Exception.

From that Day onwards, he kept on rejoicing in the Lord – Praisimg Him and doing His Will.

I have Good News for anyone of you here this Morning or reading now on the Label of DMC – No matter how terrible your Past had been, when you come to Jesus Christ, He will save your Soul Perfectly!

However now, He said one thing – He said that I am a Perfect God and I can do all things Perfectly for you.

I don’t have time I would have told you how I am an Example of this God of Total Perfection:

☆ If I tell you of how Sickly I used to be before He saved my Soul? And then He healed me.

☆ If I tell you how tough things had been in the Past and how Poor we became Particularly after we became General Overseer and Co? Today, some of you see the Glory but we don’t know the Story.

☆ If I tell you how terrible the Witches and Wizards in my Village can be? But now, when they hear that I am coming home, they ran.

When I tell you how Perfect God can be, you won’t believe.

He can be Perfect to you in every ways Possible – He can take your Life from the Ground and cause you to begin to dine with Princes.

When I tell you how many Head of States this little boy Standing before you daddy – Whose father was so Poor that the Poor call him Poor; coming from the Village that is not on the Map?

And then you will know that God can do something Perfectly.

But He insist in Matthew 5:48 – He said: Be you Perfect even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect.

So, when you hear People telling you – God knows that you are Human Being and so cannot ask you to be Holy because He knows that you are in the Flesh.

You need to ask them – Which Bible are you reading?

God does not expect you after you have given your Life to Him to begin to behave in a manner that will spoil His Name.

He is a Perfect God and so expects His Children to be Perfect.

There is no room for Black lies White lies, Business lies when you are dealing with God – He is a Perfect God.

If anybody begins to tell you that once you are Born Again you can begin to keep on committing Adultery and Formication – I saw this on Internet that once you are Born Again, you are free to do what you like.

But the Bible says that if anybody be in Christ, he is a New Creature. He said Old Things are Passed away and how many things has become New? All things!

But you say: Daddy, how am I going to obey all His Instructions?

His Instructions are Simple – Holiness is easy.

Holiness simply means: God says, do this and you say Yes Lord; don’t do this and you say Yes Lord – That is what is called Holiness (Obedience).

God says: Sit down – Yes Lord; Stand Up – Yes Lord; Eat – Yes Lord; Fast – Yes Lord; Sleep – Yes Lord.

… That is what is called Holiness and it is the simplest thing in the world.

I didn’t Plan to come to Abule Odu (RCCG Overcomer’s Assembly) today; but He spoke to me and said that you are going.

And the moment He said it; the answer is: Yes Lord!

That’s why I am here.

The moment you make up your Mind that you will obey Him in all things, He will make it easy for you – He works in you both to Will and to do!

It is when you say that it is impossible, it can’t happen, I am ordinary flesh; then He leaves you to yourself.

And when the door of Hell opens, He will say okay, Ordinary flesh, go and taste the fire. And the fire will be burning forever.

But when you say: Lord, whatever you want me to do, that is what I want to do.

He will say: Good Boy/Girl, I will help you.

So, we are talking of Total Perfection – There is no Perfection that is halfway.

He says clearly in His Words – He says: Listen, you want to be Cold, be cold; you want to be Warm, be warm. But Lukewarm, He says I will spit you out of my mouth.

Don’t listen to these People who are trying to draw you back into the Camp of Satan.

We belong to God – Our God is a Holy God and He is a Perfect God.

I like my friend: Peter – Peter is the one who said: There are several things that Paul may be saying that I don’t understand o because I am Fisherman and he is a Professor.

He said but I know one thing – It is written: Be Holy, for I am Holy.

How many of you wants to see God on the Last Day?

How many of you are ready for a Life of Total Perfection?

Stand on your feet?

You are going to cry to Him very soon – Askimg for Grace to live a Life of absolutely Perfect Life.


But there are some of us who are not even yet Born Again; who will have to come to Him before we can begin a Brand New Life.

So, if you will, want to Surrender your Life to Him – You want Jesus Christ to make you Perfectly Clean, you want that Blood to wash you and wash away all your sins.

I am going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – Before I say seven (7), you will come and Stand before the Altar here.

We will wait for you because we will join you in Prayers that the One who saved our Souls will save your own Souls also.

But if you want Real Salvation – The kind of Salvation that will put you far away from sin – Come now as I am counting.

Now, those of you infront and those on the way; cry to the Lord – Lord, have Mercy on me, I want Genuine Salvation. I don’t want to deceive myself.

Please, save my Soul; let Your Blood wash away all my sins, and give me Genuine Salvation so that I will be able to do Your Will from now on.

Now, those of us who remains; let us Stretch our hands towards our Brothers and Sisters and Pray for them:

Pray that the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

That God will give them Genuine Salvation – The kind of Salvation that will want you to live a Life of Holiness.

Lord, give Your Children Salvation.

Pray and Intercede for them!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Word and Thank You for all these People who has come to Surrender their lives to You.

Please remember Your Promise that whosoever will come to You, You will no wise cast out.

They have come to You now Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away all their sins, give them a Brand New Beginning, receive them into the Family of God, write their names in the Book of Life.

And from now on, let them serve You.

And anytime they call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

And Father very soon, everyone of us will be crying to You – We want the Grace to live a Perfectly Holy Life, Please give unto us.

And as we begin to Please You Perfectly, my Father and my God, all that concerns us, make it Perfect.

Anyone here today with any form of Sickness, even when the Doctors has said there is no cure; Please before the Sun sets today, heal the Fellow Perfectly.

Anyone is any form of Bondage – Physical, Mental, Spiritual; set them free Perfectly.

Anyone in any form of Needs, Father Suplly their Needs Perfectly.

My Lord and my Saviour, anyone who is expecting one Major Miracle or the other from You; give them Perfectly.

And from now on Father, let us serve You Perfectly, let’s do Your Will Perfectly and let us become Perfect Children.

Answer all our Prayers Perfectly and take all the Glory.

So that in Your Kingdom, we will not be missing.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

I have told God, that God will answer your Prayers today Perfectly.

So, you are going to forget everybody else and you will focus on God and you will tell Him whatever you want.

But you will start by saying: Father, from now on; the Grace to serve You Perfectly, give it to me.

And then, you will tell Him whatever Miracles you want Him to Perform.

Go ahead – Call on the Perfect God who gives Perfect Gift to His Children.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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