DATE: 21ST JULY 2024



Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory; the One who has no Beginning and who has no Ending, we Worship You.

Thank You for choosing us even before the Foundation of the world – We Worship You.

And we can never Thank You enough for the Salvation of our Souls and Thank You because we received Mercy from You.

Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Nane.

Today again as we come to Study at Your feet, we Pray that You will speak to us.

And as Your Word is coming forth, let it bring Healings with it; so that at the end of it all; all of us will have even Greater cause to Praise You.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: I Thank God for your Life and I Thank God for the Salvation of your Soul.

And then, you may Please be seated.

We move on to Part 51 of our Series on: “For Whom The Heavens Open”.

You know that we have been Studying Joshua as an Example – And we have been on it now for more than a Year (DMC NOTES: You can always visit our User Friendly Website: to access all the Previous 50 Series done so far on this Topic and infact all the Previous Weekly Sunday Online Series since its commencement in Year 2020 as well as all Programs of RCCG and other Ministries for your Reading and Spiritual Growth sake)

And we read a Passage in the Last Series (Part 50) – And we are going to read it again today.

Joshua 14:6-14:

  1. Then the children of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal: and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite said unto him, Thou knowest the thing that the LORD said unto Moses the Man of God concerning me and thee in Kadeshbarnea.
  2. Forty years old was I when Moses the Servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to espy out the Land; and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart.
  3. Nevertheless my Brethren that went up with me made the heart of the People melt: but I wholly followed the LORD my God.
  4. And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the Land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children’s for ever, because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God.
  5. And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.
  6. As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my Strength was then, even so is my Strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.
  7. Now therefore give me this Mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the Cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
  8. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an Inheritance.
  9. Hebron therefore became the Inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.

In the Last Series – Part 50,, we spoke about:

☆ Connected Destinies.

And we said that the Destiny of Caleb was connected to that of Joshua.

☆ And we spoke about Positively Connected Destinies and Negatively Connected Destinies.

And I remembered that I Prayed for those of you – That because your Destiny is connected to mine Positively; as I grow then you will grow too.

I also Prayed that: If there is anyone whose Destiny is Negatively Connected to yours; who may in one way or the other trying to destroy your Destiny; that his situation will be like a moth trying to put out the flame of fire – The Consuming Fire will take care of the situation (Amen).

We have a lot of Lessons to learn from Caleb but we need to quickly move on because we don’t want to spend more than 4 Series on Caleb.

Caleb made a Statement – He said: When Moses sent me out, I was 40 years Old but now, I am 85 years Old.

And he said that: As Strong as I was then, so I am now – Both for war, to go in and to go out.

… That’s a serious Statement!

So, we can learn a “Big Lesson” from Caleb that: “OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE”.

You say: How does that concerns me?

Oh, you are a Soldier of Christ – The Bible says that you are Called to be a Soldier.

☆ The Lord that you are following is not a Civilian – He is called “The Lord of Host”.

☆ The God that you are following is called “The Man of War”.

… And so, you are a Soldier!

And that brings us to one Major Statement: “Age is no Barrier to a True Christian”.

You cannot give Old Age as an excuse for not serving God Wholeheartedly, Powerfully and Energy Energically.

  1. How Old are you in the Hand of the One who according to Micah 5:2 – The One who is called “The Ancient of Days”?

… That’s your God!

  1. How Old are you in the Hand of the One who is called “The Alpha and Omega”? – Revelation 1:8.
  2. How Old are you in the Hand of the One who has been before the Mountains were brought forth?

Are you as Old as the Mountains?

Incidentally, because He existed before the Mountains, He knows the Foundation of every Mountains.

And so, there is no Mountain(s) in your Life that He doesn’t know the Foundation thereof.

There is no Problem that you are facing that occurred when God wasn’t around.

That is why the Bible says in Mark 11: 22-24 – If you have Faith in God, you can move any Mountain.

Because your God knows the Foundation of the Mountain, He can uproot it from the very Foundation.

  1. How Old are you before the One who knows the End from the Beginning?

In Acts 15:18; the Bible says: Known unto God are all His works from the Foundation of the Earth.

Are you going through any Problem now? Hey, Congratulations as you are going to have a Testimony soon – Amen!

Don’t ever listen to anyone who tries to threaten your Future – Your Future is not in the hands of any Man!

The One who controls your Future is the Omega!

Unless you can find someone who says that his name is Omega – And you won’t find.

You have never seen any Man so audacious as to name his child “Omega” in the History of the world – And you won’t find one.

If you find one, then you know that the Fellow must be crazy.

There is only One Person whose Name is “Omega” – And He controls your Future!

So, it doesn’t matter what is happening, He said in Isaiah 3:10 – Say ye to the Righteous that it shall be well with him.

On the Foundation of that Scriptures alone, I decree to all of you listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC – Your Destiny will be alright (Amen).

So, stop Worrying!

Colossians 1:27 says clearly: “Christ in you, the Hope of Glory”.

The other day, I was explaining to my children in the Morning Devotion; God said two times in Joel 2: 25-27 – He said that my People shall never be ashamed.

Don’t worry about those who might be speaking Blaspheming and trying to destroy you!

Hey, leave them alone – God said that: “My People shall never be ashamed”.

We also learnt from Caleb that God can make 85 years look like 40 years.

He said that I was 40 years Old when he sent me out, and now 85 years Old – I am still as Strong then as I am now.

Stop believing the People who said that the Problem you are having is because you are growing Old!

If you agree with them, then you are growing Old!

Rather, agree with God!

Psalms 103: 1-5 tells us that He can renew your Age like that of the Eagles’.

It was because you swallowed the lie that the Problems you are having is because of Old Age; that is why the Problem remained!

How Old are you?

The Word of God says clearly in Deuteronomy 33:25 – He said that as your days, so shall your Strength be.

If that Statement is true – Then, the Older you get, the Stronger you should be!

I was talking to some of my children not too long ago; when they began to say that Daddy is 82 years Old – They are making “82” sounds like “820”.

Who told you that I am Old?

I’m getting Younger by the day – Whether you like it or not, it doesn’t matter.

Deuteronomy 34:7 says that at the Age of 120 years, Moses was still as Vigorious as ever.

The God of Moses is also my God and your God too.

He says in Isaiah 40:31 – It says that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength.

Meaning that: They shall be made Fresh.

Not only can God make 85 years looks like 40 years; He said in His Words that with Long Life will I satisfy you – Psalms 91:16.

So, don’t agree with those that said that you are about to die! You are not dying until you are satisfied and then you can go.

In Philippians 1: 23-25; the Bible made it clear that you can even discuss with God your Departure!

Paul said that I have to choose between two things – Do I go now or do I stay?

And all those who thinks that your being around is hindering them, they are not Wise because if you are serving God, the longer you live, the better for those who are coming behind.

I have always said to my children – Where I stopped, is where you will start.

… And I still have a long way to go!

And by the Special Grace and Mercy of God, at my Age; there are doors that will open to me that can’t open to any Young Man.

And yet these doors must be opened so that the Younger ones can enter in.

That is why I kept on telling the Younger Ones – Thank God for what God is doing through you but never forget that you are climbing on the shoulders of some People.

And until you get to a certain Height where the Elders will say, you will no longer be afraid; you better Pray that the shoulders you are Standing on will remain Strong!

Thank God for the Youths – I love them as they are full of Strength, Vigour and all manners of “Beautiful Innovations”.

But like I have always told those of them who are close to me – Those of us who are Old, you think that we are Outdated and Fixed.

It is a Great Thing to be Fixed – Because in the Olden Days, when there wasn’t Good Compass; when you travel by Ocean and you will go far away from home, there is a Group of Stars called “Northern Stars” – You only see them at Night.

When everything is dark, the Northern Stars will be out there – It is always in the direction of the North.

So, when you don’t know where to turn; you look at the Northern Stars and you know that is the North.

And then you can check – Whether you came from the East or South East; and from the Northern Stars, you will be able to find your way home.

DMC NOTES: The North Star isn’t the “Brightest Star” in the Sky, but it’s usually not hard to spot, even from the City. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, it can help you orient yourself and find your way, as it’s located in the direction of true North (or Geographic North), as opposed to Magnetic North.

The Message of today is Specially for the Young ones – And the Young ones are those of you Younger than 120 years Old.

Then I gave the Young ones the illustration:

That once upon a time, when you are wearing your face cap, you will wear it with the Sharp end forward.

After some times, they said that it should be the sharp end facing backward – And so, everybody began to wear face cap backwards.

After some times, they said: No, it should be towards the right and after some times they said that it should be towards the left.

And after some times, you don’t even know which direction to turn.

Go back to those of us who never stopped wearing our own face cap forward!

Thank God for the Elders – When you don’t know where to turn again; check where the Elders are facing!

God Bless the Youths – I hope they get that Message!

And He says that you can even discuss your Departure with Him – He will inform you before you leave.

2 Peter 1:14 – If you are a True Child of God, God will discuss with you before you go.

Peter said that the Lord told me that I will soon be leaving.

Now, if He can discuss with you the Time of your Departure, He does that so that you can have an opportunity to Negotiate.

Isaiah 38: 1-8; He told Hezekiah: Put your house in order, you are about to go.

Hezekiah said that I don’t want to go – God, You know that I am serving You and I am not satisfied yet.

So, God said that it is me who said that you are going; I will give you another 15 years.

… It is there in the Bible!

Some People don’t like it when I said to them that your Days are Numbered!

All our Days are Numbered – Everybody: Young and Old, our Days are Numbered.

But it is within the Power of the Almighty God to give you extra 15 years!

So, those of us who are Old; stop using Old Age as an excuse for not serving God fully!

Why? Psalms 92: 12-15, He says clearly that even in Old Age, you can still be bearing Fruits.

How come then that I am not as Strong as I used to be?

Well, if you have reached that Conclusion – No Problem!

But in Job 32:7; He says clearly that as yiu grow Older, you can become Wiser.

He said: Old Age should teach Wisdom – You gain from Experience.

There are certain Experience that are not taught in Schools, and there are certain Experience that you can only gain by Living Long.

When People say that I tell a lot of Stories, I told them it is because I have Stories to tell – Because I have gone through certain things, I have gotten Personal Testimonies and some that I heard before.

And Proverbs 4:7 says: Wisdom is the Principal Thing; with all your getting get Wisdom.

And according to Ecclesiastes 9:16; Wisdom is far, far better than Strength.

Proverbs 20:9 says: Hey, the Young are Strong, the Glory of the Youth is their Strength.

But Ecclesiastes 10:10 says: Wisdom is Profitable to direct.

So, you are getting Old? Then cooperate with the Young Ones who are Strong and direct them in the Right Direction.

You know that the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:19 – It says: A Wise Man can be Stronger than ten Mighty Man.

So, those of you who are Elders, who are Probably envious of the Young Ones and consider them as a threat – No, you should befriend them, guide them in the Right Direction and you will end up becoming Stronger than ten Mighty Men.

So, Proverbs 3:35 says: The Wise shall inherit Glory.

Elders, be Wise and at the end of the Day, you will inherit Glory!

Proverbs 11:30 tells you: He that winneth Soul is Wise.

And you know what? Winning Soul is not a matter of Strength but a matter of Wisdom.

You can’t force anybody to be saved – It takes Wisdom to Present the Gospel.

Proverbs 13:20 says: You want to be Wise, then walk with the Wise.

Elders, Fellowship together:

☆ Let Wisdom from one Elder be transferred to another Elder.

☆. Collect Wisdom like you are collecting Treasures,

Let me Close by reminding you of what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7: 24-27 – He said that if You really want to know a Wise Person; a Wise Person is the one who hears my Words and will do them.

He said that a Fool is the one who hears my Word and will not do it.

So even if you are Young, you can be Wise by doing the Word of God and not by listening to Theories.

As Young ones, you will hear all manners of Theories – We will hear People talk to us about what the Bible saying it in Greeks and Hebrews.

That’s fine – It is beautiful to hear all manners of Preaching.

You are exposed to all manners of Preaching because you have the Internet, YouTube and all manners “Tubes”.

But the important thing is: Do the work of God – Just do what God says.

Peter said something that I have always found very interesting.

He said: Listen, I am not highly Educated and I don’t know as much as Paul – Paul has a lot of things to say, many of which even I did not understand.

He said, but one thing that I know is; it is written: “Be Holy as I am Holy”.

He said that I don’t know the rest – I don’t know all these Theologies but I know fully well that the One who called me said: “Be Holy as I am Holy”.

And I am saying the same thing to you – Young and Old; be Holy for the One who called you is Holy. Because without Holiness, no Man shall see God.

… Just be Holy – That’s enough and you will make it to Heaven!


So, those of you who has not given your Life to Jesus Christ, unless you get your sin washed away by the Blood of the Lamb, you won’t see God.

It doesn’t matter all the Theological Gymnastics that you are exposed to, without Holiness, you won’t see God.

And so, if you want to see God on the Last Day; why don’t you cry to God today and say: Please, save my Soul, and wash away my sins.

Shall we Pray as you bow your heads,

Call on Him and say: Please have Mercy on me – Just let Your Blood wash away every sins and I will serve You for the rest of my Life in Total Obedience.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Words and I want to Thank You for all those who has heard these Words and they have made up their Minds that they want a Life of Holiness.

I am asking Lord God Almighty that today, Your Blood will wash away their sins, You will save their Souls and give them the Grace from now on, to obey you in every situation so that they will be able to live Holy for You and see You on the Last Day.

And Please Lord, as You wash away their sins; let there be no more Hindrances to their Progress.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now I will rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ – Please, contact me as soon as Possible.

Go to the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you and tell the Pastor that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You – I will see you in Heaven one day!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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