Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Ancient of Days we Glorify Your Holy Name.

Thank You for waking us up this Morning.

Thank You because it’s of Your Mercy we are not consumed; Thank You for that Mercy You have renewed today.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for what You did on Thursday (Day 1); Thank You for what You did yesterday (Day 2); Thank You for what You are already doing today (Day 3); Thank You in Advance for what You will do tomorrow (Day 4) and Thank You for what You will do during Your Convention.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You Lord fo Health, Thank You for Strength, Thank You for Ability to go for a walk.

Father, accept our worship in Jesus’ Name.

Father Please, continue with us; and be Merciful to us.

Please Lord, continue to be Merciful to Nigeria and continue to be Merciful to Your Church.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone who enjoyed the Walk shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Glory be to God – Hallelujah!

The Bible says in Matthew 11:12, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence, and the Violent take it by force.

Some People are not going to Heaven. But should they take me along? No! Anything that will not allow me to go I must detach myself from it.

The Kingdom of God is so important, that if it requires you to cut off your hand, do so Please.

Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

As my children, I will do whatever I can to see that you make it to Heaven. You may not like me now; but you will thank me later.

The Word of God makes it clear: “Only bastards don’t take Corrections? Are you a bastard? No!

How many of you will like me to keep correcting you? The DMC Family Members.

Matthew 6:1-13; we will read Verses 9-10:

9 After this manner therefore Pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

What we want to discuss this morning is: “THY KINGDOM COME”.

One of the Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible is written in three (3) words – “Thy Kingdom Come.”

And do you know that a lot of very Powerful Prayers can be said in only three (3) words?

“Jesus Save Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

“Jesus Heal Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

“Jesus Prosper Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

“Jesus Preserve Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

“Jesus Protect Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

“Jesus Help Me” – How many words? Three (3) words.

When Peter was walking on water to meet Jesus Christ, and suddenly he began to sink; he didn’t finish the Lord’s Prayer. He didn’t say, “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” He just said, Lord Help me.

And then of course; there is a Prayer that is only One (1) Word:

When you don’t even have time to ask for anything, you just say one word – JESUS.

There is a time in every man’s Life when you don’t know what to say anymore – You can at least say JESUS.

I went for a Prayer Walk early this Year (2024) – As I was going I saw a woman with a child beside her; the child was laid on a piece of cloth on the floor. The woman must have found my normal route. As I walked towards them I saw the child and I stopped briefly and I said, God Bless You. And she said Amen!

And I continued on my Journey. About a kilometer away from them, a Young Man ran towards me. I tried to stop him by raising my hand, but he continued running towards me and so I waited.

He gave me an envelope and said, my First fruit Sir. And I said, God Bless You! It was a big envelope with more than Three Hundred Thousand Naira (#300,000) inside. I continued Walking.

When I was returning, Jesus said to me, “give that envelope to that woman.” She was still where I left her. So I moved to her and gave the envelope to her.

She took the envelope, opened it and she started to shout. She took the child and started going. She was weeping for Joy and saying Jesus!

And for the rest of my Walk that day, I too was saying Jesus because I know what God has done for me – I know where I came from; I know where He has brought me now.

… And the only reason I am where I am today is because of a Name – Jesus!

Powerful three (3) words!

But then there is One Word that is more Powerful – Jesus!


Kingdom, as I must have told you, is a combination of two (2) words: King and Domain.

Kingdom means the Domain or the Area where a King has Dominion.

King’s Domain means where a King has Dominion.

Kingdom is that area where the Word of a King has Power.

Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, Where the word of a king is, there is Power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?

That area where the King has Dominion; where he can say, “this is what I want” and it will be established.

As Powerful as the President of America is, he has no Dominion over Nigeria – He cannot order an All-Night curfew in Nigeria.

If he sits in Washington DC and say, I hereby decree, Nobody comes in or goes out between 8.00pm to 5:00am in Nigeria; it will not be effective.

Can I hear you shout Jesus again? Jesus!

The King has a domain; but there is a limited area where he can speak, Command People to obey and they will not disobey.

The Kingdom on Earth was originally given to Man.

Genesis 1:26-28 says, And God said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth. So God created Man in His Own Image, in the Image of God created he him; Male and Female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be Fruitful, and Multiply, and Replenish the Earth, and Subdue it: and have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every Living Thing that moveth upon the Earth.

That is why up till today, Man can tame any animal – Lion, Elephant, etc.

You will be amazed how a tamed cobra can be in the hand of some Specialist Indians.

But then, we lost it to Satan when we sinned – We were driven out and Satan took over.

In Matthew 4:1-11, when Satan was tempting Jesus Christ, he said, Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high Mountain, and sheweth him all the Kingdoms of the world, and the Glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and Worship me.

Jesus did not Challenge him about the Ownership of the Earth. And Satan was aware that Jesus came to restore that Kingdom back to Man.

He was saying to Jesus, don’t go to the Cross, bow and I will give it to you.

When Jesus Christ came He said, your Number 1 Prayer should be: Thy Kingdom Come.

Meaning what?

You are saying, God Restore everything to how it was supposed to be at the very beginning.

So when you cry, my Father who art in Heaven, I worship Your Name – One of your Worshipers is crying to You. He says okay, you have my attention; what do you want?

You will say, Let Your Kingdom Come – By that, you are actually speaking for yourself: Restore to me everything Satan has stolen from me.

Restore my Health, Restore my Anointing, Restore my Strength; Restore the Gifts of the Holy Spirit I have lost, Restore my Destiny.

Do I hear Somebody shout: Let Thy Kingdom Come!

A very Good example is in Mark 5:2-20 – The Madman of Gadara, when he saw Jesus coming; because the Demons were so many, he couldn’t say a word of Prayer.

He believed, here comes a King who can deliver me from the Kingdom of Darkness; A King who can restore my Sanctity – Restore my Health, my Freedom and my Destiny. I was Destined to be an Evangelist.

What did he do? He fell down on his face and Worshipped the King of Glory.

The Demons within him knew that his Kingdom has come back.

The next thing they said – Our time is over. Permission to go into the pigs. And He said: Permission granted!

In the Name that’s above every other name, every Kingdom that has taken any part of your Destiny; any Plant the Father did not Plant will be Uprooted right now – Amen.

… You know the rest of the Story.

I want to advice you to be careful what you Pray for after Intensed Worship of God.

When you have Worshipped God and His Presence comes down, be careful what you ask for, because you are likely to get it.


As Ministers of God, be careful – Your Choir must not be making Joyful Noises alone.

Pay attention to the kind of Music they Minister.

If they sing Songs not bringing down the Holy Spirit, say No!

Even Choruses must be meaningful – The Choruses that are not God-Centered must not be allowed in your Churches anymore.

We are not of the world, we are different – We are a City that is set on a Hill, so we will make a difference.

He (God) needs True Worshippers.

John 4:24 says that, God is a Spirit: and they that Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

I’ve just returned from Liberia; the Choir there, they are very Great.

I was so moved, that I said I know God will help me; one of these days I will charter a Plane to bring them down here.

That’s the Choir we want; and not the ones you would ask what they are Singing.

Do something about your Choir – If their Songs will not draw People to the Ancient of Days, Change them.

It’s better you don’t have a Choir at all, than allow them sing Songs that bring Demons, instead of the Presence of God.

When the atmosphere is right; when Worship is Intensed, you feel God – It does not have to be New Songs.

If it’s not bringing God close, Please don’t sing it.

After you have Hallowed His Name, be careful what you asked for, because you will surely receive them.

For Example, be careful before you ask God to bring about the Rapture; because it could mean, “let Rapture take Place now.”

When you say, let the Rapture take Place now: Are you ready?

If the Lord returns today, are you ready?

In the Past, we lived our lives as Christians, expecting Jesus any moment. And He can even come before I finish Preaching.

I remember very well, one of my friends who has gone to be with the Lord – He was old before departing.

When we just got Born Again, we were living our lives as if the Lord is coming soon. We put it in the Greetings in Yoruba – “Eku ifoju s’ona Jesus” (DMC NOTES: Greeting ourselves for being in Expectation of Jesus’ Second Coming).

That my friend was a Young Christian and he still loved going to Parties.

So there was a Party at the beginning of the Year for Elites – Popular Musicians were invited to Perform.

Since the wife was Born Again, she won’t go. He used the opportunity to go with his girlfriend.

While they were dancing and Partying, suddenly it occurred to him, “what if the Lord comes now, will I hear the Trumpet sound?”

He said to the girl, excuse me! She thought he was excusing himself to go the the convenience. But he went straight home.

When the wife saw him, she said, how was the Party. You are home early today.

He said, the Lord will come before tomorrow Morning.

The wife burst in tears: Now I know my husband is Born Again.

If Christ comes today, are you ready?

Because the Bible says the Lord shall come like a thief in the Night.

Matthew 24:38 says, For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in Marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark.

Do you know that the Lord may come during a Wedding Service?

Just as the Priest is asking, “Will you take this Man/Woman as your Lawful wedded….”

All of a sudden the Trumpet will sound and the answer will be given in Heaven.

Luke 17:34 says, tell you, in that Night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

Be careful what you ask for because you are likely to get it.


Let’s take a look at some Prayera of my friend -:Apostle Paul.

I Studied him for years – I was wondering what’s wrong.

In Philippians 3:7-11 He prayed some Prayers: That I may know him, and the Power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his Sufferings, being made Conformable unto his Death.

  1. He said, that I might Know Him:

I want to know Him too.

But when you read 2 Corinthians 12:1-9, God answered the Prayer. He got Revelations upon Revelations – So many to make him Proud; and God gave him a thorn in the flesh.

  1. The Power of His Resurrection:

… I want to experience the Power of His Resurrection too.

See what happened in Acts 19:11-12; his Handkerchief was healing the sick.

  1. The Fellowship of His Sufferings:

I want to know the Fellowship of His Sufferings too.

Why do you have to ask for that?

In 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, God answered. They beat him with rods, he suffered. He asked for it.

  1. Made Conformable unto His Death.

When you read Acts 14:19, And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who Persuaded the People, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the City, supposing he had been dead.

Why am I saying all these? It’s because the Disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to Pray.

Christians talk about Prayers, but we don’t Pray.

I just want to suggest that we Pray jointly today.


It’s difficult to believe that in some of our Churches, Men are braiding their hair – Even as Workers.

In Yorubaland, the only Men who braid hair are the Priests of Sango – The idol of Thunder.

They say, “this is a New Age – We must be Adaptable to what is going on.” To continue as Sango Priests? Not in this Mission.

Even after I’m gone, it will still not happen.

Take this word for me: When we find anybody among Pastors; Particularly Female Pastors, Made-Up to look like a representative of Nollywood; we will walk her off the Altar.

I’ve said it again and again; now hear me loud and clear – When your makeup is such a way that we don’t know what is underneath (maybe the devil);

Forgive me, I am your father. You may not like it. If you are my children, you can’t kill me.

Do you know why Men don’t make up? I mean, Real Men. It’s because we have what is called, Superiority Complex.

We stand before the Lord and say God, You did a good job creating us. You made no mistake.

… I know my daughters don’t like it.

Even the ones with bardhead still look very handsome.

When you begin to fix “False Nails” – If God wanted to make you a bird He would have. “False Eyelashes”.

You can quote me: Tell anybody who Question why you are doing this drastic Change, tell him or her, “Daddy GO said so.

Why will a woman expose her breasts? She wants to divert attention from her face – She believes she is ugly; so the Man will be lured.

All my daughters listen to me: You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made. If anybody does not like you the way you are, it’s his lose.

Stop messing up what God has done – He did a good job.

When He created you, you were Original; because He broke the mould He used for you – You remain an Original.

All those who still love me, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I’m sure some of you will be wondering – What’s wrong with Daddy?

It is “what is Good with Daddy?”


  1. Lord, Though art God:

The first thing they said is, Lord You are our God.

PRAYER POINT 1: You will Eulogise Him again.

  1. Lord You made all things:

PRAYER POINT 2: Remind Him, that He made the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG): it is not a one man Ministry.

It’s not Joseph Akindayomi Evangelist Ministry; it is not Adeboye World Outreach – It is named by God Himself.

  1. Lord You Promised:

PRAYER POINT 3: Remind Him of His Promises. He told my father-in-the-Lord that this Church will go round the world.

One of His Promises to the Church is that there will be no Young People dying.

When we were Young, during Watch Night Service, report would say: This year we had (for example): three (3) Marriages, thirteen (13) Births, No Death!

For many years there was no Death report.

Do you know that I have been in a Church for a couple of years no Death Report.

And then one Elderly Man died – When he was to be buried we were putting our head together on how to conduct his Funeral Service.

Because, when was the last time somebody died? We managed to put up a Burial Program.

How I wish that time would return – Amen.

  1. Lord, Your Counsel must Stand:

PRAYER POINT 4: If there be anything we have introduced in Your Church that You don’t want, uproot. Only what You want must Stand.

  1. Lord, take note of our Adversary:

PRAYER POINT 5: Father, all those who say RCCG must go down, deal with them.

  1. Stretch forth Thy Hand:

PRAYER POINT 6: Let Good things begin to happen like never before.

… When you get to this Part of the Prayer, Pray with all your heart.

  1. Lord, Silenced our Mockers.

Particularly this year, I have been Silently rejoicing, because Miracles keep going on.

We are getting our Campground in UK dedicated.

We have a New Campground in Canada.

A New Campground in Liberia.

Let them keep mocking; we’ll keep Soaring Higher.

PRAYER POINT 7: Father, Perform More Miracles. Let our Enemies know You are our God.

  1. The Place Shook:

When they Prayed, the Place Shook.

PRAYER POINT 8: I want you to include in your Prayer today, that God will shake the Heavens, shake the Earth, because of us.

Include in your Prayer that we want that kind of Prayer that will shake the Earth.

We were six (6) People Praying in our Hotel Room in Tulsa Oklahoma and the Hotel shook to its foundation.

The Engineers came to the Room where we were Praying, when I opened the door he asked: what Instruments are you using here? I said, we are Praying. He searched the room and was confused.

He turned to me and said, what did you say you were doing? I said, we were Praying.

Why Sir? He said the Hotel is shaking down to the Foundation, and it was traced to our room. They closed the Hotel down for many years.

Years later when I visited Tulsa Oklahoma, I took my children to the Hotel where my father-in-the-Lord, myself and four (4) others Prayed.

I laid my hands and Prayed: Lord Please let this Hotel be reopened, the owner has suffered loses.

Six (6) Months later the Hotel was reopened.

One of these days I will take you on a Walk on the Camp to show you the Place I Prayed years ago and he Campground shook.

Ask the Lord to shake this Place, shake Nigeria, shake the world.

Give us Testimonies that would make those who hear them say, these People must be Special to God.

So I am going to call the Man in Charge of Prayer to lead us.

Go on Break, be back by 3.00pm. The Reports will continue. Go on break again and come back by 7.00am.

Go ahead and Pray: Even God would have to shake open Prison doors.

Just by shouting Jesus, you will have your Testimonies – Jesus!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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