Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Our Heavenly Father – Thank You for another Year, Thank You for today, Thank You for the opportunity for Ordination, Thank You for the People You have Promoted, Thank You for lifting them up, Thank You for a New Beginning – Thank You Lord, we Thank You.

Thank You for the Spiritual Authority over us, Thank You for our father-in-the-Lord – Thank You for his Health and Strength, Thank You for his family, Thank You for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Thank You that inspite of all the Storms, You have kept Your Children waxing Stronger and the Gate of Hell has not been able to Prevail.

Your Word is Everlasting and True Oh Lord – Thank You, Thank You.

Glory be to God!

Please Lord, I yield myself to You – Take over and speak to Your People.

In this brief moment, reach every Hearts, Transform Lives, and Strengthen the Weak.

Lord, let Your Hand rest Mightily upon those You have Chosen to use.

And let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Nane we Pray – Amen!

Let me hear a Powerful Amen – Amen!

All of you who has been Ordained today – Stand Up and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Sit down – God Bless You!

I Thank God for this Great Privilege to share the Word with you – I do know that it is Grace from God.

And I Thank God for the Authority of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

We will keep Praying – No matter what the Gate of Hell does, the Gate of Hell shall never Prevail (Amen).


Psalms 24 is a very Beautiful Poem – You will need to take your time and read it at home.

Psalms 24:1-10:

  1. The Earth is the LORD’S, and the Fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
  2. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
  3. Who shall ascend into the Hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his Holy Place?
  4. He that hath Clean hands, and a Pure Heart; who hath not lifted up his Soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
  5. He shall receive the Blessing from the LORD, and Righteousness from the God of his Salvation.
  6. This is the Generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.
  7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye Everlasting Doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
  8. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD Strong and Mighty, the LORD Mighty in battle.
  9. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye Everlasting Doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
  10. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.

But Note this: This Earth belongs to our God and to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His Personal Property no matter what you think or say.

Men may claim Ownership of a Plot of Land or of an Estate or of a District or of a Kingdom.

Men can claim Ownership of Territories and Domains as his own Property.

But if Man was the True Owner of the Earth; at his exit from this world, he should have taken it along.

You came with Nothing and you will go with Nothing.

God is the Final Owner:

☆ He is the Creator and Governor of the Earth.

☆ He is the Lord of the Earth.

If He allows you to keep it for a while; it is because He has allowed you.

But right from the Conception and Creation that He conceived the Earth and created it; He is the Owner.

He owns the Fullness of the Earth – All His Creatures, everything and Plants; every Shrubs; all the Silver and the Gold and Precious Stones – You are only a Temporary Custodian.

The Cattle on a Thousand Hills and all other animals belongs to God.

The weeds, insects, fishes and other Sea Creatures; all belong to God by the Rights of Creation.

He owns all the Men and Women on Earth – That includes you and I.

You are His Property and I am His Property – If you rebel against that, you undo yourself.

All the Earth Dwellers belongs to Him – He owns:

☆ The Kings and the Rulers.

☆ The Politicians and the Money Bags.

☆ The Academicians and Professionals.

☆ The Pastors and the Bishops.

☆ The Priest and the Worshippers.

☆ The Pagans and the Irreligious ones.

Why? Because He owns the Earth and the Fullness thereof.

Today, you are being Ordained – You have been given the Privilege to go into His Holy Presence to Serve!


  1. The Man that will Minister in His Presence must be a Man who has Clean Hands

☆ Makes Clean Profits and Righteous Profits.

☆ Hands that do only Good Works.

☆ Hands that do not do evil or Wickedness.

Are your Hands Clean?

  1. The Man that will Minister in His Presence must be a Man who has Pure Heart.

☆ Heart filled without Definement of Acts 7: 20-23.

☆ Heart filled with Godly Thoughts and Godly Motives.

☆ Heart filled with Goodness and Love.

  1. The Man that will Minister in His Presence must be a Man who has not lifted his Soul unto idols.

☆ Not Trusting idols.

☆ Not seeking Help from Witches and Wizards.

☆ Seeking Protection from Demon gods.

☆ He does not put Confidence in the Vanity of Life.

☆ His Trust not in Money or Property.

  1. The Man that will Minister in His Presence is the Man who has not sworn Deceitfully.

☆ Not Deceitful or Fraudulent.

☆ Without Hypocrisy or Double-Facedness.

☆ Without a Lying Tongue.

This Man shall ascend into the Hill of the LORD!

And when he does, what happens?

  1. He receives Blessings from the Lord.

The Blessings that will make him rich – Proverbs 10:22.

  1. The Goodness of the Lord will flow continually to the Man Living Holy.

☆ His Goodness will fall upon his Life.

  1. He receives Righteousness from the God of His Salvation.
  2. He receives Justification from the Lord.

He is declared not Guilty but in the Righteousness of Christ – According to 2 Corinthians 10:21.

  1. And he become Generation of God Seekers and God Lovers, who one day will see Him face-to-face.

So, lift up your heads O ye Gates that the King of Glory may come in.

Who is this King of Glory?

The Lord Mighty in Battle.

If you want to enter into the Glorious Presence of God; there is something that you must not forget:

Except that you are Sanctified by the Blood, there is no entry into His Holiness.

It is His Blood that has made way for us,

The Blood cannot Purify you until every sins and unrighteousness – You put it on the Altar; then the Blood can Cleanse.

It is the sin that you give to God that He takes away from you – The ones you hide and keep in Hypocrisy, remains with you.

And as long as these sins remains with you, it remains uncleaned and defies!

But who will bring in the King of Glory – He said: Lift Up your Head O ye Gates.

In 1 Kings 8: 10-11; the Glory of God came down when the Temple was being Dedicated. All the Priest ran out and they couldn’t Stand because of the Presence of His Glory.

May the Glory of God rest upon you in this Convention – Amen!

May the Glory of God rest upon your Churches – Amen.

May every time we gather; may we see His Glory – Amen.

For that Glory to come, we must Purify ourselves.

Today, you have been Ordained and Anointed:

I. To Preach the Glorious Gospel.

II. To heal the Sick and cast out Demons.

IIi. To Set Captives Free.

IV. To bring down the Kingdom of God and enlarge The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

You are not Anointed to fight the Authority that Set you up or tear down the Kingdom.

Listen and hear me well – David was Anointed to kill Goliath but was never Anointed to kill Saul.

The God who Anointed David to kill Goliath will never allow him to kill Saul – True to the Letter!

God Shielded David from the sword of the All-Powerful Saul and He still Shields Innocent ones.

Never forget today:

☆ Raising you when you are Zero or Less!

☆ Endorsing you because this Ordination is an Endorsement when you are Nobody.

☆ Giving you a Platform when you had none.

☆ Investing in you through Teaching, Impartation of Knowledge, Instruction and Guidance, Caring for your Welfare when you are Vulnerable, Destitute and Hopeless.

☆ Investing so much in you to become who you are today.

Never, never become “So Big” in your own eyes that one day you become like Aaron and Miriam!

Never be like Assistant Pastor Aaron and Prophetess and Senior Sister and Choir Leader Miriam – Who led a Challenge against Moses.

It was Aaron that led the Attack but he was influenced by Miriam – He (Aaron) led the assault against Moses; yet it was Miriam alone that suffers Leprosy.

Every time you turned against the Spiritual Authority and forget a Day like this when you were raised from Nobody to Somebody; whatever your reasons may be, you will find yourself in Rebellion.

Miriam and Aaron forgot that it was Moses that was given Grace to bring them out of Egypt. Now they are out, they wanted more Honour than it is given to them.

They were contending for more Recognition because they forgot where they were before Moses came – They forgot that they are Free today because Moses was given the Grace to bring them out.

Never forget – Always Honour Spiritual Authority.

☆ Honour your father and mother that your day may be long upon the Earth which the Lord has given us.

☆ Honour your father and your mother as the Lord had Commanded you – That your day may be Long and that it may be well with you in the Land.

So, when you keep on Honouring Spiritual Authority, you will enjoy the benefits of Spiritual Authority!

As long as He keeps riding on you, the Hossanah will keep going on!

But the day Jesus steps down, Nobody will remember you as the Donkey – That Donkey was never remembered again!

May Jesus not come down from your Life – Amen.

May Jesus always be working in your Life – Amen.

May Jesus keep on Exalting you – Amen.

A word is enough for the Wise!

Listen to me and listen very well – David became who God wanted him to be but he was the Wisest Man I ever met – He knew how to work with Authority and God delivered him from the snares of the Enemies.

God will take you to Great Heights – Amen.

God will lead you to Greater Heights – Amen.

You will make Great Profits for the Kingdom of God – Amen.

And in Enlarging the Kingdom of God; your Life will be Blessed – Amen.

So, I want to encourage you today:

I. Keep your Hands Clean.

II. Keep your Heart Pure.

And you will always have access into His Presence and His Glory will always be in your Meetings – Amen!

I want to Pray for you in a shortwhile.

And I want those of you who has been Ordained today to Stand on your feet and ask God for an Ordination Gift.

And after you have Prayed, I will Pray for you.

And when I Pray, the Hand of the Lord shall come upon your Life.

Ask God for your “Ordination Gift”.

What do you want God to do in your Life tonight? What do you want God to use you for?

Go ahead and ask the Lord!

Something that you need – Anointing, Spiritual Impartation, Grace, Victory over Attack, over Weakness so that these Weakness will not hinder the Grace of God upon your Life.

In Jesus Most Powerful Name we Pray – Amen!


Please say after me:

My Lord and my Saviour, Thank You for the Opportunity to be Ordained.

I made a Commitment today that by Your Grace, I will maintain Clean Hands and Pure Hearts.

Help me Oh Lord to Love You above all Vanity of Life.

I receive Grace to always have Access into Your Presence.

Let Your Mighty Hands be upon me:

Let me not forget my Humble Beginning and don’t let me ever follow the steps of Aaron and Miriam.

Help me Oh Lord to remain True to my Calling unto the End.

In the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!


In the Name of Jesus:

You that Justifies the Ungodly; Justify Your Children.

You that Sanctifies the Unclean; Sanctify them by Your Blood.

Lord, lay Your Hands upon them – Anoint them with Power, Anoint them with Wisdom and grant them the Grace to work with You.

In the Name of Jesus, you will not fail.

In the Name of Jesus, you will Prevail.

In the Name of Jesus, you will not Rebel.

In the Name of Jesus, you will Succeed.

In the Name of Jesus, you will not enter into the snares of the Enemies.

In the Name of Jesus, the Grace of God will Multiply in your Life.

Whatever you Touch shall Prosper and you will have a Great Testimony.

From this Level, you will move Higher.

Today, the Grace of God will go with you Mightily.

Every Direction that you turn, you shall find Favour and Help will never be far from you.

The God that has kept us Standing, will keep you Standing.

Glory be to God!

Thank You Heavenly Father!

In Jesus Most Powerful Name we Pray – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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