Well, go ahead, Bless Him, Worship Him: lift your hands to the Almighty God.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. There’s no doubt about it – He is worthy:

Worthy to be Praised, worthy to be Adored, worthy to be Magnified – There’s no one like Him.

Thank You Father; Thank You Lord. We Worship You.

We give You all the Glory.

Thank You Jesus – Amen.


You are Worthy (Oh LORD)
You are Worthy;
You are Worthy to be Glorified.
You are Worthy (O LORD)
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified (hallelujah).

Angels are Singing
You are Worthy Oh LORD (hallelujah)
You are Worthy Oh LORD.

You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord

Worthy to be Praised (Hallelujah)


Father, You are Worthy to be Praised; Lord Jesus, You are Worthy to be Praised; Blessed Holy Spirit, You are worthy to be Praised.

Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

We can never Thank You enough for all You’ve done for us this week

Thank You for a very beautiful Weather; Thank You that the devil was not able to truncate this Convention.

Thank You for Salvation of Souls; Thank You for Healings, Thank You for Deliverance, Thank You for Miracles, Thank You for Signs and Wonders.

Thank You for all the Beautiful Testimonies we have heard; Thank You for Greater ones that are yet on the way.

Father, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, our Father and our God; we have come together to Dine with You. Please, like never before, be Present in our midst.

At the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified again.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout hallelujah.- Hallelujah.

God Bless You! You may be seated.


As at 5:30pm this Evening, the number to Babies born during this Convention had increased to Ninety one (91).

Today, Eighteen (18) New Babies were born: Thirteen (13) of them Boys. Five (5) of them Girls

So, as at now we have Fifty two (52) Boys and Thirty Nine (39) Girls.

I think the Boys should stand on their feet and shout Praise the Lord!

And the Girls can stand on their feet too, and shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Glory be to God!

This is Wonderful.

John 14:1-3:

1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father’s house are many Mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to Prepare a Place for you.

3 And if I go and Prepare a Place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

And when we add to that, the Bible Text that was read to us in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, it says:

23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

When we come for the Holy Communion Service, we must know that we have a Friend – His Name is Jesus.

He loved us Passionately; and He loves us even right now.

In John 33:1, the Bible says: Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

Whenever we come to the Lord’s Table, we should take note of the fact that there is Someone in our midst at the Head of the Table – We might not see Him with our Physical eyes; but Spiritually, He is Present.

According to Acts 1:9-11, as He was talking to His Disciples after His Resurrection, suddenly He began to rise, until the cloud received Him from their sights.

And while they were still looking up to Heaven, they saw two (2) Angels standing by them, who said to them: Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven.

The Lord wants us to remember – And He said it twice in the Bible Text (1 Corinthians 11:24-25):

  • When you are eating Bread, remember me.
  • When you are drinking the Wine (Blood), remember me.


  1. He wants us to remember the Stripes that He took for our Healing.

1 Peter 2:24 says, Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto Righteousness: by whose Stripes ye were healed.

When He bore our sins; when He was Crucified on the tree, He settled the issue of our Healing.

And He reminds us of this each time we Break the Bread, that He said, “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.”

Remember the Body broken for you by my Stripes; so that for the rest of your Life, you can claim your Healing. And you can even continue to live in Good Health.

  1. He wants us to remember the Blood:

Each time we Drink the Wine, we are to remember the Blood He shed for us:

I. To Save us: Because 1 John 1:7 says, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

II. To give us Victory over Satan; Because the Bible tells us that, and by the Word of their Testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death – Revelation 12:11

III. And to make us Perculiar People: Because He said, this is a New Covenant now being made between you and God by His Blood.


1 Peter 2:9, But ye are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People; that ye should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of Darkness into his Marvellous Light:

According to this Scripture, those of us who are qualified to eat the Bread and drink the Blood, will become:

  1. A Chosen Generation:

Not everybody can come to the Table of the Lord. But only those who have been Chosen.

Nobody can even be saved except the Father draws him or her.

We are wa chosen Generation!

  1. A Royal Priesthood:

We are a Royal Priesthood; by Divine Appointment, we are Priests of the Most High God.

  1. A Perculiar People:

You cannot be a Genuine Child of God and you will not be Perculiar. Even the way you dress will show the you are Peculiar.

Some years ago we were attending a World Conference of the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship International (FGBMFI) – I think it was either in America it Brazil; I can’t remember.

And to get a Visa, all you needed was a Letter of Invitation, that you are invited to the World Conference.

So everybody got to the Visa Office, and as soon as you Presented that Letter, they gave you Visa.

And then a Lady got there with the same Letter of Invitation, and Presented it to the Visa Officer.

The Visa Officer said, “No! I’m not giving you a Visa.” She said, why? You’ve given to several others with same Letter.

The Visa Officer said, “you don’t look like the rest of them.”

Even the world expect you as a Child of God, to be Perculiar:

  • To look different from the world.
  • To talk different from the world.
  • To behave different from the rest of the world.

So that, at times when you behave contrary to the Expectation of the Almighty God, Sinners would come to you and say, “but you said you are a Child of God.”

In other words, they are saying, we know ourselves – We know we belong to the devil.

But you say you belong to God. Why are you behaving like this? This is not expected of you, as a Child of God: You are supposed to be Perculiar – A Perculiar Group of people.

  1. A Holy Nation:

You are supposed to be different – That when the People of the world ask you to compromise, you would say, “I can’t do it.” Why? “I’m a Christian.”

One of my daughters gave a Testimony several years ago.

She applied for a Contract, she got the Contract to tar a Piece of road (I won’t tell you which State).

She quoted for tarring the road – Three Million Naira ($3,000,000).

The Governor said, fine! We will give you the Contract. But go and rewrite your Quotation, let it read Thirty Three Million Naira (#33,000,000).

She said, how come?

The Governor said, you will tar the road, we will Pay you your Three Million Naira ($3,000,000). The remaining Thirty Million Naira (#30,000,000) is our own.

My daughter said, I can’t do that.

The Governor said, why not? She said, “I am a Child of God; how will I be able to even spend the money.”

They looked at her and said, where do you come from? They looked at her as if she is somebody who dropped from the Sky.

We talk about Corruption in the Nation – Why do think Corruption has become so deep?

It’s because we Christians, who are supposed to be Perculiar; it is now difficult to even know who is who.

Another child of mine told another Story:

She applied for a Contract, they awarded the Contract to her – To go and tar a road. She got there and found out that the road was already tarred. She came back and said, there must have been a mistake; the road is already tarred.

They said, so what’s the Problem? The work is already done, collect the money and give us our own.

Those of you who would come to the Table tonight must enter into a Covenant with the Most High God that from now on; you will not Compromise – Amen.

… You are not too sure – Amen!

This Convention is about Heaven – That’s why we started with the Topic, “As Pure as Light” – Perculiar People.

Others must be able to see you at a distance and know, this is a Candidate for Heaven.

In your behaviour, you must be different.

It’s not every Dick and Harry who can take the Holy Communion – It is a very Powerful Meal.

It is a Meal that the One who started it said: In my Father’s house are many Mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to Prepare a Place for you. And if I go and Prepare a Place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also – John 14:2-3.

And it is for those who are on their way to Heaven – Perculiar People, a Holy Nation, A Royal Priesthood. These are the People who could come over to the Holy Communion Table.

You can’t even come to the Holy Communion Table if you are quarreling with someone – Quarreling with a Brother or a Sister, and you have made up your Mind; you will never forgive him or her. You can’t come to the Table.

When I was Younger, when the Holy Communion Night is approaching, a lot of reconciliation take Place. Because the Bible says, you are not to take this Meal Unworthily.

You must discern the Body of Christ; you must make sure there is Peace in the Body of Christ, for you to come and take the Holy Communion. Because the Holy Communion is not just an Ordinary Meal.

You heard the Testimony of that my little Girl – Brain already completely in a turmoil. The Doctors didn’t even know what’s going to happen: Either she will die, become Paralysed, or she won’t be able to talk. And the father came, took a bit of the Holy Communion to her; and she was healed. The Doctors could not explain what happened.

There’s Power Mighty in the Holy Communion.

There’s Power Mighty even in the Anointing Service that could follow.

My Beloved children, I will share a Secret with you, about what happened Last Night – During the Day 5 Evening Holy Ghost Service.

You know, I’ve always told you that Holiness means, “Total Obedience to God”.

I have been sober since yesterday – It took the Special Love God has for me, that He didn’t knock me on the head Last Night.

He said, “I want to talk.” But I wanted to Preach a Sermon that I had Prepared. He told me, “you have done far enough.”

There is a God who made Heaven and Earth – Heaven is Good: He made it His Throne. Earth is troubled up; He puts the Earth under His Feet and He Controls everything by speaking.

He told me, “Thank You” is all you are supposed to say; and then move out of the way and let me speak.

And as He was talking, I was interrupting; I wanted to Preach.

Thank God I had enough sense to get out of the way early enough.

You are dealing with the One who is called the Almighty; the Holy One of Israel. The One in whom there is no Variableness or Shadow of Turning.

You must leave this Convention, like I told some of the Ministers who came to see me Last Night – You can’t love the Church more than the Owner of the Church. And you can’t do His work except how He says you should do it.

When He says, “this is the way I want it to go” and you try to do it your own way; then you are on your own.

We are coming to the Table tonight in Total Soberness; in Total Seriousness.

You are coming to the Table tonight, to make a Covenant with God: No More Compromise – Amen.

You are coming to the Table tonight, with a Strong Determination:

  • If anybody would ask you to Compromise for the sake of your job; let him take his job.
  • If anybody would ask you to Compromise for the sake of Promotion; let him take his Promotion.

… God is the One who Promotes.

You’ve heard the Testimony of one of my sons – The Boss said, unless you do what I say, you would not be Promoted.

Years passed, finally, he reported the case to me; we reported the case to God – And the Almighty God moved!

They transferred the Boss who said my child would not be Promoted; Promoted my child to the Position that he left behind and then brought him back.

If only you would make up your Mind that you would leave this Convention with a determination like that of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego; that you are not going to bow; I can assure you that my God would see to it that you will not burn – Amen.

He said, remember me:

  • Remember that I chose you: you are not the one who chose me.
  • Remember that I chose you to obey me.

He said, you are my friends if you do whatever I Command you. You are my friends if you would go and bring fruits, and see to it they the fruits would abide.

When you eat the Bread, remember me – Remember, I’ve Paid for your Healing. And so claim your Healing.

When you drink the Wine – Remember the Blood that saved you.

It is also the Blood of the Covenant; that you agree with me, “that for the rest of my Life, I would be a Perculiar Person.”

And you know what? Because He chose you to be Perculiar: He will Empower you.

He said in Acts 1:8 – But ye shall receive Power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth.

And when you read Acts 2:-4, the Bible says: And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one Place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing Mighty Wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

“All” here means, the Perculiar People. If Perculiar People gather together;

If they enter into a Covenant with the Covenant Keeping God, that they will not Compromise; He can visit them in such a manner that where they are will shake.

And then Power came, and alighted on each one of them.

If only we will all be hundred Percent (100%) committed to God; when we Pray, and He decides to answer by Fire; the world will know that things have Changed.

Tonight, we will come to the Table, we will Dine with the Lord.

… Then we will move from there to the Anointing Service.

And call on the Almighty God to let Heaven Open again ; and let His Fire touch each and everyone of us.

When we leave from here, on the Surface we may look Ordinary; but we would be going with Power – Amen.


So, may I call on you: if anybody is here or reading now on the Label of DMC, and you yourself know that you have been Pretending to be a Child of God but you know you are not.

Tonight is a very serious Night; when you are ready to enter into a Covenant with God;

A Covenant of no Compromise, no more Impurity, no more Bending to the rules of the world.

Because He says, you are not of the world – I’ve called you out of the world. He says, the world is going to hate you. They would hate you because your Standard is the Standard of God.

If you know that you have been Pretending; but you want to put an end to Pretends. You really, really want that kind of Salvation that you will never again bow to the devil.

I will give you few Minutes to come to the Altar, so that we can Pray for your Salvation – It might just be a few of you.

And I will count from one (1) to ten (10) very quickly.

But I want to give you that opportunity, so I can Pray for your Salvation, so that the Blood of Jesus can wash away your sins and so that you can have a Brand New Beginning.

If you want to come, I’m counting now…

Now, cry to the Lord. Say LORD; I’m no longer Pretending – Save my Soul, let Your Blood wash me Clean.

I want to be a True Child of God. I don’t want to be a Pretender anymore. LORD, save my Soul.

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also. Pray for them Brethren.

For two (2) Minutes, call on God for them; that the Almighty will have Mercy on them, save their Souls and wash them Clean with His Blood.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, once again I want to say Thank You for Your Word.

And Thank You for these People who have come forward, asking for Genuine Salvation.

Father Please, receive them in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them. Let Your Blood wash them clean. Please, Save their Souls.

Receive them into the Family of God. Write their names in the Book of Life.

Let them become True Children of the Almighty God. And from now on, let them do Your Will.

And anytime they cry unto You from now on, Please, answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I rejoice with you.

And I Promise you by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you.

So I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You – Amen.

Thank You Father.


So tonight, if you are not ready to enter into a Covenant with the Almighty God – “A Covenant of No More Compromise with the devil”.

When they serve you the Communion Elements, you ask them to pass it on.

But if you are ready to say, from now on, I will be a True Child of God in every areas of my Life;

My God will Prove Himself to you that He is the All-sufficient God – Amen.

The Pastors will serve you the Bread.

As soon as I give you go ahead, you can eat it.

When you eat the Bread, just tell Him: Father, I remember how You were beaten, how Your Body was torn by Stripes;

So I am not asking for Ordinary Healing tonight. I’m asking for Health, for the rest of my Life.

… That would be your Prayer.

When they serve you the Wine, you hold unto it till we have all been served, so that will drink together as one.

And then when we want to drink, I will tell you how to Pray.

Thank You Father.

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Shall we Please Stand!

When you drink the Wine tonight, your Prayer would be:

Father, I enter into a Covenant with You tonight; that for the rest of my Life, I will not Compromise with the devil: You God of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego, never leave my side.

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

  • Amen!

Go ahead and cry to the Lord.

Thank You Lord. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

So shall it be, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

Let’s be seated! And remain in an attitude of Worship. As we go to the Anointing Service.


We have already Blessed the Oil.

When you are Anointed tonight, you will Pray that the Fire of God from Heaven; as it happened on the Day of Pentecost, would come down and settle on your head.

So that from now on, you will enjoy the Power of Heaven here on Earth: that whatever you decree would happen immediately.

That if anybody attempts to touch you, the Fire of Heaven will Roast them.

As soon as the Pastors have taken their Positions, you will go to anyone of them closest to you, they would Anoint you. Then you will go back to your seat, Praying.

When we’ve all been Anointed, then it would be time to Pray together before we close.

Over to you Choir.

Thank You Lord.


Let the Fire of the Lord come down (Amen)
Let the Fire of the Lord come down;
Let the Fire of the Lord –
From Heaven come down
Let the Fire of the Lord come down (Power).

Let the Power of the Lord come down (Amen)
Let the Power of the Lord come down;
Let the Power of the Lord –
From Heaven come down
Let the Power of the Lord come down (Spirit).

Let the Spirit of the Lord come down (Amen)
Let the Spirit of the Lord come down;
Let the Spirit of the Lord –
From Heaven come down
Let the Spirit of the Lord come down.


… Lift your hands to Heaven and be saying Loud and Clear, as I Pray:

In Jesus’ Mighty Name!

God of Heaven, the Consuming Fire Himself. At this moment, upon every one who has been Anointed:

Let Your Fire come down!

Let Your Power come down!!

Let Your Spirit come down!!!

Thank You Father.

Upon each and every one who has been Anointed tonight:

Let Heaven come down!

Let Heaven come down!!

Let Heaven come down!!!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear Someone shout a really, really Heavenly Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Before I Pronounce the Final Blessing on you; it’s time to say Thank You to the Almighty God for all He has done for us tonight.

Very quickly, let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering and dance to the nearest basket and drop our Offering (Online).

And then Celebrate with your friends and neighbours; because God has been Good to us this week.

Let’s show appreciation by shaking hands with one another: Brothers can hug Brothers if they want; Sisters can hug Sisters. Just Rejoice!

Over to you Band!


For the rest of your Life, anything that won’t let you dance, the Fire of God will Consume.

Anything in your Life, that can cause People to say, “where is your God?” The Fire of God will Consume.

Anything called Poverty: whatever type, that has been in your Life up till now, the Fire of God will Consume.

The God of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego will stand by you forever.

He will receive your Offering, He will Bless it and use it for His Glory and you will never Lack again.

It shall be well with you.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

You can keep on dancing on your way home.

In the meantime, let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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