If you know that your Heaven has started here on Earth, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Let Us Pray!


Our Heavenly Father, we Thank You – We are Grateful to You for Your Mercy.

Thank You for the Salvation that You brought for us – Great Burden Bearer of the Universe.

Take over everybody here tonight – Every Trouble, every Weight, every Tragedy, every Sorrow, every Distress, every Sickness, every Disease, every Bad Habit, every Wickedness, every Pain, every Lack, every Shame; that Your People brought to You tonight, take it over Lord.

And give everyone Rest – Rest from every Loads.

Thank You Heavenly Father!

In Jesus Nane we Pray – Amen!

I Pray that tonight, Nobody will go home with His Load or Burden of Sorrow in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Matthew 11:28-30:

  1. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
  2. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your Souls.
  3. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is Light.

May the Lord bless the reading of His Words in Jesus Nane – Amen!

There is only One Man that can open his mouth and His Hands and Welcome anybody in the world/Universe to come with his Problem(s) – Only Jesus!

Only Jesus – No Scientists, no President, no Prophet, no Governor, no Rich Man, no Poor Man, no King, no Ruler; can open his mouth and say to every Man on Earth: “Come with your Problem, I will solve every Problems”.

Immediately he says so, his own Problem will show up and overwhelm him.

But Jesus Christ came on Earth:

I. He entered into a Village and by the time he left that Village, there was not a Single Person left in Sickness.

II. He went to the Temple – Drove out all the Money Changers.

And they brought to Him the Blind, the Lame, the Crippled and He healed everyone.

What kind of a Man is this? He answered every Questions:

III. Zaccheaus, the Rich Tax Collector came to Jesus Christ with his Guilt and Shame; with his unclean Money and Stigma; and with anxiety of Salvation in Luke 19: 1-10.

He was overwhelmed and heavily weighed down by these Loads of Shame.

But the day he met Jesus Christ, Salvation entered his house.

IV. Ten (10) Lepers came out of the Leper’s Colony – They heard of what Jesus Christ was doing.

Think of it: Leprosy is not a disease that anybody likes to have – Fingers are cut, no more Sensation, there is Stench everywhere, there is fluid everywhere, they are rejected, they are outcast.

The ten (10) Lepers were heavily weighed down with the burden of Stigma of Leprosy, Penury and Abandonment, Mystery and Feeling of Worthlessness – Nobody add Value for them in Life.

But when they met Jesus Christ in Luke 17: 1-10; their Story Changed!

Your Story will Change today – Amen!

V. Nicodemus was a Good Man – Honest and God Fearing Man and already over 70 (Very Aged).

But he has one fear – The fear of how he is going to be sure that he will make it to the Kingdom of God.

And there are some of you that are listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC – And you know that you are close to Death, but you don’t have Assurance of Acceptance with God.

The day Nicodemus met Jesus and he spoke to Him – That day, Nicodemus believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His fear was taking away.

Later in the Gospel, we found out that Nicodemus was one of the Men that defended Jesus Christ in the Presence of the Pharisee and he was one of the Men that did His Burial.

Nicodemus had an Encounter with Jesus Christ and his fear of going to Hell vanished.

Today, you will receive an Encounter – Amen; and when you die, you will not go to Hell – Amen!

What is your Burden that Jesus Christ wants?

Whatever you are worried about or Troubled about is your Burden/Load.

☆ You are Struggling about your Career/Business?

☆ You are worried about your Family or Marriage?

☆ You are worried about your Ministry or Life?

☆ You are worried about a Court Case or Land Matter?

☆ You are worried about your Health or about your Future?

Then you have a Load:

☆ Whatever torments or afflicts you is a Load!

☆ Whatever Distresses you, Troubles you or Terrifies you is your Load.

☆ Whatever makes you sigh aloud and say: “Hmmm”; it is an indication that you are carrying a Load.

☆ Whatever you remember and you are not able to Sleep is a Load.

☆ Whatever robs you of Excitement – When you remember it and you are eating, you loose Appetite; it is a Load.

☆ Whatever Depresses you and makes you sad and unhappy is a Load.

☆ Whatever wants to make you commit Suicide and makes you think that it is better to die now; you have a Load.

☆ Whatever is Chasing you and you are running into hiding; you have a Load.

☆ Whatever that makes you drop your Head in Shame is a Load.

☆ Poverty is a Load.

☆ Failure is a Load – It brings Shame and Frustration.

☆ Incurable Sickness is a Load.

☆ Disease is a Load.

☆ Madness/Mental illness is a Load.

☆ Addiction to Drugs, to Alcohol, to Gambling is a Load – Because many times, after you have indulged yourself in it, you are sad and unhappy with yourself.

☆ Anything that you don’t want and you find yourself doing it is a Load!

The Good News is that there is Somebody that is ready to take that Load away from you!

Are you ready to give up your Load?

I am going to tell you four (4) Steps – And if you follow those four (4) Steps, you will not go home with any Load.

Every Disobedience and Transgression, gives birth to a Load.

Adam and Eve in Genesis 3: 1-15; they disobeyed God and they ate the Forbidden Fruit. And they started carrying Loads.

From the moment they ate the Fruit, the Scriptures says in Verse 8 (Genesis 3:8) – That she took of the Fruit and ate, she also gave it to her husband and he ate. Then their eyes opened and they saw that they were naked.

From that time, their Burden started – They were naked, Stripped of Glory and Covering. They were “Embarrassing Naked” that they started looking for leaves to cover their Nakedness.

The Burden of hiding, the Burden of fear and Self Condemnation, Guilt, fear of Judgement, fear of Rejection – That was the beginning of Load in the Life of Man.

Then God came and He looked at the Woman – He said that your Pain had just started, torment and affliction.

He looked at the Mam and said that the Ground is Cuursed – Cursed Ground became a Load, breeding Cursed Fruits.

He said that your Labour is Cursed, your Productivity is Cursed and then the Curse of Mortality (Death).

Apart from these Self Impoosed Loads and Burdens, there are Enemies Imposed Burdens and Heritage Imposed Burdens.

Noah mistakenly got drunk because he has been drinking little by little. But one day, it overpowered him and he was naked.

And his 2nd son saw him naked and laughed and took him to Social Media. He told his brothers and said: Come and see o! The Old Man is naked.

His two (2) brothers will not look at their father’s Nakedness – They took their Garment and went backwards and covered him.

Noah woke up from his Alcohol and slammed a Curse on Ham.

Rather than cursing Ham directly, he Placed a Curse on his Grandson, Canaan – Genesis 9: 24-25.

He said that he (That is Canaan) shall be a Servant of Servants.

And there are some of us carrying Loads of Curses that has been existing in the Family before we were born; today Jesus will take off that Load – Amen!


In Judges 16: 17-21; Samson went after a Prostitute, disobeyed God and revealed his Secret.

He became blind, he was defeated, and he became ashamed – That is Self Imposed!

I Pray for you today: All the mistakes that you have made in the Past that has brought your troubles; today the Burden Bearer will take it out – Amen!


Joseph was a Young, Honest and Promising Man with a Great Star.

But his brothers turned out to be his Enemies and they sold him into Slavery. And from Slavery, he went into Prison.

Every Burden that the Enemies had Put on you, today Jesus will take if off – Amen!


We have Example like the Mad Man of Gadara – 6,000 Demons sat on his head and they made his Life bitter and Shameful for him.

But an Encounter with Jesus set him free.

You were a Shinning Star growing up – You used to be a Brilliant Person, everything you did Succeeded until sometimes, something happened.

You cannot explained what happened but:

  • You started becoming a Failure.
  • Your Progress was Blocked.
  • Your Speed was Reduced.
  • Error replaced Sound Judgement.
  • You faced Rejection everywhere.
  • No more Favour.
  • Demotion replaced Promotion.
  • Stagnation replaced Progress.
  • Failure replaced Success.

All because an Enemy Imposed a Load on you!

You have Prayed, you have Fasted, you have gone all over, looking for Help; today that Load will be taking away from you – Amen!

When you repent, you believed, you connect with Jesus, you stop worrying and you start Praising God – You will not go home with any Load!

You are looking for a way out; stop going to Native Doctors — They cannot help themselves.

No Rich Man can take over your Load – Whatever they give you might give you a Temporary Solution but every Temporary Solution comes at a Terrible Price.

But I introduce to you “JESUS” – The Only One capable of bearing Heavy Burdens.

He is “JESUS”:

☆ He Triumph over sins, Satan and Death – The only Man that never committed sin.

☆ The only Man that Demons are afraid of.

☆ The only Man that has gone beyond Limitations of Matters and Elements; He has gone beyond Limitations of Space and Time. Life and Death does not limit Him.

… He definitely has answers to your Burden.

☆ The Man that can die and came out of Death.

☆ The Man that can travel within Space and Time.

He is the only One that can help you.

☆ Outside Space, He exists and before Time, He has been.

We have a Burden Bearer – His Name is Jesus!

Come to Jesus tonight; run to Jesus tonight – And every troubles will go away from your Life!

Jesus Promised to give us Rest if you come to Him – All those who came to Him, they receive their Rest.

And He is Callling – Come and take my Yoke, come and Learn from me and you will find Rest for your Soul.

Let me explain to you – Jesus Christ on one occasion went to His Disciples on water in John 6: 16-21.

They were about to be drowned – He walked on water and He got into the Ship with them.

As soon as He stepped into the boat, the boat covered 4½Km in less than a Second and the Storm that was raging was left behind.

Who is this Man that can Transverse Time and Space? Even Matters and Elements does not stop Him?

How did He make it?

Because He is the Lord of Creation – No Man can do that.

In John 8: 56-58; Jesus told the Jews – He said that before Abraham was, I am.

That means that I have been there before Time and I shall continue after Time.

What about Death?

He went to the Grave of Lazarus in John 11: 23-26.

He told Martha that: “I am the Resurrection and Life” – Martha did not believe.

Then He got to the Grave in Verse 38-45 (John 11: 38-45) – He said: Roll the Stone away.

After thery rolled the Stone away, the Man that has been dead for 4 days and nights in the Grave; He called his name and His Voice resonated through Space and Time.

Beyond Time, and beyond Matter, His Voice went into the Grave, into the Place of the Death and Lazarus came out alive as if he has never been sick or never died with no sign of decay or corruption.

He took our Place in order to give us His Place!

You and I have sinned and the Wages of sin is Death and Eternal Condemnation in Hell.

But Jesus said that if I allow these People to die; they will be Hopeless Eternally – I will Pay the Price of Death for them.

So He came to Pay the Price – He agreed to die for us.

After He went to the Cross, they nailed Him to the tree.

Only Jesus in Human History ever agreed to die and said how He will come out of the dead.

☆ He knew Pain and Affliction because of us.

☆ He knew Sorrow First Hand when He was betrayed and humiliated.

☆ He knew Shame First Hand when He was Stripped Naked and mocked.

☆ He knew Rejection First Time when He was denied and even when His Father turned away from Him and He said: “Eli, Eli lema Sabachthani” (DMC NOTES: This means: My God, my God; why have you forsaken me?).

☆ He knows Desolation because He was Abandoned.

☆ He knew Poverty.

☆ He knew Death First Hand because He gave up the Ghost.

But He Triumphed – He Conquered Death as He rose from the Death.

Today, the first thing that you need for your Load to be taking away is Mercy!

Mercy is for those who knows that they are Guilty and they are to be Punished but they don’t want to be Punished.

Which means that another Person has to take the Punishment for them so that they will not be Punished.

Somebody has to Paid the Price – And that was what Jesus Christ did.

Grace is for Someone who is not Qualified and then they Qualify him.

Someone else who Qualified was disqualified that the Unqualified may be Qualified.

So, Jesus Christ decided to drop His Qualifications for you.

So that you that have no Qualifications will be able to stand before God – And He will say: Take my Qualifications and I will take your Disqualification.

If you will allow Jesus to do that for you tonight; I assure you that you will go back home without a Burden!

So, it is time to bring our Burden to the Burden Bearer!


That means that the way you used to think before – Stop it.

All the wrong things that brought you trouble, Change your Mind that I won’t do them again.


He had no sin but He choose to die so that we won’t all die.


Because He says: Take my Yokes upon you and learn.

Decide that for the rest of your Life, you will follow Him.


The Lord said that I should tell Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC that you have been so worried about your Problems, and that you are making it so difficult for Him to take it from you.

Anytime that you are worrying, you are holding firm to your Problems!

What then should you do?

Jesus said that He is going to take your trouble tonight, He will take your Sorrow tonight, He will take your Poverty tonight, He will take your Pains tonight, He will take your Shame tonight – But you must stop Worrying about it.

So, what are you to do? Start Praising Him!

I. When Abraham stopped worrying about Child Bearing and started Praising God; Sarah got Pregnant.

II. When Hannah stopped worrying and she started Praising God, she got Pregnant.

III. When Jehoshaphat stop worrying and started Praising God, he got Victory.

Victory does not come for People who are worrying.

Breakthrough does not come for People who are worrying.

It is only those who trusted God enough and they begin to Thank God when there is no Sign and Evidence!

So, if you are ready to drop your Burden – Your Sorrows and Fear; your Worry and Anxiety; your Sickness and Disease.

All the Curses and Demonic Loads; all the Bad Habits; all the Shame – You are ready to drop them tonight, I will call you to come to the Altar.

And when you are comimg, come with that Problem – Come and drop it here at the Altar.

So, if you want to come now, I will ask you to start comimg – You will not go home with any Load in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

You will not go home with the Sorrow you brought here in the Name of Jesus.

You will not go home with the crisis you brought here.


So, if you do know that you are ready to drop your Burden; I want to ask you right now to Stand Up and start comimg.

Come and hand over that trouble to Jesus – That Habit, that Pain, that Disgrace. Start coming very quickly.

I will count from one (1) to ten (10) for you to come.

And as you come, begin to tell Him – Jesus, this is the Load, I am not going back with it.

I am tired of Failure, i am tired of Pain, tired of Disappointment, tired of Curses, tired of Diseases, tired of Affliction – Please, take it from me.



  1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee! Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure; Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
  2. Not the labours of my hands, can fulfill thy law’s demands could zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow, all for sin could not atone, thou must save and thou alone.
  3. Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling naked, come to thee for dress, helpless, look to thee fir grace foul to the fountain fly wash me saviour or I die.
  4. While I draw this fleeting breath, when my eyelids close in death, when I soar to worlds unknown, see thee on thy judgment throne, rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.

In Jesus Name – Amen.

Now say after me:

My Lord and my God, Thank You for sending Jesus to take over my Load.

Today I believe with all my Heart that it was for me that Jesus Suffered and Died.

Thank You Jesus for Suffering on my behalf.

I Hand over all my Shame and Sorry; Sorrow, Failure and Disappointment – Take it from me.

I believed Your Word where You Promised to take over all my Loads.

Thank You for taking the Lord.

From now, I will not wrong You again because You have taken my Load.

I will start Praising You because I will have Rest from now.

Thank You Jesus.

I believed that You died and You rose from the dead and You are alive forever more.

I confess that You are my Lord and I receive Forgiveness for all my sins.

I also receive the Gift of Eternal Life and the Power to become a Child of God.

Thank You Jesus for saving my Soul.

Thank You Everlasting Father for sending Jesus to Pay my Price and to Pay for my Soul.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!

Now, Place your hands on your Head as I Pray for you:


In the Name off Jesus, your sins are Forgiven you.

In the Name of Jesus, the Power of the devil over your Life is destroyed today.

In the Name of Jesus, the Yokes of the devil over your Life is destroyed today.

In the Name of Jesus, the Burden of your Life is removed now – The Demons and their Yokes are broken now and the Yokes of Curses are destroyed now.

I speak to every Sickness, every Sorrow, every Shame; to separate from you now.

In the Name of Jesus, your sins are Forgiven you, and your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Go and be Victorious; go and enjoy your Rest!

Everything that the Enemy stole from you, I Command it to be restored in the Name of Jesus.

Everything that Satan Planted in your Life, I Command it to be uprooted now in the Name of Jesus.

Glory be to God!

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!

Listen, the last Step – You will stop worrying and start Thanking God!

So, take 1 Minute and say: Father, I Thank You, this Problem is over and I won’t see it again.

Let’s give the Lord a round of applause!!!



Holy words long Preserved
For our walk in this world
They resound with God’s Own Heart
Oh, let the Ancient Words impart


Ancient Words ever true
Changing me and Changing you
We have come with Open Hearts
Oh, let the Ancient Words impart.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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