Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Anointing made in Heaven
Anointing by God given
Anointing of the Holy Ghost
That is all we want.

There is Anointing made in Africa;
That’s not what we want.
There is Anointing from America;
That’s not what we want.
There is Anointing coming from Asia;
That’s not what we want.
Anointing from Austra-lia;
That’s not what we want.

Anointing made in Heaven
Anointing by God given
Anointing of the Holy Ghost
That is all we want

I Prophesy a New Anointing
A fresh Outpouring
The Power flowing with Grace and Joy;
The Floodgates of Heaven
Be Opened now.

… If you believe, sing along with me.

Wa mi ri ooo (Find me out ooo)
Wa mi ri (Find me out)
Wa mi ri ooo (Find me out ooo)
Wa mi ri (Find me out)
Eyin Angeli to n sa akoso Iroyin Ayo (The Angel In-Charge of Good News)
Loruko Jesus, wa mi ri (In the Name of Jesus, find me out).

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

I have to announce my Special Privilege: by the Grace of God – This year is Thirty five (35) years that I have been Preaching in all the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Conventions.

So, if somebody say I am Emeritus, I think the Person should be correct.

There’s something about God: If you choose to be Ordinary, God will grant you your Choice;

But if you want to be Extraordinary, then you must activate the Divine Perspectives that are connected to your Life.

The Bible tells us that if we hunger and thirst after Righteousness: we shall be filled – Matthew 5:6

I Pray that God in His Grace and Mercy would help everyone of us today, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

One Prayer I battle with – You can ask my wife: This Message has taken me quite a number of weeks to Prepare.

Not Preparing Primarily in Contents, but Preparing in the Impacts.

I was asking God for ten (10) People; but it extended to Fifty (50) People amongst us, who by God’s Grace;

By the time you are through in the Convention, God will make you a Global Figure – Amen.

And how you’ll know you are a Global Figure is that, in your Lifetime, you will Preach in at least one hundred (100) Nations.

I have not reached there yet. I have only Preached in Sixty (60) Nations – I still have Forty (40) to go.

So my Prayer has been that you should be greater than whatever I have experienced;

And I Pray that God would grant that to you, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

I’m asked to Speak on: BEAUTIFUL FEET.

As I thought about Beautiful Feet, there were several different Dimensions: But my focus is on “Delivering Messages sent from Heaven”.

So that will be my Bias, as I look at Beautiful Feet.

And our Bible Text is in Isaiah 52:7.

And as I read through it, I’ll just make a few comments, before delivering the Full Message.

“How beautiful upon the Mountains are the feet of him that bringeth Good Tidings, that Publisheth Peace; that bringeth Good Tidings of Good, that Publisheth Salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!”


It reminds me of those days – How they used to fight.

And whilst they are fighting in the wars, the Person who had the News, if Israel defeated the other side. Sometimes they could be three (3) of them running, and one would outrun the others.

And sometimes from what we watch in some Movies; when they get to where most of the People in town would see them, they would indicate whether they are coming with Good News or Bad News.

  • If while there, they were silent and quiet; and just went on. Ha! People will know, there is danger.
  • But if they got to the Mountain, and right there swung their hands; and shouted, then everybody will know that there is Victory.

Can Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

… There is Victory, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

So, when they shouted upon the Mountain like that, everybody would be happy and in anticipation that their Feet will be Beautiful.

When we talk about Beautiful Feet, we’re talking about the Beauty of the Message the Person is bringing: The Goodness of the Message, the Sweetness of the Message – So that the fellow is very welcomed!

We anticipate his coming – He is reaching us with Great Joy, Gladness.

And because he is coming with Good News, he is coming with Good Tidings.

And these People are coming with it – They are coming to Publish it, to make everybody hear about it: “Israel has won the Victory. Israel has Overcome!”

And then, as you look at the Passage, it elaborates itself further – Very exciting Passage.

The more I read it, the more exciting it is to my heart – “How beautiful upon the Mountains are the feet of him that bringeth Good Tidings, that Publisheth Peace.”

Of course, it says, if they came and they were just quiet, it meant that the Soldiers had been defeated – Maybe the enemies would soon come upon those in town.

But when there is Victory, they come and they talk about the Good Tidings, they Publish Peace.


And then it talks about them also as Watchmen.

When the Watchmen, especially those upon the Mountains are watching, and Israel is winning; then you’ll find them Singing and you’ll see them Moving.

And all of them will sing as if with one voice.

So, it’s a very exciting scene to behold, as the People wait for the Person who is bringing the News finally to them.

I Pray for everyone of us; that God who made Heaven and Earth, would help us so that at every opportunity, our Feet will be Beautiful, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

And we would Publish Peace; we would Publish Victory, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

One of the things that excited me as a Young Man when I gave my Life to Christ; I read about one Young Man called Wilchfields.

They said that Wilchfields, at the age of twenty two (22), the words from his mouth were so Powerful. In fact, his Feet were so Beautiful, that every Sunday outside the Church, he used to Preach in the Park.

At that time he was too young to be Ordained by the Church.

Every Sunday, seventeen thousand (17,000) People gathered to listen to this Young Man who was just twenty two (22) years old.

And I just felt, if someone could do it at twenty two (22), Oh God Please, don’t leave me behind – Don’t keep me aside; help me, be Gracious to me, be Merciful to me. Help me too, let me also be one of those with Beautiful Feet to bring your Good News, to Publish Peace and Glad Tidings.

So, after a time they reported Wilchfields to the Bishop – They told the Bishop that there’s one Young Man, he is driving seventeen thousand (17,000) People mad every Sunday.

The Bishop was a wise fellow, he said: “I have one Problem with this News you are bringing: I wish the Madness would last till the next Sunday. Because it’s like when he drives them mad on Sunday, by Wednesday, they have lost the Madness. And they have to come on Sunday to be driven mad again.

So the Bishop Ordained Wilchfields – To make his Feet Beautiful.

May the Almighty God Himself, grant you Beautiful Feet, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

In 1998, one Nigerian Presidential Aspirant was boasting that he would have a Four-Million Man Match – That he would gather four Million People and they will walk round Nigeria, to show that he was a Popular Candidate.

When he called People together, I don’t think they were more than two hundred and fifty (250) People.

But that same year, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) had LEKKI ’98 – And there were Millions of People; that CNN, without telling us, carried it, that Millions of People gathered together in Lekki.

It was because God granted Beautiful Feet to our father-in-the-Lord – Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Thank God I was in that Meeting – It was a Wonderful Meeting.

Our Church Members who came for that Meeting, some of them told me that they trekked for fifteen (15) kilometers. There was traffic jam right from Lekki, up to Tafawa Balewa Square (Lagos Nigeria).

Some of them trekked for fifteen (15) kilometers, but they still made it: because Beautiful Feet attracts crowd.

The Lord will make your Feet Beautiful, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.


What makes your Feet Beautiful is not just the content alone – Thank God you have learnt Homiletics; but I want to suggest that you make sure the Holy Spirit also teaches you what I call, “Fireletics.”

Our father-in-the-Lord Prayed one Prayer – He said, the Word of God in your mouth will be like Fire.

It is part of what I call “Fireletics.”

“Fireletics” is when the word burns in your Heart and it’s in your bones, so that you are restless when God says you should deliver it – Just like Jeremiah.

Jeremiah said, “I said that I’m not going to Preach again” but I couldn’t hold my Peace because, the Word of God was in my Heart like Fire; it was in my bones like Fire.

I Pray that the Word of God will be in your Heart like Fire – Amen.

The Word of God says that God makes His Word Fire, so that the hearers’ hearts are made like wax – So they melt.

In another instance, He says the Word of God in your mouth will be like Fire; and the Hearts of the People would be like dry grass – So it will burn before Fire.

I Pray that God’s Word would be confirmed in your mouth like hammer; and the hearts of the People like clay pots, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Jesus Christ said, the Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life (John 6:63) – They are not Ordinary.

I Pray that God, who called you, who granted you the Privilege of Passing, through Bible School; would make His Word in your mouth Spirit and Life, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

The Lord says that His Word is Alive.

Hebrews 4:12 say, For the Word of God is quick, and Powerful, and Sharper than any twoedged sword, Piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the Heart.

The Word of God is Alive!

May the Word of God be quickened in your mouth, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

The Word of God in your mouth will Pierce even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the joints and marrow, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

May the Word of God from your mouth brings a Separation that removes Carnality and sins out of People’s lives and establish Spirituality, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Peter speaking said: People who Preached in those days didn’t just Preach out of what they wanted to say; but Holy Men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. They didn’t just speak of their own accord; but as they were moved of the Holy Ghost.

I Pray that every opportunity you have to Preach; to Witness to someone; to Pray for someone; you will Speak as you are moved by the Holy Ghost, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

The Almighty God has not called us to be Orators; He has called us to be Oracles.

Somebody say Oracle – Oracle!

God has called you to be an Oracle, not just Orators.

Some People these days think that the Word of God is just mere Oratory – Combine some words together, let them sound somehow.

Motivational Speaking is not the Word of God – You can motivate People’s Souls and their Spirits are left dead.

God has called us to be Oracles – So, be an Oracle: Someone who speaks on behalf of God; who speaks as he is led by the Holy Ghost.

It’s such People that their Feet are Beautiful.

People that everytime they are appearing, you know they are appearing with a Message from Heaven.

You know that God has delivered something in their Hearts that they must delivered to you.

Those are People with Beautiful Feet – Not People who just come to say things in their Minds. They just speak their emotions and walk away.

We must deliver Messages made in Heaven.

If the Message is made in Heaven:

  • If it comes from America, it is acceptable.
  • If it comes from Australia, it is acceptable.
  • Once it is made in Heaven, If it comes from Nigeria, it is acceptable.
  • If it comes from Liberia, it is acceptable.

We want the Anointing made in Heaven.

The Lord grants you that Anointing, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

And the Lord establish you in way that you will never agree to Preach without that Anointing, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Because, some of us even love Preaching ourselves more than the God we are preaching about.

But if you can get to a Point you would know that the Anointing is not there and then you’ll say well, I’m sorry.

I remembered one occasion – It was in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria;

I had Preached Wednesday through Saturday, and it was Phenomenal – God was just Gracious.

We started with less than one hundred (100) Students on Wednesday; by Saturday we had about six hundred (600) Students gathered together.

Because the most Notorious Boy got converted of Friday; and he did not sleep all night – He went to the Male Hostels and said that all the People he led astray, he must bring them to that Meeting. During the day, he went to the Female Hostels and spoke to them.

So on Saturday, they were about six hundred (600) Students.

On Sunday, as I wanted to Preach, God told me, “If you Preach to these People today, you are on your own.” I said, No! This must be the devil. He is trying to stop me from Preaching.

I said well, I’m going to Preach the Word – I’m going to deliver it, I’m going to make sure Yokes are destroyed, and People are set free. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I’m going to Preach.

The Lord said again, “If you Preach to these People today, you are on your own.” – I said, I will walk out by Faith; when I get to that Pulpit, I will open my mouth, and God will fill it just like He filled it on Wednesday through Saturday.

As I walked towards the Pulpit, the Lord spoke to me again (this time in my ear): “If you Preach to these People today, you are on your own.”

So I just stood there trembling. I have never had that kind of experience before.

I said, Brethren, you heard me Preach on Wednesday through Friday. Here is my Sermon Outlines – I have at least seven hundred (700) Messages here. “But, God told me not to Preach to you today.” I don’t know why; I don’t know what is in the Mind of God; Please, can we share the Grace?

As they closed their eyes, I ran away! That kind thing, you don’t wait. Because, you don’t know how they will react. I just escaped through the backdoor, entered my car, drove back to where I was staying, locked the door very firmly.

I waited and waited; Nobody came – I waited until about 5:30pm. The Service usually close around 11.00am.

About 5:30pm I heard a knock. “Who is that?” I heard the name of the Students’ Union President. “Any Problem?” We want to see you Sir.

I opened the door, nine (9) of them can into the room. They said, have you heard what happened? I said No. I have been in the room since. What happened?

He said, the first Person who came out after you left, wanted to take the Announcement, and started weeping.

He said, “it must be because of me that God decided not to speak to us today.”

And started confessing his sins.

Before he finished, two (2) other People were on the queue.

Before each one finished, another Person was on the queue.

In fact, it was such that, two (2) of the Boys who had been in cult, went back and brought their Occultic Books and burnt – They said, it was like the days of the Apostles.

Some of the Girls who were engaged to Unbelievers, came forward in Public and denounced it.

May the Lord grant you Messages from Heaven, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Somebody say: Oracles – Oracles!

May the Almighty God make us His Oracles, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

And to be this effectively, if you follow the Passage (Isaiah 52:7) it talks about, Singing Watchmen.

Try to look at that Verse; what made these Watchmen to become Singing Watchmen?

  1. They could See what other People could not see – Revelations.

God granted them Revelations.

The Watchmen had Revelations – As they were on that Mountain, they could see the battles; see the Victory of Israel.

The Lord grant you Revelations, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

… Secondly, they also said, “our God Resigns.”

  1. They Responded to the Power of God.

That’s why they were Singing Watchmen.

  • They were not Grumbling Watchmen.
  • They were not Nagging Watchmen
  • They were not Complaining Watchmen.

They were Singing Watchmen – They responded to the Power of God.

In spite of the situation, they could shout “Our God Reigns!”

Please, can somebody shout: My God Reigns!

Can we shout: Our God Reigns!

May the Lord reign in your Life, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

God will help us to Respond to His Power; Respond to His Word, so that we could be Singing Watchmen – Amen.

So they had Revelations, and they had Responds, even to the Word of God.

  1. Also, they believed in the Return of Zion.

Because in that Verse, they also believed that they saw that Zion would be returned.

That is why Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church; and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it.

Brethren, it doesn’t matter what the Gates of Hell would do, Jesus said, “I will Prevail over it.”

The Gates of Hell shall never Prevail against the Church – Amen.

The Word of God must stand!

  • We are More than Conquerors.
  • We are Victorious – Hell cannot stop us, the devil cannot stop us.
  • We are God’s Oracles.
  • We would Preach the Message from Heaven no matter what Hell thinks; no matter what the devil does.
  • We are More than Conquerors, because the Church must be Revived.

Jesus said, “I will build my Church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it.

Jesus is the Winner!

So, these People believed in Revivals – They’ve always believed that Zion would return.

They had Revelations; they Responded to the Power of God; and they believed in Revivals.

If you see anybody who has these three (3) R’s anywhere, he would be a Singing Watchman:

A Watchman that is waiting for Messages from Heaven:

  • The Message from Heaven is about what you are seeing.
  • Response to the Word of God.
  • The Return of Zion – That no matter what happens, Zion must Return.

Jesus would build His Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.


I will conclude by telling you how you can get both the News from Heaven and the Dews.

If you bring the News alone without the Dews, it will be speaking from the Content without the Power of the Spirit – So, the News must be combined with the Dews.

  1. You have to be God Overwhelmed:

Be overwhelmed with God.

Psalm 23:5 says, Thou Preparest a table before me in the Presence of mine Enemies: thou anointest my head with Oil; my cup runneth over.

Let the Anointing Overflow in your Life.

Receive the Overflow of the Anointing, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

“He anoints my head with Oil; my cup runs over.” – I could imagine God Pouring so much Oil.

There was an Ordination I went to – I was the one who Preached at that Ordination.

The Pastor anointed the Young Man with a full gallon of Oil. In fact, I never saw it before, or after.

As the Ordained knelt down, he came with his best suit, and it was White – Well sewn White suit.

He knelt down there, and the Ordainer Poured a gallon of Oil on him.

I said, this one is truly, “my cup runs over.”.

By the time they were through, the whole ground was full of Oil.

And Thank God, at least one of the times I attended the Ministry of this Young Man – Twenty Five (25) years later; he had a Crusade in Ilorin (Kwara State Nigeria), I don’t think we were less than two hundred thousand (200,000) People. So that Oil worked!

I Pray that God Himself will Anoint you with Oil that Overflows – Amen.

Be overwhelmed by God if you want Messages from Heaven.

If you want Beautiful Feet, be overwhelmed by God – That God factor.

How do you get the News and the Dews? Be God Overwhelmed!

  1. And then, be Exploits Driven.

Be ready to face Goliath, and bring him down.

David was a man who was Exploits Driven – When a Lion came for his sheep, the Bible says the Lion took a lamb (A little sheep)

David said No! It is a part of it.

After all, when we are counting attendance in Church, don’t we count children? We count them as well. We count them as number. Even the babies who are being carried, we add them as those who attendend Service.

And this is correct.

As far as David was concerned, “No part of this flock can be given to the Lion – Lion, you are not Permitted.”

The Lion came for him, he held it by the beard and killed it.

Be Exploits Driven:

Bear came, he killed the bear.

Goliaths came, he killed Goliath.

If you are Exploits Driven then you are expecting Great Things for God and from God – Amen.

  1. Tarrying:

You see, the Power of God is like dew; you can’t just get it at a snap; you must learn to wait on God.

He said, tarry ye in the City of Jerusalem until you be endued with Power from on high.

A Lifestyle of tarrying.

There is a way it goes – At times you would find out that your Prayer Time may be one hour; it goes to two, three hours.

After a time, it’s as if anytime you are not Praying, it’s like something is missing.

It’s like your Prayer Time is “Pray without ceasing.”

By Tarrying with God – That is the Structure that retains the Power. It is the Structure that grows the Power.

Deliberately, bring out time when you Tarry in Prayer.

And of course you know that Fasting helps your Tarrying to be effective.

How do you get this Power?

  • Hold on to God till you are Overwhelmed.
  • Be Exploits Driven.
  • Tarry before God: Tarry until you are endued with Power from on High.

I want us to Sing this Song, as we rise and Pray;

And I ask the Lord to touch everyone of us in a way that we can get access to Global Ministry – Amen.

As we sing this Song, I want you to open your Heart to God, so that He will give you access to a Global Ministry.

I have asked God for Fifty (50) People amongst us, who would Preach in at least One Hundred (100) Nations, each.

Not online – Live!

I mean Live, not online – That God will send you to at least One Hundred (100) Nations.


How great is our God
Sing with me, how Great is our God
I will sing, how great
How great – is our God.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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