BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 9:1-7, 24-25

Let Someone Shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.


We give You all he Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all he Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus)


Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory.

The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is and who is to come, the Almighty. We Bless Your Holy Name.

We Thank You for what You’ve already done since the beginning of this Convention. And we Thank You for what You are about to do now.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

In Your Own Miraculous Way, Let there be Light tonight.

Destroy every Darkness in the lives of Your Children and in this Land.

Let there be Light.

At the end of it all, let your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone Shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Then shake hands with your Neighbour and tell him or her: Neighbour, I love you, but tonight my Miracle will be bigger than yours.

Tell the fellow on the other side!

And then if you believe that, put your hands together for the Almighty God. And Please, be seated.

God Bless You.

We Thank God for all those who have Ministered before us – The Choir has been just Wonderful.

The Young Man who Ministered in Songs – That’s something else. We Thank God for your Life.

And the Preacher who Preached before us – Thank You very much! That’s was wonderful.

God Bless all of you.

John 9:1-7, 24-25

1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,

7 And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

24 Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner.

25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

Someone will leave here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC with a New Song today – Amen.

You will have answers to all those who have been mocking you – Amen.

In this Story (John 9:1-7, 24-25); I’m just going to bring you few Points, so that we can get out of the way and allow God do what He wants to do tonight:

  1. We find that: Your Personal Sin can cause your Problems.

Because the Disciples asked, who sinned: Is it this Man or his Parents, that he was born blind?

A Man’s sin can lead him into Problems.

Because the Bible says in Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death; but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In other words, if you sin there is a Salary you would be Paid for Sinning. That Salary can be Death and it can be a very serious Problem.

But when the Light of God comes your way, it can destroy any form of Darkness.

In Mark 3:1-12, the Bible tells us that they brought a Man to a Place where Jesus was – The Man was Paralyzed from neck downwards. It took four (4) men to carry him. They broke through the roof to lower him down before the Lord Jesus Christ.

When Jesus saw him, He knew that this Man needed a Miracle.

But the first thing He said is, “Son, thy sin be forgiven thee.”

In other words, He was saying, unless we get your sin out of the way, the Miracle you need, you won’t get it – “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”

If there is any of us here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and we know without anybody telling us, that it is our sin that brought us to the mess in which we are; I will appeal to you at the appropriate time, that you give your Life e to Jesus Christ, so that the way would be open unto your Miracle.

The sin of that Man got him in a mess, but when he came in contact with Light, Light destroyed the Darkness.

And I want to Pray for everyone of us here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: If there is any Problem in our lives caused by our sins, that Problem would be solved tonight – Amen.

  1. The Second Point of course is that: The Sins of your Parents can be responsible for your Problems.

The Disciples said: Is it the sin of the Man or the sins of his Parents?

In Exodus 20:3-5, God said that He is a very Jealous God – Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a Jealous God, visiting the Iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me.

He can visit the sins of Generations, down the line.

Many of us are where we are today as a result of some things that our forefathers did – The sins, Particularly of Idolatry, can create a Problem that will flow down the line because God says He is a Jealous God.

For Example, in 2 Kings 5:20-27, it was Gehazi who sinned, but when the Man of God was going to Pronounce a Curse on him he said, the Leprosy of Naaman will cleave on him and his children forever.

You know, Science is just discovering what has been true all along – When they begin to talk about Genetical Problems – That the Problem is coming down the Line: From father, grandfather, et cetera.

In Africa, in the Olden days, our Parents who didn’t Study Medicine: and many of them didn’t even know anything about what I am talking to you about now.

When you go to a family and say you want to marry their daughter, they would ask you to go and come back.

Why? They go and investigate your family:

Has there been a Leper before in that family? If the answer is Yes, and you come back again, they would say, sorry, we can’t give you our daughter.

Why? Because if there was Leprosy in that family before, sooner or later, it would show up again.

They want to find out: Has somebody gone Mad before in the family of the one who says he wants a wife?

Because they know, Genetically, sooner or later, somebody is going to go Mad again in the family.

But the beautiful thing is, when Light comes your way, even the Problem created by the sins of your Parents would be dealt with.

That’s why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is (what)?) a New Creature: Old Things are passed away; behold, all things are become New.

… God would make everything New.

That’s why I have Good News for those of you who are True Children of God: If there is any Generational Curse that has been disturbing you, it’s going to end tonight – Amen.

I’ve told you the Story before, of a Lady who came for Prayers – She was thirty three (33) years old. And when I asked, what’s the Problem? The Problem was that, even at the age of thirty three (33), she was still bed wetting. Terrible embarrassment!

And she was married – Only God knows how the husband had been coping.

Well, I said that’s not a Problem; we’ll call on the Almighty God and He will give you a Brand New Bladder.

But before I Prayed, she said Please Sir, it’s not my Problem alone – She said the mother was also a bed wetter, the grandmother was a bed wetter. And I knew, we are not talking about Science now, we are talking about something much deeper.

Because she said, all the daughters in the family bed wet.

I began to make some enquiries and I discovered, the Problem started with the grandmother – The grandmother had a Problem with someone who Pronounced a Curse on her and said: From now on, every woman in the family will bed wet.

So I said, no Problem! Give your Life to Jesus Christ, you would become a New Creature.

Of course she gave her Life to Jesus – You don’t have to Preach long for somebody like that.

And she came back the following day excited. Saying, for the first time in thirty three (33) years, she woke up and the bed was dry!

And this time, of course she didn’t come alone – She brought all the girls in the family and they all gave their lives to Jesus. And that was the end of the Problem.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: That Curse that has been running down your family is being terminated tonight – Amen.

  1. The Third (3rd) Point I want to bring to your attention is a very Strange Statement made in this Story.

It says, Jesus spat on the ground, made some mud out of it; and with that must, He anointed the eyes of the blind man.

… It tells you that very serious Point:

That whatever the Light touches, becomes Anointed: even if it is Ordinary Mud.

And anything that becomes Anointed would have whatever may be the yoke in their lives, destroyed.

Why? Because the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27, And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

In Matthew 8:1-3, the Bible tells us of a Leper who came to the Lord Jesus Christ – He was incurable, and he knew it.

But he said, I can sense that the One I’m talking to has enough Anointing to destroy the yoke of Leprosy in my Life.

You know the rest of the Story – Jesus touched him, and the moment He touched him, the Anointing of the Almighty God destroyed the yoke of Leprosy.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: It doesn’t matter how long that yoke has been in your Life; because Light is Passing your way today. As soon as that Light touches you, you would become Anointed; and the Anointing would destroy your yokes – Amen.

I’ve told you the Story before – I was in Kaduna (a Town in Northern Nigeria) to Preach for a Man of God.

After I finished Preaching, he asked me to go and rest in his office, while he attended to other business. And he put someone at the door, so that I will not be disturbed.

But I could hear from the room that a woman was arguing with the fellow in front of the door – I want to see the Man of God. That one said, why do you want to see him? That’s none of your business. In that case, you are not going to see him.

… Suddenly, the man at the door became a ‘Big Man.’

But the woman forced her way in.

When she came in, she was dressed like Muslim Women. What’s the Problem?

She said, I’ve never heard any Man talk about Jesus Christ the way you’ve done tonight – So I know my Problem would be solved.

Then Number 2 – I know you are going; you won’t be here next Sunday. So I can tell you my secret.

Then she removed the Covering, and I saw that she was a Leper.

I recoiled back! You have this Problem? Why didn’t you go to the Hospital?

She said, if I go there, they will send me the Leper Colony. And I have many children to look after.

In that case, why didn’t you ask the Pastor to Pray for you?

She said, I’ve just told you: what if they Pray for me and I don’t get healed? Next week when they see me coming, they would say, here comes the Leper. But you are not going to be here next Sunday and so I can open up to you.

I Prayed for her – And I confess to you; I didn’t lay hands on her!

The following Year, I was back in the same Place.

As I was coming out of the car, here comes a very beautiful Lady, smiling broadly.

She said, you don’t remember me, do you? I said, No.

She said, I was the Leper – Your God touched me.

There is Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You are going to give a Testimony – Amen.

  1. Now, the Fourth (4th) thing that I want to tell you is that:

When the Light of the World comes your way, your Story will Change.

In the Story that we are considering tonight, the People were talking about the Lord Jesus Christ.

They said He was a Sinner, etc cetera.

But the Man said, whether He is a Sinner or not, I don’t know. But I have a New Story to tell: Once I was blind, now I see!

You know, when you look at the Story of this Person very well, everybody in the Town must have been talking about him – He was a beggar, he was a nuisance to a lot of People. He was a kind of “The Talk of the Town.”

But after Light touched him, he became “A Toast of the Town.”

He became the one that they just wanted to say, why is his case like that?

And you know, occasionally, even when you are already following Christ, there are still certain things in your Life that People still talk about.

Occasionally, they want to say: You’ve been serving God all these years, where is the result?

And they begin to say, we know God is Powerful; we know God can solve all Problems. There must be something wrong with this Brother, that is why his Problem has not been solved.

Many atimes when People want to describe you, they describe you by the Problem you have.

Up till today, when you ask a Sunday School Student, who is Bartimaeus? What is he going to say? A Blind man!

God has opened his eyes more than two thousand years ago, but as far as they are concerned, the only thing they remembered about that fellow is Blindness.

In the Name that’s above every other name, whatever it is that is still in your Life that is causing People to say, “where is your God? It will go tonight – Amen.

Your Story would Change – Amen.

You know, in the Story of the Leper that we mentioned earlier on; after the Lord healed him, he told him, don’t tell anyone.

He laughed! How can I keep quiet?

The Bible tells us that he went everywhere, Proclaiming, “I was a Leper, but now I am Clean.”

Do you know that this Nation Bahrain would hear your Story? Amen.

I was a Poor man, now I’m Wealthy- Amen.

I was Stagnant, now I’ve gotten three (3) Promotions – Amen.

I was Barren, now look at me, I am the mother of Twins – Amen.

Your Story will Change – Amen!

Wherever Light comes into a Man’s Life, it would not leave you the way He met you.

You know the Story in Mark 5:2-20 – It tells us the Story of a Man who was bound by a Legion of Demons. And Light passed by his way.

At just one (1) Word from the One who is called the Light of the world, all the Demons left.

People in the Town came, they saw him sitting down in his right mind, and they were all amazed.

He then came to Jesus Christ and said Sir, wherever you go, I will follow you.

Jesus said, No! You have an Assignment – Go and tell the People what God has done for you.

He went everywhere saying, “you know me; you know that Madman that was living in the tomb?”

They said Yes! “I’m the one.”

What happened? “I met the Light.”

The Brother who was talking about “Light Up” tonight told you that, wherever you go, you’ll Shine the Light.

In the Name of the One who sent me; the Testimony that God would give you tonight, you won’t be able to keep quiet – Amen.

You will not be able to keep your mouth shut – Amen.

You would tell others, I was backward, now I’m forward – Amen.

I was Nothing, now I’m Special – Amen.

If you are the one I’m talking about, let your Amen be loud and clear – Amen!

I remembered the Story of one of my daughters – A friend of my wife. They were classmates.

She had a big Problem – Cancer of the Voice Box.

You know, the devil is a very bad devil – He wanted to attack the woman, he went to the Voice Box, put Cancer there.

The Doctors said, there is only one way to keep her alive – They have to remove the Voice Box.

You know the meaning of that? She would never talk again.

So they removed the Voice Box – And we went to see her at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria.

They put a pipe for her to be able to breathe, and so on and so forth.

Of course we Prayed, believing that “with God all things are Possible.”

She could only Communicate by Texting; but she couldn’t talk.

Then one day I travelled. When I arrived, as I was coming out of the car, I saw a woman rolling on the ground – “What’s the Problem now? Let me come out of the car: if you want me to Pray for you, I will Pray.”

And she looked up and said, “it’s me, Daddy: I can talk again.” Hallelujah!

You can’t receive that kind of Miracle and not Testify.

A Miracle that everybody who had known you before will know that, “this is something that only God can do.”

By the time the Light of God has touched you tonight, wherever you go, you will not be able to keep your mouth shut – Amen.

Let me give you one more Point, so that we can call on the Almighty God to Shine His Light on you.

  1. Probably the most Beautiful Part of this Story is that – That man was never blind again.

Meaning what? – His Testimony was Permanent.

When you read the Story in Mark 10:46-52, it tells the Story of another Blind Man, Bartimaeus.

You know, the moment they told Bartimaeus, “Jesus is calling you.” Something deep down told him, “I’m never going to beg again.

He has been a beggar all his Life! – That was why he threw away his Garment:

This Symbol of Shame, this Symbol of Sickness, this Symbol of Darkness; he said, “It is gone now!”

And you know, the moment God gave Light to Bartimaeus, he never begged again – His Testimony was Complete, and his Testimony was Permanent.

There are some People who have had Miracles and lost them.

There are some People who have had received something Precious from God, but out of Carelessness, they lost it.

But the Testimony God is going to give you tonight is going to Last forever – Amen.

… I would explain that to you in a moment, and we would close.

One of my sons had Terminal Cancer – He comes from a very Wealthy home.

The Best Doctors in Europe told the Parents, “take your son home if you want him to see his Native Land again – He has at most two (2) weeks Maximum to live.”

And they brought him to Nigeria; and they brought him to the Redemption Camp.

The Cancer was Cancer of the Jawbone.

The devil is very terrible! How can he eat in such Condition?

In fact, by the time they brought him, his head was so swollen, it took him one (1) hour to drink a bottle of Coke.

I’m telling you the Truth; when I saw him, even my Faith shook.

But I Prayed!

When you are a Pastor you say, “with God all things are Possible.” And when they bring the sick fellow to you, you can’t run. You will cry to God, and believe Him.

That was in 1983 – My God healed him. He is still alive today – Hallelujah!

They gave him two (2) weeks to live; God gave him a Testimony – And that Testimony is still valid today.

The Doctors, when they finally saw that God has healed him, they told him – Because of all the kinds of drugs that he had been loaded with, “don’t think of Marriage, because you can never have a child.”

He got married, they have two (2) children now.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You won’t forget tonight – Amen.

Because the Miracle you are going to get tonight is going to be Permanent – Amen.

But why will it be Permanent?

John 5:1-14 (read it on your own); it tells us the Story of a Man who had been sick for thirty-eighth (38) Years.

Jesus got there, healed him.

And then the Man went to Church, rejoicing. “Hey! I’ve been sick for thirty-eighth (38) Years, now I am well.”

Then Jesus saw him again and said, now take my Advice: Sin no more, or else something worse would happen.

And that Man never went back into sin.

He never went back to the Place where he had been lying down for thirty-eighth (38) Years because he took the Advice of God.

And I’m going to give you the same Advice tonight – You’ll go and sin no more.

When Light comes into your Life, if you jump out of that Light back into Darkness; oh! The devil would say, “I thought you were free?” Now he would give you double Ounishment.

You will go, and sin no more!

Before we do the little thing we need to do for the Light of God to flood your Life, let me once again appeal:


If you know you are living in sin, come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ – Let Him wash you Clean from all your sins, by His Blood.

If you were once Born Again and you know you have already backslidden; that means you’ve gone back into sin.

You are in danger; unless you come back to the Almighty God and let Him restore you to Fellowship with him.

For your Testimony to be Permanent, you must “go and sin no more.”

So I’m going to count from one (1) to five (5) – If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ for the first time, come!

If you are a Backslider and you want Restoration, come!

After counting to five (5) then I would Pray.

And we would move on with the rest of the Program.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come.

If you want to be Restored, come

As I count now…

Go ahead, keep Clapping!

Thank You Father for Salvation; Thank You for Restoration. Glory be to God.

Now, you know why you have come: if you have come for Salvation, cry unto Jesus, ask Him to be Merciful unto you. Ask Him to save your Soul.

Promise Him that from now on, you would serve Him in Purity and in Holiness.

If you are a Backslider tell Him: I’m sorry Lord that I went back. I’ve come back to You now; take me to Yourself.

Go ahead, talk to the Lord.

And the rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands to these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them.

Intercede for the Sinners who are coming to be saved, that God would save their Souls.

Intercede for the Backsliders who are re-dedicating their lives, that the Almighty God would restore them into full Fellowship with the Almighty God.

Let’s intercede for them for about two (2) Minutes, and the Almighty God who answers Prayers would grant your Requests.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God I want to Thank You for Your Word.

And I want to Thank You for those who are here to Surrender to You Genuinely.

Please Lord, remember Your Promise that whosoever shall come unto You, You will in no wise cast out.

They’ve come to You now Lord; Please, receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Every Sinner among them, wash them Clean today, in Jesus’ Name.

Every Backslider, Restore to Yourself, in Jesus’ Name.

Write the names of Your Children here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC in the Book of Life.

And from now on, don’t let them ever go back into Darkness, in Jesus’ Name.

Whenever they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

I want to rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today.

And I want to Promise you as a Man of God that from now on, by the Grace of God; everyday of my Life I’ll be Praying for you.

Soon, I you assure you that you will be getting Miracles you have not even Prayed for – Then you will know somebody somewhere in Praying for you.

That Somebody would be me.

That is why I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

It is Wisdom that you give me the correct Address; because when I ask God to send the Miracles to you, it would be sent to the Address that you have given unto me.

God Bless You.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.


I want you to take your Mobile Phone and switch the Torchlight there ON – We want to do something as an act of Faith.

Lift up that Light, and you are going to cry to the Almighty God and say;

  1. Father, you are the Father of Lights: let Your Light Shine on me.

… Go ahead talk to the Almighty God. Open your mouth and Pray.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. Say Father, don’t let my Light ever go out.

Go ahead, cry unto God.

Thank You Father..In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. In one accord, we would say Father, in Bahrain, Let there be Light.

Go ahead, cry unto God.

Now, I’m going to Pray for you.

There is still one more Prayer you would Pray for yourself, after I’ve finished.

Keep your Light up!


My Father and my God, I Thank You.

I Thank You because wherever I go, You have gone with me – So I know You are here.

And as I am Praying for Your Children here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; Please, answer by Fire.

In the Lives of all of you, there will be Light.

In your Homes, there will be Light.

In your Businesses, there will be Light.

Everywhere you go, there will be Light.

In whatever you engage in, you will Shine.

You will Shine at Home; you will Shine in the Office.

When you go out, you will Shine; when you come in, you will Shine.

Among your Peers, you will Shine.

All the days of your Life, you will Shine.

Your Sun will never set: you will not die before your time.

Sin will not put out your Light.

Forces of Darkness will not Overcome you.

And because we have all agreed; even in Bahrain, there will be Light.

In all your Cities, there will be Light.

In all your Countries, there will be Light.

And the Light will Shine forever.

And even in the Kingdom of the Almighty God, where there is no Night; you will be there.

So shall it be.

Your Testimonies of tonight will Last forever.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Now I want you to wave that Light; so that even the devil would know, you already got the Light.

Glory be to God – Hallelujah.

Now, the Last Prayer you are going to Pray before we Close:

You are going to Pray that Prayer with every bit of Strength in you.

You are going to Pray that Prayer as if you are very angry because you should be angry with the devil.

You are going to lift that Light high, and you are going to say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Satan I Command you, leave me alone.

Go ahead and Pray!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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