Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords; the Ancient of Days.

Let Him hear your voice – Open your mouth and worship Him.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Magnify His Holy Name. There’s no one like Him.

Thank You Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

Thank You Jesus – Amen.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Saviour).


King of kings and Lord of lords. The Ancient of Days.

The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come, the Almighty.

Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Accept our worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Father tonight, the way only You can do it, visit Your Children – Surprise everyone of us; save Souls tonight, heal tonight, deliver tonight, Glorify Your Name tonight.

And Daddy, I am committing especially into Your hands, all Your Partners – Old and New.

Please, in a very, very Special Way – Promote them, Answer all their Prayers, Let their Joy Overflow.

As they are lifting up our hands on this Assignment, Father lift them up.

Don’t let them ever lack. Just let it be well with them.

Daddy, I am Praying that tonight, before we all leave here; let there be evidence that we have been with You.

Revive this Land – Like You have done before, let there be Revival in this Land and drive away Darkness.

So that at the end of it all, Your Name and Your Name alone would be Glorified.

Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Before you sit down: I went for a Prayer Walk this Morning. And halfway through the Walk, Daddy stopped me right in the public there and He said:

Son, when you get to the Service this Evening, the first thing I want you to tell my Children is that, I am a Sovereign God. I do as I like in the course of Heaven, and Nobody can Challenge me.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: “Tonight, I will Rearrange your Destiny” – Amen.

Thank You Lord.

The Lord said Someone is here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

It has been said concerning your family, “No great thing will ever come to pass.”

He asked me to tell you that He will disappoint them – Amen.

Daddy asked me to tell His Children here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, among you He will raise up People who would be known as “Destroyers of Poverty” – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord said there is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC with a Prayer – Saying, “God Speak to me tonight.”

Whoever that fellow is, God asked me to tell you, “You Win!” – Amen.

Now, if you believe any of these sayings belongs to you, I don’t want to hear a UK Hallelujah.

I want a Heavenly shout of Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Well, how about you shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People tonight and tell him or her: God is going to surprise you tonight.

And then you may Please, be seated.

Mark my word, a day is coming when you will come to Festival of Life; we will Sing, we will Dance. And they would call me forward.

And you will be expecting a Sermon. And all that God will do, He will just be speaking to you, and we will go home – Amen.

Because as far as I am concerned, if what I have just told you is what He wants to say, and we just Pray now and go home; I think we would not have come in vain.

Particularly, if you are the one He says “You Win!”

How many winners are here already? The DMC Family Members!

Okay! Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

Well, during our Last Convention – On the Holy Ghost Service Night (Friday, Day 5), Daddy wanted to speak, but I wanted to Preach.

… Thank God He didn’t knock me on the head.

Because you don’t come here to hear me – You come to hear God. And when God speaks, it is done! Because He has spoken.

But I have His Permission to speak a little. I would shut up as soon as He says shut up!

Tonight, we want to talk about: “GREAT EXPECTATIONS”.

Our Bible Text would be Psalm 9:18: For the Needy shall not alway be forgotten: the Expectation of the Poor shall not Perish for ever.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

No matter how difficult your situation may be now, your tomorrow will be alright – Amen.

As long as you are still breathing, there is hope for you.

In Ecclesiastes 9:4, the Bible tells us that, For to him that is joined to all the Living there is Hope: for a Living dog is better than a dead Lion.

They can call you a dog right now, but if you are still living, one day those who call you dog would call you Lion – Amen.

Don’t kill yourself! No matter the situation don’t ever consider suicide. Because in Job 14:7-10, the Bible says: For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the Earth, and the stock thereof die in the Ground; Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a Plant.

Don’t kill yourself. It doesn’t matter what hardship you are passing through, stay alive.

Because the real Purpose of God bringing us together tonight is to tell Somebody that there is Hope for you – Amen.

As a matter of fact, the Almighty God says in Psalm 150:6, Let every thing that hath breath Praise the LORD.

Praise ye the LORD. If you are still breathing, you have cause to rejoice.

Believe me honestly, as long as Jesus is on the Throne and you are still breathing; by the next time I’ll see you again, you will be shouting for Joy – Amen.

You see, the Promises of God are Yea and Amen.

According to 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all the Promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the Glory of God by us.”

And according to Numbers 23:19, God is not a Man, that he should lie; neither the Son of Man, that he should repent:

A Pastor may lie, an Archbishop may lie, an Apostle may lie.

But God? It is impossible for Him to lie. Why? Because He is the Truth. And the Truth can’t lie. God has a Time table for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).

Do you know what? According to Psalm 102:13, the Bible says God is going to arise, He is going to have Mercy on Zion. Why? Because the Time to favour her, yea, the Set Time is come.

If you believe that I am not saying this one to make you happy; but something tells you that at long last your Time has come, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

In 1 Samuel 2:8, if you link it with our Bible Text (Psalm 9:18):

  • That the Needy is not going to be forgotten for ever.
  • That the Almighty God can raise the Poor out of the dust;
  • That He can lift up a Beggar from the dunghill and cause him to begin to dine with Princeses;

… You will know there is Hope for you – Amen.

If you don’t have an example that you could relate to – Of God lifting somebody from the dunghill and raising him up to a level where he begins to dine with Kings; you are looking at one example right in front of you (Pastor E.A. Adeboye).

I went to an African Country not too long ago, and we visited the President. The first thing he said is, I have heard of how your father was so Poor the Poor called him Poor. I laughed! “But the son of that Man who was so Poor, Poor People called him Poor is now the one talking to the President.”

Please, pay attention to me tonight; I won’t be long, because this is not an ordinary Festival of Life.

I mean, my Daddy says He will Rearrange your Destiny – Amen.

I went to an African Country and they said the President would see me for fifteen (15) Minutes. And he kept me for almost five (5) hours. When I told him “Sir, your People are waiting at the Stadium” he said, let them wait!

He said, they have People they can talk to; I have no one. But I have heard of you, now I have you with me. I don’t know when you would come back again. And he kept on unburdening his heart, and I was giving him advice.

When we finally left, and we were on our way to our car, I said to my wife, who am I that a President would say, “I don’t want you to go?” But there is a God who can pick a Beggar from the dunghill and raise him up until he begins to dine with Princes.

I went to another Country – They always say fifteen (15) Minutes. The President, as soon as I got into his office, he just kept on talking. He asked if I would drink tea. Well, Presidential Tea (laughter).

Whether you believe it or not, some of you who are seated here now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, will soon be dining with Kings – Amen.

You say, “Oh! Daddy that is thinking high.” We are here for Great Expectations.

And it was a day of his Cabinet Meeting. By the time I was coming out of his office, I heard one of his Ministers asking the others, “who is this Man who is keeping the President for two (2) hours?” And somebody said, he is one Pastor from Nigeria. And the other fellow said, “he is not even a Bishop” (Laughter).

Mark tonight; because the Tide is turning for you tonight – Amen.

You see, when God says, “I will Rearrange your Destiny” it means, where there was no Greatness before He would put Greatness. The Promises of God are Yea and Amen.

And when we talk about Him Picking up a Beggar from the dunghill and raising him up until he begins to dine with Kings; that brings me to where we would use as a Case Study tonight.

And that is in Mark 10:46-52 – It is a Story you know very well; it is the Story of a beggar called Bartimaeus. He had been blind all the days of his Life, then one day – Just like today; he woke up as a normal day – Blind, automatically poor.

Beggars are hardworking, because they just sit down there begging. Beggars don’t go on break. Yet he still remained Poor. But something told him, “your Day has come at last!”

And several things happened the moment Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was Passing by – Suddenly, he had Series of Expectations; each one very great!


If God can grant the requests of a Beggar by the roadside, He can grant our own Expectations too:

EXPECTATION NO. 1: Somehow, Bartimaeus expected that Darkness will lose its hold on him.

As a matter of fact, he expected that he will not spend another day in Darkness, because he knew somehow that the One who is Passing by is the Light of the world (John 9:5).

He knew that according to John 1:4-5, this is the Light that no Darkness can overcome.

He also was aware that this Light that was Passing by is the Lord of Host.

And He is now Passing by in London (including your own Country) tonight – Amen.

And the Lord of Host means, He is the Controller of all the Hosts in Heaven, of all the Hosts on Earth, and of all the Hosts in the Power of Darkness.

Bartimaeus was aware that at long last, Somebody was Passing by who can give Victory to anybody.

That is why I rejoice with the fellow that God says, “You Win!” Because, many of us, wether we realised it or not, we are where we are today because of Forces of Darkness fighting against us.

That is why I Thank God for the Playlet that we saw here tonight – That Short Drama is a Message to Somebody:

I. That you will receive Mercy tonight.

II. That God is going to give you Victory.

III. That Forces of Darkness will let you go.

Bartimaeus expected that Darkness will let him go!

You have a right to expect tonight, that in every facet of your Life, Darkness will let you go – Amen.

EXPECTATION NO. 2: He knew that God would Hear him.

And God is going to hear Somebody tonight – Amen.

… The one God is going to hear will say Amen of course – Amen.

Even as a Beggar, Bartimaeus knew God made some Promises:

In Jeremiah 33:3, He said, Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee Great and Mighty Things, which thou knowest not. He knew the Bible a little.

He knew it is written in Psalm 50:14-15, And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt Glorify me.

He knew that it a written, when you call on God when He is near, He is going to give you answer.

I believe that God is near you tonight – Amen.

Anyone who is not one hundred Percent (100%) dead can feel His Presence here – He is near you and you are going to call on Him; later tonight you are going to Pray.

And believe me, as a True Child of God talking to you; my God is going to answer your Prayers – Amen.

And his approach to God was right. When the Lord Jesus was teaching His Disciples how to Pray in Matthew 6:9-13, the moment you say, Our Father who art in Heaven – What is the next thing you should say? “Hallowed be Thy Name!”

This Man approached God the right way. “Jesus Thou Son of David…” He started by Eulogizing Him.

  • Thou Son of the Giant Killer.
  • Thou Son of the Great King of Israel, etc.

Before he asked for Mercy at all, he spoke in a way that would attract God.

The Problem with many of us is that, when it is time to approach God – The moment we call on Him, we begin to tell Him what we want Him to do for us. Whereas you need to Praise Him to attract His attention. Because the Bible says, God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth.

And at one Point or the other, since this Program began tonight; I’m sure you felt the Holy Spirit coming down through the Worshippers. All those who Ministered in Worship tonight have been Extraordinary.

When you listen to them, something would tell you well, we know these People are good. But tonight, they seemed to excel. Because the Almighty God Himself wants to draw near.

You would notice that there is no major big Preacher to come and Preach, go through the Bible and give you Theological Training. But there have been lots of Worshippers here tonight.

Just in case you didn’t get it then, maybe I’ll give you another opportunity to shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

  • Bartimaeus expected that Darkness will leave him alone;
  • He expected that God would hear him.

You have a right to expect that God would near you tonight.

But then, Bartimaeus’ Expectations were not small ones.

EXPECTATION NO. 3: He knew that the Heavens and the Earth would stop for him.

Somehow he knew that the One who was Passing by is the One who Controls the Movements of Heaven and Earth.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, your Winter Season is Over! And by the time the Sun rises tomorrow, your Summer begins – Amen.

Acts 17:28 says, For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his Offspring.

What is that saying? Everything revolves round Him!

When Jesus stood still, the Heavens stood still, the Earth stood still. If He doesn’t move, the Earth will stop rotating.

This Man expected that the Heavens would stop for him.

How could he expect that? Well, he knew that Heaven had stopped for Joshua before. You know, in Joshua 10:12-14, when Joshua told the Sun, “Stand there and don’t move; Moon, stay until my case is settled.”

Do you know there is Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – I don’t know you in Particular:

The Heaven is going to stop for you tonight – Amen!

Believe me honestly, I don’t know who you are: there might be two (2) of us – Because I know I am one of them.

Whatever God is doing in Heaven, He is going to stop it until He has solved your Problem(s) – Amen.

Heaven has stopped before for Joshua, but even more than that; Heaven has moved backwards before for Isaiah. You know the Story in Isaiah 38:1-8. The Sun moved backwards in other for him to deal with a Particular situation.

We heard the Testimony (about 2 Holy Ghost Services before in Nigeria) – When a Woman went to the Doctor for one Procedure or the other and they asked her, “how old are you?” She said, Fifty eight (58) years. They said sorry, you are too old for the Procedure: we can only do this for People who are below Fifty five (55) years.

And then she came to the Holy Ghost Service; as she was entering the Auditorium God spoke and said, “there is someone here, I have reduced your age by five (5) years.” And she looked at her husband and said, did you hear that? We are going back to the Doctor.

They said hello Doctor! That one said, I have told you that the Procedure can only be done for People who are below Fifty five (55) years old. She said Please wait, I am only Fifty three (53) years old. And the Doctor laughed! “Last week you were Fifty eight (58) years, now you are Fifty three (53).

She said, “don’t argue Doctor, go ahead and do what you wanted to do.” And she showed us the evidence of the Success of the Procedure.

Whatever it is that God has to reduce your age so His Purpose for your Life may be fulfilled; that age will be reduced tonight – Amen.

You know, when God wants to Perform a Special Miracle for you, He can even bring the Future to the Present.

If there is a Miracle that is waiting for you ahead, but He decides to do something Special – Just like He says He will do tonight; He can bring the Future to the Present.

A very good example is the Playlet that they showed you tonight – The Story there is in Matthew 15:21-28. When the woman said, I want a Miracle for my daughter, and Jesus Christ said, I can’t give the children’s bread to dogs – it’s not the time for Gentiles yet.

Because the time for Gentiles came years later in Acts 10. But for this Particular Woman, God brought the Future to the Present.

Before Somebody leaves here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

The Breakthrough that should happen to you in ten (10) years time would happen tonight – Amen.

God is able to do that, because in Revelation 1:8 Jesus Christ says, I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

The Past, the Present and the Future – They all meet in Him. You know, when they nailed Jesus to the cross, one hand was Pointing to the right, the other was Pointing to the left.

  • The one Pointing on the left is covering everything from Eternity till the Present.
  • The one pointing to the right is Pointing to the Future; to that which is long, long to come.

And they all meet together in Him.

With the left hand, He takes care of all your Past – Whatever had happened in the Past: A Curse that was Pronounced on your Parents, etc.

Every evil in your Life from the day you were born till now, the Lord has taken care of them – Amen.

For Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, He is now reaching to the Future:

Every Accident waiting for you in the Future is Cancelled – Amen.

Every Tragedy waiting for you in the Future is Cancelled – Amen.

Every Problem waiting for you in the Future is Cancelled – Amen.

He can bring the Future to the Present.

So Bartimaeus knew that somehow, the Heaven would stop for him. He knew that.

EXPECTATION NO. 4: He knew that God will send for him.

Not because he deserves it, but because he knew God is rich in Mercy. That’s why when he was crying, all he asked for was Mercy.

Ephesians 2:4 tells us that, God is rich in Mercy.

Bartimaeus didn’t attend any Crusade, but the News of Jesus Christ had spread all over the Place. So he had heard that the One who is Passing by had broken Protocols before to attend to a Leper.

In Mark 1:50-45, a Leper came to Jesus and said, I know You can make me Clean if You are willing. The Bible says, Jesus Christ said, “I will” and touched him.

The Bible says you should not touch a Leper; if you do, you will become Unclean.

But here the Bible says Jesus moved with Compassion touched Leper.

That is to tell you that when Mercy comes to play, even rules can be bent.

I don’t know how God is going to do your case; but if He has to suspend all the Laws to get to you, He will do so tonight – Amen.

I’m sure you remembered when He told the Disciples okay, go into the boat to the other side, I will come and meet you. And He went to the Mountain to Pray. He enjoyed the Presence of His Father so much that by the time He realised it, all the boats had left.

He broke the Law of Gravity and walked on water to go and reach the Disciples – He told Gravity to shut its mouth, so He could reach His Disciples.

I don’t know what Laws God is going to suspend tonight; but because of Someone here in Particular, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

Every Law that must be Broken would be Broken, so that your Expectations will be fulfilled – Amen.

Bartimaeus knew that Jesus Christ would send for him, because he knew Mercy will Propel Him. And he realised from the Stories he has heard in the Bible, that it doesn’t matter where you are, when God has decided to be Merciful unto you, He will send for you.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC who is in a very tight corner.

He asked me to tell you: Long before this Month (September 2024) is over, I would have made a way for you – Amen.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, My Wind is Blowing; and every door that has been shut behind you shall be blown open – Amen.

You remember the Story in 1 Samuel 16:1-13, when God decided that it is time to pick a King, and He sent His Servant (Samuel) to the house of Jesse; David was not brought near. He wasn’t Presented by his father. But God sent for him, and within hours, a Shepherd Boy became a King.

I believe that is a Message for Somebody straight away;

Because your Time has come, in a way you can’t understand, you would reach the Top – Amen.

This Man expected that God would send for him, and you know, He did!

EXPECTATION NO. 5: He knew his Poverty has ended.

Now, somehow he knew that if he can only get the attention of the One who is Passing by, he will never beg again.

When he was going to Jesus, the first thing he got rid of was that Garment of Shame.

The Garment of a Beggar is not going to be the most expensive dress in Town. But he knew he won’t wear that dress again.

This is me Prophesying now and my Daddy is with me:

I want to Prophesy to Somebody: You won’t borrow again – Amen.

He knew the One he was trying to contact is the One who, in Genesis 17:1 is called Jehovah El-Shaddai – The God who is More than Enough.

“How can I get in contact with the One who is More than Enough and still Lack?” It’s not Possible!

In 2 Kings 4:1-8, there was a Widow who was Destitute. She was able to make contact with Jehovah El-Shaddai; and from that day onward, not only did she pay all her debt; she never borrowed again.

I know you are in a Country where things are owned on Credit. But I heard the Testimony of a Young Man here tonight who said, within two (2) years of getting here, he was able to buy a house. His father isn’t an Angel; the mother doesn’t have two (2) heads.

If God can do it for him, He will do it for every one of us – Amen.

Do you know there are People listening to me now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Who before the end of this Year (2024) would be Completely debt free?

Thank You Daddy. This is a Big One.

Daddy said there is a Miracle so Big, you are afraid to ask for it.

But He asked me to tell you: Ask and you will receive – Amen.

I receive that one!

Because, one of the Miracles I want, that might be a bit doubting to my Faith, is that within the next five (5) years; what God is doing in Nigeria, He will be doing it all over Europe.

That’s a big one for me – But since He says, “Ask” I’m asking now. And you will hear my Testimony – Amen.

You better say Amen loud and clear – Amen!

His Poverty ended – He expected that it would end, and it ended.

EXPECTATION NO. 6: He knew that he will never be Lonely again.

Thank You my God.

The Lord said there is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, your Celebration that was cancelled will be Rescheduled – Amen.

In Psalm 121:5, the Bible says the Lord will be as close to you as your Shadow. You can’t make contact with the One who Promised in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave you nor forsake you, and be lonely.

Spiritually, that is true. But I believe God is speaking to one Particular Person tonight;

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, before the rest of your friends will know what is happening, you will be Married – Amen.

The Expectation of Bartimaeus was not just that he will no longer be lonely; somehow, something told him that even his Enemies will become his Servants.

You know, when he was crying to Jesus for Mercy, all the People around told him to shut up. But do you know that within Minutes, the same People who told him to shut up came to him with the Greatest Message of Hope – They began to Prophesy to him, “Be of Good Cheer, He calls for you.”

What does that mean? Be of Good Cheer, your Problems are over – Amen.

Coming from the mouth of those who, a few Minutes ago told him to shut up – It shows you how Great our God can be. The Word of God makes it clear in Proverbs 16:17, it says: When a Man’s ways Please the LORD, he maketh even his Enemies to be at Peace with him.

I decree to Somebody here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

All the Enemies in your Place of work will become your friends – Amen.

All the Enemies of your Marriage, Enemies against your Progress and Joy: they will either become your friends or become your servants – Amen.

EXPECTATION NO. 7: He knew that there will be No More Fruitless Efforts in his Life.

That all these years he had been begging; working hard with nothing to show for it.

And Fruitless Efforts, like I told you before, is another word for Barrenness.

Somehow he knew all his Fruitless Efforts are gone, and gone forever.

Thank You Daddy.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He asked me to tell you: Every form of Barrenness in your Life – Whether Physical, Mental, Financial, Ministerial. All Barrenness are gone – Amen.

Because somehow he knew, no matter how Old you are; no matter how hopeless the situation may be, if you can just have a link with the Living God, there is hope for you.

Somehow he knew, Abraham was very old, Sarah was so old they said her womb was dead. But they were still alive when God Paid them a visit and the Impossible became Possible.

And I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, the Tide will turn in your Favour – Amen.

Thank You Daddy.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, Relax! You will soon gain the Upper Hand – Amen.

All you need Brethren, is a Single Breakthrough – Bartimaeus got that Single Breakthrough and all his Expectations were met.

I will tell you this Story – When I became General Overseer in 1981; there was quite a Struggle before I Surrendered to God.

Because I was born Poor, getting Education was a Struggle but one way or the other I got a PhD. I became a Lecturer in the University. The Salary of a Lecturer may not be much, but a Lecturer at least would have food, and he would have a car, and he would have at least a Flat to live in. I had even become Acting Head of Department.

And then God told me He wanted me to forsake everything and become a Pastor in a Church that was Poorer than my father (laugher) – It was a big Struggle. But then finally, he won (as usual). You can’t wrestle with Him and win. He won! And I became the General Overseer.

So I said okay, now I am the General Overseer, I want the Church to grow. At least there should be something to show, for letting go my Position in the University.

And I did everything I could – I Fasted, I Prayed, I Studied the Bible. And every Month I held a Seminar. People would gather over the Weekend, I would teach them the Word of God; and by Sunday they would disappear. There was nothing to show in the Church for all the efforts. But then, my day came!

And I believe your Day has come tonight – Amen.

I was here in London; that is why, whether the devil likes it or not, London shall be saved – Amen!

I was in a room loaned me by one of my Members, to Prepare the Sunday School Manual for the Church – And it was closed to my Birthday.

When all of a sudden God spoke, “Son, what do you want for your Birthday?” And I said, God, I don’t know You are interested in Birthdays. But if You are the One talking, could You Please, ask the Question again?

There is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

By your next Birthday, God will Pay you a Special Visit – Amen.

Again He said, “what do you want for your Birthday, Son?” Okay! If it’s You Lord, what I want is that every Member of my Congregation would receive a Miracle.

That’s how the Holy Ghost Service was Born – That is what you call Festival of Life here in London.

From the day the Holy Ghost Service started, the Church started expanding.

All you need is just one Breakthrough.

Daddy said there is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says you are about to get that one Breakthrough that will Turn all the Tides – Amen.

A Miracle that can turn a Congregation of one thousand (1,000) to Millions.

Somebody is going to get that Breakthrough tonight – Amen.

If you are the ones you won’t be sitting down.

If you understand the Statement, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You! Be seated.

Alright! These are what you can Expect:

  • That Darkness would leave you alone.
  • That the Heavens would stop for you.
  • That He will hear you.
  • That He will send for you.
  • That you won’t be Lonely again.
  • That your Poverty would come to an end.
  • And that you will never remain barren.

But then, there are certain things God expects from you.

Thank You Father.

The Lord said there is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, I told you “You Win!” And that means very soon you will Sing a Song of Victory – Amen.

Thank You Daddy.

I want to say Amen to this one before I tell you – Amen.

God says there is Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, for a Long Time to come, one Shout of Joy will follow another Shout of Joy in your Home – Amen.

Well, if you are the one, why don’t you start with a Shout of Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


  1. He expects Faith from you:

Bartimaeus had Faith.

In Mark 9:23, the Bible says if only you can believe that everything we’ve said thus far tonight is the Truth; that God will do what He says He will do;

Then get ready for that Continuous shout of Hallelujah in your home – Amen.

Because when you go through the Scriptures, as I’ve shared with you before, almost every one who got a Miracle from God, got it by Faith. Because Jesus would ask, “Do you Believe I can do it?” If you say Yes, then He would say, “Be it unto you according to your Faith.”

  1. He expects your Prayer to be Intense:

Bartimaeus Prayed, he cried to God – He didn’t Pray the kind of Prayer I’ve seen many of you do here.

Some People have asked me again and again: how come there are so many Miracles happening in Africa more than in the Civilized Countries? The People here are “Too Cold”. You are “Too Civilized”.

When it is time to Pray in the next few Minutes, you will be amazed. You would see People Praying so Gentlemanly, so Ladylike, you would begin to wonder, “are we really in the Presence of the Most High?”

Oh! “But God is not dead.” Who told you He is nervous (laughter)?

He said, clap your hands O ye People, shout unto God with the voice of Triumph.

In Nigeria, when it s time to Pray; when I say, “the Altar is open, People who want to Pray can come
“The ground shakes with their Prayers – because they know if God does not help them, who is going to?

That is why most of the time, when I really want to Pray, I go out at Night, so I can Roar! If I ever see anybody who says, “you are making too much noise” I say to them, you should be on your bed. Leave me and my God alone.

When I really want to do some serious Praying; I don’t stay where People are.

You have an opportunity tonight to really Pray – When they told Bartimaeus to shut up, did he agree? No! What did he do? He shouted even the more.

In the Drama that you were shown tonight; when the Disciples told the Lord, send this Woman always, her noise is disturbing us, did she go away? No! Did she keep quiet? No!

You are going to Pray tonight; and God is going to hear you – Amen.

But He expects from you Intense Prayer – Not only tonight, for the rest of your Life.

f you live in a Place where they don’t like noise, why don’t you go to the Park? Go where you can Roar!

You see, because when trouble comes, those who can’t shout now would shout then.

Trouble will never come your way – Amen.

And like I told some of my children not too long ago! All those People Pretending that they can’t open their mouth, I watch them on Television when Manchester is Playing other Clubs – When a Team scores a goal, I see all those People shouting, jumping up, waving whatever.

And these People are supposed to be the quiet ones. But when the get to the Stadium they shout.

How can you then be in the Presence of the One who is constantly scoring goals and you would be quiet? Hallelujah!

  1. He expects you to Testify:

You know, I felt a bit embarrassed when they said it is Testimony Time here; because I know that seated in this crowd tonight are at least a thousand People with Outstanding Testimonies but they won’t come forward.

They want to sit down and hear the Testimony of others.

What about your own?

And let me tell you this one: A Miracle that you have not Testified about can be Stolen.

The devil can steal it, because he would say you don’t appreciate what God has done, so what is the use of you keeping it.

But when you have Testified, if the devil tries to steal your Miracle, you would say, you are wasting your time, I have Testified and the Heavens have heard me say so.

He expects you to Testify!

David said in Psalm 89:1 – It is one of the Beautiful Songs we sing.

I will Sing of the Mercies of the LORD
For ever I will sing of the Mercies of the LORD;
With my mouth will I make known
Thy Faithfulness, Thy Faithfulness:
With my mouth will I make known
Thy Faithfulness to all Generations.

He expects you to Testify.

When He healed that Leper in Mark 1:40-46, out of compassion, He broke Protocols – Healed the Leper. He even told him “don’t tell anyone.”

The Leper said, how can I keep quiet? After all these great things You’ve done for me, how can I keep quiet?

  1. He expects you to Stick to Him:

Bartimaeus followed Jesus in the way.

From that moment onward he said, wherever You go, I’ll go with You. And that is one of the reasons why he never lost his Miracle because he stayed with the Miracle Worker.

God expects you to stick with Him.

In John 15:4 He says, Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

You want to continue to enjoy all the Blessings of tonight? Abide with Him!

  1. Finally, He expects you to Stay Away from Sin:

Because Proverbs 10:28 says, The hope of the Righteous shall be Gladness: but the Expectation of the wicked shall Perish.

Continue to live a Life of Holiness, a Life of Purity; and your tomorrow would be alright.

I beg you, don’t listen to those People who say: Once you are Born Again you can continue to live in sin. That is not true!

My God is a Holy God. You cannot continue in sin and expect Grace to abound. God forbid!

You want to keep on enjoying the benefits of Grace? You must stay away from sin, because God is Holy.

May I conclude; God is passing by tonight.

According to Revelation 3:20; He says, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any Man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

He is at the door tonight, open the door and He will come in and all your Expectations will be fulfilled.


So those of you who have not yet opened the door to Him, do so tonight. The Greatest Favour you can do to yourself is to say bye bye to a Life of sin, and surrender Genuinely to the Almighty God, the Holy One of Israel.

You know, He made a Promise that when you come unto Him, it doesn’t matter how dirty your Past has been, He says, “I will in no wise cast out.”

It is written in His Word that when you come to Him there is enough Power in His Blood to wash away all your sins.

So, if there is anyone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ;

Or you claim to have Surrendered your Life to Jesus, but you are still living in sin, I appeal to you, come very quickly. Come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

I will count from one (1) to ten (10); before I say Ten (10) make sure you are already Standing here.

Then we will Pray with you and the Lord will save your Soul. And these Wonderful Expectations can be yours also.

Begin to come quickly, God Bless You. As I begin to count…

Thank You – Those of you who are clapping; your hands will never wither – Amen.

Come for a Brand New Beginning.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old Things are Passed away; behold, all Things are become New.

Go ahead begin to talk to the Almighty God. Ask Him to have Mercy on me. Ask Him to Save my Soul, ask Him to become your Lord and Saviour.

Promise Him that you will serve Him from now on.

And the rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands to these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul would save their own Souls also.

That He will forgive them, He would wipe away all their sins with His Blood: that He would become their Lord and their Saviour.

Intercede for them Brethren.

And if you are a Backslider: you knew Jesus before, but you have gone back to a Life of sin and you want to be restored back to Him, come now. And I will Pray a Prayer of Restoration for you.

So if you want to reconnect to Jesus, cons quickly too.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Bless Your Holy Name.

I want to Thank You very, very much for Your Word.

And I want to Thank You especially for these People who have come forward, asking for Genuine Salvation.

Please Lord, receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Forgive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Let Your Blood wash away their sins, in Jesus’ Name.

Please, as You are saving their Souls tonight, write their names in the Book of Life. Let them become True Children of God.

The Backsliders among them, take them back O LORD.

And from now on, anytime they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.

Do it O LORD, and we will give You all the Glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

I rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

From now on, I Promise you by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you. And very soon you will be receiving Miracles you didn’t even ask for. And you will know somebody somewhere is Praying for you. And that someone will be me.

So I am going to need your Names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

When you are writing, Please write the correct Address because when I ask God to send your Miracle it will be sent to the Address.

So if your Address is wrong, the Miracle will go to the wrong Address.

Congratulations! God Bless You – Amen.

Now, if you want to clap for my Jesus, you do it very well.


Now it is time to Pray; and you are going to Pray Intensely.

You may want to write down your Prayer Points:

  1. You want to Thank the Almighty God that at long last, your own Day of Mercy has come.

Thank Him for bringing you to your Set Time of Favour tonight.

… Your Prayer you are going to Pray tonight is not a Prayer of begging; it is a Prayer of Demand by Faith.

  1. You will cry unto Him and say: Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I demand that Forces of Darkness will leave me alone from now on.
  2. You will say: Father, I demand that You will hear me tonight.
  3. You will say: Father, if You have to stop the Heavens and Earth to attend to m tonight, so be it.
  4. You will say: Father, we are many here tonight, Please locate me among this crowd.
  5. You will say: Father, I demand that Poverty will leave me alone from tonight.
  6. You will say: Father, don’t let me ever be lonely again for the rest of my Life.
  7. You will say: Father, I demand that for the rest of my Life – No More Fruitless Efforts.
  8. Another other Major Prayer you want to add – Your Personal Prayer Requests.

As we do it in Nigeria, the Altar is Open now!

Cry to the Lord Intensely tonight; if you want you can Kneel down, you can Stand. Whatever Position you want.

I will give you at least Fifteen (15) Minutes. But make it very intense.

Go ahead, begin to pray.

Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


I want to Pray for you now. It will be in your own interest if you can say Amen loud and clear:

The Lord will grant your Requests.

Darkness will leave you alone.

All Forces of Darkness operating in your home, I decree that they are bound.

I decree that they loose their hold on your family.

I decree tonight that God would hear you.

He will answer your Prayers; He will Locate you; He will Remember you.

Whatever Laws He has to cancel so that you can receive all your Expectations, He will cancel tonight.

Poverty will become a Stranger to you.

You will never beg again; You will never borrow again.

That Person that God says will become a “Poverty Destroyer” will be you.

Among those who will sing Songs of Victory, your own Song would be the Loudest.

You will never be Lonely again.

You will never Fail again.

Every Ground you have Lost as a result of Fruitless Efforts, you would regain them.

Your Story will become a Big Testimony.

And the Grace to stick to Jesus, God will give unto you.

Your tomorrow would alright.

So shall it be!

And you would serve God. Oh! Like never before, you would serve God.

You will Testify. The world will hear your Testimony.

Through your Testimony several Souls would be saved.

God will use you to Perform Miracles.

It shall be well with you!

It shall be well with you!!

It shall be well with you!!!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

If you’ve received that, shout a Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You! You can go back to your seats.

Glory be to God.

Few things to be done before we will be on our way:

  • We will give you opportunity to ask for your Christmas Present early.
  • We will Anoint your Handkerchiefs, so that you would have a Mantle, just in case the enemy tries to misbehave: not in your own Life;

… He is going to stay away from you – Amen!

But in the lives of Neighbours, you can go ahead and chase the devil out.

But before we do all that, I think we should say Thank You to Jesus.

How many of you believe God has been Good to you tonight? The DMC Family Members!

If you think Tonight has been Special, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Very quickly, let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering.

Back home in Nigeria we usually would Place the basket in front where you can reach them. So you can dance to the basket and drop your Offering because God loves a Cheerful Giver.

But whichever way you do it in UK, may God out of His Mercy accept your Offering – Amen!

For the next Five (5) Minutes, while you take your Offering, I believe the Band will sing.

Okay! You can dance for as much as you want after I finish here.


I want you to use two (2) Minutes to ask God for your Christmas Gifts and for your New Year (2025) Gifts.

If I were you – That Miracle so Big that the Almighty God said you are even afraid to ask, I would make it one of the Requests.

… Let’s begin to bring our Prayers to a Close.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


If you have Handkerchiefs or any Piece of Cloth that you want the Almighty God to Anoint, raise it up to Him now.

I am going to Pray; I would Wave my hand, and the Spirit of God would move and He would touch all these Pieces of Clothes.

Thank You Daddy!

I Thank You because I know with You all Things are Possible.

I’m asking Lord God Almighty, as I Wave my hand in Your Name:

That all these Pieces of Clothes lifted up to You now become saturated with Your Anointing.

So Mightily Lord, that wherever each one is used, Yokes will be destroyed, Miracles will happen, there will be Signs and Wonders, and Your Name will be Glorified.

As for the Requests of Your Children, as Christmas and New Year Presents – My Father and my God, You can do everything in advance.

Even before the end of this Month (September 2024) let the Answers come; Let the Miracles come; Let the Testimony come!

And whatever they should have asked for, that they forgot, or didn’t consider important; Father, just add to them.

Glorify Your Name Lord.

Let their cups run over.

And my Lord and my Saviour, I am going to ask these Your Children to Prophesy to themselves. Even as they do so, Establish it.

Bless their Offering, Lord.

Oh! Thank You Father.

The Lord says there is Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC that the Doctors have written you off.

He asked me to tell you: by Monday, when you go to see the Doctors, they will be Surprised – Amen!

Go in Peace!

My Daddy will be with you. He will Support you, He will Strengthen you, He will Fight your battle for you.

He will accept your Offering, He will use it for His Glory. And you will never Lack.

You will serve the Lord. And by the next time we meet, your Joy would be more than this.

It shall be well with you.

And if the Lord Returns before we meet again, none of us would be left behind.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, Lay that Handkerchief on your own head and Prophesy to yourself for at least Five (5) Minutes.

Please, Nobody would stop you. Go ahead, call your Name and begin to Prophesy to yourself:

The DMC Family Members:

It is going to be well with you.

God is going to move you from Glory to Glory and from Success to Success.

You will never know Sorrow again and your Joy will always Overflow.

The Enemies that are against you will become your footstool.

Go ahead, Prophesy to yourself!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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