Thank You Lord.


What a Mighty God we serve
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and Earth adore Him (even)
Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve.


Ancient of Days, the One who never grows Old; the same Yesterday, the same Today, the same forever more.

The Father of all fathers, the Unchangeable Changer, we Worship You.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

And Thank You on behalf of these Your Children – Thank You for the Salvation of their Souls, Thank You for keeping them in Your Love, Thank You for their Journey Mercies from various Places up to this Place.

Thank You for all the blessings they have received.

Father accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight in their lives, Father do something You’ve never done before.

Change their Destinies tonight, do something very, very Special for them tonight.

And Lord, at the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

But before you sit down – Because there might not be time by the time I finish; I want to Pray for those who need Special Prayers.

So if anybody is in need of Special Prayer, just raise your hand wherever you may be, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC.

In that case, talk to Jesus for about two (2) Minutes – Tell Him that Special thing you want Him to do for you.

Go ahead, talk to the Lord, so that I can then Pray for all of us.

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My father and my God, Thou that heareth Prayers, unto whom all flesh shall come.

You have heard the cry of this Your Children – As many as we may be, You know our individual Needs.

Please Daddy, today lay Your Mighty hands on each one of us.

Let your Resurrection Power flow through each one of us.

Anything in our System that You have not Planted there, Uproot in Jesus’ Name.

Because You are laying Your Hands on us, Your Great Anointing – Let it destroy every yokes in our lives.

Whatever it is that is not allowing our Joy to be full, destroy it today.

Whatever is slowing down our Journey to the Top, destroy it today.

Any Obstruction to our Dominion, destroy it today.

In years to come, when this Your Children would have become Mighty Men and Women of God, let them remember tonight as the beginning.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her: I have already received my own.

And then you may Please be seated – God Bless You!

I have watched your Program from the very first day:

I saw your Opening Ceremony – I saw many of you bringing Plantain, and I was saying to myself: even if I don’t eat any other thing than boli (DMC NOTES: “Boli” means Roasted Plantain); I’m not sure that I can finished these Plantains in one (1) year.

Thank you very much!

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Matthew 11:12 – And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence, and the Violent take it by force.


The word Dominion is from the word Dominate.

To Dominate means to be in Charge; to be the one Controlling situations.

I am sure my children will give us several other definitions tomorrow (Friday, Day 5 of the RCCG IYC Convention 2024) when they begin to Minister Zone by Zone.

But for the time being, just take this Simple definition from me that – To have Dominion is to dominate; to be in Charge.

Before the White Men came:

I. Africans had their own Kings – They ruled themselves.

II They had their own Armies – They fought with bows and arrows, spears, clubs, swords.

Then the White Men came with guns, and by brutal force, they took over. They defeated the Armies of the Black People, and for years, they had Dominion.

Almost invariably, Dominion is achieved by Force.

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers Violence.”

You will hear deep deep Teachings tomorrow, but manage this one first.

Usually the Strong rules over the Weak.

If you want to be the one in Charge – You want to be a World Boxing Champion, you must defeat the Opponent.

My Coach when I was a Boxer used to tell me or used to tell those of us under him – When you enter into the ring with the Opponent, make sure that at the end of the fight only one fellow remains Standing.

Don’t win by Point because the Referee can be settled.

But if you knock out your Opponent, there’s nothing the Referee can do.

So you go in there with brutal force – “I am going to dominate this fight. At the end of it, I am going to be called the Champion.”

How many of you will leave this Convention as Champions? The DMC Family Members!

Let me hear you by the sound of your Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

You want to Dominate? Among other things, like I keep saying, my children will tell us more tomorrow;

  1. You must learn how to Praise God Violently.

How must you Praise Him? Violently!

How did David become king? He wasn’t the firstborn in the family, he wasn’t even recognised by Man. But Promotion comes from God and it’s God who decides who is going to reach the Top and who will not.

1 Samuel 2:7-8 says: It is God who would decide who goes up, who comes down.

The LORD maketh Poor, and maketh Rich: he bringeth Low, and lifteth up. He raiseth up the Poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the Beggar from the dunghill, to set them among Princes, and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: for the Pillars of the Earth are the LORD’s, and he hath set the world upon them.

Acts 13:21-22 – He said I have found David, who will do all my Will, and he made him King.

And he began to dominate Lion, dominate Bear, dominate Goliath, dominate the Brothers who said you can’t become a King – He dominated them all.

Why? He knew how to Praise God. And he didn’t do it gently. David Praised God Violently.

In 2 Samuel 6:14-23 when he was dancing, the Bible says he danced with all his Might – That wasn’t a gentle Praise.

And David danced before the LORD with all his Might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. And as the Ark of the LORD came into the City of David, Michal Saul’s daughter looked through a Window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.

The unfortunate thing is that many of us Children of God, we don’t appreciate that.

When we are Young in the Lord, we Praise God freely. But as we begin to grow in the Lord, our Praise becomes more Gentle, more Civilized, more Polite.

David, even after he became King said now it’s time.

In the Passage I read to you (2 Samuel 6:14-23) the wife saw him dancing vigorously. The Bible says he danced so vigorously his belly came out of the dress. The wife said, “look at you, King, dancing like that.” He told the wife, you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m dancing for the one who made me King.

When you Praise God from now on, Praise Him violently.

I’ve just returned from Britain, and you know over there, everything is done quietly.

I told my children, if you conform and you become quiet like these People – These are the People who brought the Gospel to us, we are now bringing the Gospel to them.

If you too cool down, you miss it.

They say, God is not deaf, why must we shout when we Praise Him?”

What happened on the Day of Pentecost? One hundred and twenty (120) People were Praising God, the whole City heard.

You want to be on Top? You want to be the one in Charge? Your Praise must be the Violent type – That’s number one!

  1. Your Giving must be of the Violent Type.

Take Solomon for Example, in 2 Chronicles 1:6-15, before Solomon offered a Thousand Burnt Offering to God, Nobody had gone beyond seven (7) before. But this boy said, seven (7) for my God? And you know he wasn’t a very Brilliant fellow.

So when the Priests saw him bringing in the cows, by the time they were getting to hundred they said, “we hope Kabiyesi (King) is alright?” He gave a Thousand Burnt Offering!

What did God say to Him when He visited him? He said, there’ll be no King like you – Before you; there will be no King like you and after you.

That’s Dominion Men!

By the time you get to 2 Chronicles 7:5, he said, what I have done is a joke. He moved on to twenty two thousand (22,000) cows, Plus a hundred and twenty thousand (120,000) Sheep.

And God said, alright! Throughout your Lifetime you will not fight a Single war.

Because Kings fought wars to enlarge their Domains; God said, I would see to it that in your Domain Nobody will even think of tampering with you.

By the time you read 1 Kings 4:24, the Bible tells us, he had Peace all round – That’s Dominion!

I am going to be talking to everybody as soon as God Permits me.

I’m going to be apologising for making a Mistake.

For saying that if you don’t pay Tithe, you might not make it to Heaven – I am sorry, that’s wrong; that’s not in the Bible.

What the Bible says is that we should Follow Peace with all Men, and Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord – DMC NOTES: Hebrews 12:14

Listen to me, you know it is Possible to be right and wrong at the same time – I’ll prove it to you.

I am a Scientist, so I know that for years we thought that Light travels in Straight lines.

Now, is that correct?

At least those of you who know a little bit of Physics would say sure, Light does not bend, it usually goes Straight.

But later we’ve discovered that Light does not travel in one direction; Light travels in waves – Going in one direction but in waves.

It is wrong to limit you to Ten Percent (10%) Tithe, at a time when some of you should be Tithing 20%, 30%, 40%, etc.

Ten Percent (10%) Tithe should be for beginners.

I believe God will give me the opportunity very soon to tell you the details because Giving should be Violently.

You want to be the one at the Top? You want to be the one who will Control Finances? You are going to go far, far beyond Ten Percent (10%) Tithing.

I’ve told you the Story before – I don’t know why I am Preaching this Sermon before it’s time. Maybe it’s because God wants to to hear it first:

Several years ago, I went to Kenneth Haggin Camp Meeting, and they wanted to Raise Fund for their Bible College.

A man came on Stage; he got Permission from them and said, Please let me talk – He called his wife and they whispered.

And the husband made the announcement – He said, my wife and I have agreed, “whatever all of you shall contribute is what we shall contribute.”

At that Meeting we were seventeen thousand (17,000).

Those who didn’t want to contribute before said, you are in trouble – And at the end of the day, People went out of their way to Give and those who didn’t want to Give before gave angrily.

At the end he said, Please count it, I want to know the Total amount.

They counted the whole thing and it was 3.5 Million Dollars ($3,500,000).

We said now you are in trouble.

But he said, Brethren, is that all you can do?

So I Concluded, “this Man knows something I don’t know – I must find out his Secret.

After the Service, I cornered him, “Sir, tell me your Secret – I came all the way from Africa.”

He said, you want to know? I said yes, I want to know.

He said, five (5) years ago, I started a Company with five hundred Dollars ($500). And I said to God, “You are my Senior Partner, the Business is Yours. Prosper the Business and I will not insult You with Ten Percent (10%) Tithe. I would give you Ninety Percent (90%) Tithe.

He said Sir, five (5) years later, my Turnover now is Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000).

I said, is that so? He said, yes Sir. I said ok Sir. Thank you!

From that day onwards, I have been increasing my own Percentage Steadily.

I’m not at Ninety Percent (90%) Tithe yet but I’m far from Ten Percent (10%).

It’s wrong for me to say you should be paying only Ten Percent (10%) Tithe – No, No, No! Because we are going to Dominate.

Whether you believe it or not, by the Special Grace of God, there are People here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: When they are talking about the Richest People in the world, they would mention your name – Amen!

Violent Giving!

  1. Violent Soul Winning

In Acts 8:5-8 – You know the Story; Philip went to Samaria.

Just one Young Fellow like you and turned the whole City upside down – Violent Soul Winning!

Somebody came to me, I think it was Last Month (September 2024) – He said they’re talking of Vision 2032. I said: “Yes! So you’ve heard of it?” He said: “Yes!”

He said, “but daddy I feel embarrassed.”

I said, “What do you mean?” He said “you mean we have to wait ten (10) years?”

He said, “I thought you told us we should be doubling every year?”

… Violent Soul Winning!

He said: “This is not how you began Daddy. I said: “No!”

Because he was telling the Truth – I started Soul Winning Violently .

The very first Easter after I became Born Again – I became Born Again in July. The following Easter I took as many Young People as could follow me to somewhere in Badagry (Lagos Nigeria). I said, let’s go and enjoy Easter Monday.

Before we went there, I told everybody, just bring whatever food you have, when we get there we would combine.

Believe it or not, that is the cradle of what became the Congress – I won souls Violently.

In my Place of work at the University of Lagos – God may help you meet somebody who was there then.

During break time, I compelled all those who were under me – Messengers, Cleaners, Typists, etc.

You must come to my Office for Bible Study by force.

But they began to enjoy it and before you know it – No Liar will make it to Heaven; so you know I am tell you the Truth.

A time came that during break time at the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos (Nigeria) you cannot find any Typist, Messenger or Cleaner on his or her Duty Post.

Why? We were having Bible Study.

When my Office could no longer contain us, we found a Classroom – During break time, Nobody is supposed to be on break; and they reported me to my Head of Department, and he called me. He was Professor Chike Obi of Blessed Memory – “Abeboye!” I said, Sir. He said, anybody who says you should not talk about Jesus Christ is wasting his time. I said, yes Sir.

He said, but you are turning the Faculty upside down – I’m not asking you not to Preach. I know if I say that I’ll be wasting my time. But could you Please wait till we have closed Officially for the day before you begin to do the things you are doing? I said, thank you Sir, I agree.

By force! I Preached the Gospel Violently, not Gently – Nobody begged me. I knew how close I was to Hell before God saved my Soul.

Then I began to have Disciples who would Preach Violently.

I remembered a Case when one of my daughters was coming from Ilorin (Kwara State Nigeria) to Ibadan and boarded a taxi.

There was a Chronic Muslim with her in the car – As soon as they sat down and the taxi began to move towards Ibadan, she began to Preach.

She went on and on; by the time they got to Oyo, that Muslim Passenger said, I want to come down. “But you’ve paid for Ibadan.” He said, I want to come down. Why? Because my daughter won’t let him rest.

Violent Evangelism.

In Acts 21:8-14, the Holy Spirit sent a Prophet to Paul – Don’t go to Jerusalem, they are waiting for you there and you will be bound. He said, I am going. I am not ready just to be bound, I am ready to die.

I don’t want to begin to tell you Stories of what we have done.

There was a town in Kwara State, where they said Nobody dare goes there to talk about Jesus. And there wasn’t a Single Church there.

When I was in Ilorin and I heard about it, they said you cannot go there. I said, is that so? And there is no Church there? They said yes. I said, Good!

I came to Lagos, told my father-in-the-Lord, “they say there is a town in Ilorin where there is no Church, I want to go there and Witness: I just want your backing, can I go?”

My father-in-the-Lord said, you don’t need my Permission to go on that kind of Journey. I said, I just want to be sure and we went.

Today that Place where they said there should be no Church is where the Headquarters of a Province of RCCG is located.

… You want to be in control?

  1. You must Pray Violently.

Ordinary Prayers might not move your Mountains.

In Mark 10:46-52, the Bible says, when Bartimaeus heard that the Jesus was Passing by; he cried.

He didn’t whisper, he cried so much that the crowd around knew, this fellow was crying and they told him to shut up.

What did he do? The Bible says, he cried a lot more louder.

Did he get what he wanted? Yes, he did.

In Matthew 15;21-28, when that woman came to Jesus Christ and said, my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil.

She was so loud, the Disciples said to the Lord, this woman is disturbing us, send her away, her noise is too much.

Did she keep quiet? No.

When you don’t have Plan B you will Pray. When there is no where else to turn to, you will Pray.

I’ve told you, I was on this Campground in the early 1980s when God called me to Full Time Ministry.

I told Him, leave me let me continue to serve You as a Lecturer. The Government is paying me. So I am Preaching Your Gospel free of Charge – Somebody else is Paying, but now You are asking me to come Full Time.

And He told me, twenty four (24) hours is not going to be enough for what I have for you.

Then I came in Full Time.

As I was expecting the Church to grow, I was expecting Power, Miracles, Signs and Wonders that would draw the crowd and nothing seemed to be happening.

So one Night, I Prayed, Daddy forgive me we are alone, Nobody is hearing us.

I told You to leave me alone You didn’t agree. You have to do something – It’s either You empower me to do this job or You take me Home. I mean, I can’t go back to Lecturing, No!

Everybody has known that I have already resigned. It’s not one year now, it’s not two years.

He heard! And there was an Earthquake on this Campground.

We were in the very first Auditorium, and the total number of houses on this Camp then if you could call them houses, was less than thirty (30).

He heard! And the Ground shook – They could feel the Tremor as far as Ijebu Ode (City in Ogun State, Nigeria).

It was in the News – Pictures that were hung on the walls came crashing down. Because somebody Prayed on this Campground and things changed.

You are going to Pray Violently tonight!

And as I was watching, one of the Young Men who Preached – He told you about how to do the Praying: Do it in Tongues. Because Paul said, I Pray in Tongues more than you all.

If you are Praying with the Understanding, by the time you have Prayed for one (1) hour, you have already said everything you want to say. But if you are Praying in Tongues, one (1) hour, you are just warming up.

You want to have Dominion? You need Violence.

What do I say you need? Violence!

And now that you are Young, that is the time to do the job – Now that you have energy, you can jump up and down; Oh God

Before the Camp grew like this, I would start Praying from where we now call Open Heavens House – At Night, I would walk round the Camp.

All the Places where we now have houses were bush Paths then.

I would pass through the bush Paths, in the Jungle in the Middle of the Night; come this way, go to Lotto, come out on the Expressway, walk all the way back and then back home.

Many atimes, I would leave home at 11.00pm and return by 5.00am. sometimes it would be even 6.00am.

I remembered, in those days, I had my dogs with me – On one occasion, I have gone round and round, and my legs were aching me, after about six (6) hours or so.

And I sat on a Rock somewhere, and my dogs saw me sitting down, they felt ok, if he is resting, we too can rest. So the dogs stayed with me, and I fell asleep sitting on the Rock there.

You know, when you are Sufficiently tired, you can fall asleep Standing.

We were very few around here in those days. And some of them were going about their businesses and they saw me sitting on the Rock with my eyes Closed. They thought I was Praying, and so they wanted to come and greet me. And the dogs began to bark, and I woke up.

Now you Pray for ten (10) Minutes and you are waiting for somebody to ring the bell. And yet you want to be Greater than I?

And you are going to be Greater than I – Amen.

The moment you begin to Pray, don’t let anybody disturb you. And don’t Pray with the Understanding, just Pray in Tongues!

Blast open the Windows of Heaven by crying in the Language of the Most High God.

Everything you do as a Youth – The Bible says, I write to you Youth, because you are Strong. Use that Strength to take Dominion by Force.

Stand on your feet and begin to talk to your God – It’s up to you now.

Go ahead and just cry to the Most High God – I must have Dominion!

Just go ahead and cry to the Almighty God – Pray in the Spirit, not with the Understanding.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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