Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name.

Let’s give Him Glory, give Him Honour, He deserves it:

For Protection, for Provision, for the Salvation of our Souls, for keeping us in His Love – Let’s Worship Him!

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


What a Mighty God we serve (Hallelujah)
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and Earth adore Him (even)
Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve (what a Mighty God).


King of kings and Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, the Almighty God.

Jehovah El-shadaai; the the One who says, Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine; the Cattle upon a thousand hills are mine.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for the various Encounters we have had with You in the Past.

Thank You because we are about to have another one with You now.

Father, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I am Praying for all Your Children who are here today and all those who are connected to us all over the world, including those who are reading now on the Label of DMC:

Before the end of this Year (2024) Father, surprise them.

Bless them beyond measures.

Give them a Mighty Breakthroughs.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

And then tell your Neighbours on the right and on the left – You will hear my Testimony soon – Amen.

You may Please, be seated.

Proverbs 22:7 – The Rich ruleth over the Poor, and the Borrower is Servant to the Lender.

Don’t forget that this Month (October 2024); we are considering “Dominion.”

And I am here this Morning to decree into the Life of Someone, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

In the Name that’s above every other name, you will no longer be a Borrower – Amen.

Because the Rich will always rule over the Poor, let me say it one more time:

In the Name of the One who owns the whole Universe, You will no longer be called the Poor – Amen.

Consider 2 Kings 4:1-7 – It’s a Story you know very well.

It is the Story of a Widow who was in serious debt. And when the Creditors came, there was nothing worthy of sale in her house. So they told her, they would sell her children.

That is the Power of the Lender versus the Weakness of the Borrower.

That is why in Romans 13:8, the Word of God says, “Owe no Man anything, but Love.”

When the Almighty God told the woman through Elisha to go and borrow Vessels – Not money. “Borrow Vessels.”

Prepare for where God can pour oil.

Prepare for the Blessings that the Almighty God is about to release upon you.

  1. “Borrow Vessels” – That’s what God said. He didn’t say go to your Neighbours and borrow Money to pay the People you owe.

Otherwise, the debt will be Multiplied.

  1. “Borrow Vessels” – Borrow Ideas, not Money. Get an idea from God as to how you would make it.

And I am believing God today, that the Almighty God would drop an Idea in your Mind that would turn you to a Billionaire – Amen.

One idea from God is all you need!

God gave one idea to somebody that led to the creation of the Computer – One idea! “Do it this way; this will happen.”

And today, all over the world; the idea of one man has Changed the world.

That idea that would Change your world, so that you will never know what is called Poverty again, God would give unto you – Amen.

In Malachi 3:8-10, all that God Promised you is, “I will pour you a Blessing” – Just one (1).

And as God lives, that Single Idea that comes directly from Heaven – That will bring a Revolution to every facets of your Life, God would give you today (Amen).

It is just one (1) Encounter with God that Changed everything in my Ministry up till today:

“Son, what do you want for your Birthday?” – Daddy asked me. After He had repeated Himself – He said, I am the One talking.

And I said, I want all Members of my Congregation to receive a Miracle.

Daddy said Fine! “When you get home, call them together.”

That was the beginning of the Holy Ghost Service.

And now anywhere you go in the world – Any country I visit, if we tell them that there is going to be a Holy Ghost Service; everywhere, the Testimony has been, “we’ve never had a Service like this before.”

That was the beginning! – Just one (1) Encounter.

And I Pray for everyone of you here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

That Extraordinary Encounter that will Change everything about you forever; receive it today in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

In 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, you just need an Encounter with the God of Increase.

Paul said, “Yes I Planted and Apollos may water; but it is God who gives the Increase.”

Just follow His Instructions to the Letter.

In the case of the Widow we talked about; God told her step by step. Do this, do that!

  • Borrow empty Vessels.
  • Borrow not a few.
  • Lock the door upon you and your sons.
  • Let your sons begin to bring the empty Vessels to you.
  • In the meantime, you begin to pour out the little oil you say you have in the house.

And watch me move!

When God is giving you an idea that is going to transform every facets of your Life; initially, it may not sound logical.

Proverbs 11:24 says, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to Poverty.

How can you be Scattering and then be Increasing?

That’s Divine Idea! It may sound stupid to you.

But remember He says in Isaiah 55:8-9 – His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts.

When God gives you an idea – Because He is going to do something like that very, very soon; it may not make sense but Watch Him!

I remembered very clearly that I was Praying for one Holy Ghost Congress – I wasn’t Praying for Prosperity or anything: “Congress is coming, God we need Miracles, we need Signs, we need Wonders.”

When all of a sudden, He spoke to me and said, “Son, give me your two (2) cars.”

I had two (2) cars then – One is a Lincoln Town Car – Big American car and the other, a Lexus Jeep.

They were all bought for me – I didn’t have the Money to buy anything like that for myself.

And then He said, “give me your two (2) cars.” I Pretended I didn’t hear. I said, which of the two (2)? He said, “I said both!”

Then I began to quote the Bible to Him – Your Word says, if you have two (2) coats, give one (1) to your Neighbour. The Bible didn’t say give the two (2). He said, “I’m the One talking!” It didn’t make sense. Then I did what He said.

The Problem now is, “how do I move about?”

Somehow, we were able to move around.

By the end of the Second Month, I was able to get a Toyota Corolla.

And then God began to move! From that time till now – I didn’t have to beg for Transportation.

When He speaks, it may not sound reasonable but watch Him – He is the Almighty God.

“Do whatever He asks you to do, and He will surprise you.*

Now you need to remember, He said to the woman, “Close the door on you and your children.”

There are some Testimonies that you don’t share until they are Complete.

“Close the door!” Keep the Outsiders away.

When God is giving you a Spectacular Idea, learn to keep your mouth shut.

By the time the Testimony will come, People will know that God has been doing Great Things for you.

You see, that is why when I Pray for those who are trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb and they come the following Convention and they are Pregnant, I will say:

“We don’t want to see your Pregnancy – Keep that. Let us wait till the babies come.”

I have Good News for Somebody here listening to me today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: The world would hear your Testimonies – Amen.


What does it take to begin to Dominate Financially?

What does it take?

Just one (1) Encounter with God – That’s all it takes!

Just one Idea from the Most High – That’s all it takes!

One (1) Instruction from the One who is called Jehovah El-shaddai – The God who is More Than Enough; that’s all it takes!

Just one (1) Special Divine Encounter.

Followed by your Willingness to follow God’s instructions to the letter – Whatever He asks you to do, do it.

Don’t let People turn your head – Don’t let them fill you with Ideas.

Probably, that is why God asked the woman to shut the door on herself.

Close your ears, focus on God and at the end of the day, you will Laugh last – Amen.

Finally, when God has given you an Encounter; when He has done what He alone can do; then it will be time to Testify.

Because the woman now came to Elisha and said, Hey! When I came this Morning, I was down to Nothing but now my home is full of Oil.

The Man of God said, “Go ahead Sell, pay the Creditors; and enjoy for the rest of your Life.”

That kind of Breakthrough that will give you Dominion forever, you would have it today – Amen.

Subject to: If you are Willing to obey Him all the way – All the way!

I’ll remind you of just one more Story, and it will be time to Pray.

We were building the first Auditorium, and I’ve told all the Area Pastors – That’s all we had then (Six Areas).

We had Six (6) Areas; that’s how big we were!

I said, you go and build Hostels for their Area, where they will come and stay during the Convention.

Leave me and God with the Auditorium. The Auditorium then was a Giant – a Test of our Faith.

Then it was time to Roof, and the Carpenter came to me and said: Sir, we need Seventeen thousand Naira (N17,000).

… Naira then was Stronger than the Dollar.

Seventeen thousand Naira (N17,000) then is like somebody coming to me now saying, Daddy we need One and Seventy Million Dollars ($170,000,000).

I said Ok, I will Pray – I have no one else to turn to, except my God.

And all I had was one thousand Naira (N1,000).

And then one of the Area Pastors came, “Daddy Please, I need One Thousand Naira (N1,000) to roof my Dormitory, help me.”

I told him, if you don’t get out of my Office! I am looking for Sixteen Thousand Naira (N16,000) extra, you are looking for only one.

Up till today, I never know how he knew I had one thousand Naira (N1,000).

When he saw the way I spoke, he ran!

But as he was going God said, call him back; Give him the one thousand Naira (N1,000) that you have.

How can I give him? I have only one (1); I’m still looking for Sixteen (16). But God has spoken!

… He will speak to Somebody today – Amen.

You know the rest of the Story – He came back and I gave him the one thousand Naira (N1,000), and I was down to zero.

Let me tell you the Truth: I was not a Cheerful Giver that day (laughs). I was not Cheerful at all!

I began to grumble – And then God spoke to me and said, why are you grumbling my son? There were two (2) Problems: You needed Sixteen (16) extra, he needed one (1)

We have used your own one that you had to solve his Problem – There’s only one Problem left.

Before that day was out, somebody came all the way from Port Harcourt (Rivers State Nigeria) who had just collected her house rent. And God told her, “don’t sleep, take it to my son.”

And she brought me the house rent. And it was exactly Seventeen Thousand (N17,000).

Two (2) of us woke up in the Morning troubled:

One fellow was looking for One Thousand Naira (N1,000) – He was troubled.

I was looking for Sixteen Thousand Naira (N16,000) extra – I was troubled.

But by the end of the day, we were full of Joy.

I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, that instruction from the Most High God that would turn Sorrow far away from you, receive it today – Amen.


So if you are here, including those reading now on the Label of DMC and you haven’t Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; you don’t even know what I’m talking about.

But the Bible says, you taste and see that the Lord is Good.

If you would want to begin to live your Life having an Encounter with God;

You want to live according to God’s Instructions;

You want to obey God in all Things;

You want to Surrender your Life to Jesus;

Come very quickly.

I’m going to count from one (1) to four (4) – I would Pray for your Salvation; and then we would continue to Pray.

Let’s come quickly, if you want to give your Life Genuinely to Jesus Christ.

As I’m counting now…

Cry to the Almighty God. Ask Him to Please have Mercy on you; save your Soul.

Promise Him: I would serve You from now on, I would obey You – Be my Lord, be my Saviour.

And I would obey every Instructions that You would give from this moment onwards.

The rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also.

Let’s Intercede for them.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, we want to say Thank You for Your Word.

Thank You for these People who have come forward to Genuinely Surrender their lives to You.

Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Write their names in the Book of Life. And from now on, let them do your Will.

And from today, whenever they cry unto You for anything, Please answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

For in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

And, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

From now on, I Promise you by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you.

So I need your Names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

Congratulations! God Bless You – Amen.

Now if you are clapping, clap very well for Jesus Christ.

Amen! Praise the Lord.


Now let’s go ahead and give the Lord the kind of Offering that would show Him that from now on, you would obey Him to the very Letter.

So if God is telling you to give the kind of Offering you have never given before; it may be the beginning of your Encounter with Him.

Take your Offering, dance to the nearest basket, drop your Offering there (Online). And then I will be Praying for you.

Over to you Band.

Thank you very much!


… Now, before the Closing Prayer;

Some People wrote saying that they want Special Prayers. And they were asked to come to the Divine Encounter.

If you are one of such People, come to the Altar now:

Come and tell God what you would have told me in the Office if you had the opportunity to come in.

And then the rest of us, go ahead and call on the Almighty God.

Say, the very Special Divine Encounter that will give me Dominion Financially, let me have it today.

Go ahead, cry to the Lord.

Father, that very Special Divine Encounter that will give me Dominion Financially for the rest of my Life; let me have it today.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I Thank You because somehow I can feel it in my Spirit that today is going to be Special.

That Special Request of these Your Children, grant unto them.

Whatever they want – Something that You can do that would give them an opportunity to remember today for the rest of their lives;

Father, give unto them.

Meet all their Needs.

An Idea that will solve all their Problems once and for all, release unto them.

Bless the Offering of Your Children, Sanctify it.

From today onwards, give these Your Children Financial Dominion.

In a Miraculous Way, in a way that only You God can do it – Not in the devil’s way.

In Your Own Divine Way, give these Your Children Financial Dominion.

Let it be well with them.

Please use this Offering for Your Glory.

I Pray Lord God Almighty, that even before the end of this Month (October 2024); everyone of us would be Smiling.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear Somebody shout a big hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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