Our Father and our God, we want to Worship You.

The Light of the world, we Glorify Your Name.

We Pray that You will send Your Word. And the entrance of Your Word will bring Light to our lives, to our Ministries and to Brazil (DMC NOTES: By Extension the world).

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Please shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to them: God will bless you today!

And then, you may Please be seated – God Bless You!

I want to Thank the Almighty God for making it Possible for us to be together today.

I am sure that you will understand why I am sitting down? When you are over 80 years Old, then you will understand that Wisdom is better than Strength.

So, I am sitting down and I”my doing the right thing because in Luke Chapter 5, Jesus Christ entered the boat of Peter and sat down while the Congregation Stood.

So, I am doing the right thing and you are doing the wrong thing.

But you are Permitted to sit down – God Bless You!

I want to Share with you briefly on the Topic: “MINISTERS OF LIGHT”.

Matthew 5: 14-16:

  1. Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid. 
  2. Neither do men Light a Candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house. 
  3. Let your Light so Shine before Men, that they may see your good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

Jesus Christ is the Light!

In John 9:5; He Himself said that as long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.

In John 1: 4-5; the Bible says that in whom was Life and the Life was the Light of Men. And the Light Shines in Darkness, and Darkness cannot overcome it.

So the God we Serve – The Lord Jesus Christ is the Light!

Now, He turns round to His Disciples and said: Ye are the Light of the world.

Because He said so, then it must be True. Because Jesus Christ is also the Truth – He does not lie.

So, if He says that I am the Light, that must be what I am – If He says that you are the Light, you must be the Light.

So, I want you to turn to your Neighbours on your right and left and make a Declaration: “I am the Light of the world”.

And you are the Light of the world because Jesus Christ said so and because like Father, like the Children.

James 1:17 tells us that every Good and Perfect Gift comes from God; the Father of Light.

The child of a dog will be a dog, the child of an Elephant will not be a cow but it will be an Elephant,

If our Father is Light, then His Children must be Light – They call Him the Father of Light.

Now, Jesus Christ Shone and He expects you to Shine.

That is why in the Bible Text that I read to you; He says: Let your Light Shine so that People will see your Good Works and give Glory to your Father.

In other words, Jesus Christ is saying: Like I Shone on Earth, my Ministers too must Shine – You have no Choice but to Shine. It is by Force that you must Shine.

If in your Ministries you are not Shinning already, you must begin now.

Jesus Christ said in John 14:12 – He said that the works that He did, you must do also and Greater Works than this you must do.

My Beloveth fellow Ministers of God:

☆ You will not win the world for Jesus Christ by Ordinary Preaching.

☆ You will not turn the world over for Jesus Christ by Oratory.

To win the world for Jesus Christ, there must be Signs and Wonders!

Because Jesus Himself said that these People will not believe except they see Signs and Wonders.

And who are the People to give the world the Signs and Wonders? It is You!

I want you to Please believe me that it is within your Capacity, and within your Ability to Perform Miracles for God – He wants you to and He wants your Light to Shine!

I’m sure that many of us who are Ministers of God here and those reading now on the Label of DMC; had been troubled by the same thing – That when Jesus Christ says that you shall lay hands on the Sick and they shall recover; we have been troubled by the fact that: What happens if I lay hands on them and they don’t recover? And as a result of that, we have not laid hands!

The Question you should rather be asking yourself is: What happens if I lay hands and they recover? Because they will.

He didn’t say that you shall lay hands on the Sick and you will cause them to recover.

No! You lay hands and He will make sure that they recover.

You say: Oh, if I lay hands and they don’t recover; I will feel ashamed?

If you lay hands and they don’t recover, the Shame will not be yours – The Shame belongs to Him. And you can be sure that my God will never be ashamed.

Do your Part – You do your Part and He will do His Part.

As soon as you lay hands, His Power that is in you will flow through your hands to make sure that the Sick will recover!

You go through the Bible and you will find Examples upon Examples that those who move in Faith to do what Jesus says do, they get the results that Jesus said that they will get.

As a Young Minister, when I learnt that I can lay hands on the Sick and they will recover. I started secretly in my house – When my son has been Playing ball in the Compound and comes in and say daddy I have headache, I will take him into my room where Nobody can see us. I will make sure that there is Medicine for Headache nearby.

But I will lay hands on my son: In the Name of Jesus Christ, Headache go.

And I will be waiting if 5 Minutes the Headache not gone, then I can go to Plan B because my Faith was a small.

But God meets you at your Level of Faith and in less than 5 Minutes, my son will be well – So, I never needed Plan B.

Today, I can lay hands on Presidents when they are sick and they come for help because I know that Jesus will never fails.

He calls me Light and He cannot lie – I am the Light. And so I go forward in the boldness of the fact that He says that I am the Light and I go on Shinning and He has never failed.

From today onwards, you will go out Shinning and Jesus will not fail you – Amen!

  1. He cured the Incurable by Touching them.

In Mark 1: 40-45; a Leper came to Jesus – In those days, Leprosy was Incurable.

Jesus Christ touched him and immediately he was Cleansed.

In Acts 3: 1-11; Peter saw a Lame Man born Lame – Incurably Lame.

And he said to the Lame Man: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

When that Man didn’t get up, he took him by the hand – The Power of God flowed through Peter into the Lame Man and the Lame Man just jumped up.

Because Jesus said that the works I did, you shall do also, I am decreeing in the Name of Jesus Christ to all Ministers here or those reading now on the Label of DMC: From now on, you touch the Incurable, they shall be cured – Amen!

  1. He cured by His Dress

In Marks 5: 25-34; a Woman came from behind, touch the Hem of the Garment of Jesus Christ and she was healed.

The Bible tells us in Acts 19: 11-12 that God Performed Special Miracles by the Hand of Paul so that from his body, Aprons and Handkerchiefs were taking to the Sick and they were all healed.

Paul was doing what Jesus Christ did – Paul was just a Minister of God like you as he was not among “The Original 12 Disciples”. He was originally an Antichrist but God saved his Soul and what Jesus Christ said became Applicable to him.

Now, the Bible says that God Performs Special Miracles through Paul – It didn’t say that Paul Performs Special Miracles.

God is the Miracle Worker but He is looking for Vessels – Looking for Men and Women who will believe Him so that God can flow through them.

He has sent me to Brazil and by extension to the whole world through those reading now on the Label of DMC that you are the one that He has been looking for so that His Power can flow through you and so that we can bring Brazil and by extension the whole world to Jesus Christ!

  1. Now, He cast out devils by Speaking a Word!

In Mark 5: 2-15; there was a Man full of a Legion of demons; Jesus Christ spoke a Word and the demons left.

In Acts 16: 16-18; Paul did the same thing when a girl Possessed a Spirit of Divination was harassing him – He spoke a word, and the demons obeyed him.

I want you to know that if you are a True Disciple of Jesus Christ, demons recognise who you are and they fear you more than you fear them.

They even know what you don’t know about yourself – That you have the Power in you to cast out demons.

In Acts 19: 13-17; the Bible says that some seven sons of Sceva saw a Mad Man – A Man Possessed by demons and they said that we Command you devil: “Get Out in the Name of Jesus Christ that Paul Preaches.

The demons said: Jesus Christ I know, Paul I know.

That should make you Excited:

☆ The devil knows the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the Light.

☆ He knows you that God has made you Light.

The devil will obey Jesus Christ and he will obey you if you operate in the Name of Jesus!

There was a time that People thought that demons are only in Africa.

With due respect, there are demons in Brazil.

I don’t know the main difference(s) between the demons in Brazil and the ones in Africa.

I know that the demons in Africa are Uneducated – They didn’t go to the University and so easy to cast out because they are easy to recognise.

From the little that I have seen since I started coming to Brazil 40 years ago; the demons in Brazil are very similar to the ones in Africa.

They have one thing in common – When you Cimmand them in the Name of Jesus, they get out!

I am Commanding you in the Name of Jesus, go out from this Conference and begin to cast out demons – Amen!

When you Command them in the Name of Jesus, they will go!

I will tell you a Story;

A Young Man went somewhere to attend a Meeting – I didn’t know what kind of Meeting but he came back completely loaded with demons. So badly that he couldn’t Stand Up, he couldn’t Sit Up – He could only lie on the floor like Vegetable. And so, he couldn’t go to work, he couldn’t even go to the Toilet and they brought him to the Church.

And I said, I Command you kneel down because I want to Pray for you. His eyes full of fire said to me: I can’t kneel down.

I said I Command you. And he asked a very funny Question: He said in whose Name? I said that in the Name of Jesus and he said that is different and he knelt down.

I Prayed for him and I said now Stand Up. He said in whose Name? I said in the Name of Jesus Christ. And he said that is different and so he got up.

I said: Go now, you are free!

I didn’t wait for him to ask in whose Name – I said in the Name of Jesus Christ and he began to smile and he went home.

And that was the end of the Problem.

Let me do something that may appear Strange to you – You know that it is Possible to be a Minister of God and be Tormented by the Demon of Doubt and Unbelief!

In the Name that is above every other name; any demon Tormenting you or your Ministries, I Command them to go out now – Amen!

  1. Jesus Christ raised the Dead.

In Mark 5: 35-43; He entered the house of Jairus, drove out all those who are weeping and Commanded the dead girl to arise.

Peter did the same thing in Acts 36: 43 – Peter followed the same Pattern that Jesus Christ used. He drove out Mourners and then said to Dorcas arise.

And he got the same answer because he did the same thing that Jesus did.

I am in Total Agreement with you that as from now on, when you enter into the room where the dead lies; you will Command them and they will come back to Life – Amen!

Remember that it is written in 1 John 4:4 – That Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

That is the Settled Word of God!

I will tell you one more Story and then I will round up.

I was visiting a Country. When I landed at the Airport, one of my Pastor there who used to meet me at the Airport was not there.

And so I asked for him and they told me: Daddy, he is dying and in the Hospital.

I said: Can I branch at the Hospital? And they said sure.

In that Hospital, they have a Special Room where all Hopeless cases are put – If they send you to that Room, it means that the next time you are comimg out of the Room, it will be leg first.

I got there, my son had been sent to that Room – He had Cancer, the PSA (DMC NOTES: “PSA” means Postrate Specific Antigen) is over 4,000 and there was no Hope for him.

I got there, and I Prayed for him – I Command the Spirit of Death to loose hold of my son.

I didn’t Pray for others in the Room because there are Countries in the world, if you Pray for the Sick when the Sick did not ask you to Pray for him, you can be arrested.

And so, I Prayed for my son alone and left – That was a Saturday.

2 or 3 days later, they discharged my son Completely Whole.

But that is not me – You may say that you must be a Big Man of God that you Prayed for Someone and he recovered.

No, it is not me!

How do I know that it is not me?

The day they were discharging my son, everybody in the Room was discharged also.

Why? Because Jesus Christ moved in.

☆ Jesus Christ is looking for Somebody who will take Him there.

☆ He is looking for Somebody who will go to all the Places where there are Hopeless cases so that He can show the world that there is still Hope – That Jesus Christ is still the Hope.

☆ He is looking for you to take Him to all the Places where there is Hopelessness.

☆ He is looking for you to Shine His Light.

Because when you Shine His Light, God will be Glorified and your Nation will be saved.

Let me Close by saying this:

Every Piece of wood has the Potential to become Fire.

All the wood needs to become fire is for Somebody to bring fire to it.

That is why every wood can be called Firewood.

Every Minister of God has the Potential to be Bright Light for Jesus Christ – All you need is Fire from God!

That Fire is here today!

I am ready to join my Faith with yours that as we Pray together, you will Catch Fire.

There are two (2) ways by which a Man can Catch Fire:

  1. He can Catch the Fire directly from God – Like Moses and Elijah.
  2. But then, there is a Second way where People can Catch Fire – Like Joshua.

God said that Joshua, the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of Wisdom because Moses laid his hands on him.

☆ Joshua got his Fire from Moses.

☆ Elisha got his Fire from Elijah.

I am not Strong enough to lay hands on everyone of you; but I am willingly to call on my God that as I Stretch forth my hands towards you, He will release Part of the Fire on me upon you!

And your Life and Ministry won’t be the same again!

But a wood will not Catch Fire if it is not dried.

If you are not Hungry and Thirsty for the Power of God, it doesn’t matter who lays hands on you; Nothing will happen.

But today, as many as are Hungry, and as many as are Thirsty for the Fire of God – As we stand together, as you lift your hands to God and I lift my hands to God and I Pray for you – You will Catch Fire.

Shall we Stand!

As many of you that has been Baptised in the Holy Spirit, I want you to be Praying in Tongues.

If you have not been Baptised in the Holy Spirit, just keep Praying – Lift your hands to Heaven and ask the Almighty God to send down His Fire on you, that your Ministry will Change and you will become Ministers of Light.

Go ahead and Pray!

And I will lift up my hands to Heaven and will Pray with you too!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You – I know that You answer my Prayers and I know that You will answer today.

I Command, my Father and my God that the Fire of the Holy Spirit will fall upon all these People inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; so that they will Catch Fire.

That from now on, the works that You did; they will begin to do so also.

That they will begin to heal the Sick;

That they will begin to cast out Demons;

That they will begin to raise the Dead;

So that Brazil (And by extension the entire world) might be saved.

Do it for us Oh Lord and we will give You all the Glory.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

If you believed, give the Lord a round of Applause!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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