Let Us Pray!


You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Almighty God, the Controller of Heaven and Earth – We Worship You.

We are Proud of You Father because You are the Lord of Host – Nobody can fight against You and win.

We are Proud that You are our Father and we have You on our Side.

You are the One who said that we are More Than Conqueror simply because You love us – Thank You for Loving us Lord.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today, in the Life of everyone of us; show Your Almightiness, fight our battles for us and give us Total Victory.

Victory over Sickness, Victory over Disease, Victory over Poverty, Victory over Sorrow, Victory over Barreness.

Father, just give us Total Victory and just let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her: The Lord will fight for you!

And then, you may Please be seated.

We want to jump to Joshua 18: 1-3 – I know that you want to say from Chapter 14 to Chapter 18? What about Chapters 15, 16 and 17?

Well, like I said: Whatever I omit, the Holy Spirit will teach you!

Joshua 18: 1-3

  1. And the whole Congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the Tabernacle of the Congregation there. And the Land was Subdued before them.
  2. And there remained among the children of Israel seven Tribes, which had not yet received their Inheritance.
  3. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to Possess the Land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?

… The Lord God of your Father had given you the Land:

☆ Why are you Slack to go to Possess the Land?

☆ How long will you delay your Blessings?

☆ How long before you take Action to Possess your Possession?

Today, we want to discuss a very important Issue – “THE ISSUE OF TIME”.

Many, many of us; Particularly Children of God, treat Time with Levity – We waste a lot of Time, we are slow in doing what we even say that we will do, and we leave till tomorrow, what we can do today!

We waste Time on Things that do not matter.

So, I feel an urgency in my Spirit to discuss with you “The Issue of Time”.

Many of those who are close to me accuse me of only one thing – Impatience! They always say that: Oh God, why is he always hurrying us?

Because Time does not wait for anybody – And once Time is gone, it is gone!

It doesn’t matter your Anointing, you cannot bring back Last Year!

And there are some opportunities that once they are Lost, they are Lost forever!

When I got to conduct Holy Ghost Service in Nations of the world, Particularly in areas where we have never held it before; I always tell them: Be at alert because the Holy Spirit flows like a River.

And if by the Time the River flows in your direction and the Almighty God said that there is Someone here – And you are that Someone. But at that Time, your Mind is on something else. And after God had Spoken, you heard Somebody near you say Amen and then you turn to the Fellow and say: What did he say? By then, it is gone.

Only God has Control over Time – This is very, very Crucial

Daniel 2: 20-21 says: He Controls Times and Seasons. He is the Only One who has Control over Time.

Why? Because He is the One who Created Time!

Genesis 1: 1-5 – He is the One who began to talk about the Evening and the Morning, the First Day.

He Created Time for Man. But He (That is God) lives in Eternity – From Eternity to Eternity, He is God.

According to Psalms 115:3; the Only One who Controls Time, does as He Pleases in Heaven:

  1. According to Joxhua 10: 12-14; He can Stop Time.

When Joshua was fighting and Night was about to fall, he cried to God and God Suspended Time – He said: Hey, Sun stay where you are for almost a day.

  1. He can Reverse Time – Even though He did it only once in History.

In Isaiah 38: 1-8; when He Promised to give a King 15 Extra Years; He said that I will show you a Sign – I will ask the Sun to go backwards.

  1. He can Advance Time – He can bring the Future to the Present because He is the Alpha and Omega.

Like He did in John 2: 1-11 – When in the Marriage in Cana of Galilea, they lacked wine. And His mother came to Him and said: My Son, they need a Miracle here. He said to the mother that my Time has not yet come.

But because of the Faith of His mother – Because His mother said to those who are Standing by: Don’t Pay attention to what He has said, just do whatever He Commands you.

He Accelerated Time – He brought “Not Yet” to “Now” – Because He is the Only One who can Control Time.

In Matthew 15: 21-28; if you know how to approach Him, He can bring your Miracle from “Not Yet” to “Now”.

When a woman came to Him and began to cry to Him for Help for Deliverance for her daughter. Amd Jesus Christ said that it is not yet Time for the Gentiles and He said that I can’t give the Bread of Children to dog.

And the Woman Worshiooed Him – That I know that I am a dog but this dog won’t go away until you give her, her Miracle. Jesus Christ granted her Request.

The Time of the Gentiles didn’t come until Acts Chapter 10 – Years later.

But the woman knew how to bring “Not Yet” to “Now” by the way she approached God.

  1. He is the Only One who can delay Time and yet be on Time.

Matthew 25: 1-13 tells you the Story of the ten Virgins that went to receive the Bridegroom. And the Bible says that the Bridegroom tarried.

Many People are wondering: Why has Jesus Christ not come till now?

He Controls Times and Seasons – He is the Only One who has the Privilege to delay and still be on Time.

In Mark 5: 21-23; Jairus said Please come and heal my daughter before she dies. He said: Alright, I will go with you

On the way, a woman came from behind – The woman with the Issue of Blood and stopped Jesus Christ on the way by stealing a Miracle.

And Jesus Christ said: Who touched me? – You know the Story.

While they were discussing: Who touched me and who didn’t touched me; the daughter died because there was a delay.

But Jesus Christ told Jairus: Don’t worry, I will still be on Time.

He still brought the daughter back to Life.

In John 11: 1-44; it was when Lazarus was sick that they sent for Jesus. The Bible said that he waited for another 4 days. By the Time He arrived, the Sister said: If You had been here on Time, my brother won’t have died.

He said: Don’t worry yourself; I have the Privilege of delaying and still being on Time.

But you are not God; you have no Control over Time – You can’t delay and still be on Time.

In John 9:4; Jesus Christ said clearly while He was here on Earth – He said: The Night comes when no Man work.

Brother/Sister, work while it is day!

He said that: I must work the work of Him that sent me while it is day. Why? Because the Night is coming when no Man can work (John 9:4).

Why must you always be in a hurry? Why must you make sure that you don’t waste a day from today till the rest of your Life?

It is that some doors don’t stay open forever – If God has given you an open door, move Fast!

In the Story of the ten Virgins that I mentioned earlier – Matthew 25: 1-13; as soon as the Bridegroom came, the five Virgins who were ready went in with the Lord Jesus Christ and the door was shut.

When the five foolish Virgins came and they knocked the door – Lord, we are here! We have been waiting for You before – It is because you delayed, that is why our Lamp went out. He said: I don’t even know you!

And once God shuts the door, that door is shut.

Genesis 7: 13-16; for years Noah had been warning the People – A flood is coming, get into the Ark of Salvation. The People said: Which Rain? Where will the Rain come from? As at this time, Rain had never fallen.

As soon as the Rain began to fall; as soon as those who are willing to act had already moved into the Ark; the Bible said that God shut the door – It wasn’t Noah that shut the door.

His Relatives came when they suddenly saw what is going on – Water is coming from under the Ground and Rain was falling from Above.

They ran to the Ark – They knocked and cried to Noah: Noah, open the door for me. Don’t you know me? I am so, so, so; we are together in Primary School.

Once God shut the door, Nobody will be able to open it.

Revelation 3:7 says that: When He closes a door, no Man can open it.

When you read Genesis 27: 30-37; you will discovered that a little delay can be very costly.

Because the Bible says that Isaac called Esau – Go and get me food; the kind that I will enjoy so that I can bless you.

Esau went and before he came, Jacob had already brought food to Papa – Papa had eaten and had Poured the Blessings on Jacob.

The Bible said that just as Jacob was getting out of the door; within Seconds of Jacob disappearing, Esau came. But it was late.

And Bible Scholars believed that it is most likely that Esau Prepared the food and decided to eat Part of it – He just wanted to have his own share of the food before bringing the remainder to Papa.

… Papa is not going anywhere now! Let me finish my own bit – All because he loves food!

There are certain things that you can’t even say that I will do after eating!

There are certain things you have to do at a Particular moment.

You must learn to be in a hurry – A little delay can be costly.

You must learn as they say in an English Proverb – “You must learn to Strike the Iron while it is hot”.

Because when it became cold, you can’t make the same Amendments that you could make while the Iron is hot.

2 Kings 13: 14-19 – You know the Story!

Elisha was about to die and the King came to him and wept over him – Ha, my father my father; what am I going to do? You are the one defending this Nation – The Chariot of Israel and the Horsemen thereof.

And Elisha told him what to do – Okay, take bow and arrow and Shoot. He shot. Then after Elisha said: Take an arrow and smite the Ground.

After he smote three times he stopped.

And the Man of God said that why do you stop? You should have smitten five or more times, then your Victory would have been Complete.

I have told you before – If I was the King and I heard that three times is not enough; I will pick that arrow, keep smitting the Ground and he will be the one begging me to stop. But the King just stood there until the Bible says that Elisha died.

Smite the Iron when the Iron is hot – Child of God, Please don’t Play with this ever again!

Don’t say that I will Pray later on or I will do this or that later on – Hurry!

I am sure that those of you who has been quarrelling with me for always being in a hurry will learn and become my friend from now on.

You see, God has Time Table for everything!

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8; it says that: There is Time for Planting, Time for Reaping et cetera et cetera.

Everything has a Time according to His Time Table.

And do you know what He says in Psalms 102:13? He said: Thou will arise and have Mercy on Zion. Why? Because He said that the Set Time to Favour her has come.

God has a Set Time – You miss that Set Time, you will be in serious Trouble!

Several years ago, when we went to Ghana to host the first Crusade there – We went to host the Crusade in Kumasi. And I think that the Plane was supposed to depart around 11am. But I woke up in the Morning and the Almighty God told me: If you are still in Town by 8am, you will be in trouble.

I told the People that God said: Get out of Town before 8am – And everybody hurried.

By the Time we got to Accra, for one reason or the other, the Airline has Changed Time Table – We were the last to Board the Plane. We were just on time.

We had no extra Money – We would have been in serious Embarrassment.

In my Journeys across the world; I remembered on one occasion – We just left a Nation early in the Morning. Our Plane just took off at a Particular Period and then there was a Military Coup and the Airport was closed.

DMC NOTES: A Coup, is typically an illegal and overt attempt by a Military Organization or other Government Elites to unseat an incumbent Leadership.

Don’t waste Time – Don’t say that I have Time because really you don’t have!

Somebody said: “Time is Money” – No, Time is more than Money.

Time is Life!

And since you have started listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC; Time has been Passing.

When you read Acts 2: 1-4; the Bible said that when the Day of Pentecost was fully come; they were all together in one accord in the Upper Room et cetera et cetera. Then the Holy Spirit came.

☆ Do you know that if there had been one of the Apostles as at the Time that the Holy Spirit came who went to the Toilet; he would have missed it?

☆ Do you know that if any of the Apostles had Strolled in 5 Minutes after the Holy Spirit came, he would have missed out?

You don’t know when your Time of Visitation will be – And so, don’t waste Time anymore my Beloveth Children!

That brings us to one very important Point – Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7 says: Remember now thy Creator in the days of your Youth.

Don’t let anybody deceived you my Beloveth Children: We are all getting Old Per Seconds Per Seconds!

God does not measure in Years but in Days – Teach us to Number our Days, that we may apply our Heaets unto Wisdom (DMC NOTES: Psalms 90:12).

You are Older today than you were Yesterday – Don’t think that it is when you get 70 years or 78 years that you are Old. You get Old day by day.

And it says: Remember thy Creator now in the days of your Youth because a Time is coming that what you can do now, you will not be able to do again (DMC NOTES: Ecclesiastes 12:1).

And Probably, what is much more serious is the fact that according to Matthew 25:13 – Watch because you don’t know when the Lord will Return.

He is Coming back – He may even arrive before tomorrow Morning.

And when He comes according to 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; He will come in a Twinkling of an eye.

Do you know what that means? Within Milliseconds, He will come and those who are ready will be gone.

DMC NOTES: Millseconds means 0.001 Seconds

Those who miss it by Milliseconds, miss it forever!

Ask those who are very Close to me – My children, or Visitors who comes to my house, those that come to Night Prayer Meeting in our house.

Before we go to bed, they will tell you that I end every Prayer in the Evening by saying: “And Lord, if You return before tomorrow; Please don’t leave us behind”.

I have been Praying that Prayer since I got Born Again because you can sleep tonight and end up in Heaven by tomorrow Morning.


Which is why I am telling those of you who aren’t yet Born Again – The Bible made it Abundantly clear: Today is the Day of Salvation, now is the Accepted Time (DMC NOTES: 2 Corinthians 6:2).

Don’t say that you will leave it till Next Sunday – Now is the Accepted Time. You don’t even know if you will be around by Next Sunday. I don’t know if I will be around either.

Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now! And then you can be sure that you are not “Too Late”.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, will you Please bow your Head now wherever you may be and cry unto Him and say: Please save me now and have Mercy on me.

Thank You Father. For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Words.

And I want to Thank You for those who has urgently Accepted Your Call for Salvation.

Since they have decided to come to You now: Father Please save them now, have Mercy on them now, let Your Blood wash away their sins now, write their names in the Book of Life now, let them become Part of the Family of God now and Oh Lord, let everything become New for them from now on.

Any anytime they cry to You from now on, Please answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You forever.

Thank You Almighty God.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ because now after that Prayer, you are a Child of God.

And I will advice you to go to the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will tell you what to do next.

And very soon I will be hearing Good News from you!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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