Let Us Pray!


Praise Him, Praise Him
The King of Glory Praise Him
Praise Jehovah, Hallelujah Amen!


King of Glory, we will Worship You because of Your Mercy.

It is of Your Mercy that we are not consumed – Thank You that, that Mercy is renewed everyday.

That is why we are here again Lord God Almighty to Study at Your Feet.

Thank You Lord God Almighty for the Mercy that sorts us out and brought us to Salvation – We are very Grateful Lord.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today, as we gather together again at Your Feet, Please because of Your Mercy, send Your Words to us.

And even as it is written: Whenever you send Your Words, You bring Healings and Deliverance.

Bring Healings to us today, bring Deliverance to us today and just answer all our Prayers.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God Bless You Mightily.

And then, you may Please be seated.

We have now come to Part 56 in our Series: “For Who, The Heavens Opens”.

And as you know that all these weeks, we have been Studyimg the Life of Joshua – Using him as an Example of Someone for whom the Heavens Opened.

We will continue from where we left off in the Last Series (Part 55) – In which we were looking at Joshua 18: 1-3.

  1. And the whole Congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the Tabernacle of the Congregation there. And the Land was Subdued before them.
  2. And there remained among the children of Israel seven Tribes, which had not yet received their Inheritance.
  3. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to Possess the Land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?

The Last Time that we were discussing this, we discussed the issue of Time – How crucial Time is and how we must never waste Time again!

Today, we want to talk about the last bit of that Passage: “Possess the Land” – “POSSESS YOUR POSSESSION”.

Yes the Lord God of your father had already given you the Land but you must Possess it.

The kind of Faith that puts all responsibilities on God and none on you as an Individual is an “Irresponsible Faith”.

Oh, there is no doubt about it that when Jesus Christ said on the Cross that it is finished, we have the Complete work of Christ – He has Completed every things that God is going to do for your Salvation, for your Healing, for your Deliverance.

Everything is done:

☆ By His Stripes you were already healed.

☆ By the Blood that He shed, your Salvation is already Secured.

☆ With the same Blood, your Victory over Satan is Guaranteed. Because the Bible says that they overcame Satan by the Blood of the Lamb.

☆ Everything that I needed to be done including your Sanctification.

Because when He said that it is finished, He said now you can have the Heart of Flesh – The Stony Heart in you can be taking away and now there is a Heart available!

The Heart of Flesh is the Heart of God Himself.

Grace is Free. It is by Grace that you are saved – Ephesians 2: 8-9.

But you need to obtain it by Faith.

John 3:16 says that: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son.

But then, He added that whosoever believed in Him will not Perish but have Everlasting Life.

☆ Some People will want you to believe that because Jesus died for the world, the whole world will go to Heaven – Whether they received Jesus Christ or not.

☆ You will be amazed to know that there are People who Preached that everybody will go to Heaven and it doesn’t matter whether or not they get Born Again – That cannot be true.

☆ You will be amazed that People say that once you received the Lord Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour, there is Nothing more for you to do.

All you need to do is to ask them some Simple Questions – Thank God for the Great Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us when He died on the Cross.

☆ According to this People, we can say that there is no need for Fasting anymore because He has Fasted for us.

But the Apostle of Grace Himself, Paul said that I Fasted often.

Why will the Apostle of Grace Fast? We need to wake up and Possess our Possession.

God is not Father Christmas.

Even if Father Christmas gives you a Parcel, he expects you to open it – You still have a Part to Play.

  1. Psalms 23:5 says: Thou has Prepared a Table before me in the Presence of my Enemies.

God can Prepare a Table before you – He will not come down and put the food in your mouth. You should have a responsibility to eat.

  1. Exodus 14: 21-28; God opened the Red Sea for the children of Israel but He did not carry them through – They had to go through the Red Sea on Dry Ground and they did it in haste.

He can open a door for you but He expects you to walk through the door.

He opened the Red Sea and told Moses to tell the children of Israel to go forward.

Some of them could have said: Hey, what are you asking us to do? Look at water like Mountain on the Right and Left? Amd you want me to walk through this? I am not going.

God can’t do more than that – He will open the door for you but He expects you to walk through!

  1. In 1 Samuel 17: 34-51; you will noticed that the Bible said that David killed Goliath with a Stone.

I have told you before that it is God who guided that Stone to the forehead of Goliath.

I have told you that if anybody sees something comimg towards his face, as a matter of reflection, as soon as you see something comimg towards your face, you dodge it, or you bend your head without even thinking.

Goliath saw the Stone comimg but couldn’t move his head because the Mighty Hands of God kept the head fixed. And then guided the Stone straight to his forehead and the Stone got in and sunk and Goliath fell.

But do you know that God still expected David after that to do something extra – To take the sword of Goliath and cut off that head.

The African Elders has a Proverb – Stay away from a snake whose head is not cut off.

Why? The snake may appeared to you to be dead, if the head is still on, what if it revives? And what if it is Pretending?

On several occasions when I walk through the Redemption Camp at Night, I have seen snakes on my way Pretending to be Completely dead.

Initially, I didn’t know the tricks – When they appeared completely dead, I always think that maybe a lorry had crushed them and so I continue on my journey. Only to look back some Seconds later and found out that the snake is no longer there.

So now, when I see the snake Pretending to be dead, I make sure that the head is crushed.

You must Possess your Possession!

  1. In John 11: 39-44; the Lord Jesus Christ with His Tremendous Power, with the Ability to raise the dead still engaged the Men around to take away the Stone.

The One who can raise the dead has the Power to tell the Stone to move. But He said that these big boys around, they can do something – Let them do what they can do.

And I Pray that if there is any Stone in your Life that is blocking the Resurrection Power of the Lord Jesus Christ, God will show you the Stone so that you can move it out of the way.

Now, when He now Commanded Lazarus to come forth and Lazarus came out bound in Grave Clothes; Jesus Christ didn’t say: Grave Clothes loose!

He said to the People around: Loose him and let him go!

There is what God will do, but you must Play your Part.

  1. He can Produce Manna but He will expect you to collect the Manna.

Exodus 16: 4-18; He rained down Manna from Heaven but He told the children of Israel to collect it – Possess your Possession.

You will noticed according to Joshua 5: 10-12 that as soon as the children of Israel got to where they can Plant and they began to Plant; the very day that they began to harvest, Manna ceased.

He will Provide for you when you can’t Provide for yourself but He expects you to take Action!

Several years ago, some Students in a Particular University – Wonderful Christian Boys and Girls were failing in their Examinations. And once I heard about it, I called them together: What is happening? Why are you failing? Don’t give Jesus Christ a bad Name.

Well, is it not written that the Spirit will remind us of all things? I said of the things that you have learnt.

Examination is around the corner and that is when you are doing Night Vigils, Praising God – And you are not Studying.

The Holy Spirit should be able to do all things? I said sure – He will Comfort you when you fail.

He has sent Somebody like me to tell you – Be Wise and Study!

And Thank God that things Changed after that.

… There is what God will do, there is what you have to do yourself.

  1. The Bible tells us that it is God who gives Increase – But it is you who will have to do the sowing.

John 12:24 made it clear – When a corn of wheat is standing in your hand or barn; it will remain alone. It is only when it falls into the Ground – When you sow it, that it will begin to Germinate and Multiply.

Oh, God is able to make whatever you are doing Increase Abundantly but you have to do the sowing first.

Oh, I’m going to do this for God but until you do it, you cannot expect a Harvest – He gives the Increase.

But the Bible says in Galatians 6:7 – He said that God is not mocked.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked; it is whatsoever you sow that you will reap.

And until you sow, you are not going to reap anything.

I’m sure this is just to remind some of us because we heard it before – I have said it that if you are a highly Anointed Person and you get a Particular Piece of Property or Land and you clear it very well. And you decide to Fast and Pray for 40 days and 40 Nights and everyday you go to that Piece of Land that you have cleared – Decreeing and Prophesying rice to grow in the Mighty Name of Jesus. And you don’t sow rice; the only thing that will grow will be weeds.

It is after you sow that the Seed will then begin to Germinate and then begin to Produce Fruits.

Do you know that as Mighty as God is, you are the only one who will determine how much you will reap.

Because in 2 Corinthians 9:6; it says that if you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly; you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.

Because it is what you give to Him that He will Multiply,

When the five loaves of Bread and two fishes were in the Hand of that boy; as long as the Lunch remains in the Hand of the boy, it was five loaves and two fishes.

It was after the boy Surrendered them to Jesus Christ that Multiplication began.

God will Provide Solution to whatever Problem that you have but you have to claim it.

  1. When you read Numbers 21: 4-9; the Bible tells us the Story of when the Children of Israel murmured in the Wilderness and God heard their murmuring and decided to let loose fierce serpents among them. They began to bite them and the biting of the snake was like fire.

And they repented and they cried to Moses – Please we have offended God; ask Him to Please forgive us and take away that serpent from us.

And God said okay Moses, make a serpent of Brass and lift it up. And tell them that anytime any snake bite you, look up to the serpent that is lifted up.

All those who looked at the serpent lifted up were healed.

Do you know that some People still died!

Solution was there hanging on a tree but they said that how can an Ordinary Brazen serpent cure me of the Poison of a snake.

The Bible says that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness; so the Man of God must be lifted up.

Jesus Christ is lifted now – He has been lifted up on the Cross thousand of years ago. All you have to do is to “Look and Live”.

But if you say that I am not looking; well don’t blame God if you die – You must Possess your Possession.

  1. In Acts 2: 1-4; God Provided Anointing – The Holy Spirit came and landed on the head of all the Apostles.

God gave the Power but He expects you to use that Power.

Acts 3: 1-8; Peter and John were on their way to the Temple, when they saw a Crippled Man asking for alms.

And Peter remembered that I have received Power and he decided to use the Power – He said to the Man: Silver and Gold I have none but I have something now; in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

And when he said it, the Man didn’t move.

But because the Power has descended on him and the Citadel of the Anointing is the head with the hand as the Conductor.

It was until Peter grabbed that Man’s hand that Anointing flowed through Peter to that Lame Man. And his ankle bones received Strength and he got up jumping and singing and dancing.

There are many of us as Children of God – We have been Baptised in the Holy Spirit and we have Power but we are not using it.

And He says that if we lay hands on the Sick, they will recover.

And some of us are not laying hands on anybody – And we claimed that how do we know if we lay hands on the Sick, they will recover? What if we lay hands on them and they didn’t recover?

Well, what if you lay hands on them and they do recover?

Possess your Possession – Use what you have!

  1. When you read 2 Kings 2: 9-15; Elisha asked Elijah for a Double Portion of his Spirit – You know the Story.

When Elijah was taking away, his Mantle fell – God made sure that Elijah dropped the Mantle

But it is not God who came down to pick the Mantle and put it into the hands of Elisha – Elisha picked up the Mantle himself.

☆ Elisha went to River Jordan himself.

☆ Elisha rolled the Mantle the way his Master did by himself.

☆ Elisha smote River Jordan like his Master did by himself.

Before he even cried: “Where is the God of Elijah my father?”

God can cause the Mantle to fall but it is his (Elisha) duty is to pick it up, and it is his duty to use it .

On several occasions, we have Anointed your Handkerchiefs – Some of put the Handkerchiefs in our Pocket and just forget about it.

And when you begin to hear the Testimonies of others who has used the same Handkerchiefs – The kind that you get, and God Produced results; don’t blame God because you didn’t use your own.

  1. In Jeremiah 33:3; God says that if you call on me, I will answer you.

Do you know what that means? He can answer all Prayers but you have to call on Him first.

You can say that afterall, He knows all my Needs – He is the All Sufficient God.

Afterall it is written that God shall Supply all my Needs according to His Riches in Glory.

But if you don’t ask, you won’t get.

Today, I’m requesting you; Particularly those of you who are not yet Born Again, don’t waste Time anymore – Come to Jesus Christ, let Him save your Soul. Today is the Day of Salvation, don’t leave it till tomorrow.

And those of us who are already Children of God, you have Tremendous Blessings in Jesus Christ – Continue to Appropriate them, continue to use all the Things that God has Provided for you in Jesus Christ.

At least continue to cry unto Him so that He can answer your Prayers.

I’m believing God for all of you who will call on Him today that very soon, I will be hearing Mighty Testimonies from you.


And those of you who will want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, will you Please bow your head now:

Call on Him for Salvation – He will save you today.

He has been waiting for you to call on Him – Call on Him now: Ask Him to have Mercy on you, save your Soul, forgive your sin and make you a Child of God.

And He will do so!

Pray that Prayer now as I join you to cry for your Salvation!

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


And so my Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Words.

And I want to Thank You especially for those who has responded to Your Word – Who says that I won’t waste Time anymore and I will look unto Jesus and be saved.

As they have come to You today, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, write their names into the Book of Life today and let them become a Part of the Family of God.

And from now on, whenever they call on You, Please answer them by Fire

And very soon, let me begin to hear Mighty Testimonies from all of them.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today – Please contact me as soon as Possible.

And look for the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you and tell the Pastor there that you have given your Life to Jesus and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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