Thank You Almighty Father. Thank You Almighty God. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

As turbulent as Year 2024 has been, we survived!

Several years ago on this Campground, I was here Fasting and Praying for the New Year.

And then I spoke with my Daddy – I said, Daddy, the New Year is coming, and as usual, I will tell Your People to Praise You.

I said, I will join them in Praising You; but between You and I, I can’t remember any Special Thing that You have done for me in the Year that is going out.

I wasn’t expecting Him to say anything but He answered immediately and said, “Is that so?” I said, Yes Lord!

He said, take your Exercise book and your pen.

He said, on January 1st of the Year that is going out, you slept and you woke up – “Is it everybody who slept on January 1st who woke up on January 2nd?” I said, No.

… He said, put that down as Number one.

He said, you’ve travelled several times on this Expressway – “Is it everybody who travelled who arrived safely?” I said, No.

… He said, put that down as Number two.

Within five (5) Minutes, I fell on my face, I said: Lord, I am sorry. You have been Good to me; only that I didn’t realised it.

Is anybody here this Evening, including those reading now on the Label of DMC, that has anything to Thank God for?

For sleeping, for waking up, for going to the toilet on your own, for something to eat, somewhere to sleep, for the failure of the enemy to destroy you.

Is there anybody here who wants to say, Thank You Lord? Yes, The DMC Family Members!

Go ahead, even for five (5) Minutes; Praise the Almighty God and give Him Glory – Say Thank You!

Thank You for sleeping, for waking up, for being hungry, for food to satisfy the hunger.

Thank You Lord, for being able to drink, for being able to eat, to talk, to walk, to move. Thank You!

Thank You for everything.

Blessed be Your Holy Name – I Praise You Lord, I Magnify Your Holy Name, I can’t Thank You enough.

If all my hairs were to be tongues, they won’t be enough to say Thank You!

Thank You for Your Protection, for Your Love, Mercy, Support, Defense.

Thank You Lord for Your favours. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

Thank You Lord for my wife (husband), children, grandchildren, friends, Relatives.

Thank You for Your Church, for Nigeria – Inspite of everything the devil has done, we are still one. Thank You!

That we can still move about freely – Thank You Lord.

Thank You for Your Goodness, for Your Mercy, for being my God.

Thank You for Calling me Your Own, Thank You for the Salvation of my Soul – That I didn’t backslide in the Year that is going out Lord, Thank You!

Thank You that today I am in the Church, not in Babalawo’s (DMC NOTES: Meaning Herbalist) house.

Thank You Lord God Almighty. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

Thank You because I have a God who can still answer Prayers.

Thank You because You are my friend.

Thank You for the Blood that You shed for me.

Thank You my Father and my God, for the Stripes You took so that I can be healed.

Thank You for becoming Poor so that I can become Rich.

Thank You for telling me the Truth and allowing me to accept the Truth.

It is because I know the Truth, that is the reason the Truth has set me free – Thank You Lord!

Thank You Almighty God that I can speak, that I can cry to You when I need Help.

Thank You for Answered Prayers and Thank You even for Prayers You refused to answer because I believe You know the best.

Oh yes, Thank You Lord for everything!

Thank You because I know I am not Perfect and I am not the Best Boy I could be. And yet, because of Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Support, Your Kindness, You have kept me alive.

Thank You Lord, because the enemy has not rejoiced over me.

Thank You for battles You have fought for me – Many of which I do not even know about.

Oh LORD, I Worship You! I give You all Glory, I give You Honour and Adoration, because You are Worthy.

You are Worthy to be Praised, You are Worthy to be Adored, You are Worthy to be Magnified – Glory be to Your Holy Name, Lord.

Thank You Father – Glory, Glory, Glory be to God.

I Praise You Lord, I give You Glory, Honour and Adoration. Thank You my Saviour that You are my All in all.

Thank You because You are my friend, Thank You for Loving me so, Thank You for Supporting me and for backing me up.

Thank You Lord God Almighty for not allowing me to be put to Shame.

Thank You for Proving that You are still the All-sufficient God.

Thank You my Father, Thank You Almighty God, Thank You my Friend, my Supporter, my Redeemer, my Promoter, my Deliverer.

Thank You my Lord and my King.

Thank You because one day You are coming back for me.

Thank You for the Mansion You have gone to Prepare for me in Heaven – Thank You Lord!

Thank You because I have not gone away with Year 2024.

Thank You Lord God Almighty, because I know You are the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

I know my Tomorrow would be alright – Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord.

Thank You Saviour, Thank You Almighty God, Thank You Father – Glory be to God!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.


I will Praise Him from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting;
I will Praise Him from everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting.

I will Love Him from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting;
I will Love Him from everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting.

Jesus my Helper, from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting;
I will trust Him from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting.

Hallelujah from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting;
Hallelujah from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting.

Adoration from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting;
Adoration from Everlasting
Everlasting to Everlasting.


O LORD, Thank You!

Our Friend, our King, our Lord, our Saviour, our Redeemer, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Promoter, our Husband, our Soon-Coming-King – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November, Thank You for December.

Glory be to Your Holy Name! Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for everything!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.

Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her: It is certain now that I am going to see you in the New Year (2025).

We have approximately eighteen (18) Minutes to go! So, I m going to be very brief.

But if I am still talking by the time we get to the New Year (2025); then we’ll go ahead for some Minutes before we shout.

Psalms 30:5 – For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is Life: weeping may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning.

I want you to Prophesy to Somebody near you and say: Within the next few Minutes, you will weep no more.

… Say it as if you mean it.


  1. A lot can Change within Good Night and Good Morning.

The Lord has shared a little bit with me, of what is coming in Year 2025. And I will share some of it with you Tonight.

But I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: 2024 is the Last Time you will ever weep – Amen.

There is Somebody listening to me, including those reading now on the label of DMC: I don’t know how God is going to work it out; but one thing is certain, as soon as you Cross the Threshold to Year 2025: if you ever weep again, it would be for Joy – Amen.

  1. A Lot can Change within a very Short Period of Time.

In Mark 5:25-34, the Bible tells us the Story of the woman who had been sick for twelve (12) Years. And then her day came! She saw Jesus passing by and she touched the helm of His Garment. And the Problems of twelve (12) years were over in Minutes.

Please, join your Faith with mine, and receive the Word of God from the month of His son: The Problems you have been battling with all these years will be over before the Sun rises – Amen!

  1. A lot can Change in less than twenty four (24) hours.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, you would know the Story of the Widow of one of the Sons of Prophets. She was heavily in debt, that when the Creditors came, there was nothing of Value they could sell in the house. So they said they would sell the children.

And the woman, who must have been groaning under the burden of debt for only God knows how long, ran to the Man of God. And the Man of God Prophesied.

She left the Man of God, went to borrow Vessels – Took the little bottle of oil that she had and began to pour out.

And as the Man of God Prophesied, the oil just kept on Multiplying, until there were no more empty Vessels to pour the oil into.

In less than twenty four (24) hours, she had gotten so much oil to sell. That she was able to pay all her debt. And for the rest of her Life, she never borrowed again.

I have Good News for you: like I told those of you that I visited during the Let’s-Go-A-Fishing Program; and I also said it during the Holy Communion Service Last Night – I’m repeating it now:

Very soon, at least one of you here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, would Testify that Poverty has become a Stranger to your family – Amen.

I had a friend (he’s dead now) – We are from the same Place. He was one of the Wealthiest Men in Nigeria before he died.

Apart from all his Money in Africa, in Europe, in Switzerland; because he was into Sheep Rearing in Australia – By the time he died, his Money in Australia was Two Hundred and Fifty six Million Dollars ($256,000,000).

One day we were talking, he said: Awe (DMC NOTES: “Awe” is a Yoruba word that means “This Man”), what do they mean when they say “they can’t find food to eat?”

He said, “I have never known a time when I didn’t have more than sufficient.”

I decree to Somebody here listening to me, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Beginning from Year 2025, you too would say, “I don’t know how to be Poor” – Amen!

I have Good News for Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Emotionally Speaking; anything called Sorrow, Troubled Mind and Anxiety, would be far removed from you – Amen.

  1. I want you to know that it doesn’t take long to get to a level (Spiritually) where all your Peers will look at you and say:
  • Is this the same Fellow that we used to play together?
  • We got Born Again at the same time, but now he is a Prophet.
  • Now he is healing the Sick; now he is casting out demons!

It doesn’t take long to Change from being the Son of a Prophet, to becoming the Leader of Prophets.

In 2 Kings 2:1-15, it took only one day for Elisha who was the Son of a Prophet to become Elisha, the father of Prophets.

I have Good News for Somebody Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; even before the end of January 2025, People will begin to look at you and say, “You are different” – Amen!

I want to tell you one Story – Maybe by the time I finish, we will be ready to Pray.

You’ve heard the Story before – I heard that there was a Man who had the biggest Church in the whole world.

I had been General Overseer for a couple of years. I have Fasted, I have Prayed, I have done everything that the Bible can say, do and the Church was not Growing.

When I hold a Meeting, People would come – On Friday and Saturday, the Church would be Packed full but on Sunday, they would all be gone.

And then I heard of the Man who was a Pastor of the largest Church in the world – A Church of five hundred thousand (500,000) People.

And he was holding a Conference on how Church can grow.

I collected every money that I could lay hands on, so that I could go there. And then God Provided somebody who bought me a ticket.

I got there, he had a Church that could take five hundred thousand (500,000) People, and the Place was full. He was holding seven (7) Services on a Sunday – Seven!

That was the first time I heard a Pastor saying, “Please, those of you who are Present in Church today, don’t come next Sunday so that those who cannot come in, can be able to come next Sunday.”

I cried to God, and I wept! God – You know the desire of my Heart. I want Your Church to grow, Help me!

Some years ago; I was back in that town and Somebody arranged for me to meet the Man and we met.

And I said Sir, I am so delighted that I could meet you.

He said, “I have heard of you and I have heard of what God is doing for you – Will you Please, Pray for me?

I have Good News for you: I don’t know what it is that would make your Joy full; but very, very soon, as we Cross the border of the Year 2025, the Manifestation of Answered Prayers will be Evident in your Life – Amen.

  1. And it doesn’t take long for God to bless you Comprehensively.
  • Within short Period of Time God can heal you.
  • He can Payyour debt.
  • He can Set you free.
  • He can answer your Prayers by Fire.
  • He can Promote you.
  • He can draw you close to Himself.

Oh! Believe me, I know what I am talking about. The day He saved my Soul, the Sermon wasn’t a long one but He saved my Soul.

It wasn’t long after He saved my Soul that He healed me.

And He didn’t just heal me, he healed my family.

And then all of a sudden, because I no longer spent money on things that are of no Value to the Kingdom of God.

Because I was afraid of driving in Lagos, I hired a driver – I would pay the driver at the beginning of the Month and before the end of the Month, I’ll be borrowing money from my driver to buy Petrol.

The Almighty God Changed all that – He saved me, He healed me, He rebuked devourers for my sake. And little by little, He has brought me to where I am today.

  1. It does not take long for God to Perform a Miracle.

Weeping may endure for a Night; Joy comes in the Morning.

And in the Name of the One that I represent, I want to say to all of you who Genuinely call my Daddy: Everything God has done for me, He will do for you too – Amen!

Now I want you to Stand on your feet (if you can) and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Go ahead and shake hands with as many People and say: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all.

I’m sure you remember the Testimony of a Sister;

  • They sacked her in her Place of work.
  • Armed Robbers snatched her car.
  • And then her Kitchen caught fire.

The New Year came, and everybody was Thanking God but her own was extra.

And everybody said, how can you be rejoicing more than everyone else?

She said, they took my job, but they can’t take my Life.

They stole my car, but they can’t steal my Salvation.

My kitchen caught fire, but I am not going to Hell.

The devil did all he could, but I am still here.

For the next five (5) Minutes, those of you who are still here (alive) – Whatever the enemy might have done; go ahead, Bless the LORD.

I’m still here Lord. When there is Life, there is Hope.

Thank You my Father and my God. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

I am still here, and I am Grateful Lord.

Blessed be Your Holy Name!

Thank You Lord. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.

… Let’s be seated for a moment.


And then we would do what we normally do very early in the New Year.

We always give God an Offering.

And we attach to that Offering, a Strong Trust in the Almighty God:

That because we are Giving Him something – The very first moment in the New Year, we are believing the Almighty God that throughout the New Year:

  • We will not spend for the devil.
  • We will not spend on Hospital Bills.
  • We will never spend on Court Cases.
  • We will not spend a Naira for the devil.

And so, you’ll take an Offering, just as an act of Faith that we are Grateful for the New Year

And we are telling the devil, “you are not going to spend a Kobo from my money throughout this New Year.”

So, very quickly let’s do that.

And then I will tell you a little bit about what God says is going to happen this New Year.

I will Bless you, and then I will release you to Pray.

Because very early, on the first Day of the Year is a very Good Time to talk to the Almighty God.

Very quickly, let’s take our Offering.

The Band would Please, sing for us, so that we can dance as we Give to God.



You may want to write down some of these words from the Lord as touching Year 2025:


  1. Daddy says that the Year 2025 will be a “LANDMARK YEAR” – A Year Nobody will ever forget.
  2. Daddy says that the Day that Someone has been Waiting for will arrive this Year (2025).
  3. Daddy says that the Wind that Started Blowing Last Year (2024) will continue to blow this Year (2025) Stronger.

I will explain this in more details on Friday (3rd January, 2025) during The RCCG January 2025 Holy Ghost Service.

  1. Daddy says that some Earthly Helpers will be replaced by some Heavenly ones this Year (2025).
  2. Daddy says that Mockers will be Louder and more Aggressive but unfortunately many of them will not survive the Year (2025).

The word “Unfortunately” means that God doesn’t want the Death of Sinners but He wants them to repeat.

  1. Daddy says that some Towns and Villages will Shout: “Victory At Last”.

… I say Amen to that for my Village.

That’s about all I can tell you Tonight as I will tell you the Remainder on Friday if the Lord has not Returned!

I will tell you the one for the International Scenes during the Holy Ghost Service and Nigeria should pick their own out of it.

Your Pastors will tell you the ones for RCCG.

If it is a Landmark Year, then anything can happen!

My Prayer is that Only Good Things will happen to you – Amen!

You yourself will see that long before we talk of September and October this Year, there will be Abundance of Evidence that it Pays to Serve the Living God!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for bringing us to the New Year (2025).

We love You LORD. We appreciate You and we will Love You more.

Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Your Children have given by Faith and they have spent to You first and foremost this Year.

And so I decree that the devil would stay far away from their money.

That this Year, they would not spend for the devil.

That nothing would happen to Your Children that would cause them to waste their money.

That kind of Blessing that is called “Landmark Blessing” pour it upon Your children.

And like never before, let Your Children serve You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Now, I am going to allow you Pray for as long as you like.

You can break your Prayer into Three (3) Folds;

SECTION 1: Thank God!

The Elders has a saying, “A Child who is Grateful for what was done for him or her yesterday would receive more.”

Let the first Section of your Prayer be Thanksgiving.

SECTION 2: The Second Section of your Prayer should be based on what happened to Solomon.

After Solomon gave God a Thousand Burnt Offerings and God said, alright! What do you want?

The answer of Solomon was, “All I want is that, what I need to serve You, You would give it to me.”

Your Prayer Number 2 early this Morning should be: God, everything I need to serve You like never before, give it to me.

That Prayer will include everything:

  • You need Good Health to serve Him.
  • You need Money to serve Him.
  • You need Joy to serve Him. The Joy of the Lord is your Strength.
  • You need Peace: at home and in your Place of work to serve Him.
  • You need Divine Favour to serve Him.
  • You need the ability to Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

So, tell Him: everything I need to serve You like never before this Year, give it to me.

SECTION 3: You can now throw in whatever you want for yourself.

Three (3) Prayer Points!

Pray till you are satisfied – Nobody is going to stop you.

I’ve already told you that this is going to be a Landmark Year.

Let the Miracles for you begin now – Amen!

Go ahead!

You can begin to Pray now: Thank Him, ask for all you need to be able to serve Him and then you can throw in whatever you want.

God Bless You – Amen!


  1. I will see you Tomorrow (Thursday 2nd January 2025) – There will be Holy Communion Service here.
  2. And then on Friday, 3rd January 2025 – the First Holy Ghost Service of the Year.

God Bless You All – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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