Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).


Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory, we give You all the Honour, we give You all the Adoration.

Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

My Lord and my Saviour, in less than one (1) hour from now:

That kind of Transformation that can come to an individual, so that he or she would become a terror to the devil; let it happen in the lives of Your Children.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Why don’t you boldly Prophesy to Someone and say: God is about to Surprise you now!

God Bless You – Amen.

And Please be seated.

Genesis 22:15-18

15 And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,

16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

We are talking about Divine Manifestation:

Actually, the Story began in Genesis 22:1.

First of all let me say “Thank You” to all of you, for your Gifts.

Next time would be More – Amen!

That means that next time you will be Alive – Amen.

Next time you will be Richer – Amen.

Next time you will be Greater – Amen.

Next time you will be more Generous – Amen.

Glory be to God – Hallelujah.

For the benefit of those who might just be arriving; as from Next Year (2026) by the Grace of God, we will encourage you to all arrive on Friday Evening:

So that on Friday we’ll Celebrate Holy Communion together; hear the Word of God and then Saturday Morning we will have another Session; which would be the Closing Session.

So you can go back home on time.

Because we are living in times when it’s not too wise to travel late at Night – So we don’t want to give room to the enemy.

We’ll leave early after we’ve finished the Saturday Morning Session, then we’ll be on our way.

I remember one occasion when I was invited to World Conference – I traveled all the way from Nigeria to America, and they gave me only fifteen (15) Minutes to Speak.

There were several other Speakers – So you can understand that the fifteen (15) Minutes was generous.

But at the Closing Ceremony, it was announced, that the number of People who wanted to buy that Tape (15 minutes Message) were so many, that all the Companies around who have been duplicating Tapes seriously couldn’t cope.

So they told those who had ordered to Please give correct Addresses, because they would have to Post some of the Tapes to them.

Those People came from all over the World – They’ve heard all manner of Messages.

… I’m saying this only to the Glory of God – Not to boast.

But it was fifteen (15) Minutes Message that they heard. And they wanted to take it back home on Tape.

It doesn’t have to be a long Sermon – You don’t have to say, “I came all the way from such a far Place, and you say just one little Message would do?”

One little Message can Change your Life forever – Just like your Life is about to be Changed now (Amen).

When we are talking about Divine Manifestation, we are talking about the Almighty God manifesting everything about Him – His Power, His Glory, His Majesty, His All-sufficiency.

We are talking about God putting aside Laws that He Himself put in Place to take care of the Universe; so that He can move in and do something Special.

And after that, He withdraws back to His Throne as it where, and allow the Laws to continue to function.

For Example, when He told His Disciples, “get into the boat, I’ll be coming to join you.” He went to the mountain to Pray.

And by the time He realized it, all boats were gone and the Disciples were now in the Middle of the Sea in a Storm.

“Oh! I told those People I’m coming, now all boats are gone. And I’m the One who made the Law of Gravity: so that Nobody can walk on water without sinking.”

Incidentally, the Law of Gravity is the Law that says: When rain falls, it must flow downwards into the river, and from the river into the sea.

But He suspended the Law of Gravity and said, “Now I’m going to walk on water – Gravity don’t operate.”

You know the Story.

He walked, the Disciples saw Him coming, they thought it was a demon. And He said, it’s me, don’t be afraid. And Peter said okay, if You are the one, bid me come to You. He replied, come! And Peter jumped out of the boat;

  • As long as he was focused on Jesus Christ, the Law of Gravity was Suspended for him too.
  • But the moment he took his eyes off the One who Suspended the Law of Gravity; He discovered that “There is still something called the Law of Gravity.” And he began to sink.

Then when he cried for help, and Jesus grabbed his hand – The Law of Gravity began to work for him again!

Because if you read the Story very well, both of them walked back to the boat – Jesus didn’t carry Peter. He just took him by the hand, and they both walked on water unto the boat.

I’ve Prayed the Prayer in the Morning during Talk 1 – And I’m Praying it again: Every Law that God must suspend so as to bring you your Breakthrough shall be Suspended today – Amen.


Now, when He wants to Suspend these Laws – When He wants to manifest;

  1. He can do it Personally:

He can be the One through whom the Manifestation would come.

Like in Daniel Chapter 3, when Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the fiery furnace. The fire was so hot, He couldn’t send an Angel. So He went Himself.

King Nebuchadnezzar said, the fourth (4th) fellow I see here is not an Ordinary Human Being – He’s like the Son of God.

He went Himself!

  1. He may decide to send an Angel:

When He had to manifest Himself in Daniel Chapter 6 – When He had to stop the mouth of Lions, He sent an Angel.

Daniel said: O king, live for ever. My God hath sent his Angel, and hath shut the Lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me (DMC NOTES: Daniel 6:21-22).

  1. From time to time He could use Human beings:

When He wanted to demonstrate that He is the All-Sufficient God to the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:8-16; He sent Elijah to go and make a decree: so that what was supposed to be the Last Meal of the Widow and her son, became the First of many other Meals.

  • God can Manifest Himself directly as God.
  • He can Manifest through an Angel.
  • Or Through a Human Vessel.

The Purpose of this Closing Message is so that from now on God will begin to manifest Himself “THROUGH” you.

I have already explained in Talk 1 (DMC NOTES: You can get to read the Full Text of the Message on the Label of DMC):

  • He could Manifest “FOR” you.
  • He could Manifest “IN” you.
  • And He could Manifest “THROUGH” you.


But then, He doesn’t just Manifest Himself to anybody – People He will manifest through are People who are worthy of that Particular kind of Ministry.

  1. ISAAC

I have used Example of a Young Boy called Issac – in the Bible Text that I read to you (Genesis 22:15-18).

Through Issac, God demonstrated that He is the Almighty.

But the Almighty can limit His Almightiness when He finds the Right Candidate.

Because Isaac Surrendered one hundred Percent (100%) to the God of his father (Abraham).

This boy who was well brought up; this boy who said to his father: We are going Uphill, we have all the requirements for a Sacrifice, “where is the ram?”

This boy who discovered that he was going to be the ram, and yet didn’t run away.

Because he was about fifteen (15) years old, and the father was over a hundred.

If you ask a hundred years Old Man to chase a fifteen (15) years old boy, you know who would win the race.

I am not a hundred years; but I am not going to run a race with my son Leke (laughter) – He will beat me flat.

I used to be as Strong as he is but that’s a long time ago.

Isaac Surrendered Completely to the God of his father.

So the Almighty said, I swear by Myself, because there is Nobody bigger than Me to swear by.

He said “Abraham, in Blessing I will Bless you.”

It was Isaac that brought an Irrevocable Blessing upon the family of Abraham.

So that today, all over the world, we are children of Abraham – We find them among Christians, we find them among Muslims, we find them among Judaist.

God found a boy who was willing to Surrender one hundred percent (100%) to the God of his father.

God is looking for somebody like that among us here today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC – Someone that can cause God to say, “As far as your own family is concerned; they are forever Blessed!”

… The Question is: Will He find such a one?

Years ago, there were these little, little Banks, they called themselves Finance Houses – They were Paying “Ridiculous Salaries” to their Workers.

Nobody knew they were all going to crash one day.

But my Driver got an offer that was more than he was getting – Because there was no way the Church could Pay him. So he left.

The Driver of Mummy G.O became my Driver, meaning I had to look for another Driver for Mummy.

So I sat the boy down to discuss with him: “Do you want to be my Driver or do you want to be my son?”

He said, what does that mean?

I explained to him: If you are my son, you cannot leave me – You can’t say somebody offer you something and you are going.

No! If you are my son, you are my Driver forever.

And you know what? It doesn’t matter what you do, I can’t sack you.

“So what do you want to be: my Driver or my son?”

He smiled! He said, Daddy I will be your son.

That’s the one who has been driving me since then.

  • Has he ever made a mistake? It’s difficult for anybody to work with me without making a mistake.

When he does some things that I need to knock him on the head – That’s when he has offended me, I’ll say, I’ll deal with you.

But that’s all – Because he’s my son.

  • He’s not just a Driver. He can enter my bedroom because he is a son.
  • I can send him on any errand, because he is a son.

But he can’t resign, and he can’t go anywhere.

God is asking me to release certain things to you today – You will see these things and yet tomorrow decide you want to leave?

You will have to deal with my God.

*God is not looking for “Ordinary Workers”:

  • Not those who would come and see what they are doing here.
  • Not those who would write to me in a year’s time, “God told me to go and Study under you. Now He has told me it’s time for me to start my Ministry.” No!

Take Joshua, who stopped the sun.

God wanted to use him to Manifest the fact that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (DMC NOTES: Hebrews 11:6).

Whenever you want to really, really Study the Bible, you don’t just read it – You read it, find a quiet place, Particularly on a day when you are not going to work.

And you say, “God explain this to me.”

What made Joshua so Special?

You know the Story in Joshua 1:1-9 – Joshua was not an “Ordinary Worker”.

It says, “Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ Minister.”

I’ve explained that one to you before – A Minister in those days is just a little better than a Slave.

He’s a house boy.

In those days they don’t have water Closets; they had a container which when I was Young they used to call Potty.

DMC NOTES: A Potty is a bucket that you put in the room at Night, because all the Latrines are outside.

So when you want to ease yourself, you do it into the potty.

And then in the Morning, you take the Potty out, empty it and wash it – Ready for the next Night.

The Minister, in those days, is the one who does the emptying of the Potty – Not a Pleasant Assignment.

Joshua was the Minister of Moses – Wherever Moses was, he was there:

  • Moses went to the Mountaintop to collect the Laws. He was there for forty (40) days and forty (40) nights Fasting; Joshua was there.
  • He wasn’t eating when Moses was Fasting.

There were two (2) People who said to the Children of Israel: stop all these nonsense! We can take the Land – Caleb and Joshua.

But when the time came to choose just one out of the two, God chose Joshua.

I have been a Lecturer in the University; I know the Problems we normally encounter when it comes to Selecting People who have scored the Cutoff Point in JAMB and Post UME – It’s always a very difficult Assignment.

God wanted to replace Moses, he can only choose one (1) – Caleb was Faithful to the end and Joshua was Faithful to the end.

At the end of the day, there is Faithful and Faithful.

The Lord had twelve (12) Apostles; three (3) were Special, they went everywhere with Him – Peter, James and John.

A day came when Jesus said Somebody is going to betray Him.

Everybody was asking, who is going to do that? Jesus wasn’t answering.

Peter said to John, ask Him, He will tell you if He doesn’t tell anybody else.

A Man in the Inner Circle was asking another Man in the Inner Circle.

… There are Inner Circles within Inner Circles (laughter).

And you know the rest of the story – John said Lord, who is the fellow?

Jesus said, I can’t mention his name because People might be reading my lips. But I will take a Piece of bread, dip it in the stew, and put it in the mouth of the traitor.

On the same table, People were talking in Codes.

The Bible called John, the Beloved.

Didn’t God Love the rest?

Peter, James and John were Special; what made John different?

Because the One who knows all things knew that when He is hanging on the Cross, John would be there.

When He was on the Cross and He looked down; He saw His Mother – He said, okay John, take care of my Mother.

There are sons and there are sons;

  • There are People you can go to war with.
  • There are some People you can’t be sure they’ll be there a day after you’re gone.
  • There are People who, it doesn’t matter what anybody may say, they are committed to God and to His Church.

One of my daughters years ago came to me and said: Daddy, I’ve found somebody that I will marry. I said congratulations! Who is the fellow?

She said, so and so. I see!

What do you want me to do? Pray about it.

You want me to Pray about it? She said yes. I said okay, if this is not the Perfect Will of God it won’t happen.

Ha! Is that the kind of Prayer you are going to Pray?

You are the one who asked me to Pray.

And the fellow she thought she was going to marry happened to be my Cousin; so she thought I would be glad.

Few weeks later, they were talking and the boy said he was going to attend Deeper Life Bible Study.

I’m talking about a time when the Greatest Bible Study Class was the one being held by Deeper Life – Extremely Great.

My daughter said, the Teaching you are getting from Daddy is not enough for you? She said, I will not marry you.

The Brother said, “What are you talking about? I am a Worker in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Bro Kumuyi is our Daddy’s very close friend.”

She said: It is the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), full stop.”

Add anything to it, I don’t want.

The boy said, I’ll go and report you to your Daddy. She said, go and report, but the arrangement is over.

That my Cousin became Great in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

After that incident, he himself said, “I think I better make up my Mind.” – So he became Great.

But my girl said No – Not because he was going to learn where he will learn errors.

No! If you are looking for correct Teaching, you’ll find it in Deeper Life.

But she said, “It’s the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), or nothing.”

And she ended up marrying another fellow, who became Assistant General Overseer in RCCG.

When we are talking about Divine Manifestation, I’m not here to tickle your ears – It is to tell you what God is about to reveal through you.

The Bible says, you don’t give Treasures to dogs.


Consider Daniel, Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego;

  • People that fire cannot burn.
  • People that Lions cannot eat.

In Daniel 1:8, they refused to Compromise – They were offered the King’s food free of Charge – They didn’t ask for it.

They were slaves, yet they refused to defile themselves.

They said, “our bodies belong to Jehovah, and would not allow anything defile these bodies.”

There were several People there then who would have said, “what’s wrong with you? When you are in a Foreign Land, behave like a Foreigner.

You have just found favour.”

They said, that kind of favour that would tarnish our body, we won’t want it.

You know the Story; they won’t eat the King’s meat, they won’t drink the King’s wine.

My children must be children who would say, any Doctrine, no matter how attractive it may sound, that does not align with Holiness all the way, we don’t want it.

Whatever our Daddy is Teaching us, that’s Good enough for us.

You are to listen to your Daddy, and not to the Internet.

Any Doctrine that says you can continue to sin, after you said you are Born Again; that Doctrine is saying to you, you don’t need to worry about your Action.

Because that Doctrine is saying, if the Trumpet should Sound when you are busy fornicating, you will see God.

The devil is a liar.

Any Doctrine that says there’s nothing wrong in a little bit of lying here and there; that Doctrine will Support Corruption.

  • Any Doctrine that allows you to Submit False Report;
  • That allows you to manipulate figures;
  • That allows you to talk rudely to some Church Leaders, when the argument is hot;

Peter said, one thing that I know – I don’t know all the Grammars, I don’t know all the big, big words of Paul.

He said, some of his Teachings are beyond my head.

He said but I know one thing, God said “be ye Holy for I am Holy.

He said, I am a Fisherman, and I am not Intelligent.

I’ve said it before – I am a foolish man, I never went to Bible College. I don’t know Theology.

If somebody says to you, “we hear that your Daddy is a fool. What kind of fool is he?”

Tell them, he is the kind that can get a PhD in Mathematics.

That must be a very Special kind of fool.

That’s a fool who is foolish enough to say, without Holiness no Man shall see God (DMC NOTES: Hebrews 12:14).

That’s what my om Bible tells me.

That is what happened to Daniel and Co.

That’s why when they took Daniel to the Den of Lions, Lions couldn’t eat him: because he didn’t eat the meat of the King.

That’s why the fire couldn’t burn Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego.

Maybe it’s because the colour of fire and wine are the same.

  1. DAVID:

How come a Catapult from a small boy brought down a Terrorist of forty (40) days and forty (40) nights?

It’s because David was a Worshipper.

Psalm 34:1 says, I will bless the LORD at all times: his Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

He said, I won’t grumble; when everybody is saying Country is hard.

When our father in the Lord says he’s too Old Fashioned; I will bless the LORD at all times.

When my Father said we are going to Fast for one hundred (100) days; some People said, “Ha! What kind of father says you must Fast before He’ll hear you?” – I will bless the LORD.

Honour your father, not the Internet.

God loves you, and He wants to do something Special for you today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC

I’ll give you a little example very quickly before we Pray:

In 1981, I had just become the General Overseer.

I went to visit my hometown (Ifewara). And if you know Ife and Ilesha – From Ifewara to Ife is 8 kilometers. From Ifewara to Ilesha is 20 kilometers. Then Ilesha to Ife is 32 kilometers.

But there was no road linking Ifewara to Ife. Instead of traveling 8 kilometers to Ife; you have to travel 20 kilometers to Ilesha. And then take 32 kilometers to Ife – That is, 52 kilometers from Ifewara to Ife, instead of 8 kilometers.

So I was visiting my People; School Children and Hunters lined up to welcome me.

And they said, we want to make a Request to you now that you are Popular – They didn’t know that the Church was not known beyond Ebute-Metta.

They said, maybe you will help us to have a road linking Ifewara to Ife.

And the Spirit of God spoke in me.

… May the Almighty God Manifest Himself “IN” you – Amen!

So I asked them: Which direction do you want the road to go? They showed me.

I lifted up my hand; Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, let there be a Road between Ifewara and Ife.

I didn’t know anybody but Six (6) Months later, the Federal Ministry of Works, out of the blues decided that the Road between Ifewara and Ife must be constructed.

It has no significant to anybody – it is a Federal Road.

Lift up your hand and say loud and clear: From now, whenever I lift my hand, there will be a way.

Then the following year I was in Akure (Ondo State) and one of my son’s had a big Factory in the Outskirts of the Town; but it was not doing well. So he asked me to come and Pray for the Factory.

He Pointed out the cause of the Problem – Not too far is an Iroko tree. Under it is a big Shrine with a hut. The herbalist was well known by Soldiers, Policemen and Politicians.

In the bush were Corpses; body Parts of People used for Rituals.

So People who would have come to my son’s Factory could not, for fear of being Kidnapped.

He said, that’s the trouble.

I said, is that so? He said, Yes Sir.

So I lifted up my hand and made a decree. Darkness has to give way to Light. And I Prayed a Simple Prayer.

Few days later rain fell – A thunderbolt struck the Iroko tree, split it to pieces – Hallelujah.

My son’s Factory is doing very well.

Lift up your voice loud and clear and say: Every Plant the Almighty God did not Plant will be immediately Consumed.

Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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