Ancient of Days, we Worship You. The King of kings, the Lord of lords; the Unchangeable Lord.
Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You for the Past Month (January 2025).
Thank You for all You’ve done for us thus far.
Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
Today, in Your own Miraculous Way, meet all our Needs.
Let Your Name be Glorified.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: God would give you Victory today (Amen).
And then you may Please, be seated.
First of all let me apologize for coming late; no excuse – That’s all. I am sorry that I am late. By the Grace of God it won’t happen again.
Luke 5:1-11:
1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:
10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
DMC NOTES: The Special Nights of Victory Hour is now the new name for the Special Divine Encounter Services that normally takes Place every Month of February since Year 2017
By the Special Grace of God, in this Month of February (2025) – At a date that I’m sure would be announced to you: We would be having Three (3) Special Nights of Victory Hour.
During the Three (3) Special Nights of Victory Hour, we would be attacking Three (3) very important Enemies:
- Poverty:
Poverty is a Destroyer!
The Almighty God will give us Victory this Year – Amen.
- Barrenness:
We would be attacking Barrenness; Barrenness is not of God.
We would be attacking that on the Second (2nd) Night.
And Barrenness of course, is not just lack of fruits of the Womb; it means Fruitless Efforts.
- Bondage:
And then the third (3rd) Night we would be attacking Bondage.
Many People are where they are because there are Forces of Darkness hindering them.
So the third (3rd) Night would actually be more of a Deliverance Night.
And that is going to be two Mondays from now – Not next Monday, but the one after that, is when we are going to start (DMC NOTES: From Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th February 2025)
The first Night would be Monday, the Second Night would be Tuesday, and the Third Night would be Wednesday.
So get ready for all the three (3) days.
This Month is going to be a very serious Month of Victory for all of us, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
As we have been told at the beginning: This is going to be a Landmark Year.
And Someone is going to begin (even right now) with a Landmark Breakthrough – Amen.
When we talk about a Landmark Breakthrough, we are talking of a Miracle – The first of its kind.
The kind of Miracle that had never happened before.
In Genesis 18:1-14: Abraham and Sarah had a Landmark Miracle.
A ninety (90) year old woman became Pregnant – Nobody had ever heard that kind of thing before.
The other day, my children and I; we were discussing during Morning Devotion:
- Just imagine a Ninety (90) Year old woman becoming Pregnant. That’s a Miracle on its own.
- Then, at that age she was able to carry the Pregnancy to term. That’s a bigger Miracle still.
- And then she was able to go through Childbirth, and didn’t die from the pain. That’s the biggest Miracle of all.
But do you know what Sarah said in Genesis 21? She said: God has made me Laugh. And everybody who would hear about it would Laugh with me.
May I decree to Somebody this Morning: The Breakthrough that is coming your way will cause you to Laugh – Amen.
When we talk about Landmark Miracles, we have another example in Exodus 14:21-28:
- When a man lifted his hand, and the Red Sea opened.
- When all of a sudden there was a way where there was no way before.
That is a Landmark Miracle!
And there is Someone here today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: God is about to make a Way for you where there was no Way before – Amen.
I was sharing with my Partners not too long ago; that in 1981 when I became General Overseer, I went to visit my Village. And the whole Villagers gathered together to welcome me.
And then they made a request – They thought that now I am General Overseer, I would know People. At that time Nobody knew me and I knew Nobody, except God.
From my Town to Ile-Ife, is a distance of 8 kilometers.
From my Town to Ilesha, is a distance of 20 kilometers.
From Ilesha to Ile-Ife, is a distance of 32 kilometers.
Because there was no road to link my Village to Ile Ife; whenever we wanted to go to Ile Ife, we’ll first of all go to Ilesha, 20 kilometers and then go to Ile Ife, 32 kilometers.
We were travelling 52 kilometers instead of 8 kilometers.
So when I came to Town they said: Sir, will you use your Good Office, that there’ll be a road between Ile Ife and Ifewara?
And the Spirit of God spoke to me, “Ask them which direction they want the road.”
They Pointed to the direction.
And I lifted my hand and I said, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, “Let there be a Road”.
I knew Nobody, Nobody knew me, but Six (6) Months later, the Federal Government decided to construct a road linking Ifewara to Ile Ife.
This Morning, I am lifting my hand to all of you here, including those reading now on the Label of DMC:
From this moment onward, where there was no Way before, there will be a Way – Amen.
In 1 Kings 18:1-39, a Man Prayed and Fire fell from Heaven. It had not happened before.
It was a Landmark Miracle – A Man’s Prayer was answered by Fire.
I told my Covenant Partners also: I said, around the same 1980s, I went to Akure. I am giving you names of Places, so that you can check the Stories.
There was one of my children who has a big Factory on the Outskirts of Akure (Ondo State Nigeria).
But then he discovered that People were not coming to buy from the Factory. And the reason was that there was one well-known Herbalist who had a Shrine under an Iroko tree. And all the big People were coming to him for charms.
But then People discovered that around that area where the Shrine was, you would see many beheaded bodies, armless bodies, and so on.
So People stopped coming there, because they didn’t want to be Kidnapped and killed.
My son took me to his Factory.
And when we got to the Factory, he Pointed at the Shrine, and said, “That is the Source of my Problem.”
I said, No Problem! And I Prayed a Simple Prayer.
… You see, Darkness must give way to Light.
Few days later, a little rain fell, and Thunderbolt came down from Heaven, struck the Iroko tree, split it to Pieces, and destroyed the Shrine!
I am lifting my hand towards you today, and I decree: All your Prayers would be answered by Fire – Amen.
In Joshua 6:20, the Bible recorded for us that the Children of Israel gave a big shout, and the Wall of Jericho came down flat.
Before that day, there was no record that People shouted and a Wall fell – Hallelujah!!!!
… It was a Landmark Miracle.
Let me decree, that every Wall of Jericho that is blocking your Way will come down today – Amen.
Now, go ahead and shout – Hallelujah!!!!!
In Joshua 10:12-14, the Bible says, Joshua lifted up his hands and Commanded in the Name of the LORD;
And told the Sun to Stand Still, the Moon to remain where it was, until he has finished God’s business that he was doing.
And the Bible says, the Sun stood still, the Moon remained where it was.
The Bible says there had not been a day like that before and there has never been a day like that after.
But today, there is about to be a Day – Amen?
Because all of us are going to Stand Up.
We are going to lift our hands to the Almighty God.
We are going to decree and say: In the Name of Jesus, the Sun will not Set today until God has solved all my Problems – Amen.
Go ahead, Pray that Prayer:
Today, the 3rd of February 2025, the Sun is not going to Set until God has solved all my Problems.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Please, be seated!
I can go on and on and tell you several Landmark Miracles;
- I can talk to you about how Joseph was transferred from Prison to the Throne in less than one day.
- I can tell you about how Jehoshaphat’s Enemies gathered against him. And within a short Period of time, all the Wealth of these Kings became transferred to Jehoshaphat.
I can go on and on and on! But you see: You have a Part to Play.
Like I told those of us who are Members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) yesterday, during February 2025 Thanksgiving Service – You can get to read the Full Text of that Message on the Label of DMC.
The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is a Covenant Keeping God.
The things that are happening in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) cannot be explained by Human Reasoning – God is merely fulfilling the Covenant He had with our Father- in-the-Lord (Pa Josiah Akindayomi).
We have our own Part to Play. In the Story that we read to you in Luke 5:1-11.
When you look at the Story very closely, you will be amazed at several things there:
- There were two (2) Boats, Jesus choose one. And the one He chose belonged to Peter.
Let me say this today: “Self-first is not Selfishness.”
If God is going to bless two (2) People here today, I will be the first one – Amen!
There were two (2) Boats, but He choose one.
And God is a Sovereign God – He knows what He is doing. He knows fully well that this fellow called Peter is going to fall Completely in Love with Him.
When He choose his boat he told him, “push the boat into the deep, I want to Preach.” Peter agreed! – He suyrrendered his Boat to Jesus.
Practically, he Surrendered his Business to Jesus Christ.
When the Miracle happened after he had obeyed Jesus Christ; the Bible said that he forsook all and followed Jesus Christ.
He was Willing, even to Surrender his Career to Jesus Christ.
The kind of Surrender that God is asking from you this Year (2025) is Landmark Surrender.
He is not expecting you to keep on arguing with Him – He expects you to do whatever He asks you to do:
- Pay your Tithes: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Give me your First Fruit: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Fast: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Pray: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Win Souls: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Follow them Up: Yes Lord! No argument.
- Build Churches: Yes Lord! No argument.
He wants Landmark Surrender!
If you give God Landmark Surrender, He will give you Landmark Breakthroughs.
The Choice is yours – Our Covenant is there, Strong as ever!
I told you Stories yesterday during February 2025 Thanksgiving Service, of Miraculous things happening in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
The Churches are where I don’t even know they are,
So you can’t say I am the one who established them there.
I’ve told you of a time when I travelled all over American – North America, South America, and I was tired. So I said, before I get home – Because I know as soon as I get home work begins again; I said, I am going to look for one tiny Island; I will go there and spend a Weekend.
We got to this tiny Island – it’s a Country. But it’s an Island.
“How big is it?” You can drive round the whole Country in one (1) hour – That’s how ‘Big’ it is!
I’m not even sure it’s bigger than the Redemption City.
So we got there, checked into an Hotel.
After I have rested a little, I told my son, let’s drive round this Island, just see what is here.
As we were driving around, suddenly we saw a Signboard, “The Redeemed Christian Church of God and I said, let us branch.
We branched – That was Saturday. We saw the Church.
“So we have a Church here?”
Sunday, we went to Church. And the Place was full – Hundreds of People.
So I sent one of my son’s to inform the Pastor that I am here.
He followed them, looked into the car, and ran away!
He ran to call his wife, because the wife has had a Dream three (3) days before, that Daddy G.O came to visit. And the husband told the wife “what kind of Dream is that? How can he come here?”
He went to bring the wife and their little baby – They saw me, and they saw my wife (Mummy G.O).
And that was the end of the rest!
Because, what do you think I would do?
Those People never thought they could see me. But they saw me.
So I had to Pray for all of them and lay hand on all of them.
And they were almost five hundred (500) in Number.
The Point I’m making is: Where we don’t even know, God has gone ahead of us.
That is the kind of Covenant we have with God in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
God is doing His Own; will you do your own?
If you have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, come now:
- The Almighty God is waiting for you.
- He is waiting to save your Soul.
- He is waiting to receive you into the Family of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
So, if you want to come, come now.
I’ll count from one (1) to four (4) – By the time I say four (4), you should be Standing before the Almighty God to Surrender Genuinely to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I’m counting now…
Okay! Cry to Jesus now: Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to Please, save your Soul.
Tell Him that you will Surrender to Him Completely from now on.
Ask Him to take over your Life.
Ask Him to be your Saviour and Lord.
The rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.
Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.
Pray for them Brethren!
Thank You Father.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, Covenant Keeping God – May Your Name forever be Glorified for Your Word.
Thank You for these People who have come forward to Genuinely Surrender their lives to You.
Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life and let them become Part of the Family of God.
From now on, whenever they cry unto You, Please, answer them by Fire.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Congratulations to those of you who have just Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.
I Promise you that by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you from now on.
So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayers Requests.
God Bless You – Amen!
Those of you who are listening all over the world, or reading now on the Label of DMC:
Contact me, and look for the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you; and tell the Pastor there that I sent you.
They will link you up with me, and all will be well – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Well, if you want you Wall of Jericho to fall flat, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Now, we want to give our Offering to the Lord.
So bring out your Offering – Remember that you are Giving to God as a Sign of Surrender.
If you had Planned to Give Him a very little amount, Change your Mind – He is not a beggar. Give Him something Substantial.
And then, you’ll dance to the nearest basket, drop your Offering – Before we Pray.
Over to you Band!
Today I am going to raise my Two (2) Hands towards you, before you Pray.
Because what the Word of God says is that you should ask till your Joy be full.
And I’m believing God for you that your Joy will be full today – Amen.
I am going to raise my Right Hand first:
I am going to Command that in all directions you may turn, Ways will open unto you – Amen!
And then I’m going to lift my Left Hand:
And Command that if there is any Altar anywhere, raised against you; that has been hindering your Progress, hindering your Fruitfulness, hindering your Joy; that the Fire of God will consume them – Amen.
So you raise your own two (2) hands towards me and I am going to do what my Daddy asked me to do; by raising my hands.
After which it will be your turn to Pray.
And when it’s your turn to Pray:
- If you want God to open your Womb, then you put your Right Hand on your womb and Command that womb: You better hear the Word of God and Open now!
- If it is your Business that is having Problems, you lay your Right Hand on your head and say: Hey! From now on, you must enjoy Divine Favour.
- Then you are going to be waving your Left Hand. Because you don’t know in what direction the Altar of the enemy might be; and Command the Fire of God to consume them all.
After which you can then ask God for whatever you want.
Oh! Thank You my Father.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus!
In the lives of all these Your Children, my Father and my God, I Command:
Where there has been no Way before, let there be a Way!
A New Way to Success.
A New Way to Victory.
A New Way to Joy.
A New Way to Fruitfulness.
A New Way to Promotion.
A New Way to Miracles.
A New Way to Signs.
A New Way to Wonders.
Let there be a Way Now!
My Father and my God, You are the Consuming Fire:
Every Altar that the enemy has raised against Your Children in any direction whatsoever; right now, let Your Fire Consume!
Every Evil Altar raised against these Your Children from their father’s house, let the Fire Consume.
From their mother’s house – Let the Fire Consume.
From their husband’s house – Let the Fire Consume.
From their wife’s house – Let the Fire Consume.
In their Places of work – Let the Fire Consume.
By any Evil Prophet – Let the Fire Consume!
As Your Children would be crying to You now, my Father and my God, answer all of them by Fire.
Please Lord, before the end of this week – Friday Night at the latest, let there be Testimonies.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have Prayed – Amen.
Now go ahead and Pray for yourself:
Place your Right Hand either on your womb or on your head and clear the way of any Obstruction.
And wave your Left Hand: And with tremendous Faith in the Almighty God – And Command every Evil Force, and every Evil Altar to be burnt to ashes right now!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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