Well, why don’t you just go ahead and Worship the Almighty God?

Worship the Ancient of Days – Give Him Glory, give Him Honour and give Him Adoration.

Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords; bless the Ancient of Days,

Give Him Glory that it has Pleased Him to Protect you throughout the Month of January and now, you are in the Second Month of the Year – Bless His Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour.


Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory.

The I AM THAT I AM, we give You all the Honour.

The Unchangeable Changer, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for January, Thank You that we are here again in February and Thank You because we know that there is Glory Ahead for all of us.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, my Father and my God; in the lives of everyone of us, Manifest Your Glory.

That kind of Miracle that You will do that for the rest of our lives we will be jumping for Joy; Father Perform in our lives.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God is going to bless you Mightily Tonight.

And then, you may Please be seated except those who are born in the Month of February.


If you are born in February, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Father, I commit Your Children born in the Month of February into Your Hands:

In this Year of Landmark Miracles:

Let all their Miracles be Doubled:

Let their Testimonies be Doubled.

Let their Anointing be Doubled.

Let their Promotion be Doubled.

And let their Service to You, the King of Glory be Doubled.

Please, meet all their Needs.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let the February Birthday Celebrants shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

What do you think of the Choir?

Let’s give the Lord a round of Applause as they did very well – God Bless You!


  1. The Month of March is the Anniversary of the birth of The RCCG Holy Ghost Service and it is going to be a very, very, very Special One.

The Theme for Next Month (DMC NOTES: March 2025) is: “JOY UNSPEAKABLE”.

That was what Daddy told me.

And I was Surprised when the Choir began Ministering and they began to sing about Joy Unspeakable.

It is going to take Place from Thursday 6th of March 2025 to Sunday 9th of March 2025.

The first Night, which will be on Thursday (6th of March 2025); our Younger Ones will be taking the Pondium as usual

And you know when that happens – It’s going to be very, very serious.

May I decree to Somebody that by the time you come Next Month (March 2025), your Joy will already be Overflowing – Amen!

  1. I don’t need to appeal to you not to miss the Holy Ghost Service for Next Month – March 2025.

It is going to be an “Heaven on Earth” Experience.

When we talk of “Joy Unspeakable”; some of you will know the meaning of it by the time we finish.

Don’t come alone – Invite all your friends and Relatives. And the Almighty God will bless all of us together!

  1. There is a Special Musical Video that will be released as soon as we finished tonight.

It is a Compilation of the Music of our RCCG Music Director – Pastor Kunle Ajayi.

You know that he turned 60 years Old Last Year (2024) and he feels that it will be good to have a Compilation of his Music.

As soon as we finish Tonight, look out for it and get a Copy!

  1. May I beg you to Pay attention to all the Prophecies of this Year (2025) – Those you like and those you don’t like because if you see the speed that these Prophesies are coming to Pass, you will know that we need to Pay attention.

Because when you look at the Prophecies for Year 2025 on the International Scene – And I remember telling you that, that of Nigeria is embedded in the International Scene.

You will noticed that Probably the first one is that we should Pray against Fire Outbreaks, against Storms and against Floods.

And when we talk of Fire Outbreaks, see what has happened in America. With all the Equipments and Ability and Experience that Great Nation has when it comes to Fire fighting, and you see how long it took for that Fire to be put out.

And by the time they were re saying “Thank God it is over” it started again – Then we must Pray.

But then, when we come here to Nigeria and you see how many incidence of Fire Outbreaks – Tankers, Accidents, Schools Burning; then we must Pray.

When you hear of what is going on in Australia – Where flood has cut off a Great Section of the Population.

When you see some of these things happening and we are just entering February – I beg you Please Pray.

I believed that those of you who called me daddy should Pay a little more attention to when I told you that God said something.

I was Practically dancing on my seat tonight when that Sister was sharing the Testimony of her son – The Fellow who was having a Problem Academically and God said that He is giving Somebody a New Brain.

And he is now First Class in the University and Best Student Graduating in Masters.

May I tell Somebody today by my Daddy o – You too you are about to get a New Part.

You know once upon a time, whenever we have the Holy Ghost Service, we used to be about 8,000 People – I used to lay hands on almost everybody.

And many atimes, the whole floor will be full of People who fall when I lay hands on them.

Now you wonder: Daddy, you don’t do that anymore.

Where are we going to get the Space to put People?

By the Grace of God, He has lifted me up and I don’t need to hold your head and shake you before you get your Miracle.

All you need to do is to just believe the Word that has come out.

And the Almighty God chooses the Theme for each of the Holy Ghost Services – And He has said from the very beginning of this Month (February): “Glory Ahead”.

He told us that Mockers will become more Active and they will become bolder and mock more.

I heard that there was Someone who lambasted me thoroughly.

What was my offence? Because I asked my People to Fast for 100 Days.

I didn’t ask Him o and I didn’t even ask those who are not Members of RCCG to Fast – I only ask my Children.

But God said that will happen.

I was told that some People got so angry and then went to arrest the Fellow.

Release him as he is just fulfilling Prophecies.

So I want to warn each and everyone of us – Please, don’t joke with Fire.

If you find any “Naked Fire” burning near your house, Put it out.

Because if wind is blowing and Fire is burning, then anything can happen.

Clear the Drainages near your Place because our Rainfall here hasn’t started.

Colossians 1:27

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory:

… Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

The sum total of the Christian Race is this: “At Last we Win!” That’s the sum total.

From the day you become Born Again, from the day Christ begins to dwell in you, from the day you become a Child of God – You become a Winner.

You are going to Win – Amen!

In Isaiah 3:10, the Almighty God said in His Word: Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

Whether the enemy likes it or not, it is going to be Well with you – Amen.

Tell your Neighbour: It is going to be Well with me, whether the enemy likes it or not.

Prophesy to yourself loud and clear and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, The DMC Family Members will Laugh Last!

In 1 John 3:1-3, the Bible says one thing is clear: When we see the Lord, we shall all be like Him.

That’s serious! One day we are going to be exactly like Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:37 says one thing is certain: Nay, in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him that loved us.

In the Chorus of the Special Hymn we sang Tonight, it says:

I know there is Glory Ahead for me
Because God loves me, Christ is living in me;
At the End of the Journey
We’ll be More than Conquerors.


Now, I want to talk to you Tonight as your Dad – I want to let you know the whole Story. I want you to see the Complete Picture that: “We are going to Win at the End” automatically means there might be some Battles to Fight.

In John 16:33 Jesus Christ said, These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have Peace. In the world ye shall have Tribulation: but be of Good Cheer; I have Overcome the world.

Whether we like it or not, there will be battles to fight.

That is why in December 2024; at the Holy Ghost Congress 2024, we dealt with “Onward Christian Soldiers.”


Beloved, there will be Rivers to Cross.

In Isaiah 43:1-2, the Almighty God made a Promise – When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee:

“When” not ‘if’.

When you go through the Scripture you would find that all the great names had to cross Rivers.

I. In Joshua 2:7-17, when God said, I want to Glorify you, Joshua; today you and your people would cross River Jordan.

… They had to cross a river.

Thank You Daddy.

The Lord said there is Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who said: “Daddy, You must speak to me Tonight.”

He asked me to tell you “All will be well with you” – Amen.

II. If you consider Elijah in 2 Kings 2:1-11, when God was going to take Elijah away Publicly by a Whirlwind to Heaven, he had to cross River Jordan. Elisha was with him.

III. When Elisha was about to be Promoted, if you read it in 2 Kings 2:14-22 – Elisha had received a Double Portion of the Spirit of Elijah and he has Power now. But he was on the other side of Jordan. His Ministry, his Destiny is on the other side – He had to cross River Jordan again.

There will be Rivers to cross if you are to Fulfill Destiny.

I have been Born Again for some years, and God has given me a hint; even though I fought against it; that I would be serving Him Full Time. I didn’t like it, but that is the River I had to cross.

I had to leave my work as a Lecturer in the University to come and Head a Church that was so ‘Rich’ that the entire Income of the Church was Less than my Monthly Salary where I was coming from. And we had forty (40) People to Pay.

I had to leave my job as a University Lecturer in Ilorin (DMC NOTES: Capital City of Kwara State), and I had to come back to Lagos. And we were very ‘Rich’ in those days.

I had to cross the River of Poverty that I thought I had left behind forever – I had to cross a River.

“How Long Sir, did it take you to cross the River?” Oh! I became General Overseer in 1981, we started living on this Camp Ground in 1985.

Even in those days, there were occasions when we couldn’t go to Lagos – Because to go to Lagos, you must have money to pay at the Tollgate: One Naira going, One Naira coming.

Naira was Big then – The Golden Days of Naira will return in Jesus Name – Amen!

But we couldn’t move out of the Camp because we didn’t have Two Naira. Two!

All I used to tell my wife then was, “God knows that there is going to be an Accident on the way, that’s why He wants us to stay.”

There wasn’t going to be an Accident; it was just that there was no Naira.

But Glory be to God, I’ve crossed that River now – Hallelujah.

And I want to decree to some of you here, including those reading now on the Label of DMC, crossing through one River and the other: The God who helped me to cross my River Safely, will help you – Amen.


The same Isaiah 43:2 says, When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

“When fire burns” – He didn’t say you won’t pass through fire. Because you cannot be a True Christian without Passing through the fire.

You know the Story of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel Chapter 3.

How come they got into the Fire? Because they refused to Compromise – They said, if we have to burn, let’s burn: but we are not bowing to any idol.

And when you read Genesis 22:1-18, when God told Abraham to go and Sacrifice his only son Isaac, He made sure that he had to travel for three (3) days, before he would get to where he would do the Sacrificing.

*Don’t let anybody deceive you; those three (3) days Abraham was Passing through fire. Because God made it clear: “Your son Isaac, whom though loveth”.

He robbed it in; “I know you love the boy, go and Sacrifice him.”

Sooner or later, God is going to find out:

  • Is He No. 1 in your Life?
  • Or do you love someone more than Him?

The Good News is that He says you would pass through fire, but it won’t burn you – Amen.

Oh! Thank You Father!

I believe God is Preparing you for Glory – Amen!

And my duty, because you are my children; is to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I’ve told you the Story before: Way back in December 1979, we were going to have a Program at Ijebu Igbo during the Christmas Period. And I went to Ilesha to go and greet my mother. I knew, I won’t be able to go during Christmas Period, because of that Assignment.

I arrived at home to find that my mother was dying.

Some of you would say, “So, what is important in that?” Ha! Maybe you don’t know that mothers are different from mothers, and children are different from children.

I was my mother’s Last Born and I was her only son.

That woman loved me like Nobody else, and I loved her like Nobody else.

I arrived home, and the Lady who opened the door said, God has brought you.

Did somebody tell you? I said, “told me what?” She said, Mama is dying.

All that Night I sat by my mother’s side but I had to leave the following Morning – People were gathering at Ijebu Igbo; I was the one who invited them to come.

In those days there were no Mobile Phones – We didn’t even have a Landline in my house. I have made no arrangements at all, what am I going to do?

It looks as if my Mum is going to die and I want to abandon her, as it were to go and attend to the Work of God – I was passing through Fire!

I came, told her: Mama, you know I love you. She said, I know. I said, but I have to go. She said, I Understand.

Thank God she Understood.

All the days that I was at the Program in Ijebu Igbo, there was no way I could contact home – I couldn’t tell whether Mama was alive or dead.

We finished the Program; I had to wait to make sure that the School we used was put back in very tidy order, before I could go home.

I got home, I found that almost as soon as I left, my mother was healed. She lived for another eleven (11) years.

It was just a Test! – God wanted to know, “If I have to choose between Him and my mother, who will I choose?”

When you pass through fire, it will not burn you.

But don’t let anyone deceive you:

  • There will be Rivers to cross;
  • There will be Fire to Pass through;

But at the end of it is Glory!


There will be family Problems at one time or the other with your Relations.

Matthew 10:36 says, And a man’s foes shall be they of his own Household.

Don’t say that Nobody told you – Sooner or later, somebody very close to your family might be used of the devil.

But the Good News is, you will Overcome – Amen!

Thank You Father.

I think my Father is Speaking so often Tonight, because He knows this might be a fairly tough Talk.

He said I should tell Someone listening to me right now, or reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “Because the Wind is Blowing, your Little Flame will become a Big Fire” – Amen!

In 1 Samuel 17:22-29, when David got to the battlefront, just before God was going to introduce him to the Nation of Israel that, “this is the Anointed One”; the brothers cornered him.

When David was asking, “What is going to be done for the one who kills this Goliath?”

His brothers said, shut your little mouth you arrogant brat. Is it because they Anointed you above all of us?

By the time you get to 1 Samuel 22:1-2, when David went to the Cave Adullam to hide, all his brothers came to him.

Any relation that wants to Stand between you and your Destiny will one day come to you for help – Amen!

You know the Story; in 1 Samuel 18:5-11, it tells you that the father-in-law was trying to kill David. At the end of the day David still became King.

But there would be Family Problems to deal with – And yet, there is Glory Ahead!

  • There’ll be Rivers to cross;
  • There’ll be Fire to pass through;
  • There’ll be Family Problems to deal with.

And when God said that this is going to be a Landmark Year, we all shouted for Joy. But do you know that Landmark Victories only come after Landmark Battles?

Check yourself: When some People give Testimonies, they say, “that’s a small one.”

When they say, help me shout Hallelujah, your hallelujah is low.

Meaning, “get out of the way, lets us hear a Big one.”

Is that not so?

But when you hear of some very serious Problems that God had solved, the rejoicing is greater.

“The Bigger the Test, the Bigger the Testimony” – That’s the way it goes!

Because you are my Beloved Children, I don’t want you to be children that have no backbone – You must know that we are Soldiers of Christ and we have Battles to Fight.

But at the End, we shall Win – Amen!


Let me mention a few Landmark Battles, and the Glory that followed because tonight, you are going to Pray serious Prayers.

  1. What happens when you are attacked by a Lion?

Ordinary People don’t get attacked by a Lion – It’s only People who are Anointed that get attacked by a Lion.

Go through the Scripture, you’ll see it by yourself.

In Judges 14:5-9, Samson – Anointed from the womb, was just going on his own Journey, and a Lion roared at him.

It wasn’t a Sheep that shouted at him, not a Goat; it wasn’t even a dog – It was a Lion.

The Bigger the Examination, the Greater the Promotion.

… You know the rest of the Story!

And there are many is us who, because we are Christians, we face Lions.

Some of you listening to me now, or reading now on the Label of DMC, know that in your Place of work, there are Bosses who would say:

  • Because you have refused to join us.
  • Because you have refused to do things the way we do it.
  • Because you say No, I am a Christian, I can’t do what you are asking me to do.

And they would say, in that case, stay where you are. You won’t get any Promotion.

But in the case of Samson, after he took the Lion and tore it into two; the Bible says, later on when he was Passing by there was even honey in the carcass of the Lion.

The Lion roared!

At the end of the day Samson ate honey.

I am telling you my Children: Stand firm, God is on your side. At the end you’ll Win – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said you have wept sore in Private.

He said, “You would Laugh Loud in Public” – Amen.

He asked me to tell you: Many will Laugh with you – Amen!

  1. Why about a Bear?

In 1 Samuel 17:34-36. I think I have explained it before;

  • A Lion kills by Choking People.
  • It comes from above, grab you by the throat:

First of all, the Lion chokes you to death, before it begins eating – That’s the Lion!

Bosses, big ones above you, they say: we will use our Position to push you down; to reduce you to nothing.

Don’t worry, at the end, you will Win – Amen.

The Bear on the other hand is an animal that “hugs” People to death.

You have heard of the “Bear Hug.”

Occasionally, as a Child of God, you would face People who Pretend to love you, but they want to destroy your Destiny.

One of the Songs that the Choir Sang was about Joseph in Portiphar’s house (DMC NOTES: Genesis 39:1-end).

The wife of the Master said, you are a handsome young man, come on let’s have fun.

And when the boy said sorry Ma, you are my Boss’s wife; she said, you are not the one asking me. I am the one offering you – Nobody will know. I am the Second in Command in this house; whatever I do is done.

Anyone who is Pretending to be a friend – Who wants to lead you in the way of sin, so that you can miss your Destiny: In the Name that’s above every other name, that fellow will not come near you again – Amen.

Well, at the end of the day, you know the Story – Joseph refused, ended up in jail. But when he moved out of jail he became the Prime Minister of Egypt.

And I’ve always joked about it – I wasn’t there; but when Pharaoh said that everybody must be bowing down to Joseph, I have a rough idea:

The first place Joseph rode to would be Portiphar’s house.

I’m sure he would be standing outside there and say: Could somebody call me the wife of Portiphar?

Then I’m sure when she comes out, afraid for her Life, she must have bowed.

Every Wolf in Sheep Clothing that is operating in your home, operating in your Place of work, even operating in your Church; the Almighty God will Expose them – Amen.

  1. And then what about Goliath?

You know the Story in 1 Samuel 17:34-end.

It was clear what was the Purpose of Satan in raising up Goliath – The devil was aware that David had been Anointed to become King.

All that Goliath said was, send me one man: if I defeat him we will take over the Kingdom.

Sooner or later you might come against Goliath. But the God I serve will give you Victory – Amen.

He will give you Victory, because He will give you the Grace to know what to do – Amen.

When I was Praying, in Preparation for today; I remembered a Story that I told one of my sons not too long ago: when a Goliath came up in my Life, and how God gave me Victory.

I was a Young Christian, I loved the Lord Passionately, and I wanted to win Souls.

And then they announced that there is going to be FESTAC (DMC NOTES: Full Meaning of FESTAC is Festival of Arts and Culture).

That Secondary Schools and Teacher’s Training Colleges would be closed. And that People will come from all over the world to Celebrate Africa’s Heritage – All manners of idols and so on would be displayed.

And all of a sudden I heard this Inspiration within me: I was a very Young Christian – I mean, we are talking of 1977.

I said, if the Schools are going to be closed, why don’t I invite the Students, so that we can have a Program – Which we began to call, Christ the Redeemer Congress.

We’ll invite all these People, bring them together, feed them.

I was a poor man, but I had Faith in a Big God – I didn’t know where I will get money to feed them.

So I went to my father-in-the-Lord, “Shall we do this Program?” He said, Yes, my son, anything to win Souls.

As soon as I got Permission from my General Superintendent – As we used to call him, I went to WAEC Board (DMC NOTES: WAEC means West African Examination Council); got the Addresses of all Secondary Schools and Teacher’s Training Colleges. And then, I sent Letters to every one of them, inviting them to Ilesha Grammar School – That was my School. Because I know I would be able to get Boarding Facilities there.

And then the News licked to one of the very Senior Pastors – I mean, he was a big Man of God.

When he saw what I was trying to do, he wrote me a Letter and rained every form of curses upon me.

When I read the Letter: What is this? What’s my offense? I just want to win Souls.

So I took the Letter to my father-in-the-Lord, read it to him – “That Program that I got your Permission to do, see what is happening.”

I thought my father-in-the-Lord would say, “Ha! I will send for him, I will tell him, don’t touch my son.”

My father-in-the-Lord said, “Go and beg him”.

Beg him for what? Beg him because I want to win Souls? Beg him because I got your Permission to do so?

He said, “you brought the Letter to me.” I said, Yes Sir. “I thought you wanted my opinion?” I said, Yes Sir. He said, “Go and beg him.” Oh God!

I came down from Upstairs where Papa was living, I got down to my car, I opened the door of my car and froze! – I couldn’t go in.

“Go and beg him?” And then God spoke.

… God will Speak to somebody Tonight – Amen.

God said to me: you are under his Authority, do what he has said. Okay LORD.

So I went to the house of the Great Man of God (as it were), Prostrated – That gave him an opportunity; what he didn’t write in the Letter, he was now able to release.

I said, I won’t get up Sir, until you forgive me. Just have Mercy.

After sometime he said, I know you are just a Pretender, okay go!

I couldn’t Understand the ways of God:

  • Why am I being Punished for wanting to do the Will of God?
  • Why would somebody that I looked up to; Somebody who should be leading in the way of God begin to treat me like this?

And then my father-in-the-Lord said, “Beg him.”

Two (2) years later, the ‘Big’ Man of God spoke from the Pulpit, that it is clear to him that he is going to Hell. But that he would take three (3) People with him:

  • He said he would take my father-in-the-Lord with him.
  • And he mentioned the name of somebody else.
  • And then he mentioned my name.

When my father-in-the-Lord heard it he sent for me. He said, now you see the reason why I asked you to go and beg him?

Anyone who would take your crown; anyone who would take your Kingdom; no matter the Position, no matter the influence: In the Name that’s above every other name, they will end under your feet – Amen.

Now, let me leave the rest to other time; and come to the Big Question – Because there is a Big Question that some of you have had the opportunity of answering before.

And that Big Question is in Romans 8:31, it says: “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Now, What is your Answer to that Question? Nobody!

That is usually the answer of “Baby Christians” – Because if you read that Passage very well, God didn’t answer the Question.

At the end of that Passage, it was just only a Question Mark (?) – “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

And if God puts a Question Mark (?) and He didn’t put an answer, be careful.

I mean, who can be against us if God is for us?

  • Witches and wizards? No way!
  • Herbalists? No way!

Why? Isaiah 54:17 says, there’s no Weapon formed against me that will Prosper.

Witches and Wizards in your mother’s or father’s house? Don’t worry yourself about them.

Their weapons are already Neutralized – Amen.

What about the Original devil himself? Forget small, small chickens like Witches and Wizards, and Herbalist.

Thank You Father.

I want to say ‘Amen’ to this one before I tell you:

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here Tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “I will Fulfil my Promises to you Rapidly” – Amen.

Thank You Father.

And I want to say ‘Amen’ to this one also, before I tell you:

The Lord said there’s Someone here Tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says you would soon Testify – Amen.

And the Testimony would be: “I have seen the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living.” – Amen.

Amen! Daddy, Thank You.

James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

So, if God is for us, who can be against us? – Not Witches and Wizards, not Herbalists, not False Prophets; not even the devil their Master.


Only one fellow can be against you, even if God wants to be for you – And that is you!

You are are the only one with the Free Will to stop God from giving you Victory – You are the only one!

Isaiah 59:1-2 says: Behold, the LORD’s Hand is not Shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your Iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

… Only you can be against yourself!

  • A thousand Soldiers rose against Samson, he killed them all. But one little girl brought him down.
  • David, the Giant Killer; the one that the Almighty God took from nowhere, Promoted him to be King. Decided to sleep when he should be going to War.

He woke up and saw a woman bathing; and one thing led to another, he Impregnated the woman, killed the husband and brought the woman to the house, Pretending to be a Great King who cared for the Widow of one of his dead Soldiers.

When the Almighty came and said Sir, something like this happened in your Kingdom. He said, whoever did or is going to die. God said, fine! You are the one.

He Surrendered, he trembled; he realized – Oh! I have blown it.

God said, I will forgive you, you won’t die. But God said the sword will never depart from his Household.

There is Glory Ahead; Provided you are careful.

Ask those of my Children who are close to me – They will tell you that whenever we Pray and say, “Ask God for something Special.” And I want to ask for that something Special for myself;

My Prayer is, God don’t let me offend You.

Because if there is no quarrell between me and God, I can face the world – “One with God is a Majority.”

But if God is against you, who can be for you?

Oh! You say, “Daddy, this doesn’t look like Holy Ghost Night – This looks like Digging Deep.” I know!

Because God wants to do something in your Life Tonight, and in the lives of all those reading now on the Label of DMC – So that Next Month, at the March Special Holy Ghost Service, you can have Joy Unspeakable (Amen)!

I am not just your Pastor; I am not just your father-in-the-Lord; I am your Coach – Oh! That’s what I am!

“This Old Man is tough.” Because you are going to Heaven, you know!

Whatever I have to do to get you there, I will do it.

I don’t want to be Popular – If you don’t like me, that’s alright.

Once I see you in Heaven, that will be Good enough.

There are some of us who have been Pretending to be Children of God, but we are not. I don’t want to waste my Time on People who are not going to Heaven.

How many of you would go to Heaven with me? The DMC Family Members!

Are you sure? Say Amen loud and clear – Amen!

Do you know that many of us have heard about the Power of my God;

You have heard Testimonies upon Testimonies upon Testimonies!

Of People who found themselves in a very deep River; in a very deep hot furnace of fire and they called on the God of Adeboye – Adeboye is not the one they are calling; it is his God.

And believe me Honestly, my God can do anything – Amen!

And I want the best for all of my Children – The very best!

That’s why I am not surprised that some People would get angry because I asked you to Fast for a hundred (100) days.

Last Year (2024), one Reverend said, what kind of God is that God who would ask People to Fast for Fifty (50) days before He would answer?

He didn’t even know that one hundred (100) days was coming.

The Wind is blowing my Children – This is a Landmark Year.

You are going to end this Year Gloriously – Amen!

  • But some of you are not even Fasting.
  • Some of you are not even obeying Simple Instructions.
  • Some of you are not even listening to me;

And you want my God to Perform Miracles for you?

You want Him to look at you and say: You say you are the son of Adeboye; how come this and this can be traced to you? Didn’t they say, “Like father like son?”

So Tonight, we are going to Pray.

And the Prayer is not going to be a fifteen (15) Minutes Prayer – It’s going to be a very Serious Prayer. I would only stop you when the Holy Spirit ask me to stop you.

… Can I hear an Amen to that? Amen!

Don’t worry, it’s not even Midnight yet.

You know, when we started the Holy Ghost Service, we used to go from 7pm (on Friday) to 6am (on Saturday).

We only began to cut down time because we were creating Problem at the Expressway – Now, the Expressway is clear.

How many of you would want us to return to – From 7pm (on Friday) to 6am (on Saturday)? Not many People said Amen to that.

All my Children are going to be Greater than I – Amen.

That means they will be toughened.

The Soldier who is going to be Victorious must be well Trained; and well Prepared.

Anyway, we will leave some of them till the Future.


Those of you who are here today or reading right now on the Label of DMC, and your Salvation is not the kind that would say bye-bye to sin; You better come and get the Genuine one.

Because the Word of God made it clear: if you are Born of God, you don’t sin. That’s what God says. It doesn’t matter what any other Preacher may be saying; “Be Holy for I am Holy.” That is what God said.

So, if you know that you claim to be Born Again but you are still living in sin, you better run forward and get Genuine Salvation – The kind of Salvation that would look at sin as an Abomination.

I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – If you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, come and stand before the Altar now, and we will Pray to God.

Come only if you are serious – If you are not serious, stay right where you are. There’s no problem.

But if you are coming Tonight, you must be very Serious – You want to really, really be a True Child of the Living God, come now!

I am counting…

God bless you my Brother, God bless you my Sister.

Thank you those of you who are clapping; your hands will never whither.

Okay! Cry to Jesus Christ, say LORD: I am serious this Night. I don’t want to have anything to do with the devil anymore.

Save my Soul, forgive all my sins. Come and be my LORD, come and be my Saviour and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Take over my Life LORD – Come and dwell in me. I know if You are dwelling in me my Hope will be Glory.

I want to be a True Child of the Living God. LORD, Please save my Soul.

And the rest of us, shall we Please Stretch our hands towards these People and Intercede for them?

That the One who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also.

That the Almighty God would wash them Clean with His Powerful Blood.

That He would write their names in the Book of Life.

And that they would serve God till the very End.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Children who have come forward Tonight, including those reading now on the Label of DMC to Surrender their lives to You.

Please Lord, receive them in Jesus’ Name.

Forgive all their sin, in Jesus’ Name.

Let Your Blood wash them Clean, in Jesus’ Name.

As You save their Souls, Lord write their names in the Book of Life.

Receive them into the Family of God and let them serve You for the rest of their lives.

Please, don’t let them go back into the world of sin.

Anytime they call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, those of you who have just Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I want to rejoice with you.

Because from now on, by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you – So I’m going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You – Amen!

Thank You!


You may want to put down your Prayer Points:

  1. You want to Thank the Almighty God that He has allowed you to hear what you have heard Tonight.

Blessed are the ears that have heard what you have heard Tonight!

  1. You will say: Father, whatever I have to Pass through, Please just be by my side – Be it Rivers or Fire.
  2. You will say: Father, Please don’t let me lose Your Love so that I can remain More Than a Conqueror in all the battles of Life.
  3. You will say: Father, Please don’t let me be my own Enemy.
  4. You will say: Father, let my Surrender to You be Complete Tonight, so that I can resist the devil and he will flee from me.
  5. You will say: Father, let Your Glory in my Life be so Great that all my Enemies will be dazzled.
  6. You will say: Please Father, answer my Neighbours too.
  7. That is your own Individual Prayer Points – Whatever you want from God.

The Altar is Open!

Be ready to Pray – It is not going to be a 15 Minutes Prayer!

We want to really, really Pray Tonight and you need to be very serious in your Discussions with God!

Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

… Let’s begin to bring our Prayers to a Close!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The God I serve will grant your Requests.

That Holy One of Israel with whom Nothing shall be impossible, will grant your Requests.

Whatever may be your Present situation; He will not abandon you.

You will Win!

You will Laugh Last.

By the Special Grace of God, you will not annoy Him.

He will not forsake you.

He will not abandon you.

If you have to pass through the River, He will be with you.

If you have to pass through the Fire He will be with you.

No Goliath will be able to stand before you.

And you will not be your own Enemy.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Thank You Saviour. Thank You LORD.


Now, the Word of God says, Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on Earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven (DMC NOTES: Matthew 18:19).

We’ve cried to God; but that thing called the “Prayer of Agreement” is an extremely Powerful Weapon of Warfare.

So, if any of us still feel that they would Prefer that our Prayers would be sealed by Agreeing with the Ministers of God, who have Prayed with is and are ready.

They would line up and just touch you as a Point of Agreement, that God would grant your Requests.

Then, as the Band would be Playing, you would go to them – They would lay hands on you and say: I Agree with you!

… Pastors, would you Please, take Position?

As you lay hands on them, the Law of Harvest will be working on you – It will return to your in hundredfolds.

Thank You Pastors!

The Lord will Confirm your Miracles, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.


Take your Thanksgiving Offering, dance to the nearest basket, drop your Offering (Online).

We will Pray, as we will be on our way.

Over to you Band – you are doing very well.


In the Name of the LORD of hosts, you will never lose another Battle.

Beginning from this moment, you will just keep on Winning.

The One who created a Path through the Red Sea will Open Ways for you.

As you go, God will go with you.

Very, very soon, you will know the meaning of “Joy Unspeakable.”

He will Bless your Offering, He will Use it for His Glory.

In the Name that’s above every other name, one day, very soon, Nobody would know you had ever suffered before.

It shall be Well with You!

And each time I hear concerning you, it shall be Good News.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Who got the biggest Blessing tonight? The DMC Family Members!

Let me hear you shout the ‘Biggest Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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