We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days, we Worship You; the Alpha and the Omega, the Holy One of Israel – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Thank You for what You started forty (40) Years ago; Thank You for what the “Little Seed” has become and Thank You in Advance for yet what The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) will become.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Tonight my Father and my God, even as Your Words will be going forth, bring Healings to Your Children, Set all the Captives Free and let us leave here Completely different.

And Please Lord, heal our Nation – Nigeria.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I believe that there is Someone here Today or reading now on the Label of DMC who will see the Rebirth of a New Nigeria!

Now, if you are that one, let me hear you shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her that: God is about to surprise you – You know!

And then, you may Please be seated – God Bless You.

I know that some of you will be saying – What is going on? Is he going to sit down?

No, I am not going to sit down – I am already seated.

And in case you are wondering – What is happening? How can he be doing this afterall doesn’t he know that this is a Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) Biennial Conference?

Well, if you read your Bible very well; you will find in Luke 5: 1-7 that when Jesus Christ borrowed the boat of Peter, He sat down to Preach and the Congregation stood.

… So, I am the one doing the right thing now.

Maybe you are the one who should be Standing!

I know that some of you will say – Oh, he must be getting Old.

That is true but what about you?

In the Last PFN Biennial Conference that we had, I was about 80 Years Old and now few days from now, I will be 83 Years Old – I have added 3 New Years.

And whether you believed it or not, you too have added another 3 Years.

So, we are all growing Old together!

DMC NOTES: You can get to read the Full Text of the Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon during the Last PFN Biennial Conference 2022 on this Link:

Let me start by Thankimg my son, Pastor Paul and his wife – Thank You very much (DMC NOTES: Referring to Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor (Mrs) Becky Paul-Enenche (Formerly Dr Becky Inyangbe Ibu) – Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre Abuja Nigeria)

Like I said when this Place was being Dedicated – You are an Answer to one of my Prayer

My Prayer had been: God, let my children be Greater than I – And you are fulfilling that for me!

DMC NOTES: The Dunamis International Gospel Centre’s Glory Dome, located on the Lord’s Garden on Airport Road in Abuja; was Dedicated on November 24, 2018. The Glory Dome is the Church’s International Headquarters and is located in Abuja, Nigeria – The occasion was at the Formative Period of DMC and so Records from our Archives.

So, let’s give the Lord a big round of applause for them.

I don’t know how to Thank the Organisers of this Program:

I. I don’t know how they can ask a Pastor to come and Preach after listening to Bishops and Arch Bishops who has delivered “Episcopal Homilies”.

DMC NOTES: An “Episcopal Homilies” refer to a Sermon delivered within the Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion, essentially a Short, Explanatory Talk based on a Bible reading, aimed at helping People understand Scripture and apply it to their lives. The term “Homily” is more commonly used in Anglican Traditions compared to other Protestant Denominations, where “Sermon” might be Preferred.

II. And after listening to Apostles who has been Communicating “Apostolic Doctrinal Liturgies”

DMC NOTES: “Apostolic Doctrinal Liturgies” refer to a form of Christian Worship Practice that closely follows the Teachings and Practices believed to have been established by the Original Apostles of Jesus Christ, focusing on a strict interpretation of the Bible and emphasizing core Doctrines like the Trinity, Salvation by Grace through Faith, and the importance of the Holy Spirit, often incorporating Specific Elements like Baptism and the laying on of hands as central components of their Worship Practices.

III. And after listening to that Prophetess who has Practically brought Fire down yesterday (On Day 2).

And to now asked a Pastor to come and say something – Thank You very much sir.

I hope that you will Pray for me!

As a matter of fact, lift your hands to the Almighty God and say:

Father, everything that I need to hear; Pull it out of your son.

Even if he doesn’t want to say it, Pull it out of him.

And God will grant your Request in Jesus Mighty Name Amen!

I want to Thank God for Papa Uma Ukpai – DMC NOTES: Founder and President of Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association (UUEA).

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for obeying God .

And I give Glory to God for Papa Williams Folorunsho Kumuyi – DMC NOTES: The Founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Gbagada Lagos.

He is the only one among the Founding Fathers of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) that I know who is Older than I.

But he is not here today – So, I can Pretend to be the Oldest Man around.

So, one of the reasons why I am sitting down is that I am not going to be in an hurry – Not at all.

Because there are one (1) or two (2) things that we need to hear if we are going to make it.

Oh, we have been asked to speak about: “THE REBIRTH OF A GREAT NATION”.

And I Thank God for all those who has spoken before me:

Thank God for our Beloveth Apostle Joshua Okorie – DMC NOTES: Head Kingdom Priesthood and Apostolic Network (KPAN) Ministry.

Thank God for the Prophetess who spoke after him – DMC NOTES: Referring to Reverend (Dr) Mercy Obiora Ezekiel (Founder and General Overseer of The Christian Pentecostal Mission International, CPM).

I have listened to the Sermon of Pastor Paul Enenche – DMC NOTES: Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Abuja.

I have listened to the Sermon of Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo – DMC NOTES: Founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners Chapel).

I might not be here Physically but I am following!

And I’m extremely Grateful for all the information that we have received.

And they have said a lot of things that I could have spent time on but I will just pull from their Teachings as we continue

The Bible Text of course has been – Isaiah 66:7-8:

  1. Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.
  2. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the Earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a Nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

As a Mathematian, I will start by defining Terms – We have here: “Rebirth of a Great Nation”.

The word “Rebirth” is a combination of two words – “Re” and “Birth”.

“Re” actually means “Again”.

So, when we hear “Restore” – That means Store again.

When you hear “Regain” – It means Gain again.

So, when you hear “Rebirth” – We are talking about give “Birth to” again.

Because it is this definition that will help us to understand fully all what we are talking about.

If we are talking about the “Rebirth” of a Great Nation, it means that you are talking about a Nation that was once Great, and somewhere along the line, she lost her Greatness. And now, you want it to become Great again!

QUESTION NO 1: Now the first Question that you may want to ask is: “Can it be done?”

This has been answered I believed by many of these Speakers who spoke before me.

Nigeria was Great before – Oh, we are not saying that Nigeria is not Great now but we are talking about Greatness in Degrees.

Can Nigeria be as Great as it once was? – That is Question No 1.

And the answer of course is Yes!

Even if Nigeria is not going to be reborn; after that Prophetess came on Day 2, I believed that the Heaven must be busy doing something.

In Luke 1:37 – The Bible says clearly: “With God, Nothing shall be Impossible”.

Will Nigeria be Great again? Oh assuredly!

I. There was a time that when you are looking for the Best of Brains, they look towards Nigeria.

Do you know that there was a time that the Chief Judge of an African Nation was from Nigeria – They came to beg us to give them a Chief Judge.

DMC NOTES: Justice Akinola Aguda (1923 – 5 September 2001) was a Yoruba Nigerian Jurist and a former Chief Justice of Botswana. Prior to becoming Chief Justice, he was a Lawyer and a High Court Judge in Nigeria’s Western Region. He was the first Indigenous African to Head the Position of Chief Justice in Botswana.

II. When you talk of Education, we are Tops.

III. When you talk of Prosperity, there was a time when Nigeria was almost choked by Migrants.

I’m sure that some of you will remember that unfortunate incident when we have to ask the People from Ghana to go – That’s where you get the name for that bag: “Ghana-Must-Go”.

DMC NOTES: Nigeria asked Ghanaians to leave their Country in January 1983 through an Executive Order from President Shehu Shagari. The Order forced illegal Immigrants to leave the Country or face arrest. The order resulted in the Deportation of over two Million Migrants, including one Million Ghanaian Nationals. The bags the Ghanaians carried became known as “Ghana-Must-Go”.

IV. There was a time Migrants were coming from Indians to Nigeria simply because one Naira (#1) was equal to fifteen Rupees (DMC NOTES: Indian Rupee. The Indian Rupee (symbol: ₹; code: INR) is the Official Currency in the Republic of India).

You say that how do you know? Because I am a Member of the Indian Mathematical Society and we have to Pay to be a Member and I know how much it costs.

V. There was a time that Nigeria was so Rich that the saying at that time was: “Our Problem is not Money but our Problem is how to Spend it”.

Can you believe that?

VI. There was a time that the Naira was so Strong that when we wanted to travel Abroad; the Maximum that you are allowed to take out was five hundred Naira (#500).

And you convert that five hundred Naira (#500) to Dollars, it becomes eight hundred Dollars ($800).

I’m telling you the Truth because we have seen it and we are Part of it.

Can it happen again? Oh for sure because with God, Nothing shall be Impossible!

QUESTION NO 2: The Question No 2 is: “Will God be willing to help us bring it to Pass?” – Oh Yes!

Why? Because He doesn’t Change!

Malachi 3:6 says: I am the Lord, I Change not – That is what God said.

And He gave an illustration of what He can do with Nations:

In Ezekiel 37: 1-14, He said in the Story about Dry bones in the Valley.

He told us that Story in a very Significant manner – He said that not only were the bones dried, no they were “Very Dry”.

On Day 2 of the Conference, our President – DMC NOTES: Referring to Bishop Wale Oke was talking to us about the Resources of Lazarus.

Lazarus was only dead for four (4) days; the bones in the Valley were not just bones, they were not just dry bones; the Bible says: “Lo, they were very dry bones”.

And the Bible says that God spoke to the Man of God and said – I’m just using that as a Parable for you.

He said that some People are saying: Oh, our Hopes are gone and we can’t make it anymore.

He said that: Ha, Ha; if I can make dry bones live again, then I can bring out our Nation from the Grave.

That God is my God – Nigeria shall be Great again (Amen).

QUESTION NO 3: The Question is: “Has He done it before?” – Oh Yes!

During the reign of President Yakubu Gowon; that was when we were saying that our Problem is not Money but how to Spend it.

DMC NOTES: General Yakubu “Jack” Gowon (born 19 October 1934) is a Nigerian Politician and Military General. He was the Head of State of Nigeria from 1st August 1966 to 29th July 1975. There were Stories of tons of Stones and Sand being imported into the Country, and of General Yakubu Gowon himself saying to a Foreign Reporter that “the only Problem Nigeria has is how to spend the Money she has.”

I mean: God Prospered us so much that we told the Ford Foundation at the University of Ibadan that they can go now as we don’t need their Help anymore.

It all happened in my Lifetime.

DMC NOTES: The Ford Foundation is a Philanthropic Organization Dedicated to tackling Inequality around the world by investing in Social Justice Initiatives, aiming to reduce Poverty and Injustice, Strengthen Democratic Values, Promote International Cooperation, and advance Human Achievements.

I mean that time, the Government gave what they called “Udoji Awards”.

DMC NOTES: In 1972, the Udoji Public Service Review Commission was Set Up by the Military Government led by General Yakubu Gowon to examine the Organisation, Structure and Management of Public Service. The Commission made Recommendations, known as the “Udoji Award,” which included Salary Increases, Civil Servant Training, Administrative Structure Reforms, and the Introduction of Goal-Oriented Management.

They Paid everybody so much Money that many of us who never thought that we could buy a Television Set had excess Money.

You go to the Market in Nigeria in those days, and you won’t even find a Television Set to buy because we have bought all.

Farmers in my Village began to buy Genetator Set.

… There was so much Money.

Then somewhere along the Line – And I don’t want to talk too much about what happened since my son had already dealt with what happened in the Morning Session – Day 3 Morning Session.

Somewhere along the Line, we began to borrow and we became so deep in debt that it looks as if there is no Hope again.

And then suddenly, during the Second Time tenure of President Matthew Olusegun Okikiola Obasanjo (DMC NOTES: From 1999 to 2007); Miraculously God Paid all our debts!

And even if we were not as Rich as we were initially, at least we were not owing.

Can God do that again?

Because now, we are so deep in debt that Humanly speaking, the Naira that used to be 1.8 Dollars, you know what it is now!

But I believed that with all of us Gathered together – Children of the Most High God; if we should cry unto Him (God) again, Miraculously our debts can be Forgiven!

It can be done if God chooses to help us!

He can Pull us out of the “Almost Bottomless Pit of Indebtedness”.

If we cry to God and say: Father, Please at least one more time, rescue us from this Shakles of Death!

We may need to qualify our Prayers – We may say: God, rescue us this time around and then make it Impossible for us to ever borrow again.

Maybe if we add that to our Prayers, maybe He will answer us!

And then all the People who spoke kept on saying that: “The New Rebirth” that we are looking for our Nation is dependent upon the Church!

So, we need to turn our attention to the Church.

And we hear what God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

☆ If my People – Who is He talkimg about? Me and you.

☆ Which are called by my Name – Christians called after Christ.

☆ Shall Humble themselves and Pray.

Oh, a lot has been said about the fact that we must Pray fervent Prayer – The kind of Prayers that you Pray and you sweat.

He said that if we do certain things, He will forgive our sins and heal our Land.

Let me just Point to one crucial Point in that 2 Chronicles 7:14 before we Pray:

There is something they called “The Law of Priority” – That is the most important thing comes first.

If my People who are called by my Name shall do what?

Number one: “Humble Themselves”.

What is our Problem among those of us the Pentecostals? Pride!

Amd if we don’t deal with that and you are looking for answwrs to our Prayers for a New Nation; then you will be wasting your Time.

I’m the Oldest fellow among you here Today, I am going to talk to you like a father.

According to the Bible, once you reach the age of 12, then you are a Man.

Do you know what that means? You can Produce a Child.

So everyone of you Younger than 71 Years Old, I’m Old enough to be your father.

So, I’m going to talk to you Plainly – Particularly the Younger ones among us.

You must deal with Pride – We must Humble ourselves!

We admit that you Younger Generations may know much more than we do.

We admit that you say that you have New Revelations.

Although, many of the things you call New Revelations are not New.

When you begin to talk about “Unlimited Grace”; we have heard it before.

You are dealing with a Holy God!

We may not know as much as you do but if you tell me that what some of you are now Preaching is New Revelations; then that is not True as we have heard it before.

Way back in 1979/1980; we have heard this Doctrine of “Unlimited Grace” – Once you are Born Again, you can live anyhow you want as it does not matter again.

Let me tell you – A Man taught in Ilorin (DMC NOTES: State Capital City of Kwara State Nigeria) way back in 1980 that if you are Born Again and you want to commit Adultery/Fornication; all you need to do is to inform Jesus before hand.

Are you surprised?

He even taught us how to Pray – You go to Jesus and say: Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your Finished Work on Calvary; Thank You for making me a Righteousness of God in You. Now I am about to go and commit Adultery/Fornication, when I finished I will come back and Apologise.

… We have heard these things before.

It is just that some of us felt that this can’t really be True!

Didn’t the Bible say: If any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature; that Old Things has Passed away, now behold all Things has become New.

So, when we begin to hear of your New Revelations that can say: Once you are Born Again, you can lie and its okay because Grace will cover it.

Then, how can we be talkimg of Christians taking over the reign of affairs when Corruption is okay?

Well, we admit that we don’t know as much as you do.

I mean some of us are not even just saying we are Ignorant, I have said it openly that I am a Fool.

And one of my Grandchildren came to me and said: Grandpa, I learnt that you say that you are a Fool. I said Yes.

What kind of Fool are you? I said that the kind that can get PhD in Mathematics; the kind of Fool who knows what he wants and how to get it.

I said: My Child, will you like to be that kind of Fool? He said Yes.

We have Humbled ourselves because we need to be United.

So, tolerate some of us who don’t know as much as you do.

We might not be as Strong as you in Knowledge, but by the Special Grace of God, some of us – People like Baba Uma Ukpai; we have seen the Power of God.

I have seen Miracles happen when Baba Uma Ukpai will just be Worshipping God before Ministering and Miracles will begin to happen.

Before we Pray for the Rebirth of our Nation, let us Pray for the Rebirth of the Church!

The Church is no longer what it used to be.

We have seen God in Action, we have seen God demonstrate His Power, and we have seen Anointing – The “Real Thing” and not the Manufactured ones.

Because like Somebody said: Some of us has not seen the “Real Thing” and so we don’t know fake ones.

Anointing is not Sweating!

My Children will tell you – I don’t treat them like Children; I treat them as a Coach.

I have seen Excellence and we must return to Excellency!

We have seen situations when as Young People, we will go on Evangelism to Riverine areas and in the Evening, we will sleep in Classrooms without Windows and Mosquitoes will be dealing with us.

And we could still remember an occasion when everybody was slapping themselves because Mosquitoes were disturbing them.

But then, there was a Brother who was Cool.

We say what is happening with you? Why are you not feeling the Mosquitoes?

He said Mosquitoes are bothering you? Child of the Living God?

He rolled up his Sleeves, open his hands to the Mosquitoes and the Mosquitoes zoomed in by the dozens.

And as the People watch, the Mosquitoes drop down dead one by one.

We might not know too much Bible but I appeal to you – Honour these Elders.

They have gone through things that you don’t know about.

There are certain things that you don’t learn in the Bible College – Certain things called Experience!

We need a Rebirth Church!

Just one Example:

A Man of God was to conduct Bible Study in a Classroom. The Windows were opened and it was in the Age of “You name it, you Claim it”.

And as he sat down to begin to teach, one so called Sister went behind him – Held him by the Shoulder and said: I claim you as my Husband.

And the Next Thing that happened was a Sound Outside.

Because the Power of God carried her and threw her out of the Window.

… That is the kind of Church that I am talking about.

We must Humble ourselves!

We must meet God’s Condition – Humble yourselves!

We need to Humble ourselves if we are to become United!

If we become United, we have Power Unimaginable.

The Bible says: If we are going to see the Rebirth of a New Nation, we have to be United!

Why? In Mathematics, we have what we call Sets.

When certain Numbers obey certain Rules, we put them together in a Set.

For Example:

Every Number that can be divided by 2, we put them in the Set of what we call “Even Numbers”.

If the Number cannot be divided by 2, we call it the Set of “Odd Numbers”.

In the Spiritual Realm, there is a Set called “The Set of the Almighty”.

Amd you know the meaning of “Almighty”? – It means the Person who has the Power to do anything.

And the first Person in that Set is God – Behold I am the God of all flesh, is anything too hard for me? ,(DMC NOTES: Jeremiah 32:27).

Next in that Set is the Believer – Because we have heard People speak about Faiith.

Mark 9:23 says: If only you can believe, all Things are Possible to him that believe believeth.

The Next Group of People in that Set are those who are United – Our President (Bishop Wale Oke) told us that on Day 2.

Genesis 11:6 says: God looked down from Heaven and saw People trying to build a Building that will reach Heaven.

And God said: Hey, look o! These People are one – They have one Language.

Because they are United, whatever they decided to do, even I God can’t stop them.

If we are United:

☆ If we are not saying that I am from the North and you are from the South.

☆ I am from the East and you are from the West

If we can be one, then anything that we want to do, we will be able to do it.

I Thank God for our Brother who spoke to us about the Technicalities of Elections – DMC NOTES: Referring to Pastor Femi Emmanuel (The Presiding Pastor of Livingsprimg Chapel International Lagos).

He knows that I Support him 100% but the Last Time we met, I told him something which I’m not going to tell you because it might Challenge your Theology.

How can we be United if one Fellow is saying that: I know more than you? You are Inferior? You are Old Fashioned? Or you don’t have New Revelations?

There are many People in my family (Adeboye family) who don’t go the University – I don’t despise them.

We are United.

My father had two wives and quite a few numbers of children.

And I’m telling you that in the Adeboye family, we fight a lot – We quarrel, we wrestle, and we beat up one another.

But the moment we step out of our father’s house, if anybody dares tough an Adeboye, the rest of us will gang up against such Person.

When we get back home, we can quarrel but because we have a “Common Purpose”, you dare touch one of us; you have touched everybody.

Until we come to that kind of Unity, we might have some Problems.

All over the Internet, things are happening – People rebuke this Fellow, rebuke that Fellow and the rest of us keep quiet because it is not us.

Until everybody knows that if you touch one Christian, you have touched all Christians; then we will not do much.

Have you ever seen anyone bold enough to speak against the Sultan of Sokoto?

Why not? Try it and see what will follow.

DMC NOTES: The Sultan of Sokoto is the Spiritual Leader of Nigeria’s Muslims. He is also the Grand Sheik of the Qadiriyya Sufi Order in Nigeria. He is the Hereditary Leader of the Sokoto Caliphate, a Sunni Muslim Community in West Africa. The Current Sultan of Sokoto is Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, who was born on August 24, 1956. He is the 20th Sultan of Sokoto and has held the Title since 2006.

We must Humble ourselves and we must be United and then our Prayers will have effects.

Now, let me come to you:

I. I want to Thank the Choir – Magnificient Choir.

But talkimg as a father, I am not 100% satisfied.

This is a Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) Meeting – Since I have been here on Day 2, I have not heard a Single Song in Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba.

Beautiful Songs, Powerful Songs but as I listened to your Songs, it get to a Stage that you kept repeating the same Line again and again.

I said what is going on? If you don’t have anything else to sing again, then sit down.

II. Well for You – Is your Ministry what it used to be?

Are there Dreams that you have at the beginning that are dead that needed to be brought back to Life?

Our God is Faithful – If He gives you a Dream, He is more than enough to fulfill it.

It doesn’t matter how long it is – The Dream that He gave Joseph came to Past.

Of course you know why? Because Joseph didn’t Compromise.

I will give you an Example:

The Branch of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in United Kingdom started almost forty (40) Years ago.

And when I got there, I saw everything – I saw the Advantage of London.

Because for example, from London, you can take a Flight to almost anywhere in the world – One Single Flight.

So I said that it will be a Good idea if we have a Camp like what we are doing in Nigeria there – And I believed that God can replicate it.

Ten (10) Years later, we got a Plot of Land about a little over one hundred Plots.

And to get that kind of Land in the United Kingdom, that is a Miracle – We rejoiced!

But then, before you can begin to build, you have to get Permission from the United Kingdom Government.

And the Government said: Get Permissions from all your Neighbours.

And our Neighbours have already heard about the kind of Go-Slow we were causing in Lagos and so they said no way!

So, the Land was there and we couldn’t develop it.

And after many Years, and even I began to loose Hope; it just occurred to me not long ago that if God gives you a Dream; He can fulfill it.

If the Dream is not fulfilled, then the Problem is not with the Almighty God but the Problem is with you.

So, I went back to my Father in Prayers and then all of a sudden, an Organisation who has been several Years Old offered their Camp for Sale.

We were looking for Land, God has Prepared a Camp that was “Built Up” for us.

And for one reason or the other, the Owner said that we will not sell it to anybody else except you.

And today, by the Grace of God, we have the Largest Christian Camp in Europe.

Did God give you a Dream for your Ministry?

Has the Dream faded?

You can have a Rebirth and you can have a Revival.

Let me Conclude by Sharing with you something I shared several Years ago:

Because we don’t want to go out of here the way we came – We don’t want this to be an Ordinary Biennial Conference.

Afterall, we don’t know when next the Lord will come.

We don’t know which Biennial Conference will be the Last at least for us as Individuals.

For People like my Age, we treat every Meetings as a Possible Last one.

You can’t die at 83 Years Old and Somebody will say that the Witches has done their best.

What kind of Witches want to kill 83 Years Old Man? That Witch must be a terrible Witch.

And everyone of you who has Passed the Age of 70 Years Old, you are already in the Last Lap.

Many of us here are already in the Departure Lounge and we have already gotten our Body Passes.

And when it comes to Departure, Death does not come as a Function of Age – Old People can die; Young People can die.

So, I want to Share this in Closing – If there is anything else that I didn’t share, it is because God didn’t want it shared.

Years ago, I was going over what God has done for me in the Ministry – When we have seen Raw Demonstrations of the Power of God.

And I remembered a situation that happened when I was Preaching in Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria in 1980 and a woman ran out of the Church.

And when the Ushers followed her and they were wondering why?

After the Meeting, I called her that what is the Problem?

She said that as the Message was going on, her dress caught Fire.

She was a Witch and her Clothes caught Fire in the Church.

We Prayed a Simple Prayer and she excreted a dead snake.

… We have seen this!

And there was another occasion:

We are having a Convention and a woman ran out of the Church, got to the Gate and began to call her friend – Mama Lagbaja (Mama Somebody), bring my bag as I’m going home.

And that one said why? If you want to go home, then come in and carry your bag yourself.

She said that I can’t come back because there is Fire there.

And I was rejoicing and suddenly, God spoke to me and said: Son, when was the Last Time that you saw that kind of Raw Manifestation of the Presence of God?

I said: Daddy, You know that You have Multiplied us and the Miracles are many now.

He said: Son, don’t dodge my Question – When was the Last Time you saw that Naked Raw Demonstration of my Presence?

I said: Daddy, it’s being quite a while.

And He asked me: Do you want your Fire back? And I said: Yes Lord!

Then you know what to do. And I said I know – I have to get back to the basis.

Thank God for all of you who are already Succeeding – Thank You for the Multiplication, Thank You for the Great Numbers but is your Fire still burning?

So, I did all He asked me to do.

The Next Holy Ghost Service, as I was Ministering and I gave the Altar Call and People were coming forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ.

Suddenly on the roof over my Head, there was Fire Outbreak – It was on Tape.

And everybody on the Altar Panicked.

But the People coming for the Altar Call saw the Fire but kept coming and I didn’t move.

They came – I led them to Chrust, I Prayed for them and then I hand them over to the Counsellors.

Then I moved out of the way.

In the meantime, the Fire Fighters were already there with Ladder to go to the roof.

They got there and there was no Fire – The roof was made of Asbestos Sheet but no Fire and no Smoke.

DMC NOTES: This occurred during the RCCG June 2017 HGS – Friday, 2nd of June 2017 Specifically.


The Prayer that I am going to ask you to Pray tonight is for those who wants their Fire back.

And so, I’m going to ask you to Pray and I won’t beg you – If you like Pray casually; it is up to you.

I know that some of you are Burning as Bright as ever – All you need to do is just to Thank God!

But for those of us who knows that we are not even anywhere near where we ought to be; will you Please Stand on your feet and lift your hands to the Most High God and say:

Father, Please give me my Fire back as I want my Fire back!

Revive me Oh Lord and revive the Ministry that You have committed into my care – Please, give me my Fire back.

I need a Rebirth of that Fire as I want that Anointing that the Enemies can’t even touch.

Please, give me my Fire back.

Go ahead and open your mouth to Pray to the Almighty God.

As for Nigeria, God will take care of Nigeria but:

☆ What about you?

☆ What about your Ministries?

☆ What about the Visions God gave you?

☆ What about the Anointing that you used to operate in?

Cry to the Almighty God.

Almighty God: Give me my Fire back and revive me back.

Give me a Rebirth of Fire.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer.

Thank You for Tonight and Thank You for Your Children who has gathered here Tonight Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC.

I Pray my Father and my God that upon each and everyone of Your Children who has cried unto You and who will continue to cry unto You; You will Please send down Your Fire.

That kind of Fire that will burn all the Yokes in our lives, in our families, in our Churches, in the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) and in our Nation Nigeria; Father send down the Fire.

By the time the Sun rises Tomorrow, let all of us sing a New Song.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Only You can do
What no Man can do Jehovah

Only You can do
What no Man can do Jehovah

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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