The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah the Man of War
His Mercy endureth Forever and Ever
Oh, Praise His Holy Name


God of Abraham – The God of Overflowing Blessings; the God of Isaac – The God of Laughter and the God of Joy; the God of Jacob – The God of Grace and the God of Exceeding Greatness; we Worship You. Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Tonight, my Father and my God, do what You alone can do.

Oh Lord, have Mercy on us, have Mercy on Los Angeles, have Mercy on America, have Mercy on Your Church, have Mercy on each and everyone of us.

At the end of it all, take all the Glory and give us the Blessings.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening, God Bless You. And then you may Please be seated!

I wonder why we are talking of New Beginning and there are so many things that I could tell you but I have to get Permission from the Lord before I can say it. That which He approves of, He will let me say it, that which He does not approve of, we will keep it till other times.

I keep telling you Stories and some of my children has concluded that I’m a Story Teller. But you should know that I don’t tell Stories for fun. If I tell you any Story at all, it is because it is important.

And I was sharing something with two (2) of my children before I stepped in.

I said that during our Session in Day 1 of this Ministers’ Conference, I said that a woman who can live with me for fifty five (55) years must be Somebody Specially equipped by God. Because I told you that even myself find it difficult to live with myself.

DMC NOTES: We can get to access the Full Text of the Day 1 Teaching during the RCCG Americas West Coast Ministers’ Conference at Los Angeles USA on this Link:


You see, the Problem with me is that many atimes what makes People happy, makes me uncomfortable!

When I first came to Los Angeles several years ago (About fifteen (15) years now); we were driving along a road by the Beach – I believed that there is still Beach here. And I said: Oh mine, this reminds me of Lekki 1998. How I wish that very soon, we will hold a Holy Ghost Service by this Beach.

DMC NOTES: In 1998, while visiting the Lekki area with some Foreigners, the Lord told Pastor E.A Adeboye to hold a Service in the Beach area and that became the historic Lekki ’98. The Theme of the event, which shook Lagos was appropriately “Divine Visitation.” The HGS moved to the Redemption Camp the following year (1999).

Fifteen (15) years had Passed and we are still going to hold the Holy Ghost Service or whatever name you want to call it in a Church – We are still a crowd that can be contained within the four Walls. I shake my Head.

When People are rejoicing that how Great The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has become. When they looked at the Last RCCG Annual Convention 2022 at the Redemption City of God in Lagos Nigeria. And they saw the crowd and they say: Ha, this is serious, see how far God had taken The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); I groaned in my Spirit because God spoke to me clearly loud and clear to my hearing. He didn’t send a Prophet to me that He intend to build for us an Auditorium the Size of Ibadan (DMC Notes: “Ibadan” is the Capital City of Oyo State Nigeria).

God told me that and I told many of you.

If the Auditorium alone is of the Size of Ibadan, by the time you then add the Dormitories, Maternity Center, Kitchen, this, that; you should know what we should be expecting.

Compare that to where we are now; then you will understand why Somebody like me is always in a hurry.

When I considered the Visions that God had given me initially concerning America and I see where we are now; I groan.

That is why we need “A New Beginning” – A Beginning where we will stop Playing Church and start doing the work of God because Time does not wait for anyone.

Between yesterday and now, we have all grown at least a Day – We are all a Day Older. How much we have achieved in the Last twenty four (24) hours is being recorded in Heaven.

I Preached a Sermon on “Time” sometimes ago; the following Day, one of the boys who came for the Meeting called me and said: Daddy, how are you? I said I’m fine. I hope that you slept well? I said you want to hear the truth? He said Yes. I said that I didn’t sleep. He said: Praise God!

My son, why are you saying: Praise God? He said because I didn’t sleep either. He said that what I heard yesterday didn’t allow me to sleep.

But some People heard the same Sermon that he heard and just glossed over it.

Today, we want to talk about: “A NEW BEGINNING OF ANOINTING”.

Acts 2:1-4

  1. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
  2. And suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
  3. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
  4. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Acts 4:31

  1. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

I wondered here – What are we talking about?

I. In Acts Chapter 2, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. And when the Bible says “Filled”; it means filled. That means: No room to put anything again.

II. Now and some days later (In Acts Chapter 4); it is talking again that they were all filled.

So, which “Filled” is the filled? – Which one is “The Full” and which one is “Not So Full”?

This simply means that you can be Full today and Empty tomorrow.

And so, I know that I’m talking to People who are already Baptised in the Holy Spirit, who are once Filled with the Holy Spirit.

So, how can you be talking to such People and our Topic will be: “A NEW BEGINNING OF ANOINTING?

Are you talking to People who have just been saved? People who have just been Baptised by Water? Are you talking to them that they need the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

You are talking to People who have established Churches; People who has Prayed and Healed the Sick, cast out demons – Mighty Men and Women of God.

But sometimes still, they need a New Beginning of Anointing!


You can do a lot of Theological Definitions – But simply put: Anointing is that which destroys Yokes (According to Isaiah 10:27).

The Anointing destroys Yokes – It doesn’t just break Yokes. Because what is broken can still be Mended. Anointing destroys Yokes: Yokes of Barrenness, Yokes of Fruitless Efforts, Yokes of Stagnation.


  1. Well, we need Anointing for “Spiritual Protection”.

Psalms 105:15 says: Touch not my Anointed.

  1. We need Anointing so that we can become a Blessing.

I. Blessings to the Poor – 1 Kings 17: 8-16.

The Widow of Zarephath would have died of Starvation but the Anointed came in and the matter Changed.

II. A Blessing to the Great and Mighty – 2 Kings 5: 1-14.

This is about Naaman – He was Great, he was Mighty, he was Rich but he needed the Intervention of the Anointed Man of God for his Joy to be Full.

  1. We need Anointing Particularly in Ministry because of the Issue of Signs and Wonders.

Jesus Christ Himself said in John 4:48 – Except ye see Signs and Wonders, you are not going to believe.

You are not going to win America with Oratory – No! If you want to be “Playing Church”; that’s fine. But if you want America to say once again: Jesus is Lord, then you are going to need more than the ability to dazzle with Grammatical Gymnastics.

You will have to show them in Practical Terms that there is a Power far, far beyond New Age Philosophies.

Acts 10:38 says: How God Anoinred Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power, who went about doing Good.

Why? – He was Anointed with Holy Ghost and with Power. Then He went about doing Good and Healing all that were Oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.

And the Lord Jesus Christ said in John 20: 21-22 – He said that as the Father sent me, so sent I you.

The Father did not send me Powerless, the Father did not send me “Without Anointing”, the Father did not take me to go about doing Good without accompanying me.

And then He went ahead and breathe on them and said: Receive ye the Holy Ghost.

Philip didn’t go to Samaria to demonstrate how many years he has been in Bible College; he didn’t go there to win a whole City to God by demonstrating how many Degrees in Theology that he has. The People didn’t turn to God because this Young Man spoke very well – Philip went to Samaria “Full of The Holy Ghost!

The People responded because they saw Signs and Wonders!

We went to Sokoto State in Nigeria – That is the Headquarters of Islam.

By the Special Grace of God, because of the “Little Influence” He (God) has given me, we were allowed to use the Stadium for the Crusade. And then God moved and several People got Born Again and several Miracles happened.

By the 2nd Day, the Program was to end by 8pm and they have to turned off the Light of the Stadium around 9.30pm for the crowd to be dismissed.

Because even after the Preacher had Preached; when Testimonies upon Testimonies were coming in; those who didn’t come into the Stadium at the beginning started coming afterwards.

Why? – Because God was there!

And then we moved from there to Bauchi State in Nigeria and God was there too.

And then, we moved from there to Maiduguri (Capital City of Borno State in Nigeria) and there were People there who called my People after the Program – How could you allow daddy (Pastor E.A Adeboye) to go to Maiduguri? Why are you allowing that risk because they knew that was the Headquarters of Boko Haram?

But God moved beyond Human Understandings – Not because we went there to say: Don’t you know that I am Pastor Adeboye? Don’t you know that I have PhD in Mathematics? With your PhD in Mathematics, Boko Haram will cut off your Head with Joy.

You are not going to win America over to the Lord with Oratory, with Gymnastics, with “Tap Dancing”. What you need is Anointing!

You are going to need Power to raise the dead, Power to open Blind eyes, Power to make Deaf to hear, Power to make the Lame to walk.

  1. You need Anointing and Power to do the work here.

I. Because when in Acts 3: 1-11 – Just one Miracle of the Lame Man walking; a Sermon that followed that one brought five thousand (5,000) Souls into the Kingdom of God (Acts 4:4).

II. And when you read Acts 5: 1-14; you will discovered that when another Set of Miracles happened – The killing of Ananias and Sapphira his wife.

It was then that the Bible says – Multitudes were added to the Church!

  1. You need Anointing to kill.

Because there will be Agents of the devil in the Church – They are already in and you are not going to Plead for them to go. They are on errand.

There are Agents of the devil in the Church to cause the Church to be Lukewarm.

Forgive me – I’m not trying to run down the Church in America.

But if the little Experience I have with us is anything to go by, I will tell you the Truth – I will hesitate before I allowed my son to relocate to America.

Because I knew quite a few of you who are “Boiling Hot” for God before you came to America. But I began to wonder – Does this Land (That is Land of America) turns Hot to Lukewarm?

There are some of us that I know and we know ourselves who when they were in Nigeria, the devil will see them coming and run. But now, we are like Somebody – That we used to Fast before together in Nigeria said after we met after he moved to America. I looked at him and said: What happened to you? He said: Sir, we are at an Advantage!

What do you mean? Because he has become “Double his Size”.

He said that everywhere you look in America, there is food!

I looked at him with Pity – I said: Did the food jumped into your mouth?

Raise your hands to the Almighty God and say: Father, give me a New Beginning now!

Now, God said in His Words in 2 Corinthians 3:6 – He said: The Letter kills, it is only the Spirit that makes alive!

When it comes to the Letter – Oh, you are Good. You know how to Preach “Homiletically” – Introduction, Body, Summary, Conclusion.

It is not the Letter that is going to help, it is not the Greeks, it is not the Hebrews, it is not the quoting of this Fellow, quoting that Fellow; it is the Spirit that makes alive – The Holy Spirit!

I. You see, the Almighty God make a Promise in Jeremiah 5:14 – He said: I will make my Words in your mouth Fire and then I will make the People you are speaking to wood.

So that even as you are Preaching, they will be catching Fire – That is the Promise He made!

II. But the Bible then said in Luke 6:45 – It says: Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks.

How can Fire come out from a Cold Heart? It is what you have taken in that you can speak out!

III. Ephesians 5:18 says: Don’t be drunk with Wine wherein in excess but be filled with the Holy Spirit.

And Bible Scholars said: “Be filled” used there means “Being Filled” – In other words: “Just be filled continously!

A Man can go to bed full of Wine and drunk. But by the time he wakes up in the morning; the Wine is gone. You will need to refill if he is going to be drunk again.

Be “Being Filled” – Means be constantly drunk with the Wine of the Holy Spirit!

You know that I have always wondered – In Acts 19: 11-12. The Bible said that God Performed “Special Miracles” by the hands of Paul.

The definition of a Miracle is “Special Divine Intervention” in the affairs of Men – When God did something Special in the Life of a Man. That is what is called Miracle!

Now, the Bible now said that God Performed Special Miracles – Put in Literal Translation, it will mean God Performed “Special, Special Intervention” by the hand of Paul. So that, the Handkerchiefs and Approns from Paul was hea,ing the Suck and casting out demons.

And I wondered why? God, how did he Qualified because one of the things that I did wnen I became Born Again was that I sat down and I selected some People in the Scriptures that I love that I want to be like.

I. I spent three (3) Solid years Studying Elijah. You said: What is there to Study in him?

Ha, I like Man who can say: You come to arrest me and you know that I’m a Man of God? Okay, roast.

Because at a time I became the General Overseer for Example – You have to be a Mad Man to go and be living along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway because they rob on that road everyday. And I took my wife, my “Little Children” to go and be living in that Jungle. Where do you get that kind of boldness from?

I had Studied Elijah – Nobody stopped me but I almost wished that they did. There would have been some ashes on the way.

You need the kind of Power that will consume Witches and Wizards.

II. And then I discovered among several other things about Paul – I Studied him very well.

Why? – He was an Academician who became a Terror to the devil.

A. And I read in one of my Studies in 1 Corinthians 14:18 – He said: I speak in Tongue more than you all. Because God Performed Miracles from the hands of Other Apostles too but it is just in the case of this Man that God Performed “Special Miracles”.

So, what is Special in him – He (Paul) speaks in Tongue more than all the Others.

B. I also discovered while Studying this Young Man in 1 Corinthians 12:31 – He said: Covet earnestly the Best Gifts.

Covetousness is not approved but Paul made me to understand that if what you are coveting for is the Gifts of God, Covetousness is allowed!

You heard me say that I cried to God once that I want Double the Power of Elijah; Plus the Double the Power of Elisha; Plus the Double the Power of Peter; Plus the Double the Power of Paul; Plus the Double the Power on the Lord Jesus Christ when he was here on Earth; add everything together and doubled it again.

God told me: Son, you are asking for trouble. Why Lord? He said that they won’t let you rest. And I said that I don’t mind.

Maybe I should have been a bit more careful. Now, I know what He (God) is talking about.

C. And then, He went on to say in 1 Corinthians 14:39 – He said: Covet to Prophesy.

Do you know what that means? – To Propbesy, you have to heae from God first.

One of my daughters was talking to me not too long ago – She said: Each time you Preached, how do you feel that the Word is coming from God?

I only say what I hear! Covet to hear from God so that you can speak what you hear!

Now, you have all been Baptised by the Holy Ghost – I have no doubts about that some of us have not just been Baptised with the Holy Ghost but with Fire!

But the Fire must not “Go Out” – Leviticus 6:12; is says that the Fire on the Altar must not “Go Out”.

It says that the Priest must keep on adding Fuel every morning so that the Fire won’t “Go Out”.

How many Fire had already “Gone Out”?

You have to be Honest as this is an Issue between you and God – You know!

Some of you know this “True Story”:

I. I was going Praying at Night (Which is something I have been doing more than forty (40) years ago). And all of a sudden, God spoke to me and said: Son, you remembered the Location when the Service was going on and the dress of a Woman caught fire? – You are Preaching and the dress of a Woman caught fire and so she ran out of the Church.

I said: Yes Lord I remembered.

II. You remembered another time when the Convention was on and a Woman ran out of the Church. She went outside the gate of the Church and began to cry to a Relation that brought her. She was saying like: Mama Something (Calling the name); Please bring my bag.

What is going on? I’m going home. Then if you want to go, come inside to take your bag. She said I can’t come in there because there is Fire there.

I said: Yes Lord I remembered.

Then He asked me: Son, when was the Last time that there was “Naked Fire” in the Church when you are Ministering?

Oh, Glory be to God – You know that the Miracles are so many now.

God said: No, answer my Question!

Daddy, it is really a long time – I’m sorry.

He said: Do you want the Power back? I said: Father, how glad will I be to see the Fire back.

Will you be willing to Pay the Price? Yes Lord, You know that I’m more than ready because I told You right from the word go the moment You saved my Soul – I don’t want to be an “Ordinary Christian”.

Is there anyone here who wants to be a “Special Minister” of God? – Will you tell the Almighty God: Please, give me a New Beginning!

He (God) told me what to do – It takes a lot of Fasting, some Praying et cetera et cetera. I stopped fooling around.

And then one day, I was Ministering – I had made the Altar Call and People were coming forward. And all of a sudden, up above my head at the roof; the roof caught fire.

Funny enough, everybody at the Altar saw the Fire. Though they didn’t say it but some of them were anxious and hoping that I get out of danger so that the Fire Fighters can deal with the Fire.

But I have made an Altar Call, People were coming, they saw the fire and they were coming. If they are coming you want me to run away?

And in any case, I was expecting the Fire – So, they came, I led them to Christ. I Prayed for them, the Counsellors took them away and I finished everything that I needed to do before I moved out of the way.

Then quickly, they put up the Staircase, Fire Extinguishers got up there and there was no fire – All these were all on records!

And not only that there was no fire, there was no Smoke.

Do you want your Fire back? Or do you want to keep on deceiving ourselves saying we are Full of the Holy Spirit when we are already Empty?

Now, I will soon conclude because I’m sure that you are anxious to Pray.

In Hebrews 1:7; the Bible says: God has made His Angels Spirit and His Ministers Flames of Fire.

So, if you are His Minister, you are a Flame of Fire by definition!

But there are three (3) Categories of Flames – Each one recognisable by its Colour!

  1. There is Red Flame.

That is the Flame Produced by firewood, coals etc. And it is “Red Flame” – And Red is the Symbol of danger.

That is the basic Colour of the “Flame of the Anointed” – It is the one that tells the enemies in Psalms 105:15: Touch not my Anointed (There is danger here, this Fellow is Anointed) and do my Prophets no harm.

And everybody has the Potentials of becoming “Red Flame” because Jesus Christ Himself said in John 14:12 – The works I did, you shall do also; even Greater Works than this shall you do!

… He Promised that!

  1. But then there is a Flame that is hotter than “Red Flame” – That is “Blue Flame”.

That is the Flame that you get from your Gas Cooker – Flame Produced by Gas!

Interestingly, Blue is “The Colour of Love” – So, you wondered: How can this be? Until you know what Love is.

I. Songs of Solomon 8:6 tells you that: Love is “Very Deadly”.

I mean that if you ever had an “Accidental Touch” with the Blue Flame of a Gas Cooker; you will know what I’m talking about.

You can touch Red Flame by accident, it will burn you but you might not need to be rushed to the Emergency for treatment. You might even be able to treat it at home using Vaseline or whatever.

But you touched a Flame Produced by Gas? You will need a “Specialised Attention”.

II. The Bible says in Song of Solomon 8:7 that this kind of Flame cannot even be quenched by water.

I’m sure that you know that when the fire that is burning is from Gas, they don’t try to put it out by water.

Why? Because it loves water. It will drink it up.

You remembered what happened in 1 Kings 18: 22-29 – That is the kind of fire that Elijah called down on Mount Carmel. It burnt up everything and it licked up the water.

III. And this is the kind of Flame that is used by God to Purify the Sons of Levite so that they can be Promoted – Malachi 3: 1-3.

  1. Behold, I will send my Messenger, and he shall Prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his Temple, even the Messengers of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of Hosts.
  2. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall Stand when he appeareth? for he is like a Refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:
  3. And he shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier of Silver: and he shall Purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as Gold and Silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an Offering in Righteousness.
  4. But the hottest of all Flames is White Flame.

That is the kind of Flame that the Welder uses to cut iron. And this fire comes by a Mixture of Gas and “Intensed Pressure”.

I. It is White – That is why you find out that Welders cover their faces when they are working with that Flame because it is the kind of Flame that you don’t even want to look at.

II. You don’t want to accidentally come in Contact with that kind of Flame because if your fingers touches it, it will cut off your fingers so easily that you won’t even feel the Pain. It will just Slice the thing off.

Your finger will already be on the Ground before you realised that it was off.

III. That is the kind of Flame that when demons see you coming, they run – They don’t want to mess with that kind of Flame.

That brings me to the Question: You are a Minister, you are a Flame of Fire; what kind of Flame do you want to be? How Hot do you want to be for God – Red Flame, Blue Flame or White Flame?

I was talking to my children in Maiduguri (Capital City of Borno State in Nigeria) and I said that I envied them. They looked at me – Why?

I told them that if I have my way, I will shift the Headquarters of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) from the Redemption Camp to Maiduguri.

Why? You can’t be in that kind of atmosphere and become Cold.

I reminded them of one of my Pastors there – His wife had just given birth to a Set of Twins. The Boko Haram came looking for him because they knew him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in. So they said: Okay, we will leave a Message that we were here. And they took the new Set of Twins (2 boys I think) and slaughtered them.

When I heard the News, I brought husband and wife down to the South because if you are the mother and you see that happening to your children; it is enough to send Somebody Mad.

So, I invited them, Ministered to them and said: Okay, we will find a Parish for you to Pastor here in the South.

My boy looked at me and said: Daddy, what are you saying? You are the one who taught us that it is Darkness that will flee from Light and not Light from Darkness. I’m not going back!

That is what I called White Flame! – That is the kind of Minister that I want.

DMC NOTES: Boko Haram, officially known as Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād, is an Islamic Terrorist Organization based in Northeastern Nigeria, which is also active in Chad, Niger, and Northern Cameroon.

Oh, you have heard Testimonies upon Testimonies of some Miracles when by the Grace of God I asked you to lift up your Handkerchiefs and I wave my hands and the Handkerchiefs became Anointed. We hear all manners of Testimonies back home on this.

Do you want that kind of Power? – Not just to use the Handkerchiefs that I anoint but your own Handkerchiefs will go out from you to Perform Signs and Wonders!

The Choice is yours!


Now, the reason why we are going to have the Holy Communion tonight is that at least for one more time, we will eat the same Bread, drink the same Wine and cry to God for a New Beginning!

But before we approached the Table tonight; while I was Praying this afternoon; the Lord asked me to give you a “Little Break” at this Stage. That while we are Praying and Thanking God in Advance for what He is about to do tonight; we should remember that it is only when the People are in one accord that the Holy Spirit fell the First Time and fell again the Second Time.

He (God) asked me to appeal to you because only God knows if I will ever come this way again (That is come to Los Angeles USA again).

There are several Nations that I have never visited.

I. We are getting ready to go to Japan when Coronavirus came.

II. And there are Nations that I have been to only once because if you are going to such Places like Papua New Guinea. After you get to Australia, you still have to travel for 6½ hours by Plane.

And whether you believed it or not, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is bubling there.

I have been there twice but I still want to go there at least once before I go.

DMC NOTES: Papua New Guinea, in the Southwestern Pacific, encompasses the Eastern half of New Guinea and its offshore islands. A Country of immense Cultural and Biological diversity, it’s known for its beaches and coral reefs. Inland are active volcanoes, granite Mt. Wilhelm, dense rainforest and hiking routes.

III. I have not been to Iran.

And whether you believed it or not; I hear Testimonies regularly of all manners of Healings from our Church in Iran.

IV. I haven’t even been to Libya.

I want to go. And I mean that we have more than sixteen (16) Parishes there.

Not too long ago, they arrested my “Lead Man” there, threw him to the dungeon. And while in the dungeon for a long time, he suddenly remembered – 2nd of March! That’s my father’s Birthday. And then he Changed his Prayers – God of my father; today is his Birthday, you must give me a Birthday Present.

And all of a sudden, they came and they said: Go!

All I’m saying is that: There is still all these Places that I still need to visit even if it is only once!

And you People here at Los Angeles has been visited three (3) times – And so in fairness to others, if I don’t come here again, you shouldn’t blame me as there are still some People who are asking for only one bite!

If I go to those Places, Nobody will say: Daddy, I knew that there is going to be a Ministers’ Conference but you know don’t be angry that I don’t come – They will be surely there!

So, you have this opportunity today.

But the Lord asked me to tell you that while you are Praying for the next few Minutes: Those of you who has some things among yourselves – There is something Somebody did to you that you don’t want to deceive yourself that deep down, I’m still not happy with this my Brother/Sister; then go to that Brother/Sister now if he/she is here and say: Because I don’t want you to hinder me tonight, I forgive you.

So, you go ahead now and begin to Pray – Just begin to Thank God ahead for what He is about to do!

And while you are doing that, if you can locate that Brother/Sister; that you need to settle with – Go to him/her and say: Not for any other reason, I didn’t want you to hinder me tonight – I forgive you!

Let’s begin to bring our Prayers to a Close.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


I have already laid hands on the Holy Communion Elements. The Senior Pastors will help me distribute.

We are going to Stand now:

When you take the Bread, just Thank God for the Stripes that has made you Whole.

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, you take the Wine – When you drink the Wine this time around; you are going to Him and say: Oh Lord, send down Your Fire on me again, restore my Fire and make me Hotter than I was before. I want to be White Flame for You Lord!

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

I want you to remain in an “Attitude of Prayer” – You can sit down.

The Prayer of tonight is not a Prayer of five (5) Minutes – If I were you, I will Pray for as long as I can tonight. It is a very, very Special Night.


We will do what we normally do after we have taken the Holy Communion.

We will say: “Thank You” to the Almighty God for giving us the opportunity.

So, you will want to take your Thanksgiving Offering and then we will give it to God before I finally Pray for you tonight.


My Father and my God, the One who has made me what I am.

I am approaching You today on behalf of all of us – You have been very Graciois to us. And because we are Your Children and we have messed up some of these Grace that You have available to us – Comfort, Physicall, Materialls had made some of us Lukewarm Spiritually.

The Atmosphere where we find ourselves, the Coolness as it were of the Land in which we find ourselves has made some of us Lukewarm.

We apologised tonight and ask for Forgiveness – Please, forgive us Lord, revive us Oh Lord, revive each and everyone of us.

Every opportunities that we had and we filtered away, because You can reverse the Irreversible; Please restore unto us. Beginning from now, restore unto us.

All those “Beautiful Dreams”, all those “Great Visions” that we had concerning serving You that for one reason or the other; we had not been able to achieve; Father Please bring them back, grant us Extension of Life, grant us Good Health and Strength that within the Next Year, we will recover all.

Let this Ministers’ Conference be a “Destiny Changer”.

Tonight, my Father and my God; open the Windows of Heaven and rain down Your Fire.

Oh Please Daddy, give us a New Beginning of Fire, a New Beginning of Anointing, a New Beginning of Wisdom – Empower us afresh.

Paul was just a Human Being like us and You Performed Special Miracles through him. Please Daddy, whatever You did for Paul, do it for us.

We Promise You Lord that we won’t waste any of these Gifts that You have given to us tonight. We will never waste a Single of them.

Set us aflame Daddy, make us White Hot for You.

Your Children will still be crying to You Lord – Depending on the Hunger of each Person; Please fill us to Overflowing.

Please, accept our Offerings, send down Fire from Heaven and take it to Yourself.

Please my Father and my God, whenever it is time for us to leave this world, let us remember tonight as the Night when the Tides turned.

Bless all Your Children, Prosper them, fulfill Your Purpose for our lives.

Tonight, even on our beds, visit us. Let us wake up tomorrow Brand New People.

And Lord God Almighty, in the Holy Ghost Service of tomorrow (DMC NOTES: Light Up Los Angeles of Friday 18th of November 2022), the kind of Miracles that You have never done before, Please Perform in our midst.

And even before tomorrow, let everyone of us here have Testimonies.

Thank You my Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, why don’t you give Thanks to Him and just bless His Name for two (2) or three (3) Minutes before you begin to go.

Let’s go ahead and Praise the Almighty God!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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