Let’s Pray!


Eternal Rock of Ages, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We want to say Thank You because You are God.

And I want to Thank You tonight because with You, there is no Shadow of Turning.

Unto the Lord that answers Prayers, all flesh shall gather.

You have not called the House of Jacob to come serve You in vain.

So tonight Lord, I ask that You’ll be Glorified.

Thank You Almighty God for the Answers to Prayers. We say Your Name be Praised forever.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… And the People of God will shout a Louder Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Please, jam those hands together for Jesus; as you take your seats Majestically before the God of all the Earth.

I want to Specially Bless the Name of the Lord tonight, for the great opportunity given to me by our Parents in the Lord: our Father and Mother, Pa Enoch Adejare Adeboye. And of course Mama, Mummy Folu Adeboye.

Thank you very much Sir and Ma, for nurturing us and for allowing us in your benevolence to share with you, the same Pulpit.

It is my Prayer, Daddy and Mummy, that the Almighty God whom I serve will keep you until the end, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

I also want to use this opportunity to thank all our Spiritual Leaders – Again I say, thank you Sir’s and Ma’s, for the opportunity.

And to the Congregation tonight, I want to announce to you that your Day finally had come, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

I’ve been asked to speak to us tonight on a Topic that says: THE ROD OF FIRE.

I want Somebody to lift up his or her and shout: The Rod of Fire!

Wherever the Lord can find the most Believing Shout tonight, may your Answer come Speedily, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Lift up your voice again and say: The Rod of Fire!

I will be taking my Bible Text tonight from the Book of Psalm 110:1-2.

1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy Strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine Enemies.

… Thank you for saying Amen!


  • What is the Rod?
  • And what does the Rod stand for?

Anywhere you see the Rod, it typically stands for Authority.

According to our Bible Text (Psalm 110:1-2), the Bible says, “Lord shall send the Rod of thy Strength.”

And when the Lord sends the Rod of thy Strength; He says the result will be Ruling in the midst of thy enemies.

So, the Rod typifies Authority.

Whenever you see a Shepherd Boy leading his flock; one thing you normally will find in his hand is a rod.

I found out recently, when I saw a young boy that was leading cows – The only thing he needed to do to control the cows was just to stretch forth his rod towards the direction he wanted the cows to follow.

And I was surprised that even animals responded to the rod in his hand.

Just like every situation will begin to respond to you from tonight, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

I already said that the Rod typifies Authority;


  1. In the Scriptures, Fire generally typifies God Himself.
  2. It typifies Divinity.
  3. And it typifies the Holy Ghost.

For example, in Exodus 24:17; the Bible says, And the sight of the Glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on the top of the Mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.

And the Bible says in Hebrews 12:29, For our God is a Consuming Fire.

If you know that your God is a Consuming Fire, lift up your voice tonight and shout Fire!

So, if the Rod typifies Authority, and Fire typifies God: What then is the Rod of Fire?

The Rod of Fire simply is, Fiery Authority.

What did I say! Fiery Authority!

I have come to discover as a Christian, that you cannot deal Properly with the Kingdom of Darkness, or the Power of Hell, or any Mountain without having Authority that is Fiery – Authority by Fire.

So in the next few Minutes, I am going to be illustrating to you, using the Life of a Man who had the Rod of Fire; and used it to his advantage – He is none other than the Man of God, Moses.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Living Jesus – Halleluyah.

Moses was the man who commanded Fire.


Tonight, I am going to be speaking to you about: The Four (4) Major Stages that Moses went through to arrive at his Destination; according to the Purpose of God for his Life.


Moses had the Promise without the Rod (Authority) and Fire.

In Acts 7:23-29, the Bible says:

And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his Brethren the children of Israel. And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian: For he supposed his Brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not. And the next day he shewed himself unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are Brethren; why do ye wrong one to another? But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? Wilt thou kill me, as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday? Then fled Moses at this saying, and was a stranger in the land of Madian, where he begat two sons.

When they asked Moses that day, “Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us?”

The question they were asking was the question of Authority.

They were asking Moses, you want to bring us out of Captivity, where is your Rod of Fire?

This was the question Moses could not answer.

The Bible says that Moses thought that they should have understood that it is by his hand that God was going to deliver Israel.

And I could hear the Children of Israel saying, The Rod of Wickedness does not respond to Zeal; it responds to the Rod of Fire!

So they asked Moses again, where is your Rod of Fire?

And on the day that should have been his Day of Shining, Moses was Speechless.

On the day that your voice needs to be heard, may you not be Speechless – Amen.

This was the Problem that chased a Child of Destiny away for Forty (40) years.

And Moses found himself in the wilderness because he was with the Promise; but without the Rod and Fire.

… The First Stage is the Promise, with the Rod and Fire.


This is the Stage of the Rod.

Moses ran away, he came to the Wilderness. He found himself on the house of the Prince Midian; And Moses who had the Promise became the one who was now going after flock for the next Forty (40) years.

You are here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, thinking that the Lord has forgotten you. Hear the Word of the Lord tonight under the Authority of the Lord; The Day of your Remembrance has come – Amen!

*So Stage 2 came – The Stage of the Rod. Moses now had a rod in hand, looking after his father-In-Law’s Sheep. *

And then Exodus Chapter 3 came:

…. Your Exodus Chapter 3 cometh tonight – Amen.

In Exodus Chapter 3, as Moses, in his Fortieth (40th) Wilderness Experience was going with his father-In-Law’s Sheep; all of a sudden there appeared a Fire Burning and the bush was not consumed.

So Moses turned around to see!

And all of a sudden, Someone called his name from the Fire: Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

If it were in this 21st Century, we would have heard Moses say, “Who is calling my name oooo?”

… Jesus is calling my name oooo!

Moses was saying, “Who is calling my name after Forty (40) years? As far as I’m concerned, no more Destiny.”

And God said, I have opened the Exodus Chapter 3 of your Life – I have remembered you today.

So God said to Moses, the time has come to return to the Destiny that you abandoned Forty (40) years ago. Moses said to the Lord, how can I make this thing happen?

When they ask me, ‘Who sent you?” Because he remembered he could not answer the question, “Who made you a Prince and a Judge over us” that year.

And the Lord said to Moses, tell them “I AM WHO I AM.

Despite the fact that God said, I AM WHO I AM; Moses was still afraid. Then in Exodus Chapter 4, God asked Moses, what is that in your hand?

When God asks you a Question, He already knows the answer.

Moses said, a Rod! As if God did not know it’s a Rod.

He wanted Moses to confess he now has Authority in his hand.

Stage No. 2 is the Rod!


So God said to Moses, submit that Rod of Authority before me.

So Moses surrendered the Authority.

As if God was saying to him; if we must Proceed to the next level, “the Rod of Moses must become the Rod of Fire.”

Moses cast the Rod on the Ground. And God said, pick it up again.

From. the time Moses picked the Rod, it ceased to be the Rod of Moses: it became the Rod of God (Fire)!

As soon as Moses submitted the Authority of Man to Fire by dropping it on the Ground, God stepped into the Rod.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

The Bible says in Exodus 4:20 – And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the Land of Egypt: and Moses took the Rod of God in his hand.

As I come to a close; Moses could now stand before Pharaoh.

Who dares to stand before an “Established Wickedness” without the Rod of Fire – Who?

In Exodus 5:1- 2, the Bible says, And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my People go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the Wilderness. And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.

The Rod of Fire in Moses’ hand became the Rod that Performed Miracles that God did through him in Egypt; only because God mixed with the Authority of Man – The Rod of Fire.

Finally, if you want the Rod of Fire tonight, only you should Please, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

But in Psalm 125:3 the Bible says, For the rod of the Wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the Righteous; Lest the Righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

So, upon whom will the rod of Wickedness not rest? The Righteous!

If you are here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you have never surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

Or you used to be Born Again, but you have backslidden.

If you fail to run to Jesus tonight, the Rod of Wickedness may not make you see tomorrow.

So I beg you by the Mercy of the Almighty God tonight, when Daddy GO comes up to make the Altar Call: run quickly to the Altar and Salvation will meet you there.

Are you ready for the Fire of God tonight?

Jump on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


I’ll give you just one Prayer Point tonight. And I beg you, Pray like you have now done before.

Lift up your voice and say: Father; send the Rod of Fire tonight into my situation that I may overcome the Rod of Wickedness.

Lift up your voice and cry to God.

Thank You Jesus!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Please lift up your two (2) hands:


The Prayer you have Prayed tonight; if I serve a Living God; the Answer comes now, in the Name of Jesus!

Thank You Almighty God for the Answer to Prayer.

We Bless Your Name forever.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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