DATE: 16TH JUNE 2024


Let Us Pray!


Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Praise the Lord!


Eternal Rock of Ages, the Unchangeable Changer, the Almighty God Himself – We Worship You.

We Worship You for all You have done for us in the Past; and we Worship You for what You will yet do for us.

We Thank You because we know that You are the Lord of Host and You have never, never lost a war. And so we know that with You on our side, we will always be More Than a Conqueror.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, Please send Your Words to Your Children today and fight their battles for them.

And today, in a very, very Special way; Perform Special Miracles in the lives of everyone.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Day, God will bless you today.

And then, you may Please be seated.

As we continue in our Series: “For Whom The Heavens Open” and we get to Part 47.

In the Part 46 of this Series, we discussed the issue of Integrity in Joshua Chapter 9.

Today, we are moving on to Joshua Chapter 10!

And actually, the Story should go all the way from Verse 1 to the end. But for Specific Purpose, we will just be looking at Verse 12 to 14.

Joshua 10:12-14:

  1. Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the Valley of Ajalon.
  2. And the Sun stood still, and the Moon stayed, until the People had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the Sun stood still in the midst of Heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
  3. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.

The Almighty God will fight for you today – Amen.

Joshua Chapter 10 – If we are to take it Verse by Verse; it will Probably take us more than one Month.

But then, we have been on this Series now for 47 weeks – And we still have one or two more discussions on this before we move to another Series.

What happened if you read the Story from the beginning is that when the Kings around heard that their Neighbours had gone to make a Peace with Israel; they decided that we better act now.

So, all the other remaining Kings gang up together to attack those who had gone to make Peace with Joshua.

And when those ones heard that their Enemies are comimg, they ran to Joshua and said: Well, we are allies now, Please come and help us.

And then God spoke to Joshua and said: Don’t worry yourself, I will take care of the situation – I will fight for you.

And there, you will discovered that God was the first Person to throw Bombs in this Story.

Because when the Enemies of Israel were trying to run away; the Bible says that God began to smash their heads from rocks thrown from above.

But the Specific Section that we are discussing is where Joshua decreed that the Sun should Stand Still and the Moon should stay where it was.

Now, the Bible said that there had never been a day like that before and there had never been a day like that ever again.

There are many, many Lessons to learnt from Joshua Chapter 10:

  1. Probably the first one that will be obvious is that the Enemies of your friends, are your Enemies.

If you have friends and if you have Allies; their Enemies automatically becomes your Enemies.

  1. There is also a Statement there: “There had never been a date like that before or never been a day like that after”.

This tells us about what we called “Unique Miracle” – Miracle that happens only once and then never again!

I’m Praying that God will give us a Miracle that is Unique today – Amen!

But when we talk of Unique Miracle – The Miracle that God has done only once before; you must not get the impression that what God had done before, He can’t do it again.

Because according to Hebrews 13:8 – The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Miracle might be Unique but God is the Unchangeable Changer!

You must never allow the fact that there had been a Unique Miracle done for Someone to cause you to limit the Ability of God to do the same Thing or even better Thing for you.

Psalms 78:41 tells us that it is a sin to limit the Holy One of Israel.

Whatever He has done before, He can do it again!

Revelation 1:8 tells us that He is the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come; the Almighty.

If He had ever done anything Miraculous for Somebody before; He can do the same for you.

That is the “Real Reason” that we Share Testimonies.

If you hear Somebody sharing a Testimony of God reversing the Irreversible for Example; it is to encourage you that if He could do it for A, them He cam do it for B.

We will give you just some few Examples from the Scriptures to illustrate these Points:

  1. In Exodus 7: 8-12; the Bible tells us that Aaron threw down his rods before Pharaoh and it became a Serpent. The Magicians of Pharaoh threw down their own rods too and they became Serpents. And the Serpent of Aaron rod swallowed the Serpents of the Magicians and it then became a rod again.

I’m not quite sure that you have ever heard of rod turning to a Serpent, a Serpent swallowing other Serpents – You Probably not heard of that again since that moment.

But when you read Acts 13: 6-12; you find a Place where Paul the Apostles was Preaching to a Governor and there was a Socerer there disturbing him.

And the Bible said that Paul, full of the Holy Spirit confronted the Sorcerer and said: I Command you to be Blind for a Season because that Man could have died a Blind Man.

And with all his Sorcery, he couldn’t resist because immediately, Darkness covered him and he moved out of the way.

Yes, rod had swallowed rods before; but here you find the Holy Spirit swallowing Sorcery.

The Almighty God can repeat what he had done before and take it to a Higher Level!

  1. In Exodus 14: 21-28; when the Red Sea opened for the Children of Israel.

That Story is simply saying: God can make a way where there is no way before.

The Red Sea had never been opened like that again ever since that time.

However, when you look at John 11: 39-44 – When Jesus Christ got to the Tomb of Lazarus; the Sisters of Lazarus said: No Way! This Fellow didn’t faint, this Fellow is not in a Comma, this one is not Someone who just died and is bring taking to the Burial Ground – He had been dead for 4 days and by now, he was rotten.

But God spoke a Word and suddenly there was a Way out of no way.

So, I’m believing God for Somebody today or reading now on the Label of DMC who might find himself/herself in a situation where Humanly Speaking there is no way; the One whose Name is the Way will make a Wat for you – Amen!

  1. In Joshua 6:20; the Children of Israel shouted one Big Hallelujah and the Wall of Jericho came down tumbling.

You Probably have not read again of People shouting and a Wall fell down.

But when you read Acts 16: 25-34; you will find two People singing Praises unto God loudly and the kind of Earthquake that brought down the Wall of Jericho attacked the Prison and all the doors were flung open. And their Number 1 Enemies became their Servant cooking for them and washing their wounds.

So, if a Wall can be brought down by Praise; Prison doors can be flung open by Praise!

  1. And here we have Joshua 10: 12-14 (Our Bible Text) – Here we see the Sun and the Moon Stood Still. Something that had never happened before and something maybe you have not heard of it happening again.

But when you read Mark 10: 46-52 – When Bartimaeus cried for Mercy; the Bible said that Jesus Christ Stood Still.

And what does that mean?

It wasn’t just the Sun and the Moon Standing Still; it was the whole Universe that Stood Still.

Why? Because according to Acts 17:28, the Bible says that it is in Jesus Christ that we move and have our being.

Everything that is alive – The whole Universe, revolves round the Lord Jesus Christ!

And so when He (That is Jesus Christ) Stood Still; the Universe Stood Still.

Until He began to move again; the Sun wasn’t moving, the Moon wasn’t moving – Nothing was moving!

Yes, the Sun and the Moon Stood Still for Joshua; but the Almighty God will Stand Still for you today – Amen!

  1. In Daniel 3: 1-end; you will hear the Story of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego, who went into the Fiery Furnace and came out of it unhurt and even Promoted.

And you say: What a Unique Miracle?

We have never read of another Fiery Furnace, we have never read of another three (3) People going in and comimg out of a Fiery Furnace without any hurt and being Promoted.

But when you read Acts 2: 1-4; the Bible tells us about Fire comimg down from God Himself.

This one was not a Fiery Furnace made by a King, but a Fire of God Himself.

It came down upon all the Apostles – And you know the results.

Oh, some fantastic things – They came out of that Upper Room with that Fire on them and Miracles upon Miracles began to happen.

But we will just pick one of them:

And talk about Peter – Who as a result of comimg out of that Room filled with the Fire of God in Acts 5: 14-16; was Promoted to a Level where his Shadow can heal the Sick.

Now, that is Promotion – If you take a Fisherman, Passing through the Fire of the Holy Spirit and the result is that wherever he went, his Shadow began to heal the Sick.

That is “Real Promotion”.

  1. When you go to 1 Kings 17: 17-24; you will see God raising the Dead through Elijah.

When you go through the Scriptures, you will know that is the first time Somebody was raised from the Dead.

… its a First Time kind of Miracle.

But by the time you get to 2 Kings 4: 18-37; you will find the Almighty God repeating the same thing through Elisha.

So, if He has done it before, He can do it again!

If He has done it before for Somebody, He can do it for me!

And He made a Promise – And this is where you come in:

In John 14:12; He said that the works that I have done, you will do also and Greater Works than this shall you do.

The Almighty God said that:

☆ Have I raised the Dead before? You can raise the Dead.

☆ Have I casted out Demons before? You can do the same.

Whatever I have done before, can be repeated through you.

  1. I mean in Mark 5: 25-34; the Hem of Jesus Christ’s Garment brought a Woman with the Issue of Blood.

But do you know that in Acts 19: 11-12; they were taking the Handkerchiefs and Aprons from Paul to People far away from him. And Demons will see his Handkerchiefs comimg and Demons will run.

When the Woman with the Issue of Blood touched the Hem of the Garment of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ was there – He was wearing the Garment.

In the case of Paul, he was sending his Handkerchiefs to go and do the Healings and bring about Deliverance.

What I’m trying to say to you today is that you should be ready for Wonders.

Be ready for Wonders that the Almighty God can do for you – That He can stop the Sun for you, stop the Moon for you and stop the Universe for you.

But even Greater Still – Be ready to be used of God because not only can He Perform Wonders for you; He can also Perform Wonders through you!

I will just remind you of two Stories so as to encourage your Faith that this God hasn’t Change!

  1. Years ago, I was invited to come and Preach in a Place called Denver Colorado in America in January. And if you know anything about Denver Colorado, you will know that in January, that Place can be cold

And I have asked God – Daddy, should I go? And He said that you will go.

Then, what are we going to do about this Winter because I don’t like it cold?

And my Daddy took control of the situation – The few days that I was there; He brought in Summer. People were wearing T-shirt in January in Denver Colorado

I took off from Denver Colorado to return home 5pm of a Particular Day and the report that I got was that in less than 3 hours that we left, more than 10cm of Snow fell.

The Almighty God put Snow aside and said: My Son is here, stay where you are. After he has gone, you can come down.

DMC NOTES: Denver is the Capital and the most Populous City of Colorado, in the United States. Denver is a consolidated City-County located in the South Platte River Valley on the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Southern Rocky Mountains. Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile, or 5,280 feet (1,609 m), above sea level. It is the second largest city in the Mountain West after Phoenix and has the tenth largest central business district in the United States.

  1. And then like I shared with some of you who attended The RCCG Solemn Assembly 2024:

Last Year (2023), I was going to travel on a “Little Holiday” and we were already in the USA to go on a Cruise.

And then News came that a Mighty Hurricane was comimg and it is getting Stronger and Stronger as it was approaching America.

From the Reports, it is going to be so Mighty that you won’t even be able to come out of your house; talkless of Travelling.

But I spoke to my Daddy and He took Control.

And the Hurricane came close to America, close to where we were and bent upwards; and went up, up, up and then went back into the Ocean.

And so, we were able to travel without a Single Disturbance.

That God is still here:

☆ The God who stopped the Sun.

☆ The God who stopped the Moon

He is still your God!

Whatever He has to stop so that you will receive your Miracles will be stopped today in Jesus Name – Amen!


Which is why again; I keep on appealling to those of you who has not Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ – You don’t know what you are missing.

Please Surrender to Him – Let Him take over your Life and whatever Problems you have, He can shake the Heavens, He can shake the Earth to solve the Problem.

He is the Almighty God and there is no one like Him.

So, if you want to Surrender your Life to Him, will you Please bow your Head wherever you are now and cry to the Almighty God.

And say: Please Lord, let me be one of Your Children.

I want to Surrender my Life to You – Please have Mercy on me, let Your Blood wash away my sin, give me a Brand New Beginning Lord and let me begin to enjoy everything a Member of Your Family can enjoy.

Go ahead and Pray to Him now!

Promise Him that from now on, you will serve Him and say bye bye to a Life of sin.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


And so my Father and my God; I am Prayimg for Your Children who have decided today that they are Surrendering their lives to You.

Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wipe away their sins, and save their Souls Oh Lord.

Receive them into the Family of God, write their names in the Book of Life and every benefits that Children of God can enjoy, Please extend to them.

Lord from now on, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

And as for them and all Your Children, today Lord God Almighty, as they cry to You in Prayer; whatever You have to do so as to make sure that they get Prompt Answers to their Prayers, Please do it Lord so that Your Name will be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ.

I want to Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

So,, I want you to Contact me – Let me have your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

And I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

And make sure that you contact the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you.

Tell the Pastor there that you are now Born Again and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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