DATE: 5TH JULY, 2024


Glory be to the Name of the Lord Almighty.

I want to Congratulate my fathers and my mothers and my Seniors (Youths) that are here this Morning.

By the Grace of God we saw the end of January; we saw the end of February by the Grace of God; we Conquered March by the Grace of God; we defeated April by the Grace of God; we Overcame May by the Grace of God; we Subdued June by the Grace of God and now we are in the Seventh (7th) Month (July).


Can Somebody help me Glorify the Name of the Lord:

The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is and the One who is to come.

Father, we appreciate You Sir and we Celebrate You.

Father, we Magnify You, we give You all the Praise Lord – Please, take all the Glory in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father!


Our Heavenly Father, we want to Thank You for this Wonderful Meeting and Thank You for this Divine Meeting.

Lord, I Thank You for Your Investments in our lives and we are Grateful for this Year’s RCCG SOD Convention 2024.

Father, Please accept our Thanks in the Name of Jesus.

Father, as usual, I like to register my Weakness before Your Children – That there is Nothijg any Man of God can do without the God of Man.

You are the God of Man; this Mornimg use me Sir and bless these Your Children in the Name of Jesus.

At the end of the day; Father take all the Glory.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

God Bless You – Please be seated!

I like to Thank the Almighty God for giving us the Privilege or Opportunity to stand before the High and the Mighty this Morning!

I want to Thank the Lord for our father-in-the-Lord – The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); Daddy E.A Adeboye. And also our Great Mummy – Loving and Caring Mummy; Mummy Folu Adeboye.

I Pray that they will live long and they will live well in Jesus Name – Amen.

I want to bless God also for our National Overseer – Pastor Sunday Akande, for a job well done.

Please help me Celebrate him as he is a Wonderful Man of God.

I want to appreciate all the Officers – I Pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and you will continue to wax Stronger and Stronger in Jesus Name – Amen.

And Permit me to greet all my Seniors that are seated in this Location this Morning – The Youths.

Your Light will Shine brighter and brighter in Jesus Name – Amen.

I am asked to speak on: “LET THE FIRE FALL”.

Fire is used Interchangeably to mean Power sometimes.

There is Physical Fire and there is Spiritual Fire.

☆ Physical Fire can burn while Spiritual Fire also can burn.

☆ Physical Fire can Purify or Refine while Spiritual Fire can also Purify or Refine – Malachi 3:3 is my Witness.

I want you to Pay attention to this fact – Very, very important.

And that fact is: When Fire comes in contact with wood, it burns it. But when that same Fire comes in contact with Gold, it Purifies it.

So, the Question is: “Are you a Wood or a Gold?”

So, before you begin to invite Fire, check your Identity – Are you a Wood or a Gold?

Because if that Fire should come upon you as a wood; you are in trouble.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; they were casted into the Fire.

Do you know what? They were not burnt because they were Gold.

The People who threw them into the Fire were all roasted by the same Fire because they were wood.

Isaiah 43:2 says: When thou Passest through the waters, I will be with thee and through the Rivers, they shall not Overflow thee; when thou walkest through the Fire, thou shall not be burnt neither shall the Flame kindle upon thee.

And don’t forget the fact that: Our God is a Consumimg Fire – Hebrews 12:29.

Fire can roast – You remembered what happened in 2 Kings 1. Elijah called down Fire and fifty one (51) Plus fifty one (51) Soldiers were roasted.

The God News however is that Fire can Laminate – It can make one Untouchable.

When the Servants of Elisha saw the Enemies, he ran to his Master in 2 Kings 6:17.

He later discovered that his Master was Laminated with Fire – And so he became Untouchable.

May God Laminate you with His Fire in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Amen!

But one thing that Pastor mentioned was that Fire can be an Extinguisher.

There are so many Extinguishers out there that are ready to extinguish your Fire.

They will fail over you in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

And then where I came in – Fire can Empower.

Many People desires houses, they desire Money, they desire Positions and by the Grace of God, they acquired them.

Unfortunately, not many People desire the Holy Ghost Power!

In God’s Vineyard, we all are Vessels:

☆ Some People are Full or Loaded Vessels.

☆ While some are Empty Vessels.

Nobody like to be called or referred to as Empty Vessel.

Frankly Speaking, many People are empty Spiritually.

Before you leave this Gathering today; God will fill you up in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Many of you are Empty and we know that no empty Sac can stand Upright.

It is when you are Loaded that you are needed.

Today, God will fill you, refill you and overfill you with the Power of the Holy Ghost in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

I will like us to focus on – Acts 2:1-8,13:

  1. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one Place (Location)
  2. And suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven as of a rushing Mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
  3. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
  4. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
  5. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under Heaven.
  6. Now when this was noised abroad, the Multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own Language.
  7. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?
  8. And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
  9. Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

Let me start with the Classes of People that were Present on the Day of Pentecost.

There were four (4) Classes of People that were Present on that Day of Pentecost:

  1. We have the Spectators.

They were there to Watch or to Witness the Event – That’s all.

In the Church of God today, there are so many Spectators.

May we never be one of them in Jesus Name – Amen.

  1. We have the Commentators.

They were there to talk about the Event.

  1. We have the Mockers.

They said that the Disciples were Full of New Wine – Verse 13 is my Informant.

  1. We have the Recipients.

They were the Disciples that received the Holy Ghost Power.

My Prayer for you is that: Today, God will not make you a Spectator; you will not be a Commentator and you will not be a Mocker; but God will make you a Recipient of the Power of the Holy Ghost in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Amen!

In Acts 1:8; Jesus Christ Promised to give His Disciples Power – It was a Promise!

In Acts 1:4; Jesus Christ instructed them to wait for the Power.

And I need to let you know Brethren that the Time of Waiting on the Lord is not a Waste!

In the Acts Chapter 2 that we read; the Disciples received the Power of the Holy Ghost. And after they got that Power, they all got a New Beginning.

In this Month of July, you will experience a New Beginning – Amen!

I discovered that the Power of the Holy Ghost can work for you – That is a Possibility.

The same Power of the Holy Ghost can work with you; that same Power can work in you; that same Power can work through you and whether you believed it or not, the Power of the Holy Ghost can work against your Enemies.


  1. People who are Empty Spiritually needs that Fire.

The Disciples were Empty and they knew that they were Empty Spiritually until the Day of Pentecost when they received the Power of the Holy Ghost.

Are you Empty? Today, God will fill you in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

  1. People who are not Full yet.

If your Spiritual Tank is not yet Full, then you need more of the Power of the Holy Ghost.

  1. People who want or need an Overflow.

Trust God – He can make your cup run over.

Psalms 23:5(b) says: Thou Anointest my head with Oil and my cup runneth over.

  1. People who want to be Empowered for Service.

Mummy Hannah said in 1 Samuel 2:9 – For by Strength shall no Man Prevail.

Acts 1:8, Jesus Christ Promise us Power for Service.

Do you need that Power?


Vision without Provision is equal to Television.

The Disciples were Empowered for Service after they received the Power of the Holy Ghost.

In Luke 9:2; Jesus Christ gave His twelve (12) Apostles Responsibilities.

He said that they should go out there and Preach the Gospel and heal the Sick.

He knew that they were Empty and so in Luke 9:1; before they departed, He gave them Power and Authority over all devils and to cure diseases.

The Disciples were tired of Waiting and wanted to Change Position.

While they were there before the Power came; they were Stagnant, Limited and Operating under Red Light.

But after the Power came, they Change Position – That Red Light turned to Green Light for the first time and they Changed Position.

I Prophesy in the Name of Jesus Christ – All of you who has been operating under Red Light of Stagnation and Limitation; the Power of the Holy Ghost will come upon you today: You will Change Position, you will move Forward, and you will move Upwards in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Amen).

  1. People who want to do Exploits.

The Disciples began to Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders after they received the Power of the Holy Ghost.

In Luke 1:67; when Zechariah was filled with the Holy Ghost; what did he do? He Prophesised.

In Acts 2:4; when the Disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost, they began to speak with other Tongues.

In Acts 4:8; when Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost, he became a Voice to the Voiceless.

May God make you a Voice and not an Echo in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

In Acts 4:31; the Disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost and after that, they spoke with Boldness.

In Acts 13: 9-11; when Paul was filled with the Holy Ghost, he spoke and a Man became Blind,

  1. People who are in the Right Place.

Before the Disciples got the Power, they Paid a Price.

As we all know: The Price Payers are the Prize Winners!

Anyone you come across in Life; if he is not a Blessing to you, then he must be a Lesson to you.

What can we learn from the Original Disciples?

  1. They were in the Right Place.

Your Location sometimes determine your Allocation.

Brethren, stay where God can locate you.

In Ezekiel 37: 1-19; in the Valley of dry bones, only the bones inside that Valley resurrected and not the ones outside.

Many of us are not where God wants us to be.

I. Abraham wasn’t there and so God called him in Genesis Chapter 12 – And He said: Abraham, leave your father’s house, leave your People, leave your Country and go to a Land that I will show you.

When Abraham got there, God blessed him.

II. Jacob wasn’t there – In Genesis 35:1; God called him and said: Jacob, arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there.

And God Prospered him when he got to Bethel.

III. Isaac was there in Genesis Chapter 26.

Because of the Famine in the Land, he wanted to relocate to Egypt but God said that you are in the Right Location.

He was there and God blessed him to a Point of envy – The Bible says that the Philistines envied him.

It is better to be envied than to be Pitied.

The Question is: “Are you where God wants you to be?

☆ You don’t need to go to UK before you can be okay.

☆ You don’t need to go to Germany before you jam your Blessings.

☆ You don’t need to go to France before you get your Fiancee.

☆ You don’t need to go to China before you can eat Chinese Food.

If you are where God wants you to be and you are doing what God wants you to do; what other People are “Jappaing” to get; God will make them available unto you.

… So, the Disciples were in the Right Places – No wonder they got the Power.

  1. The Disciples were in one Accord with one another.

I told my People that an offence against your Neighbour will create a fence between you and God.

There was no Racial Discrimination, no Class Distinction – They were all in one Accord with one another.

… That’s the Big Secret!

Many of you have Enemies in the Church, you have Enemies outside the Church. There are some People you don’t greet and you keep Malice.

And you think that the Power of the Holy Ghost will be so comfortable to abide with you? No way!

  1. The Disciples were Divinely Connected.

Your Connection can determine your Collection.

Sometimes, who you know can determine what you get.

Sometimes, who you follow, determines what follows you.

The Disciples were Followers of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ gave them Power to do Exploits in Luke 9:1.

Are you a Follower of Jesus Christ or Fan of Jesus Christ?

☆ Forget about Title, go for Mantle.

☆ Forget about Grade, go for Grace.

You may not have godfather but if you have God, The Father then your Case is Settled!

I want to show you the Pictures of the Disciples before they got the Power and after they got the Power – Then you will see the difference!

  1. Before the Disciples got the Power on the Day of Pentecost, they were Empty and they were dried – Like many of us.

But after they got the Power, they were filled with the Power of the Holy Ghost.

That is, they become loaded!

Get ready: You shall be loaded today in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

  1. Before the Disciples got the Power, they were Limited and Stagnanted – I told you that they were operating under Red Light according to Acts 1:4.

But after they got the Power Brethren, that Red Light gave way, Green Light came and they moved – They Changed Position.

Brethren, beginning from this Month (July); you will Change Position – Physically, Spiritually, Financially, Maritally and in all Good ways in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

  1. Before the Disciples received or obtained the Power on the Day of Pentecost, they were Blessed.

They were blessed because they were always receiving from Jesus Christ.

For instance, they were Privileged to know the Interpretations to the Parables from Jesus Christ.

Anytime they went out, as they got in; they will ask for the meaning and Jesus will tell them.

But after they got the Power on the Day of Pentecost, they became a Blessing.

Brethren, it is Good to be Blessed but to be a Blessing is better.

  1. Before the Disciples received the Power on the Day of Pentecost, they had many Challenges but they were Helpless.

For instance:

☆ Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ.

☆ Thomas doubted Jesus Christ.

☆ Peter denied Jesus Christ.

☆ At a Point, all the Apostles forsook Him.

… All that was before Pentecost.

After Pentecost and after they got the Power of the Holy Ghost; they Challenged their Challengers and they confronted their Problems.

Brethren, that is what the Power can do.

I had a Revelation:

I was sweeping my room and I was happy that at last I am getting rid of the unwanted things in my house. And this Man came and used a longer brown and scattered those things in that Revelation. Then I woke up and told my wife.

The next thing was that we heard a knock on the door – The Man that took the brown and scattered it was the one that knocked. We opened the door.

And Baba said something to me that I knew Nothing about. And I was trying to explain that I don’t know anything about what you are saying sir? He said that “I will see” – And that Baba belonged to the Ogboni Fraternity and everybody in that house feared Baba.

But that day when Baba said that “I will see” and People were begging him; I said No!

I said: Baba, you will see; you will see and you will see.

My wife was afraid and I said, darling don’t worry; what God has finished can no longer finish us. This Man will see.

Baba went out that day and he saw – Somebody arrested him that day and said that you are one of the Robberss that came to my house overnight.

And the Man that arrested him was a Major General in the Nigeria Army – Baba was weeping like a baby.

He sent for some People to bail him and they came to me that what you said in the Morning came to Past. But Baba will never tell you.

Tell your Neighbour: Your enemy will see, they will see and they will see – Amen!

What will they see? Pepper!

An Elderly Man once came to tell me this – Pastor, are you going to a Particular Place? I said Yes sir. And he said Please don’t go.

He mentioned two of us that the People there has put something on the road so that if we trespass, something will happen.

I laughed – I said: Baba, I am comimg on so and so date.

And I went – I crossed the Place, went back again and crossed the Place.

Who is it that is born of a woman; such Person am I to fear not!

In your lives, in your Ministries and in your homes; Iyanu (Meaning Miracles) will Sele (Meaning Happen).

☆ Challenge Failures – It is not your Portion.

☆ Challenge Poverty – it is not your Portion.

☆ Challenge Disappointment – it is not your Portion.

God has given you the Power and so use the Power.

  1. Before the Disciples got the Power, they were Cold.

But after they got the Power, they became Hot and Untouchable.

May I decree in the Name of Jesus Christ that Fire will come upon your Life and you will become Untouchable in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

I had an Encounter with a First Class King of Blessed Memory.

The Lord sent me to him and I told him – I went with an Elderly Pastor in RCCG.

When we got to the Kabiyesi (King); I said that the Lord asked me to tell you that the Lord is not a Fool sir.

He asked me what I said and I repeated it – He said we should go inside. The Senior Pastor didn’t follow me. He opened the door to a room

Do you know what Baba did? He went on his knees and asked me to Pray for him.

That was the former Ooni of Ife – He gave his Life to Jesus Christ before he died.

When you are Empowered, there is no limit to your Advancement

Even if you have Parents that belongs to any Confraternity; with the Power, Nothing can happen to you.

He said: No Weapon fashioned against you will Prosper.

He created the Sucker of blood to suck blood and God created the Eaters of flesh to eat flesh.

But He says that for you and I, no Weapon fashioned against us will Prosper.

  1. Before the Disciples got the Power, they were Spectators.

But after they received the Power, they became Masters and Leaders using Jesus Christ as a Ladder.

You need a Leader as a Ladder.

They were Echos but after Pentecost, they become a Voice.

So Brethren , we want that Fire to come down now!

How God will do your own, I don’t know but I know that at the end of this Ministration, your Life will never be the same again – Amen!

Please Stand on your feet!


  1. We want to say Thank You to God for everything that He has done since the Inception of this “Disciples’ Ministry” and for what He is still doing now and for what He will still do in the Future.

Thank God for the Great and Mighty Things He has been doing.

Go ahead and appreciate the Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.

  1. Brethren, you want to Pray and say: Father, let Your Fire fall and destroy anything that You have not Planted in my Life.

It is written that every Plants which my Heavenly Father did not Plant shall be rooted out.

Anything that You did not Plant in my Body – From my Head downwards; let Your Fire fall and destroy/consume it now in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

  1. You will say: Father, let Your Fire fall and Purify me and Refine me in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

  1. I want to use a Term:

There is a difference between “Polishing” and “Punishing”.

When you Polish your shoe, they will Shine.

So, you are going to say: Father, Polish me this Morning and make me Shine Spiritually, Physically, Maritally, and Academically.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

  1. You are going to Pray:

There are so many Fire Extinguishers out there.

You are going to Pray and say: Father, destroy all the Fire Extinguishers that has been Assigned to extinguish my Fire.

All the Fire Extinguishers – Men or Forces, who has been Assigned to extinguish my Fire; Lord destroy all of them in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

  1. Jonah was in crises and the Lord Commanded the fish to help him.

You will discovered that the fish did not eat Jonah – The fish only Swallowed him and Vomitted him because it was acting under Divine Instruction.

Elijah was in the Brook area – He has access to water but there was no food.

The Lord told him (Elijah) that I have Commanded the Ravens to feed you there.

And that was the reason the Ravens did not eat the food and the reason that they did not take the food to a wrong Person but Elijah.

Simply because they are acting under a Divine Instruction.

When the Brook got dried up, the Lord Repositioned or Relocated Elijah to Zarephath.

God said: Go to Zarephath, I have Commanded a Widow there to sustain you.

That was the reason the woman released her Last Meal – And not that she was kind. But she was acting under Divine Instruction.

So you will say: Oh Lord, wherever my Helpers are; Command them to locate me and help me.

In the Name of Jesus: My Destiny Helpers, my Daily Helpers, my Timely Helpers, my Unsolicited Helpers, my Tireless Helpers – Wherever they are: In the East, West, North, South; within or outside this Nation; Command them Oh Lord to locate me and help me in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Oh Lord our Father, we want to say Thank You sir.

Lord, we are Grateful, we are Thankful, we Appreciate You, we Honour You and we Adore You.

My Lord and my Saviour, beginning from this moment: I trust that our lives will never be the same again.

Lord, empower Your Children in the Name of Jesus.

My Lord empower all of us and let us do Exploits for You.

Enlarge our Coast in the Name of Jesus, let our Helpers locate us in the Name of Jesus, give us “Better Stories” to tell in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

I cover all of you with the Blood of Jesus and saying that: No Evil Hands will touch you and no Evil Eyes will see you.

For saying Amen: You will never have a “Better Yesterday”; your Tomorrow will be “Better” and not “Bitter” and you will not be hungry in the Kitchen in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Any Arrow shut at you will go back to Sender in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Father, we say Thank You.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

God Bless You in the Name of Jesus Christ!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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