DATE: 28TH JULY 2024


Let Us Pray!


What a Mighty God we serve
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and Earth Adore Him
Even Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve


What a Mighty God You are, our Father and our God?

You are so Great – So Big and Powerful that You can take care of everybody on Planet Earth.

As many as we are, Your Power is Sustaining all of us – You are feeding us, feeding all the animals, feeding all the birds, finding all the fishes.

You are sending Your Son to warn us – Both Sinners and Saints alike.

You make sure that Night will follow Day so that whether our bodies likes it or not, we have an opportunity to rest.

We Worship You Lord – What a Mighty God we serve.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today, as we gather before You again, in all our lives; demonstrate Your Almightiness – Let all our Needs be met and continue to be Merciful unto us.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, greet your Neighbours – And say: It is going to be extremely well with you today in Jesus Name (Amen).

And then, you may Please be seated.

We are now moving on to Part 52 in our Series: “For Whon The Heavens Open”.

And we have been using Joshua as our Case Study.

But then, a couple of Series ago, we came across the Study of Caleb – Whose Destiny is connected to that of Joshua.

We have read a Bible Text from Joshua 14: 6-14.

But today, we are going to read from Verse 9 – Joshua 14: 9-14.

  1. And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the Land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children’s for ever, because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God.
  2. And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.
  3. As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my Strength was then, even so is my Strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.
  4. Now therefore give me this Mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the Cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
  5. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an Inheritance.
  6. Hebron therefore became the Inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.

… This Place is loaded.

But the Section that we want to look at here is in Verse 9 really.

He was telling Joshua – He said that you heard and you were there when Moses sware on that day saying: Surely, the Land whereon thy feet had trodden shall be thine Inheritance and thine children forever.

We want to learn a very big Lesson from Caleb here – And that Lesson is: “REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES”.

Isaiah 43:26; the Almighty God Himself said that: “Put me in Remembrance”.

Are you saying that it is Possible for God to forget what He had Promised? No!

Are you saying that God may be too busy to remember you? No!

It is true that at any given moment, there are Millions of People crying to God for one thing or the other – And you are just one of them.

And I have always said that if there are three (3) People in an Emergency Ward involved in a Critical Accident and all of them were very big People – Highly Educated and Important People and it is only one Doctor there.

And one see the Doctor coming and say: The Doctor should know why I am here in this Emergency Ward – He will come and attend to me.

And another one said: Well, there are three (3) of us; maybe I should call on him to come but I mustn’t lose my Dignity. Then he says: Doctor, I am here; will you Please come over here and help me?

And the 3rd Fellow says today is not the day of Grammar as I am in trouble. And he shouted: Doctor, Please come here because I need Help.

The Doctor is going to attend to one first.

I Pray that today, you will learn to cry unto God – Amen!

Because what He says is: “Call on Me”. He didn’t say: Murmur or whisper – He said: “Call on Me”.

And God Himself is the One who said: “Put me in Remembrance”.

Because you must remember that what you are calling a “Long Time” is not a long time – A Thousand years is like a Day before Him. And you have been suffering for only two (2) or three (3) years – That’s a few Seconds before Him.

Check the Scriptures; all those who cried to Him; got His attention.

I. Bartimeaus cried and that was the day he got His attention.

II. The Widow of one of the Sons of the Prophets in 2 Kings 4: 1-7.

For a long time, she has been smiling – How are you Sister? Oh, the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want.

But when the Creditors say that you don’t pay by tomorrow, your children are gone? She wasn’t a “Lady” that day; she cried.

The day she cried, was the day the Problem get solved.

I hope Somebody will cry to God today – Remind God; remind Him of what He Promise!

  1. Are you Sick?

I. Remind Him of what He said in Exodus 15:26 – God, You are the One who said: If I will obey You, if I will seek You diligently; you will not allow any Sickness to come upon me. You say that You will be my Doctor.

Thank God for Medical Doctors – They are Wonderful People. But they are like Mechanics dealing with cars

The Mechanics cannot be like the Manufacturer of the car.

And sooner or later, the Doctors will tell you that: There is Nothing more that we can do.

There is Someone who made you – And He has your Spare Parts in Heaven!

Please cry to Him today and tell Him: I am tired of Suffering, Pain, Ache etc – You Promised to be my Doctor and so where are you?

II. Remind Him that He said in Mark 16: 17-18 – If you believe me, you will lay hands on the Sick and they will recover.

I believe You Lord – I am not a Doubter and I believed every Words You have Spoken.

Some of you have heard the Story before – My first visit to Zambia.

I ate a food – Because He said wherever you go, whatever they give, you should eat.

But the food that I ate didn’t agree with my stomach – I bless the food before I ate it but the stomach just refused.

And I started going to the toilet – I can’t remember whether the 23rd or 24th time of going to the toilet in one Night and I remembered that God said that I shall lay hands on the Sick and the Sick shall recover.

He didn’t say who the Sick will be?

I am the Sick now, so I lay my own hands on my own head – And I say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Adeboye be healed!

That was the last time that I went to the toilet.

  1. Do you find yourself in any form of Bondage?

Have you discovered suddenly that I did something wrong – Yes, I made mistake and because of this mistake, I have opened the door for the devil.

I. Remind Him that He is the One who Promised in Isaiah 49: 24-26 – He said: Can the Lawful Captive be delivered? He said that even the Lawful Captives shall be delivered.

I got myself into trouble – I am now a Lawful Captive in the hands of Satan and Satan is using my loopholes and my mistake to torment me.

Lord, I remind You that You said even the Lawful Captives shall be Set Free.

II. Remind Him – Psalms 91: 14-15; You are the One who said: Because I have set my Love upon You, You will deliver me.

Lord, You know that I loved You – I admit that I made a mistake, I am sorry. But you know I love You, You know all Things.

If I don’t Love You and I am Pretending; You will know.

But You know all Things – That I love You; deliver me!

  1. Is there anyone barren in your Family? Remind Him!

I. Remind Him that He was the One who said in Exodus 23:26 – That there shall be None barren among my People.

II. Remind Him of John 15: 1-5 – He is the One who said that He is the Fruitful Vine and if I abide in Him; I will bear much Fruit.

III. Remind Him of Isaiah 45:11 – He is the One who said that concerning the works of my hands, Command ye me.

So my Beloveth Daughters, even if the Doctors had said that you can never have a Child, lay your hands on your womb right now and Command that womb – Tell the womb: My God Promised that you shall not to be barren!

And it doesn’t matter what the Doctors may say, Command that womb – Womb, hear the Word of God; it is written that thou shall not be barren!

  1. Do you find yourself Stagnated?

You are doing your very best and there is Nothing to show for it.

Everybody seems to be making Progress, except you.

I. Remind God that He said in Deuteronomy 28:13 – You are the One who said that I shall be the Head and not the Tail.

They are Promoting my Juniors above me – You said that If I follow You wholeheartedly, I observe and do all that I Command (Which by the Grace of God that I am doing); You said that I will be the Head and not the Tail.

… Above and not Beneath!

II. Remind Him that it is not my Boss who decides Promotion – Psalms 75: 5-7, the Bible says clearly that Promotion comes from God.

And you are God and You are the Promoter – I am Your Child and so You must determine my Promotion.

I mean many of you will remember the Story of one Fellow that his Seniors gang up against him because he was a True Child of God and not Compromising and they have already given him a sack Letter.

Then they took the list to the owner of the Company – Sir, we are Restructuring because of the Economic situation of the Country and this is what we have done.

And the Chairman took the list and look at it all the way through.

When he got to that Child of God and said: Ha, ha; this Fellow? Why are you sacking him?

Oh, because we don’t have enough room in the Level where he is.

And the owner of the Company said: But what of here? Move him up!

It is God who determines Promotion – Remind Him today!

Tell the Almighty God that you are tired of Stagnation; move me Higher!

III. In 1 Peter 5:6; it is written that if you humble yourself under the Mighty Hands of God, He will lift you up.

  1. Are you in trouble right now? Are you in crises? Remind God

I. That it is written in Psalms 50: 14-15 – God said: Thank Him (Which I am sure that you are doing); Pay your Vows (Which I am sure that you are doing) and then tell Him, Lord I am grateful to You for all You have done.

I am not owing any Vow – The ones I made, I have fulfilled.

You Promised that if I call on You in the time of trouble; You will answer.

II. Remind Him that it is written in Isaiah 43: 1-2 – Tell Him that You are the One who said that even when I am Passing through the Fire, I won’t be burnt.

Now, I am Passing through Fire now and this is the day of trouble; you must come to my aid.

I remembered very well that day – You know the Story:

I had gone to visit our Church in Ilorin. I was about to leave on Monday, when they called me and said: Sir, there is a woman here about to deliver. She said to us that she has said before that on the day of her Delivery, that is when she was going to die.

Then she came to the Maternity Center? They said: We don’t know o! We think that she has Changed her Mind and doesn’t want to die anymore.

So, they asked me to come and Pray for her before I leave.

So, I went to the Maternity Center and told her that is it true that you wanted to die? She didn’t answer.

Okay, you are here now! You aren’t going to die in the Mighty Name of Jesus – So I Prayed and left.

Well from Ilorin to Ilesha; from Ilesha to Ibadan and finally arrived back to Lagos.

Three (3) days later; the People came and they said: Sir, the Fellow you Prayed for three (3) days ago; as soon as you left, gave birth to a baby.

But we discovered that there is another baby inside her and we have Prayed all manners of Prayers and the Second baby hasn’t come.

I said is that so? Is that why you came all the way from Ilorin? And they said Yes.

My Heart was trembling but I was Pretending that you have to be the General Overseer now and be courageous.

Is that why you came? Who told you that the God in Lagos is not the same God in Ilorin?

I gave them a bottle of coke each; common on, go back home and before you get home, the baby would have arrived.

Yes sir, they turned back and they left.

As soon as they left, I ran to my Prayer Room, fell on my face and said: Oh God, today is my day of trouble.

Are you Passing through Fire? Cry to Him today and He will see you through.

I remembered very clearly, God saying to me – You mean that you didn’t believed what you said? I said that I believed.

He said that if you believe then go and eat.

By the time they got home, the woman had not just delivered the 2nd baby; she had delivered a 3rd – There were Triplets in her womb.

I cried to Him in the day of trouble and He heard me.

The same God is your God.

Are you Passing through Fire? Remind Him!

That brings us to one very critical thing:


  1. There are several Promises in the Scriptures – If you don’t know these Promises, how can you remind God.

That is why in 2 Timothy 2:15; the Bible says: Study the Word of God to show yourself Approved unto God.

  1. You are not just to Study the Bible, Deuteronomy 11:18 says: Memorise the Scriptures. Lay up the Words of God in your Heart.

One of my children once asked me – Daddy, how come you know so many Bible Passages in the Bible? You mentioned a Passage and while we are still trying to open it, you are already quoting it.

Just one at a time – If you memorise just one Passage a week.

That is why in our Sunday School, we have Memory Verses.

Then you will discovered that within a year, you have known 52 Passages by Heart.

Do that for 10 years, you will know 520 Passages by Heart.

  1. And then Psalms 1: 1-3 tells you that if you want to be blessed; Medidate on the Word of God Day and Night.

What does this Passage means?

What is God trying to say: Keep on Meditating on it Day and Night.

You see, because the Bible says in Luke 6:45 – It is out of the Abundance of the Heart that the mouth speaks.

It is that which you have stored up in your Heart that will become available when trouble comes.

I told you that when I became General Overseer and I was visiting our “Small Churches” and everybody was coming out to greet me, and everything sounding so wonderful. And then, I was finally going to visit my Hometown.

And all of a sudden, I heard the devil said to me Clearly – The Elder has a Proverb: “To die Young and be buried with a Horse, is better than to die Old and have no Chicken to make your demise”.

Die now! – That is very Glorious to you!

A Word of God came from my Heart – “I shall not die but I will live to Proclaim the works of God!”

If you don’t Memorise these things, what will rise up to face the devil?

Remember Psalms 119:89 – Forever Oh Lord, thy Word is Settled.

Remind Him – Remind Him because He is a Faithful One who has Promised!

2 Corinthians 1: 19-20 says: All Promises of God in Jesus Christ are yea and amen.


That is why you must Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

If you have Him, all the Promises of God for you will be yea and amen.

When you received Jesus Christ, suddenly you begin to Understand that the Bible is not just a Book but a Collection of the Promises of God.

And these Promises are there for you if you are one of His Own.

So, I am appealing to you today – If you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ; do so.

I am appealing also to those of you who have given your Life to Jesus Christ; keep on Memorising the Word of God.

His Promises are yea and amen – The more you Memorise the Word of God, the more Victorious you will be in the battles of Life.

So, those of you who will like to give your Life to Jesus Christ; Please bow your Head wherever you are:

Cry to Him: Ask Him to Please come into your Life, come into your Heart and just dwell there.

Ask Him to forgive your sins and Promise Him that you will serve Him for the rest of your Life.

Shall we Pray!

Talk to Him now – Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to forgive all your sins and ask Him to come and dwell in you.

He made a Promise that: Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

Let Him come in and your Future will be Glorious!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


And so my Father and my God and so once again, I just want to Thank You for Your Words.

And I want to remind You of Your Promise that whosoever will come unto You, You will no wise cast out.

As many that has decided to come to You today, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they cry unto You; answer them by Fire.

Thank You my Father and my God.

And as Your Children will be reminding You of Your Promises today; Please fulfill them.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who gave your Life to Jesus Christ – Please contact me as soon as Possible.

And visit the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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