Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


We give all the Glory to Jesus
And tell of His Love
His Wonderful Love;
We give all the Glory to Jesus
And tell of His Wonderful Love (Hallelujah).


Thank You Father. Thank You for being with us since Morning.

Thank You for everything You’ve done today.

Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Father Please, continue with us again tonight and do something Extraordinary in all our lives.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Turn to one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening, God Bless You.

You may please, be seated.


  1. Tomorrow (4th August 2024) being Sunday, as is our custom, you would go to one of the Parishes of your Choice around – Go there and encourage them.

Fortunately, tomorrow is First Sunday; so we have the Privilege of hearing the same Sermon.

  1. In the afternoon go over your Notes. There will be Examination tomorrow (Day 4) Night We will pick representative of Deacons and Deaconesses, Assistant Pastors, Pastors, etc.

Take your Hymn Sheet.

I feel a leading in my Spirit to say to Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the label of DMC – How intensely you Praise God tonight will determine whether you will see another Convention.

So go ahead, Praise Him like your very existence depends on it.

Go ahead, Magnify Him.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen.
Every knee must bow
Every tongue confess (that)
Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen (Halleluyah).


Eternal Rock of Ages, our Father which art in Heaven; the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

The One who speaks and it is done – Glory be to Your Holy Name. Father, Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Tonight, in the lives of everyone of us, let every knee bow. Please Lord, let every knee bow.

In the Life of Your Church, let every knee bow.

In all our Nations, let every knee bow.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You – Amen.

We may go back to our seats.

Matthew 6:9-13 – We are reading Verses 9-10:

9 After this manner therefore Pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.

10 Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.


“… Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.”

Thy Will be done in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Amen.

Thy Will be done in our Families – Amen.

Thy Will be done in our Individual lives – Amen.

Like I told you in the Morning: After you have worshipped God intensely, you should be careful of what you ask for, because you will likely get it.

To Pray – “Thy Will be done in my Life” is not an easy thing.

When the Lord says, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven – He was actually saying:


Many of us Young ones, Particularly the ones born after 1960; you may not know the meaning of Colonization.

Because there was a time that the Ruler in Nigeria was the British Government – Their Authority over us was so Strong that in Secondary Schools, if you passed every Subjects but failed English Language, you’ve failed in all Subjects.

You can be the best in Mathematics or any other Subject; if you failed English Language, you will not get your Certificate.

Why? Because it’s the Language of our Colonial Masters.

In Psalm 110:2, the Bible gives us a rough idea – The LORD shall send the rod of thy Strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine Enemies.

To Colonize means you Rule – Whether the People like it or not.

Those who are under your Colonization must obey you willingly.

Maybe tonight, God will show us the reason way we are still alive:

Because the Kingdom of God on Earth needs Enforcers – People who will compel the devil to bow to the Authority of God on Earth.

In Psalm 89:9, He gives us another illustration of what it means to Rule by Force: Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.

The Purpose of my being alive; of my being a Minister of God is not to Play Church. No!

  • It is to say to Sickness, get out!
  • It is to Command Demons to flee.
  • It is to tell Barren Wombs, don’t you know that is written, there shall be none barren in the Land?

And then Command the womb to be Fruitful.

Colonize the Earth – That is what the Lord is asking us to Pray about: Let Thy Will be done! Come in like that of a Colonianist; rule by Power, rule by Force.

That is why in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), we are not Democrats.

God does not rule by Democracy – He rules by Force, by Decrees.

He didn’t say let us vote whether there’ll be light or not; He decreed, “Let there be Light!”

And I decree tonight, in the Name that’s above every other name, in all our lives, Let there be Light – Amen.

It is an insult to God that Demon-Possessed People are allowed to roam freely in His Church – It is an insult to Heaven.

Demons don’t roam freely in Heaven – That is why we need some serious Prayers. Particularly in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – We need Revival.

In an attempt to be opened to everybody today and we should be; anybody can come the way they are, but they are not supposed to remain that way. They have to change.

The atmosphere should be such that will Change them, else they’ll leave because some of them Prefer the old ways.

We had a Convention at Ebute Meta with our little, little Churches in attendance.

Some Delegations came from Ijebu Igbo. The Power of God came down. Because back then when we say Amen, the fellow next to you jumped!

… Do I hear somebody say Amen – Amen!

And all of a sudden we began to hear someone crying outside the gate: “Mama Lagbaja, bring my bag.”

What’s the Problem? I want to go home. Then come and take your bag inside. She said, I can’t come in. “Why can’t you come in?” She said, Fire is there.

I decree, beginning from now; in all our Churches, there will be Fire – Amen.

… Some of the Elders here, they remembered what I am talking about:

Witches and Wizards can’t roam freely about when the Fire is there.

And God is supposed to Rule by Power. Some of you say, “we have to take it easy so that People can stay.”

Let me tell you the Truth: We don’t want those who are not going to Heaven.

If you agree with me say Amen – Amen!

Let me assure you of one thing: if your Standard is High, it’s not going to mean you’ll have less People.

There are People outside there who are looking for “High Standards.”

Whether you believe it or not; there are People who are really, really hungry for God;

There are People who are not looking for Churches that are Clubs – They are looking for a Place where God is Present; where Fire can fall.

In all our Parishes from now; in the Name of the One who has kept me alive till today, there will be Fire – Amen.

Rule by Force – That’s what He is saying – “Thy Will be one in Earth as it is done in Heaven” – Rule by Force!

When the Colonial Masters came, they brought in guns – We didn’t have guns.

And they brought in Canon guns – The real big ones.

And I know at least a little bit of that because in Ilesha, the fellow in charge – The District Officer (D.O) lives on the Hilltop.

They all live on Hilltops, wherever they are Stationed. And they have massive gun, pointed downhill in case any of the People who wants to attack their Oga. Aa they are moving forward, they fire the Canon gun. “When you see many of your People torn to Pieces by the downhill, the rest of you would run.”

… There is nothing wrong with me. In case some of you would say, what is wrong with this old man?

But since God asked me to talk about Heaven, I decree one more time: Every Plant God has not Planted in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will be rooted out – Amen.

A Pastor should be an Enforcer of the Will of God on Earth – Compelling the devil and his agents to submit.

Is it not written that at the mention of the Name of Jesus every knee should bow?

That’s because you no longer hallow the Name Jesus – You’ve lost respect for the Name that’s above every other name.

The Name is still there – The Name is still Powerful, the Name is still Working Miracles and still dealing with Demons.

Let me hear you shout the Name one more times – Jesus!

We had nothing when we got here, other than the Name of Jesus.

And when we came, we came in the Name of Jesus – To establish His Kingdom here and we fought battles.

That Name, and that Name alone – gave us Victory.

We knew Nobody in Government – There was not a single Counsellor among us.

But we had Jesus – we had that Name.

Most People here are my Witnesses -:When we got to this Camp in 1983, there was a river in front of the Camp. So we needed a culvert to be able to cross from here to the Expressway.

We built a culvert, and then somebody saw what we did and reported us to the Federal Ministry of Works (or whatever) – “This is Expressway, what are you People doing?” We want to be able to come in and out of here. “To the Expressway? You can’t do that.”

And they asked us to quickly remove our culvert. “We can’t do that!” They said they would come and remove it. And they came with heavy Equipment to remove an ordinary culvert.

And they tied all their whatever, and began to pull – They were just supposed to jack the thing and it will go out.

But something Planted by Jesus Christ cannot be uprooted by man – Hallelujah.

… I have eye Witnesses here;

I had a little office here then, they came to tell me that they’ve arrived. I said, let’s go and watch. They tried, they pulled! And we were staring at them; saying, try harder.

That kind of Power, that Kind of Authority, is coming back to tonight – Amen.

They couldn’t pull the culvet out. It’s still buried there.

We had that Name, we honoured that Name.

When Paul was Preaching and there was this Sorcerer that was resisting him, what did Paul do? He didn’t beg him. He didn’t say, leave me alone. He decreed that he should go blind.

Thank God he said, for a Season.

I’m decreeing tonight; from now on, anyone who tries to hinder the Work of God in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will go blind for a Season – Amen!

  • That is why you have to be Clean.
  • That is why you have to be like Jesus Christ, your Elder Brother.
  • That’s why He said, the Prince of this world cometh unto me and found nothing in me.
  • That is why there must be no skeleton in your cupboard.
  • That is why He recruited you to be a Soldier.

We had our own Soldiers before the British came; but they brought in Superior Fire Power.

We had our bows and arrows, but they brought in guns.

Years ago, I had one Evangelist, he came to me for Prayers.

I said, what do you want me to Pray about? He said that as he was Preaching somewhere, the enemy fired an arrow at him.

I said you? He said Yes! An Evangelist – you are Preaching in the Name of my God and an arrow came from the enemy to touch you? He said Pray for me.

I said, you have to seek Salvation first – How can you be a Child of my Father in Heaven, someone would send an arrow to you?

We must stop dishonouring the Name of our God from now on – Because He has come down to Colonize the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).


When the Colonialists came, they introduced the Culture of their Nation to us. Not just introduce, they forced it down our throat.

That’s why you suddenly discovered Africans dressing like British – They wear suits because their weather there is cold most of the time. They wear ties, etc.

What do you discover? We too began to wear ties. Even in Tropics, where the temperature is hot, you still see People wearing 3-Piece suits.

It’s because they want to look like their Master.

  1. God expects us to Look like they Look in Heaven.

Check your Bible, in Psalm 132:9 He said, Let thy Priests be Clothed with Righteousness; and let thy Saints shout for Joy.

In Psalm 132:16, He says, I will also clothe her Priests with Salvation: and her Saints shall shout aloud for Joy.

In 1 Peter 5:5 He said, And be Clothed with Humility: for God resisteth the Proud, and giveth Grace to the Humble.

… That’s the kind of dress God is talking about.

In Ephesians 6:11-15, He asked you to put on the whole armour of God – Because we are to dress as they dress in Heaven.

And all of a sudden, their Language began to Change: Anybody who can speak English then gets Promotion.

Now we have Problems teaching our children our Mother Tongue.

Some of you, your children cannot speak, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, etc; but they speak English Language because they were colonized.

  1. We are supposed to be speaking the Language of Heaven.
  • What’s the Language of Heaven? Hallelujah.
  • What’s the Language of Heaven? Tongues.

1 Corinthians 14:2 says, For he that speaketh in an unknown Tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the Spirit he speaketh Mysteries.

… Communicating directly with the Colonist of Heaven.

And we began to notice that the colonized began to eat with knife and fork.

I was amazed seeing someone eating Pounded yam with knife and fork.

  1. Behave like Candidates of Heaven.

If we want to be colonized hundred Percent by God, we have to behave in such a manner that People will see us and say, this is a Candidate of Heaven.

“They Will be Done” means – Your Will, not mine.

Remember Luke 22:41-42 the Bible says, And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and Prayed, Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my Will, but thine, be done.

I want to encourage all of you that from tonight onward, you would tell the Almighty God, “no longer as I will, but Thy Will be done.”

A Man of God pointed out something to me not too long ago – That many at times what you want is not what God wants for you.

Many at times you desire something so badly and get it. Then after getting it, you won’t like what you got.

And he gave an illustration that is very deep; Jacob wanted Rachel – Beauty Queen. He served seven (7) years – No Salary to marry Rachel. And he ended up with Leah. “

Ha! This is not what I wanted”.

You know the rest of the Story – He served another seven (7) years, and got Rachel.

The Man of God said Sir, do you notice that it’s Leah who brought forth Judah; and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah came through the woman that this Man didn’t want?

The woman he wanted gave us Joseph – Thank God for Joseph and Benjamin.

Look at the children of the woman he wanted and the children from the woman he didn’t want.

I Pray for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; that which is the Perfect Will of God for your Life, may that alone be done – Amen.


  1. God chose you to be a Soldier:

2 Timothy 2:4 says, No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this Life; that he may Please him who hath chosen him to be a Soldier.

… Why am I a Minister of God?

God chose you to be a Soldier. Why? So you can deal with the devil.

James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

  1. He chose you so that you can Speak with Tongues, Cast out demons, Heal the Sick:

The Lord is not looking for “Decorative Pastors”.

  1. He chose us because He needs us here.

He has the ability to take all of us to Heaven the moment we got Born Again.

But He needs us here.

The King would sit down in London and then in Nigeria he has Governors, District Officers (D.O) to enforce his will.

God is sitting in Heaven, He has real Apostles, not imaginary ones; He has Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers: to enforce His Will on Earth and to bring Heaven to Earth.

Look at the Minister’s Conference Hymn that we are Singing: You will see there the things God expects you to do to bring Heaven down to Earth.

In Heaven no demons – Therefore, in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), anybody with Demons Worshipping with us should be set free immediately.

… We are supposed to be enforcers of Heaven.

We had a Convention, one Alhaji who just got Born Again came. Nobody Prayed for him.

As the Service was going on, he vomited something like a live tortoise from his mouth.

When he saw what happened; as the tortoise was moving away, he was crawling after it – Probably to swallow it back.

Maybe it was the source of his Power. But we quickly picked it up and set it on Fire outside.

How many of you want to see that kind of Power again during this Convention? The DMC Family Members.

How many of you are tired of being Ordinary Pastors?

How many of you want to be empowered to become real Soldiers for Christ?

How many of you are tired of Playing Church?

Tonight you are going to Pray – You will talk to God, Help me Daddy.

They call me Elder: and Your word says in James 5:14 – Is any sick among you? Let him call for the Elders of the Church; and let them Pray over him, anointing him with Oil in the Name of the Lord:

… Daddy you know if they call me, nothing is going to happen.

Daddy, Change that for me today.

Elder is not about age; it is when you reach a certain level in Christ. It’s not about being old, No!

I’ve told you that I Prayed that Prayer a long time ago – That I don’t want to be an Ordinary Christian. Because, “what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.”

So I said Lord, if I am Your Representative, give me what is needed to be a True Representative.

I am challenging you tonight to Pray while you are here; and then in the Night.

Tell the Almighty God – After this Ministers’ Conference, don’t let me remain the same: Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will be done in my Life.

Philip was an Ordinary Deacon – He went to Samaria and turned a whole City Upside down, because You equipped him; equip me too.

Do not look for Position, ask for Anointing – Let Politicians by Politicians. You seek after God, thirst after Him.

Let God clothe you with Power that would make all the difference – It’s not the Title that is going to matter. No!

Do you have the Authority?

Do you have the Power?

That’s what will make the difference.

I’ve told you the Story before – The day we were Dedicating the Church that brings all the Christians together in Abuja, all the Big Boys in Robes were there; the President, etc.

Because of the caliber of People there, it was different for me to escape before they rounded up the Prayers.

So when we finished and it was time to get out, there was a Challenge.

I had six (6) Strong Bodyguards: Soldiers, Air Force, etc. The six (6) of them will never forget that day. Because even the Bishops wanted to touch me – It’s not the Title; I am a Pastor.

Why can’t you cry to God and say: Help me. Colonize me. Robe me with Power, so that wherever I go: the hand I touch will become Anointed.

One funny incident happened days ago – One Primary School did their Graduation.

… Now, even Primary Schools do Graduation (Laughter).

And since some of my Grandchildren were there, I had to attend.

After the Ceremony, the Chairman Board of Trustees came to visit us at home and he said something that sounded like a joke.

You know I love Children very well – So while there in the School, they were shouting Daddy GO! So I shook hand with one of the boys.

He said, Daddy GO shook my hand, “you better come and shake my hand.”

That little child knew he got something; and he was willing to share.

He said, “come and shake my hand – because I shook Daddy GO’s hand.”

I beg you Ministers of the Most High God; it’s not by accident that you are a Minister in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); if God has appointed you, then His Word must be fulfilled – Amen.

When I was Preparing for the Ministers’ Conference and I was asking God, “what do I talk on? I want to talk to Your Ministers before the large crowd. What do You want me to say?” And He said, Talk about the Lord’s Prayer!

I didn’t know He had all these things in stock – I never knew we could find all these things in the Lord’s Prayer.

When finally He began to open up, He said He will make them Soldiers; and some of them will know the reasons why they are Ministers of God.

You are not in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for formality – You are on a Journey to Heaven.

But right now, you are to be His Soldiers – The world is in trouble, God needs you. If you are willing, He will Robe you with Power.

I will see you tomorrow Evening, if He hasn’t returned.

If you like Pray. Spend some time with Him tonight.

God Bless You – Amen.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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