Hallelujah to Jesus!

  1. Please, lift up your hands and begin to Worship Him: The King of kings and the Lord of lords; the One who saved our Souls; the Almighty, the All-Sufficient God.

Worship Him, give Him Glory, give Him Honour; Adore Him. Magnify Jesus. Bless His Name!

In Jesus’ Name we Worship.

  1. I’ll like you to Please join me and give Thanks to God for a Wonderful Convention that was just concluded.

Give Him Thanks: Tell Him Lord, we Thank You for the Wonderful Convention that we just had. We have never had it so Good!

You manifested Your Presence; You manifested Your Power; the Glory came down. Lord – We Thank You!

We Appreciate You for the Signs, for the Wonders, for the Messages, for the Illumination, for the Inspiration for the Unction.

Lord, we Thank You! Heavenly Father, we Thank You.

Thank You for the Heavenly Blessings, Thank You for what You bestowed on us in the days we spent in Your Presence. Thank You!

We bless Your Name. Thank You!

In Jesus’ Name, we Pray – Amen.

  1. I’ll like you to also Thank God for using our Father-in-the-Lord, our Mother-in-the-Lord and other Anointed Ministers of God, Mightily.

Thank God for their lives; Thank God for what He used them, Thank God for keeping them Strong – Just Bless the Name of the Lord for what He used our Parents in the Lord, and all the other Men of God to do, in the course of the Convention.

… If you know that you were Mightily blessed, Thank Him for the Vessels that He used. Bless His Name and give Him Glory.

Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You for every Vessel You used. Thank You for the Revelations given to them. Thank You for Teaching us, for Touching us.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Name we’ve Worshipped – Amen.


Heavenly Lord,
Your Name is Wonderful,
Your Name is Excellent
Your Name is Beautiful;
We Worship You Lord
For You are Mighty
You’ve got the whole world in Your Hands.

You’ve got the whole world in Your Hands
You’ve got the whole world in Your Hands;
You’ve got the whole world in Your Hands
You’ve got the whole world in Your Hands.


Heavenly Father, we Thank You and Honour You. We thank You for the Salvation of our Souls.

We thank You for everything You did in the course of the just concluded Convention:

Thank You for the Heavenly Blessings.

Thank You for our Parents and other Anointed Men of God that You used Mightily to bless us.

Please, accept our Thanks, in the Name of Jesus.

This Morning, we have come to give You Thanks, and still come to seek Your face;

We are also asking Oh LORD, that in these few Minutes that we would spend in Your Presence, that You reveal Yourself to us again.

That You let the Windows of Heaven open unto us again.

And that everyone seeking Your face for one thing or the other; You will pour down Heavily Blessing, in the Name of Jesus.

And we Pray that at the end of this Program, every one of us will leave here rejoicing.

And the Glory and the Honour will be ascribed to You.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.

If you were blessed from the just concluded Convention, rise up and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You – Amen.

You may Please, be seated.

I want to appreciate God for my Parents in the Lord for the Privilege and the opportunity to mount this exalted Altar.

And I want to thank all my fathers in the Lord that are here, inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC:

The God you are serving will keep Rewarding and keeping you for the Glory in Heaven, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

This Morning, I want to look at: “Priotizing Heavenly Investments.”

Matthew 6:19-21

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Beloved, we have just finished a wonderful Convention, with the Theme “Heaven” – Where our father-in-the-Lord and other Anointed Men of God taught us so many things about Heaven.

And as we begin this New Week, we must remind ourselves that we need to be Prioritizing Heaven:

  • We need to be Heavenly Minded;
  • We need to be Heavenly conscious, and Earthly useful: even as we continue our daily lives.

… Thanking God for keeping us alive.

  • And we need to be learning Lessons from what we were taught.
  • And applying what we have been taught.

And so there is a need for us to be establishing the right Priorities in Life. Because establishing the right Priority is of utmost importance in this day and time.

We must learn to be putting the Spiritual above and before the Material as we read in Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

This is the Key to True Progress, True Prosperity; and the Cure for Poverty and for Worrying – “Seeking the Kingdom of God first! Priotizing Heaven.

So, we must be Priotizing Heavenly Investment; because Heavenly Investment is for Eternity.

While Earthly Investment as good as it is; is for the Earth – It’s for the brief time that we are spending in this Life only.

Jesus Himself teaches us about True Investments. That’s why He said in Matthew 6:20-21, But lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also.

So there’s the need for Believers in Christ to be Prioritizing Heavenly Investments – To be investing Wisely: Investing his Time, his Talent, his Tithes, his Training, and his Treasures; for the Kingdom of God and for Heavenly Investments.

So Please, understand that, Investing in Heaven can even instigate God to bless you on this Earth.

And we have Examples in the Scriptures:

  1. If you read 2 Chronicles 1:6-12, you remember the example of Solomon.

He was investing in Heaven by Sacrificing to God and God came down and blessed him.

  1. You also know the Example of Cornelius in Acts 10:1-15.

He was investing in Heaven; so much so, that his Investment became a Memorial before God.

A Memorial is something designed to Preserve The Memories of a Person.

Cornelius investments became a Monument before God; that even when he was yet to be saved, he was giving and giving.

His giving provoked God to send Peter to Preach Salvation to him and Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

So you must know that Heavenly Investments is very important.

And Please Beloved, beware of So-Called Self-Appointed Apostles; who specialises in criticizing Fathers in the Faith when it comes to following Biblical Precepts, and Biblical Principles.


Because they are all over the Place – Those Self-Appointed Apostles whose Sermon is taking from what others have said.

God wants you to Prioritize Investments in Heaven.

There are even some who are now Teaching that there is Nothing like Heaven – You must Beware!

And my Prayer is that you and I will make it to Heaven, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Please understand that God loves you – He wants you to have the Good things of Life on this Earth. But He wants you to be seeking the Kingdom of God first. He wants you to be Investing in Heaven.

And one (1) Major thing that you need to be doing to be Investing in Heaven is, Learning to Give! – Giving for the work of the Lord; Giving to expand the Kingdom of God on this Earth.

Nothing is greater Proof that you have conquered greed; that you understand Grace, than when you are giving to the things of God – Giving for the Expansion of the Gospel.

And nothing is of Greater Proof that you have understood Grace, than when you are giving to others.

I. It is very difficult for you to be Stingy when it comes to the things of God; and yet be Strong in Grace.

You can read 2 Timothy 2:1 – Thou therefore, my son, be Strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus.

II. Your Liberality in the Stewardship of His Gifts is a Reflection of your Liberality with His Grace.

If you are Stingy with His Gifts, you are most likely to be Stingy with His Grace. And God will never give more Grace to those who are Stingy with what He has given to them.

So you must learn to be giving to the Work of God, for the Expansion of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God on this Earth.

III. Your Level of Liberality is Proof of your Love for God.

You can read 2 Corinthians 8: 1-7.

Love is not just a Noun but a Verb that compels Action.

If you truly love God, you must learn to be giving to His Course on this Earth.

According to Matthew 19:16-26 (let me read few of the Verses) – And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what Good thing shall I do, that I may have Eternal Life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me Good? There is none Good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the Commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no Murder, Thou shalt not commit Adultery, Thou shalt not Steal, Thou shalt not bear False Witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself. The Young Man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my Youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be Perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the Poor, and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven: and come and follow me. when the Young Man heard that saying, he went away Sorrowful: for he had Great Possessions. Then said Jesus unto his Disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a Rich Man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of God.

You know this Story very well!

And from this Story, you come to understand that, no one is Perfect, no matter how good he is in every other areas until you are Perfect in the Giving; until you conquer greed.

Just look at this Scripture: Matthew 19:16-26 – The Young Ruler did Six (6) Things, but lacked the seventh (7th). And seven (7) is the number of Perfection.

What were the Six (6) Things he did?

  1. Do not Murder – He did that.
  2. Do not Commit Adultery – He did that.
  3. Do not Steal – He did that.
  4. No False Witness – He did that.
  5. Honour Father and Mother – He did that.
  6. Love thy Neighbour as thyself – He did that.

But there was this Number 7 – The only one thing he lacked: and that was Giving.

So, no matter how you keep the Law and do every other thing, if you are lacking in the area of Kingdom Investment; of Giving from what God has given to you; you are not yet Perfect.

I’m not the one saying it; it’s there in the Scripture.

One thing he lacked – That is Giving.

And that’s why, no matter how Good we are, we must learn to be Giving to the work of God – Because:

  • A Good way to know a Man is by what he Says.
  • A Better way is by what he Does.
  • And the Best way is a by what he Gives.

And you’ll come to understand this if you read Genesis 22:12.

Hear what God said concerning Abraham when He asked Abraham to give is son Isaac, and he obeyed.

Hear what the Scripture says: And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

Because Abraham obeyed God, by doing exactly what God asked him to do; God said, “for now I know that thou fearest God”.

So the best way to know a Man is by what he gives.

There’s a need for us to be Prioritizing Heavenly Investments – Giving to the things of God; for us to do well here on Earth and make it to Heaven.

Don’t be a Fool, learn what is called Wise Investments – You’ll see this in Luke 12:16-21.

You remembered that Rich Man that Jesus called a fool – He had everything stored up for himself, but he wasn’t giving to the course of God.

Even though Jesus never condemned him; never said the Man was corrupt, dishonest or unethical. Jesus only said that this Man gained more and more, but couldn’t handle it well.

He died, living behind everything that he had acquired because he had no Investment in Heaven – He wasn’t giving to the course of God.

Don’t be holding on too tightly to what God has given to you; because you could eventually lose it – Learn to be liberal.

There is this Principle that: “Whatever you hold too tightly to outside of God’s Ordinance; you can lose.”

It is very true in every aspect of Life – So be Wise and Invest in the Kingdom.

If you look at that Man in Luke 12:16-21, you’ll see:

Three (3) Things we an Learn from the Life of that Man in Luke 12:16-21:

… Let me just illuminate them quickly:

  1. A Fool’s Prosperity is Fleeting:

You’ll see that in Luke 12:16-18.

  1. A Fool’s Security is False:

You’ll see that in Luke 12: 18-19.

If all your Security is in the Abundance of the things you have, and you are not rich towards God; Please, understand that, that is False Security.

You see this Man, his future looked secured; but he lost everything.

  1. A Fool’s Eternity is Fearful.

You’ll see that in Luke 12: 20.

Please, pay attention to these Three (3) Things – They will help you: A Fool’s Prosperity is Fleeting. A Fool’s Security is False. A Fool’s Eternity is Fearful.

… That’s why we must learn Kingdom Investments.

And talking about Investing in the Kingdom, I want to just emphasis on the Issue of Giving, because it will help you:

The Poor can give, the Rich can give.

You can give according to what God has given to you.

Remember, when many People were giving Offering and Jesus Christ sat down paying attention; and he saw a poor Widow that gave something you and I could say was very small.

But Jesus said, that was the biggest; that was the best.

So don’t say that you can’t give because you don’t have much – You can give from what God has given to you.


In Giving, there are Principles – We can learn how we are supposed to be Giving, how every Believer is supposed to be Giving; because Giving is an act of Worship and Thanksgiving to God. It is a loving Expression of one’s Loyalty to God.

From the Scripture, the Bible lays so much emphasis on the manner in which we are to give.

Let’s look at a few Ways we are supposed to be Giving that will help us rightly invest in the Kingdom:

  1. We are supposed to Give Systematically:

In 1 Corinthians 16:2 the Bible says, Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath Prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.

  1. We are supposed to Give Sacrificially:

2 Corinthians 8:2-3 and 2 Kings 3:1-26.

  1. We are supposed to Give Secretly:

That is what Jesus Christ taught in Matthew 6:1-4.

  1. We are supposed to Give Steadfastly to Spiritual Authority:

Giving to the People God has Placed over us.

Look at that in Galatians 6:6, Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all Good Things.

Read also 1 Corinthians 9:11-14 and 2 Corinthians 8:1-5.

  1. We are supposed to Give Studiously:

That means Purposefully, Intentionally.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, Every man according as he Purposeth in his Heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a Cheerful Giver.

  1. We are supposed to Give Sensibly and Responsibly:

1 Corinthians 16:2.

  1. We are supposed to Give Sufficiently – Generously:

Read 1 Corinthians 16:2 and 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

  1. We are supposed to Give Spontaneously – Willingly:

According to 2 Corinthians 8:1-5.

  1. We are supposed to Give Sincerely – Honestly, Faithfully:

This is how to be investing in the Kingdom.

2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 1 Corinthians 16:2.

  1. We are supposed to Give Smilingly – Cheerfully:

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, Every man according as he Purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a Cheerful Giver.

  1. We are supposed to Give Severally – not just once:

From what God has given to us, we are supposed to give severally, not only once.

  1. Finally, we are supposed to Give Satisfactorily – Gratefully unto God:

This is how we are supposed to be Investing in the Kingdom: we are to be Heavenly Conscious.

And that does not mean we will not live well on this Earth.

You can still be Heavenly Conscious – Be investing in Heaven, and still be Earthly Useful, and be doing what is expected of you on this Earth.

But we must understand that Heavenly Investments is most important.

And everyone of us must learn from now on to be Investing in Heaven; so that when we depart from this Earth and go to be in Heaven, we will find our Rewards.

I Pray for you, that in all you do from now on, the Grace to Prioritize Heavenly Investments will be seen in Operation in your Life, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

And everything that is distracting your attention from the Right Investment will be taken away from your Life, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

It is very important, because we are at the end of time. And very soon we would hear the Trumpet if we are not called Home before the Trumpet sounds.

And that is why we must be doing what is expected of us from God.

This Morning, I would want you to Pray that God would help you to be undertaking Kingdom Investments; because when you undertake Kingdom Investments, it can even instigate God to be blessing you on this Earth.

Solomon was undertaking Kingdom Investments; so God Prospered him on Earth.

So, it is not a sin to Prosper. But it depends on how you handle what God has given you on this Earth.

And we must be Wise enough to be undertaking Kingdom Investments.

I Pray for you once again that everything that has kept the Good Things of Life away from you; that has been distracting you from Heavenly Investments, would be taken away from your Life, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Before we Pray, I would like you to rise up wherever you are right now, Inclusive those reading on the label of DMC:

I want you to Pray for yourself Personally, before we go ahead to Give to God today.


… I’ll like you to talk to God and say:

  1. Father, from now on, help me to be Heavenly Conscious and Earthly Useful.

Help me by Your Grace to be doing what is expected of me.

  1. Father, from now on, Open the Windows of Heaven unto me and let me enjoy what You want me to enjoy on this Earth.

Because I know that what You give – There is seed, and there is food. There is something to sow and there is something to use here on Earth.

  1. Lord, Please help me to begin to enjoy Divine Showers of Blessing; and help me to be doing what is expected of me.
  2. Father, remove Obstacles to my being useful on this Earth and Investing in Heaven.
  3. Father, every Stolen Blessing that You have given to me; let it be Restored back to me.
  4. Father, help me to find Favour with You; let every Lack in my Life come to an end.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.


Beloved, before I Pray for you, I want you to Practicalised this Topic, by Packaging your Offering to give to God before we continue.

There are few important things we are going to do; but Please, Package your Offering.

Lift it up before God and say Father; I start today afresh undertaking Kingdom Investments.

Lord, let this be a Sign that I am ready to be Investing Wisely.

Thank You because it’s out of what You have given me that I am giving this.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.

Please, I’ll like you to give your Offering very quickly.

Choir, over to you.


Father, we Thank You for the Privilege to give from out of what You have given to us.

And so Lord, I Pray that everyone that has taken this step; that You’ll open doors of Provisions for them, in the Name of Jesus.

That by this Token, You will terminate Lack in their lives, in the Name of Jesus.

As they have undertaken this step, I ask that everything they require to fulfill Destiny on this Earth, You’ll Provide for them, in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You for accepting our Offering.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen!

Now very briefly, before we will call those that want our father-in-the-Lord to Pray for them forward; because he is in his Prayer Room now Praying for you – I’m just Standing in here. He is Watching Online and he is Praying for you.


But before we call you forward, I now want those who know that inspite of the Altar Calls that were made during the just concluded Convention, that you have not surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ:

Take that Major important step of Kingdom Investment today – Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

That’s the best Investment you can give to God – Giving your Life.

So, if you are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; and you
have not given your Life to Christ, come forward.

This is another opportunity and like I said, my father-in-the-Lord is Praying for you right now.

Please, come forward very quickly.

God Bless You.

… Let’s clap to the Lord as they come.

This is the most important step in Kingdom Investment.

And you will see what God would be doing in your Life from now on if you give your Life to Him.

He is the One who gave His Life for your Salvation; and so there is nothing else that He can withhold from you.

Please talk to God – Tell Him LORD; I have come to Surrender my Life to You.

I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

I believed He died to save my soul and I have come to acknowledge Him as my Lord and Saviour.

Lord, Please forgive my sins – I surrender my Spirit, Soul and Body to you today.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.


Father, we want to Thank You for these ones who have come forward to Surrender their lives to You and take You as their Personal Lord and Saviour.

I ask that You forgive their sins, write their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life and enable Old Things to pass away and make all Things New in their lives.

As they have come to hand over their lives to You, engrave them in Your Palm.

Keep them until the Day You will come for them, in the Name of Jesus.

Let this Important Investment be a Glorious Thing in their lives and activities in the Name of Jesus.

On that Day when the Trumpet shall sound; or if anyone is called Home before the Trumpet sounds: let none here be found wanting in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.

Congratulations to all of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today.

Kindly send in your Names, your Address your Prayer Requests – Our father-in-the-Lord will be Praying for you, by the Grace of God.


Some of you have written to our father-in-the-Lord, requesting for Special Prayers.

If you wrote to Daddy GO, kindly come forward now as we Pray for you.

Daddy is also Praying for you right now in his Prayer Room.

And when you come, tell God what you expect from Him:

Tell God what you wanted to tell daddy G.O about your Life right now.

You are before the Altar, God will alter Negative activities in your Life, and you will leave here Triumphing in Victory, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.


Father, we want to Thank You because You are a Prayer Answering God.

We have several Testimonies of how You intervened when People came before the Altar; before Your son, our father-in-the-Lord, when he Prayed for them.

We know You answered his Prayer; and we know You will answer this Prayer.

Please, accept our Thanks in the Name of Jesus.

And so Lord, Please behold these ones who desire Changes in their lives:

They have come before Your son to Pray for them – He is in his Prayer Room Praying for them.

Please answer his Prayer for us.

Lord, we ask that everyone here before Your Altar will be the next to Testify of Your Intervention, in the Name of Jesus.

Everything they have come out to pour unto You, that they wanted to talk to Your son about:

Lord, Please intervene, in the Name of Jesus.

Let this Day mark the Day of Your Intervention in their lives, in the Name of Jesus.

Terminate Lack in our lives.

Whatsoever Your children need and desire, deliver to them right now in the Name of Jesus.

We have heard so much about Heaven and Heavenly Investments;

There are those who are here who have been Investing their Time, their Treasures, their Talents, their Trainings in the Kingdom Business.

Lord, because they have been Investing in the Kingdom: whatsoever they need to live a “Better Life” on this Earth, Provide for them in the Name of Jesus.

As Your son is Praying for them now, release and restore to them anything that has been withheld by the enemy, in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, let it be that the next time we gather to Testify, Worship and Praise You; that these ones will be among those who will Testify of Your Supernatural Intervention, in the Name of Jesus.

Father, we Thank You! We honour You, we bless Your Name because we know You have done it.

Let this Glory and Honour continue.

Let no one here ever be hindered again in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father, for answering our Prayers and the Prayer of Your son.

In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.

If you believe your Prayers have been answered, rise and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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