All Glory must be to the Lord
For He is Worthy of our Praise
No Man on Earth
Should give Glory to himself
All the Glory must be to the Lord


The Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the One who can never fail – We Worship You.

We bless Your Holy Name for what You have done in the Life of Your son – DMC NOTES: Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo; and Thank You for what You have done in this Commission – DMC NOTES: Living Faith Church Worldwide.

Oh Lord, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, today as we have come together to Praise You; I Pray that anyone here in need of a Miracle will get one before the Service is over or finished reading now on the Label of DMC.

Thank You Almighty God; Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her – Today will be Special for you (Amen).

And then, you may Please be seated.

Greetings to all the Excellencies; Greetings to the Royal Majesties; Greetings to my Spiritual Fathers and Greetings to you all – Particularly the Musicians. You have done extremely well.

I wasn’t expecting that I will be asked to Preach – I thought that I will just come here today. I have Prepared my “Special Agbada” to come and Celebrate with our son (DMC NOTES: Agbada is a “Voluminous Attire” – Big, Loose-Fitting and Ankle-Length Garment normally worn by Men in Nigeria).

It is only in the Pentecostals that you have a Pastor calling a Bishop son!

And then, when they now told me that it is the Request of the Bishop that a Pastor must Preach – And if you are a Pastor and you love yourself, when a Bushop orders, you better obey.

Then I decided that I know what I will do – I will do what the Elders in Yoruba normally do in those days:

When there is a Problem in the Town and Kabiyesi (DMC NOTES: Meaning King) doesn’t know what to do; he will call all the Chiefs together and said: We have this Problem, what do you think that we should do?

And Chief A will say this is what I think; Chief B will say this is what I think and so on and so forth.

And when they have all finished, the Kabiyesi (King) will Summarised everything and say: This is what I think!

And so they always say that he is Wise because he always combine everything.

So, I began to follow the Program since Monday (DMC NOTES: Day 1, 23rd September 2024) – I have been listening to every Preachers, trying to take Notes so that I can combine everything.

When I began to hear Abioye talking about: “Impact, Influence and Greatness”; I said that this one is bigger than my own.

And then I said I know what I will do – I will just read one “Beautiful Passage” in the Bible, ask the People to shout three (3) Hallelujah and then Pray for them.

And then, all of a sudden; Isaac came to the Stage and choose that Passage; and then began to break it down – Praise is Individual, Praise is Responsibility; I said Oh God, look at this boy, he has stolen my Sermon.

But I will still read that Passage and add my own “Little Ones” to his own “Big Ones”.

You know, when he was Preaching; from time to time, he will say: Let Somebody raise his hand and say Thank You Jesus.

I said no Problem, when I get to that Place; I will say: Let Somebody raise his hands and shout Hallelujah.

So that by the time I finished, they won’t know whose Sermon is the Original.

Psalms 103: 1-5:

  1. Bless the LORD, O my Soul: and all that is within me, bless his Holy Name.
  2. Bless the LORD, O my Soul, and forget not all his benefits.
  3. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.
  4. Who redeemeth thy Life from destruction; who crowneth thee with Lovingkindness and tender Mercies.
  5. Who satisfieth thy mouth with Good Things; so that thy Youth is renewed like the Eagle’s. The LORD executeth Righteousness and Judgment for all that are oppressed.

I. You see, a Man can quickly go through this and get People shouting and then go and sit down.

You can say that if you have a Soul, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

II. And then he said that all that is within me bless His Holy Name.

I can say: Touch your Stomach and tell everything inside you (Liver, Kidney etc) and say that if you are still there, join me in shouting Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

III. When he said: Don’t forget all his benefits.

I can say: Has God done anything for you at all? Then shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I can stop from there and go and sit down.

If we are to talk about the things that we should Thank God for in the Life of our Beloveth Bishop, we can count at least seventy (70).

But if we are to take each one; by the time we finished, he will be seventy one (71).

And since we don’t have Time and fortunately Pastor Obasanjo has done a lot of Preaching (DMC NOTES: Pastor E.A Adeboye making reference to the earlier Address of Chief Olusegun Matthew Okikiola Ogunboye Aremu Obasanjo, GCFR and former Head of State, 1976 to 1979 and Civilian President of Nigeria 1999 to 2007); I will just mention about three (3) or so.


We Thank God that he (Bishop David Oyedepo) is alive.

Because according to Isaiah 38: 18-19; the Bible made it clear: Only the Living can Praise the Lord.

If the Bishop is not alive today, we will not be here.

But you too, you are alive and the Joy of that for you is that: There is Hope for you.

According to Ecclesiastes 9:4; as long as you are still alive, even if they look at you as if you are a dog – A Living dog is better than a Dead Lion.

But you see, when you look at the Life of the Celebrants and you see what God has done for him – Because he wasn’t like this at the beginning.

There are some of us who knows a little bit about his days of “Small Beginning”.

If the Almighty God can take Somebody from the days of “Little Beginning” and bring him to a Level where whether you like him or not, you can’t ignore him; then you know that there is Hope for you!

There was a time – Some of you may not know; that if you come to visit Bishop Oyedepo in Lagos and it is Breakfast Time. He is eating Bread with Margarine and he will give you Bread with Margarine.

If you ask for egg, he will ask you to go and lay it.

DMC NOTES: Margarine is often used as a Substitute for butter in recipes, and it can also be used as a spread on Bread or Toast. One of the benefits of Margarine is that it is typically lower in saturated fat than butter. Saturated fat is a type of fat that can raise Cholesterol levels and increase the risk of Heart Disease.

Today, if you say that you want an egg; he will ask you: Are you sure that only one egg will do?

☆ God moved him from very “Low Beginning” and has brought him to this Level.

☆ He is alive and you are alive.

That is why the Bible says: Let everything that has Breath Praise God (DMC NOTES: Psalms 150:6).

Because as long as you are still breathing, Nobody can write you off – And if they write you off; God will Surprise them!

So, all of you who are here or reading now on the Label of DMC and who are still breathing; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


I mean when I heard how long ago that he has been Born Again, I trembled where I was sitting because he got Born Again before me – He could have been my Spiritual Father.

But the beauty about his being Born Again is that he has Access to the Blood – The Blood of Jesus Christ that Cleanses from all sins.

And it is that Blood that has given him Victories up till today!

According to Revelation 12: 10-11; they overcame the devil by the Blood of the Lamb.

You may not know how many battles that he has fought – Maybe one day when he is writing his Autobiography, he will tell you.

But I happened to know a little bit about how many battles he fought.

If the Blood is not as Powerful as the Bible says it is; he will not be here today; the wife will not be here today or at least one of the children will not be here today.

I am sure that he won’t mind me sharing one of the Testimonies with you:

One day, he was the last to leave the Office – He locked the office door and went home.

The following Morning, he came back first to the Office – Nobody had entered because the doors were locked.

And he sat down at his desk, open the Drawer and inside the Drawer was a dead snake.

How did the snake get into the Office? How did the snake get into the Drawer that was locked?

I don’t know but one thing that I know is this: His Life Proves that there is Power Mighty in the Blood of Jesus!

And because he got Born Again, many of us are here today because we are also Born Again – I mean that we have come to Celebrate a Bishop and not a High Chief of Ifa.

DMC NOTES: Ifa (Orunmila) according to the belief of the Yorubas is “The god of Divination, Fate, and Wisdom”. They claimed that it informs Mortals of the wishes of Olorun (God kind of), the Sky god, the god of Destiny. They believed that he was appointed by the Supreme god to Protect and rule the People.

Because he is Born Again and you are Born Again, we can rejoice together!

Because if there is Power Mighty in the Blood and that the Blood gave him Victory; the same Power in the Blood can give us Victory!

And so the next Set of People who is going to shout, are those who has been waisted in the Blood.

So, if you are a Child of God and you have access to that Powerful Blood, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Oh many of you who are his Converts; you are able to give your Life to Jesus Christ because you heard him Preach.

And when we are talking about Preaching, I know quite a few Preachers because I have been round the world – There are Preachers and there are Preachers.

The Man that we are Celebrating today speaks like an “Oratory of God”.

I mean that you know that when he opens his mouth, Wisdom will be flowing out like a River.

We are here because he can Speak – Not because he is Speaking; but he is Speaking God’s Salvation to many!

But suppose he wants to come here to Thank God and he can’t talk? It is because he can still Speak, that is why we are here!

And he can Speak and you too can Speak!

You see, David said in Psalms 34: 1-3 – He said that I will bless the Lord at all Times, His Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Then in Verse 3 (Psalms 34:3); he said: Come, bless the Lord with me.

Many of you don’t know the Value that you can Speak:

You Probably have heard the Story of a Man here in Lagos – He was one of the People they call “The Socialites”; one of the People that until they arrived, the Party has not started. A Wealthy and Famous Man.

And then, he has a Stroke – The kind of Stroke that takes away the Voice. And so, they took him to the Best Hospital in London.

And I was visiting – And we happened to have a “Common Friend” and that friend says: Please, come and Pray for my friend. And so, I went to the Hospital to Pray for him.

When we got to his room in the Hospital, the wife was there. But as we were comimg in the wife got up and left.

After we Prayed, he tried to tell us something – He Parted the bed where the wife was sitting, Pointed to the direction that the wife left and made a Sign as if to say: Go and call my wife. At least, that was what we thought.

You want us to go and tell your wife to come back? He said hmmm hmmm. And he kept on Parting the bed.

Oh, you want your friend to come and sit where your wife was sitting? Hmm hmm.

Oh, it is the Pastor! You want the Pastor to come and sit next to you? Hmmm, hmmm.

It took 30 Minutes – And he was sweating before we finally got what he was saying – That my wife who just left here is coming back.

How long does it take you to say: “Praise the Lord”?

☆ We are here today because the Bishop wants to Praise God – His Voice has not been taken away!

☆ We are here today to join him in Praising God because we have not lost our Voice.

As many of you who can still Speak, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


It takes Somebody who can hear from the Holy Spirit to come to start this “Big Work” in Ota.

Because some of you may not know it – Thank God that things has Changed!

But in the Past, when People like me was Younger, ‘Ota’ was the Headquarters of Witches!

And when you want to say that Somebody is “Extremely Wicked”; you will say that: “He is as Wicked as “Ota Witch”.

If you don’t hear from God, and Somebody asked you to go and put your Headquarters at the Headquarter of Witches; you will say Thank You very much!

But he (Bishop David Oyedepo) heard from God!

And the Bible says: As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are called the Sons of God – Romans 8:14.

That is why we are in Ota today – Because he hears from God.

And when they are reading about his Achievements, they said at such and such time, he received a Direction: Go and do this or that.

When God is the One telling you to do something, you can be sure that the thing is already done.

When God says: “Go to Ota” – That is where I want you to start. It’s already Settled as we heard from Pastor Obasanjo. He (Bishop) came after Baba (Obasanjo) came, but now he has taken over because God asked him to come.

Now, the beauty of that for you is that: If he can hear from God and God is no Respecter of Persons; you are here today and you too can begin to hear from God!

I remembered the first time that I heard Prophesies – I was a Young Christian at the University of Lagos several years ago.

And then Somebody took me to the Fellowship of all Christians – Oh, I enjoyed the Fellowship. They were Singing and Praising God and I didn’t know many of the Songs but I was just making a Joyful Noise.

Then all of a sudden, as if there was a Signal from Heaven; everybody suddenly became silent and one of them started Prophesying: Thus saith the Lord! And He went on.

And I nudged the Man who took me there – When did God say that? And the Fellow said; Keep Quiet!

That day, I asked God – I want to hear You like that Fellow because I want to be sure.

And that is why Nobody can Prophesy a lie when I am around because I will ask Daddy: Is that You?

You know that the Bible says: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst; for they shall be satisfied.

It wasn’t long afterwards that Daddy started talking to me.

You know that there are some People here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – You haven’t heard from God before; but from today you will hear from Him now (Amen)!

And do you know the beauty of it all? – I still heard from God this Morning!

And what did He says – He asked me to tell you that your tomorrow will be alright (Amen)!

You say: Are you really sure? Oh Yes!

One Fellow came to me not too long ago and said: Sir, I heard that you are a Prophet! I said that I am not a Prophet but a Pastor.

But I heard that whatever you say God said always come to Past? I said that God has been Faithful.

He said that can you tell me about my Future?

I said that is easy – All you have to do is to answer a Question: Are you Born Again? Are you a Child of God?

He said No; and I said that your Future will be terrible.

He said how do you know? I have not even tell you my name or my Parent’s name?

I said that I don’t need to know as it is written: Say ye to the Wicked, it shall be ill with him (DMC NOTES: Isaiah 3:11).

I said that there is no Prophesy that will override the Word of God.

He said suppose I said that I am Born Again and a Child of God?

I said that I can tell you that your tomorrow will be alright!

How do you know that? I said that it is written in Isaiah 3:10: Say ye to the Righteous it shall be well with him.

So, those of you who are already Born Again, with Assurance that it is written in the Bible; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

But if you are here and you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ – You have been comimg to Church and Pretending, but you know that you are still living in sin; unless you Change your ways, the Future will be terrible!

But you know what? You can make today your Day – You can Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ today!

This is a Great Day in the Life of our Beloveth Bishop and it can be one of the Greatest Day of your Life too.

The Bible didn’t say: “Teach us to Number our Years”, it asked us to “Teach us to Number our Days”.

Today can be your Day of Celebrations if you give your Life to Jesus Christ!


So, I am going to ask you in the next 2 or 3 Minutes – If you are not sure of your Salvation; if you are not washed in that Blood but you want to be saved and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; Please come to the Altar now very quickly.

And I will Pray with you and Jesus Christ will save your Soul and this Day will become not just a Day of Celebrations for the Bishop but a Day of Celebrations for you.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, Please come very quickly – I will count from one (1) to ten (10). I’m counting now!

Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you on the way; cry to the Almighty God – And say: Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, be my Lord, be my Saviour.

Let Your Blood wash me Clean – Lord, I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Please give me Salvation today – Just as You gave Salvation to the Bishop and You turned his Life around.

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands to our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them:

Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Thank You Father, Thank You Saviour.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for these People who has responded to the Altar Call.

They have Called on You Lord for Salvation; Please save their Souls, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, write their names in the Book of Life and from now on, let them become Children of God.

And all the benefits of the Children of the Almighty God, make it available to them.

From now on, anytime they Call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God!

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!



There is something called: “The Law of Harvest”.

And it simply says that whatever you sow, that is what you will reap.

I want you all to Please join me in Praying for this Family – Remembering that whatever you wish them, that is what you will get.

And so, if you want to live long, wish them Long Life.

If you want to live the rest of your Life in Good Health, wish them that for the rest their lives, they will live in Good Health.

If you want to keep on moving from Glory to Glory, wish them that they will go from Glory to Glory.

Please, raise your hands towards these People and Pray for them – Wish them whatever you wish for yourself.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

I have been directed by my Father in Heaven that the Prayer that I will be Praying for you – The Lord Bishop, your wife, your children, grandchildren and all your family Members should be Prayed in Yoruba Language!

When I Pray in Yoruba, I don’t have to watch Grammar – I will be able to Pour out my Heart without any distractions.


Ni Oruko eni to da aye ati Orun (In the Name of the One that Created the Earth and Heaven)

Bi e ba ti ke pe Olorun, o ma dahun (As you Call upon God, He will answer you)

Bi e ba ji ni owuro, a dara fun yin (As you wake up in the Morning, it shall be well with you)

Lo”san gangan, a dara fun yin (In the Midday (Afternoon), it shall be well with you)

La’le a dara fun yin (In the Night, it shall be well with you)

Logunjo oru, a dara fun yin (In the Middle of the Night (Midnight); it shall be well with you)

Ohun gbogbo ti e ba da owo le, lo ma yo ri si rere (Everything that you lay your hands upon shall be Successful)

Oju ko ni tiyin (You shall not be put to Shame)

Iroyin ayo la ma gbo si yin (We shall be hearing Good News concerning you)

Oluwa a di yin mu d’opin (The Lord shall Uphold you to the very end)

Eni to ro yin lowo dehin, a ran yin lowo d’opin (The One who helped you till now, will help you to the Very End)

Gege bi awon to ku ti so, e sese bere ni (As the others has said, you are just starting or beginning)

Se ni o ma da si (It shall continue to be Good the more)

Ko ni ba je (Things shall not be spoilt for you)

Ogo Olorun ninu aye yin, ko ni w’omi (The Glory of God in your Life will not be Watered Down)

Orun yin ko ni wo ni osan gangan (Your Sun shall not Set at Midday)

A o ni fi elomiran ropo yin (You shall not be replaced by another Person)

Enikeni to ba ni ki o ma ri be, oju e lo ma sele (Whoever that says it shall not be so, in his very eyes shall it happen)

E o r’eyin Ota (You shall see the end of your Enemy)

E o r’eyin Odi (You shall see the end of Negativity)

Ile yin a ma ro ju (Your Household shall experience Peace)

Ona yin a ma ra ye (You Labour shall be Successful)

E o ni toro je (You shall not beg to eat)

E o ni lo akisa keyin aso (You will not wear rags after being Gorgeously Dressed)

E o ni fi ebi k’eyin ayo (Your shall not use Bitterness to end moments of Joy)

Oba to da Aye ati Orun, a ti yin leyin (The Lord that Created the Earth and Heaven will back you up)

Ko ni ti yin loju (He will not put you to Shame)

Bi e ba jade a ba’yin jade (If you go out, He will go with you)

Bi e ba wole, a ba’yin wole (If you enter your house, He will enter with you)

Bi e ba ti ke pe, a ma dayin lohun (As you Call on Him, He will answer you)

Nigbogbo to wu ti e ba lo, ati eyin, ati awon ebi; won ma roju rere Olorun (Wherever you set out to go, as for you and your family Members; they will meet with the Favour of God).

Won ma ri oju rere eniyan (They will see the Good Favour of People)

Lojojumo, ayo yin a ma po si (Everyday, your Joy shall Increase)

Eyin na, e tun ma sun mo Jesu si (You too will walk more Closer with Jesus Christ)

Ni gbogbo eleyi to ku ni ojo aye yin (For the remaining Days of your Life)

Ayo ni o ma je (It shall be Joy Galore)

Bee lo ma ri (So shall it be)

Ori yin ko ni ko Adura (Your Head/Destiny will not reject Prayers)

Ti yin ko ni soro se o (Your own shall not be difficult to do)

Oba to gbo Adura mi, a gbo Adura eyin na o (The Lord that hears my Prayers will hear your own Prayers too)

Loruko Jesu Kristi Oluwa wa (In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord)

Amin! Amin!! Amin!!! (Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!)

Let me hear Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Let the Choir keep Singing so that we can dance back to our seat.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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