Father, it is You that has brought us thus far – It is You that brought us to the Beginning of this RCCG International Youth Convention 2024 with the Theme: Dominion.

And so we are asking even as we commence – As all the Speakers Minister from Your Throne of Grace unto your sons and daughters; that each and everyone of them will experience Dominion.

Be Magnified Oh Lord.

In Jesus Most Beautiful Name we Pray – Amen.

And let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

As we remain Standing, let’s do it Properly: “International Youth Convention 2024” – DOMINION!

Hallelujah! You may kindly be Seated!

For just 15 Minutes before our National Youth Pastor (DMC NOTES: Pastor Sola Owoeye) comes forth – A Man full of the Fire of the Holy Ghost; I will like to just share with you certain things.

Just tap your Neighbour next to you and say: “YOU ARE WELCOME TO DOMINION”.

You see Brethren, for us to operate in Dominion, we need to exercise a “Dominion Mindset”.

And a Dominion Mindset is in Genesis 1:26.

And I urge you to write – For all the Speakers that are coming, there is something that the Lord had deposited in them that He wants to release to you.

Make sure that you are writing.

Genesis 1:26; it is written: And God said, Let us take Note: Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have Dominion And He goes on to mention over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth.

The Lord made it clear from the beginning – He said: Let us make Man in our Own Image.

And as they are operating in our Own Image – Understanding their Identity, they must have Dominion.

And you ask: What is the Image?

In the Word of God, you will realised that God was Speaking to “The Trinity-In-Council” – He said: Let us make Man in the Image of God the Father; let us make Man in the Image of God the Son and let us make Man in the Image of God the Holy Spirit.

And the reason that you are here is to make sure that by the time you are leaving; you are operating in the Fullness of the Image of what God wants you to be!

  1. God the Father is a Creator, Operating in Love.

For God so loved the world that He gave …

And so, God expects that when you are operating in His Image; each and everyone here should be an Innovator.

Each and everyone here should understand that the Image of God is to create with Love in Manifestation – Not with Instructions, not to cause havoc but on the Platform of Love.

And so, wherever you are in any Sphere of Life; as you operate in the Image of God the Father, then you are operating as a Creator on a Platform of Love – Manifesting Love through your Creative Abilities, through your Initiative Ideas, going forth and making an Impact, creating Legacy.

  1. The Image of God the Son – God the Son came to Save and Serve.

And so, with whatever Knowledge that you are going to acquire during the cause of this Convention; the Lord expects that you use it to Save and to Serve Mankind.

When People serve, they meet the Needs of People.

So wherever you are: Any Organisation that you serve, any School, any Home, any Community; when you are comimg with a Mindset of the Image of God the Son, you are operating to render Service and Save – Deliver them from the Challenges.

Then you are a Solution Provider.

Amd so, through all the various Teachings – Right from the Plenary Session 1 to the Last Plenary Session (DMC NOTES: Plenary Session 12; through the Professional Break Up Sections; through the various Prograns that you shall be embarking upon; the focus is Clear – “For you to live with a Creative Ability”, the Image of God the Father on the Platform of Love and to Save and Serve in the Image of God the Son.

  1. But you can’t do it on your own – And then the Image of God the Holy Spirit comes into Manifestations: To empower you and to guide you. For the Holy Spirit empowers and it guides.

And that is why throughout the Sessions, we shall be having ” Lambano Hours” – When you will be Kabashing (DMC NOTES: Kabashing means: To Subject, Subdue, Force, keep under, bring into Bondage) in the Holy Ghost, being empowered.

Hands shall be laid upon you, Prophetic Utterances shall be Released.

Because you must exercise Dominion.

You are not here to waste your Time but we are here to exercise Dominion in Economy, in Government, in Media, in Education, in Arts and Entertainment, in the Religious Sectors – You must exercise Dominion!

And so, let me mention five (5) Things that we expect – I will just list them out before the First Speaker comes up!

  1. It is expected that as you go through this RCCG IYC Convention 2024, you shall begin to take your “Rightful Place”.

The Word of God tells me in Ephesians 2:6 that the Lord has raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in Heavenly Places.

… Taking your Rightful Place, experiencing a Lifting to make an Impact.

The first Step in exercising Dominion is to know where you belongs – You are not there to be Oppressed but you are there to exercise Dominion!

Every Instrument of Oppression hovering over your Destiny; as the various Sessions comes forth, they shall be destroyed by the Fire in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

  1. As the various Sessions goes forth, you are going to be Trained so that you can begin to have a Resilience Perspectives.

A Man shall fall seven times, but in all surely rise up – He refuses to stay down because he knows that he is a Conqueror.

I speak to as many People that has found themselves Subdued and Suppressed, losing Hope and getting discouraged; Beloved by the time that you are through with this RCCG IYC Convention 2024, by the reason of the Training, you shall soar as the Eagles in the Name of Jesus – Amen

James 1:3 talks about the Testimg of your Faith that shall Produce Resilience.

You see, Resilience is the Muscle of Dominion!

And so, as many as will hear my voice today or reading now on the Label of DMC; I urge you to sit tight and get Prepared for this RCCG IYC Convention 2024.

  1. By the time you are Trained to operate with Resilience, the Third Thing that happens is that you are Transformed!

You are Transformed to become a Resourceful Person wherever you are.

When they are looking for a Solution, they shall be looking for you – Amen!

I want to hear the Name of that Person that is a Solution? The DMC Family Members!

You see, that is who you are – You shall be Transformed into being a Resourceful Person wherever you are.

When they are thinking of Terminating People, your name will never be on that List – Amen!

Until God says that it is your time to go higher in Life, you will be “Too Valuable” to be ignored because you are operating with a Mindset of Dominion.

Revelation 12:2 – Be ye not conformed but be ye Transformed by the Renewal of your Mind.

You see: Transforming leads to Dominion and Resourcefulness is a Sign that you have been renewed by God!

  1. As you are Transformed into a Resourceful Person, then the Forth Thing becomes obvious – While others are Struggling, you shall begin to thrive with some “Renewed Potentials”.

I speak forth by His Grace and Mercy; the Potentials in you shall begin to come forth into Manifestations in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

The Potentials that the Lord has deposited in you, to cause you to experience Abundance of Wealth, and to move into your Wealthy Places, you shall begin to receive now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

The Lord that has made you to do Exceedingly Abundantly above, as you operate with a Dominion Mandate, you shall move to realm of “Above Only” in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

You shall soar on Wings of Eagles in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Your Time of Dominion is now in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Finally Beloved Brethren, there is the fact that as you go into this Program:

☆ You are taking your Rightful Place.

☆ You are being Trained in a Resilience Perspectives.

☆ You are Transformed into a Resourceful People.

☆ Thriving with “Renewed Potentials” that shall be made manifest.

  1. He who cause Jesus always to Triumph; by the Time you leave here in the next few days, you shall be Triumphing as you receive Power from the Throne of Grace.

☆ In Business, you shall Triumph.

☆ In your Education, you shall Triumph.

☆ In the Economy, you shall Triumph.

☆ With your Skills and Talents, you shall Triumph.

☆ As you go forth in the Society, you shall Triumph.

The Lord that causes Jesus always to Triumph, shall cause you to Triumph in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Because as you thread on that Righteous Path – Heavenly Places; the Blessings from Heaven shall be released unto you here!

It is not an error that you are in the Redemption City of God or you are listening to the Words from the Altar or reading now on the Label of DMC.

It is not an error that Daddy GO has determined that the Theme of the Conference – DMC NOTES: RCCG IYC Convention 2024 should be Dominion.

It is because the Lord has revealed unto him (That is Daddy GO) that the Time has come for Somebody that is listening to my voice or reading now on the Label of DMC; to go forth and exercise Dominion.

And I ask: “When is your Time for exercising Dominion? NOW!!!

And when People see you operating in Dominion with Testimonies on every side, taking our Rightful Place, being Resourceful – They shall ask you who did it?

JESUS, Oh my God – Waooo!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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